单词 | dwarf | ||||
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复数:dwarves 复数:dwarfs 现在分词:dwarfing 过去式:dwarfed dwarf . 显示所有例句
例句释义: 侏儒,矮子,小矮人,使显得矮小,使相形见绌,矮小的,变矮小,矮星 1. He took Yandry back to the tiller, where they spoke in low voices, too quietly for the dwarf to hear. 他示意杨恩德里来船舵那里,低声交谈,侏儒甚至听不清他们说话。 www.cndkc.net 2. Badenes's team examined archival observations and found a white dwarf and neutron star orbiting one another extremely closely. Badenes的团队试验档案观测并发现白色小的中子星体非常近的围绕另一个运转。 www.transcn.org 3. Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city. 几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。 eclosion.blogbus.com 4. The litter was as slow as it was comfortable, however, and the dwarf soon found himself itching with impatience. 轿子还是慢慢行进保证着乘坐者的舒适,但是侏儒很快就发现自己被不耐烦弄的浑身痒痒。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Although the dwarf knew that she had done this to save his life, he flew into a terrible rage. 虽然小矮人知道她这样做是为了救自己的命,他还是大发雷霆。 www.zftrans.com 6. "He says that it is good luck to rub the head of a dwarf, " Haldon said after an exchange with the guard in his own tongue. “他说揉一个侏儒的脑袋能带来好运,”哈尔顿和守卫用他们的语言交谈后说。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf, and his chin would be underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool on the planet. 他体型大概就跟一个大腹便便的小矮人差不多,这世上任何一个泳池的浅水区都能盖过他的下巴。 www.joyen.net 8. the dwarf asked him as they stuffed themselves with cold capon and a relish made of carrots, raisins, and bits of lime and orange. 侏儒问,与此同时,他们正往肚子里填冷阉鸡和用胡萝卜、葡萄干和一点酸橙和橙子的酱汁。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The other dwarf felt his stare. When he raised his head and saw Tyrion, the spoon slipped from his hand. 另一个侏儒感觉到他的目光,当他抬起头看到提利昂时,他的勺子从手上滑落。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. "How came you to think of him? " said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration. “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。 1. He said the net flows from Japan's balance of payments dwarf China's net purchases totalling Y2, 316bn. 他说,日本国际收支的净流量,使中国对日本国债2.316万亿日元的净购买量相形见绌。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Instead of the old horse, he was riding on a noble one. As the horse swam to the bank, the dwarf felt a change come over himself. 这时他骑的是一匹骏马,而不是原来那匹老马。当马游向岸边时,侏儒感到自己身上在起变化。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. The telescope can be used to search for dwarf planets like Pluto that orbit the Sun off the solar system's ecliptic plane. 望远镜能搜寻类似于冥神星那样以偏离太阳系的椭圆轨道平面绕太阳运行的矮星。 www.bing.com 4. The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees. 这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木。 www.bing.com 5. The dwarf looked down at a little man not half as big as himself, dressed in a green jacket with brass buttons, and a red cap with a tassel. 侏儒往下看到一个身材远不及他自己一半高的小矮人,他穿著一件有铜扣的绿色外套,并戴着一顶垂着流苏的红帽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For most of its orbit Sedna is farther from the Sun than any other known dwarf planet candidate. 对于它的轨道塞德娜是远离太阳比任何其他已知的矮行星候选。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. The dwarf flinched. The knife landed between his feet and stood quivering in the deck. He plucked it out. "What's this? " 侏儒畏缩了一下。那把刀插在了他双脚之间在甲板上嗡嗡直晃。他拔出了它。“这是干嘛?” blog.sina.com.cn 8. The dwarf craned his head around to get a better look, but the thing was gone as suddenly as it had appeared. 侏儒伸长脑袋想好好看看,但是那个东西稍纵即逝就像它出现时一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With his head sunk down between his shoulders, and a hideous grin over spreading his face, the dwarf stoop up . 矮子头缩在肩膀下面,脸上展开了一个可怕的苦笑,他站立起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In truth, she was no lady, but he could not bring himself to mouth that silly name of hers, and he was not about to call her girl or dwarf. 实际上,她算不上什么小姐,但是对于她那愚蠢的名字他依旧说不出口,而他也不准备叫女孩或者侏儒。 www.cndkc.net 1. An astronomer makes the case that the best place to search for habitable planets may be very close to white dwarf stars. 一位天文学家提出了一种新想法,在靠近白矮星的地方找最寻适合生命居住的行星。 www.bing.com 2. Instead he saw two strangers . . . and the dwarf, who was standing a few feet away staring at him intently. 但是他之看到了两个陌生人……还有一个侏儒,在旁边几步远的地方注视着他。 www.cndkc.net 3. The kind dwarf asked the little princess to have dinner with him. 善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. "Perhaps you'd like a bit of cake, " said Dick, at last turning to the dwarf. 狄克最后转过头来对着矮子说,“也许你喜欢一块饼吧。” 5. It was while looking for dwarf cayman in Uganda in February that he seems to have contracted the malaria that killed him. 今年2月,他在乌干达寻找小美洲鳄时,似乎染上了致他于死命的疟疾。 www.ecocn.org 6. Had my hormones been absent at the time of Joe's birth, he would have growth into a thick-lipped, flat-nosed dwarf-an imbecile or moron. 如果乔出生时没有我这种激素,他将长成一个厚嘴唇,塌鼻梁的侏儒--一个低能儿或呆子。 7. The dwarf's sudden silence went unnoticed, as Duck had begun to regale him with his own life story. 侏儒突然的沉寂没被注意,同时鸭子开始了他自己生活经历的吹擂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Down in the dungeons, an old wizened dwarf acts as croupier, welcoming everyone with a stream of curses. 地下房间里,一个老瘦的矮人是赌场的老板,他欢迎每一个污言秽语的人。 www.bger.org 9. "Dick" said the dwarf, thrusting his head in at the door, "my pet, my pupil, the apple of my eyes, hey, hey! " “狄克”,矮子说着,把头从门口伸出来,“我的心肝,我的徒弟,我的宝贝,嘿,嘿!” www.51lunwen.com 10. The red dwarf star Ross 154 looks as if it's been relegated to the position of "eighth closest star. " 红矮星Ross154恐怕要被认定为是“第八近的恒星”。 www.bing.com 1. The dwarf, the evil counselor, the twisted little monkey demon. I'm all that stands between them and chaos. 这个侏儒,这个奸臣,这个畸形小魔猴。在这片混乱中只有我一柱擎天。 www.cndkc.net 2. The dwarf recrossed his stunted legs and began to prick the other set of toes. "Shall I prick my prick as well? " 侏儒换了一下他发育不全的腿开始扎剩下的脚趾头。“我要扎扎我的老二么?” blog.sina.com.cn 3. "And there you fell in love with the little princess, " said the elf . The poor dwarf blushed to hear that. 小仙人说:『于是你在那里爱上那小公主。』可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilliant but ultimately punier successor? 如果不是Balzac,Dickens,Dostoyevsky和Tolstoy的时代的低调认真的创作,断断续续的杰出创作但是最终却弱势继承? www.bing.com 5. As they came nearer, they saw that it was a tiny dwarf with an old, withered face and a long, white beard. 当她们走近大树时,才看见那个东西原来是一个小矮人,他有一张苍老而干瘪的脸和长长的白胡子。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. She might be a dwarf, but she was also a woman, and women were bad luck aboard ship. 她是个侏儒没错,但她同时也是个女人,而带女人船会招致厄运。 www.cndkc.net 7. The dwarf did not need to be a prophet himself to foresee how Benerro and his followers might react to a second Targaryen. 侏儒就算不是先知也知道当班奈罗和他的追随者知道有另一个坦格利安存在后会如何应对。 www.cndkc.net 8. "Yes, even if it costs me my life, " said the dwarf. "Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken? " 侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。你能告诉我如何才能破除咒语吗?』 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. Back then, Disney's board might easily have been mistaken for a pair of Snow White's dwarf pals (specifically, Sleepy and Dopey). 如上所述,迪士尼公司的董事会可能轻易被错认为是白雪公主的一对小矮人朋友(尤其是瞌睡虫和糊涂虫更为贴切)。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. The dwarf had a pair of mile-boots with which you could pass one mile per step. 小矮人有一双千里靴,穿着它一步就可以行千里。 www.bing.com 1. The soldiers broke off their game. Scar rose to his feet, brow beetling. "What did you say, dwarf? Who do you think you are? " 士兵们停下了游戏。伤疤站起来,眉毛一挑。“你说了啥,侏儒?你以为你是谁?” blog.sina.com.cn 2. If I had shown myself a sensitive dwarf to your false friend, how much of his help or good will DO you think I should ever have had? 假设我对你那位不信不义的朋友说,我虽然矮,可很敏感,那你认为我从他那儿能得到多少帮助,能得到多少善意 dict.ebigear.com 3. The Dwarf Cavendish is the most widely planted as it is better adapted to a cool climate and is less likely to be blown over. 矮嘉宏是最广泛种植的,因为它是更好地适应一个凉爽气候,是不太可能被吹倒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They said the sheer size of the market would dwarf the risk that could be sustained by any clearing house. 他们表示,任何清算体系能够承受的风险,在庞大的市场规模面前都会显得微不足道。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This guy is just a little bit higher than the dwarf Wa Dalang, with a plate-like head. Someone say he is a student. 刘:这个人长的比武大郎高一点,脑袋跟茶盘子似的,听说是个学生。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Moreover, given ingenious mission design, it might be possible to visit the nearby red dwarf star Proxima Centauri as well. 不仅如此,若项目设计精妙,它可能也能访问附近的红矮星比邻星。 www.bing.com 7. "Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know, " answered the dwarf, and he blushed like a rose. 侏儒回答说:“老实说,我不知道。”然后他脸红得像朵玫瑰一样。 mysearch.100e.com 8. That wicked dwarf robbed me of all my treasure and put a spell on me so that I was changed into a bear. 那个邪恶的小矮人抢去了我全部的财宝,还向我施了魔咒,把我变成了一只熊。 www.zftrans.com 9. He stands up for the honour of his own country His quarrels with the queen's dwarf. 他维护祖国的荣誉;他和皇后的侏儒之间的争斗。 bbs.yahoo.cn 10. Aye. I'll take the dwarf as well. Four ears hear more than two. And you know how Qavo is about his cyvasse. 是的。我们会带上侏儒,双耳难敌四耳。你也知道Qavo他对锡瓦斯棋的态度。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He is Susie and Mark's 9-year-old biological son. And he already towers over his mother because he is not a dwarf. 他是苏丝和马克九岁的亲生儿子,他现在已经比妈妈高了,因为他并不是一名侏儒,身高正常。 www.joyen.net 2. I'm gonna go get tanked and paw Sif for a while. Let me know if the dwarf lives or dies. 我要去喝个烂醉,再跟希芙亲热一会儿。记得把那矮人的死活告诉我。 www.anetcity.com 3. He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray. 可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。 www.ebigear.com 4. A white dwarf is a "dead" star that doesn't generate its own energy like the sun does, Provencal says. Provencal表示,白矮星是一颗“死”恒星,不像太阳那样自己生成能量。 www.bing.com 5. Suddenly she heard a whirring and rushing sound in the air, and the dwarf said, "The lord ravens are flying home now. " 忽然,她听到空中传来了翅膀拍击的声音和呱呱的叫声。小矮人马上说道:「我的主人们回来了。」 www.acsf.cn 6. The dwarf immediately took this and handed it to Edmund with a bow and a smile; not a very nice smile. 那个小妖马上拿起杯子,递给爱德蒙,皮笑肉不笑地向他鞠了一个躬。 okread.net 7. The Laughing Man issued his orders to the crew through a black silk screen. Not even Omba, the lovable dwarf, was permitted to see his face. 笑面男在一面黑丝屏风后对他的爪牙们下达指令,不允许任何人看见他的面貌,甚至可爱的矮人昂巴都不行。 www.bing.com 8. A recently-discovered dwarf planet, named Sedna, has an extra-long and usual elliptical orbit around the Sun. 一颗近期被发现的褐矮星“赛德娜”(Sedna)有一个超长的椭圆形的绕太阳的轨道。 www.bing.com 9. When the sisters looked more closely they could see that the little dwarf had hooked a large fish on the end of his fishing line. 两个孩子凑近仔细瞧,才看清小矮人用一根长长的钓鱼线,钩住了一条大鱼。 www.zftrans.com 10. Once a year, dwarf merchants gather in a human city to trade their goods, and the day of trading is approaching. 每年一度,矮人商人们都会聚集在人类的城市中做生意,而这个贸易之日即将来临。 eclosion.blogbus.com 1. Some of the best evidence of these "minor mergers" comes from the shredded remains of dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way's own halo. 这些“小兼并”最有利的证据有些来自银河系自身晕分中的矮星系扭碎残骸。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. And when he got there everything was just as the dwarf had said. 他一到魔宫,真都像小人儿说的那样。 bbs.in2english.com.cn 3. I'd rather be a genuine dwarf accompanying a Snow White than be a Snow White among nothing but Snow Whites. 我宁可做一个伴随“白雪公主”的真实的小矮人,也不愿做“白雪公主”世界里的一个白雪公主,而随波逐流。 www.24en.com 4. The center of that star then transformed into a white dwarf , at once very hot (more than 100, 000 Kelvin) and very small. 恒星的中心变成了白矮星,曾经非常热(10万K)非常小。 www.bing.com 5. The baron, who was a dinosaur buff, identified the bone as belonging to a dwarf dinosaur that likely once lived on an island in the region. 这位恐龙迷男爵将这块骨头鉴定为一条可能曾经在此地区的岛屿上生存的矮恐龙。 www.bing.com 6. Would people pick on him at school because his mother is a dwarf and will he be embarrassed by me? 在学校,他会因为他的母亲是侏儒而尴尬吗? www.bing.com 7. Magma seeps slowly up from the depths beneath a dwarf stronghold. If it's not stopped, the dwarves will have to abandon their ancient halls. 岩浆从一座矮人要塞的地下缓缓渗出。如果不加以制止,矮人就会不得不放弃他们古老的大厅。 www.kuenglish.info 8. In addition, dwarf corn plants, developed for NASA, take up far less room than ordinary corn and grow to a height of just two or three feet. 再比如,美国国家航空航天局培育的矮玉米植株所占空间远比普通玉米要小,仅长到两到三英尺高。 www.bing.com 9. The two researchers chose dwarf galaxies as the place to try to resolve the cusp problem for a very good reason. 这两位研究人员选择矮星系作为解决尖点问题的场所是有很好的理由的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The sky over west Texas is studded with wind turbines, which dwarf the drilling rigs that used to dominate the landscape. 德州西部遍布风力涡轮机,这让曾经统治这片土地的油井相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 1. Immense rivers that dwarf the Thames have been found at the bottom of the ocean by British scientists. 英国科学家在海洋的底部,业已发现一些巨大的河流,泰晤士河与之相比就变成了侏儒。 www.dxyer.cn 2. BBS loitering in the first, to see such a message: "You will marry a dwarf than a lot of girls in their own right? " 一次在BBS上闲荡,看见这样的帖子:“你会娶一个比自己矮很多的女孩吗?” www.bing.com 3. For those that stare at us along the way, they will no longer see just a Disabled. Dwarf. Midget. 对于那些一路上盯着我们前进的人,他们看到的不再是残疾人、侏儒、小矮子。 www.bing.com 4. Cataloged as WISE 1828 2650, it lies within 40 light-years of the Sun and is currently the coldest brown dwarf known. 这个星体被命名为WISE1828 2650,位于距离我们太阳40光年的距离内,并且是迄今已知的最冷的褐矮星。 m.yeeyan.org 5. The only other known example of such an oddly angled orbit was Pluto, until its demotion to dwarf planet status. 唯一的另一个已知的以如此奇怪的角度运行的例子是冥王星,直到它降级为矮行星。 www.bing.com 6. But the dwarf put a curse on him, and he got stuck in a mountain gorge like his brother and could move neither forward nor back. 于是,二王子和他哥哥一样,也迷失在一个可怕的山谷里,前进不得,后退不得。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Dwarf planets are not officially full-fledged planets, so Pluto was stripped of the status it had held since its discovery in 1930. 矮行星即是没有正式资格的行星,也象征着冥王星自从1930年被发现起就拥有的地位已被剥夺。 www.bing.com 8. For the moment she had forgotten that he was a dwarf. 有一会,她忘记了他是个侏儒。 www.tingroom.com 9. "You seem to find the dwarf amusing, Duck, " said Haldon. "He can ride with you. " He wheeled his mount about. “你似乎觉得侏儒挺逗,鸭子,”哈尔顿说。“他就和你一起骑马吧。”他调转了他的马头。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That's when astronomers turned up a handful of large trans-Neptunian objects that led to the creation of the "dwarf planet" category. 当时科学家们连续发现了不少海王星外的大型星体,继而产生了“矮行星”这一分类。 www.bing.com 1. Because a planet that close to its star would dim the dwarf's light as it passes. 因为,当一颗靠近白矮星的行星路过它的时候,会使它发出的光线变的模糊不清。 www.bing.com 2. They rushed forward and saw with horror that a huge eagle had the dwarf in his talons and was about to carry him off. 两姊妹赶忙向前跑过去,惊恐地看见一只巨大的老鹰抓住小矮人,正要飞走。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It's about as massive as Jupiter, but much more compact. It may be the remains of a carbon-rich white dwarf star. 这颗星球体积和木星差不多,但密度更高,很可能是富含碳的白矮星的残余物。 www.hjenglish.com 4. otherwise, it will simply contract until electron degeneracy pressure halts its collapse, thus directly turning into a white dwarf. 否则,它将单纯的收缩,直到电子简并压力阻止重力的崩溃,然后直接转变成为白矮星。 www.astronomy.com.cn 5. A white dwarf is the inert remnant of what used to be a sunlike star. 白矮星是类似太阳的恒星在死亡后所留下恒久不变的残骸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "I will set out at once, " said the dwarf, jumping from his chair. 侏儒从椅子上跳起来说:『我马上出发。』 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. It made the dwarf smile to see them sweating and cursing as they wrestled the heavy machines onto the inclines. 看着他们费力的将巨大的机械搬上斜坡时挥汗如雨不停咒骂让侏儒笑出来。 www.xmluyu.cn 8. A pity. I once had a monkey who could perform all sorts of clever tricks. Your dwarf reminds me of him. Is he a gift? 真是遗憾。我以前有一只会耍各种聪明把戏的猴子。你的侏儒让我想起了他。他是个礼物吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. Some of the newfound objects may be large enough to qualify as dwarf planets. 新发现的星体其中几颗可能因其足够庞大而被归类于矮行星。 www.bing.com 10. The star at the centre of the system in question is 55 Cancri A, a yellow dwarf similar to the sun that lies 40 light years away. 在这个体系中位于中央部位的恒星名为“55CancriA”,这是一颗与太阳相似的黄矮星,距地球有40光年。 www.ecocn.org 1. They thought the star was probably of a type known as a brown dwarf and only had about . 05 the mass of Sirius B. 他们想该星或许是熟知的褐矮星的一个类型和质量只有天狼星B的0. www.chinaufo.com 2. She took her scissors from her pocket and cut the dwarf's beard close to the tree trunk, so that he was free. 她从衣服口袋里取出剪刀,将小矮人的胡子沿紧贴树干的地方剪掉,小矮人终于自由了。 www.zftrans.com 3. However, the time taken is much larger than the age of the universe. So, we believe there is no black dwarf yet. 但这个过程所需时间比宇宙现在的年更长,所以我们相信宇宙中仍没有黑矮星的存在。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 4. Part of a binary star system, the compact white dwarf gradually captured material from its companion star. 作为一个双星系统的一部分,这颗致密的白矮星慢慢地从它的伴星上吸积物质。 www.astronomy.com.cn 5. "The last advance was seventy, " said the dwarf; "and it went in one night. " “最后一次是七十镑,”矮子说道,“一夜就输光了。” 6. Of the other two men, one was a species of giant, the other a sort of dwarf. 其他两个人中,一个是巨人,另一个是侏儒。 blog.cersp.com 7. In the former case, material is stripped from the binary partner until the material reaches "critical mass" around the white dwarf. 在前面一种情况,物质将被从一颗双星剥离掉直到在白矮星的物质到达了“严格的标准质量”。 www.bing.com 8. After a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will travel on to the dwarf planet Ceres. 在环绕灶神星的轨道运行一年后,“黎明”号将飞向矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. After a time the priest raised his eyes to meet the dwarf's. 过了好一会儿神僧抬起眼直接对上了提利昂的。 www.cndkc.net 10. "Dwarf stew? " suggested Duck. "Urho the Unwashed is the worst of them, " Haldon confided. "His stench alone is enough to kill a man. " “炖侏儒?”鸭子建议。“不洁的乌尔禾是他们中间最恶名远播的,”哈尔顿披露。“他的恶臭便能置人于死地。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. The only data point available for such multi-billion-year-old stars is a particular yellow dwarf in the Orion arm of the Milky Way. 对于这些星龄在数十亿年以上的老恒星来说,唯一的数据点就是银河系中猎户座旋臂上的那颗黄矮星。 www.ecocn.org 2. The distinguished dwarf felt distressed when he had to doctor and distort the truth. 当那个著名的矮子不得不篡改和扭曲真相时,他感到很痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. From Star Wars to Red Dwarf, moving holograms have long been a staple of science fiction. 从好莱坞经典科幻电影《星球大战》到英国经典科幻喜剧《红矮星号》,移动的全息图长期以来一直是科幻小说中的主要产品。 www.bing.com 4. When they came near the surface of the water, the dwarf thought he saw a small light. 靠近湖面时,侏儒觉得他看见一丝亮光。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. Pluto, now classed as a dwarf planet, is so small and so distant that its surface has been a mystery to astronomers. 现在归类于矮行星的冥王星是那么小,那么远,对天文学家来说,其表面一直是个谜。 www.bing.com 6. BD: The lizard has commanded that none of you may leave until dawn, when the dwarf will break the Baleful Polymorph spell. 那只蜥蜴命令你们在黎明之前不得离开,直到矮人解开那个恶意变形术为止。 www.anetcity.com 7. One possible scenario is a hospitable planet that receives light from both a red dwarf and a more distant Sun-like star. 另一可能的假设是如果一个星球上的光主要来自于一颗红矮星和一个类似太阳星球的组合。 www.gelievable.com 8. The Pluto used to be the ninth planet in the solar system, but now it is listed as the Dwarf Planet. 冥王星曾经是太阳系的第九颗行星,但是现在被列为矮行星。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Dirty and the helps deformation of physiology of allergy of mulberry devil psychology contributing factor like the dwarf? 龌龊且侏儒般的扶桑鬼子心理变态生理畸形的成因?。 www.showxiu.com 10. To help them carve out the fathomless caverns beneath the earth, the Titans created the dwarf-like earthen from magical, living stone. 为了在大地上挖掘深不可测的洞穴,泰坦用具有魔力的石头创造了土灵; hi.baidu.com 1. On their way home in the evening, they came across the dwarf once more, in the same place. 在傍晚回家的路上,她们又在同一个地方碰见了小矮人。 www.zftrans.com 2. As the main-sequence mass of the star increases, the mass of the final remnant left as a white-dwarf star also increases. 在恒星在主序的质量增加时,作为白矮星留下来的最终残骸的质量也增加。 www.bing.com 3. The two stars are so close together that the red dwarf cannot hold itself together and loses mass to its companion. 这两个星星靠得如此之近,以至于红矮星没有办法聚拢它的物质而损失了大量物质给它的同伴。 www.elanso.com 4. One of the biggest problems is pensions, which will dwarf the cost of the recent bank bail-out. 一个最大的问题是养老金,其成本将使近来用于银行援救的资金相形见绌。 www.24en.com 5. Tibetans sending off soldiers to the front to lick the "Dwarf Islanders" 西藏派遣自己的士兵去打击“岛国小矮人”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. and Pluto, which is now classed as a "dwarf planet" , also failed to fit in with Bode's neat pattern when it was found in 1930. 如今被降至“矮行星”的冥王星,在1930年发现之时也无法符合完全波德模式。 www.ecocn.org 7. So the ultimate fate of our own watery planet may be to briefly stain the atmosphere of the white-dwarf sun. 因此我们自己这颗含水行星的最终命运可能便是短暂地污染已经变成白矮星的太阳的大气层。 www.bing.com 8. If so, they may be able to slip past the velvet rope and into the exclusive dwarf-planet club. 如果是这样的话,那么它们将踏进矮行星俱乐部的门槛。 www.bing.com 9. Okay, now let me Laolaodaotao, the talk of her seventh dwarf bar! 好了,现在就让我唠唠叨叨地,说说她的第七个小矮人吧! www.dota123.com 10. The observations also show for the first time that a white dwarf can create a cavity around it before blowing up in a Type Ia event. 观测结果还首次显示,白矮星在爆炸成为Ia型超新星之前,会在其周围创造一个空洞。 www.forbeschina.com 1. "Drink that, " said the dwarf, who had by this time heated some more. “喝干它,”矮子说,这时他又热上了一点酒。 2. The Jupiter-like planet, they say, is part of a solar system which once belonged to a dwarf galaxy. 他们说这颗类似木星的行星是某个恒星系统的一部分,这个恒星系统曾属于某个矮星系。 www.bing.com 3. The little man waved the stick three times over the dwarf and struck him once on the right shoulder and once on the left shoulder. 小仙人举杖在侏儒上方挥了三下,在他的右肩点了一下,然后在左肩上也点了一下。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 4. A gnome alchemist has found a new way to shape metal , and dwarf craftsmen don't want the method known . 一个侏儒炼金术士发现了一种锻造金属的新工艺,而矮人工匠们却不希望这个方法公布于世。 www.bing.com 5. The star is a brown dwarf - and formed, like other stars, out of a cloud of dust and gas. 这颗恒星是褐矮星——像其他恒星一样,外部由尘埃和气体云构成。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. For another, the clouds don't look like the disheveled spheroidal dwarf galaxies that closely orbit the Milky Way and other major spirals. 另一方面,这些星云看上去并不像结构松散的球状矮星系一样紧紧地围绕银河系和其它主要的漩涡星系的轨道运行。 www.bing.com 7. In 1915 astronomers at the Mount Wilson Observatory determined that Sirius B was a white dwarf star , the first to be discovered. 在1915年天文学家在威尔逊天文台测定天狼星B是一白矮星,是第一次发现的。 www.chinaufo.com 8. Tyrion realized he would do well to be careful around Haldon Half-maester. "Every dwarf is a bastard in his father's eyes. " 提利昂知道他在半学士哈尔顿前小心为妙。“每个侏儒在他父亲眼里都是个杂种。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. Besides, everyone else is piling their plates high enough to make Kuala Lumpur's Twin Towers look like Dwarf City. 何况其他人也把盘子叠得高高的,相比之下,连吉隆坡的双峰塔也变成了小人国。 www.hotdic.com 10. Which of the dwarf galaxies we find today were already in existence at the beginning? 我们今日所见的矮星系,哪一个是在很早以前便已存在了呢? zhidao.baidu.com 1. His ship sink, he drifted into a lived dwarf Island, carpenter fixing his boat, he sailed back home. 他的船沉了,他漂流到了一座住着小矮人的岛上,木匠帮他修好船,他坐船回到了家乡。 wenwen.soso.com 2. "The devastating nature of the dwarf maize disease is total loss of the crop yields once it attacks, " said Asea. “一旦玉米粗缩病发起攻击,它的破坏性的本质将导致这种作物完全绝产,”Asea说。 www.scidev.net 3. After the dwarf traveled all day, he reached the top of the mountain where he could see the Island of the Western Sea below him. 侏儒走了一整天后,到达山顶,他可以看到西海之岛就在他下面。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 4. While it's technologically possible, whether any deaf or dwarf babies have been born as a result of PGD is uncertain. 即使技术允许,任何经基因筛检出的聋或矮宝宝是否能出生也是不确定的。 news.dxy.cn 5. It could be a comet, rogue planet, or as this book maintains, a dying brown dwarf companion to Sol. 它可能是一颗彗星,流氓星球,或作为保持本书,一个垂死褐矮星的配套溶胶。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you plan on playing a Dwarf Paladin with your second character being a Tauren Shaman, you'll be playing them on two different servers. 如果你计划扮演一个矮人圣骑,并且把牛头撒满作为你的第二个角色,你将要在两个不同的服务器上进行。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Yet the economic issues facing the US and the eurozone dwarf anything the Bank can do. 然而美国和欧元区面临的经济问题会让英国央行能够采取的任何举措都收效有限。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "That's strange, " said the dwarf, musing . “那倒奇怪了,”矮子说,默想着。 dict.veduchina.com 9. But I have never killed a juggler, nor a dwarf, and I am not to blame for what happened to your bloody brother. 但是我没有杀过什么杂耍艺人,也没杀侏儒,我也不是你该为你那该死的哥哥责备的人。 www.cndkc.net 10. Spectra and energy output are consistent with a G2-type dwarf, one of slightly smaller dimensions than Sol. 光谱和能量输出和G2型矮星保持一致,但尺寸比太阳要小。 bbs.a9vg.com 1. "I would give my life, " said the dwarf. 我愿意付出我的生命。 infos.edulife.com.cn 2. MM: You seem wiser than your company would indicate, dwarf. I am willing to halt my attacks if you can help make sense of this. 你看起来比你的同伴们所说的更睿智,矮人。如果你可以帮忙说明这一点,我会停止我的攻击。 www.ellesime.net 3. In DWARF format all information is in a tree format, as shown in Listing 2. 在DWARF格式中,所有信息都采用树形格式,如清单2所示。 www.ibm.com 4. One reason for this state of affairs may the abundance of existing sophisticated math tools that might dwarf any home-grown PHP effort. 造成这种状况的一个原因可能是由于已经存在大量成熟的数学工具,这可能阻碍了社区自行开发PHP工具的工作。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The smallest anteater is the dwarf anteater, also called the silky or two-toed anteater. It is about the size of a large squirrel. 最小的食蚁兽是矮子食蚁兽,又名丝绸食蚁兽或两趾食蚁兽。它的个儿和大松鼠差不多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We would like to see if MOND can explain the apparent scarcity of dwarf galaxies in our neighbourhood. 我们想看看「修正牛顿力学」能否解释我们附近缺乏矮星系的现象。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 7. The exploding white dwarf star is currently brightening in the Pinwheel Galaxy, nestled, from our perspective, within the Big Dipper. 目前,因为白矮星正在爆炸,整个风车星系都被照亮,但在我们看来,白矮星只是北斗七星间若隐若现的小星星罢了。 dongxi.net 8. Pluto and its moonsAstronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have identified another moon around the dwarf planet Pluto. 天文学家利用哈勃太空望远镜在矮行星冥王星周围发现了其另一颗卫星。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Dwarf Male - "Oh, I'm just a social drinker. Every time someone says, " I'll have a drink ", I say, " So shall I. 嗯,基本我是一个社交型的饮酒者。每次只要有人说“给我来一杯”的时候,我就会说“我也要一杯”。 aiurbbs.flowergood.com 10. A famous dwarf smith has recorded all his techniques and wishes to gift them to a human king. 一名著名的矮人铁匠纪录他所有的技术,并意愿将它们送给一位人类国王。 eclosion.blogbus.com 1. And with that immediacy comes a zest for life beyond anything an elf or a dwarf might know. 而且,因这种急切而引起的对生命的热情,超越了精灵或矮人所能认知的。 www.cndkc.net 2. Supplies of wind and solar energy on accessible land dwarf the energy consumed by people around the globe. 风能和太阳能的可提供量远远高于全球人的消费量。 www.bing.com 3. The central planetary nebula nucleus (PNN) or white dwarf central star is the fainter of these two stars. 行星状星云核心的中心可能是一颗比这两颗恒星更暗淡的白矮星。 instapedia.com 4. Dwarf Female -I give myself a Dutch oven pedicure every night. I've got no foot fungus at all. My toes are pristine. 我每晚都要修一次脚,所以我根本没有脚气,脚趾头一点点毛病也没有。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 5. Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star, it must be a black hole. 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。 www.hotdic.com 6. At the other end of the wetness scale, planet GJ 1214b, which orbits a red dwarf star, may be almost entirely water. 在湿度天平的另一端,环绕一颗红矮星运转的GJ1214b行星也许几乎全是水。 www.bing.com 7. It took him a long time to reach the bottom and crouch behind a little dwarf palm. 他费了很长时间才从山上爬下来,蹲在一棵矮小棕榈树的后面 blog.sina.com.cn 8. All across the continent, Chinese companies are signing deals that dwarf the old railroad project. 中国公司正在非洲大陆上签署着一项项协议,相较而言,这条陈旧的铁路工程就显得渺小了。 www.bing.com 9. Elliptical galaxies may also be small, in which case they are dubbed dwarf elliptical galaxies. 椭圆星系也可能很小,在这种情况下它们被称为矮椭圆星系。 www.bing.com 10. He just lifted his fore-paw and with a single blow the dwarf lay dead on the ground. 它只是举起前掌,一掌就把小矮人打死在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Initially astronomers thought that the dwarf must be orbited by a second, cooler star. 最初天文学家猜想,一定有另一颗较冷的恒星绕著这颗白矮星运行。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. The evidence also suggests that the star birth in NGC 4150 was sparked by a collision and merger with a dwarf galaxy. 这个证据同样暗示着这个新星诞生源于一个矮小星系的撞击和融合。 www.bing.com 3. Two dwarf the hotel, one of the people go to bed early. 两侏儒住店,其一人很早上床了。 www.bing.com 4. Fantastic. So I engage in a daring solo escape only to find myself on a rooftop with a catatonic gay dwarf. 棒极了。我单枪匹马地英勇脱逃,却发现自己站在屋顶上,身边只有个紧张兮兮的基佬矮人。 www.anetcity.com 5. DWARF is a block-structured and extensible description of a program's source, and how it is translated into executable code. DWARF是对程序源代码以及如何转换为可执行代码的扩展描述,它采用了块结构。 www.ibm.com 6. Now Pluto will be called a dwarf planet along with at least two others. Xena and Ceres. 现在冥王星和至少其他两个将被称为矮行星。 bbs.putclub.com 7. No! I don't believe you! Even so, I'm much prettier than her! You couldn't have chosen such a . . . such a Dwarf! 不!我不相信你!就算你说的是真的,我比她漂亮多了!你不会选这么一个……一个矮冬瓜吧! www.5ilog.com 8. Every time the fish tried to jerk itself from the hook, the dwarf was dragged nearer to the water's edge. 每当鱼努力挣扎,想摆脱鱼钩时,小矮人就被这股力拖得靠近水边一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It's just like any other key except that it is made from a dwarf star, making it impossible to lift for anyone but Superman. 其他的方面也都承袭原著,除了它是来自于一颗矮星,因此只有超人才能将它拿起来。 www.bing.com 10. Whatever the bunker-buster's destructive power, the next generation of bombs will dwarf it. 无论这种“堡垒终结者”的破坏力有多大,下一代炸弹都会令其相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 1. It took him a long time to reach the bottom and to crouch behind a little dwarf palm. 他费了很长时间才从山上爬下来,蹲到一棵矮小的棕榈树后面。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Recall that Type I supernova is the strong explosion of a nova that even the white dwarf is destroyed. 还记得I型超新星是足以令中心白矮星炸毁的新星爆发吗?。 www.bing.com 3. It took him a long time to reach the bottom and to couch behind a little dwarf palm. 他费了很长时间才到达山底,蹲缩在一株矮子的棕榈树后面。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. It may look like a wooden tank from the outside, but inside it's got enough speakers to dwarf any home theater set up. 从外观看有点像是木箱,但里面的扬声器却多得够建一套家庭影院了。 www.bing.com 5. It carries the self-pruning gene, a defective dwarf gene and a mutated internode length gene. 它携带的自我修剪基因,矮秆基因和一个有缺陷的节间长度的变异基因。 bbs.hongyue.com 6. Dwarf B: If I don't make it, tell my wife I love her. 要是俺没完成任务,告诉俺老婆俺爱她。 www.ellesime.net 7. Xiaoyan 6 did not resist wheat aphids and wheat yellow dwarf. 小偃6号既不抗蚜虫,又不抗小麦黄矮病。 www.fabiao.net 8. Plants that relied at times mostly on the dim red dwarf might need light from all across the visible spectrum. 这种情况下的植物有时候会依赖昏暗的红矮星发出的大部分可见光波。 www.bing.com 9. Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago. 矮星系之间的如此遭遇通常发生在几十亿光年之外,也就是几十亿年之前。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Some day, millions of years from now, LS IV-14 116 will cool off to the point where it becomes a bona fide white dwarf. 某天,几百万年后,LSIV-14116将会冷却形成真正的白矮星。 www.bing.com 1. This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low-mass star and the sun. 这张是褐矮星相对地球、木星、低质量恒星和太阳的对比图。 www.bing.com 2. It may be the remains of a carbon-rich white dwarf star. 可能为富含碳元素的白矮星遗骸。 www.bing.com 3. The dwarf anteater can grip the tree with its tail and defend itself with its two long claws if an enemy attacks. 矮子食蚁兽可以用它的尾巴抓住树木;如果有敌人进攻,它可以用它的两个长脚爪自卫。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The nova phenomenon generally occurs in a binary system that has as one member a very hot white dwarf . 新星这种现象一般发生在双星系统中,其中一颗子星是非常热的白矮星。 www.bing.com 5. Please warn Mary to stay away from the sneaky dwarf who always wreathe over her. 请警告玛丽远离那个总是环绕着她的卑鄙矮子 zhidao.baidu.com 6. According to IAU, a "dwarf planet" should have an orbit around the Sun. 国际天文学联合会的意见认为,“矮行星”应该绕太阳沿轨道运转。 hi.baidu.com 7. He looked upwards, and saw that the dwarf was smoking in his hammock . 他抬头向上一望,看到矮子正在吊床里喷云吐雾。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The dwarf raised both hands. "As you command. " 侏儒举手投降。“谨遵命令。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. "Not for a score of worlds, " replied the dwarf with a grin. “就是拿出二十个世界来我也不会那样,”矮子答道,苦笑着。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Showing typical Dwarf fortitude, the defenders have repelled every attack made upon the lighthouse. 显现出典型矮人式的坚韧,防卫者们击退了每一次针对灯塔的进攻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The eco-type of its plant composition mainly is low temperature type with dwarf community appearance. 植物组成多系低温生态类型,群落外貌低矮; epub.cnki.net 2. They act out their dramas in a setting whose wilderness immensity both dwarf and ennobles whatever they achieve. 他们在荒原上奠定了他们的事业,而广阔无际的天地既使他们的成就显得渺小,也显得崇高。 www.jukuu.com 3. As the IMF has pointed out, these potentially dwarf the budgetary bill for the current economic crisis. 国际货币基金组织已经指出,这些手段使得当前用以应对经济危机的预算案相形见绌。 www.ecocn.org 4. "I'll write a note, " said the dwarf. “我要写个便条,”矮子说。 www.dictall.com 5. Sorghum dwarf mosaic disease is an important sorghum virus ill and causes heavy damages to sorghum in north China . 高粱红条病是一种重要的高粱病毒病,对我国北方地区的高粱为害较重。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Even for a red dwarf star, this is probably too close to be habitable. 即便是对于红矮星而言,这可能也太近了,生命无法居住。 www.bing.com 7. A huge, choking cloud of dust settles over a vast area, threatening several dwarf cities and gnome villages. 一阵巨大的令人窒息的沙尘云层覆盖了相当大的一个区域,威胁到了几个矮人城市以及侏儒村庄。 eclosion.blogbus.com 8. "Is it coming to that? Kit! " cried the dwarf, rubbing his hands violently. “也至于那样吗?吉特?”矮子叫道,狠狠地搓着两只手。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Welcome to die, you mean, thought Tyrion. What threat could he pose to a big man like you? He is only a dwarf. 你是说欢迎去死,提利昂想。他对你这样的大个子能有什么威胁?他只是个侏儒。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He thinks Eris is a fitting name for the new dwarf planet because astronomers have argued for so long over how to define a planet. 他认为艾瑞斯是一个适合新的矮行星的名字,因为天文学家们已经花了很长的一段时间争论如何定义一个行星。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The dwarf hurried the horse into the water, and the old horse started off boldly for the island. 侏儒急忙策马进入水中,老马便开始勇敢地往岛的方向去。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. Sure, there are random quests designed to build character levels, like the Drunken Dwarf in the Hills of Westfall. 当然,也有随机的任务来增加角色能力,如Westfall山丘的醉鬼矮人。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. And ABI believes advertising revenues from broadcast mobile video will dwarf subscription revenues from these services. 届时,这些服务带来的广告收入将远远高于用户所缴纳的服务费。 www.gzyueyang.com 4. dwarf herbaceous elder of Europe having pink flowers and a nauseous odor. 欧洲一种矮生的草本接骨木,花粉色,有一种令人作呕的气味。 dict.wenguo.com 5. SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. 超新星1987A位于矮子星系旁的巨大的麦哲伦云系,紧挨着狼蛛星云。 www.elanso.com 6. In addition to this white glutinous rice cake made of dwarf pine, there is a blood sponge cake made of glutinous rice, also very sweet. 除了这种用白糯米制成的矮人松糕之外,还有一种用血糯米制成的松糕,也非常香甜。 wenwen.soso.com 7. As China's income per head catches up, its economy will soon dwarf those of its Asian neighbors. 随着中国人均收入的急起直追急起直追,中国急起直追的经济很快就会让其亚洲邻国相形见绌相形见绌。 www.7781.org 8. When Dwarven Recruiter comes into play, search your library for any number of Dwarf cards and reveal those cards. 当矮人徵兵员进场时,从你的牌库中搜寻任意数量的矮人牌,展示该些牌。 tw-wowbox.yatta.com.tw 9. Next door, the even taller Shanghai World Financial Centre will dwarf its neighbour in a couple of years. 而在其附近,高度更高的上海环球金融中心(ShanghaiWorldFinancialCentre)将在未来几年内令这个邻居相形见绌。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Feel free. We will have it tanned and stuffed and sell it for a fortune. A dwarf's cock has magical powers. 爱怎怎地。我们会晒干它塞点东西,卖了它换点钱。一个侏儒的老二据说有魔力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Unfortunately, we could not find an actor to be the last dwarf. 不幸的是,我们找不到合适的人选出演最后一个小矮人。 www.24en.com 2. Doctors believe Jyoti is a pituitary dwarf, which is caused when the body fails to produce enough growth hormone. 医生认为她患有垂体性侏儒症,是由身体未能分泌足够的成长激素引起的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Than it shrink down to a skeleton of its former self-- a white dwarf. 然后它就会变回一个它的前身白矮星般大小。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Subshrubs, densely covered with T-shaped hairs; globose, dwarf branches present. 亚灌木,密被T形毛;球状,存在的侏儒分部。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Results obtained in this research laid a theoretic foundation for application of the new dwarf mutant in rice breeding. 本文的研究结果为该新获得的突变体的进一步利用奠定了理论基础。 www.fabiao.net 6. Found on the Philippine island of Mindoro, the dwarf water buffalo was once widespread, but now is found in less than 300 sq. km. 发现在菲律宾民都洛岛,矮水牛曾一度很普遍,但现在发现它们的生存范围不到300平方公里。 lizixye.blog.163.com 7. And you know what this Dwarf says to that? 你知道我这矮人会怎么说吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Colonel's groom, a small wizened dwarf with grey skin, and he was pushing a large flattish cardboard box into her arms. 他是上校的马夫,一个灰白皮肤的小干瘪侏儒,他正把大个的平板纸盒推送到她怀里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Every dwarf who goes out and comes back says that it gets worse with each passing year, the foulness spread a little further. 每一个去过那里并回来的矮人说那里的情况一年年地变糟,那些肮脏生物的范围也扩展得越来越大。 www.cqwin.com 10. The rising red dwarf star shows expected stellar magnetic activity which includes dramatic and violent prominences . 升起的红矮星显示了令人期待的恒星磁场活动,包括生动而又剧烈的日珥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In 1930, astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the dwarf planet Pluto while looking at photographs of the night sky. 1930年天文学家克莱德.汤博就是研究了夜空的图片后发现了矮行星冥王星。 www.bing.com 2. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres. 在火星和木星的轨道间分布着小行星带,之中有一颗矮行星谷神星。 www.bing.com 3. Caption: Altered fasting metabolism may contribute to the increased longevity of Snell dwarf mice (bottom). 文字说明:加快新陈代谢可促使Snell侏儒小鼠(下方)延长寿命。 chinese.eurekalert.org 4. So plants could be packed tighter, doubling yield per acre, and multiple layers of dwarf crops could be grown per floor. 这样一来,植株就可以排列的更为紧密,每英亩产量也随之翻番,每一层楼内都可以种好几排矮株作物。 www.bing.com 5. "China's navy is still a dwarf compared with the US, but this makes it official that they will be rivals. " “和美国相比,中国海军仍然相形见绌,但此举正式宣告双方将成为对手。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Before 1740s, the Norbulingka was a land surrounded by wild animals, weeds, dwarf willows cluster wasteland. 18世纪40年代以前,罗布林卡还是一片野兽出没,杂草、矮柳丛生的荒地。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But the sheer size of the opportunity could dwarf Home Credit's existing eastern European operations. 但机会之多可能缩小捷信集团已经存在的东欧业务。 www.bing.com 8. Kurt: You use a lot of big words for such a little dwarf. 你这个小侏儒用了很多大词啊。 www.kekenet.com 9. A dwarf paladin must recover a scepter , a crown, and an axe, all of great power, to revive a failing kingdom . 一名矮人圣武士必须寻回富有强大力量的权杖,王冠,手斧,才能挽救一个堕落的王国。 www.bing.com 10. Or a planet with two stars may have one sun-like star, along with a red dwarf star that's also common in multi-star systems. 有的行星有两颗恒星,但只有一颗类似太阳,和聚星系中常见的红矮星在一起。 www.bing.com 1. Warm gas moves faster than cool gas, and the heated helium sped free of the gravitational clutches of so-called dwarf galaxies. 热气比凉气运动得快,而炽热的氦气几乎不受所谓的矮星系重力的束缚,能够自由运动。 www.ngmchina.com.cn 2. This dwarf galaxy was in turn devoured by our own galaxy, the Milky Way, according to a team writing in the academic journal Science. 一个科学小组在学术性期刊《科学》上撰文称这个矮星系后来被我们所在的星系,即银河系吞噬了。 www.bing.com 3. So far there are just five confirmed dwarf planets, including the most famous Kuiper Belt object, Pluto. 目前只有5颗小行星被确认为矮行星,包括柯伊伯带里最有名的星体——冥王星。 www.bing.com 4. Hierarchical theories predict a proliferation of low-mass dark matter halos and, by extension, dwarf galaxies. 阶式理论预测低质量的黑暗物质晕应该很多,矮星系也是一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The winding down is expected to take several years, and liabilities are sure to dwarf whatever is raised from asset sales. 清盘过程预计需要数年时间。相比其负债,资产出售所得资金势必微不足道。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But the elder dwarf answered, "We would not give it thee for all the gold in the world. " 但是最老的矮人回答:“给我们世界上所有的金子,我们也不能把她给你。” www.bing.com 7. A small dwarf outpost has discovered a thin vein of mithras , but they lack the strength to protect it from the inevitable looters . 一个矮人前哨站发现了一小块密银矿脉,但是他们没有保护它不受掠夺的力量。 www.bing.com 8. According to analysis of pi degree, it cannot be confirmed whether dwarf genes in common use are in parents. 根据系谱分析,亲本中有些材料无法确定是否含有育种中常用的矮源。 www.fabiao.net 9. Suddenly a shower of water soaked the dwarf. He was trembling with cold. He felt so awful that he could not answer. 突然一阵海水浸湿了侏儒。他冷得直发抖。他难受得答不出话来。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. Leaves alternate or opposite, sometimes closely clustered at end of branchlets or with flowers on dwarf shoots. 叶互生或对生,簇生在小枝或具花在矮小的嫩枝上的末端的有时接近。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. If the star is small, it collapses gently and remains collapsed. This is called white dwarf. 如果恒星很小,它很温和的塌陷,保持塌陷,被称为白矮星。 bbs.xiaoma.com 2. The problem is dwarf galaxies are not as dense as the cold dark matter model says they should be. 问题在于矮星系并没有它们本应具有的冷暗物质的密度。 www.hjenglish.com 3. The seventh dwarf was worthy of a dwarf, is too much longer China. 第七个小矮人不愧是个小矮人,长得实在是太中国了。 www.dota123.com 4. An open question remains whether these white dwarf mergers are the primary catalyst for Type 1a supernovae in spiral galaxies. 剩下的开放问题是,在旋涡星系中,这些并合的白矮星是否就是Ia型超新星的主要催化剂。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Dwarf gouramis are among the most beautiful aquarium fish. 彩兔是最美的水族鱼类之一。 word.hcbus.com 6. A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself. 站在巨人肩膀上的侏儒,会比巨人看得更远。 my.anyp.cn 7. Does your dwarf ride as well as he pisses? 小侏儒的骑术和尿艺比如何? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Cataclysmic variables involve gas falling from a large star onto an accretion disk surrounding a massive but compact white dwarf star. 激变星涵盖了巨星上气体物质掉入环绕著其巨大且紧实的白矮星,而产生围绕白矮星的吸积盘。 www.astronomy.com.cn 9. The pygmy marmoset or dwarf monkey or finger monkey is a New World monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil. 这种非常小的小矮猴或手指猴原产地在巴西西部的雨林地带。 www.kekenet.com 10. "A white dwarf is like a smoking cinder from a burnt-out fire, " Williams said. 白矮星就像是火焰已熄、但还冒着烟的煤渣。 www.forbeschina.com |
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