- look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed读, 阅读(书面材料, 印刷材料):
it's the best novel I've ever read
I never learned to read music
Emily read over her notes
no obj. I'll go to bed and read for a while.我要上床读一会儿书。
- speak (the written or printed matter that one is reading) aloud, typically to another person(尤指向另一人)朗读, 宣读(书面材料, 印刷材料):
the charges against him were read out
with two objs his mother read him a bedtime story他母亲给他读了一个催眠故事
no obj. I'll read to you if you like.如果你喜欢我就读给你听。
- no obj. have the ability to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter有阅读能力:
only three of the girls could read and none could write.
只有三个姑娘识字, 没有一个会写字。
- habitually read (a particular newspaper or journal)(习惯性地)读(报), 看(杂志)。
- discover (information) by reading it in a written or printed source读到, 获悉(信息):
he was arrested yesterday - I read it in the paper
no obj. I read about the course in a magazine.我在一本杂志上了解到了有关这门课程的信息。
- as adj., with submodifier
(of a person) knowledgeable and informed as a result of extensive reading(人)书读得多的, 有学问的, 知识渊博的: Ada was well read in French and German literature.
- discern (a fact, emotion, or quality) in someone's eyes or expression看出, 觉察出, 洞悉(事实, 感情, 品质):
she looked down, terrified that he would read fear on her face.
她低下头, 害怕他觉察到自己脸上的恐惧表情。
- understand or interpret the nature or significance of解释, 阐释; 解答, 理解:
he didn't dare to look away, in case this was read as a sign of weakness.
他不敢移开视线, 以防被视为软弱无能。
- no obj., with adverbial(of a piece of writing) convey a specified impression to the reader(书写材料)给读者留有特定印象:
the brief note read like a cry for help.
- no obj., with complement(of a passage, text, or sign) contain or consist of specified words; have a certain wording(段落, 文本, 标志)载有, 写着:
the placard read 'We want justice'.
- used to indicate that a particular word in a text or passage is incorrect and that another should be substituted for it用于订正用词讹误改作, 换用:
for madam read madman.
- proof-read (written or typeset material)校对(书面材料, 排版材料)。
- no obj.
read for
(of an actor) audition for (a part in a play or film)(演员)试演(戏剧或电影中的角色)。
- present (a bill or other measure) before a legislative assembly将(议案或其他法令)提交立法机构。
- (of a device) obtain data from (light or other input)(装置)从(光或其他输入方式)中读出数据。
- inspect and record the figure indicated on (a measuring instrument)检查并记录(测量仪器)上的数字:
I've come to read the gas meter.
- no obj., with complement(of such an instrument) indicate a specified measurement or figure(测量仪器)显示特定的量(或数字):
the thermometer read 0℃.
- chiefly Brit. study (an academic subject) at a university〈主英〉(在大学)攻读, 学习(课程):
I'm reading English at Cambridge
no obj. he went to Manchester to read for a BA in Economics.他到曼彻斯特大学攻读经济学学士学位去了。
- (of a computer) copy or transfer (data)(计算机)复制, 转移(数据)。
- with obj. and adverbial enter or extract (data) in an electronic storage device把(数据)读入电子储存装置; 从电子储存装置中提取(数据):
the commonest way of reading a file into the system.
- hear and understand the words of (someone speaking on a radio transmitter)收听到, 听见(无线电发射机里的说话者)的话:
'Do you read me? Over.'
- chiefly Brit. a period or act of reading something〈主英〉一段阅读时间; 阅读:
I was having a quiet read of the newspaper.
- with adj. informal a book considered in terms of its readability〈非正式〉(有可读性的)书, 读物:
the book is a thoroughly entertaining read.
- US a person's interpretation of something〈美〉解释, 阐明:
their read on the national situation may be correct.
read between the lines
- look for or discover a meaning that is hidden or implied rather than explicitly stated从字里行间(或言辞中)体会隐含之意, 领会言外之意。
read someone like a book
- understand someone's thoughts and motives clearly or easily了解…的心思(或动机); 对…了如指掌。
read someone's mind(或thoughts)
- discern what someone is thinking猜透…的心思, 知道…在想些什么。
read my lips
- N. Amer. informal listen carefully (used to emphasize the importance of the speaker's words or the earnestness of their intent)〈北美, 非正式〉请认真听(用来强调所说的话的重要性或表达说话人迫切的心情)。
take something as read
- assume something without the need for further discussion不加讨论地接受。
you wouldn't read about it
- Austral./NZ informal used to express incredulity, disgust, or ruefulness〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉太离奇了(用来表示怀疑、厌恶、悲伤)。
read something back
- read a message or piece of writing aloud so that its accuracy can be checked朗读信息(或书面材料)(以检验其准确性); 重念, 复述。
read something into
- attribute a meaning or significance to (something) that it may not in fact possess把…加进对…的理解中去; 对…做某种解释:
was I reading too much into his behaviour?
read someone out of
- chiefly US formally expel someone from (an organization or body)〈主美〉(将某人从组织、团体)开除, 除名。
read up on something(或read something up)
- acquire information about a particular subject by studying it intensively or systematically研读, 攻读; 系统地研究(某一科目):
she spent the time reading up on antenatal care.