/ˌfɪləˈdelfɪə/- the chief city of Pennsylvania, on the Delaware River; pop. 1,447,395 (est. 2008). Established as a Quaker colony by William Penn and others in 1681, it was the site in 1776 of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and in 1787 of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States费城(宾夕法尼亚州主要城市, 位于特拉华河畔, 2008年估计人口1,447,395, 是威廉·佩恩和同道1681年建立的贵格会移民点, 也是1776年签署《独立宣言》和1787年通过《美国宪法》的地点)。
noun & adjective词源
from Greek philadelphia 'brotherly love'.