/ˈpɪnəʃeɪ/- Pinochet, Augusto (b. 1915), Chilean general and statesman, President 1974-1990; full name Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Having masterminded the military coup which overthrew President Allende in 1973, he imposed a military dictatorship until forced to call elections, giving way to a democratically elected President in 1990.皮诺切特, 奥古斯托(生于1915年, 智利将军、政治家, 总统[1974-1990]; 全名奥古斯托·皮诺切特·乌加特; 1973年策划军事政变推翻总统阿连德, 随后实行军事独裁, 直至被迫进行选举, 1990年让位于民主选举出来的总统)。