单词 | economic support |
释义 | 例句释义: 经济支援,经济支持,经济扶持,经济供养 1. Rice said the Bush administration will ask Congress for $400 million in economic support for Palestinians for the next fiscal year. 赖斯说,布什政府将要求美国国会在下一财政年拨款4亿美元,为巴勒斯坦人提供经济援助。 www.america.gov 2. But I also felt a nervousness: what if the west does not answer the call for economic support? 不过我也感受到了一种紧张:如果西方对于其提供经济支持的呼声充耳不闻该怎么办? www.ftchinese.com 3. Through this strong political and economic support to its energy policy, China is already offering other nations a model to emulate. 通过在政治和经济上对能源政策提供强有力的支持,中国已经开始为其他国家提供一个可以效仿的模式。 chinese.wsj.com 4. European finance ministers failed to agree on a plan to provide economic support for debt-troubled countries last month. 欧洲各国财长上月未能就一项给受债务困扰的国家提供经济支持的方案达成一致。 www.bing.com 5. Since then, China has provided broad diplomatic and economic support for the junta, considered one of the most corrupt in the world. 从那时起至今,中国一直在为被世界公认为最腐败的政权之一的缅甸军政府提供广泛的外交及经济支持。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The advance is mainly commercially motivated, but its economic support could be a blessing for weakened economies in the region. 这种前进的脚步主要是由商业推动的,但其经济支持可能会成为该地区实力削弱的经济体的福音。 www.ftchinese.com 7. With amazing rapidity, young Chiang knocked away the props of his father's economic support. 小蒋以惊人的速度打掉了他父亲经济基础的支柱。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 8. On relation with China, the five countries is active to carry out bilateral economic cooperation win for economic support from China. 在对华关系上,中亚五国积极发展双边经济合作,寻求中国的经济支持。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Bernanke said last week that further purchases were a top option if officials felt more economic support was needed. 伯南克上周表示,如果认为需要更多的经济刺激措施,那么进一步增加债券购买将是最优先的选择。 career.51youcai.com 10. Secondly, China government should grant economic support and privileges to information-undeveloped areas to serve their development. 二是政府对信息落后地区的发展应给予经济和政策方面的支持; iask.sina.com.cn 1. All this is intended to provide economic support for what Egyptians are doing to bolster their own economy, Clinton said. 这些措施都是为了对埃及提供支持,帮助埃及人民振兴经济。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. The two big questions now are: How quickly will Washington deliver promised economic support to the new governments in Egypt and Tunisia? 接下来有两大疑问:一,华府的经济援助何时能送达埃及与突尼斯新政府; www.bing.com 3. These findings suggest that, the elderly live with their children not to obtain economic support but to direct care or feeling comfort. 这说明,老年人与子女居住在一起,主要是获得子女的贴身照料或情感慰藉,而不是获得经济上的赡养和支持。 www.bing.com 4. Important factors for the elder women to spend their remaining years are economic support, life care and spiritual comfort. 老年妇女安度晚年的重要因素是:经济供养、生活照料和精神慰藉; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Assad had received a lot of economic support from the former Soviet Union; that was gone now, so he needed to reach out to the West. 阿萨德曾经从前苏联得到过大量的经济支持。这种支持现在没有了,所以他需要主动与西方建立关系。 www.bing.com 6. Strong economic support and infrastructure of modern city lays foundation for commercial prosperity here. 强劲的经济支撑与现代化城市基础设施,为这里的商业繁荣奠定了基础。 bbs.oeeee.com 7. Grades given as economic support, rather than as a measure of student achievement? 将分数作为经济支持,而不是作为检测学生成绩的手段? www.bing.com 8. The results showed that the influence of economic support had significant positive effect. 研究表明,子女外出务工对留守老人经济供养投入的影响为明显的正效应; www.cnak.net 9. These leaders must play a larger role on the world stage and offer more security protection and economic support to less powerful countries. 这些领导人必须在世界舞台上扮演更大的角色,并且向弱小的国家提供更多的安全保护和经济支持。 www.bing.com 10. Or should Western economic support turn on Soviet political behavior at home and abroad? 或者西方的经济支援是否应视苏联在国内外政治行为来决定? www.websaru.net 1. U. S. ongoing economic support, our Silk-Road strategy, our regional-integration strategy. 而美国正在进行的经济支持,我们的丝绸之路战略,我们的区域一体化战略。 www.bing.com 2. This softening of investment growth has been largely matched with growing economic support from retail sales and the export sector. 投资增速放缓主要是由于社会消费品零售销售和出口行业对经济推动作用增强。 www.cei.gov.cn 3. Hu Shensheng, a sociologist, explains that women look for economic support in a potential husband. 社会学家胡申生解释说,女性寻求潜在配偶的经济支持。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. meanwhile , moreover , the export products with high additional value were marked out and provide economic support. 再者,高度附加值的出口产品将被标识出,并被提供经济支持。 www.ichacha.net 5. If the Iraqi government performs, it will still receive political and economic support. 如果伊拉克政府表现好,他仍能得到美国政治和经济上的支持。 www.ecocn.org 6. Women have traditionally traded looks for economic support in marriage. 女性传统上婚姻中为了经济支援以外貌做交易。 www.bing.com 7. And bear in mind that even a project that delivers its main punch in, say, 2011 can provide significant economic support in earlier years. 应该记住的是,就算一个主要效力发生在2011年的项目,也可以在那之前表明它对经济的支持力度。 www.bing.com 8. And both Ireland and Portugal are depending on export growth for economic support. 此外,爱尔兰和葡萄牙都依靠出口增长支撑经济。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Kuwait adheres to the one-China policy and has offered valuable political and economic support to China. 科方坚持一个中国的政策,在政治和经济上给予了中方宝贵支持。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Many of the unemployed can rely on traditional forms of economic support, like living with family. 许多无业人员可以依靠传统的经济支撑形式,例如:和家人生活在一起。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. In theshorttermthe primary threat totheeconomy remains a too-rapid reversal of government economic support. 短期内,对经济的主要威胁对政府的经济支撑保持一个反向快速发展的趋势。 www.bing.com 2. Ms Yingluck has been valiantly touring the flooded areas, offering moral and economic support. 英拉正探访受灾地区,并提供道德和经济上的支持。 www.ecocn.org 3. Nor does it help that government economic support will fade during2010. 另一个负面因素是政府的政策支持在2010年也会逐渐减弱。 www.bing.com 4. Nor does it help that government economic support will fade during 2010. 政府在2010撤销对经济的支持也不利于经济的增长。 www.bing.com 5. And they provide needed economic support for rural communities. 这为农村社区提供了所需的经济支持。 www.ted.com 6. 5, Urgent need of economic support. 5、经济贫乏,急需支持。 www.kekenet.com 7. They can also provide economic support to organizations that advocate for such policies. 他们还可以对倡导有关政策的组织提供经济资助。 www.america.gov 8. Network Effects and Integration of Security Exchanges--An Economic Support to the Link of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges 网络效应与证券交易所一体化--沪深两市连通的经济学支持 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Exploring the Rationalized Model of Economic Support for Lay-off in Transitional Period 转型期下岗职工经济支持理性化模式初探 www.ilib.cn 10. Japanese Economic Support Policy on Private Forest and Experiences 日本的私有林经济扶持政策及其借鉴 service.ilib.cn 1. Social and economic support and infrastructure 社会经济支持及其基础设施虚拟社区 gendercenter.sysu.edu.cn |
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