- mass noun a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements尊敬, 尊重:
the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor.
- the state of being admired in such a way受尊敬, 受敬重:
his first chance in over fifteen years to regain respect in the business.
- due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others注重, 重视:
respect for human rights.
a person's polite greetings敬意, 问候:give my respects to their Excellencies.
- informal compliments (used to express the speaker's approval of someone or something)〈非正式〉致意(用于表示说话人赞同某人或某事):
respect to KISS FM for taking on board the Somethin' Else project.
- a particular aspect, point, or detail方面, 着眼点:
the government's record in this respect is a mixed one.
- admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements尊敬, 尊重:
she was respected by everyone she worked with
as adj. respected a respected academic.受人尊敬的学者。
- have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of尊重, 重视:
I respected his views.
- avoid harming or interfering with避免破坏(或干扰):
it is incumbent upon all hill users to respect the environment.
- agree to recognize and abide by (a legal requirement)遵守:
the crown and its ministers ought to respect the ordinary law.
in respect of(或with respect to)
- as regards; with reference to关于, 至于; 就…而言:
the two groups were similar with respect to age, sex, and diagnoses.
in respect that
- because因为, 鉴于。
pay one's last respects
- 见PAY1.
with(或with all due)respect
- used as a polite formula preceding, and intended to mitigate the effect of, an expression of disagreement or criticism[用于表示异议或批评的话之前]尽管(对您)尊敬之至:
with all due respect, Father, I think you've got to be more broad-minded these days.
恕我直言, 父亲, 我认为这些日子您必须心胸更开阔些。