/ˌəʊbərˈæməgaʊ,〈德〉 ˌoːbɐˈamɐgaʊ/- a village in the Bavarian Alps of SW Germany; pop. 5,400 (est. 2006). It is the site of the most famous of the few surviving passion plays, which has been performed by the villagers every tenth year (with few exceptions) from 1634 as a result of a vow made during an epidemic of plague.上阿默高(德国西南部巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山区的一个村庄, 2006年估计人口5,400, 是极少数尚存的最著名的耶稣受难复活剧演出地点, 自1634年瘟疫流行而许下誓言以来, 该剧每十年由村民表演一次, 除极少例外, 从未间断)。