- a trap for catching and usually killing mice, especially one with a spring bar which snaps down on to the mouse when it touches a piece of cheese or other bait attached to the mechanism捕鼠器, 捕鼠夹。
- (亦作mousetrap cheese)[mass noun] Brit. informal cheese of poor quality〈英, 非正式〉劣质乳酪。
with obj.
1- N. Amer. informal induce (someone) to do something by means of a trick〈北美, 非正式〉使(人)入圈套:
the editor mousetrapped her into giving him an article.
- block (a user's) efforts to exit from a website, usually one to which they have been redirected阻止(用户)离开网站(通常是重定向网址)。
a better mousetrap
- an improved version of a well-known article(物品的)改进版。
- ORIGIN: from 'If a man... make a better mouse-trap than his neighbour... the world will make a beaten path to his door', attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson.