单词 | tumbling |
释义 | tumbling是tumble的现在分词
复数:tumbles 现在分词:tumbling 过去式:tumbled n. somersault,forward roll,flip,flip-flop,cartwheel v. fall over,fall down,trip up,topple,plummet 例句释义: 倒塌,跌倒,翻筋斗,摔倒,跌跤,骤降,体操男孩,翻滚,滚筒清理 1. A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling. 蹦床一张通常由帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,和弹簧一起连接在金属框架上,用于体操跳跃及翻滚。 www.hotdic.com 2. For a time, tumbling thoughts, suddenly, I found a pair of Yan Can such a smiling face of reason. 一时间,思绪翻滚,猛然,我找到了那双笑脸如此璨艳的缘由。 www.tradeask.com 3. And even when he's trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling out. 甚至当他的尝试谈一般情况下,灿烂的措辞来下挫。 huanbaolux.spaces.live.com 4. Stones tumbling from the villa roof hit him on the shoulders and one glanced off his skull as he was lying on the ground. 别墅屋顶上的石头塌了下来,打在他的肩膀上,一块石头从他的脑壳上擦了过去,他栽倒在地了。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Broken sky tumbling snow, as if the monster shake off the white hair, have obscured the view triumphantly. 漫天翻滚的碎雪,仿佛巨兽抖落的白色绒毛,纷纷扬扬地遮蔽着视线。 tieba.baidu.com 6. I never saw anyone faint, and I don't choose to make myself all black and blue, tumbling flat as you do. 我从来没见过人晕倒,我也不想像你一样直挺挺地摔倒,弄得自己青一块紫一块的。 www.kekenet.com 7. ordinary dice to a few hit points, and break out is tumbling dice, note: at least ten double roll over, very natural. 普通骰子要几点打几点,而且骰子打出去是翻滚的,注:至少翻十个滚以上,非常自然。 www.444mu.com 8. and if I were you, I would not give him up to my younger sister, in spite of all this tumbling down hills. 假若我是你的话,决不把他让给妹妹,尽管他们一起滚下了山。 www.kekenet.com 9. The old emotions came tumbling back, she thought of Gerald's green eyes, and of his boyish lips, and she felt sick with love. 旧情的浪潮汹涌而来,她想起了杰拉尔德的绿眼睛,想起了他那稚嫩的嘴唇,她产生了爱的渴望。 tr.bab.la 10. Thus, anyone or anything on top of that spot will be subject to being ground up in the tumbling process. 因此,任何在那个地点顶部的人或物在此翻滚的过程中会被磨碎。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "Not bad! " she says, hands on her hips, blonde hair tumbling from her straw hat. “味道不错!”她说,手掐着要,金发从草帽里落了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Another possibility would be a defunct satellite tumbling out of space and eluding the Air Force's detection system. 另外一个可能是一个在太空盘旋的废人造卫星躲过了美国军方的监控系统。 www.bing.com 3. From that day forward, whenever I asked the children to line up for tumbling, Megan ran to stand in the front. 自打那天起,我一让孩子们排队准备翻筋斗,她就跑来站在队伍的最前列。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. What's more, he felt the old Ginkgo may have been trying to send a message by tumbling down. 他甚至认为,这棵古老的银杏树的倒下是在传达一个信息。 www.ecocn.org 5. "After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs! " “摔过这么一大跤,以后要是从楼梯上滚下去,就算不了什么啦!” 6. But Sacramone, 20, started off the event by falling on her second tumbling pass, then stepping out of bounds. 但已经20岁的萨克拉莫内首先出场就在第二个翻转动作时摔落在地并踩过了边线。 www.tianya.cn 7. Deng soared high above the floor on her tumbling passes, her every landing punctuated by the appreciative roar of the crowd. 邓在她的空翻中飞得很高,她的每一次落地都伴随着观众们激赏的轰鸣声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. to tumbling profits at COMPAQ Computer sent the stock market into a tailspin yesterday, particularly the over - the - counter market. 预测Compaq电脑公司利润下降的消息使昨天股票市场一路下跌,尤以店头交易为然。 dict.ebigear.com 9. But with tumbling prices on China's exchanges, such a premium has disappeared in a growing number of cases. 但随着中国股市节节下跌,已经有越来越多的股票不复存在这种价差。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 10. Mr Obama's supporters seem to believe that all they need to do is huff and puff and the old order in Washington will come tumbling down. 奥巴马的支持者想当然的以为只要他们威胁恫吓一番,华盛顿的旧秩序就能土崩瓦解。 www.ecocn.org 1. The little girl stared at the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket. 小女孩凝视着在篮子里互相翻来滚去的小猫。 www.elite-view.com 2. Skywalker broke free of his captors, and made short work of Jabba's guards, many of whom found themselves tumbling into the pit. 天行者摆脱俘虏他的人,很快解决了贾巴的护卫,其中很多人跌进卡孔大坑。 www.starwarschina.com 3. Sage counsel, savage wit, a bit of tumbling. 智者的劝诫,野性的智慧,几个筋斗。 www.cndkc.net 4. When leaving mode 0, the satellite is still tumbling because no actuators have been activated since the release. 在离开模式0时,因为没有促动器被启动,所以卫星仍然在旋转。 www.myoops.org 5. Tumbling out of the contestant's mouth as quickly as possible come the words, "Things you declare. " And the next tile flips. 竞争者的嘴唇翻动着,尽可能快地说“你要宣布的事情”,然后另一个接下去说。 www.wujinggou.com 6. It sent markets across the planet tumbling, last week, when executives asked creditors for a six-month extension on repaying its debts. 上星期,当高管们要求借贷者将偿还债务的期限延长6个月时,全世界股市都受到震荡。 www.24en.com 7. My mind were far worse personally and surprised her admiration interwoven tumbling, until my eyes fell on her left brow. 我脑海中浮现她多舛的身世,惊讶赞叹交织翻滚,直到我的视线落在她的左边眉骨。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro tumbling to $1. 25 by year-end. CapitalEconomics咨询公司驻伦敦首席国际经济学家杰索普(JulianJessop)认为欧元到年底将跌至1.25美元。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Investors fled riskier assets on the news, sending stocks tumbling, pushing up the price of gold, and lowering U. S. Treasury bond yields. 该消息促使投资者远离风险资产,打压股市大跌,同时推动金价上涨,美国公债收益率(殖利率)下滑。 cn.reuters.com 10. The chunk of stone - why did it keep rising in his mind? The keystone. One pull of the keystone and the whole wall comes tumbling down. 厚厚的石块——为什么这个词持续出现在欧比万脑海中?是主石块!只要拉动它,整面墙就会倒塌。 www.starwarschina.com 1. Charlie Brown always believed Lucy would hold the ball while he kicked. She always snatched it away, sending him tumbling. 查理?布朗(CharlieBrown)总相信露西(Lucy)会在他踢球时扶住球,可她总会把球抽走,让查理跌个跟头。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That would raise the risk of both sides tumbling into a vortex of escalation that could ignite a war. 一旦发生就会把风险升级,使双方陷入战争的旋涡,从而引发一场真正的战争。 www.bing.com 3. tumbling is a very dynamic maneuver where the pilot is looping backwards over the center of the glider. 后筋斗是一个非常高速刺激的动作,在此动作正下方中飞行员在伞的向后翻筋斗。 www.wingchina.com 4. But he said tumbling global oil prices had halved the oil revenues the government expected to pour into the budget. 但是他说到,国际油价的下跌,使得政府预算中石油收入削减了一半。 www.bing.com 5. Play with it but my hobby, one of my dear friend ah, tumbling, they will play hide-and-seek. 和它玩耍可是我的一大爱好之一,我的这位好朋友啊,翻滚、捉迷藏都会玩。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Now the dark stretches a wing over the tumbling water. 夜色伸出一只黑色的翅膀,遮挡住了滔滔的海浪。 www.bing.com 7. In this paper, we have proposed an adaptive control scheme for the capture of a tumbling spacecraft using free-floating space manipulators. 提出了一种自由漂浮机械臂抓取翻滚目标的自适应控制策略。 www.acabice.cn:8080 8. The bike tottered out of control, spilling its occupants onto a nearby landing platform before tumbling into the sinkhole abyss. 轮形摩托在摇晃中失去控制,把它的两名乘客甩到附近一个停机坪上,然后翻入天坑深渊。 starwarsfans.cn 9. Tissues Out: Precious's mother makes a surprise trip to see Ms Weiss, and the revelations come tumbling out. 泪点:珍爱的妈妈出其不意地踏上了造访魏斯(Weiss)女士的旅程,突如其来的真相汹涌而至。 www.bing.com 10. In love, please running bravely, confirmedly and desperately, then even though tumbling, you also can say like this: We are florid. 在爱情里,也请勇敢地、坚定地、拼命奔跑吧,然后,即使跌掉,你也可以说,自己是华丽的。 home.ebigear.com 1. He had a heavy tumbling when did skating, but he laughed out of court. 他滑冰时重重地摔了一跤,但他一笑置之。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. Everywhere I go, I always see the current of life tumbling along to open up its way through a confused mass of mountains and rocks. 我无论走到什么地方总看见一股生活的激流在动荡,创造它自己的道路,通过乱山碎石中间。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 3. It only requires one to do so, and then the truth will come tumbling out and it will snowball into a crescendo of information. 需要的只是有人去这么做,然后真相会到来,并且它将以滚雪球般的趋势引来更多的增加信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. With used-car prices tumbling, the company already had to write down the value of cars that are coming off lease. 伴因为二手车价格节节下跌,丰田已经不得不冲减租约到期的汽车的价值。 www.waiyulm.com 5. MORPHEUS: I imagine, right now, your feeling, a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole. 莫菲斯:我想你现在就感觉自己像是掉进兔子窝旳爱丽丝吧? d.90991.com 6. In seconds they bring him down, tumbling with him into the river. 不过几秒钟,狮子就将它扑倒在地,然后一同滚进河里。 www.bing.com 7. As for the Treasury bills, dumping them is not an option for China: a tumbling dollar would hurt its own economy (see article). 至于抛售美国国库券,这不是中国的选项:美元贬值将伤害中国自已的经济(参见论文)。 rss.xmlchina.org 8. Papers , sweet wrappers and leaves cluster and form eddies before tumbling along in the direction of the City . 纸片、糖果包装和叶子掺杂在一起,在风中旋涡着朝金融城方向一路翻卷而去。 www.bing.com 9. But she says she would avoid property companies, amid tumbling sales, and industrial companies, which are being hurt by rising costs. 但她说自己会避开销售惨淡的地产类股,以及受成本上升之苦的制造业股。 cn.reuters.com 10. Morpheus: I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole? 莫斐斯:我猜你现在一定觉得有点像爱丽丝梦游到了仙境? hi.nciku.cn 1. More holes opened over the next few years, sending more houses tumbling into darkness. 此后的几年里又有几条隧道发生坍塌,使得更多的房屋陷入黑暗中。 www.bing.com 2. This was a response to tumbling prices of solar panels, triggered largely by a big increase in polysilicon production capacity. 这在很大程度上是多晶硅生产规模大幅提升引发太阳能电池板价格下跌的反应。 www.ecocn.org 3. Shanghai shares started tumbling in late 2007, a year before the global financial tsunami smashed into China's shores. 2007年末,上海股市开始暴跌,一年后全球金融海啸重击中国。 www.ftchinese.com 4. the other is that it often breaks up while tumbling, sending fragments through the body and increasing the severity of the wound. 另一个是它在翻滚的同时通常会破碎,碎片进入体内增加了伤势的严重程度。 hongdou.gxnews.com.cn 5. Financial markets are dancing on the roof of the train, and the vibrations could send the train tumbling. 金融市场在火车顶部起舞,舞步的震动可使火车跌无葬身之地。 www.bing.com 6. The report displayed weakness all around, with employment falling to its lowest on record and new orders tumbling. ISM的报告显示出经济的全面疲态,分项指数中,就业滑落至纪录低位,且新订单亦暴挫。 cn.reuters.com 7. A loose boulder sends him tumbling into a deep crevasse and pins his right arm to the canyon wall. 一个松散的大石派他到一个深裂缝和销右臂的峡谷壁翻滚。 www.englishtang.com 8. Under those circumstances, tumbling down a rockface and cracking your skull open must feel like a declaration of independence . 在那种环境中,因磕着岩石摔倒并摔破脑壳似乎就是一种独立宣言。 www.bmchinese.com 9. The road of life is full of happiness and sorrow, it is hard to avoid tumbling and waiting, we have to raise our heads and do our best! 人生路上有甜苦和喜忧,难免跌倒和等候,要勇敢地抬起头,奋力拼搏。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Starbucks' day-to-day store traffic was "in free fall, " Schultz recalls, tumbling to levels not seen in the company's 40-year history. 舒尔茨回顾道,星巴克每日店内人流量“像自由落体运动般”,下跌至该公司40年来所未见的低位。 www.fortunechina.com 1. It feels like the 1970s: economies weakening, inflation accelerating, the US dollar tumbling and oil prices surging. 这些情况,给人的感觉跟上世纪70年代很像:经济疲软,通胀加速,美元下跌,油价猛涨。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I imagine, right now, your feeling, a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? 我想你现在就感觉自己像是掉进兔子窝的爱丽丝吧? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The announcement sent the dollar tumbling and set off fears about inflation, which can be exacerbated by a weak greenback. 被送美元翻筋斗的公告和引起了对通货膨胀的恐惧,可以由一张微弱的美钞恶化。 www.showxiu.com 4. Another 44% said that, unlike tumbling public spending on greenery, it had stayed the same. 另外44%的人士说,和公共财政对绿色经济支持的暴跌不同的是,他们的公司至少和以往持平。 www.bing.com 5. This utility model provides a wall-type tumbling-box washing machine being capable of saving utilization area of ground surface. 本实用新型提供一种可节省地面使用面积的吊壁式滚筒洗衣机。 ip.com 6. If the deep meaning of people's morality behavior is to be dug too much, the superstructure will come tumbling down. 如果一定要挖掘人们道德行为的深层含义的话,上层建筑就会倒塌。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Here and there, ruined towers and tumbling sections of walls still rear out of the sand. 在那里,到处都是依然挺立在沙中的残塔遗迹和摇摇欲坠的城墙。 www.yappr.cn 8. Back on the train, we headed for Covadonga and the tumbling white-grey peaks of the Picos de Europa. 回到火车上后,我们向科瓦顿加和连绵的“欧洲之巅”灰白色的山峰驶去。 www.bing.com 9. After a minute or so, imagine that the brain is tumbling to one side inside the skull. 几分钟之后,想象脑子在头骨中转向一侧。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Dubai World's announcement on Wednesday also sent the cost of insuring Dubai's debt against default soaring and bond prices tumbling. 周三迪拜政府的声明还推动迪拜债券的违约担保成本飙升,债券价格则重挫。 cn.reuters.com 1. Stocks are again tumbling and the U. S. stock market's so-called fear gauge, the VIX, has jumped to one-month highs. 股票再度暴跌,美国股市的所谓恐慌指标VIX指数升至一个月来的高点。 www.bing.com 2. Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. 杰克和吉尔上山提水,杰克滚下来摔破了头,吉尔跟着摔下来。 www.uplog.cn 3. The flowers on her grave stiff in frost. Brown leaves tumbling, flying wildly in the frozen air, reburying her. 坟上的花被霜雪冻得僵硬,褐色的树叶在冰冷的空气中狂乱地翻滚着,飞舞着,再一次将她埋葬。 www.bing.com 4. Others are more hopeful: tumbling costs of wind and solar energy suggest it may soon be competitive with little or no subsidy. 另一些是更有希望的:突然大幅降低的风能和太阳能成本表明它也许很快就能在很少或没有补贴的情况下具有竞争力。 www.ecocn.org 5. otherwise all their own lies , everything that runs sin city , it all comes tumbling down like a pack of cards. 否则的话,他们自己所有的谎言,罪恶之城赖以生存的东西,就会像一堆纸牌一样崩溃无遗。 www.ichacha.net 6. A wall-type tumbling-box washing machine relates to an improvement of a washing machine structure. 吊壁式滚筒洗衣机是涉及洗衣机结构的改进。 ip.com 7. This rain tumbling in the Amazon today might once have flowed through Imperial Rome, or slaked the thirst of a dinosaur. 今天倾泻到亚马孙地区的雨水或许曾滋润过罗马帝国,或曾缓解过恐龙的干渴。 www.cctv.com 8. with his legendary quickness , he intercepted a large black cylinder that was tumbling through the air , trailing smoke behind it. 他以惊人的速度截住了一个在空中乱飞的黑色圆柱体,尾部带着一缕烟。 www.ichacha.net 9. Allow the right arm to sink into the floor, tumbling away from the body. 感觉右手臂沉向地板,翻转并远离身体。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Exchanged around the world are flashing red today, commodity prices are tumbling, and the dollar is soaring as traders flee risk. 今日的国际交易一片赤字,商品价格频频下跌,而美元由于交易者逃离风险大幅升值。 www.ecocn.org 1. The airborne Fett slammed into the side of Jabba's sail barge before tumbling into the Sarlacc's mouth. 费特撞在了贾巴的风帆游艇船舷上,然后跌跌撞撞地滚进沙拉克口中。 www.starwarsfans.cn 2. Among the major news on Harvard in recent months has been the tumbling value of its endowment. 最近几个月关于哈佛的重大新闻中,主要是其捐赠额的大幅缩水。 www.suiniyi.com 3. And with losses mounting and profits tumbling, other Wall Street firms may follow Bear's example. 他指出,随着亏损加大而获利下降,其它华尔街公司也可能步贝尔斯登的后尘。 cn.reuters.com 4. new zealand ' s two most famous glaciers are major attractions , mighty cascades of ice tumbling down a valley towards the sea. 这两个新西兰最著名的冰川是重要景点,巨大的冰瀑沿着山谷飞泻而下,流向大海。 www.ichacha.net 5. At worst it could cause growth to lurch upwards before tumbling again, with all the attendant uncertainty that entails. 最坏情况下,可能导致经济蹒跚上行,而后再次重挫,并伴随着由此带来的所有不确定性。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But rising gasoline prices sent consumer confidence tumbling to a five-month low in early March, a separate report showed. 但另一项报告显示,汽油价格涨势则让3月初消费者信心降至五个月低点。 cn.reuters.com 7. Several corporations and other borrowers jumped into the market to take advantage of the tumbling interest rates. 好几家企业和借款人进入市场以便利用快速下跌的利率。 cn.wsj.com 8. Tampering with time brought most of the house tumbling down, and it was this that made Einstein's work so important and controversial. 对时间的胡乱干预会让大半个房屋倒塌,正是这一点让爱因斯坦的工作显得举足轻重,同时也极具争议性。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Scepticism about Geithner's approach sent Wall Street stocks tumbling but Tepper took a view that banks were oversold. 关于盖特纳的方法怀疑论派华尔街股市大跌,但太普了一个银行超卖看法。 blog.163.com 10. The floor exercises should include tumbling skills, balance, flexibility, strength, grace, rhythm and personality. 自由体操应包括下列技术:筋斗,平衡,柔韧,力量,优美,节奏和个人创新等技巧。 www.1stenglish.com 1. There was a place up at the pond where in the spring the water came tumbling over the dam and formed a deep pool. 池塘上有一块地方,到了春天,水便哗哗地流过大坝,形成了一个深水池。 www.zftrans.com 2. That lint you see is from your clothes slowly being disintegrated by all the tumbling. 你看到的那些细毛是由于所有那些翻滚从衣服上脱落下来的。 www.kekenet.com 3. Falling asset prices, a broken financial system and tumbling output have driven private savings up and investment down. 资产价格下跌、金融体系分崩离析、产出直线下降,这一切已促使私人部门增加储蓄,减少投资。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China, Egypt and Persia. 有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。 www.hotdic.com 5. Stepping foot on Mohammed's land is like tumbling back in time to an ancient way of farming. 踏上默罕默德的土地,犹如时光倒转,又回到了古代农耕社会。 www.bing.com 6. For the rest of the tour I spoke to the lads about it constantly, and as Saddam's empire came tumbling down so did any belief I had in God. 剩下的旅途中我直接向其他士兵诉说了这件事情。随着萨达姆的帝国垮塌,我知道我对上帝的一切信仰也结束了。 www.bing.com 7. Tumbling over clumsily a few times, the rock hit a pile of shingle next to the water's edge and shattered. 石头笨拙地翻了个跟头,啪地摔碎在河滩的砾石堆上。 www.showxiu.com 8. The eurozone countries put together a near-$1 trillion bailout fund after tumbling close to the financial abyss. 在差点陷入金融动荡之后,欧元区各国拼凑了一笔接近一万亿美元的救援基金。 c.wsj.com 9. our words tumbling oddly in the wind. 言词在风中奇特地翻筋头。 www.examw.com 10. The boy is just learning to walk; he is always tumbling over the floor. 那个男孩正在学走路;他总是跌到在地板上。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The drying process removes any solvent remaining in the garments by tumbling them in a stream of warm air. 干燥过程中消除了任何溶剂仍留在服装下挫他们在流暖空气。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 2. Tumbling through the air, these are household items as you've never seen them before. 这些从空中急速坠落的家伙什可是你从未见过的家用物件。 gb.cri.cn 3. I now lift this pen to sign this Americans with Act and say let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down. 现在,我拿起笔签署《美国残疾人法案》,让被排斥的耻辱的墙壁最终坍塌。 show.24en.com 4. The tale ends with Fett tumbling into the Sarlacc again, though it was definitely not his last appearance. 故事结束于费特再次滚入沙拉克,不过这显然不是他的谢幕演出。 www.starwarsfans.cn 5. Fears that sovereign debt problems could spread, in spite of the Greek bail-out, have sent share prices around the world tumbling this week. 担心主权债务问题可能蔓延的情绪致使本周全球股市纷纷下跌,尽管希腊纾困计划已经出台。 www.ftchinese.com 6. TORONTO (Reuters) - Stocks are tumbling, the U. S. economy may be in recession, and don't even look at your 401K. 由于股市下跌美国经济很可能衰退,甚至根本看不到你的401k。 www.bing.com 7. and, finally, via tumbling market valuation of assets, with distressed sales in thin markets lowering solvency and forcing further sales. 最后,通过资产市值不断下跌,交投清淡的市场上出售问题资产,导致偿付能力下降,并造成进一步的出售。 www.bing.com 8. Without such underpinnings as profits warnings or tumbling shares, critical stories are hard to stand up. 只要没有盈利警告或股价暴跌这样的事实为依据,批评性的报道本身难以立足。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Then the rocks shot forward, tumbling in a lethal avalanche, spewing dust and debris far taller than any person. 很快,石块向前倒塌,如致命的雪崩般向前翻滚,喷射出一人多高的灰尘和碎块。 www.starwarschina.com 10. Crucial to breaking the downward cycle is changing the expectation, among companies and shoppers alike, that prices will keep tumbling. 扭转物价下跌走势的关键是改变企业和消费者的预期,不要让他们觉得物价会持续下滑。 www.bing.com 1. A deep peal of thunder went rolling and tumbling down the heavens and lost itself in sullen rumblings in the distance . 一阵深沉的雷声轰隆轰隆地在天上一路响过去,渐渐在远处成了郁闷的响声,终于听不见了。 www.bing.com 2. Exelon has also been hit by tumbling electricity prices in the Midwest, the heartland of its business. Exelon同时受到其事业中心地带——中西部地区不断波动的电价的影响。 www.ecocn.org 3. Six banks have failed this month as tumbling home prices and a 16-year high in unemployment boost foreclosures. 因暴跌的住房价格和16年来最高的失业率导致止赎率上升,本月有6家银行倒闭。 www.bing.com 4. Real-estate is another sector that has lost substantially in recent months, weak demand sending shares of major developers tumbling. 房地产是另一个部门,在最近几个月里连续受损,需求疲软使得大部分开发商的股票遭遇重挫。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The jibs I speedily doused and brought tumbling to the deck; but the mainsail was a harder matter. 我迅速放下三角帆扔到甲板上,但却难以对付主帆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Then the framed builder gets out of jail, and Beard's world comes tumbling down. 然后那个被陷害的建筑商出狱了,比尔德的世界开始分崩离析。 www.bing.com 7. Tumbling yesterday price increments until positions, potential null layout actions. 昨价重挫持仓量续递增,追势空单布局动作大。 www.texclo.net 8. Tumbling, Gymnastics, Ballet, or simple stretches are all flexibility exercises. 翻滚运动,体操,芭蕾舞,或者简单的伸懒腰,这些都是柔软体操。 www.engworld.org 9. Both have high levels of share ownership, so tumbling stockmarkets and property prices are depressing consumption. 两地都有高水平的股权所有制体系,因此一路下跌的股市和房价抑制了消费。 www.ecocn.org 10. And at the chosen hour, when the horn sounded and a chorus of voices cried out together, the mighty walls of Jericho came tumbling down. 这决定性的时刻终于到来了,号角声响起,人们一起放声呼喊,耶利哥的城墙轰然倒塌。 www.bing.com 1. Property values are tumbling in New York, London and Tokyo after the global credit crisis roiled lending and sidelined buyers. 从全球的次贷危机席惹怒了出租方和一些持观望态度的买家后,纽约、伦敦和东京的地价正在下跌。 www.elanso.com 2. Objective To explore the method for reducing the incidence of accidental tumbling of the in patients. 目的建立跌倒管理流程,降低住院患者跌倒的发生率。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. An example in the exhibit is the "Tumbling Blocks" quilt made of gray, red and black pieces of cloth. 展示的作品有一幅“歪斜的方块”是由灰色、红色和黑色等布料组成。 www.unsv.com 4. Turbulence - burrs left on the cut tubing causes a tumbling effect causing localized erosion and eventual failure. 湍流-切割管道时留下的毛刺使流体产生旋转作用,导致局部侵蚀,从而最终造成故障。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In November Kyrgyzstan lamented that remittances (mostly from migrants in Russia) were tumbling. 十一月吉尔吉斯斯坦悲叹汇款(主要来自在俄罗斯的移民)一直在减少。 www.ecocn.org 6. Fears of new political instability sent Malaysia's share index tumbling yesterday . 由于对新一轮政局不稳的担心,马来西亚股市昨日暴跌。 www.bing.com 7. The sound of clothes tumbling onto the floor was a startling phenomenon, difficult to interpret. 衣服在地板上滚动的声音是一种很难解释的令人惊讶的现象。 www.hxen.com 8. A tumbling currency would prevent the Fed from cutting interest rates, deepening and spreading the economic pain. 下跌的货币会妨碍联储会降息,而这又会加剧并扩大经济阵痛。 www.ecocn.org 9. Azure water, golden sand beaches, granite peaks and tumbling waterfalls make this region a photographer's heaven. 蔚蓝的水,金色的沙滩,花岗岩山峰和翻滚的瀑布使该地区成为摄影师的天堂。 www.bing.com 10. Her hair, as a rule so elaborately arranged, was tumbling untidily over her neck. 她的头发通常梳得十分讲究,现在却乱蓬蓬地披在后面。 1. His skills in aerial tumbling, balance, flexibility, and originality are really marvelous. 他的空翻技巧、平衡技术、灵活性以及创新性简直太棒了。 www.1stenglish.com 2. Packaging. Complete, filled transport packages. Tumbling drum test. 完全满装运输包装.滚筒冲击试验 www.mapeng.net 3. An independent anti-corruption campaign, as Mr McGregor notes, "could bring the whole edifice tumbling down" . McGregor先生提到,一次独立的反腐败运动“就能使整座大厦轰然垮塌”。 www.ecocn.org 4. A shift in their appetite for dollar assets could send the greenback tumbling and push up American interest rates. 所以他们对美元资产的倾心,足可以使美元下跌,并推升存款利率。 www.ecocn.org 5. Then solar panel prices came tumbling down, changing the economics of production dramatically. 后来,太阳能电池板的价格急剧下跌,大幅改变生产企业的经济效益。 www.forbeschina.com 6. The proud, talkative turtle cried out, "It was my idea! " and fell tumbling down to earth. 这时,那只骄傲的、多嘴的乌龟叫道:“这是我想出来的主意!”紧接着,它就跌落到了地上。 www.czqq.com 7. When we see it here in Houston, we think of them on board, all in their sleeping bags, tumbling around the Earth. 当我们在休斯敦看到它的时候,我们就想念那些空间站里的宇航员,以及他们的睡袋,环绕着地球飞行。 www.bing.com 8. As the American economy slows down, there are no indications that other countries are tumbling. 随着美国经济放缓,其他国家并没有受到摧毁的迹象。 www.bing.com 9. His reaction is like Fibber McGee's closet. If you violate his rights, a whole bunch of stuff comes tumbling out! 你千万不要冒犯他的权益,否则他的反应一定像长江之水滔滔不绝而来。 www.suntzu4u.com.tw 10. Prevent tumbling accidentally. Rain and snow make the roads slippery nipple. Pls. care your safety and prevent tumbling accidentally. 防止意外跌倒。雨雪天气造成路面湿滑,因此,注意出行安全,防止意外跌倒。 www.dianping.com 1. The combination of soaring oil prices and the tumbling dollar is distorting their economies and fuelling inflation. 飞速上涨的油价与翻跟头的美元扰乱了他们的经济,并使燃油价格开始通胀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The bigger risk lies with a string of smaller bank failures, mostly caused by tumbling property values. 更大的危险在于一系列多由资产价格下跌引起的小银行倒闭。 www.ecocn.org 3. It has taken vast intervention to prevent the dollar from tumbling against these currencies. 这些国家采取了大规模的干预行动以阻止美元兑亚洲国家货币汇率急剧下跌。 www.bowwin.com 4. Only in this way the the building came tumbling off and could accept the collapse of conscience, moral and just trial! ! ! ! 只有这样,才能将那些吸人民血汗的蛀虫从那些看上华丽的大厦轰然倒塌驱走接受良心、道德和正义的审判!! blog.sina.com.cn 5. The share prices of publicly listed private-equity firms have been tumbling. 公开上市的私募公司的股价已经暴跌。 www.ecocn.org 6. Tumbling this price positions significantly increase potential null layout has been positive. 今价重挫持仓量大幅递增,追势空单布局甚为积极。 www.texclo.net 7. Check closets and cupboards. Open doors cautiously. Beware of objects tumbling off shelves. 检查壁橱和食橱。开门要当心。注意躲避架上掉落的物品。 www.ttxyy.com 8. House prices are tumbling, petrol and grocery prices are painfully high and wages have stagnated for years. 房价暴跌,汽油和日用品价格高得让人心痛,工资已有数年止步不前。 www.ecocn.org 9. I felt like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, only to realize after waking up: pretty nice hole. 我感觉自己仿佛爱丽丝掉入了兔穴,苏醒过来后环视一周,不由喃喃道:感觉挺不错嘛。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mortgage rates are following Treasury yields down and are tumbling below 4%. 抵押贷款利率随国债收益率下降,现在跌破了4%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The clouds come tumbling Right to you. 云儿在天空翻滚,伴你左右。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Nervousness about a recession and slowdown in advertising is a factor behind Google's tumbling share price: it is down by 32% this year. 对广告行业衰退和放缓的担忧是谷歌股价大副下跌的原因之一:谷歌股价在本年度下跌了32%。 www.ecocn.org 3. Sometimes that act comes tumbling down, occasionally in a ball of flame. 有时候,这种行为是翻滚而下,偶尔在一个球的火焰。 www.showxiu.com 4. THE slope down which America's metropolitan newspapers are tumbling became steeper this week. 这个星期,美国大城市的报纸的销量一直下跌,从歪斜庄变成了陡峭型的下跌。 www.ecocn.org 5. There is no mechanism which use to mix in the tumbling box, so the purge for the mixed color. 桶内无搅拌桨设计,混合色粉清洗更方便。 www.muxxi.com 6. The financial crisis, large debt burden and tumbling sales led GM to file for bankruptcy protection. 金融危机、高额债务负担和销量锐减导致通用汽车被迫申请破产。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Tumbling head over heels in the asphodel meadows like brown paper parcels pitched down a shoot in the post office! 头朝下脚朝天地摔倒在开满水仙花的草原上,就像一捆捆棕色纸袋被扔进邮局的输物管道一样! www.douban.com 8. That sent housing prices tumbling, unleashing a domino effect on mortgage-backed securities. 房价开始下跌,在资产抵押证券(以房地产抵押作担保的证券)中引发了多米诺效应。 www.bing.com 9. It has certainly sent traffic tumbling (see chart). 但是,电传发送量确实正在递减(见表)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Despite tumbling prices, the parent company and the listed company are standing from on their trading game plan. 尽管价格大跌,总公司和股票上市公司在他们的贸易博弈计划中正在逐步崛起。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. At the same time, the subsequent collapse of the economy sent earnings tumbling to low levels that also are seen as extreme. 与此同时,随后的经济崩溃导致企业收益暴跌,这个低水平也被视为是极端情况。 www.bing.com 2. It all comes, tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. 一切就这样倒下来,倒下吧,倒下吧,倒下吧; zhidao.baidu.com 3. While food remains in desperately short supply, surplus porn has sent prices tumbling. 虽然粮食在拼命供不应求依然,盈余色情发送价格大跌。 www.englishtang.com 4. And relegated teams get "parachute payments" that soften the blow of tumbling down a division. 降级球队可以通过“金色降落伞”获得补偿金,减轻降级带来的打击。 www.bing.com 5. China's government imposed a ban on IPOs after the financial crisis sent shares tumbling, but the block was lifted in June. 金融危机导致股市暴跌后,中国政府禁止了IPO,但是6月份取消了此禁止令。 www.bing.com 6. "Britain is uncompetitive in the world, " Mr. Mills said. "Sooner or later the pound will crack and the markets will come tumbling down. " “英国在全球没有什么竞争力,”米尔斯说。“英镑迟早会出问题,市场将会土崩瓦解。” cn.nytimes.com 7. All the bad news has sent the major indices tumbling into bear market territory. 所有的坏消息使得主要的指数陷入熊市的范畴。 www.bing.com 8. But it is for other reasons that the world is tumbling into the Oval Office, seeking Obama's council. 但是有别的原因整个世界正踏入美国总统办公室,求见奥巴马的理事会。 cn2012.net 9. We go into full-blown research mode. We stack project on top of project and when they start tumbling down, we wonder why. 我们不断地在目标上面叠加新的目标,而不去实践,等有一天它开始倒塌的时候,我们才想知道原因。 www.bing.com 10. It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down. Tumbling down. 一切的一切,都归为虚无。所有的一切都在坠落、坠落。 www.inblogs.net 1. On June 22, for instance, the Culture Ministry announced regulations for online gaming that sent shares of Tencent tumbling. 举个例子,6月22日,文化部宣布的《网络游戏暂行管理办法》使得腾讯公司股价暴跌。 www.bing.com 2. Allow the right leg to sink into the floor, tumbling away from the left. 让右腿沉向地板,松解翻转离开左侧。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The threat of higher oil prices sent stock markets from Tokyo to Paris to New York tumbling. 从东京到巴黎再到纽约,各地股市都因油价走高的威胁遭遇重挫。 c.wsj.com 4. An acute drought has hit the famed falls, cutting back the tumbling waters to reveal the rocky sides. 一次突然的干旱使瀑布受到重创,当地只能下降摇摇欲坠的水位来揭示岩石的内部肌理。 www.bing.com 5. Lord Rothschild asks, slicing the pastry in half and giving me the lion's portion of tumbling blackberries. 罗斯柴尔德勋爵问道。他把馅饼斜斜地切成两半,把大的那块递给我。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The crisis has helped take down oil prices and sent prices of some commodities like copper tumbling from recent highs. 债务危机使得油价下滑,铜等商品价格也由近期高位回落。 c.wsj.com 7. With the economy still tumbling, the number of endangered home owners might rise to 10 million, Mr. Gyourko predicts. 乔克先生估计随着经济持续的走弱,更多的房子将陷入财务危机,而这一数字也将上升到1000万。 www.bing.com 8. the street, you 'd best look out for tumbling. 大雪是街道变的很滑,你最好小心别摔跤。 www.shanbay.com 9. The quake leveled buildings and sent cooking stoves tumbling to the ground. 这次地震夷为平地的建筑物,被送往炉灶在地上翻滚。 www.englishtang.com 10. His comments to the Senate Banking Committee sent stocks tumbling. 伯南克在参议院金融委员会的讲话导致股市下挫。 www.bing.com 1. They repeated the string-dropping more than 3, 000 times varying the length and stiffness of the string, box size and tumbling speed. 采用了不同长度、强度的绳子以及不同大小的盒子和不同的盒子翻滚速度,他们将“落绳”实验进行了三千多次。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The price of copper has been tumbling, which will sharply affect the futures of Zambia and Congo. 铜矿石的价格一直就在下跌,这也将对赞比亚与刚果的期货贸易造成剧烈的影响。 www.ecocn.org 3. Did it all came tumbling down, down? Will you go down on me? 是否一切都翻倒了?你会否坠落在我身上? blog.sina.com.cn 4. The interaction between grinding media and ore in tumbling mill is analyzed. 分析了筒式球磨机内钢球与物料的相互作用。 www.chemyq.com 5. A failed gilt auction, in particular, could send sterling tumbling. 特别是镀金拍卖失败,很可能导致英镑贬值。 www.ecocn.org 6. The plunge in trade flows is partly a result of tumbling commodity prices. 贸易流量的急速下降部分原因在于大宗商品价格动荡。 www.bing.com 7. The subsequent recession in the rich world sent shipping rates tumbling. 经济衰退让富国的船运运费暴跌。 www.ecocn.org 8. The tumbling barrel designed by the way as stated has shown good results in cleaning. 按此方法设计的滚筒清理机,清理效果良好。 www.chemyq.com 9. Floor exercises are balletlike routines of tumbling and gymnastic maneuvers, performed to music on a mat. The time limit is 2 min. 自由体操由有芭蕾舞动作的跳跃和体操动作组成,在地毯上用音乐伴奏进行,时限一般为两分钟。 www.tdict.com 10. His tumbling and gymnastics skills mean that many free running moves are natural to him. 他的翻筋斗和体操技能意味着许多自由赛跑移动是自然的对他。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The little cats were tumbling over each other in their basket. 这些小猫在篮子里一起打滚、翻腾。 www.tdict.com 2. If you have been waiting to buy a Manhattan apartment until after prices come tumbling down, you may have to wait a little longer. 如果你已经等待了购买曼哈顿公寓售价后才开滚下,你可能要等待一段时日。 www.2getnews.com 3. Or perhaps the tumbling stock market has you tossing and turning past lights-out. 或者是下挫的股市让你辗转反侧不能入睡? www.hengqian.com 4. Distressed assets are tumbling on to the market. 不良资产正蜂拥进市场。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Smith explained that while this tumbling is not a requirement for knots to form, some motion is necessary. 史密斯解释虽然这样的翻滚并不是绳子结形成所需要条件,但以某种形式的运动是打结的必须。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. and the barriers to that freedom are tumbling down. 封锁这自由的屏障正在倒坍。 www.zftrans.com 7. It's spring, and there is deep purple tumbling down my lean-to wall in a blaze of colour. 巳是春天,在色彩的绚丽中,一片深深的紫色从单坡的墙滚落。 www.fzfanyi.com 8. The records keep tumbling for Samsung Electronics. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)还在不断刷新着纪录。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In Asia, tumbling Chinese exports are now affecting jobs there. 在亚洲,中国出口暴跌影响到就业。 www.voanews.cn 10. The measures were enough to send the 10-year yield tumbling below 6 per cent. 这些措施足以让10年期国债收益率大幅降至6%以下。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So LNG is being diverted to Europe, sending "spot" gas prices tumbling. 因此,液化天然气转向欧洲,导致“现货”天然气价格暴跌。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The floor exercises include many skills , such as tumbling skills , balance, flexibility, strength, grace, rhythm and personality . 自由体操包括许多技术,比如翻筋斗、平衡、柔韧、力量、优美、节奏和个人创新等技巧。 www.bing.com 3. The sharp sell -off in the final hour of trading sent the stocks tumbling Thursday. 收盘前一个小时的急跌使得周四股市大幅低收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. When the tumbling wave had drawn even with Deepwater Isle, he blew till his innards bled . 当翻滚的波浪前进到深水岛时,他吹到内脏开始流血。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. News of the G7 action sent the yen tumbling, to Y81, and triggered a rebound in Japanese stocks that rippled across Europe and the US. G7采取行动的消息促使日元跌至1美元兑81日元,并引发日本股市反弹,进而提振欧美股市。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Stocks began tumbling Wednesday after the Federal Reserve unveiled a new round of economic stimulus, and they kept falling Thursday. 在美联储(FederalReserve)周三推出新一轮经济刺激举措后,股市便开始大跌,周四仍持续了这一跌势。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The violent crash sent four carriages from the oncoming train tumbling 66 feet off an elevated track. 猛烈的撞击使得后部追尾相撞列车中的四节车厢从66英尺高的高架桥上摔下。 www.ecocn.org 8. But with oil prices tumbling to below $110 a barrel on September 3rd, their fortunes may be changing. 但是随着原油价格在9月3日跌到每桶110美元以下,他们的财富可能要开始改变了。 www.ecocn.org 9. But that didn't prevent shares of those companies from tumbling. 但是,这并未阻止这些股票的大跌。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Debris spills down from it, tumbling to the dirty gray surface of Cybertron like metal rain. 碎片纷纷溅落,像一场翻滚的金属豪雨洒向塞伯坦遍布尘灰的大地。 club.tfclub.com 1. Bank of Ireland Plc declined for a twelfth day, its longest losing streak on record, tumbling 12 percent to 37. 5 euro cents. 爱尔兰银行股价连续12天下跌,创下最长下跌记录,当日股价下挫12%,至37.5欧分。 www.bing.com 2. He wasn't good at skating, and he wasn't good at tumbling. 他不擅长滑冰,他不擅长翻滚。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The Grey Lady's circulation is tumbling, down another 3. 9% in the latest data from America's Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). 根据美国发行量审计局(ABC)的最新数据,《纽约时报》的的发行量又暴跌3. www.bing.com 4. Young Monkeys: Tumbling cloud is the cloud that tumbles. It leaps 108, 000 kilometers in a jiffy. 众小猴:筋斗云就是云筋斗,一翻就是十万八千里。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Young Monkeys: Our king rides the tumbling cloud to heaven! 众小猴:我家大王,驾起筋斗云,往上天去了! tieba.baidu.com 6. After tumbling to a 26-56 finish last season, the Bucks selected another forward, Joe Alexander, with the No. 8 pick. 在以26胜56负惨淡收场上赛季后,雄鹿队用8号签位选择了另外一名前锋,乔。亚历山大。 club.sohu.com 7. s applause. Tumbling was your body, but never your will to fight. 因为倒下的只是你的身躯,而永远不会是你的斗志。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. That would also send China's stocks tumbling. 而这又将会震动股市。 www.bing.com 9. Yesterday two-thirds of them did so in the other direction, tumbling more than 10 per cent. 昨日,这些股票中三分之二出现大跌,跌幅超过10%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Roughly, rising sales of these products came as credit was tightening in China and as stocks were tumbling. 理财产品销售量的上升通常都出现在中国收紧信贷和股市重挫之时。 www.bing.com 1. In tumbling, gymnasts use quick and complex bounds, springs and flips to more down a 25-m track. 艺术体操,体操运动员每一个动作要求迅速和复杂的跳跃,在25米的范围内做出弹跳与跳跃的动作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. men are still tumbling up from below , racing to their battle station. 仍有人员在急忙跑上甲板,进入战斗岗位。 www.ichacha.net 3. Beware of objects tumbling off shelves. 注意躲避架上可能掉落的物品。 bbs.24en.com 4. The results sent Apple's stock tumbling 10 percent during after-hours trading. 这些结果导致苹果股票在盘后交易中下跌10%。 cn.nytimes.com 5. We want to buy Multiblade Cutting Machine, Splitting Machines, Mosaic Machines, Tumbling Machines, Polishing Machines for Diamonds. 我们要采购多刀锋切断机器,分裂机,镶嵌机,滚筒搅拌机,抛光机,钻石切割机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In 2008, food-price rises sent tens of millions tumbling into direst poverty. 在2008年,食品价格上涨导致上千万人陷入可怕的贫困。 www.ecocn.org 7. Brown leaves tumbling, flying wildly in the frozen air, reburying her. 黄色的落叶,在冰冷的空中翻滚、飞舞,掩埋她。 www.bing.com 8. The puppies were tumbling about on the floor. 小狗在地板上打著滚。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. As costs soar, diligence is tumbling. 随着学费的上涨,学生却越来越不勤奋。 www.bing.com 10. Injuries caused by tumbling while walking or climbing stairs. 课间、室外活动时行走、上下楼或违纪攀爬造成的伤害。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. As all the walls come tumbling down. 就像四周的墙都已躺下。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. In order to ensure the proper operation of the tumbling, we made this standard procedure . II. 为了保证正确操作,特制定此章程。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Why is the stock market tumbling these days? 最近股票市场暴跌的原因是什么? www.putclub.com 4. The entrance is also very interesting, the artificial bathing place, the wave tumbling, has the sea flavor very much. 门口的天涯海角也很有意思,人工的海滨浴场,波浪翻滚,很有大海的韵味。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You got me slippin, tumbling, sinking, fumbling. 你让我跌到,摔跤,下沉,犯错,笨拙。 blog.163.com 6. Media stocks were tumbling. 媒体板块的股票剧烈震荡。 www.bing.com 7. The breakers came tumbling onto the shore. 浪涛滚滚而来拍打著岸边。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Tumbling Gives an ally a bonus on Tumbling. 滚翻:提高一位队友的滚翻能力。 www.city.sc.cn 9. Did it all come tumbling? 都是这样摔跤过来的么? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself. 忽然,鼹鼠蹦蹦跳跳地进来了,显得很开心。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The panic has sent long-term rates tumbling again: The rate on 30-year conforming loans is down to 5. 07%, according to Bankrate. 恐慌令长期利率再次暴跌:据Bankrate的数据,30年期符合资格的贷款的利率跌至5. c.wsj.com 2. The announcement sent Suntech's shares tumbling by almost 15 percent to $1. 34 in New York trading on Monday. 周一,这一公告让尚德的股票价格在纽约证券交易所下跌了近15%,到1.34美元。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Or will our world come tumbling down? 或者,我们的世界会不会崩塌? zhidao.baidu.com 4. The walls came tumbling down. 墙塌了下来。 collapse.livid.cn 5. After tumbling 4 per cent on Tuesday, Shanghai stocks are now down almost 9 per cent in the past three trading sessions. 在周二大跌4%后,在过去的3个交易日,上证指数已累积下跌近9%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Stockmarkets are tumbling, taking a big chunk of voters' pensions with them. 近来的新闻跟不上变幻,股票市场风起云涌,卷走了大把选民们的养老金。 www.ecocn.org 7. The tumbling box can rotate 360 degree all directions, so the mixture is very even. 搅拌桶360度全方位旋转,混合绝对均匀。 detail.china.alibaba.com 8. Currencies, shares and bonds are tumbling, and some economists fear that one or more of these countries could default on its foreign debts. 货币,股票和债券也接连受挫,一些经济学家担心这些国家中会有一个甚至更多的拖欠外债。 www.ecocn.org 9. In 2001, for example, many regions were caught by the bursting of the tech bubble, tumbling stock markets and declining investment. 如2001年,许多地区都遭遇了高科技泡沫的破灭,股市大跌与投资萎缩。 sjlcynthia.wordpress.com 10. Imports have also been tumbling since the end of last year. 自去年年末以来,进口也在下滑。 www.bing.com |
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