(pl. -ies)
- a place, typically a large, deep pit, from which stone or other materials are or have been extracted采石场; 露天矿场。
(-ies, -ied)with obj.
1- extract (stone or other materials) from a quarry采掘(石料或其他材料)。
- cut into (rock or ground) to obtain stone or other materials开凿(岩石)采石; 挖掘(地面)采矿。
Middle English: from a variant of medieval Latin quareria, from Old French quarriere, based on Latin quadrum 'a square'. The verb dates from the late 18th cent.
(pl. -ies)
1- an animal pursued by a hunter, hound, predatory mammal, or bird of prey猎物。
- a thing or person that is chased or sought被追逐的目标; 被追捕的人:
the security police crossed the border in pursuit of their quarry.
Middle English: from Old French cuiree, alteration, influenced by cuir 'leather' and curer 'clean, disembowel', of couree, based on Latin cor 'heart'. Originally the term denoted the parts of a deer that were placed on the hide and given as a reward to the hounds.