单词 | economic problems | ||||||
释义 | economic problems
例句释义: 经济问题,五经济问题,生活经济 1. Japan, the great exporter, protected its domestic industries. At the heart of the country's economic problems lay a contradiction. 最大的出口国——日本——对国内工业实施保护政策。在此国家的经济问题的中心存在着一个矛盾。 blog.xfocus.net 2. Ukraine badly needs a united government and a constructive opposition if it is finally to deal with its daunting economic problems. 乌克兰如想处理好其棘手的经济问题,亟需一个团结的政府和一个具有建设性的在野党。 www.ecocn.org 3. Will that prospect be enough to galvanize a serious response to the long-term economic problems in the United States? 这种前景是否足以激发美国严肃对待它长期的经济问题? www.bing.com 4. The politicians who planned the euro generally did not think about future current account imbalances or other economic problems. 大体上来说,设计欧元的政治家们并没有考虑过未来的经常账户失衡问题或其他经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. An adequate solution of these economic problems undoubtedly merits the attention of every Party member . 这个经济问题的相当的解决,实在值得每个党员注意。 www.jukuu.com 6. Up to now, many Americans have been waiting to see if their current economic problems are temporary, or something more. 迄今为止,许多美国人正在观望看他们的当下的经济问题是暂时性的,还是继续恶化。 www.bing.com 7. In trying to solve economic problems by political demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone. 蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Things that really worries me is all of the economic problems that led to these crises are all going to be there the day after. 真正让我担心的是所有导致这些危机的经济问题都将是在随后发生。 english.suridea.cn 9. The SPP has also raised the indictment against him, in addition to customers, he also found a lot of economic problems. 检察院还对他提出了公诉,除了嫖娼外,还查出了他大量的经济问题。 bbs.renyu.net 10. One of the country's biggest economic problems is the educational failure of a stubbornly large chunk of its population. 这个国家最大的经济问题之一就是一直没有教育好很大一部分人口。 www.ecocn.org 1. True, the economic problems Europe faces might have been worse without the single currency. 诚然,假如没有欧元这个单一货币的话,欧洲面临的经济问题可能还要严重。 www.bing.com 2. In such an economically integrated area as the euro zone, leaving the currency union would not solve Greece's economic problems either. 在这样一个经济一体化的欧元区,退出货币联盟也是解决不了问题的。 www.bing.com 3. No matter how bad the economic problems became, progressive-era politicians did not impose huge debt burdens on their children. 不论经济问题变得多么糟糕,进步时代的政治家们没有将巨额债务负担留给他们的孩子们。 www.bing.com 4. But the evidence so far suggests that the new president understands America's economic problems and is pragmatic about seeking solutions. 以上忧虑绝非空穴来风,不过目前为止的证据显示,这位新总统明白美国经济的问题,寻求解决的手段也务实。 www.bing.com 5. U. S. President Barack Obama is urging Russians to work with the United States to tackle the big security and economic problems of our time. 美国总统奥巴马呼吁俄罗斯民众和美国一道,携手应对我们这个时代安全和经济领域的挑战。 www.voanews.cn 6. Pettis of Peking University says China's economic problems are just beginning rather than beginning to end. 北京大学的佩蒂斯教授认为,中国经济的麻烦只是刚刚开始,而不是刚刚结束。 www.bing.com 7. If the economic problems can be overcome as well, microbial protein may indeed increase the human food supply. 如果经济上的障碍能被克服,微生物蛋白就能切实的改善人类的食物供应。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn 8. Public anger is one of many things limiting what leaders can do to solve economic problems in Europe and elsewhere. 公众的愤怒和很多其他因素束缚了欧洲等国家领导人解决经济问题的手脚。 www.24en.com 9. AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT: Does Your Highness believe that Federation would be a possible solution to Europe's economic problems? 美国记者:公主殿下是否认为,联盟化将是解决欧洲经济问题的可行方案? zhidao.baidu.com 10. "Americans need to know if this plan will alleviate, not deepen, our current economic problems, " he said. 他表示:“美国人需要知道该计划是否会缓解(而非加剧)我们当前的经济问题。” www.ftchinese.com 1. "Most of these patients have emotional, psychological and economic problems, " she says, standing over the girl's bed. 而认可另一个更为大众接受的解释:“大部分自焚病人都有情绪、心理、以及感情方面的问题,”站在阿美娜病床边的她这样说。 www.bing.com 2. He has played down the country's economic problems and warned that anyone contributing to a perception of crisis would be punished. 卢卡申科淡化了该国的经济问题,警告任何让人们相信国家正处于危机的人都将受到惩罚。 dongxi.net 3. FORTUNE -- The outside world is finally coming to grips with the realization that China has some serious economic problems of its own. 财富——外部世界终于认识到,中国经济自身存在着一些严重的问题。 www.bing.com 4. Economists also point out that spending cuts alone do not solve the problems of countries with structural economic problems. 经济学家也指出,单靠消减开支并不能解决国家在经济架构上的问题。 www.unsv.com 5. "He thought standard economic tools were useful in thinking about deep economic problems. " “他认为,在思考经济深层问题时,标准经济学工具是有用的。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Getting to that point requires the West to take another lesson from Japan: economic problems can be structural, not just cyclical. 要想做到这一点,西方国家还需要吸取日本的另一个教训:经济问题不仅仅是周期性的,也可能是结构性的。 www.bing.com 7. I wish I could tell you there was a quick fix to our economic problems. 我也希望我能告诉大家有一个快捷的方式解决我们的经济问题。 www.bing.com 8. Economic problems often involve so many variables that mathematics is the only practical way of attacking and solving them. 经济问题往往涉及如此多的变数,数学是唯一切实可行的方式攻击和解决这些问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Since it is not proposed to discuss economic problems in detail, I shall not go into them further. 没打算详细地谈经济问题,我就不进一步讲了。 baike.baidu.com 10. Russia's economic problems come at a time of global market declines. 俄罗斯的经济问题恰恰是在全球市场下滑的时候出现的。 www.ebigear.com 1. The White House has called on US politicians from both parties to work together to tackle the country's fiscal and economic problems. 白宫呼吁美国两党政治家团结起来解决国家财政和经济问题。 www.24en.com 2. Mr Obama says that part of the solution to America's economic problems should come from its universities and research laboratories. 欧巴马总统说,解决美国经济困境的部份方案,应该要取自于大专院校和研究实验中心。 www.bing.com 3. The U. S. market 'is a little bit ahead of itself this year, ' he says, given the economic problems that remain. 尼沃斯基说,考虑到依然存在的经济问题,今年美国股市有点表现过头了。 chinese.wsj.com 4. But Chinese currency policy is adding materially to the world's economic problems at a time when those problems are already very severe. 但在全世界经济危机处于问题尤为严重的时期,中国的货币政策却依然在为这些问题火上加油,我们是时候站出来表明立场了。 www.bing.com 5. While people around the world face serious economic problems, but the lives of athletes who will not be affected. 虽然全世界的人们面临着严峻的经济问题,但运动健儿们的生活并不会因此受到影响。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Further destruction to Christchurch will add to Prime Minister Key's economic problems, as rebuilding costs are expected to be high. 克赖斯特彻奇再遭破坏将会加剧总理约翰?基的经济问题,因为重建费用预计会很高。 c.wsj.com 7. He suggests that current economic problems could be attributed, in part, to managers who failed to do this. 他建议,目前的经济问题可以部分归咎于那些没做到这点的管理者。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Involuntary immigrants are facing risk of poverty, if the resettlement is not good, it may trigger social and economic problems. 工程非自愿移民面临着贫困风险,如果安置的不好,可能会引发社会和经济问题。 www.13191.com 9. For all the billions of dollars spent and committed to fixing our economic problems, the situation is only getting worse. 本届政府花了成百上千亿美元来修复我们的经济问题,而经济形势却更加恶化了。 www.bing.com 10. Given its economic problems Europe might be expected to solicit visitors. 尽管经济阴云重重,欧洲仍然是旅游者钟爱之地。 www.bing.com 1. The way that the bank lending has been channeled reflects that China's economic problems couldn't be fixed by liquidity. 银行信贷流通方式显示出流动性并不能解决中国的经济问题。 www.bing.com 2. DEMOGRAPHY may not be destiny, but it matters in rich countriesn where ageing and shrinking populations are bringing economic problems. 人口结构或许并不代表天命[1],然而随着人口老龄化及人口减少所产生的诸多经济问题,它在发达国家内的确值得重视。 www.ecocn.org 3. His administration had, after all, tackled some huge economic problems early on, and with apparent success. 无论如何,他的政权对之前庞大的经济问题算是有了应对,而且取得了明显的成果。 url.cn 4. DEMOGRAPHY may not be destiny, but it matters in rich countries where ageing and shrinking populations are bringing economic problems. 人口统计学也许不是定数,但在发达国家却至关重要。那里的人口老龄化和低出生率已引发了诸多经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. It is growing harder to say that China is relatively immune from global financial and economic problems. 现在越来越难说中国是否能相对地不受全球金融危机的影响。 blog.ecocn.org 6. Recently, disciples from the Santiago Center organized and prepared a batch of provisions to give to a local family with economic problems. 圣地牙哥小中心的同修最近捐赠一些粮食给一户经济困厄的家庭。 sm2000.org 7. For all the detail in their economic plans, Mr Obama and Mr McCain largely sidestep some of the most vexing economic problems. 虽然他们的经济计划中有不少具体措施,麦凯恩和奥巴马都尽量回避一些令人烦恼的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. Most of the US governors are looking to China for an international solution to local economic problems and unemployment, said CNN. 对此,美国有线电视新闻网指出,越来越多的美国州长希望到中国寻找机会,以解决美国国内的经济和失业问题。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. They acted very badly with me, making absurd technical choices and creating economic problems ". " 他们对我很不好,在技术上做出了很多荒谬的选择,并且制造了一大堆财政问题。 www.laziofly.com 10. The evidence available does not inspire confidence that commodity policies can solve farmers' economic problems. 现有的证据并不能使人确信商品政策能解决农民的经济问题。 1. Among the difficulties I encountered, economic problems were the worst. 在我遇到的各种困难中,经济问题是最严重的。 chinese.wsj.com 2. As the economic problems have mounted, more than $2 billion has been taken out of emerging-market funds in each of the past two weeks. 由于经济问题的出现,在过去两周内,每周都有超过20亿美元的资金撤出新兴市场的基金。 www.ecocn.org 3. Many commentators now consider it as one of the country's most pressing economic problems. 很多评论者认为这是一个国家急待解决的经济问题。 www.bing.com 4. President Obama is pre-occupied by America's own daunting economic problems and engaged in a never-ending punch-up with the Republicans. 美国总统奥巴马全神贯注于解决美国自身可怕的经济问题,并永远在忙于跟共和党人打架。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In recent years, the international market prices shoot up all the ups and downs, and become a global attention, the economic problems. 近几年来,国际市场上粮价风云跌宕,一路飙涨,成为全球瞩目的经济问题。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Some would address festering social and economic problems. Some needs to be devoted to public investment. 此外,还有些资金将用于应对日益恶化的社会和经济问题,以及公共投资。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Gallup says that persistent economic problems in recent years may be a reason why smaller families are in favor. 盖洛普称,近年来持续的经济问题可能是小家庭受欢迎的原因。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Despite the obvious economic problems, international investors have viewed the yen as a safe haven in the current circumstances. 虽然存在着明显的经济问题,国际投资者还是把日元看作当前货币投资的安全岛。 www.bing.com 9. Some of the most negative effects on adolescents may be associated with economic problems. 对青少年最负面的影响可能与经济问题有关。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The big question among investors is whether the anemic job numbers are temporary or evidence of deeper economic problems. The大间投资者是否贫血的就业数字是临时的或更深层次的经济问题的证据。 www.englishtang.com 1. and both Durham and Greensboro in North Carolina as economic problems spread from core urban areas to the suburbs over the decade. 而北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆和格林斯博罗的经济问题在过去10年已从核心城市圈蔓延到郊区。 www.bing.com 2. The decision by Chinese exporters to look to the emerging markets in part reflects economic problems at home. 中国出口商着眼于新兴市场的决定,部分反映了国内的经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. However, this time, the economic problems are helping nonprofit organizations in another way. 然而,这次,经济问题正从另一方面帮助非营利机构。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn 4. Mr. Conn, the Guardian columnist, says that the economic problems might result in a lower-value television deal. 《卫报》专栏记者科恩先生表示,处于经济考虑,最终可能电视转播合约价值不会很高。 www.bing.com 5. The candidates must be held to the fire, explaining what they will do to overcome the serious economic problems. 他们必须承受压力,阐明打算如何解决严重的经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The only problem is that if opposition to him grows because of economic problems, he may lose control of his own party. 唯一的问题是:假如由于经济问题,反对他的呼声越来越高,他恐怕对自己的政党都将失去控制。 www.ebigear.com 7. This integration results from the formulation of economic problems as stylized models with clear assumptions and falsifiable predictions. 这种一体化的结果制定经济问题的程式化模型具有明确的假设和证伪的预言。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Gold and silver surged higher on Thursday, as the focus of traders turned squarely to the fiscal and economic problems in the US. 黄金和白银价格周四飙升,交易员的焦点全面转向美国的财政和经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The new government inherited the economic problems of the last four years. 翻译新政府继承了前四年的经济问题 en.eol.cn 10. In fact, the U. S. , like most of the developed world, had compiled a long list of chronic economic problems. 事实上,美国就和其他发达国家一样,有很长很长的慢性经济问题的清单。 www.bing.com 1. Today, Tokyo's economic problems are more than academic for the Federal Reserve chairman. 今天,对这位美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)主席来说,日本的经济问题已不仅仅是个学术话题。 chinese.wsj.com 2. With the approach of spring, Clinton's economic problems multiplied even as his attempts to avoid foreign entanglements failed. 春天的来临,希拉里的经济问题增加正如他试图避免深恶痛绝失败了。 www.bing.com 3. The geological prospecting in the 21st century is both the geological technological problems and geological economic problems of our time. 21世纪地质找矿既是地质技术问题,又是当代地质经济问题。 www.dictall.com 4. With its big cash reserves and low debt, Russia may find that economic problems now take time to hit home. 俄罗斯现在可能还觉得经济危机不会影响到国内的稳定,因为现在有大量的现金储备和较少的债务。 www.bing.com 5. Successive administrations have failed to solve the country's economic problems. 历届政府均未能解决国家的经济问题。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Still, some of the most immediate economic problems may be starting to ease. 但是一些最紧迫的经济问题已经开始缓解了。 space.englishcn.com 7. The former president also called for wealthy nations to contribute more to the fight against AIDS, despite their economic problems. 布什前总统同时呼吁富裕国家无论他们的经济问题如何,都应该为抗击艾滋病作出更多的贡献。 www.bing.com 8. Do not overestimate the importance of the economic problems. 不要过高估计经济问题的重要性。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Economic problems may be fuelling a rise in depression in England, it has been suggested. 据悉,在英国经济问题可能是导致了精神抑郁患者增多的原因之一。 www.bing.com 10. One of the severity economic problems of china is immorality behavior during the marketing, such as sale's bribes, false advertisement. 营销中的非道德行为是我国经济发展面临的一大难题,虚假广告、销售贿赂等问题阻碍了社会主义市场经济的发展。 1. This article from the start with the definition of economic efficiency audit, understanding the economic problems in the audit. 本文从经济效益审计的定义入手,认识了经济效益审计存在的问题。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Lee Myung-bak, South Korea's president, proposed a new international body to deal with cross-border economic problems. 韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)提议设立一个新的国际机构,以应对跨境经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. FOR years, international Cuba watchers have predicted two possible solutions to the island's economic problems. 多年来,国际古巴问题专家们预测该岛国的经济问题有两个可能的解决方案。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Social and economic problems can only worsen . 社会问题和经济形势每况愈下。 dict.veduchina.com 5. A surging Libor could exacerbate larger economic problems because many mortgages are tied to rates that fall or rise depending on Libor. Libor上升可能会引发更大的经济问题,因为许多按揭产品所参考的利率会根据Libor的变化而涨跌。 www.ebigear.com 6. A month later, those same challenges still persist, among them: the nuclear crisis, economic problems and human rights issues. 一个月后,这些相同的挑战依然存在,其中包括:核武危机、经济问题与人权议题; zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. FOR years, international Cuba watches have predicted two possible solutions to the island's economic problems. 许多年来,国际古巴观察家们预测,有两条可行方案可以用来解决这个国家的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. They were expecting their sixth child and were faced with even more pressing economic problems. 第六个孩子即将问世,他们面临着更加严峻的经济问题。 www.examw.com 9. A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems. 规模巨大的货币赤字和高的失业率仍然是最严重的两大经济问题。 www.ebigear.com 10. First, the world's big economic problems can only be solved by co-ordinated action. 首先,全球重大经济问题只能通过协调行动加以解决。 www.ftchinese.com 1. officials pointed out that extreme weather has hit the national economy, last week's super-hurricane the more severe economic problems. 官员指出,极端天气已重创国家的经济,上星期的超级飓风将使经济问题更为严峻。 www.englishtang.com 2. The economic problems facing households have translated into weak holiday shopping for retailers. 众多家庭处于经济困难之中,零售商们不得不面对一个惨淡的销售假期。 www.suiniyi.com 3. It follows that when rents increase, the incentive to tackle underlying economic problems diminishes. 租金的提高会导致解决经济问题的动机随之降低。 www.24en.com 4. For years Iranians have been suffering multiple economic problems including inflation at or above 20%. 多年来伊朗人一直遭受各种经济问题,包括超过20%的通膨率。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. I am not a pessimist, and my job is to inform the world economic problems to the clients and government officials. 我个人不是一个悲观主义者。我的工作是把世界经济中存在的一些问题告知给我在世界各地的客户、政府要员和官员。 jingji.cntv.cn 6. that federation could be a solution to Europe's economic problems? 联盟有助解决欧洲经济问题吗 www.tingroom.com 7. And, if China experiences economic problems, Bailey believes more Chinese may invest in property abroad. 贝利相信,一旦中国遭遇经济问题,将会有更多的中国人在境外投资物业。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Booting out the weak members of the eurozone won't solve the continent's economic problems. 将弱国赶出欧元区并不能解决欧洲大陆的经济问题。 www.fortunechina.com 9. From here in California, we reported last night on the depth of the economic problems in this state. . . 在加利福尼亚这里,我们昨晚深入报道了这个州的经济问题… qac.yappr.cn 10. Michigan does indeed suffer from some major league post-industrial societal and economic problems. 密歇根州确同一些主要的旧工业联盟遭受了社会和经济的打击。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 1. Getting married soon after graduation can result in both psychological and economic problems. 毕业后很快结婚可能会导致心理问题及经济问题的出现。 gb.cri.cn 2. Madame Speaker, many Americans are hoping the new administration will solve the economic problems we face. 议长女士,许多美国人希望新一届政府会解决我们现在所面临的经济问题。 www.bing.com 3. Increased support for cooperative-based solutions to rural economic problems. 加强对支持合作社支持解决农村经济问题。 www.ccag.com.cn 4. Mr. Musharraf appealed for political unity to address Pakistan's pressing economic problems. 穆沙拉夫号召巴基斯坦人在政治上团结起来,解决巴基斯坦紧迫的经济问题。 www.voanews.cn 5. The risk is they lead to policies that, far from solving the world's economic problems, make them a whole lot worse. 它们有可能促成这样的政策:非但无法解决世界各种经济问题,反而使其变得更为糟糕。 www.ftchinese.com 6. India, in contrast, is not seen as a big potential part of the answer to the world's economic problems. 与之相反,印度并不被看作是应对全球经济问题的一大潜在力量。 www.bing.com 7. Food prices are also part of economic problems to blame for the deadly riots in Tunisia. 粮食价格也是造成突尼斯致命暴乱的经济问题的一部分。 www.2abc8.com 8. In other words, many of the same economic problems that have hit school budgets have also hit family budgets. 换言之,许多影响了学校预算的经济问题也同样影响了家庭的开支预算。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. In the late nineteen fifties, China's government ordered major changes that caused economic problems. 在二十世纪五十年代后期,中国政府下令,造成经济问题的重大变化。 www.maynet.cn 10. Zhong warned U. S. business leaders that a stronger yuan might not be a solution to American economic problems. 钟山警告美国商界领袖称,人民币升值恐怕不会是解决美国经济问题的良方。 cn.reuters.com 1. China and the UK pledge to enhance co-operation on international economic problems and to promote sustainable development. 中英两国承诺增进在国际经济问题上的合作,促进可持续发展。 fanyi.533.com 2. Most of the current economic problems are, in one way or another, related to incomplete restructuring of the financial system. 当前,中国大多数经济问题都与其金融体制结构调整的不完全有关。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The communist leadership has expressed fears of social unrest as economic problems worsen. 中共领导人对于经济进一步衰退可能会出现社会动荡表示担忧。 www.bing.com 4. Rising food and oil prices compounded the economic problems, making discontent more acute. 食品和石油价格不断上涨使得经济问题火上浇油,令民众的不满更为强烈。 www.ftchinese.com 5. These hard-core unemployed highlight the nexus between long-term and short-term economic problems. 这些核心失业者突显了长期及短期经济问题间存在的联系。 dongxi.net 6. Although not environmentally related, per se , the nuclear industry has been beset ith economic problems. 尽管未与其它周围事物相关联,就其本身而言,核工业已被经济问题所困扰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And once a new favela grows exponentially, it becomes a neighborhood with big social and economic problems. 新贫民区一旦膨胀起来,便成为社会和经济问题严重的社区。 www.america.gov 8. Boemio is well aware that short selling isn't ethical and is exacerbating Vegas' economic problems. 波密奥很清楚短期销售是不道德的,并且会加剧维加斯的经济问题。 www.bing.com 9. But to blame the current economic problems in the US or Europe on policymakers' over-reliance on models is unfair. 但将当前美国或欧洲的经济问题归咎于政策制定者过于依赖模型,则有失公平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Dry machining technology is a fundamental solution to the environmental and economic problems caused by cutting fluids. 解决切削液带来的环境及经济效应的根本方法就是干切削加工技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But Mr Paulson also found himself facing calls for the US to address its own economic problems. 但保尔森发现自己也面临中方的呼吁,要求美国处理好自己的经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Malaysia's priority should be solving the nation's economic problems, and not putting the blame on others. 国难当前应该先解决经济问题,而不是埋怨任何人。 www.1stenglish.com 3. He needs to stop blaming France's economic problems on the strong euro. 他不该再把法国的经济问题归咎于硬挺的欧元。 www.ecocn.org 4. China is playing a growing role in discussions over solutions to current economic problems. 中国正越来越多地参与商讨解决当前经济问题的对策。 www.ebigear.com 5. Of course, it is true that China has its own grave political and economic problems. 当然,中国自身也的确存在严重的政治和经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It'll force us to choose, and in doing so, stop the excesses that have led to our economic problems, individually and as a society. 这将促使我们去选择,对于个人和社会,这样做将阻止我们挥霍无度以至产生经济问题。 www.bing.com 7. Most are Tunisians fleeing the economic problems that helped trigger the upheaval. 大部分偷渡者是突尼斯人,逃离逃离引发动荡的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. These figures clearly demonstrate the economic problems facing the country. 这些数字清楚地说明国家所面临的经济问题。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Changing the wage structure is fraught with political and economic problems. 收入结构的改变纠缠于一大堆政治与经济问题。 www.bing.com 10. The credibility that Paul Volker brought to the Fed was exploited by Greenspan who kept pumping money to solve economic problems. PaulVolker给联邦政府带来的信誉被Greenspan利用了,他持续的注入资金来解决经济问题。 bbs.ccnu.com.cn 1. Europe's economic problems could beget deepening social tensions. 欧洲的经济问题可能引发社会紧张局面的加剧。 dongxi.net 2. Japan's economic problems, like ours, originated in huge asset "bubbles. " 日本经济的症结源自巨大的资产泡沫[i],这一点和我们一样。 www.bing.com 3. The conference on international economic problems met in Geneva. 关于世界经济问题的会议在日内瓦召开。 www.51ielts.com 4. "It is unreasonable and unfair to blame all the US's own economic problems on China, " Mr Qin said. 秦刚表示:“把美国自身经济存在的问题完全归咎于中国,既不合理,也不公平。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Voters in Britain, Spain and Ireland, who saw their governments as responsible for their economic problems, punished them. 英国、西班牙、爱尔兰的选民则向政府施压,因为他们看出了本国政府对这一系列经济问题所应负的责任。 www.bing.com 6. The new government must set about finding solutions to the country's economic problems. 新政府必须立即找出解决国家经济问题的办法。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He accused the committee of failing to tackle those severe economic problems. 他指责委员会未能处理那些严重的经济问题。 yingxie.99927.com 8. But the inflow of funds allowed Greeks to ignore structural economic problems. 但资金的流入却导致希腊人忽视了本国经济的结构性问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. No individual or organization is consciously concerned with the triad of economic problems. 任何个人和机构都不是有意识地关心到三位一体的经济问题。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Tea Partiers blame big government for the country's economic problems. 茶党运动的参与者将国家的经济问题归咎于政府。 www.hxen.com 1. The Obama administration has been overwhelmed by America's economic problems. 奥巴马政府已被美国的经济问题压垮。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Puerto Rico's new governor, Luis Fortuñ o, has been quick to acknowledge the scale of economic problems facing the US commonwealth. 波多黎各新上任总督路易斯?福尔图尼奥(LuisFortuñ;o)很快地认识到,这个美国联邦领地正面临着严重的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's an Island Nation in the Mediterranean that's having serious economic problems. 这是一个有严重经济问题的地中海岛国。 www.bing.com 4. Development is the absolute principle and the key to solve economic problems. 发展是硬道理,是解决经济问题的关键。 cd.pxto.com.cn 5. They should be doing great given the economic problems. 经济问题这么严峻,他们应该做些伟大的事情。 dongxi.net 6. The G8 has lost its monopoly as a forum for wrestling with global economic problems. 作为一个与全球经济问题博弈的论坛,G8已经失去了它的垄断地位。 www.bing.com 7. "Fiscal policy reform is the key to social and economic problems, " Ms Man adds. 满燕云补充表示:“财政政策改革是解决社会和经济问题的关键。” www.ftchinese.com 8. The economic problems they have to confront have moved just about as far. 而他们不得不面临的经济问题目前也一样移动着。 www.bing.com 9. The government retreated from its economic problems recently. 最近政府改变了经济政策。 test.2u4u.com.cn 10. So which party gets the blame for the country's current economic problems? 那么哪个政党因当前的经济问题受到指责呢? www.bing.com 1. I don't want to pretend that today marks the end of our economic problems. 我不想夸口说今天标志着经济问题的终结。你能仿照这个句子,。 home.hjenglish.com 2. Harry Truman was losing popularity because of the continuing war in Korea and economic problems at home. 由于朝鲜的战火不断和国内的经济问题,杜鲁门声望大不如前。 www.remword.cn 3. The government is troubled with a complex array of economic problems. 政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。 www.kekenet.com 4. Second , a stronger yuan isn't a panacea to American economic problems. 第二,人民币汇率提高对美国经济问题并不是灵丹妙药。 www.bing.com 5. Economic problems abroad will also jostle for Mr Obama's attention. 国外的经济问题也需要引起奥巴马的注意。 www.bing.com 6. And he was blunt about Cuba's economic problems. 此外,他还直言不讳地谈及了古巴国内经济存在的种种问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. They say Ukraine is remarkably calm given the country's economic problems. 他们表示,考虑到该国的经济问题,乌克兰目前惊人地平静。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The Government must not ignore these symptoms of present economic problems. 政府不应忽视这些现存经济问题的征候。 www.best1.cn 9. The fear of business leaders is that a weak Socialist government will be unable to tackle Portugal's pressing economic problems. 商界领导人担心的是一个孱弱的社会党不能应对葡萄牙日益严重的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. But even when Mexico's run of bad luck ends it will still face serious economic problems. 但即便不再背运,墨西哥仍面临严重的经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Added to these problems is the possibility that the economic problems in the UK will hit the job market. 除了这些问题外,还值得注意的一点是英国经济存在的问题可能会冲击就业市场。 www.ecocn.org 2. This means that they like to hide the true cause of economic problems. 这意味着他们喜欢隐藏经济问题的真正原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Next year's general election seems certain to hinge on Mr Obama's ability to get to grips with economic problems. 将于明年举行的大选似乎必然取决于奥巴马应对经济问题的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Maybe some economic problems require the same trick. 也许有些经济上的问题需要些这样的技巧。 www.bing.com 5. Europe's post-2008 economic problems have differed from America's in many important ways. 2008年后,欧洲的经济问题与美国在许多方面都不一样。 www.kle100.cn 6. Euro dips on concern that economic problems will spread. 因担心经济问题会发生蔓延,欧元下滑。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The social unrest has its origins in economic problems. 社会动荡是经济问题引起的。 www.bing.com 8. Central bankers alone cannot solve the world's economic problems. 央行自己本身不能单独解决世界经济难题。 www.bing.com 9. This is especially true in the Philippines with the youth now more involved in political and economic problems. 在菲律宾对待年轻人问题上尤其如此,更多的是牵涉到政治,经济方面的问题。 www.bing.com 10. The weekly makes a feature of economic problems. 该周以经济问题作为号召。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. His book on China's economic problems will come out next month. 他写的关于中国经济问题的书将于下月出版。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. That rich-world central banks feel the need to keep rates close to zero shows how many economic problems remain. 富裕国家的中央银行感到有必要使利率接近零利率这一事实说明了还有很多未解决的经济问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. We believe it is questionable whether QE2 can solve the chronic economic problems dogging the US. 我们认为,二次定量宽松能否解决困扰美国多年的经济问题是存在疑问的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They are discussing economic problems. 他们在讨论经济上的问题。 www.fsgz.com 5. But that is no guarantee that a new administration beset with economic problems and fiscal constraints will focus more on Asia. 但不能保证说被经济问题和财政约束困扰的新政府将把更多的注意力放在亚洲。 www.stnn.cc 6. Make corruption disappear, he says, and you have solved all the country's political and economic problems. 他宣称要清除腐败,解决国内所有的政治经济问题; xiaozu.renren.com 7. The conference on internwis economic problems met in Geneva. 关于世界经济题目的会议在日内瓦召开。 kmf1.glwyao.com 8. The EU's economic problems increase daily. 欧盟经济问题日渐增多。 www.bing.com 9. Many developing countries, after their independence, were afflicted with economic problems at the beginning. 许多新兴国家在刚获得独立的时侯,都遇到过经济问题的困扰。 wenku.baidu.com 10. But economic problems at home can also make people feel they have few other choices. 但国内的经济问题也会使人们感觉选择余地不多。 www.24en.com 1. They are faced with slippery economic problems. 他们面临棘手的经济问题。 www.powerdict.com 2. I have long held that America's growing economic problems stem from the same source -globalization. 我一直认为美国持续出现的经济问题,都来源于同一个原因——全球化。 www.bing.com 3. So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed? 因此,为什么我们处理经济问题的方式如此目光短浅和开始就出错呢? www.bing.com 4. The managed economies of Capitalism 2. 0 were based on a fundamental faith in governments' ability to solve economic problems. 资本主义2.0是以政府能够解决经济问题的基本信念为基础。 www.bing.com 5. The economic problems of one country often have a great effect on the whole world. 一个国家的经济问题往往会对全球产生巨大的影响。 www.jukuu.com 6. They are faced with many economic problems. 他们面临许多经济问题。 wenku.baidu.com 7. There are lots of economic problems Ben Bernanke can't solve. 伯克南有太多经济问题无法解决。 www.ecocn.org 8. Fresh evidence of broader economic problems in China came on Wednesday as the government released monthly statistics. 周三政府发布了月度统计数字,新的数据显示了中国更加广泛的经济问题。 www.bing.com 9. The government can help ease the pain, but economic problems will be difficult to solve. 政府只能帮助舒缓恶化的情势,但是经济的问题是很难解决的。 www.wwenglish.com 10. Do the economic problems of Guangdong province show where China is headed in 2009? 广东当下出现的经济问题是否预示着中国2009年的经济状况? blog.sina.com.cn 1. This creates social and economic problems, and these are the problems we want to solve. 巴希尔说道,“这就产生了一些社会和经济问题,也是我们想要解决的。” www.bing.com 2. Because it will solve all our household economic problems. 因为它能解决家里所有的经济问题。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Many developing countries, after independence were afflicted with economic problems to begin with. 许多新兴国家在刚获得独立是时候,都遇到过经济问题的困扰。 wenku.baidu.com 4. All but Hong Kong were abandoned because money was tight as a result of the economic problems that culminated in the devaluation of 1967. 可因为1967年的经济困难到极点引发了货币贬值,造成经费短缺,除了香港,所有这一切都被放弃掉了。 www.bing.com 5. This article has used a simple credit model, by some economic problems quantitative indicators to analyze the relationship between them ; 本文利用了一个简单的信贷筛选模型,通过将经济问题中一些指标量化来分析他们之间的关系; www.fabiao.net 6. President Obama is trying to implement tax reforms to tackle economic problems, 奥巴马总统试图进行税收改革来处理经济问题。 www.bing.com 7. On External Non-economic Problems of Agricultural Production in Mountainous Areas--A Case Study of the Mountainous Areas in South Anhui 对山区农业生产活动外部不经济性问题的思考--以皖南山区为例 www.ilib.cn 8. Beijing highlighted US economic problems at the opening of a twice-yearly meeting between ministers from both countries, 两国官员昨天在北京召开了每年两次的“中美战略经济对话”。在开幕式上,中国政府强调指出了美国的经济问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the global financial crisis, China is also trying to struggle with their own economic problems 在全球金融危机时,中国也在设法应对自己的经济问题 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Australia's economic problems are the envy of the west | Business | The Guardian Australia's economic problems are the envy of the west 澳大利亚的经济问题让西方“眼红” www.bing.com 1. Analysis of Social Economic Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Construction Adjustment in Southern Ningxia 宁夏南部山区社会经济问题分析与农业结构调整对策 ilib.cn 2. Economic problems for the french and popularity problems for jacques chirac may have also influenced voters 法国经济问题和chirac的受欢迎程度也将影响投票的人 bulo.hjenglish.com 3. Some Considerations Concerning Economic Problems of Bibliographic Control 关于书目控制经济问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis on realistic economic problems by exploring the economic space and economic field theory 通过探索经济空间、经济场理论剖析现实经济问题 service.ilib.cn 5. Pakistan will freeze its defense budget for the year amid economic problems, 鉴于经济困难,巴基斯坦将冻结今年的国防预算。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Several Techno-Economic Problems of Rural Electric Network Modification 农村电网改造中若干技术经济问题的研究 ilib.cn 7. The government is not doing enough to tackle Spain's economic problems 政府在解决西班牙经济的问题上做得很不够。 www.ecocn.org 8. Economic problems are model platform for economic philosophy to reach maturity 经济问题:经济哲学走向成熟的范式平台 ilib.cn 9. Economic problems can act as a trigger for depression, experts say 专家表示,经济问题是精神抑郁的诱因之一。 www.bing.com 10. Ecological and Economic Problems in Artificial Grassland 人工草地的生态经济问题研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Eco-Economic Problems and Countermeasures on the Utilization of Water Resources in Urumqi Region 乌鲁木齐区域水资源利用中的生态经济问题及其调控对策 www.ilib.cn 2. Common economic problems and audit policies in project cost accounting 工程结算中常见经济纠纷及审计对策 www.ilib.cn 3. Commodity Particularity and Economic Problems on Drugs 药品的商品特殊性及其经济学问题 service.ilib.cn 4. Some Applications Related to Mathematical Expectation in Economic Problems 数学期望在经济问题中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Joint Committee for the Study of Economic Problems in European Agriculture 欧洲农业经济问题研究联合委员会 www.losn.com.cn 6. Institute for Social and Economic Problems of Foreign Countries; 外国社会和经济问题研究所; www.sinobay.com 7. An Interview about Three Main Economic Problems in the Transitional Period 纵论当前经济转轨中的三大问题 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Students may experience economic problems 留学可能会遇到的经济问题 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Three Measures to Permanently Cure China's Deep-lying Economic Problems 解决我国深层次经济问题的三大治本之策 www.ilib.cn 10. Economic problems in foreign agriculture 外国农业经济问题 jmoa.jmxy.shzu.edu.cn 1. The Need of Applying Spiritual Principles to Today's Economic Problems 用精神原则解决当前经济问题的必要性 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis of Rural Economic Problems and Counter measures 农村经济问题分析及对策 www.ilib.cn 3. Health Report - Europe's Economic Problems Linked to Rise in Suicides 健康报道-欧洲经济危机导致自杀率上升 www.tingroom.com 4. Some Thoughts on Current Macro - Economic Problems 关于当前宏观经济问题的一些思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Economic Problems Research in Socialism 社会主义经济问题研究 jmoa.jmxy.shzu.edu.cn 6. Some Economic Problems in Yanbian Area and Their Solutions 延边朝鲜族地区经济面临的问题及对策 ilib.cn 7. On the economic problems in construction energy saving 小议建筑节能中的经济问题 www.ilib.cn 8. they worry about crime almost as much as about economic problems; 他们对犯罪问题和对经济问题差不多同样关注; bbs.ecocn.org 9. Some Economic Problems of Metro Operation 城市地下铁道运输有关经济问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. The Price System and the Basic Economic Problems 价格体制与基本的经济问题 product.dangdang.com 1. Economic problems in renovation of city 城市拆迁改造中的经济问题 www.ilib.cn 2. A Preliminary Study of Several Basic Economic Problems in China 试论中国经济的几个基本问题 www.ichacha.net 3. it is also dealing with economic problems linked to population 这也使中国经济与人口相关。 www.ichacha.net 4. Analysis on Regime Background of Economic Problems in China and Policy Choice 我国经济若干问题的体制背景分析及其政策选择 service.ilib.cn 5. Economic Problems during Development of Urban Community Health Service in China 我国城市社区卫生服务发展中的经济问题及其研究概述 service.ilib.cn 6. Several economic problems of pig feeding industry in China 中国养猪产业化的几个经济问题 service.ilib.cn 7. Economic Problems Research in China 中国经济问题研究 www.zftrans.com |
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