/ˈmɒnməθ/- Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of (1649-85), English claimant to the throne of England. The illegitimate son of Charles Ⅱ, he became the focus for Whig supporters of a Protestant succession. In 1685 he led a rebellion against the Catholic James Ⅱ, but was defeated at the Battle of Sedgemoor and executed.蒙茅斯公爵, 詹姆斯·斯科特(1649-1685, 英格兰王位觊觎者; 查理二世私生子, 是支持新教掌权的辉格党人的注意中心, 1685年领导了反对天主教徒詹姆斯二世的叛乱, 在塞吉木尔战役中被击败并被处决)。