the name of two Italian composers. (Pietro) Alessandro (Gaspare) (1660-1725) was an important and prolific composer of operas which carried Italian opera through the baroque period and into the classical. His son (Giuseppe) Domenico (1685-1757) wrote over 550 sonatas for the harpsichord, and his work made an important contribution to the development of the sonata form.
斯卡拉蒂(两位意大利作曲家的名字: 大斯卡拉蒂, [皮特罗·]阿尔森德洛[·加斯帕亚], 1660-1725, 是重要的歌剧作曲家, 作品颇多, 使意大利歌剧从巴洛克时期过渡到古典时期; 其子小斯卡拉蒂, [约瑟普·]多米尼哥, 1685-1757, 写了550多首拨弦键琴奏鸣曲, 对奏鸣曲的发展做出了重要贡献)。