/nəˈvɑː(r)/- an autonomous region of northern Spain, on the border with France; capital, Pamplona. It represents the southern part of the former kingdom of Navarre, which was conquered by Ferdinand in 1512 and attached to Spain, while the northern part passed to France in 1589 through inheritance by Henry Ⅳ. Spanish name NAVARRA /〈西〉naˈβarra/.纳瓦拉(西班牙北部一自治区, 与法国接壤, 首府潘普洛纳; 是前纳瓦拉王国的南部地区, 后在1512年被费迪南征服后归附于西班牙, 其北部地区于1589年被亨利四世继承后归属法国; 西班牙语名NAVARRA)。