单词 | dope | ||||
释义 | doping是dope的现在分词
复数:dopes 现在分词:doping 过去式:doped v. nobble,incapacitate,fix,tamper with,drug
例句释义: 吸毒者,安眠药[鸦片等],填料,防爆剂,给吃麻醉品,偷偷给服兴奋剂,麻痹,解,掺杂,禁药,参杂 1. Several Olympic competitors have been accused of blood doping, but so far scientists have not been able to devise a test to prove it. 几名奥运会竞争对手曾被指控使用血液兴奋剂,但是目前为止科学家还没有办法进行准确的测验来这名这一点。 www.remword.cn 2. Don Catlin, a US expert on doping, said he had suggested several years ago that Viagra could be used to enhance athletic performance. 美国的一位兴奋剂专家DonCatlin说,他很多年以前就提议万艾可可以被用来提高运动员成绩。 www.dxy.cn 3. But when nearly all the questions at Ye's news conference focused on doping, the feisty teenager in her bubbled to the surface. 但在叶诗文的新闻发布会上,当几乎所有的问题都集中在兴奋剂上,她身体里那个争强好胜的年轻人浮出了水面。 cn.nytimes.com 4. But World Anti-Doping Agency Director General David Howman said the matter was better left to local authorities. 但世界反兴奋剂机构(WorldAnti-DopingAgency)的总干事豪曼(DavidHowman)却说,这事最好留给各国政府去做。 chinese.wsj.com 5. China has opened its first anti-doping agency and a state-of-the-art laboratory in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. 中国为2008年夏季奥运会在北京成立了第一个反兴奋剂中心,并建立了一个有著世界一流设备的实验室。 ept-cn.com 6. THE DOPING METHODS: Self blood transfusion was one of the first methods used. 兴奋剂检查方法:自输血是第一个使用的方法。 www.syyxw.com 7. If doping love, and it has nothing to do its own calculations, it would not really love. 爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 www.mingren520.cn 8. He was talking to delegates at an annual conference on doping in sport here in London. Here's our sports news reporter, Alex Capstick. 在伦敦举行的针对体育比赛中的兴奋剂问题的年度会议上,戴维?豪曼如是对与会代表说。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. He had not, after all, been the victim of a secret doping plan. 然而终究,他也未曾成为秘密的禁药计划的受害者。 www.bing.com 10. If Felix is doping, you might just as well put down the starting guns for good. 如果连菲利克斯都使用了兴奋剂,你干脆连发令枪都扔了吧。 pro.yeeyan.com 1. and contributions to the cost of sending athletes and officials to the Games and of administering and analysing doping tests. 分担派出运动员和官员参加奥运会的费用,以及行政和兴奋剂检测分析费用。 www.ftchinese.com 2. DMS is usually produced by doping semiconductors with transition metals (TMs). 生产管理系统通常是由掺杂半导体与过渡金属(汤姆逊)。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Ivan Basso is likely to avoid charges of doping after investigating officials ask for his case to be dropped. 伊凡低音可能避免收费兴奋剂事件后调查人员问他是无疾而终。 www.2getnews.com 4. But for a few, the doping controversy which has engulfed the country's two brightest sprinting stars is proving hard to shake off. 但是,有关希腊两名最著名的短跑运动员涉嫌兴奋剂违纪的争端,至今仍令一些人耿耿于怀。 www.eachkey.com 5. There are fears that some plants can produce steroid byproducts that are not on WADA's list and are not picked up in doping tests. 人们担心,一些能够产生类固醇副产品的植物并没有列入世界反兴奋剂机构的清单且没有进行兴奋剂检测。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. This effect is able to account for the experimental results observed for polymers with low concentration doping. 这就解释了低掺杂聚合物中的实验观察结果; www.pet2008.cn 7. But a new study finds that some of the performance benefits of steroid use may persist years after an athlete stops doping. 但是一项新的研究发现,即使在运动员停止服用类固醇药物数年之后,它对运动员表现的某些益处依然存在。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. 运动世界不允许服用禁药,因为这是一种本质的欺骗。 m.anoah.com 9. Sports world does not tolerate doping as it is the fundamental form of cheating. 由于它是影响力大的欺骗形式,体育界是不会容忍运动员服用兴奋剂的。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 10. Said doping gas control part includes a gas quality flowmeter (of argon and azote) used by a gas protect part, and a doping case part. 所述的掺杂气体控制部分包气体保护部分使用的氩气、氮气的气体质量流量计及掺杂箱部分; ip.com 1. The LZR is thus being referred to by some people as high - tech doping on a hanger . 由于有些人把LZR看做“高科技兴奋剂”,因此LZR能否在北京奥运会上亮相仍悬而未决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. One of the best methods is to prepare aerogel composites by doping with reinforcements and opacifiers. 通过添加增强体和遮光剂研制气凝胶隔热复合材料是主要的解决方法。 www.dictall.com 3. Some see evidence of man reaching a physical limit (at least without illegal doping). 一些人认为人类已经要达到极限了(起码在没服过违禁药品情况下)。 www.ecocn.org 4. The doping dependency of the checkerboard pattern offers strong evidence of a charge-density wave, Hudson said. 掺杂水平和“棋盘”图样的相关性是对电荷密度波的有力证据。哈德森如是说。 www.bing.com 5. The U. S. Anti-doping agency had an airtight case against cyclist Lance Armstrong. 美国反兴奋剂机构对自行车手兰斯.阿姆斯特朗的指控无可置疑。 www.bing.com 6. He told reporters that any athlete who received a suspension of six months or more for doping will be banned from the next Olympics. 他对媒体说,任何因服用兴奋剂而被停赛6个月或更长的运动员将被禁止参加下届奥运会。 tianya.8684.cn 7. A theme exhibition on reviewing 40 years of anti-doping efforts at the Olympic Games was held on Wednesday in Beijing. 星期三在北京举行了主题为40年奥林匹克运动会反兴奋剂工作回顾的展览。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Cigarette packages branch printing distortion, feel more rigid, doping cigarettes usually inserted in the back of a fake. 假烟支印刷失真,手感偏硬,掺支烟一般假的插在后排。 www.qiyeku.com 9. This conclusion can ex- plain the experimental result of polymer which has the degenerate ground state in the doping case. 这个结论能够解释简并基态高分子在低浓度掺杂下的实验结果。 www.juhe8.com 10. Physical violence, doping, "fixing" , "black whistle" and the sports gambling sports are the main manifestations of crime. 体育暴力、使用兴奋剂、“假球”、“黑哨”和竞技体育赌博是竞技体育犯罪的主要表现形式。 www.fabiao.net 1. On Wednesday, Pound asked Chinese authorities to "go the extra mile" to show the world it is serious about cracking down on doping. 庞德星期三要求中国有关当局「再进一步」向世界展示中国在打击兴奋剂问题上是严肃认真的。 ept-cn.com 2. simultaneously it has also calculated the doping birefringent photonic crystal defect model structure. 同时也计算了掺杂双折射型光子晶体的缺陷模结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. A teenage Chinese swimmer was on Monday at the centre of the Olympic Games' first controversy over allegations of doping. 周一,一位中国游泳小将成为伦敦奥运会首例兴奋剂争议的焦点。 www.kekenet.com 4. Metal elements doping technology was effectively applied to improve photo catalytic properties of perovskite-type oxides. 利用金属元素掺杂改性钙钛矿型氧化物是有效改善其光催化性能的方法之一。 www.rm-journal.com 5. The on-resistance is decreased as a result of increasing drift region doping which is due to the neutralism of the p-type buried layer. p型埋层的电中性作用增加了漂移区优化的浓度而使比导通电阻降低。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. If your goal is weight loss, maintaining a steady doping of sugar into your blood stream is not going to make your efforts any easier. 如果你旨在减肥的话,那么保持稳定的糖分摄入量并不能让你少付出一些努力。 www.elanso.com 7. Pantani died of a cocaine overdose, after his career was blighted by a positive blood-doping test. 潘塔尼的职业生涯因血检不合格而不得不终止,最终死于过量吸食可卡因。 dongxi.net 8. To end doping in sports, the doping game must be restructured so that competing clean is in a Nash equilibrium. 要终结运动界的药物问题,药物赛局就必须重新架构,使乾净的竞赛能成为纳许均衡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. For me, an addiction to recreational drugs is just as bad as illegal doping. 对我来说,娱乐性的麻醉剂和罪恶的兴奋剂一样。 www.bing.com 10. International sports organizations defined "doping" in terms of its extension, and redefine it with the development of anti-doping practice. 国际体育组织从外延角度对“使用兴奋剂”进行界定,并随实践发展对“使用兴奋剂”进行重新界定。 www.dictall.com 1. The device includes a central control part, a motor control part, a control panel and a doping gas control part. 它包括中心控制部分、电机控制部分、控制面板、及掺杂气体控制部分; ip.com 2. These n-type dopant concentrations can be achieved using neutron transmutation doping (NTD) techniques. 这些n型搀杂浓度能使用中子嬗变搀杂(NTD)技术来取得。 ip.com 3. However, doping is not the only thing we need to worry about. 但是,服用兴奋剂并不是我们需要担心的唯一问题。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 4. To meet the requirement of doping detection in food, testosterone methanol solution certified reference material(CRM) was developed. 针对目前食品中兴奋剂类药物检测的需求,研制了睾酮甲醇溶液国家级标准物质。 oldweb.cqvip.com 5. Just in time for the Olympics, scientists say they have discovered drugs that could cause the next athletic doping scandal. 在奥林匹克运动会期间,科学家宣布他们发现了可能会是下一个“运动员使用兴奋剂丑闻”的药物。 news.dxy.cn 6. For a strong substrate, the fluid doping plastically. 对于强无序衬底,流体呈塑性脱钉。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Finally we know that SIMS is one of the best ways to precisely quantify the trace amount in heavy arsenic doping silicon wafers. 从中我们发现,对重掺砷单晶硅中痕量杂质磷的测定,SIMS是目前可以精确定量的有效方法之一。 www.boshuo.net 8. We will continue to firmly carry out all the IOC anti-doping decisions and do all that we can to safeguard the purity of sport. 我们继续坚决执行国际奥运会反兴奋各种决议,以捍卫奥林匹克的纯洁性。 dict.ebigear.com 9. A, An electric field is induced in a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium that has a nonuniform impurity doping concentration. A,是诱发电场在半导体中的热平衡,有一个非均匀掺杂的杂质浓度。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Doping control officers of the Beijing Olympic Games are volunteers chosen by the China Anti-Doping Agency, most of them are doctors. 北京奥运会中的兴奋剂检查官是由中国反兴奋剂中心挑选出的志愿者,大多数是医生。 www.i21st.cn 1. meanwhile the reflective layer is arranged on the first dielectric layer and is positioned above the region without doping. 以及一反射层,设置于该第一介电层上,且位于该未掺杂区上方。 ip.com 2. Wang, who declined repeated requests to comment, was banned from coaching for life in 2005 in a separate doping scandal. 王德显一再拒绝对此案发表评论。2005年,他因另外一起兴奋剂丑闻而被终身禁止从事教练工作。 www.bing.com 3. Russian female athletes were provisionally suspended Thursday by the IAAF for doping-related matters and will miss the Beijing Games. 因涉嫌服用禁药,7名俄罗斯女子田径运动员7月31日遭国际田联临时禁赛,将无法参加即将召开的北京奥运会。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Moreover, the calculated results also indicate that the stability and electronic structures are dependent on the doping sites. 此外,计算结果表明,不同掺杂位置对体系的稳定性以及电子结构均有显著的影响。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 5. Wang was stumped, and therein lies a problem for Chinese authorities anxious to avoid a doping scandal during the Olympics. 对于急于想避免在奥运会期间出现兴奋剂丑闻的中国当局而言,这里存在隐患。 6. Anabolic steroid is a kind of doping agents that has been used frequently and widely. 合成类固醇类药物是使用频率最高的一类运动兴奋剂。 www.chemyq.com 7. Nearly half of the men who carried no functional copies of UGT2B17 would have gone undetected in the standard doping test. 不携带正常工作UGT2B17基因的男子中近一半人会在标准的兴奋剂检测中不会检测出来。 www.ecocn.org 8. The mode and defect mode of electromagnetic wave in flat-panel doping photonic crystal is studied by the characteristic matrix method. 利用特征矩阵法研究了一维平板掺杂光子晶体中电磁波的模式及其缺陷模特性。 www.jgjs.net.cn 9. I agree to take a doping test and receive any necessary medical treatment provided by the organizer. 本人同意按照有关要求接受药物检查以及组办方在比赛期间提供的医疗救治。 wenku.baidu.com 10. As the inaugural president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Pound spearheaded a global push to create a united front against dopes. 作为国际反兴奋剂机构的时任主席,庞德先生带头推动全球建立一个反兴奋剂使用者的联合战线。 www.bing.com 1. Jeff: The minister of sports also submitted a new draft of anti-doping. He suggested to set up an independent drug inspection association. 杰夫:布封还向议会提交了一份新的反服药法草案,提议成立一个独立的药物检查协会。 terms.shengwuquan.com 2. In anti-doping jurisdiction, the selection of procedural justice and substantial justice, should give priority to procedural justice. 反兴奋剂司法中,“程序正义与实质正义”的取舍中,优先维护程序正义; www.ceps.com.tw 3. But there is anger in government that the home team's doping scandals - and a tourism slump - are ruining Greece's image. 但是,本国运动员的兴奋剂丑闻和旅游业的低靡破坏了希腊的形象,这使希腊政府十分恼火。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Therefore, doping is often introduced in many nano-devices, thus making it indispensable to study the quantum tunneling mechanism. 在许多纳米器件中需要引入掺杂,量子隧穿机制研究是必不可少的。 www.pet2008.cn 5. upon high doping , fm state separates from pm state above tc , which is called phase separation. 表明在居里温度以上铁磁相从顺磁相中分离出来,即相分离。 www.ichacha.net 6. Doping - The process of the donation of an electron or hole to the conduction process by a dopant. 掺杂-把搀杂剂掺入半导体,通常通过扩散或离子注入工艺实现。 bbs.ciscenter.com 7. Medications to treat those symptoms need to be applied for and cleared through anti-doping measures before the day of Olympic competition. 治疗这些症状的药物需要申请,并在奥运比赛的日子前通过反兴奋剂措施。 www.stnn.cc 8. Efficient long afterglow glass was synthesized by doping suitable amount of long afterglow phosphor powder in low melting glass. 在低熔点玻璃中掺杂一定量的长余辉发光粉制备了性能优良的长余辉发光玻璃。 www.chemyq.com 9. Under the World Anti-Doping Agency's drug-testing code, athletes are responsible for whatever is in their bodies, regardless of the source. 在世界反麻醉品组织的药物测试法规中,运动员对他们体内的所有药物负有责任,不管是怎样的来源。 www.bing.com 10. The research indicates: It may expand light absorption dimension by doping mental ion or non-metallic ion in catalyzer. 研究表明,在催化剂中掺杂金属和非金属离子等,能在一定程度上扩展光吸收范围。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. Illegal doping in sports and malfeasance on Wall Street are running scandals in the United States. 运动员服用兴奋剂,以及华尔街的不法行径,均是在美国盛行的丑闻。 www.24en.com 2. Also under Mr. Samaranch's leadership, doping scandals emerged. To his credit, Mr. 运动员服用禁药的丑闻也出现在萨马兰奇担任主席期间。 www.bing.com 3. The World Anti Doping Agency said Ferdinand was lucky to have avoided a two-year ban, the norm for missing a drug test in other sports. 世界反兴奋剂机构称费迪南德幸运地躲过了长达两年的禁赛,这是在其他体育项目中对拒绝药检的处罚。 www.wwenglish.com 4. Effects of compositions and doping contents of zinc-, barium- and lead- borosilicate glasses on sintering behaviors were compared. 比较了锌、铅、钡硼硅酸盐玻璃组成、掺杂量对玻璃陶瓷的烧结特性的影响。 www.chemyq.com 5. With increasing doping concentration, the impact of neutral impurity scattering becomes more significant. 随着掺杂浓度的增加,中性杂质散射作用增强。 www.dictall.com 6. First, fill in the Doping Control Official Record clearly and choose a perfectly clean cup to collect urine sample no less than 75ml. 首先,清楚地填写兴奋剂检查记录单。然后拿一个彻底清洁的尿样瓶去留75毫升尿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He took part in a 2002 symposium on the prospect of gene doping organized by the World Anti-Doping Agency. 史威尼参加了2002年由世界反违禁药物组织召开、防范违禁基因疗法的研讨会。 8. In inertial confinement Fusion (ICF), plastic coating and doping plastic coating of microsphere substrates have a great number of uses. 在惯性约束聚变(ICF)中,微球表面覆盖塑料涂层和塑料掺杂涂层具有极大的使用价值。 www.chemyq.com 9. The United States Anti-Doping Agency is supposed to guarantee that no athletes use such drugs. 美国反兴奋剂协会就是保证运动员不使用药物的组织。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 10. It's interesting that porous ZnO shows significant room temperature ferromagnetic even without any transition metal doping. 更有意思的是我们发现氧化锌多孔微球具有比较弱的室温铁磁性。 physics.zju.edu.cn 1. Gain the best concentration of doping corresponding to the strongest absorption peak. 存在并给出对应强吸收峰的最佳掺杂浓度。 www.opticsjournal.net 2. The on-state voltage of the systems with nitrogen doping go down. The structure of single vacancy possesses good rectification ratio. 氮原子掺杂体系的导通电压相对于理想管有所降低,单个空位缺陷结构具有很好的整流性。 www.fabiao.net 3. Both doping and quantum dot sensitization extend the visible light absorption of the metal oxide materials. 掺杂和量子点敏化都增强了金属氧化物材料对可见光的吸收。 www.kuenglish.info 4. The so-called Operation Puerto uncovered a systematic, highly organised doping ring based mainly on storing and transfusing blood. 所谓的“波多黎各行动”查获了一个系统性、高度组织化的主要储存和输血的兴奋剂链条。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. According to the relationship between the crystal doping concentration and the laser pump light absorption, gives the ladder doped crystal. 根据激光晶体掺杂浓度与泵浦光吸收之间的关系得出了阶梯掺杂晶体模型。 www.fabiao.net 6. The two testified before a congressional committee looking into how baseball is dealing with the doping scandal. 两人是在委员会调查如何处理服药丑闻这起事件之前发表这项声明的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The influences of tungsten-doping upon the structure and morphology of cobalt oxalate were studied. 摘要研究了钨掺杂对草酸钴结构和微观形貌的影响。 www.csu.edu.cn 8. This experiment adopts different doping of Bi2O3 and studies conductivity, composed phases and microstructure of the materials. 本文通过掺杂不同量的Bi2O3研究了其对材料整体的电导性的影响以及对材料的相组成和微观结构的影响。 www.13191.com 9. The SEM results indicate that the compact degrees of geopolymer are modified and the microcrack is reduced by doping organic resin. SEM研究结果表明:有机树脂能有效的改善地质聚合物的致密程度,减少微裂纹的产生。 www.fabiao.net 10. Dear athletes, remember that you are role models for the youths of the world. Reject doping and cheating. 亲爱的运动员们,请记住,你们是世界青年的楷模,请拒绝兴奋剂,向作弊说不。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. During the ion doping to make the lightly doped drain, ions are implanted in one first incident direction and one second incident direction. 本发明在制作轻掺杂漏极的离子掺杂程序时,分别以一第一入射方向以及一第二入射方向来植入离子,进而完成埋入式轻掺杂漏极的制作。 www.bing.com 2. French anti-doping organizations Pierre said they suspect some drivers used the CERA (EPO third-generation products). 法国反兴奋剂组织负责人皮埃尔称,他们怀疑还有一些车手使用了CERA(EPO的第三代产品)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Hydrogen-doping can strengthen lean fuel combustion characteristic of hydrous-ethanol and increases it's flame speed. 含水乙醇掺氢后,其稀薄燃烧性能增强,火焰传播速度增快; www.13191.com 4. Using this expression to calculate the optimum doping contents of silica and alumina and zinc oxide and tin oxide and barium-titanate. 应用此表达式定量计算了二氧化硅、三氧化二铝、氧化锌、二氧化锡、钛酸钡等部分电子陶瓷材料的最佳掺杂含量。 www.chemyq.com 5. Doping jeopardizes the moral and ethical basis of sport and the health of those involved in it. 使用兴奋剂危及到体育运动的道德和伦理基础,损害了体育运动参与者的健康。 www.en84.com 6. MGF can produce rapid increases in muscle and strength, giving it considerable therapeutic and doping potential. MGF可以产生迅速增加肌肉和力量,使大量的治疗和兴奋剂的潜力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Beijing's current anti- doping determination is in clear contrast to the approach taken by sports officials in the 1990s. 北京当前的反兴奋剂决心,与上世纪90年代体育官员的态度形成了鲜明对比。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The effects of doping ratio and heat treatment temperature on the structure and the electrical conductivity of ATO powder were studied. 研究了掺杂比、热处理温度等工艺条件对ATO粉体结构和导电性能的影响。 www.chemyq.com 9. Sampdoria striker Francesco Flachi has tested positive in an anti doping test following a match this season. 桑普多利亚前锋弗拉基在本赛季一场比赛之后的药检中兴奋剂检测结果呈阳性。 www.milanchina.com 10. doping scandals and a tourism slump are ruining Greece's image. 本国运动员的兴奋剂丑闻和旅游业的低靡破坏了希腊的形象,这使希腊政府十分。 www.ebigear.com 1. The invention discloses a technique for producing steel making waste, namely steel slag powder for doping in concrete. 本发明公开了一种用于掺入混凝土的炼钢废弃物钢渣微粉生产工艺。 ip.com 2. The Uv-vis spectra showed that PANI upon doping had stronger absorption in the Uv region and broader absorption in the visible region. 紫外可见光谱说明酞菁铜羧酸掺杂后PANI在紫外区有强吸收峰,在可见光区吸收变宽。 www.chemyq.com 3. This material contains nickel for the contact function and phosphorus for the doping function. 该材料含有起触点作用的镍以及起掺杂作用的磷。 ip.com 4. The French government is considering using it in sporting events, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is running pilot studies. 法国政府正在考虑在比赛中运用这个策略,世界发兴奋剂组织正在进行初步研究。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Such scenarios are likely to be repeated after the Beijing Olympics this summer, where some 4, 500 doping tests will be administered. 类似场景在今年夏季的北京奥运会之后也许还会重演,届时将进行4,500例兴奋剂检测。 wh.xdf.cn 6. As a semiconductor material advantageously an indium alloy and as a doping material selenium or tellurium can be used. 对于半导体材料,有利地可以使用铟合金,而对于掺杂材料,可以使用硒或碲。 www.bing.com 7. PROCESS OF PRODUCTION AND CHARACTER Pink Fused Alumina is produced by doping Chromia into Alumina, which gives the material pink color. 生产与字刚玉过程是由掺杂成氧化铝,这给料粉红色氧化铬。 chinatrader.com.hk 8. Their main electrochemical properties are determined and the effect of the doping elements with different ion radius analyzed. 结果表明,在四种合金中,合金的电化学性质随掺杂元素的离子半径有规律的变化。 www.dictall.com 9. Blood doping is a technique in which athletes transfuse their own blood to improve performance. 运动员为了提高表现可能会输入自己的血液。 www.remword.cn 10. With the increasing of doping amounts, phases shift from tetragonal phase to rhombohedral phase. 随着掺杂量的增加,物相组成由四方相向三方相转变; www.fabiao.net 1. We also studied the systems with the nitrogen doping, vacancy and the compound defects composed of nitrogen and vacancy. 本文也模拟计算了手性碳管中掺氮和空位复合缺陷以及这两者的复合情况。 www.fabiao.net 2. "You have also to be able to defend the values of sport, and they are threatened by doping, by violence, by corruption, " he maintained. “你也必须能够捍卫体育的价值,它们正遭受来自兴奋剂、暴力和腐败的威胁。”罗格坚称。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Reject doping. Respect you opponents. Remember that you are all role models. If you do that, you will inspire a generation. 远离兴奋剂,尊重对手,记住你是大家的榜样。如果你做到了,你就激励了一代人。 www.hxen.com 4. As long as any professional sports after doping and it will be very difficult to maintain complete innocence. 任何体育只要职业化之后就很难和兴奋剂完全保持清白。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The conductivity of silicon must be improved by doping process. 但导电之性质必须藉由掺杂来提升。 www.docin.com 6. The researchers are also worried about what's called genetic doping. It's the latest in elite athletic cheating. 研究人员们还担心基因兴奋剂在赛场上作乱——这是顶尖运动员们在比赛中舞弊的最新法宝。 www.bing.com 7. That test was his second positive doping test, which usually triggers a lifetime ban. 这项测试是他的第二个积极禁药检验,通常引发了终身禁令。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. Where are the changing rooms, showers, doping control room and clinic? 更衣室,淋浴,兴奋剂检测室和医务室在哪里? mysearch.100e.com 9. FT-IR spectra showed that the rare earth doping had no effect onthe composition of molecular sieve. FT-IR分析表明稀土掺杂没有改变分子筛的根本组成; www.fabiao.net 10. Effects of Li-doping on the structure and characteristics of graphite anode for Li-ion batteries were studied. 研究了掺杂锂元素对用作锂离子电池负极的石墨材料的结构与性能的影响。 www.csu.edu.cn 1. Where are the dressing rooms, doping control station and clinic? 更衣室、兴奋剂检查站和医务室在地方? www.ttxyy.com 2. It is found both the conductivity and the apparent mobility are dependant on the doping level and microstructure of polyaniline films. 电化学测试结果表明,聚苯胺的电导率及表观迁移率与膜的掺杂程度和形貌有关。 3. Duan added that the establishment of CADA will "help build a professional team to concentrate on anti-doping work in the long run" . 段世杰还说中国反兴奋剂机构的建立从长远来看将会对培养更专业的反兴奋剂小组有较大帮助。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. And scientists are on high alert. Not just for well-known ways to gain an advantage, like steroids or blood doping. 温哥华奥林匹克运动会开幕了,科学家处于高度戒备状态,不仅是因为众所周知的获得优势的方法,像类固醇或血液兴奋剂,另外还担忧基因疗法。 www.bing.com 5. The spread uniformity of the dopant in the film surface will vary with the doping time. 又掺杂剂在膜表面分布均匀程度与掺杂时间有关。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 6. Judging the likely efficacy of the anti-doping crackdown is impossible. 目前不可能评判中国反兴奋剂举措可能产生的效果。 www.ftchinese.com 7. According to new reports, during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong admitted to doping , to using performance enhancing drugs. 据最新的报道称,在接受奥普拉·温弗瑞采访期间,阿姆斯特朗承认服用禁药,使用提高成绩的药物。 www.bing.com 8. Sports authorities fear that a new form of doping will be undetectable and thus much less preventable. 运动管理单位忧心,有一类新型的违禁法将无法侦测、也难以防範。 dict.bioon.com 9. An International Federation that abides by anti-doping rules must govern these sports. 这些运动员项目必须由一个遵守反兴奋剂条约的国际联合组织来管理。 www.globalfbc.com 10. The fight against doping is forging ahead on a film footing and solid foundations. 反兴奋剂的斗争正在扎实稳固地进行。 www.en84.com 1. The researchers have informed the World Anti-Doping Agency in Montreal, Canada, of their findings. 研究人员已经将他们的研究成果通知了世界反禁药组织。 www.bing.com 2. finally , the author brings out some suggestion and designs some versa doping system. 最后,进行了一些反兴奋剂工作的制度设计,以期为有关部门提供参考和决策依据。 www.ichacha.net 3. A Chinese anti- doping center to the authority of the reporters said. 一位中国反兴奋剂中心的技术权威向记者透露。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It is rePOrted that with some new dye molecules added to PMMA by doping and copolymerizing Prepare to solid films are Prepared. 报道了一组新设计的染料分子以掺杂和共聚两种形式加入基质PMMA聚合物。并制成固体薄膜。 www.opticsjournal.net 5. Doping Scandals Make Winners Of Olympic Losers Most Olympic champions learn they are gold medalists when they cross the finish line. 大多数奥运冠军在率先冲过终点的时候就意识到自己获得了金牌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Have significant impact on the VOC Another factor is the doping concentration. 对VOC有明显的影响的另一因素是掺杂浓度。 g15.baidu.com 7. MGF is a prime candidate for gene doping for enhancement of athletic performance. MGF是总理候选人的基因兴奋剂的提高运动成绩。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It's been led by the World Anti-Doping Agency, but the man who runs it has admitted it's a problem they will never completely solve. 世界反兴奋剂机构负责此事,但是它的领导人却说,这是一个永远解决不了的问题。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. In 2006 cycling fans worldwide were shocked when the winner of the annual cycling race, the Tour de France, was caught doping. 当2006年环法自行车赛的冠军被查出服用了兴奋剂的时候,世界为之哗然。 k8edu.com 10. Gatlin shares the 100-meter world record of 9. 77 seconds, though that would be erased if his doping penalty becomes official. 股份加特林100米的世界纪录9.77秒,虽然将被删除,如果他使用兴奋剂的惩罚变为正式。 www.sjgcz.cn 1. Our message is clear: zero tolerance against racism, violence and doping. 我们的态度很清楚:对种族歧视、暴力和违禁药品持零容忍态度。 lailook.net 2. Platinum doping is need before nickel chemical plating for FR rectifiers. 快恢复二极管需要在化学镀镍前扩铂。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Chinese sports were embroiled in doping scandals in the 1990s and officials are hoping to ensure the scandals are not repeated. 上世纪九十年代,中国运动员曾卷入兴奋剂丑闻,官员们保证将杜绝此现象。 www.common-talk.com 4. Some theoretic bases has been provided for providuction and utilization of the doping molybdenum wire. 为掺杂钼丝的生产及应用提供了一定的理论依据。 www.chemyq.com 5. The drain region includes an alternating-doping profile region. 漏区包含一交替掺杂形态区域。 ip.com 6. In this paper, we mainly carry out experiments around tin dioxide 1D nanostructures'controlled growth and Co-doping. 本文主要围绕二氧化锡一维纳米结构的可控生长以及金属钴掺杂来开展。 www.fabiao.net 7. So, given this reality, what is our beef with steroid use in baseball, blood doping in cycling, or dropping weight to climb hard? 所以,鉴于这个事实,对于棒球比赛里使用的类固醇,自行车赛上的增血或者攀岩上的减重,我们到底在发什么牢骚呢? www.bing.com 8. By using pressureless sintering technique, the ceramics corundum abrasives through the doping of MgO and SiO2 additives were prepared. 以氧化镁和氧化硅为烧结添加剂,利用无压烧结工艺制备了陶瓷刚玉磨料。 www.dictall.com 9. The games will adopt zero tolerance against doping as it is the rehearsal of China's National Games in 2013. 因为本届省运会是为2013年全运会提前“演练”,所以本届省运会对兴奋剂采取“零容忍”政策。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 10. Two notions are advanced against doping in sport: safety and fairness. 为了反对运动员在体育活动中服用兴奋剂,人们提出了两点原因:安全性和公平性。 www.ecocn.org 1. Further more, the effect of doping concentration and radius of doped area on fiber's nonlinearity is studied. 此外,还讨论了掺杂浓度和掺杂半径对光纤非线性系数的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. In the report, former teammates admitted to doping and ways of beating drug tests. 在报告中,前队友承认服用禁药并且混过药物测试。 www.kekenet.com 3. Sr-doping decreases leakage current of the PZT thin films. 锶掺杂使得PZT薄膜的漏电流密度下降。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. China has suffered several doping scandals in recent years. 近几年,中国已经数次爆出兴奋剂丑闻。 ept-cn.com 5. Hi, congratulations. gold medallist! I am the Doping Control Station officer of the Games. You are selected for doping control. 祝贺您获得金牌。我是运动会兴奋剂检查站工作人员。您被选定接受兴奋剂检查。 dict.bioon.com 6. Not just for well-known ways to gain an advantage, like steroids or blood doping. 不仅仅是因为运动员们有可能使用类固醇或血液兴奋剂这类众所周知的方法获取优势。 www.hjenglish.com 7. As drug testing in sport has advanced, so has the sophistication of doping strategies. 随着体育运动中药检技术的进步,兴奋剂使用的隐蔽性也在不断提高。 www.21jk.com.cn 8. And you can also see here the Doping Control Station, just beside the Pre-competition and Post-competition Control Center. 你可以看到这边是兴奋剂检查站,旁边是赛前和赛后控制中心。 www.bing.com 9. But the country's own record shows both the progress and failures in the fight against doping. 但以往的记录显示,中国打击兴奋剂斗争中进步与失败并存。 cn.reuters.com 10. The last thing the Chinese government wants is a doping scandal on home soil. 中国政府希望的最后一件事情是自家土地上的禁药丑闻 blog.sina.com.cn 1. as the doping increases and reaches a maximum near the optimal doping d, 0. 15. 随着掺杂的增加,达到最佳的兴奋剂附近天,最高为0. goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Though they come in many forms, there are really two main arguments made against doping. 虽然,对兴奋剂使用的指责形式多样,但是有两种主流的反对观点。 www.bing.com 3. From recombinant protein to gene doping, there is a great challenge to their detection. 从体外重组蛋白到潜在的基因兴奋剂的出现,给兴奋剂检测工作带来了巨大的挑战。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Later in the day, the world anti-doping agency recommended suspension for 2 more women lifters for doping violation. 世界反兴奋剂机构还建议对另外两名服用禁药的女子举重实施禁赛处罚。 www.bing.com 5. The doping is a cancer on the ideal of the Olympic Games. 兴奋剂是奥运会的理想相违背的。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Blood doping, which tainted the triumphs of some Olympians, has at last been banned. 血液兴奋剂玷污了一些奥林匹克选手的辉煌,最终终于被禁止。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For this reason taking it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). 因此世界反兴奋剂中心是禁止服用这类药物的。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 8. In this case, therefore, the doping is designed to switch the gene off. 因此在这种情况下,服用兴奋剂的目的是关闭MSTN基因。 wh.xdf.cn 9. An ion doping mask pattern is formed on the gate insulating layer. 在所述栅极绝缘层上形成离子掺杂掩模图案; www.jianzhu668.com 10. Element doping can change the properties of PZT thin films. 对PZT薄膜进行掺杂可以改变其性能。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. Nowadays, this kind of cheating has a name - doping. 如今,这种欺骗方式有了名字--服用兴奋剂。 www.tdict.com 2. Semiconductor materials may have high resistivities depending on the level of doping. 依据掺杂水平的不同,半导体材料可能有很高的电阻率。 www.eefocus.com 3. Samples from athletes competing in the ongoing Beijing Olympics will be kept for 8 years for doping retests, Games organizers said Sunday. 北京奥组委17日表示,北京奥运会兴奋剂检测样品将被保存8年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. True friendship is pure, not a trace of dirt doping. 真正的友谊是纯洁的,不会掺杂一丝污垢。 www.bing.com 5. A 250, 000-dollar donation amid lingering questioins about whether he was doping or not. 关于他是否服用禁药的疑问已经有一份250,000美元的捐赠。 www.kekenet.com 6. The doping is a cancer of the pure Olympic Games. 兴奋剂是纯洁的奥运会的毒瘤。 forum.bjradio.com.cn 7. Typically a first-time doping offence results in a two-year ban. 一般来说,首次药物违禁的运动员将被处以两年禁赛。 cn.reuters.com 8. It takes into account both electron and hole currents in IGBTs and the doping variation in MOS body. 本模型可以同时考虑IGBT内电子和电洞电流,以及MOS内掺杂浓度的变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Fazekas is the second athlete in two days to lose a gold medal for doping. 法泽卡斯是两天之内由于服用兴奋剂而被剥夺金牌的第二名运动员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Doping in sports is without debate, the most important, written about, and discussed topic globally. 毫无疑问,体育运动中的兴奋剂使用问题是最重要的、需要大书特写的全球性问题。 www.21jk.com.cn 1. The active layer is made on high N type doping layer, and has a less area than ohmic contact layer. 一有源层,该有源层制作在高N型掺杂浓度层的上面,该有源层的面积小于欧姆接触层; ip.com 2. The new defect mode structure of flat-panel doping photonic crystal is obtained. 得出了一些不同于一维非受限掺杂光子晶体缺陷模的新特征。 www.jgjs.net.cn 3. President Daniel announced the doping tests will be carried out throughout next year 0n Both professionals and amateurs. 法国自行车联合会主席丹尼尔宣布明年一年所有的职业选手和业余选手都要经过药检测试。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Doping . 组委会可以成立专职部门处理反兴奋剂事务。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Annie: When did people start to use doping? 安妮:从什么时候有兴奋剂的? www.hotdic.com 6. We can change the behavior of a pure silicon crystal by doping it. 当纯矽的晶体和其它不纯物混杂在一起,矽的本质会改变。 wenku.baidu.com 7. We must continue to fight fiercely against doping. 我们必须继续强制抵制兴奋剂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. When Li doping concentration is 3. 0mol%, up-conversion luminescence intensity reaches maximum. 5. 当Li掺杂浓度为3.0mol%时,上转换发光强度达到最大。 www.13191.com 9. There were 26 doping violations in 2004, including three gold medalists. 而在2004年的奥运会上,有26例是违反了禁药,其中有3例是牵涉到金牌获得者。 www.elanso.com 10. But what if a superhuman performance itself could be used as evidence of doping? 但是,如果超人般的表现本身可以用来作为服用违禁药物的证据,那将会怎么样? blog.sina.com.cn 1. The doping of some Schiff base compounds in organogels has been investigated. 研究了在有机胶凝剂中掺杂的席夫碱化合物。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The country's first anti-doping program was launched in the 1980s. 中国的反兴奋剂工作开始于80年代。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. Blood doping was officially banned by IOC in 1986. 1986年血液回输被国际奥委会正式禁止。 2008.sina.com.cn 4. But on August 24th 1997 he was found positive to an ant doping control. 但是到了1997年8月24日,他在尿样检验时再次查出含阳性。 www.putclub.com 5. Because of large diameter, doping of nitrogen atoms make a little impact on the chiral (8, 4)CNTs. 对于半导体型(8,4)管,由于其管径较大,氮原子掺杂对其影响相对较小。 www.fabiao.net 6. There are two known types of blood doping. 现在有两种血液回注方法。 ngmchina.com.cn 7. In 1992, the Chinese Anti-Doping Commission was established. 在1992年中国的反兴奋剂协会成立了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. The doping of WO_3 thin film is introduced. 介绍了氧化钨薄膜的掺杂研究; www.chemyq.com 9. Gene doping is concealable, so that it is difficult to detection. 由于基因兴奋剂具有较高的隐蔽性,使检测成为难题。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. You have been selected for doping Control. May I have your AD Card, please. 您被挑选接受兴奋剂检查,请将您的注册卡交给我。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. azo dyes doping with liquid crystal, such as widening angle of view, improving light in display and so on. 与液晶掺杂后这类染料表现出许多良好的光电特性,如具有宽液晶显示的视角、增加显示亮度等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Doping not only does harm to the athlete's body, but also damages the sports spirits of fair and justness. 服用兴奋剂不仅危害运动员的身心健康,而且还严重损害了公正、纯洁的体育竞技精神。 www.fabiao.net 3. I hope there are no doping scandals. 我希望没有兴奋剂丑闻。 bbs.netat.net 4. For example, benchmarks for the 2004 Olympics ran afoul of both individual feats and doping scandals. 以2004年雅典奥运会为例,普华永道的预期受到了选手表现与禁药丑闻的影响。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. with the dSC in the underdoped region below the doping d, 0. 1. 与数码相机在下面的兴奋剂天,0.1低掺杂区域。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. I am a Doping Control Officer. You have been selected to receive the doping test. 我是兴奋剂检察官。我正式通知你被挑选接受兴奋剂检查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I do have common sense, and it says this guy is doping. 我有常识,并且常识告诉我这家伙在吸毒。 www.kekenet.com 8. But in any case, is it really so obvious that doping is wrong? 但是在任何一种情况下,兴奋剂使用是不可取的,这明显吗? www.bing.com 9. Three kinds of atoms are avaliable for C_(60) doping: alkali metal, alkaline earth metal and other elements. 从掺杂原子类型分主要有碱金属掺杂、碱土金属掺杂和其它原子掺杂。 www.chemyq.com 10. Silicon doping in SPRR-300 was begun in 1980s. There are 6 tubes for silicon irradiation now. 300(上标#)反应堆在二十世纪80年代开始开展单晶硅掺杂,目前有6根管道用于硅样品辐照。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Patrick Biancone, the best-known horse trainer to come to Hong Kong, was suspended for 10 months on doping charges yesterday. 香港最著名外籍练马师宾康,昨日因使用禁药,被吊销牌照十个月。 www.ebigear.com 2. love is the most beautiful of human emotions, because emotions have not the heart of doping during Cyril ( France) 母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其间(法国) wenku.baidu.com 3. Abradability and blood compatibility of a new type mechanical artificial heart valve material modified on surface by doping titanium oxide 掺杂氧化钛的新型人工心脏瓣膜耐磨性与血液相容性的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Secret Recipe for "Doping" Used for Long Distance Running in the Han Dynasty 汉代长跑的“兴奋剂”秘方 www.ilib.cn 5. Studies of the Influence of Doping Extent on the Structure and Properties of Polyaniline Synthesized by Emulsion Polymerization 掺杂率对乳液聚合制备聚苯胺结构性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Effects of Nitrogen Substitutional Doping on the Nonequilibrium Electronic Transportation of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes 氮掺杂对单壁碳纳米管的非平衡电子输运特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Co-doping of Iron and Cerium in Titanium Dioxide: Observation of a Cooperative Effect 铁和铈共掺杂二氧化钛中的协同效应 www.ilib.cn 8. Synthesis of new hexagonal tungsten trioxide and its doping reaction 新六方钨氧化合物的合成与掺杂反应 www.ilib.cn 9. The influences of doping on the emission characteristic of a silicon emitter 掺杂浓度对硅锥阴极特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. Influence of Iridium Salt Doping on the Photographic Characteristics of Silver Halides Photographic Emulsion 铱盐掺杂对卤化银乳剂照相性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. introducing dopant gas to the holes at high temperature to carrying out doping and diffusion on the walls of the holes; 在高温下向孔中通入掺杂气体对孔壁进行掺杂及扩散; ip.com 2. Study on electromagnetic shielding effectiveness in low frequency of coatings doping aggregate and iron carbonyl 掺石墨和羰基铁涂料的低频电磁屏蔽性能研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Exploring Improvement of Optical Properties of Glasses by Doping with Organic Scintillating Activator 掺杂有机闪烁激活剂玻璃的荧光光谱和光输出 www.ilib.cn 4. Doping induced effects and microstructure analysis of semiconductor nanowires 半导体纳米线的掺杂与显微结构研究 service.ilib.cn 5. an impurity region formed by doping the semiconductor layer with an impurity; 通过在所述半导体层中掺杂杂质而形成的杂质区域; ip.com 6. The Influences of Boron-doping Concentration on the Electrochemical Properties of Diamond Film Electrode 掺硼浓度对金刚石薄膜电极电化学性能影响的研究 7. Influence of Boron Doping on Microstructure and Photoelectric Properties of Amorphous Silicon Films 硼掺杂对非晶硅薄膜微结构和光电性能的影响 service.ilib.cn 8. Raman Spectroscopic Studies on the Thickness dependence of the Doping Level of Electrodeposited Polypyrrole Film 拉曼光谱研究电化学沉积聚吡咯掺杂程度对膜厚度的依赖性 www.ilib.cn 9. The Influence of Doping Concentration and Initial Temperature on the Stress Distribution of Heat Capacity Lasers 掺杂浓度和初始温度对热容激光器应力分布的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. Doping geometrical parameters of plant root systems growth using theory of similarity 利用相似理论实现植物根系参数的动态预测 www.ilib.cn 1. Studies on Catalytic Synthesis of Glycerol Triacetate by Europium Doping Solid-supported Superacid 铕掺杂固载超强酸催化合成三醋酸甘油酯的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Polyaniline Conducting Materials Synthesize of the Proton Acid Doping 质子酸掺杂聚苯胺导电材料的合成 www.ilib.cn 3. the very low rate of doping examination urge the athletes to become risk fanciers and to decide to use doping; 极低的兴奋剂检测率和检出率促使运动员成为风险爱好者,进而做出服用兴奋剂行为决策; www.ceps.com.tw 4. Studies on Synthesis and Spectroscopic Property of Alkali Metal Rare Earth Halides and Their Doping Substance 碱金属稀土及其掺杂卤化物的合成和光谱学性能研究 www.ilib.cn 5. neutron transmutation doping of monocrystalline silicon 单晶硅中子嬗变掺杂技术 www.zftrans.com 6. Effects of Cu doping on the microstructure, morphology and optical properties of nanocrystalline tin oxide Cu掺杂对氧化锡纳米晶结构、形貌及其光学性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Effects of annealing temperature and Al doping concentration on the optical properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel technique Al掺杂原子分数及退火温度对ZnO薄膜光学特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Improvement effects of doping on the electrochemical performance of lithium vanadium oxides 掺杂对锂钒氧化物电化学性能的改善作用 service.ilib.cn 9. A Study of Doping of Nickel Positive Electrode with Cobalt Additive 镍正极中钴添加剂掺入方式的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on the Doping Behavior of Water-Soluble Conducting Polythiophene and its Hydrogels 水溶性导电高分子聚噻吩及其水凝胶的掺杂行为研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Influence of carbon doping method on the electrochemical performances of lithium iron phosphate 碳掺杂方式对磷酸铁锂电化学性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Improved Efficiency of Organic Light-emitting Diodes by Doping Each Other between the Organic Layer 利用有机层间互相掺杂提高有机电致发光器件的效率 www.ilib.cn 3. Raman Spectra and Surface Morphology of Nitrogen-doping Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Films 掺氮四配位非晶碳薄膜的拉曼光谱和表面形貌 www.ilib.cn 4. The Theoretical Calculation for Optimal Doping Content of Blood Compatible Titanium Oxide Films 血液相容性氧化钛薄膜最佳掺杂含量的理论计算 www.ilib.cn 5. Theoretical Calculation of Optimum Doping Content for Oxide Semiconductor Films 透明导电薄膜最佳掺杂含量的理论计算 service.ilib.cn 6. XPS Study of Competing Doping Behavior of Polyaniline XPS研究聚苯胺的竞争掺杂行为 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on the doping conditions and methods of polyaniline conducting ramification 聚苯胺导电衍生物的掺杂条件和方法研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Optoelectronic Performance of Highly Bright Red Doping Organic Light Emitting Devices 高亮度掺杂红色有机电致发光器件的制备与光电性能研究 www.opticsjournal.net 9. Impact of Introduction of Doping State in Electroluminescent Devices on Device Properties 电致发光器件中杂质态的引入对器件性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. Doping Techniques and Characterizations of Silicon Nanowires 硅纳米线的掺杂工艺与检测 www.ilib.cn |
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