- the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks(人的)脚, 足。
- a corresponding part of the leg in vertebrate animals(脊椎动物的)脚, 足。
- Zoology a locomotory or adhesive organ of an invertebrate【动】(无脊椎动物的)运动(或吸附)器官。
- the part of a sock or stocking that covers the foot袜的脚部。
- W. Indian a person's body below the torso, including the entire leg and the foot〈西印度〉(人体)躯干以下部分(包括大腿、小腿和脚)。
- mass noun poetic/literary a person's manner or speed of walking or running〈诗/文〉步态; 步伐:
fleet of foot.
- treated as pl. Brit. historical or formal infantry; foot soldiers〈英, 史或正式〉步兵:
a captain of foot.
- the lower or lowest part of something standing or perceived as standing vertically; the base or bottom底端, 最下部; 底座:
the foot of the stairs.
- the end of a table that is furthest from where the host sits(桌上离主人最远的)下席。
- the end of a bed, couch, or grave where the occupant's feet normally rest(床、沙发或坟墓的)搁脚部位。
- a device on a sewing machine for holding the material steady as it is sewn(缝纫机的)压脚板。
- Botany the part by which a petal is attached【植】花托。
- the lower edge of a sail(帆的)下缘。
- a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches (30.48 cm)英尺:
shallow water no more than a foot deep.
- usu. as modifier Music a unit used in describing sets of organ pipes or harpsichord strings, in terms of the average or approximate length of the vibrating column of air or the string which produces the sound【乐】(音高单位)英尺:
a sixteen-foot stop.
- Prosody a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit. In English poetry it consists of stressed and unstressed syllables, while in ancient classical poetry it consists of long and short syllables.【诗韵】音步。
- informal pay (the bill) for something, especially when the bill is considered large or unreasonable〈非正式〉支付(尤指大额或不合理账单)。
foot it
cover a distance, especially a long one, on foot步行, 走(尤指远路):the rider was left to foot it ten or twelve miles back to camp.
- archaic dance〈古〉跳舞:
the dance of fairies, footing it to the cricket's song.
at someone's feet
- as someone's disciple or subject作为…的门徒; 在…支配下:
you would like to sit at my feet and thus acquire my wisdom.
你欲拜我为师, 从而得我之智。
be rushed (或run off) one's feet
- be very busy非常忙碌。
feet first
- with the feet in front脚朝前。
- dead, as in a coffin死的; 已就木的:
they hoped to be carried feet first out of the house they lived in for twenty-five years
feet of clay
- a fundamental flaw or weakness in a person otherwise revered泥足, 致命弱点。
- [ORIGIN: with biblical allusion (Dan. 2:33) to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, in which a magnificent idol has feet 'part of iron and part of clay'; Daniel interprets this to signify a future kingdom that will be 'partly strong, and partly broken', and will eventually fall.]
get one's feet under the table
- chiefly Brit. establish oneself securely in a new situation〈主英〉在新环境中立足。
get one's feet wet
- begin to participate in an activity开始参与。
get (或start) off on the right (或wrong) foot
- make a good (or bad) start at something, especially a task or relationship(尤指任务或关系)开局好(或糟)。
have something at one's feet
- have something in one's power or command掌握, 控制:
a perfect couple with the world at their feet.
have (或keep) one's (或both) feet on the ground
- be (or remain) practical and sensible注重实际, 脚踏实地。
have a foot in both camps
- have an interest or stake concurrently in two parties or sides同时兼顾; 脚踩两只船:
I can have a foot in both the creative and business camps.
have(或get) a foot in the door
- gain or have a first introduction to a profession or organization入门, 初入行业(或组织)。
have one foot in the grave
- informal, often humorous be near death through old age or illness〈非正式, 常幽默〉一脚已入土, 行将就木。
my foot!
- informal said to express strong contradiction〈非正式〉算了吧, 去你的吧(表示强烈反驳):
'He's clever at his business,' Matilda said. 'Clever my foot!'
off one's feet
- so as to be no longer standing倒下, 站不住:
she was blown off her feet by the shock wave from the explosion.
on foot of
- Irish because of; by reason of〈爱尔兰〉因为; 由于 :
the decision was taken on foot of advice from the Attorney General.
on one's feet
- standing站着:
she's in the shop on her feet all day.
- well enough after an illness or injury to walk about(病或伤后)复原, 下床走动:
we'll have you back on your feet in no time.
on (或by) foot
- walking rather than travelling by car or using other transport步行。
put one's best foot forward
- embark on an undertaking with as much effort and determination as possible全力以赴。
put one's feet up
- informal take a rest, especially when reclining with one's feet raised and supported〈非正式〉(尤指垫高脚)休息。
put foot
- S. African informal hurry up; make a prompt start〈南非, 非正式〉赶快; 立即开始:
we'd better put foot - we've only got a couple of hours.
ORIGIN: originally in the sense 'press on the accelerator (of a car)'.
put one's foot down
- adopt a firm policy when faced with opposition or disobedience坚持立场, 不为所动。
- Brit. accelerate a motor vehicle by pressing the accelerator pedal〈英〉踩油门, 加快车速。
put one's foot in it(或put one's foot in one's mouth)
- informal say or do something tactless or embarrassing; commit a blunder or indiscretion〈非正式〉讲话(或做事)不得体(或令人尴尬); 说错话, 做错事。
put a foot wrong
- usu. with negative make a mistake in performing an action出错, 做错:
he hardly put a foot wrong in the first round.
set foot on(或in)
- often with negative enter; go into进入:
he hasn't set foot in the place since the war.
set something on foot
- archaic set an action or process in motion〈古〉启动, 开始实施:
a plan had lately been set on foot for their relief.
sweep someone off their feet
- quickly and overpoweringly charm someone使陶醉, 迷倒。
think on one's feet
- react to events decisively, effectively, and without prior thought or planning反应敏捷, 反应快。
to one's feet
- to a standing position起立, 站起:
he leaped to his feet.
under one's feet
- in one's way阻碍某人:
when you're at home you just get under my feet.
under foot
- on the ground在地面上:
it is very wet under foot in places.