单词 | galaxy |
释义 | galaxies是galaxy的复数
复数:galaxies n. gathering,assembly,meeting,cluster,collection 例句释义: 银河,银河系,河外星系,一群显赫的〔出色的〕人物,不同型态的星系们,星空,之一 1. If that were true for galaxies, the most distant visible objects in the sky would be receding at velocities just shy of the speed of light. 如果这对于星系也是正确的,那麽天空中可见的最遥远物体,就会是那些远离速度仅仅略小于光速的天体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In 2001, two separate teams showed that many smaller galaxies that don't have bulges also do not seem to contain significant black holes. 在2001年,两个不同的团队发布了研究结果,展示了许多小一些的并且没有中心凸出的星系看上去也没有包含着重要的黑洞。 www.bing.com 3. This pair of galaxies illuminates the distribution of galactic dust beyond the visible arms of a spiral galaxy. 这两个重叠的星系发出的光照亮了一个螺旋星云的一条可见的旋臂上分布的尘埃。 www.elanso.com 4. He began examining nearby galaxies with a 10-inch refractor to see whether any stars had flared up. 他用口径10英寸的折射望远镜巡视邻近的星系,查看是否有恒星已经闪亮。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Astronomers measure how much dark matter lies in galaxies by a fluke of physics called gravitational lensing. 天文学家通过一种叫做引力透镜效应的物理现象来测算星系中暗物质的质量。 www.bing.com 6. Large spiral galaxies like the Milky Way seem to have two or three per century. 像银河系那样螺旋状的大星系每世纪似乎会出现两到三个。 www.hjenglish.com 7. In another part of the cluster there seem to be galaxies and dark matter, but no hot gas. 在星系团的其他方向,主要是明亮星系和暗物质,几乎没有气体。 top.jschina.com.cn 8. Hubble captured a spectacular pair of galaxies engaged in a celestial dance. The galaxies will eventually merge into a single giant galaxy . 哈勃拍摄到两个互相碰撞的星系,这两个星系最终会合并成一个星系。 www.bing.com 9. As a bonus, some of those supersymmetric particles might turn out to be dark matter, the unseen stuff that seems to hold galaxies together. 此外,其中的一些超级对称粒子可能会变成暗物质,似乎是那些看不见的东西将星系联系在了一起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Black holes millions or billions times as massive as the sun reside at the heart of most galaxies, including our own. 黑洞的质量是太阳质量的数百万倍或者是数十亿倍,它们多数位于星系的中心,也包括了我们所处的星系也在其内。 www.bing.com 1. The Small Magellanic Cloud, and its companion galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, are the two galaxies where this type of study is possible. 小麦哲伦星云和其伴生的大麦哲伦星云,是在可能进行这种研究的两个星系。 www.bing.com 2. Supernovae studies have allowed scientists to see that dark energy has been impacting galaxies since as far back as nine billion years ago. 有关超新星的研究使科学家了解到,追溯到90亿前暗能量就已经开始影响星系。 www.bing.com 3. The universe seems to be rapidly expanding its component galaxies moving ever farther apart. 宇宙似乎在膨胀,它的组成部分――星系互相离得越来越远。 www.jukuu.com 4. The discovery that super massive black holes are at the core of most, if not all, galaxies was one of the Hubble's greatest achievements. 哈勃空间望远镜最大的成就之一就是发现在大多数星系的中心都有超巨黑洞。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Seeing and analysing such small galaxies at such a great distance is at the very limit of the capabilities of the most powerful telescopes. 看到和分析如此小又处在如此遥远地方的星系已经快到这些最强大望远镜的能力极限了。 www.astronomy.com.cn 6. At first glance, it looks as if a smaller galaxy has been caught in a tug-of-war between a Sumo-wrestler pair of elliptical galaxies. 乍一看,这一景象好像是一个小星系置身于一对重量级椭圆星系的拔河比赛中。 www.examw.com 7. If the rest of the human race could learn to fail like this, it would soon abolish war and colonise distant galaxies. 如果人类当中别的群体都能学会像这样“失败”,那么人类将很快唾弃战争,而是去征服遥远的星系了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Watson pondered for a minute. " Astronomically , it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. " 瓦特森沈思了一分钟,「就天文学而言,它告诉了我那儿有数以百万计的星系和潜在著数以千万计的星球。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Michelson said the Fermi telescope has also discovered many of what he calls "active galaxies" centered around a massive black hole. 迈克尔逊称费米望远镜还观测到许多围绕大质量黑洞的天体,称之为“活跃星系”。 www.hxen.com 10. The first option is that the galaxies were separated from the dark matter through a complex set of gravitational " slingshots . " 第一种可能是,这些星系通过一系列复杂的引力弹弓效应脱离了暗物质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Galaxies are very close to each other, but still not close enough to their stars began to collide with each other. 星系彼此非常接近,但还没有近到可以让其恒星互相碰撞到。 www.360doc.com 2. "Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency. “贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。 www.bing.com 3. This "dipole" alignment nearly matches that of a stream of galaxies mysteriously moving towards the edge of the universe. 这种“偶极子”的队列近似地与一连串的星系相匹配,神秘地朝着宇宙的边缘移动。 career.51youcai.com 4. We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster. 我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。 www.ted.com 5. We believe that during the course of the evolution of the Universe, stars and clusters might have been formed before the galaxies. 我们相信,在宇宙的演化过程中,恒星和星团可能比星系更早形成。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 6. Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies. 一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。 blog.lanyue.com 7. The merger process is now understood to be a normal part of the evolution of galaxies, including our own Milky Way. 目前人们认为,合并进程是星系演化的常规阶段,就连我们银河系也不例外。 jishenhua.jn.blog.163.com 8. Up to present, the scientist had already discovered 15 contain 3 planets at least the galaxies. 截至目前,科学家已经发现了15个至少包含3颗行星的星系。 www.12edu.cn 9. The curvature of spacetime keeps the earth in its orbit around the sun and drives distant galaxies ever farther apart. 时空曲率使地球得以保持在绕日轨道中,也驱使遥远的星系彼此更加分离。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The research is expected to help nail down estimates of even bigger black holes associated with ancient distant galaxies known as quasars. 这项研究有助于人们对于更大体积的黑洞进行估计,而这种黑洞可能与名为类星体的古老星系有关。 www.bing.com 1. Claims to have spotted dark matter have so far rested mostly on evidence gathered by looking at collisions between clusters of galaxies. 证明暗物质存在的证据至今主要集中在星系间的碰撞现象中。 www.bing.com 2. And do not imagine that in all the systems in all the galaxies in all of creation that the people of Earth are the only ones involved. 不要想象在全部的系统,全部的星系,全部的造物中,地球人类是唯一牵涉的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Explanation: What's the matter with this cluster of galaxies? 解说:这个星群怎么了? www.bing.com 4. But all you've got to do is take a telescope, even one of present-day design, look out and you'll see the same galaxies as we do from here. 但是你所需要做的是拿起一个望远镜,甚至是今天的技术设计,往外看去,你会看到我们从这儿看到的同样的星系。 www.ted.com 5. More than 12 billion years of cosmic history are shown in this panoramic, full-color view of thousands of galaxies. 这个数千星系的全色全景图像展示了超过120亿年的宇宙历史。 www.bing.com 6. Hubble's discovery is responsible for establishing our modern concept of a Universe filled with galaxies. 哈勃的发现创立了宇宙中充满星系的现代宇宙概念。 q.163.com 7. Scientists once imagined galaxies forming by a sort of monolithic collapse, in which a giant cloud of gas suddenly fell inward. 科学家们曾经想象星系是由某种整体的崩塌形成的,在这个过程中,极大量的气体云突然向内收缩。 www.bing.com 8. Most galaxies rotate at a speed that should cause them to fly apart if all that holds their visible matter together is gravity. 如果可观测物质之间仅仅依靠引力相互吸引的话,那么大部分星系旋转的速度就足以使它们相隔越来越远。 www.ecocn.org 9. As a whole, the groups with BRGs tended to have more galaxies which were more luminous, and had a greater variety of velocities. 总的来说,含有BRG的星系群倾向于含有更多的明亮星系,在周转速度上的差异也更大。 www.bing.com 10. In this dazzling image, the galaxy NGC 1427A is seen as it travels through the Fornax cluster of galaxies, to which it belongs. 在这张令人目眩的图像中,NGC1427A正在它所在的天炉座星系团中穿行。 www.astronomy.com.cn 1. Haydon, certainly one of the galaxies' great enigmas , fascinated him just as Haydon fascinated so many others. 海顿,当属银河系中的一大谜团,将众多人深深吸引,他也是其中之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Assuming that this pattern continues, space beyond our observable universe teems with galaxies, stars and planets. 假设这个图样能继续延伸下去,在我们可观测的宇宙之外的空间中,就会充满了星系、恒星与行星。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The discovery suggests that quasars created at least some galaxies, and perhaps not the other way around. 该发现表明,类星体至少创造了某些星系,或许并不是星系创造了类星体。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. In these galaxies, especially in a spiral galaxy like this, most of the mass of the stars is concentrated in the middle of the galaxy. 在这些星系中,尤其是在一个像这样的螺旋星系中,大部分的质量集中在星系的中央。 www.ted.com 5. Out of the other billions of galaxies that consist of billions of stars and planets, is there a chance that Extraterrestrials are real? 在由数十亿恒星和行星构成的数十亿个星系里,真的会有外星人吗?。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Wormholes connect galaxies and solar systems and allow you to fly across the entire breadth of the universe. 虫洞连接着星系和太阳系并允许你飞跃整个宇宙的尺度。 bbs.deeptimes.org 7. Large spiral galaxies like the Milky Way seem to have 2 or 3 per century. 大的螺旋状的星球像银河系可能一个世纪有2或3个。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Some of the best evidence of these "minor mergers" comes from the shredded remains of dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way's own halo. 这些“小兼并”最有利的证据有些来自银河系自身晕分中的矮星系扭碎残骸。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. The cosmic web is thought to funnel galaxies, gas and dark matter around the universe, something like a chaotic intergalactic highway. 宇宙网络被认为是漏斗形的星系,由环绕宇宙的气体和暗物质组成,就像是混沌的星系间高速公路。 www.bing.com 10. During the next five billion years, these protogalaxies continued condensing, forming galaxies in which stars were being born. 接下来的五十亿年间,这些原星系持续凝缩,形成了诞生星球的银河系。 www.transcn.org 1. The two researchers chose dwarf galaxies as the place to try to resolve the cusp problem for a very good reason. 这两位研究人员选择矮星系作为解决尖点问题的场所是有很好的理由的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The shapes of both galaxies have been distorted by their gravitational interaction with one another. 两个银河的形状被他们相互的重力作用扭曲了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The tides disrupt the galaxies as they repeatedly swing close to one another. 当它们多次互相摇晃靠近时,引潮力扰乱了星系。 www.bing.com 4. With velocities of this magnitude at the outer edge of galaxies, the stars should be flung out of their orbits. 在如此重量(星球)级别下保持这种速率的话,星系边缘的星球都将被甩出轨道。 bootes.lamost.org 5. In contrast to the big bang, that fate has been called the "big rip" to indicate how galaxies would be torn apart, he said. 他说,在大爆炸相反,的命运已经被称为“大RIP”来表示星系如何将四分五裂。 www.englishtang.com 6. Is there any other form of life in the galaxies? 星系里有其他形式匠生命吗? www.kekenet.com 7. In fact, Hubble's law predicts that galaxies beyond a certain distance, known as the Hubble distance, recede faster than the speed of light. 事实上哈伯定律预测,在某个距离以外的星系,后退的速度会比光速快,这个距离叫做哈伯距离。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The survey covered an area of the sky 10 times the size of the full moon, and found hundreds of thousands of galaxies. 这项调查覆盖了10倍月亮大的天空区域,发现了成百上千个星系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Studies show that mass of clusters or galaxies is always directly proportional to the mass of the central black hole. 研究发现,星团或星系的质量总是和中心黑洞的质量成正比。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 10. But galaxies are very violent places , and things can be spun out of orbit . also, space is incredibly vast . 所以即使有一百万个黑洞脱离轨道,其中一个能够击中我们的机会也是极其渺小的。 www.bing.com 1. Earth was a beautiful place, located on the fringes of one of the galactic systems and easily reached from other galaxies. 地球是一个美丽的地方,位于银河系的一条旋臂上,从其它星系容易到达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Switch your view to see the sky above your Earth location, and explore far-away galaxies, nebulae, and more. 转换您的视野,看看「地球」位置上的天空,探索遥远的银河、星群和其他。 bbs.cnhan.com 3. As a rule, dwarfs appear to have a higher percentage of their mass in dark matter and a lower percentage in stars than spiral galaxies do. 有这样一条原则,矮星系含有的暗物质百分比比螺旋星系高但是含有的恒星的百分比比螺旋星系低。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Gas is shown in these snapshots, where the yellow regions are stars and the brightest structures are galaxies and galaxy clusters. 气体也被显示出来,还有黄色的区域是恒星,最明亮的结构是星系和星系群。 www.bing.com 5. Finally, the Keck telescope was used to confirm that these galaxies were at the same distance and part of the same galactic sprawl. 最后,用凯克望远镜来确认,这些星系距离相同,都属于同一星系扩张的一部分。 www.bing.com 6. The new findings come from a study of light from hundreds of thousands of distant galaxies. 这个新发现是对来自几十万个遥远星系的光线所作研究的结果。 woshao.com 7. It is quite dynamic in itself and also in concent with all of the other galaxies astronomers have so far detected. 它本身是相当活动的,而且与天文学家迄今探测到的所有别的星系一致。 www.jukuu.com 8. Download the higher resolution image to hunt for exquisite views of some of Messier's distant spiral galaxies and a more local owl. 下载高分辨画面找寻一些梅西尔远方旋涡星系的精致图像,还有猫头鹰星云。 www.ufochn.com 9. The idea is particularly pertinent to explaining how massive galaxies developed in the first billion years of the universe. 这个观点特别解释了关于巨大的星系们在宇宙形成最初的十亿年里的发展。 www.bing.com 10. There are the galaxies of our own cosmic region, each single bright spot made by the summed light of stars by the billion. 这些就是我们所在宇宙区域的众多星系。每个亮点都是由数十亿颗恒星的光汇聚而成。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In general, galaxies do not form in isolation, and galactic collisions and mergers complicate matters considerably. 一般来说,星系并不会孤立地形成,而星系间的碰撞与合并则将事情大大地复杂化。 dict.bioon.com 2. It was really unexpected. We are witnessing galaxies forming out of a cloud of primordial gas. 这真不可思议,我们正目睹星系从由原始气体构成的云团中诞生。 bbs.sfw.com.cn 3. The findings could change astronomers' views of how these galaxies form, he said. 这个发现可以改变太空学者对于星系形成的固有观点,他说。 www.bing.com 4. After about one million years, the gas probably began to condense into localized lumps called proto galaxies. 近百万年后,上述气体或许开始凝缩成一种名为原星系的小范围气团。 www.transcn.org 5. The brightest spots on their sky map all turned out to be gravitationally magnified galaxies. 在他们的天际舆图上最亮的点就是引力放大的星系。 okk.zzkoo.com 6. Elliptical galaxies contain many older stars, up to one trillion, but little dust and other interstellar matter. 椭圆星系中有多达万亿颗古老的恒星,但几乎没有灰尘和其他星际物质。 www.bing.com 7. The Galaxies will offer you the best entertainment, as you are crossing the galactic heart alignment of your galaxy. 牵手围成一个圈圈,融合你们的心在一体,将爱送给所有的一切。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Almost all of the large galaxies observed so far have central black holes, each billions of times the mass of our sun. 距今为止,几乎所有可以被观测到的大的星系都有中心黑洞,每一个的质量都相当与太阳系黑洞的几百万倍。 ngmchina.com.cn 9. SALT will be the biggest telescope in the southern hemisphere -- from where galaxies can be viewed which cannot be seen up north. 将是南半球最大的望远镜--从那里可以观测到银河,而北半球则不能。 bbs.wwenglish.org 10. "In the case of distant galaxies, we see them as they were billions of years ago when the universe was relatively young, " Stecker said. 斯戴克说:“就遥远的星系来说,我们所看到的是它们在亿万年前宇宙相对年轻时候的情况。” huzhangao.blog.163.com 1. This finding adds support to theories of how the universe began in an initial Big Bang, inflated rapidly, then developed the first galaxies. 这个发现对于宇宙是如何从最初的大爆炸中开始的,它迅速膨胀,然后发展处第一批星系。 www.bing.com 2. The networks consist of interconnected strings or filaments of galaxies surrounding relatively empty regions known as voids . 网状物由星系组成,并由星系组成的细链连接在一起,周围是相对空旷的区域就是所谓的空洞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Now a new study finds that the Milky Way and its companion galaxies are an unusual combination, but they're not one of a kind. 现今,一项新的研究发现银河系及其卫星星系是不同寻常的组合。但也不是独一无二的。 www.bing.com 4. It's going to help astronomers understand better how galaxies are assembled and hopefully how they evolved over time. 这将有助于天文学家更好地理解星系是怎样集结和怎样随时间变化的。 www.suiniyi.com 5. Participants were first invited to go online in their spare time to characterize the shape of galaxies and the direction of the rotation. 参加者首先被邀请在他们的业余时间上网对星系的形状以及其转动方向进行描述。 wh.xdf.cn 6. The separation appears to get smaller as the galaxies move farther away, just like a ruler of fixed length (right-hand illustration). 随着星系对离我们越来越远,它们之间的相互距离却在缩小,就像一个尺子在远方看,单位间隔会变小一样。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 7. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a strong new line of evidence that galaxies are embedded in halos of dark matter. 哈勃已经发现了(矮)星系深植在暗物质晕中的一系列新的强力证据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of these galaxies was NGC 4258, whose distance was very accurately determined through observations with radio telescopes. 其中的一个星系是NGC4258,它的距离已经由射电望远镜阵列非常精确的测量过。 www.astronomy.com.cn 9. part of a supercluster . Out there beyond the Milky Way is a good-sized volume nearly devoid of noticeable galaxies. 这是超星系团的一部分。在银河系之外相当大一部分空间,几乎没有一个显而易见的星系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Now, suppose I put in the middle a cluster of galaxies -- and don't forget the dark matter, OK. 现在,假设我在屏幕中央放一个星系团---别忘了还有暗物质,好吗? www.ted.com 1. Now, suppose I put in the middle a cluster of galaxies -- and don't forget the dark matter, OK. 现在,假设我在屏幕中央放一个星系团---别忘了还有暗物质,好吗? www.ted.com 2. "Those galaxies have no idea that you're there watching them, so it's just some random variable, " Strauss says. “这些星系完全不知道你正在观测它们,所以是一些随机的量,”施特劳斯说。 www.bing.com 3. M33 is part of what's known as the Local Group of galaxies, and it is gravitationally bound to our home galaxy the Milky Way. M33是已知的本星系群的一部分,而且,其因重力作用而被我们人类所在的银河系所束缚而牵制。 www.huaxia-ng.com 4. Intriguing background galaxies are scattered around the field that also includes spiky foreground stars. 在这个范围内还散布着引人入胜的其它背景星系,还包括道钉状的前景恒星。 www.bing.com 5. Explanation: This dusty island universe is one of the brightest spiral galaxies in planet Earth's sky. 解说:这片灰蒙蒙的岛宇宙是在地球的夜空中最明亮的螺旋星系之一。 www.bing.com 6. But it was worth it. The Hooker Telescope proved that other galaxies exist and that the universe is expanding. 但这很值。胡克天文望远镜证实了河外星系的存在,以及宇宙正在膨胀。 www.bing.com 7. Their mathematical analysis, when applied to these galaxies, correctly predicted the positions and masses of their satellites. 将他们对这些星系进行数学分析时,精确预言出了它们卫星星系的位置和质量。 www.bing.com 8. But these small galaxies are thought to be a building blocks for the larger galaxies present today. 而这些小星系被认为是组成今日大星系的原料。 www.bing.com 9. The new observations revealed hidden quasars in every one of the galaxies, the team reports online today in Science. 研究小组今天在《科学》在线版上报道说:这些新的观测显示,每个星系中都有隐藏的类星体。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 10. Another way the team examined the Great Wall was by looking at the arrangement of different types of galaxies. 科研团队研究“长城”的另一种方法是观察不同类型星系的排列。 www.bing.com 1. Such a device would look back at the early universe to the time when large-scale structures such as galaxies and stars formed. 这样的一个装置将可以看到宇宙早期,那是大型结构例如星系和恒星形成的时候。 www.ecocn.org 2. Some galaxies are already so far away from us, and moving away so quickly, that their light will never reach Earth. 一些星系离我们已如此遥远,其远去的速度又是如此之快,以至于它们发出的光线永远也无法到达地球。 www.bing.com 3. So, it is possible that these findings could also shed light on how active galaxies ? 因此,这些发现也许可以阐明活跃星系是怎样生成的,他们的喷射是怎样形成的。 www.bing.com 4. The frame at the far right has been compressed slightly to bring into view an intriguing interacting pair of background galaxies. 在画面最右侧的部分略微有所压缩,好让你能看到背景上引人注目的相互作用的一对星系。 www.bing.com 5. The visible parts of galaxies are believed to be enveloped in giant "halos" of dark matter. 我们相信,星系中可以看得见的部分,其实是笼罩在巨大的黑暗物质「晕」里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A similar mechanism could be at work across the universe, filling other galaxies with dust near their central black holes. 一个相似的原理也许在整个宇宙中都通用,在其他星系中心的黑洞附近充满了灰尘。 ngmchina.com.cn 7. For another, the clouds don't look like the disheveled spheroidal dwarf galaxies that closely orbit the Milky Way and other major spirals. 另一方面,这些星云看上去并不像结构松散的球状矮星系一样紧紧地围绕银河系和其它主要的漩涡星系的轨道运行。 www.bing.com 8. This was once thought to be what caused galaxies to form in supercluster complexes, although this idea has since been abandoned. 曾经有人以为这是造成银河组成超星系团的原因,不过后来这种想法被抛弃。 www.bing.com 9. Photos of wispy nebulae and galaxies can only be taken with extended exposure. Not only flashlight will not help, it will become a nuisance. 夜空中暗弱的天体需要以长期间曝光来拍摄,使用闪光灯不单绝对不会有效,更会影响他人。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 10. They are so small on galactic scales and spread so far apart that they simply change their gravitational dance around their galaxies. 它们在星际尺度上来讲太小了,离得又太远,只是简单地绕着其星系改变其引力舞步罢了。 www.bing.com 1. All the stars, galaxies and gas observable in the universe account for less than a half of all the baryons that should be around. 宇宙中所有观测到的恒星、星系和气体总和还不到应该存在的重子的一半。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Astronomers see such jets in other galaxies. If it happened here, it could explain why the Milky Way has been accessorizing. 天文学家在其他星系中看到了这样的气流。如果这曾发生在银河系的话,这就可能解释为什么银河系被装饰成这样了。 www.bing.com 3. While the upper tiers had more polished entertainment venues like the Galaxies Opera House, the lower levels had seamier locales. 虽然上层有像群星歌剧院那样较为光鲜亮丽的娱乐场所,但下层却存在相对阴暗的角落。 starwarsfans.cn 4. Instead he found that nearly all galaxies were moving away from us, and the farther away they were, the faster they were moving. 相反地,他发现几乎所有的星系都离开我们运动,而且处在越远的地方,它们就越快地运动。 nankaizzj.blog.163.com 5. The elegant spiral shape of galaxies is one of the quintessential sights of astronomy. 星系优雅的螺旋外形可说是天文学的经典美景之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. And to the cosmologist, these galaxies are just the atoms, as it were, of the large-scale universe. 对于宇宙学家来说,这些星系只不过是组成大规模宇宙空间的原子。 www.ted.com 7. They must be very, very dark matter dominated galaxies. 一定是非常非常暗的物质支配了整个星系。 www.bing.com 8. While studying the Coma galaxy cluster, he found that the galaxies' gravity alone was much too small to hold the cluster together. 他在研究彗差星系簇的时候,发现星系本身的引力作用太小而不足以维持星系簇的成型。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 9. When you start mapping the Universe and you see how the galaxies are really laid out, you already know they're not random. 当你们开始绘制宇宙地图,并看见银河系是如何被真实地摆开时,你们早已知道它们不是随机的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Which of the dwarf galaxies we find today were already in existence at the beginning? 我们今日所见的矮星系,哪一个是在很早以前便已存在了呢? zhidao.baidu.com 1. The observations suggest that elliptical galaxies like this still have some youthful vigor left, thanks to encounters with smaller galaxies. 这项观察意味着像这样的椭圆星系还有一些旺盛的“繁殖力”残余,多亏那些和较小星系的撞击。 www.bing.com 2. I just got transformed, like travelling in space, floating in distant galaxies. . . almost totally out of reality. 有一种恍如隔世的感觉,如在时空中旅游,在遥远的星系中漂浮,,,,几乎像是完全脱离了现实。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. Located a "mere" 300 million light-years away, these colliding galaxies nicknamed The Mice will eventually merge into a single giant galaxy. 这些位于300万光年以外的一个小区域里的碰撞着的星系被人们称作老鼠,它们最终会并入一个巨大的星系。 www.bing.com 4. A galaxy cluster acts as a powerful gravitational lens, magnifying and stretching the distant galaxies lying behind the cluster core. 星系团起著强大引力透镜的作用,将遥远的星系放大和扭曲。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 5. Galaxies which encounter one another from certain directions may collide, merge, rip each other apart, or transfer some member objects. 星系相互遭遇时,可以在任何的方向上发生碰撞、合并、相互撕裂、或传送部分天体给对方。 instapedia.com 6. It seems that ordinary matter - gas, stars, planets and galaxies -makes up less than 5% of the Universe. The remainder is unseen. 这似乎在说明,很普通的事物——如气体,恒星,行星和银河系——只是整个宇宙不到5%的组成部分,而余下的则是不可见的。 www.suiniyi.com 7. Astronomically , it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and billions of planets. 从天文学上讲,这说明又数以万计的星系于数以亿计的行星。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Satellites that orbit close to major galaxies eventually forfeit their interstellar gas to the greater galaxy. 那些近距离围绕主要星系轨道运行的卫星最终将它们的星际气云失给了更大的星系。 www.bing.com 9. The galaxies' older stellar tenants still shine on in visible light to be detected by Hubble, completing the galactic picture. 星系中较年长的恒星房客依然放射着哈勃望远镜可以探测到的可见光,这些共同组成了整个星系的画面。 www.bing.com 10. If the galaxies within a cluster are the urban cores of the megacity , this gas is the suburban sprawl. 假如星系团内的星系是大都会的城市核心,这气体便是散漫无章的延伸郊区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Dr Lintott says that the project has proved that the public en masse is as good as professional astronomers at classifying galaxies. Lintott博士表示该工程已经证实大众在对星系进行分类上可以和天文学家们做得一样好。 www.ecocn.org 2. If we're going to look for these stealth black holes at the center of galaxies, the best place to look is in our own galaxy, our Milky Way. 如果我们要在星系中心找寻这些隐藏的黑洞,最好的地方就是我们所在的星系,银河系。 www.ted.com 3. In their continued work scientists will study the southern hemisphere - in theory, there galaxies rotating clockwise should be dominating. 接下来研究人员将研究南面天空的星系-理论上那里顺时针旋转的星系应该占大多数。 www.douban.com 4. When viewed or photographed with a large telescope, only the nearest galaxies exhibit individual stars. 当浏览或拍照的大射电望远镜,只有最近的星系展览个别星级。 www.lixiaolai.com 5. The idea is that the matter we see dose not have enough gravitational pull to keep galaxies together. 想到这件事,我们认为没有足够引力将银河星系拉在一起。 bbs.putclub.com 6. If the distant galaxies have different peculiar velocities than the nearby galaxies, the researchers' results would be skewed. 如果遥远星系的异常速度和近处的不一样,那么他们的结果就将是有偏差的。 www.bing.com 7. that might happen during the collision of two spiral galaxies , which have lots of spare gas available for making new stars. 这种情况很可能发生在两个螺旋星系碰撞时,因为这会剩下大量的气体,可供制造新的恒星。 www.ichacha.net 8. To complicate matters, the biggest dark matter clumps are the best candidates to contain satellite galaxies. 更复杂的是,最大的暗物质团簇本应该最有可能含有卫星星系,但是并没有。 www.bing.com 9. Still, elliptical galaxies can be very large. 但椭圆星系可以非常巨大。 www.bing.com 10. We would like to see if MOND can explain the apparent scarcity of dwarf galaxies in our neighbourhood. 我们想看看「修正牛顿力学」能否解释我们附近缺乏矮星系的现象。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 1. Even such momentous news as the origin of life on Earth could have traveled only across our little local cluster of galaxies. 甚至像地球生命起源这样重大的消息,也仅可能刚穿过我们小小的本星系团。 bbs-psysoper.zinebooks.com 2. Dark matter's gravitational pull bends light, so clumps of dark matter distort the appearance of galaxies in the background. 由于暗物质的引力使光线发生折射,所以成团块的暗物质使背景星系的成像失真。 www.bing.com 3. The results indicate the cluster will keep growing into a modern city of galaxies. 结果表明星团将不断成长为一个现代的星系团。 www.bing.com 4. She was participating in Galaxy Zoo, a crowdsourcing project to classify galaxies in telescope images. 她参加了一项名为“星系动物园”,在望远镜图像上分类星系的众包项目。 www.ecocn.org 5. Fifty nine new images of colliding galaxies make up the largest collection of Hubble images ever released together. 这59张哈勃星系碰撞新图像是哈勃首次发布的大规模图片集。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So the streaks that you see, all these streaks, are actually distorted images of galaxies that are much further away. 所以你看到条纹,所有这些条纹,其实都是更远出的扭曲的星系的图像。 www.ted.com 7. Only galaxies with a spherical bulge-like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes. 只有拥有球形膨胀组件的星系才可能容纳质量超大的黑洞。 www.bing.com 8. In turn, Palpatine used these funds to help cover the gambling debts of Romeo Treblanc, owner of the Galaxies Opera House. 然后,帕尔帕廷用这些钱来帮群星歌剧院的所有者罗密欧·特里布兰克偿还赌债。 starwarsfans.cn 9. Spiral galaxies are considered to be gravitationally bound configurations of stars. 旋涡星系被认为是由恒星组成的引力束缚系统。 www.jukuu.com 10. Low- energy level electrons access to the high-energy level needs energy; the structure of galaxies in greater system is as well. 低能级的电子进入高能级需要获得能量,更大结构的星系系统也是如此。 knol.google.com 1. Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies' gravitational attraction , thereby deadening their motion. 暗能量的斥力会抵消星系间的引力,从而减弱了星系的运动。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Why bother with a thin gruel of atoms when the universe abounds in richly textured planets, luxurious galaxies and ravenous black holes? 当宇宙充满构造丰富的行星、华丽的星系及狼吞虎嚥的黑洞时,为何要为稀疏的原子烦心呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Because there are so many neutrinos, their tiny masses add up to influence the overall distribution of galaxies. 原因在于,星系中有众多的中微子,而当这些微不足道的质量加在一起时,其总和就会影响整个星系的分布。 www.bing.com 4. The spiral shapes of two of these galaxies appear mostly intact. 这些星系中两个螺旋形状的看起来比较完整。 www.bing.com 5. One progenitor hypothesis is that NGC 1132 is the result of a series of galaxy mergers in what once was a small group of galaxies. 有一个假设认为NGC1132是由一个小星系群进行一系列星系融合之后的产物。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 6. Elliptical galaxies may also be small, in which case they are dubbed dwarf elliptical galaxies. 椭圆星系也可能很小,在这种情况下它们被称为矮椭圆星系。 www.bing.com 7. There was much scurrying and shuffling to create individual representation from all of the galaxies here upon this planet. 这里来自所有星系到这行星之上存在很多急赶和拖拉来创造个体表现。 hnpt.blog.163.com 8. WISE is an all-sky survey, snapping pictures of the whole sky -- from asteroids to stars to powerful, distant galaxies. WISE是一个全天空探测器,拍摄整个天空的照片——自小行星、恒星至各种富含能量的遥远的星系。 www.bing.com 9. As we move out, the light from these distant galaxies have taken so long, we're essentially backing up into the past. 当我们离开,从那些遥远星系发出的光用了如此长的时间,本质上我们正在回到过去。 www.ted.com 10. The frame is highlighted by a quiet lagoon, soft ground fog, two galaxies, and tens of thousands of stars. 画面突出了一湾安静的泻湖,地面轻雾,两个星系,和上万颗恒星。 www.bing.com 1. As I looked more closely at the tiny areas of light, I suddenly realized they looked like galaxies. 当我近距离观察这块微小的区域时,我突然意识到我所目睹的正是一座星系。 www.bing.com 2. They behave as scaled-down versions of much more massive black holes that are at the cores of extremely active galaxies, called quasars. 它们的表现可以极端活跃星系(称为类星体)中心的大型黑洞作为参照。 www.bing.com 3. The things in the sky include stars, planets, nebulae, clusters of stars, and galaxies. 这些天空中的物体包括星星,行星,星云,星团和银河系。 osl.bsw.net.cn 4. If so, those early galaxies would have forged stars at a much more prodigious rate, says Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University. 如果是那样,那些早期星系大概以多得多的比率生成恒星,耶鲁大学的皮特·冯·多库姆如是说。 www.bing.com 5. At least 75 percent of the active galaxies get their fuel somewhere else. 至少有75%的活动星系通过其他的途径获取燃料。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In this scenario, the angular momentum of baryons and its distribution play key roles, which govern the structures of disk galaxies. 在这一演化图像中,重子物质的角动量及其分布起着关键作用,它直接决定了盘状星系的结构。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The two orange dots are the cores of the old galaxies. Pink is hydrogen; blue the star-forming regions. 两个橙色的亮点是老星系的核心部位,粉红色的东西是氢,蓝色的区域有恒星正在形成。 www.bing.com 8. Examining as many supernovae as possible can help researchers measure how fast galaxies are moving away from one another. 尽可能多地检测超新星能够帮助研究人员测量星系之间的背离速度。 www.bing.com 9. Not only tiny sub-atomic particles, but gigantic galaxies with millions of star systems are coming out of the womb of emptiness. 不仅是微小的亚原子粒子,而且是有着数以亿万计的星星的巨大的星系在从虚空的母腹中被产生。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The vast Andromeda galaxy appears to have expanded by digesting stars from other galaxies, research has shown. 研究发现,巨大的仙女座星云通过侵蚀其他星系的星体来扩张。 www.enread.com 1. For about a third of the galaxies on-line, there's close to an 80 percent agreement in characterizations. 对于在线的三分之一星系,这些描述的吻合率接近了80%。 wh.xdf.cn 2. A byproduct of this part is the distribution of the (baryonic) mass-to-light ratio of elliptical galaxies. 这部分的一个副产品是椭圆星系的(重子)质光比分布。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 3. The galaxies, containing a vast number of stars, swing past each other in a graceful performance choreographed by gravity. 这两条银河容纳了大量的星星,在重力的作用下,他们以优美的舞蹈动作相互摇摆旋转。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This result implies that there should be a link between clusters and galaxies. 这结果正好暗示著星团和星系之间有著深远的连系。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 5. Galaxies are traditionally divided into spiral and elliptical categories, but how one evolves into the other remains controversial. 星系一般可被分为螺旋形与椭圆形两类,然而一类星系如何发展成为另一类却还倍受争议。 www.ecocn.org 6. Professor Mobasher and his team identified member galaxies of this cluster and measure their distances and velocities. 莫巴舍尔教授及其团队确定了组成该星团的星系并测量了它们的距离和速度。 www.bing.com 7. MIAMI ? Some strange behavior from two huge black holes at the center of two different galaxies has been noticed by astronomers. MIAMI-天文学家在两个不同星系中发现了两个巨大黑洞的一些怪异表现。 www.bing.com 8. VV 340, also known as Arp 302, provides a textbook example of colliding galaxies seen in the early stages of their interaction. 也叫Arp302,提供了碰撞星系相互作用早期阶段的范例。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier studies looked only at galaxies with the brightest active nuclei, which could have biased their results, Jahnke said. 先前的研究只关注存在有明显活动星核的星系,这很可能导致结果产生偏差,Jahnke说。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "We want to be able to detect the first stars and galaxies, " Arenberg said. “我们希望能够探测的最早的恒星和它的星系,”阿伦贝尔说。 www.bing.com 1. The bottom row shows the host galaxies before or after the stars exploded. 下面一行显示所在星系在恒星爆发前或爆发后的的样子。 my.opera.com 2. Matter clumps under its own gravity into planets, stars, galaxies, clusters, and superclusters. 物质在它们的重力作用下聚集成行星、恒星、星系、星系团和超星系团。 www.bing.com 3. The two spiral galaxies in the center of the image are edge-on NGC 3190 with its distinctive, warped dust lanes, and S-shaped NGC 3187. 图中央的两个螺旋星系,侧对着我们展示其独特翘曲尘埃带的是NGC3190,另一个S形状的是NGC3187; jishenhua.jn.blog.163.com 4. Spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way, consist of a flat disk with a bulging center and surrounding spiral arms. 象银河系一样,螺旋星系由一个中间鼓起的扁圆盘和环绕在周围的螺旋形手臂组成。 www.bing.com 5. Massive black holes most likely grow by a mixture of merging and accretion of gas in their hierarchically merging host galaxies. 巨大黑洞增长最有可能的合并,在他们的等级所在星系合并吸积的气体混合物。 www.syyxw.com 6. into the universe's farthest regions, Hubble uncovered a rich tapestry of at least 50, 000 galaxies. 在最近对宇宙最深处的进军,哈勃发现了涵盖了至少50。000个星系的丰富多彩的世界。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Astronomers using Hubble tracked down the 'homes' of quasars, proving that these dynamos reside in the centers of galaxies. 天文学家使用哈勃望远镜追踪到这些恒星状球体的“家”(宿主星系),并且证明它们位于这些星系的中心区域。 gb.cri.cn 8. Astronomers believe that accretion disks around supermassive black holes may have influenced the way galaxies formed and evolved. 天文学家相信,环绕在超大质量黑洞周边的吸积盘会影响星系的形成与演化; www.showxiu.com 9. Today general relativity is so well understood that it is used to weigh galaxies and locate distant planets by the way they bend light. 今天的广义相对论非常容易理解,甚至于还被根据星系和遥远星系使光弯曲的现象,用来给星系测重量,锁定遥远行星的位置。 www.xiaoshuo.com:8080 10. This stunning vista shows these two mammoth galaxies locked in gravitational combat, as they have been for the past billion years. 这张惊人美丽的深景照片显示,这两个庞大星系的引力战斗难分难解,一如过去的十亿年。 www.bing.com 1. The discovery should enable astronomers to better identify phenomena as they look at new galaxies or take a new look at already known ones. 这一发现能使天文学家更好地解释他们在观察新星系或已认识星系时看到的现象。 www.dltcedu.org 2. Observations of galaxies show they are rotating too fast to hold all their stellar material in place: the outer stars should be flung out. 对星系的观察结果表明,它们的旋转速度太快,以至于无法聚集星系内的恒星物质:外部的恒星应该由于离心作用被抛离星系。 www.bing.com 3. These galaxies also have large amounts of gas, dust, and young stars, but no arrangement of a spiral form. 这些星系也有大量的气体,尘埃和年轻恒星,但没有安排一个螺旋形式。 www.lixiaolai.com 4. Normally, supermassive black holes are found in much larger, much more massive galaxies that have bulges. 一般,超大型黑洞出现在体积、质量更大,含有核球的星系中。 www.bing.com 5. These smaller galaxies are considered the building blocks of the larger galaxies we see today. 这些较小的星系被认为是我们今天所看到的较大星系的积木。 www.bing.com 6. Turn it on, point it at a celestial object, and pull the trigger to identify planets, stars, nebulae , galaxies and much more. 一开机后,拿着它对准一个天体,并扣下扳机就能识别行星,恒星,星云,星系和其他的天体目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The role of collisions in clusters may help scientists understand the evolution of galaxies in the early universe. 星系团里的碰撞事件所扮演的角色,或可帮助科学家了解星系在早期宇宙中的演化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of the overarching goals of astronomy is to trace the development of galaxies and their precursors as close as possible to the big bang. 天文学最主要的目标之一,是尽可能追踪星系与其前身的演化,直到大霹雳为止。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He proved wrong those who believed nebulae lay inside the Milky Way. And he proved that nebulae were galaxies themselves. 哈勃证实“星云位于银河系之中”是一种谬误,而星云本身就是星系。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In spiral galaxies, majestic winding arms of young stars, gas, and dust rotate in a flat disk around a bulging galactic nucleus. 旋涡星系中,年轻恒星、气体和尘埃构成壮丽的旋臂在一个扁平的圆盘上绕着凸起的星系核心旋转。 www.bing.com 1. Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago. 矮星系之间的如此遭遇通常发生在几十亿光年之外,也就是几十亿年之前。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. These young galaxies offer important new insights into the Universe's formative years, just one thousand million years after the Big Bang. 这些年轻的星系提供了对宇宙成长期——大爆炸后仅10亿年,新的重要认识。 www.astronomy.com.cn 3. When two galaxies merge, their BHs form a binary and then sink toward the center by flinging stars away. 当两个星系合并时,它们的黑洞形成一个双星系统,然后通过抛射恒星而融合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. By then you will have participated in several intergalactic councils on moving a number of selected galaxies to the Light. 这样,你们就可以参加星际会议,商讨如何帮助选定的其他银河系也转向光明。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. and they may even influence the lives of normal, peaceful galaxies of the sort that humanity is lucky enough to inhabit. 而且星群爆发甚至可能影响那些正常平静的星系的生命,这些星系上也许恰好有人类居住。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 6. it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and billions of planets. 从天文学上讲,有无数个星系和成千上万颗行星。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Powered by Standard Model software, the universe computes quantum fields, chemicals, bacteria, human beings, stars and galaxies. 以标准模型为动力来源,宇宙计算量子场、化学物质、细菌、人类、星球和星系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "It means that galaxies should be flying apart, should be completely unstable, " Panek said. "Something's missing here. " “这表明星系自身正在飞散开来,应该非常地不稳定,”潘尼克说,“这里有什么物质被遗漏了”。 www.bing.com 9. The vast majority of these infrared extended sources are galaxies. 这些红外光源绝大部分都是星系。 www.bing.com 10. The existence of dark matter has been inferred through the gravitational pull it exerts on luminous galaxies and stars. 通过暗物质对发光星球和星系施加的引力可以推测出其存在。 www.bing.com 1. Quasars are the very active centers of galaxies though to surround the central supermassive black hole. 类星体是星系中最活跃的中心,尽管他们围绕着中心特大质量黑洞。 www.bing.com 2. The image from the Hubble Space Telescope is a spectacular visual reminder of just how thin disk galaxies can be. 这张哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的照片让我们震撼于这个星系的平整度。 www.bing.com 3. Nine Lego-like 'building block' galaxies initially detected by Hubble likely contributed to the construction of the Universe as we know it. 最初由哈勃发现的九个如同积木一样的“砖块”星系很可能为宇宙的建设做出了贡献。 www.astronomy.com.cn 4. Explanation: Are the nearest galaxies distributed randomly? 解说:离我们最近的星系都是随机排布的吗? www.bing.com 5. He notes that the Milky Way's north side points toward the Virgo cluster, an enormous nearby gathering of galaxies. 他注解道银河的北边指向的是室女座大星云,一个临近星系聚在一起组成的庞然大物。 www.bing.com 6. The explanation of the relations between colors and size of mass-equal disc galaxies need further discussion. 对于“同等质量下星系的颜色-尺度关系”的理论解释,还有待于进一步的研究和探讨。 www.fabiao.net 7. The new Hubble picture shows a pair of interacting galaxies called Arp 273. 这幅新哈勃照片展示了一个叫做Arp273的相互作用的星系对。 www.bing.com 8. They did this by taking a peek at an astronomers' catalogue of 318 active galaxies located within 300m light years of Earth. 它们通过窥视一位天文学家列出的318个离地球三亿光年的活跃星系而完成了这个试验。 www.ecocn.org 9. A spokesman said, in the vicinity of our universe, some galaxies being combined are most fertile in creating new ones. 一位发言人说:“在我们附近的宇宙中,有些正在融合的星系体造就新恒星的能力是最高的。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. In the specific model we developed, elliptical galaxies have roughly equal numbers of each type. 在我们所发展出的模型里,这两类星团在椭圆星系中的数量大致上是差不多的。 www.dictall.com 1. Hubble does not travel to stars, planets, and galaxies. It takes pictures of them as it whirls around Earth at 17, 500 miles an hour. 哈勃(没有像其他探测器那样)旅行到一些恒星,行星和星系。然而它是以每小时17.500英里的速度在地球轨道上对他们进行拍照。 bbs.ifeng.com 2. Almost all of the bright objects in this Hubble Space Telescope image are galaxies in the cluster known as Abell 2218. 这张哈勃太空望远镜的图像中,几乎所有的明亮物体均是阿贝尔2218星系团的成员。 www.bing.com 3. In short, it appears that galaxies are not born with a given shape, barred or unbarred. 简言之,不论是否具有棒子,星系看来似乎在诞生时并不具有固定的形状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The distorted shape of the larger of the two galaxies shows signs of tidal interactions with the smaller of the two. 两个星系中较大一个的扭曲形状,显示了它同较小星系相互之间的潮汐作用。 www.bing.com 5. Our everyday world depends hardly at all on the details either of atoms or of galaxies, and the feeling is mutual. 我们生活的世界,并不单单只依赖于原子或是星系的细节,感觉起来是它们的相互影响。 baike.soso.com 6. That history is encoded in the relation between the distances and recession velocities of galaxies. 而这段历史就潜藏在星系的距离和其远离速率的关系当中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This stronger gravity can fill the role of dark matter, holding together galaxies and clusters that would otherwise fly apart. 更为强劲的引力理论能够担负起暗物质的作用,引力会抓住星系和星团使它们不至于飞离而去。 www.bing.com 8. These atoms clumped first into galaxies, then stars, inside whose fiery furnaces all the other elements were forged. 轻原子组成星系,接着是星球,在炙热的星系中所有的元素依次形成。 www.bing.com 9. Not only do the galaxies and black holes seem to co-exist, they are apparently inextricably linked in their evolution. 星系跟黑洞不仅(现在)看起来是共存的,在演化过程中它们也不可避免地联系在一起。 www.astronomy.com.cn 10. It takes billions of years for the dim light of distant galaxies to reach Hubble. 从遥远的银河系发出的暗淡的光线到达哈勃望远镜要花数十亿年。 chinafanyi.com 1. Large-scale structures of galaxies would have been more tightly bound, and more mergers of structures and accretion would have occurred. 星系的大尺度结构可能会束缚得更紧密,而且会发生更多次的结构合并与吸积。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The universe's largest known galaxies are giant elliptical galaxies, which may be as much as two million light-years long. 宇宙中已知的最大的星系是巨椭圆星系,可能长2百万光年。 www.bing.com 3. In the green firmament of a slough, galaxies of duckweed are stirred by slow moving waters. 在这绿色沼泽的世界里,水中的浮萍像银河系一般在缓缓流动的水中转动着。 www.bing.com 4. It will also gather information from cosmic radiation sources on stars and galaxies millions of light years away. 它将收集数百万光年外的恒星、星系等宇宙射线源的信息。 www.bing.com 5. Galaxies are classified into three main types: spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. 星系主要分为三类:螺旋星系、椭圆星系和不规则星系。 www.bing.com 6. Sliding your cursor over the image will label the larger galaxies using NGC catalog designations. 在照片上滑动鼠标时,会按照NGC的分类名称标识出较大的星系。 www.bing.com 7. All matter and energy, including Earth, the galaxies and all therein, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole. 宇宙一切物质和能量,包括被视为一个整体的地球,各星系及其所包容的星体,和星系间空间电的物质 www.jukuu.com 8. A decade ago, Webb used observations from the Keck telescope in Hawaii to analyse the light from distant galaxies called quasars. 十年前,韦伯使用了夏威夷的凯克望远镜(Kecktelescope)观测和分析了从遥远的、称为类星体的星系所发射出来的光线。 career.51youcai.com 9. Students of astrophysics study the formation of the universe and the behavior and life cycles of stars, planets, and galaxies. 天体物理学专业的学生主要学习宇宙的组成,恒星的变化和生命周期,行星和星系。 www.oxvard.com 10. All previous ideas of galaxy formation had assumed that gas in the early Universe simply condensed to form stars and galaxies . 所有先前的星系形成观点都假设:在早期的宇宙中气体凝结形成了行星和星系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Looking at very distant masers or galaxies is like looking at a photograph taken ages ago. 观察非常遥远的脉泽或者星系就像在观察很多年以前的照片一样。 www.bing.com 2. Using pictures taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists first removed light from closer stars and galaxies. 利用史匹哲太空望远镜所拍摄到的图片,科学家们首先排除了那些临近的恒星和星系。 www.bing.com 3. These calculations also help scientists determine the mass of black holes, which lie at the center of nearly all galaxies. 这些计算也可以帮助科学家们确定几乎所有星系中心的黑洞质量。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. However, if at birth the universe revolved around its axis in one direction, then the galaxies would have retained the rotation. 然而,如果在诞生之时宇宙就绕轴朝着一个方向运动,那么星系就应该保留了这样的旋转。 www.douban.com 5. Recently astronomers have discovered these intermediateage globular clusters in several elliptical galaxies. 最近,天文学家已在数个椭圆星系里发现了这类中龄的球状星团。 www.dictall.com 6. The resulting image is anincredible tapestry of galaxies that provides limits on how the universe formed and evolved. 这张图像看起来就像是以星系组成的美丽刺绣一般,提供了宇宙如何形成与发展的限制条件。 bbs.cnastro.cn 7. The model offers a reasonable explanation for the flatness of the rotation curves of galaxies. 本模型给星系旋转曲线的平坦性提供了合理的解释。 www.dictall.com 8. Justthink of it, my little girl flying over the moon and zooming on to discover new galaxies. 想想看,我的小女孩飞过月球,疾驰着去探索新的星系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There is no absolutely sharp cutoff distinguishing galaxies from globular clusters. 在星系和球状星团之间没有任何不可逾越的鸿沟。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Computer simulations show that stars of the Milky Way's halo originated in older galaxies torn apart by collisions. 计算机模拟显示银河晕中的恒星起源于更古老星系的相互碰撞和撕裂产物 www.bing.com |
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