/ˈmɒzlɪ/- Mosley, Sir Oswald (Ernald), 6th Baronet (1896-1980), English Fascist leader. Successively a Conservative, Independent, and Labour MP, he founded the British Union of Fascists, also known as the Blackshirts, in 1932. The party was effectively destroyed by the Public Order Act of 1936. In 1948 Mosley founded the right-wing Union Movement.莫斯利, 奥斯瓦德(·厄纳尔德)爵士, 准男爵(第六)(1896-1980, 英国法西斯领导人, 曾相继为保守党、无党派及工党下院议员, 1932年创建英国法西斯联盟, 亦称黑衫党, 该党被1936年颁布的《公共秩序法》解散; 1948年建立右翼的同盟运动)。