/ˈpiːlɪən/- a wooded mountain in Greece, near the coast of SE Thessaly, rising to 1,548 m (5,079 ft). It was held in Greek mythology to be the home of the centaurs, and the giants were said to have piled Mounts Olympus and Ossa on its summit in their attempt to reach heaven and destroy the gods.皮立翁山(希腊林木繁茂的山, 位于色萨利东南海岸附近, 高1,548米, 即5,079英尺, 在希腊神话中被当作是半人半马怪物的家, 而且据说巨人们曾经将奥林匹斯山和奥萨山垒于皮立翁山峰之上, 企图到达天堂以消灭诸神)。
pile(或heap)Pelion on Ossa
- add an extra difficulty or task to something which is already difficult or onerous给(已很困难或繁重之事)增加额外困难(或任务)。