单词 | fell |
释义 |
第三人称单数:fells 现在分词:felling 过去式:felled fell 显示所有例句 例句释义: 邪恶的,残暴的,砍伐,打倒,小山,砍倒,伐木,兽皮 1. Inflation in Britain fell by more than expected in April to its lowest level in more than a year, official data released today showed. 据今天公布的官方数据显示,英国四月份通货膨胀率超预期降低,至一年多来的最低水平。 www.bing.com 2. One afternoon, the second mouse came to visit. Just as she got there, the first winter snowflake fell from the sky. 一天下午,第二只老鼠去拜访。当她刚到的时候,第一片雪花从天空落了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The wolfskins fell away from her. Underneath them she was naked, her small pale breasts covered with teeth marks. 狼皮从她身上滑落,在那之下她什么也没穿,苍白的乳房上布满了牙印。 www.cndkc.net 4. hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. 那时,雹与火掺杂,甚是厉害,自从埃及成国以来,遍地没有这样的。 www.ebigear.com 5. But I had scarcely shut my eyes when something that fell by me with a great noise awaked me. 但是我几乎没有闭上过我的眼睛,当时我感觉到些什么带着巨大的响声吵醒了我。 www.bing.com 6. Morrel uttered a loud exclamation, and frantic, doubtful, dazzled, AS though by a celestial vision, he fell upon his knees. 莫雷尔发出一声大叫,他如痴如狂充满疑惑、象是看到了天堂的景象,感到头晕目眩似的跪了下去。 dict.ebigear.com 7. I fell in love with the country often take her mother's cosmetics play, said his mother is white fairy Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国中常常拿妈妈的化妆品来玩,还说他妈妈是白妖精的吴庚霖。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I remember when I told him the news. He fell off his chair, saying over and over in disbelief, "but I'm almost sixty. " 我记得当我告诉他这个消息,他从他的椅子上跌下来,用不可置信的声音一遍又一遍地说,“我都已经六十岁了啊!” blog.tianya.cn 9. The child fell, struck his head against the door and cut it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 10. As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded. 面对他们的攻击,邓女士说,她从手袋里掏出一把水果刀拼命挥刺,邓贵大重伤倒地。 www.bing.com 1. Certainly they did not pretend to be sleepy, they were sleepy; and that was a danger, for the moment they popped off, down they fell. 当然,他们没有假装很困,他们昏昏欲睡,这是一个目前,这些弹出危险的时候,他们跌下来。 www.en400.com:8080 2. Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were silent and stared at him in astonishment. 疯子说到这停下来,看着听众;而他们也愕然注视着他。 www.bing.com 3. At times he was virtually starving, but he had great presence and a succession of women fell in love with him. 有时候他都快饿死了,但靠着英俊的外表一连串的女人爱上了他。 www.ecocn.org 4. The corner of Linton's mouth fell, and he took the sugar-candy from his lips. 林惇的嘴角撇下来,他把棒糖从嘴里抽出来。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. One morning when he took out his birdcage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs, the cage suddenly fell off his hand. 一天早晨当他把鸟笼拿到外面准备挂在窗户上面的时候,笼子突然从他的手上滑掉了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. There was a sharp yelp, a flirt of the poodle's head, and the beetle fell a couple of yards away, and lit on its back once more. 狮子狗尖叫一声,猛然摇了一下头,于是甲虫被它摔出了有一两码,摔得仰面朝天。 www.jukuu.com 7. Yesterday our class leader fell asleep during the class and somebody made fun of him. 昨天,我们班长上课睡觉,下课时有同学恶作剧。 www.ebigear.com 8. Mrs. Charmond fell into a meditation , and replied abstractedly to a cursory remark of her companion's. 查曼德夫人陷入了沉思,心不在焉地回答着同伴没有深思熟虑地说出的议论。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Apparently the other side took offence, and would not agree, so the matter fell through. 那边似乎生了气,不答应,事情就摧了。 www.zftrans.com 10. Golden light came through the window and fell upon a bed. The Princess was on the bed. Her eyes were shut. She was asleep. 金色的阳光透过窗户洒落在床上,公主躺在床上,她的眼睛闭着,也睡着。 bbs.258en.com 1. The night wore on, the little girl fell asleep, and when a loose a cold hands, puppy fall into a rut, then, is the treads here. i dog died. 夜色渐深时,小姑娘进入梦乡,手一松一个冷战,小狗掉入车辙,随之一声惨叫,小狗被车轮碾死了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The next day, he found out that the girl he truly fell in love with had a brain tumor that put her into a coma. 第二天,他发现真正爱上的女孩患上了脑瘤陷入了昏迷。 www.kekenet.com 3. One night, a huge storm woke bluebird. The wind blew hard. Bluebird fell from her branch. Owl sped to grab her. 一天晚上,一场暴风雨惊醒了知更鸟,风很大,知更鸟从树枝上掉了下来。猫头鹰快速的去抓住了她。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit who fell in love with a handsome prince. 很久以前,有一只兔子爱上了一位英俊的王子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. As the burden of management fell more heavily on her, she had less time for Duna and the bear grew senile and indecent in his habits. 她由于管理的担子更重了,所以没有那么多时间照顾杜纳,结果这熊越老越不像话了。 www.showxiu.com 6. Just like the last game when he blocked Bryum who fell on the floor and Yao stared down on him. I love it. 就像那天他盖了拜勒姆的冒,然后他摔倒地板上之后,姚明就恶狠狠的瞪了他一眼。我太喜欢了。 www.tianya.cn 7. From the first time I saw you I fell in love with you, you know how much I love you? 从第一次见到你我就爱上了你,你知道我有多爱你吗? www.bing.com 8. Phelps was ahead of world-record pace during the opening (butterfly) leg, but he and the rest of the field fell back over the next two laps. 比赛开始,菲尔普斯领先于世界纪录(蝶泳),但是他在其他项目速度下降,在之后的两圈。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Copper, used for pipes and wiring, is relatively easy to trade and fell sharply after China's rate rise in October. 用于管道和配线的铜交易起来相对容易,在中国去年10月宣布加息之后,铜价大幅下挫。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Before long her clothes were all torn, and one bit of them after another fell off her. 不久,她的衣服就破了,一片一片地掉了下来。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Golden leaves fell on the green lawn as if there had just been a rain of silver and gold. 金色的叶子撒在绿色的草地上,整个校园仿佛刚刚经历了一场金银雨一般。 joe-lyc.blog.163.com 2. But I know this man called Madison fell down in a meeting to stand up in court once again run times. 但我知道这个叫麦迪的男人在一次次倒下又一次次站起在场上飞奔。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He tried to pick up the coins, but they fell off the counter and scattered all over the ground. 牠试著拿起铜板,结果铜板却从柜台上掉下来,掉得满地都是。 www.taipeitimes.com 4. "Thank you, " Matt said. "It wasn't easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out. " “谢谢,”麦特说,“你知道,这对她不容易,特别当她刚才掉下去的时候。” www.kekenet.com 5. But if the satellite fell even five minutes later than estimated, some of it could have hit land, he said. 但是,若卫星迟于估算时间,甚至5分钟的时差,一些碎片可能会撞击地面,他补充道。 www.bing.com 6. At the sight, fear seized upon Cheng Yuanzhi, and before he could defend himself, the great saber fell, cutting him in halves. 看,恐惧抓住程的和之前,他为自己辩护,伟大的马刀砍了一刀,削掉他的一半。 sdmz.5d6d.com 7. Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported. 目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。 www.bing.com 8. But then the bottom fell out of the housing market and Simmons, with its large debt, stumbled. 但是随着房产市场的崩溃,背负巨额债务的席梦思床品公司也跌倒了。 www.bing.com 9. The over-burdened bird, with cocaine and marijuana strapped to its back, fell out of the sky before crossing the prison walls. 超过100只鸽子,携带着可卡因和大麻在它们的背上,在飞跃监狱墙时,从空中掉了下来。 www.bing.com 10. I would like to make it more attractive and give it a more modern fell and look. 我想,使其更具吸引力,并给它一个更现代化的下跌和外观。 www.bing.com 1. And pleased to note that her brothers fell into guard position at either side of the entrance, as if she were already a respected matron. 沙克提瞥见两个弟弟站在守卫的位置分列入口两侧,感到很满意,就好像她已经是一位主母了。 bbs.bfclan.net 2. Wang said the company never explained why her milk fell short of standards. 王说雀巢公司从未解释过为什么她的牛奶低于标准。 www.bing.com 3. Seeing the ball coming his way, the man fell back a pace. 看到球向他飞来,这人后退了一步。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The trouble about all this, dammit, if he fell off a boulder and broke his leg there'd be no one to help him. 关于这一切真是麻烦,该死的,如果他从岩石掉下跌断了腿,那里将无人救他。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He fell into the river and, because he was embarrassed by his heavy overcoat, only managed to swim to the bank. 他掉到河里了,由于被沉重的大衣所困,只勉强游到河岸。 www.5ykj.com 7. Mortgage lending is still profitable, yet in June it was 3% lower than a year earlier, while net consumer borrowing fell for a second month. 按揭贷款仍然是有利可图的,然而6月比去年同期下降3%,并且净消费贷款连续两个月下滑。 www.ecocn.org 8. Then when he began to load the sleigh one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. 当他给雪橇装货时其中一个板子断了,玩具袋掉到地上,撒了一地。 www.bing.com 9. That paper said the growth rates of other fast growing nations fell by at least two percentage points once they hit a certain income level. 他们的报告说,其他经济迅速增长的国家在达到某个收入水平后,经济增速下滑了至少两个百分点。 c.wsj.com 10. Influenced by his hobby, his daughter gradually fell in love with pyrography too. His wife greatly supports their hobby. 受父亲的影响,女儿也逐渐的爱上了烫画,妻子对丈夫和女儿的爱好大力支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The maid walked to the side of the vessel to look over, when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and fell into the water below. 女佣走到该船一边回过头来,当所有的孩子一下子从她的怀里出来了,到下面的落水。 wenwen.soso.com 2. she was forced to halt from time to time, and each time that she did so, the cold water which splashed from the pail fell on her bare legs. 她不得不走走停停,而每次停下来时,桶里的水总有些泼在她的光腿上。 www.chinabaike.com 3. Yin refused to leave that evening. To calm her down, I treated her to a few drinks. Afterwards she fell asleep. 那天晚上,那个女人一直不肯走。我看见她那么惊慌,就给她喝了点酒,后来她睡着了。 bluered.yculblog.com 4. But the Fair Deal programs fell victim to the same public and congressional conservatism that had crippled the last years of the New Deal. 然而“公平施政”计划成为阻挠过新政最后阶段实施的那一拨公众与国会保守主义分子的牺牲品。 dict.kekenet.com 5. The crowd fell into a dead silence as Johnson, dressed in a bright suit, walked up the steps of the courthouse. 人群陷入死一般的寂静,约翰逊,在明亮的西装打扮,走到了法庭的步骤。 www.ok06.com 6. They fell out over the question of whether they should go on with the experiment. 在是否要继续试验的问题上他们发生了争执。 hotdic.com 7. There was blood on Holly's lips as she stepped back, and blood dribbling from his mouth as he fell. 当霍丽退后时她的嘴唇也沾上了血,而当他倒下时血从他的口中滴下。 www.cndkc.net 8. I is a small deciduous, always with the wind wandering wind, where, I fell on the earth, a day, a year does not look back! 我是一片小小的落叶,总是随风四处飘泊,风停到哪里、我就伏在大地,一天、一年不回头! www.360doc.com 9. Just like the Devil's saying, she had eaten too much so that she fell asleep. Then, the King asked a doctor to cure the princess. 正如魔王所说,她吃得太多睡着了,然后国王叫医生来王宫医治公主。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. An old man stretched his arms out on the marble table in the park, laid his head on his hands and fell asleep. 一个老头在公园里的一张大理石石桌上,伸出胳膊,头枕在手上,睡着了。 www.bing.com 1. Even though I fell short of what was required of me, my teacher graced me with love and understanding. 尽管我没有达到要求,我的老师给予了我爱和理解。 www.bing.com 2. She fell very ill, but she did not stop working. 她生病了,但是她没有停止工作。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Today, however, I have come to realize that I did not merely fall into medicine -- I fell in love with the profession on my own accord. 然而今天,我逐渐意识到我不仅仅沉迷于医学--我很情愿的爱上了这个行业。 www.usastudy.com.cn 4. Then the master stumbled out of the door of the cottage and fell to his knees, weeping helplessly. 然后他跌跌撞撞地走出农舍,跪倒在地,放声大哭。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Eyes suddenly fell across the little boys, he is the monitor of our class, with a pair of metal frame glasses. 眼睛突然落到对面的小个子男生身上,他是我们班的班长,带着一副金属色边框的眼镜。 www.bing.com 6. all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression. 全人类是按常例传宗接代,由亚当而来,都在亚当里犯了罪,在他初次犯罪中与他一同堕落了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He fell silent for a minute or two, and to my surprise I saw that he was looking at the stars. 他一两分钟没说话,我吃惊地看到他在看星星。 www.bing.com 8. After Zhuge Liang's death, there was no one as intelligent as he. And Shu fell into a decline. 诸葛亮死后,再也没有像他那么聪明的人来治理国家,蜀国就开始衰落了。 www.soflash.net 9. He to the woman, fell into the trap, he ran out to love, the life of him. 他为了女人,掉进了陷阱,他为了爱,冲出了他本有的生命的轨迹。 www.whzw.net 10. And this was one issue: to build it that lightweight that no one would be hurt if it fell down. 但这曾是一个问题:怎么把它造得非常轻轻到如果它掉下来不会伤到人。 www.ted.com 1. Well, all that has changed. . . since I fell in love with you. 但现在一切都改变了,因为我爱上了你。 www.dutianya.com 2. His head drooped down and a few moments later he fell asleep. 他垂下头,不一会就睡着了。 3. The satellite was in a low orbit, which ensured that the resulting debris fell into the atmosphere within a few days. 该卫星位于近地轨道,这确保爆炸产生的残骸能在几天内掉入大气层。 ecocn.org 4. 'The first time I took it out one bloke nearly fell off the kerb and into the gutter when he saw it, ' he said. “我第一次把这辆车开出来的时候,看见的一个家伙差点从边上摔进水沟了,”他说。 www.bing.com 5. The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall, but that was all. 房子动了动,几幅画从墙上掉了下来,就这些。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'm not sure if that was the exact moment when I fell in love, but it was, at least, the start of my descent. 假如当本人谈恋爱的时分,那是准确的片刻,本人不肯定,但是它至少,是本人的降落的开端。 www.0717ad.com 7. As I did this, it was as if a heavy load fell off my shoulders. 正如我这样做,仿佛负重掉下我的肩膀。 tieba.baidu.com 8. eg. (1) In a moment, she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most of it fell on the floor at my feet. 不一会儿工夫,她又回来了,将零钱盒车票往柜台上猛地一摔,大半都撒落在我脚边。 www.dfcorner.com 9. The moment Jack got down the beanstalk he cut the beanstalk with an axe, and the giant fell and was killed. 就在那时杰克从豆茎下来,并用斧头砍断了豆茎,巨人落下来摔死了。 bbs.tingroom.com 10. Analysts said the current market is still a determining factor in policy and confidence between the game , the market fell space is limited. 分析师表示,当前市场的决定因素仍在于政策和信心之间的博弈,市场下跌空间有限。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 据说李白在试图抓住月亮倒影的时候跌入河中溺水而死。水而死。 wenku.baidu.com 2. And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢? c.wsj.com 3. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 4. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 5. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 6. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 8. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 1. As I did this, it was as if a heavy load fell off my shoulders. 正如我这样做,仿佛负重掉下我的肩膀。 tieba.baidu.com 2. eg. (1) In a moment, she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most of it fell on the floor at my feet. 不一会儿工夫,她又回来了,将零钱盒车票往柜台上猛地一摔,大半都撒落在我脚边。 www.dfcorner.com 3. The moment Jack got down the beanstalk he cut the beanstalk with an axe, and the giant fell and was killed. 就在那时杰克从豆茎下来,并用斧头砍断了豆茎,巨人落下来摔死了。 bbs.tingroom.com 4. Analysts said the current market is still a determining factor in policy and confidence between the game , the market fell space is limited. 分析师表示,当前市场的决定因素仍在于政策和信心之间的博弈,市场下跌空间有限。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He never climbed trees because he once fell down from a tree when he was a little boy. 他从不敢爬树,因为小时侯他有一次从树上摔下来了。 www.fane.cn 6. Night fell as we were walking, and the clouds, which had broken up in the afternoon, settled in and thickened. 我们走着走着,不知不觉夜幕降临了,午后四散了的云朵已积聚起来,停住不动了。 7. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 据说李白在试图抓住月亮倒影的时候跌入河中溺水而死。水而死。 wenku.baidu.com 8. And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢? c.wsj.com 9. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 10. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 1. Analysts said the current market is still a determining factor in policy and confidence between the game , the market fell space is limited. 分析师表示,当前市场的决定因素仍在于政策和信心之间的博弈,市场下跌空间有限。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He never climbed trees because he once fell down from a tree when he was a little boy. 他从不敢爬树,因为小时侯他有一次从树上摔下来了。 www.fane.cn 3. Night fell as we were walking, and the clouds, which had broken up in the afternoon, settled in and thickened. 我们走着走着,不知不觉夜幕降临了,午后四散了的云朵已积聚起来,停住不动了。 4. I started to fell for him just at the moment he put one of his classmates on her back and sent her to the hospital. 正是在他背着一位同学去医院的那一刻,才倾心于他。 blog.163.com 5. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 据说李白在试图抓住月亮倒影的时候跌入河中溺水而死。水而死。 wenku.baidu.com 6. And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢? c.wsj.com 7. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 8. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 9. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 10. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 1. I started to fell for him just at the moment he put one of his classmates on her back and sent her to the hospital. 正是在他背着一位同学去医院的那一刻,才倾心于他。 blog.163.com 2. As the night fell, I had no choice but to leave. When I left , he came out and said goodbye to me. 随着夜幕降临,我别无选择,只有离开。当我离开时,他走了出来,对我说再见。 www.nclgtj.com 3. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 据说李白在试图抓住月亮倒影的时候跌入河中溺水而死。水而死。 wenku.baidu.com 4. And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢? c.wsj.com 5. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 6. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 7. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 8. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 9. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 10. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 据说李白在试图抓住月亮倒影的时候跌入河中溺水而死。水而死。 wenku.baidu.com 2. And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢? c.wsj.com 3. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 4. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 5. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 6. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 8. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 1. So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。 www.putclub.com 2. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 3. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 4. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 6. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 9. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 10. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 1. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 2. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 4. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 7. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 8. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 9. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 10. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 1. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 2. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 5. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 6. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 7. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 8. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 9. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 10. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 1. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 3. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 4. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 5. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 6. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 7. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 8. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore. 太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。 open.xsrtvu.com 10. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 1. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 2. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 3. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 4. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 5. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 6. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore. 太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。 open.xsrtvu.com 8. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 9. When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet. 一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。 10. But a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and immediately she came and fell at His feet. 有一个妇人,她的小女儿有污灵附著,听见耶稣的事,立即来俯伏在他脚前。 edu.china.com 1. but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。 ichacha.net 2. Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. 幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 4. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 7. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 8. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 9. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 10. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 1. "If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, " Siebert says. “如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 www.lwtxw.com 2. As she neared the altar, while the soft strains of the wedding march floated through the church, her eyes fell on a strange group. 当她靠近这圣坛,婚礼进行曲柔和的旋律回响在这教堂之中,新娘的眼睛落在了一个奇异的人群上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 5. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 6. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 7. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 8. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 9. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 10. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。 www.englishtang.com 2. THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat. 太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。 www.ebigear.com 3. His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years. 他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。 mysearch.100e.com 4. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 5. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 6. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 7. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore. 太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。 open.xsrtvu.com 9. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 10. When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet. 一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。 1. She just can't believe it, but she's wiped out and tired, and she closes her eyes and fell asleep. 兰虽然很难相信这一切,但是她太累了,最终还是合上眼睛睡着了。 www.bing.com 2. Which of these three, does it seem to you, has become a neighbor to him who fell into the hands of the robbers? 你想这三个人,那一个是落在强盗手中之人的邻舍? edu.china.com 3. The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, glided forward. 八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。 de.bab.la 4. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore. 太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。 open.xsrtvu.com 6. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 7. When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet. 一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。 8. But a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and immediately she came and fell at His feet. 有一个妇人,她的小女儿有污灵附著,听见耶稣的事,立即来俯伏在他脚前。 edu.china.com 9. The boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. 男孩说他(刚刚)是在河边试着抓鱼,(后来),一不小心就掉进水里了。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Even then I fell a few times, but I thought of it as building my pain threshold. 即使在那时,我还摔过几次,但我把这看作是在增强自己的抗疼痛能力。 www.bing.com 1. The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore. 太阳西沉,黄昏降临河上,岸上出现了一排灯光。 open.xsrtvu.com 2. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 3. When showers fell, he buried himself in a corner of the doorway, and his legs splashed with wet. 一阵又一阵的雨落下来,他就把身子紧缩在那边门角里,两条腿全叫雨水溅湿了。 4. But a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and immediately she came and fell at His feet. 有一个妇人,她的小女儿有污灵附著,听见耶稣的事,立即来俯伏在他脚前。 edu.china.com 5. The boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. 男孩说他(刚刚)是在河边试着抓鱼,(后来),一不小心就掉进水里了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Even then I fell a few times, but I thought of it as building my pain threshold. 即使在那时,我还摔过几次,但我把这看作是在增强自己的抗疼痛能力。 www.bing.com 7. Then they began to run and rushed in at the door, where they fell into their father's arms. 于是他们向房门跑去,一头扎进父亲的怀里。 shishi.blogbus.com 8. The face of the killing is now grown-up son of the murderer, once again fell into a son was sadness and fear. 面对现在已长大成人的弑子凶手,阿妮丝再次陷入了当年丧子的悲伤和恐惧中。 www.qvod123.com 9. When we came into Mrs. Jellyby's presence, one of the poor little things fell downstairs-down a whole flight, with a great noise. 当我们来到杰利比太太面前的时候,有一个可怜的小东西正轰隆轰隆地滚下楼梯--一直滚到楼底下了。 waiyuwu.blogcn.com 10. They were to have been married that fall, but she fell seriously ill. 他们本来那年秋天结婚,但她得了重病。 dfcorner.com 1. Even then I fell a few times, but I thought of it as building my pain threshold. 即使在那时,我还摔过几次,但我把这看作是在增强自己的抗疼痛能力。 www.bing.com 2. Then they began to run and rushed in at the door, where they fell into their father's arms. 于是他们向房门跑去,一头扎进父亲的怀里。 shishi.blogbus.com 3. The face of the killing is now grown-up son of the murderer, once again fell into a son was sadness and fear. 面对现在已长大成人的弑子凶手,阿妮丝再次陷入了当年丧子的悲伤和恐惧中。 www.qvod123.com 4. When we came into Mrs. Jellyby's presence, one of the poor little things fell downstairs-down a whole flight, with a great noise. 当我们来到杰利比太太面前的时候,有一个可怜的小东西正轰隆轰隆地滚下楼梯--一直滚到楼底下了。 waiyuwu.blogcn.com 5. They were to have been married that fall, but she fell seriously ill. 他们本来那年秋天结婚,但她得了重病。 dfcorner.com 6. The reason why so much land is being cleared now is that we fear that more restrictions will be put on how much forest we can fell. 我们现在抓紧时间开垦那么多土地,是因为担心会出台更多限制森林砍伐的措施。 www.bing.com 7. He had not gone far when he ran into a large cow and fell down. 没走多远,他撞到了一只大母牛,摔倒了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Today, my girlfriend fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. She also had a bruise on her leg due to her friend biting her. 今天女朋友摔下楼梯摔折了脚腕,她腿上还有一块被朋友咬伤的淤青。 www.bucter.com 9. All day long he rested quietly. But when night fell, old and stiff as he was, he disappeared into the desert and surrounding hills. 他一整天就是安静地休息,但夜晚一到,尽管他老了,也不灵活了,他就消失在荒野和周围的小山中。 www.24en.com 10. damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for a week. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol. 你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈哈。 www.onlylz.com 1. The reason why so much land is being cleared now is that we fear that more restrictions will be put on how much forest we can fell. 我们现在抓紧时间开垦那么多土地,是因为担心会出台更多限制森林砍伐的措施。 www.bing.com 2. Whenever I watched Bill identify with someone's pain, as he did that afternoon, I fell in love with him all over again. 无论什么时候我发现比尔(克林顿)认同别人的痛楚,就像那个下午他做的那样,我又重新的爱上了他。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. He had not gone far when he ran into a large cow and fell down. 没走多远,他撞到了一只大母牛,摔倒了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Today, my girlfriend fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. She also had a bruise on her leg due to her friend biting her. 今天女朋友摔下楼梯摔折了脚腕,她腿上还有一块被朋友咬伤的淤青。 www.bucter.com 5. All day long he rested quietly. But when night fell, old and stiff as he was, he disappeared into the desert and surrounding hills. 他一整天就是安静地休息,但夜晚一到,尽管他老了,也不灵活了,他就消失在荒野和周围的小山中。 www.24en.com 6. damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for a week. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol. 你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈哈。 www.onlylz.com 7. He threw out a gold coin for the valet to pick up, and all the heads craned forward that all the eyes might look down at it as it fell. 他扔出了一个金币,命令他的侍从拾起来。所有的脑袋都像白鹤似地往前伸,所有的眼睛都想看见那金币落下。 iphone.unisk.cn 8. The philosopher nearly fell into the water when he tried to jump into the boat. The boatman caught his arm and helped him to get in. 哲学家在试着往船上跳的时候,险些落到水里。船家抓住了他的胳臂帮他上了船。 www.qikan.com.cn 9. I got the wind knocked out of me , when i fell off my bike . 我从自行车摔下来时,喘不过气。 bbs.koolearn.com 10. He said the bonus agreements were put in place well before AIG fell into trouble. 他表示,奖金协议早在美国国际集团陷入困境之前就签订了。 www.ftchinese.com |
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