/mɒnˈtrəʊz/- Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquis of (1612-50), Scottish general. Montrose supported Charles Ⅰ in the English Civil War and inflicted a dramatic series of defeats on the stronger Covenanter forces in the north before being defeated. In 1650 he attempted to restore Charles Ⅱ, but was betrayed to the Covenanters and hanged.蒙特罗斯侯爵(第一), 詹姆斯·格雷厄姆(1612-1650, 苏格兰将军; 英国内战期间, 支持查理一世, 曾在北方给实力更强大的神圣盟约派军队一系列强有力打击, 后被击败; 1650年试图助查理二世复辟, 但被人向神圣盟约派告密, 被处绞刑)。