单词 | enterpriser |
释义 |
例句释义: 企业家,实业家,掮客,承包人,事业家,企业家论坛,创业成功指数 1. Waste Enterprisers is also collaborating with a consortium of research organizations to test using fecal sludge as an industrial fuel. 公司正在和一个有研究机构组成的财团合作,试验把粪便和污泥当作工业燃料。 www.bing.com 2. The three enterprisers within the country happened to have the same view, posting the key to the success of management of the corporations. 国内三位企业家的看法刚好不谋而合,道出了经营企业成败的关键所在。 www.hicoo.net 3. The modem enterprisers should be the enterprisers in the form of group and team organisation. 现代企业家应该是团队制度型企业家。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Like many other American enterprisers, they had tried and failed to duplicate English spinning machinery. 同其他许多美国创业者一样,他们曾经尝试照搬英国纺织机械,均以失败告终。 www.zftrans.com 5. Natural food antiseptic is researched and used by food enterprisers and scientists. 天然防腐剂以其独特的魅力吸引着食品企业家、科学家去研究和应用。 www.chemyq.com 6. Enterprisers'training is the height of the behaviors that cause alone. 企业家的道行有多高,事业就有多大。 www.bing.com 7. Water sector characters, here are top brains and successful enterprisers of China water sector. 水业人物,这里有中国水业的资深专家与知名企业家。 www.h2o-china.com 8. The moving spirits of the government's new plan for industry include some of the most experienced enterprisers in the country. 政府新工业计划的倡导人有几位是全国最有经验的企业家。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. You will become one of the richest enterprisers if you have the willpower. 如果你有毅力,你将成为最富有的企业家之一! wenwen.soso.com 10. China's development of market-oriented economy brings up host of enterprisers. 中国市场经济的发展,涌现了一批商业精英。 www.tianya.cn 1. The innovational points mainly list as follow: 1. This paper developed the Enterprisers Motivation and Restriction Model (EMRM); 2. 本研究创新点主要包括:(1)构建了传媒上市公司的经营者激励与约束机制优化模型(EMRM模型); www.13191.com 2. Time is money for enterprisers. 对企业家而言,时间是金钱。 www.bing.com 3. Restriction factors to vocational study of enterprisers and corresponding countermeasures 企业家业务学习的制约因素与对策 www.ilib.cn 4. enterprisers are the heart and soul enterprises 企业家是企业的灵魂和核心。 www.ichacha.net 5. On an Significance of Improving the Enterprisers'Philosophical Accomplishment 论提高企业家哲学素养的重要性 www.ilib.cn 6. China's Enterprise Managers in Changing and up the Contingent of Professional Enterprisers Educated 我国企业经营者的演变轨迹与职业企业家队伍的培育 www.ilib.cn 7. Study of Economic Globalization and China Enterprisers'Training and Growing Well 经济全球化与中国企业家的培养与成长 www.ilib.cn 8. Enterprisers Are the Important Forces for Realization of Industrialization 企业家是实现工业化的重要力量 www.ilib.cn 9. The synthetical evaluation and analysis of Chinese enterprisers'environmental protection ideology 中国企业家环保意识综合评价及分析 www.ilib.cn 10. College students' enterprisers are more and more concerned by the society when the employment situation is becoming increasingly grim today. 在就业形势日趋严峻的今天,大学生的自主创业越来越受到社会的关注。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The Game Analysis of the Enterprisers that Develop Independent Intellectual Property Right and Tax Authorities 开发自主知识产权的企业与税收当局的博弈分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Product Quality Competition and Enterprisers'Decision under Multidimensional Model 双寡头模型下的产品质量竞争与厂商决策 www.ilib.cn 3. Investigation and Thought: Developing CPC Members in the Advanced Elements of the Private Enterprisers Owners 关于在私营企业主先进分子中发展党员的调查与思考 ilib.cn 4. Summary of the International Conference on the Social Responsibility of Chinese Enterprisers 中国企业社会责任国际会议纪要 www.ilib.cn 5. Analyzing the Theoretical gist, Significance and Limit of Political Participation of Private Enterprisers 论我国私营企业主政治参与的理论根据、意义与限度 ilib.cn 6. Probe into the Excitation and Constrained Mechanism of State-owned-Enterprise Enterprisers'Action 关于国有企业企业家行为的激励与约束机制的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Enterprisers, Enterprises'Standpoint and Enterprises' System Construction in the Late Qing Dynasty 晚清企业家·企业本位·企业制度建设 service.ilib.cn 8. Probing Into The Political Attribute Of Enterprisers Of Current Chinese Private Enterprises 当代中国私营企业主的政治属性探析 ilib.cn 9. On the Exploration of Establishing the Mechanism of Stimulation and Restriction for the Enterprisers 构建企业家激励与约束机制的探索 www.ilib.cn 10. The Current State of Chinese Enterprisers and the Opinion on Enterprisers'Education 中国企业家的现状及企业家教育刍议 service.ilib.cn 1. Reflection and Tentative Plan of Reforming the Administrative System for Selecting Enterprisers 关于改革企业家选拔管理机制的思考 www.ilib.cn 2. Human Capital of Enterprisers and Its Position and Role in Governance of Modern Companies 企业家人力资本及其在现代公司治理中的地位和作用 www.ilib.cn 3. On An Administrative Pattern of Chinese Enterprisers 中国企业家的一种管理模式 www.ilib.cn 4. The Actual Analysis about Enterprisers Being the Main Body of Technological Innovation 企业家技术创新主体现状分析 ilib.cn 5. Probe to the Human Capital Value of Enterprisers and Its Measurement 企业家人力资本价值及其计量问题探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. To Set Up a Innovation Mechanism for Enterprisers Growth 建立企业经营者成长的创新机制 www.ilib.cn 7. The quality improvement of private enterprisers is the core of sustained expansion of private enterprises 私营企业家素质的升华是企业可持续成长的核心 www.ilib.cn 8. The Main Problems in Stimulating Chinese Enterprisers by Reward and the Systemic Innovation 我国企业家报酬激励的主要问题与制度创新 ilib.cn 9. Significance and classified discussion of theoretic study on enterprisers 上一篇文章:企业家理论研究的意义与分类综述 www.lw100.com 10. Development of Enterprisers And Industrialized Groups: Start An Undertaking, Innovation And Social Capital 企业家与产业集群的发展:创业、创新与社会资本 www.ilib.cn 1. Growth And Strength of Private Enterprises Are Determined by Managing Ability of Enterprisers 民营企业成长壮大在于企业家的管理能力 www.ilib.cn 2. The Community Responsibilities of Enterprisers and Their Devotion to the Public Welfares 企业家的社会责任与对公益慈善事业的奉献 www.ilib.cn 3. International merging and the impacts on the technological progress in Chinese enterprisers 跨国并购对我国企业技术进步的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. enhance the friendship and exchange among enterprisers of different countries 增进各国企业家之间的友谊和交流 www.jukuu.com 5. Discrimination of Social Attributes of Private Enterprisers 私营企业主的社会属性辨析 ilib.cn 6. Analysis of Growing Patterns of Chinese Enterprisers during Transaction 转型时期中国企业家成长模式的实证研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Entry into WTO and the Formation and Perfection of Market Mechanism of the Western Enterprisers 加入WTO与西部企业家市场机制的形成和完善 www.ilib.cn 8. On tax-planning and Conducting financial transactions for china enterprisers 税收筹划与中国企业理财之我见 ilib.cn 9. On Training Professional Enterprisers in Large and Middle-Sized Enterprises 在大中型企业里培养职业企业家 service.ilib.cn 10. A Theoretical Thinking about Private Enterprisers Keeping Honesty and Trust 关于民营企业家恪守诚信的理论思考 ilib.cn 1. Bringing forth new ideas in system: the rational support of Chinese career enterprisers'growth 制度优化:中国职业企业家成长的理性支持 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Advantage-Advantage Combination of Japanese Enterprisers 论日本企业家的双璧型组合模式 scholar.ilib.cn 3. The current situation and reason of the Chinese enterprisers'contributing to the non-governmental organizations 中国企业家捐资非政府组织的现状及原因 www.ilib.cn 4. The Pre-conditions for Inspiration to the Enterprisers in the State-owned Businesses 论对国有企业家激励的前提条件 www.ilib.cn 5. Misconceptions in marketing idea of enterprisers 论企业家营销观念的误区 www.ilib.cn 6. Thoughts on the promotion of agricultural enterprisers'quality 对提升农业企业家素质的思考 www.ilib.cn 7. The Supporting System of the Enterprisers'Supply and Demand Forces Institution 企业家供求力量的制度支持体系 www.ilib.cn 8. Comprehensive Qualities the New Good Enterprisers Should Have 新经济时代优秀企业家的素质组合 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Optimal Incentive Payment Schemes for Enterprisers 企业家最优激励报酬机制研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis on the ideological status of young private enterprisers in Guangdong 对当前广东青年私营企业主思想状况的思考 www.ilib.cn 1. The research of state-owned enterprisers succession mechanism 国有企业创业型企业家传承机制研究 qk.lib.cug.edu.cn 2. Labor, Exploitation, and Joining CPC of Private Enterprisers 劳动、剥削和私营企业主入党 ilib.cn 3. On Culture Innovation of Private Enterprisers at Middle or Small Enterprise 论中小民营企业家的文化创新 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Precaution of decision misplay of Chinese enterprisers 中国企业家决策失误警戒 service.ilib.cn 5. Investigation and analysis on health situation, work and life habits of enterprisers in Wenzhou city 温州地区企业家健康状况和工作、生活习惯的调查与分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Comments on Western Enterprisers'Network Theory 西方企业家网络理论研究述评 www.ilib.cn 7. Esign of Optimal Incentive Payment Scheme for Enterprisers 企业家选择的最优机制设计 www.ilib.cn 8. The New situation, New Role and New Learning which Lies Ahead of Chinese Enterprisers 中国企业家直面的新形势、新角色、新学问 www.ilib.cn 9. The Modernization of Chinese Enterprisers 中国企业家的现代化 www.ilib.cn 10. Confuctius'Ideas of Talents and Enterprisers' Personnel Management 孔子的人才思想与企业家的用人之道 scholar.ilib.cn 1. About Cultivating China's Railway Enterprisers 论中国铁路企业家的塑造 www.ilib.cn 2. Build a favorable environment for mature of enterprisers 营造企业家成长的良好环境 ilib.cn 3. Chinese Market Looking Sharp in German Enterprisers'Eyes 德国中小企业看好中国市场 service.ilib.cn 4. Enterprisers Become the Most Rare Resource Under Market Economy 企业家是市场经济条件下的最稀缺资源 www.ilib.cn 5. Talking about the Composition of Enterprisers'Quality 谈企业家的素质构成 www.ilib.cn 6. A Consideration on Enterprisers'Excitation and restraint Based on Laborers' Ownership 基于劳动者所有权的国有企业经营者激励与约束思考 service.ilib.cn 7. US Incentives for the Stock Option of Enterprisers 美国对企业经营者的股票期权激励方法 www.ilib.cn 8. Enterprisers and the construction of the Chinese industrial information 企业家和中国企业信息化建设 www.ilib.cn 9. Discussion on proper notions of real estate enterprisers in the new era 新时期房地产企业家应具备的正确观念 www.ilib.cn 10. Advise China's enterprisers and businessmen 向中国企业和商家进言 www.ilib.cn 1. Credit of Enterprisers and Credit of Enterprises 企业家诚信与企业诚信 www.ilib.cn 2. Thoughts on the Growing Environment of China's Enterprisers 关于我国企业家成长环境问题的思考 service.ilib.cn 3. On the Malposition and Choice of Enterprisers'Niche 企业家生态位的错位与选择 www.ilib.cn 4. Considering The Problems on The Foster of Enterprisers of China 对我国企业家队伍建设的几点思考 www.ilib.cn 5. A New Design for the Encouraging System of Enterprisers'Payment 企业家报酬激励机制的新设计 www.ilib.cn 6. 2004'Enterprisers Forum on Radiology Equipment Industry held in Wuhan 记2004年国际放射设备产业高峰论坛 ilib.cn 7. On enterprisers in the knowledge-based economy age 浅谈知识经济时代的企业家 www.ilib.cn 8. Some Thoughts about the Payments of Enterprisers 关于企业家报酬的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis of Structural Factors of Which China's Enterprisers Are Short 中国企业家短缺的体制性因素分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Research of Supervision and Restraint System of State-owned Enterprisers Based on Job Assessment 基于业绩评价的国企经营者监督约束机制研究 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Education of Enterprisers in the Process of Developing 试论我国企业家成长中的教育问题 www.ilib.cn 2. The 10 ideal cities for starting own business in dog year-choose through 100 enterprisers 100位创业者眼中的10座理想创业城市狗年版调查报告 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Development of the Quality of Enterprisers and Private Enterprises 论企业主素质与民营企业的发展 ilib.cn 4. Marketbased enterprisers and the development research of Hubei economy 企业家市场化与湖北经济发展研究 www.ilib.cn 5. How to Shape the Quality of Non-government Enterprisers in China 如何塑造我国民营企业家的素质 scholar.ilib.cn 6. On the Qualities of Enterprisers in Our Country 试论我国企业家应具备的素质 www.ilib.cn |
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