单词 | find his way |
释义 | find his way例句释义: 全部 1. and now he's trying to find his way back to shore. 现在他试图找到他的方式回到岸边。 www.bing.com 2. It was instinct that helped F. D. R. find his way through a political labyrinth that was navigable by neither intellect nor principle alone. 是直觉让罗斯福在这个仅靠智慧或原则都不能通过的政治迷宫中找到了方向。 www.tryjohn.com 3. There seemed little hope that the explorer, having been deserted in the tropical forest, would find his way through it. 对那个被遗弃在热带雨林的探险者来说,要找到通过雨林的路几乎没有任何希望。 englishonline.sut.edu.cn 4. "E. T. " is about a heartbroken, divorce-crippled family, and ultimately, this kid who can't find his way. 〈外星人〉是讲了一个心碎的,支离破碎的家庭,并且最终,这个孩子找不到他的路。 www.ted.com 5. One person drives (the "driver" ) and the other helps him find his way (the "navigator, " or "partner" ). 一个人驾驶(“驾驶员”),另一个人为他导航(“导航员”或“伙伴”)。 www.ibm.com 6. He knew he must find his way through that cave, or hole, or tunnel, and out the other side. 他知道他一定要找到那个洞穴,或是洞,或是隧洞,然后再从另一端出去。 www.ebigear.com 7. These shortcomings should be seen as natural consequences of Hawthorne's struggle to find his way in fiction without a guide. 霍桑是在无可借鉴的情况苦苦摸索如何写小说的,这些缺点自属必不可免。 8. There might be a hundred ways for him that was a gentleman, and a bold enterprising man, to find his way back again. 尤其像他这么一个英武有为的男人,总会有很多路子可以回来的。 9. One person keys in the code (the "driver" ) and the other helps him find his way (the "navigator" or "partner" ). 一个人键入代码(“司机”(driver)),另一个人帮他指路(“领航员”(navigator)或称“伙伴”(partner))。 www.ibm.com 10. Nevertheless, I included many comments and references in the notes, so that the interested reader will find his way through the literature. 但我给了较多的注解和参考文献,因此有兴趣的读者可通过这些文献进一步理解。 www.readfree.net 1. Not many flight instruments existed that could help him find his way. He was alone, fighting against sleep. 在没有很多飞行器械辅助飞行的情况下,他一个人不眠不休。 wenwen.soso.com 2. consequently they meet the needs of the patient who, having come to understand himself, wants to find his way back to normal life. 结果,他们满足病人的需求。这些病人渐渐瞭解自己之后,想要寻找回归正常生活的途径。 springhero.wordpress.com 3. Haw knew he had left a trail for Hem and that he could find his way, if he could just read The Handwriting On The Wall. 唧唧知道自己已经给哼哼留下了足够的标记,只要他能够迈出第一步,读到墙上的字迹,他就会找到出路。 www.kekenet.com 4. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 他有一个舌头在他的脑袋里可以找出他在的任何地方。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. He managed to find his way, he said, by following the stars, and he had been shot at several times. 他说,他是靠星星来辨认方向的,他还遭到几次枪击。 www.bing.com 6. It was clever of him to find his way here. 他能找到来这里的路,真够聪明的了。 www.ecp.com.cn 7. But he remembered every detail of the old city, and could find his way around the alleys, or hutongs, in his dreams. 但他还记得老北京城的每一个细节,在梦里还会回到弄堂和胡同中间。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. Almost every morning Bartimaeus would probably pick up his walking stick to help him find his way to the Jericho city gate. 几乎每天早上,巴底买可能都拄著探路的拐杖,摸索来到耶利哥城门口。 www.tingroom.com 9. He's driven by, trying to find his way. 他经过这里,想找到正确的路。 engxue.com 10. Haw thought about going back again to Cheese Station C to see if he could find Hem -- assuming that Haw could find his way back there. 唧唧在考虑回到奶酪C站去,看是否能找到哼哼——但首先得肯定自己能找回来的路。 www.kekenet.com 1. Once stuck in a dilemma, a wise man does not head blindly for a dead end but reverses his course in time to find his way out. 一旦陷入困境,聪明的人不是一味地钻牛角尖,而是适时地另辟蹊径以谋求出路。 www.kekenet.com 2. A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee. 一对心急如焚的夫妇正试图利用自己的尿留下踪迹,来协助走失的爱犬找到回家的路。 suyage.com:8080 3. After a while he lost his sense of direction. He ran back and forth trying to find his way. Soon he became exhausted and scared to death! 没过多久他迷路了,来来回回地跑也找不到回去的路,很快就精疲力竭,极度恐惧! george.shi.blog.163.com 4. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. 梦想家只能在月光下找到自己的路,他的惩罚是第一个看见黎明。 www.bing.com 5. Then he tried to find his way straight across the garden, but he became more and more puzzled. 然后他想办法直接跨过园子去找路,然而却越搞越糊涂。 www.xiexingcun.com 6. He had been taken in by a family that named Radar for his ability to find his way around. “快乐”被另一个家庭收养了,由于它有识别周围道路的能力,这家人为它起名“雷达”。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Not many flight instruments existed that would help him to find his way. 当时还没有许多飞行仪器帮助他找到航线。 www.relang.net 8. Now to reach the beach, he'll have to find his way. . . forge new friendships, impress the locals. 他得找到到达海滨的方法,结交新朋友,吸引当地人。 www.eoezone.com 9. As a lunch-chaser, he needed to find his way back home or there would be little chance of survival. 作为一个午餐追逐者,他需要找到回家的路,否则生存的可能性很小。 www.bing.com 10. He is rich. As every real artist, he will go back to his sources one day. He will find his way back. 就像所有真正的艺术家一样,他有丰富的创作源泉,总有一天他将回返他的源泉,找到一条返回的道路。 bbs.a9vg.com 1. Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world. 是的,我是一个追梦人。我只有在月夜下才能找到归路,但我在全世界之前看到黎明。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The tale will detail this one man's journey on the road to examining his past , present, and future, where he will find his way home . 这个故事将要描述这个人寻找回家之路的历程,在这条路上他将分析过去、现实以及未来。 www.bing.com 3. The male stands tall in the grass of the valley and cannot find his way. 那男的呆站在山谷中的草地上,傻傻地找不到他的出路。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He doesn't pay much attention to where he is going and he loses his way. he keeps on driving. he hopes to meet someone or find his way back. 他没怎么注意方向所以迷路了。可是他仍然让马车继续行驶,因为他希望能遇见别人或是重新找到方向。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Rox is doing well, I hope JVG finally find his way to win the Suns, it seems like Utah always has a way to beat Suns. 火箭打得很好,我希望范甘迪最终可以找到战胜太阳的方法,看上去好像犹他总有办法打败他们。 club.sohu.com 6. When McGrady is well, he has to embrace this offense and find his way in it to better shots. 麦迪状态好的时候,他要全力进攻,找到更高投篮命中率的门径。 www.tianya.cn 7. As a result, these small water droplets could not find his way home, cried up, and the more upset the more tears. 于是,这些小水滴因找不到回家的路又哭了起来,而且越哭越伤心。 bbs.wtojob.com 8. A blow on the head dazed him so that he could not find his way home. 头上挨了一击是他感到晕眩,因而找不到回家的路。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Now to reach the beach, he'll have to find his way. 他得找到通往海滨之路。 www.eoezone.com 10. With much difficulty did he find his way home. 他好不容易才回到了家。 wenku.baidu.com 1. It took him a long time to find his way back to the logging trail. 他花了很长时间回到伐木路上。 www.bing.com 2. The old man cannot find his way home. 那个老人找不到回家的路。 www.wwenglish.com 3. Give him space to find his way through destiny. 为他在寻找穿越自己的命运之路时留出空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I pray that our paths will cross again, that he will find his way home. 我祈祷我们的前路会再次相交,祈祷他会找到回家的路。 www.cndkc.net 5. Heavy smoke filled the room, he could hardly find his way out. 房间里尽是烟雾,他几乎看不清出门的路。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Brown's daughter, "The old man can't find his way in the park. He ask us to take him home by car. " 一个警察对布朗先生的女儿说:“这个老人在公园迷路了,他要求我们用车把他送回家。” zhidao.baidu.com 7. He got drunk and couldn't find his way home. 他喝的很醉,找不到回家的路了 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The boy was found lost and couldn't find his way back. 有人发现孩子迷路了,找不到回家的路。 www.gzenxx.com 9. There seemed little hope that one explorer, having been deserted in the tropical forest, would find his way through it. 一位探险家迷失在热带森林里,看来没有什么希望能找到路走出森林。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You can also be giving by helping someone who is lost to find his way, or by greeting someone new to your school. 你也可以给予,帮助某个迷路的人找到他的路,或跟你们学校的新生打招呼。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. For the next ten years Giacometti struggled to find his way, at first working from the model and then working from memory. 之后的十年里,贾克梅蒂极力寻找一条属于自己的道路,先是基于真人模特的创作,而后转向了基于记忆的创作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I can not find his way home, can you help me? 我找不到回家的路,你能帮我吗?。 www.kb120.com 3. Maybe trying to find his way home 好像在寻找回家的归途 allworld.blogchina.com 4. He seemed to find his way without his eyes, 好象不用眼睛也能向前走, www.tingroom.com |
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