mass noun
1- the action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed重建, 重组; 改组, 改建:
the economic reconstruction of Russia
as modifier reconstruction work.重建工作。
- count noun a thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed重建物, 复原物:
comparison between the original and the reconstruction.
- count noun an impression, model, or re-enactment of a past event formed from the available evidence(根据证据对过去事件的)重现描述, 再现:
a reconstruction of the accident would be staged to try to discover the cause of the tragedy.
对这次事故将进行重现描述, 以发现酿成悲剧的原因。
the Reconstruction
the period 1865-77 following the American Civil War, during which the Southern states of the Confederacy were controlled by federal government and social legislation, including the granting of new rights to black people, was introduced.南部重建时期(美国南北战争后[1865-1877], 原南部邦联诸州在联邦政府控制下进行社会立法, 包括给予黑人新的权利)。