/məˈgɪdəʊ/- an ancient city of NW Palestine, situated to the south-east of Haifa in present-day Israel. Its commanding location made the city the scene of many early battles, and from its name the word Armageddon ('hill of Megiddo') is derived. It was the scene in 1918 of the defeat of Turkish forces by the British under General Allenby.美吉多(巴勒斯坦西北部古城, 位于今以色列海法市东南面; 该镇因地势险要在古代多次成为战场, Armageddon一词即源自其名, 字面意为“美吉多山”; 1918年, 艾伦比将军率英军于此地击败土耳其军队。)