- a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole部分, 份额:
the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is rising.
- the relationship of one thing to another in terms of quantity, size, or number; the ratio比例, 比:
the proportion of examination to coursework
the bleach can be diluted with water in the proportion one part bleach to ten parts water.
the comparative measurements or size of different parts of a whole整体中不同部分的相对量(或大小):the view of what constitutes perfect bodily proportions changes from one generation to the next.
dimensions; size大小; 容积; 体积; 面积:the room, despite its ample proportions, seemed too small for him.
这间房尽管面积很大, 但对他来说似乎还是太小。
- mass noun the correct, attractive, or ideal relationship in size or shape between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole均衡, 调和, 相称:
perceptions of colour, form, harmony, and proportion.
- formal adjust or regulate (something) so that it has a particular or suitable relationship to something else〈正式〉使(某物)成比例, 使相称, 使均衡:
a life after death in which happiness can be proportioned to virtue.
in proportion
- according to a particular relationship in size, amount, or degree(大小, 数量, 程度)按比例地:
the pension was docked in proportion to earnings.
- in comparison with; in relation to与…相比; 与…相关:
the cuckoo's eggs are unusually small in proportion to its size.
- in the correct or appropriate relation to the size, shape, or position of other things(与他物大小、形状或位置的关系)相称; 均衡:
her figure was completely in proportion.
- correctly or realistically regarded in terms of relative importance or seriousness(就相对重要性或严重性而言)恰如其分, 协调:
the problem of hooliganism has to be kept in proportion.
out of proportion
- in the wrong relation to the size, shape, or position of other things(与他物的大小、形状、位置的关系)不成比例; 不相称:
the sculpture seemed out of proportion to its surroundings.
- greater or more serious than is necessary or appropriate过分:
the award was out of all proportion to the alleged libel.
- wrongly or unrealistically regarded in terms of relative importance or seriousness(就相对重要性或严重性而言)离谱, 过分。
sense of proportion
- the ability to judge the relative importance or seriousness of things区别轻重缓急的能力; 分寸感; 主次观念。