- no obj. go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid; become submerged下沉; 沉没:
he saw the coffin sink below the surface of the waves.
- (of a ship) go to the bottom of the sea or some other body of water because of damage or a collision(船只因损毁或相撞而)沉没:
the trawler sank with the loss of all six crew.
拖网渔船沉没了, 六名船员全部遇难。
- figurative disappear and not be seen or heard of again〈喻〉消失; 无音信:
the film sank virtually without trace.
- with obj. cause (a ship) to go to the bottom of the sea or other body of water使(船只)沉没:
a freak wave sank their boat near the shore.
- with obj. figurative cause to fail〈喻〉使失败:
this pledge could sink the government.
- with obj. figurative conceal, keep in the background, or ignore〈喻〉隐藏, 掩盖:
they agreed to sink their differences.
- no obj. descend from a higher to a lower position; drop downwards下降; 下落; 下沉; 下陷:
Sam felt the ground sinking beneath his feet
you can relax on the veranda as the sun sinks low.
太阳下山时, 你可以在走廊上休憩。
- (of a person) lower oneself or drop down gently(人)屈身; 轻缓倒下:
she sank back on to her pillow.
- with adverbial of direction gradually penetrate into the surface of something渗透; 渐渐陷入:
her feet sank into the thick pile of the carpet.
sink in
figurative (of words or facts) be fully understood or realized〈喻〉(词, 情况)完全被理解; 被理会:Peter read the letter twice before its meaning sank in.
- with obj.
sink something into
cause something sharp to penetrate (a surface)使某锋利物穿透(表面): the dog sank its teeth into her arm.
- no obj. gradually decrease or decline in value, amount, quality, or intensity(价值、数量、质量或强度)逐渐下降, 下跌:
their output sank to a third of the pre-war figure
the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level.
- lapse or fall into a particular state or condition, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant陷入, 落入(某状态、情境, 尤指不受欢迎或不愉快的那种):
he sank into a coma after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
脑出血之后, 他陷入昏迷状态。
- be overwhelmed by a darker mood; become depressed(心情)压抑:
her heart sank as she thought of Craig.
她想到克雷格时, 心便沉了下来。
- approach death接近死亡:
the doctor concluded that the lad was sinking fast.
- with obj. insert beneath a surface by digging or hollowing out插入; 嵌进:
rails fixed in place with screws sunk below the surface of the wood.
- excavate (a well) or bore (a shaft) vertically downwards挖掘(井); 钻(矿井):
they planned to sink a gold mine in Oklahoma.
- pocket (a ball) in snooker or billiards(斯诺克或台球游戏中)击(球)入袋。
- Golf hit the ball into the hole with (a putt or other shot)【高尔夫】击(球)入穴。
- informal drink (alcohol), especially rapidly〈非正式〉(尤指快速地)饮(酒):
English players sinking a few post-match lagers.
- with obj. and adverbial insert into something插入:
Kelly stood watching, her hands sunk deep into her pockets.
凯丽双手深深地插在口袋里, 站在一旁观望。
- with obj.
sink something in/into
put money or energy into (something); invest something in将(金钱, 精力)投入(某事); 投资: many investors sank their life savings into the company.
a(或that)sinking feeling
- an unpleasant feeling caused by the realization that something unpleasant or undesirable has happened or is about to happen(因意识到已发生或将要发生不愉快、不受欢迎的事情而引起的)颓丧感。
sink or swim
- fail or succeed entirely by one's own efforts完全靠个人努力决定成功与否。
noun- a fixed basin with a water supply and outflow pipe洗涤槽, 水槽。
- a pool or marsh in which a river's water disappears by evaporation or percolation洼地; 渗坑。
- technical a body or process which acts to absorb or remove energy or a particular component from a system〈技〉汇, 壑:
a heat sink
the oceans can act as a sink for CO2.
- usu. as modifier figurative a school or estate situated in a socially deprived area〈喻〉位于社会贫困地区的学校或房产:
the local sink school.
- figurative a place of vice or corruption〈喻〉巢, 窟, 藏垢的场所:
a sink of unnatural vice, pride, and luxury.