- reporting verb say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner反驳; 回嘴:
with direct speech 'No need to be rude,' retorted Isabel“用不着动粗,"伊莎贝尔反驳说
with clause he retorted that this was nonsense他回嘴说这是胡说八道
no obj. I resisted the urge to retort.我真想反驳几句, 但我忍住了。
- with obj. archaic repay (an insult or injury)〈古〉对(侮辱, 伤害)进行报复:
it was now his time to retort the humiliation.
- turn (an insult or accusation) back on the person who has issued it对侮辱者或指控者反过来进行(侮辱或指控):
he was resolute to retort the charge of treason on his foes.
- use (an opponent's argument) against them利用(对方的论据)反驳对方:
the answer they make to us may very easily be retorted.
- a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive reply to a remark(严厉、愤怒或机智的)反驳:
she opened her mouth to make a suitably cutting retort.
她开口讲话, 做出了恰到好处的尖锐反驳。
late 15th cent. (in the sense 'hurl back (an accusation or insult)'): from Latin retort- 'twisted back, cast back', from the verb retorquere, from re- 'in return' + torquere 'to twist'.
- a container or furnace for carrying out a chemical process on a large or industrial scale蒸馏罐; 干馏釜。
- historical a glass container with a long neck, used in distilling liquids and other chemical operations〈史〉曲颈甑, 蒸馏甑。
with obj.
- heat in a retort in order to separate or purify蒸馏; 干馏:
the raw shale is retorted at four crude oil works.
early 17th cent.: from French retorte, from medieval Latin retorta, feminine past participle of retorquere 'twist back' (with reference to the long recurved neck of the laboratory container).