单词 | dislike | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:dislikes 现在分词:disliking 过去式:disliked adj. n. strong dislike,intense dislike,violent dislike,deep dislike,great dislike v. n. dislike work,overcome dislike,show dislike,take dislike,conceal dislike dislike 显示所有例句
例句释义: 厌恶,反感,不喜爱,不喜欢的事物,讨厌,嫌恶,憎恶 1. It was impossible that this stranger could take such a sudden, intense dislike to me. 这个陌生人,不可能如此突然地、强烈地厌恶着我。 www.putclub.com 2. for in her opinion it admitted not of a doubt, that all her friend's dislike would vanish, if she could suppose him to be in her power. 照她的看法,只要伊丽莎白自己觉得已经把他抓在手里,那么,毫无问题,一切厌恶他的情绪自然都会消失的。 www.tensymbols.com 3. I don't much dislike the matter, but the manner of his speech. 我并不讨厌这件事情,只是不喜欢他演讲的方式。 wenku.baidu.com 4. "Even those who dislike him are still in awe of him, " says a local commentator. "Don't count him out yet. " “甚至那些不喜欢他的人依然对他心存敬畏”当地一位评论员说,“所以先别把他拨到一边。” www.ecocn.org 5. He said: "ever if you broke your leg, nobody will real care for you. Sure, nobody dislike you else for this. " 他说:“即使你摔断了腿,别人也不会真心在乎你,当然也不会因此讨厌你。” enpf.chinabroadcast.cn 6. I mean really, you see how much energy is concentrated in this dislike process? 你知道要花多大的精力集中于这个厌恶进程吗? www.bing.com 7. The incident confirmed him in his dislike of his boss. 出了这件事之后他更不喜欢他的老板了。 netclass.cueb.edu.cn 8. Memories like these have given him a fierce dislike of violence, which he has passed to his own sons. 这样的回忆让他对暴力深恶痛绝,同时,也深深地影响了他的儿子。 www.bing.com 9. At least in his home country, three years out of office have done little to dim the dislike. 至少在他的家乡,三年不执政并没有增加其人气指数。 www.oobang.com 10. If you also dislike are too few, then I will wait for you to mine next life, will continue to tell you, why me such has been loving you! 假如你还嫌太少,那么我会等你到我的下世,继续通知你,我为什么会不断如许的爱着你! www.aj163.cn 1. If he were my husband, what I would dislike most would be his wanting to leave but being clueless about what to do instead. 如果他是我丈夫,我最不喜欢的就是他想离职,却对离职后做什么工作毫无头绪。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Though they could not have put it into words, their dislike of him was that he did not wear uniform. 他们不喜欢他不穿制服,虽然他们没能把这说出来。 course.zzu.edu.cn 3. It is one of the defects of my character that I cannot altogether dislike anyone who makes me laugh. 我不能讨厌一个能惹我发笑的人,这也许是我性格上的一个弱点。 4. By this time, I was developing a serious dislike both for her mother and her methods. 至此,我渐渐地对她的妈妈和她的做法产生了厌恶之感。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. No; hatred had vanished long ago, and she had almost as long been ashamed of ever feeling a dislike against him that could be so called. 决不会的;恨早就消了。如果说她当真一度讨厌过他,她也早就为当初这种心情感到惭愧。 www.ebigear.com 6. He manifested in his behavior a strong dislike FOR her. 他的行为表现出他对她极端厌恶。 dict.ebigear.com 7. It was precisely this sort of behavior that made him dislike Fudge's visits so much. 正是这种状况,使他不太喜欢福吉的来访。 post.baidu.com 8. You said that such guesthouse, how much money an expense does want? 4000 dollars get up, do not dislike expensively , did not discount. 你说这样的宾馆,一次消费要多少钱?四千美金起,你别嫌贵,还不打折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But when he had not been happy he found that she seems to dislike him. 可当他还没来的急高兴时,他就发现她好象讨厌自己。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. He now has a deep dislike for a man whose Bluetooth headset is welded to his head. 现在,他极度厌恶一个整天戴着蓝牙耳机、好像是被焊在脑袋上的家伙。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Englishmen is it talk about salary and age of woman of man to dislike very much, even how much it will be furniture value , he of family. 英国人非常讨厌谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. If you want to keep the friendship alive, let the person know how much you dislike being controlled. 如果你想保持友谊,就让那个人知道你有多么不喜欢受控。 www.bing.com 3. Farmer in front of the face, I said nothing, but I really dislike the lotus root. 当着老农的面,我什么也没说出来,但我真是厌恶莲藕了。 www.bing.com 4. So, ask you and don't dislike today finally, the sun of today also is brilliant for you, you saw. 所以,最后请你不要讨厌今天,今天的太阳也为你灿烂,你有看见的。 blog.163.com 5. Now she preferred the garden, and did not dislike to promenade back and forth in front of the railed fence. 她现在比较喜欢待在花园里,并不厌烦常到铁栏门边去走走。 www.ebigear.com 6. There may be more fans who dislike Kobe Bryant, and for that matter, LeBron James might be running away with the category. 可能不喜欢科比的球迷更多一些,而就这一方面,詹姆斯可能不属于这一类。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. enjoy problem solving, have a keen desire to be rewarded for results and a strong sense of urgency and intensely dislike losing. 善于解决问题,结果型导向,有强烈的忧患意识,不轻言失败。 www.lietou.com 8. In his day, Confucius seems to have had a great dislike for superstitious practices, but his descendants seem to have behaved otherwise. 当年,孔子十分讨厌迷信,但是他的子孙却非常迷信。 www.jukuu.com 9. We always dislike refusing requests of any kind from regular customers. but regret we have no choice but to do so. 我们一贯不愿拒绝老客户们提出的任何要求。但遗憾的是我们别无选择。只能拒绝上述请求。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. He must have taken a dislike to me from the beginning, to treat me so unkindly. 他肯定是一开始就不喜欢我才不友善地对待我。 www.godict.com 1. Since he seemed to dislike her, she DID not seek his companionship and started going to and from school alone. 自从他似乎不喜爱她以后,她就不再求他做伴而独自一人往返于学校了。 dict.ebigear.com 2. it is hard for a party to win national elections in a country that it seems to dislike. 一个政党很难赢得其似乎并不喜欢的国家的大选。 www.ecocn.org 3. Another Guardian writer, Cath Elliott, is often assumed to be a lesbian by men who take offence at her dislike of rapists and sex murderers. 另外一个卫报作家凯斯·伊利尔特常常会因为不喜欢强奸及性爱谋杀主题而被男人们所厌恶,同时还被认为是一个女同性恋。 www.bing.com 4. For my own part, I soon found a dislike to it arising within me. 至于我嘛,不久就对这猫厌恶起来了。 hi.baidu.com 5. He took a dislike for Xiao Wang because she was a thief. 他不喜欢小王,因为她是个小偷。 www.jukuu.com 6. Customers are more than willing to tell us what they like and dislike about our business if we take the time to ask them. 如果我们花足够的时间去询问,顾客是非常乐于告诉我们他们对企业喜欢和不喜欢的方面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A few words from her, evincing a dislike to Heathcliff, were enough to rouse in him all his old hatred of the boy. 只要她说几个不喜欢希斯克利夫的词,就足以唤起欣德利对他(希斯克利夫)的所有旧恨。 www.24en.com 8. She spoke of him with great dislike. 他提到他时,十分反感。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Mrs Merkel is clever enough to realise this and dislike it, but she has not been brave enough to stop it. 默克尔非常明智地认识到了这一点,但并不想这样,并且她并没有足够的勇气来阻止这一切。 www.ecocn.org 10. The reasons so many people hate (or intensely dislike) Microsoft are plentiful and for the most part, pretty easy to understand. 很多人厌恶微软公司的原因有很多,而且大部分的原因都是显而易懂的。 www.elanso.com 1. No matter how much customer care training we conduct, some customers will dislike our service. 不管有多少客户关心我们所进行的培训活动,总有一些人会不喜欢我们的服务的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It was clear, from remarks made by Mr Rasmussen at a debate in London on September 11th, that the industry's critics dislike three things. 在9月11日伦敦召开的一场答辩会上,Rasmussen说,很明显是由于金融业的批评者不喜欢三件事。 www.ecocn.org 3. If they are opposing everything you say on principle it sounds as if they have come to dislike you with a fervour. 如果他们出于本能地反对你所说的任何事情,那么听起来他们对你的厌恶已到了狂热的程度。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If you dislike the ethos of your company, youcan still do a good job; but, feel you are doing it for your benefitand not the company's. 就算你不喜欢单位的风气也没关系,一样可以把工作做好;你只要告诉自己这种努力是为了自己的利益而不是为了公司就可以。 www.bing.com 5. Most of his MPs understand that while much of the public may dislike the EU, they also distrust politicians who seem obsessed with it. 他麾下的译员明白,或许有许多人是厌恶欧盟,但是,面对过分执着这点的政客,他们也持怀疑态度。 www.ecocn.org 6. To the dismay of some, Facebook has no "Dislike" button. But a new application for the social network may prove to be the next-best thing. Facebook没有“不喜欢”这个选项,这真让一些人大失所望。但一款针对社交网站的新应用程序或许会成为退而求其次的不错选择。 www.kekenet.com 7. Many of these people dislike the term KM as they see it in terms of the techno-centric, command and control driven form of KM. 很多人不喜欢KM这个词,是因为感觉KM的形式是由技术中心、命令和控制方式驱动的。 sociallearnlab.org 8. Always have not acted in a play with me, I dislike this kind to make the law. Waits for me to go back discussed well Goodbye! 始终没有采取行动,在一出戏,与我,我不喜欢这种作出的规定。 wenwen.soso.com 9. From this time on, although he still was contemptuous of diseases, Father began to dislike to hear any accounts of other men's accidents. 从那个时候起,尽管父亲他依然藐视那个疾病,但他开始不愿听到任何其他人遇到的意外事故。 my.chinese.cn 10. Last letter I said "I dislike the person who let me give up the hope all the time" . 上次回信说:“我讨厌一个劲儿叫我放弃希望的人”,真不好意思,说这样伤感情的话。 www.bing.com 1. Hughes says she is trying to change the minds of those who dislike the United States, one person at a time if need be. 休斯说她正在努力改变那些不喜欢美国的人的想法。任何时期哪怕只有一个这样的人在,她就会继续努力。 www.hjenglish.com 2. No matter how much you dislike them, after all, they really like you, for you are likely an angel in their eyes. 因为无论你多讨厌他,毕竟他们是真心喜欢你的,在他们眼里,你很可能就是天使! www.bing.com 3. Since most people dislike being pushed to see any sort of adviser, I expected Boris to be reticent, if not downright hostile. 因为多数人不喜欢被逼着去见任何类型的顾问,所以我预计Boris会会吞吞吐吐--算是不十分敌意的话。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Make it a habit to pay attention to two things at work: what you love about your job and what you dislike. 养成一个习惯,注意工作中的两件事:你喜欢什么,你不喜欢什么。 www.bing.com 5. Just as you hate Mr Green, so I dislike his wife. 就像你憎恨格林先生一样.我也不喜欢他的妻子。 englishonline.sut.edu.cn 6. HOW much does Mr Market dislike Greece's sovereign debt? 希腊的主权债务有多不招市场待见? www.ecocn.org 7. What happened in the regiment, though it was the result of their dislike to me, was in a sense accidental. 步兵团里发生的事件,虽然是人们不喜欢我的结果,但无疑地带有偶然的性质。 www.bing.com 8. I dislike John cordially; he is nothing but a cheat. 我打心底里讨厌约翰,他只是个骗子。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Mr Abbas said he had no right to like or dislike Israel's democratically elected prime minister as his legitimate interlocutor. 对于以色列民主选举出来的总理作为他的合法谈判对手,阿巴斯表示他无权表示自己的喜恶。 www.ecocn.org 10. Connor is a character who, at the moment, is very easy to dislike. Is there something in his backstory that would surprise us? 从Connor出场到现在来看,这个角色很容易让大家讨厌。那么他会不会有什么让观众大为吃惊的背后故事呢? www.hjenglish.com 1. You know how much I dislike her. 你知道我有多麽的不喜欢她。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Also remember that we met that afternoon to do, when to see some of you dislike it. 还记得我们相识的那个下午吗,那时候看你还有些不顺眼呢。 www.22826.com 3. In a difficult position dislike that the rainy day may come you and I across intentionally on the raining day. 讨厌雨天可偏偏在下雨天遇到了你,我狼狈的..样子 wenwen.soso.com 4. Purple Dislike: If you dislike purple, you probably have no desire to be artistic or creative. 不喜欢紫色的人:如果你不喜欢紫色,你可能对艺术气质或创意并不渴望。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. However much they dislike Iran's mullahs, Gulf Arabs dislike more the idea of getting caught up in a war between Iran and America. 无论他们多么不喜欢伊朗的这位神学老师,他们更不原意看到美伊战争。 www.ecocn.org 6. You know I dislike slavery, and you fully admit the abstract wrong of it. 你知道,我憎恨奴隶制,你也完全承认它不对。 www.jukuu.com 7. What he has done merely reinforced my dislike of him. 他所做的让我更不喜欢他。 www.wordwendang.com 8. If I have to identify what I like or dislike, I would say that I like the energy and vibrancy and I dislike the quality of the air most. 如果必须要指出什么是最喜欢或最不喜欢的,我想我喜欢中国的活力和活跃,最不喜欢空气质量。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Iran has long counted on cover from China, with which it has growing commercial ties, and from Russia; both dislike sanctions. 伊朗一直仰赖于中国的保护,两国的商业联系也日渐紧密,与俄罗斯同样如此。两国都不愿意制裁伊朗。 www.ecocn.org 10. She did not dislike Lily because the latter was brilliant and predominant. 他不喜欢丽莉并非因为后者聪明漂亮,高高在上。 www.kuenglish.info 1. A few people will disagree with you and dislike you in the process. 在此过程中,有部分人会不同意你的观点甚至不喜欢你。 www.elanso.com 2. This praise is of a piece with Erasmus's dislike of scholastic philosophy and of learned doctors whose Latin was un classical. 这种颂扬和埃拉斯摩对经院哲学的厌恶,以及对使用非古典拉丁语的学者博士们的厌恶是表里相连的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Her strong dislike of politics was the reason for her indifference to the topic. 她极其讨厌政治,对这个话题丝毫不感兴趣。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 4. His failed assessment is said to be partly deliberate, due to his rebellious nature and dislike of public schools. 据说,他没有通过测试是有意的,因为他的逆反本性和对公立学校的讨厌。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving. I knew very well that you dislike him and are glad to see him go. 别假惺惺地说不愿意他走。我很清楚,你讨厌他,希望他快走。 hi.baidu.com 6. He took a dislike to Philip because he was a clerk. 他不喜欢菲利普,因为他是一个小职员。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. Those people are kind of scary and are one of the things I dislike most about this country. 那些人是有点可怕的,这也是我不喜欢这个国家的其中之一。 www.tianyayidu.com 8. As much as you may dislike him, you've got to admit, he is very adept at the art of potion brewing. 不管多不喜欢他,你得承认,制作魔药他可是技艺精湛。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even the students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. 即使他过去不喜欢英语的学生都会在这个主题感兴趣的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But environmentalism offers no economic theory, only a visceral dislike of any economic calculus. 但环保论没有提供经济理论,只有对所有经济理论的本能厌恶。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For such a trusting and kind dorm like Brown to dislike someone, you really have to be special. 能让Brown这样一个值得信赖且和善的室友讨厌,那可真是个极品才能做的到。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss. 他没有掩饰自己对上司的反感。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason. 可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。 www.jiaokedu.com 4. Association does not create impulses or affection and dislike, but it furnishes the objects to which they attach themselves. 联合并不创造喜爱和厌恶的冲动,但是提供他们依附的对象。 blog.cersp.com 5. We like him personally, but dislike his way of living. 我们喜欢他这个人,但不喜欢他的生活方式。 ewadmin.blog.163.com 6. I dislike the feeling which fetters, looks like the bird to close in "the pen" in, did not have the freedom. 我讨厌被束缚的感觉,像小鸟关在“牢笼”里,没有了自由。 www.bing.com 7. I don' t dislike him at all; on the contrary I am very fond of him. 我一点也不厌恶他;相反,我倒很喜欢他。 www.bing.com 8. You dislike having people interfere in your business, and resent others trying to reach you at intimate moments. 你不喜欢别人干涉你的事情,讨厌别人试图在某些很私密的时刻打搅你。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. "China is a symbol of what Italians dislike about globalisation, " she said. 她表示:“中国是意大利人不喜欢全球化的一个象征。” www.ftchinese.com 10. The cleanliness and services are up to standard. However, one thing I dislike about Air Asia is the hairdressing of the stewardess. 清洁和服务达到标准。但是,有一点我不喜欢关于尔亚是美容美发的空中小姐。 wenwen.soso.com 1. My wife and I are not the only people who generally dislike unsolicited advice. 并非只有我和妻子不喜欢被建议。 www.bing.com 2. I dislike comparisons. It's a Chinese way of thinking. Everyone has something special about him. 我不喜欢比较。这是中国人的思维。我觉得每个人都有他(她)的特点。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse. 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。 4. We concern with dislike of hot the point always cans not controls feelings ground to become the reason that the mistake reads others. 我们关心和讨厌的热点总是情不自禁地成为误读他人的缘由。 www.fabiao.net 5. He manifested in his behavior a strong dislike of his younger brother . 他的行为流露出对弟弟的极大厌恶。 www.bing.com 6. "I have never done anything just for popularity, " she said. "Sometimes politicians have to do things that people dislike. " “我从来没有做过只是为了受欢迎的事情,”她说。“有时候,政客不得不做一些人民不喜欢的事情。” cn.nytimes.com 7. Pedal down hill while you are at the front of a bunch. Cyclists dislike having to ride constantly under brakes. 下坡时当你在集团前领骑时,记得要不停地蹬脚踏。车手们通常不喜欢被迫经常性地刹车。 cn.bab.la 8. Yellow Dislike: If you dislike yellow, you usually dislike the qualities that this luminous color has. 不喜欢黄色的人:如果你不喜欢黄色,通常是不喜欢这个明亮色彩的幻想特质。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even Republicans who dislike Fannie and Freddie talk of a careful transition and of not damaging the housing market. 哪怕是不喜欢房利美和房地美的共和党人也表示,要谨慎过渡,要当心别损害了房地产市场。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The dislike of bankers is really visceral at the moment, and I understand that. 对银行家的厌恶此时是发自肺腑的,而且我也理解这一点。 www.bing.com 1. The incident confirmed him in (ie established more firmly) his dislike of dogs. 出了这件事之后他就更加不喜欢狗了。 danci.118cha.com 2. You may dislike using a program built on top of a Microsoft technology, but I don't see any special legal danger in using it. 你可能不喜欢使用构建在微软技术之上的程序,但我认为使用它并没有任何特别的法律上的风险。 www.bing.com 3. Focus on how much you like, or dislike these sensations. 专注于你有多喜欢或多不喜欢这些感觉。 www.bing.com 4. Matte: What did the boy dislike? Peggy: The little boy disliked being stared at. 马特:那个小男孩讨厌什么?佩吉:那个小男孩讨厌被盯着看。 rong789.16789.net 5. I love its sound specially for jazz but totally dislike its "plastic creaking" build quality and the bass is not a strong point. 我除了它的“塑料作辗轧声”建立质量的完全地嫌恶之外为爵士乐特别地爱它的声音,而且低音不是强烈的点。 www.erji.net 6. However if you dislike the too thick of the thigh, the long-type light pressed underpants can be chosen. 但如果嫌大腿太粗的话,也可选择长型的轻压束裤。 sanertu.com 7. I dislike jigsaw puzzles Out with the truth. 我不喜欢玩拼图游戏。干干脆脆地把实话都说出来吧。 www.kekenet.com 8. Neil carries on at the children until they have come to dislike him. 尼尔对孩子们不断发脾气,直到他们开始讨厌他为止。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Most of these new-fangled concoctions were regarded with an eye of suspicion and dislike by the workers. 工人们对大多数新品种都表示怀疑和厌恶。 10. I tried to hold back my real dislike for him, but I finally had to get my true feelings off my chest. 我试图掩饰对他的不喜欢,但我最后还是不得不讲出我的真实感情。 wenwen.soso.com 1. brownie had never discriminated against me . she had no dislike for my blindness. 黄黄生来就不会歧视我,它没有嫌弃我看不见。 www.ichacha.net 2. The incident confirmed him in his dislike of dogs. 出了这件事之后,他就更加不喜欢狗了。【记忆技巧】。 3. What makes someone so likable that everyone who knows him absolutely has no reason to dislike him? 到底是什么东西让每一个了解他的人都没有理由不喜欢他呢? edu.sina.com.cn 4. John's workmates dislike him for his anxiety to please their boss. 约翰的同事们不喜欢他,因为他就喜欢巴结上司。 www.scude.cc 5. You know, I've never met a girl I couldn't learn to dislike, but this one and me, we have this immediate depth. 你知道,我从不会不喜欢我遇见的女孩,可是这一次,我突然坠入情网不可自拔。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Certainly his underlings dislike the sectarian style Mr Wolfowitz seems to share with the man who appointed him. 无疑,他的下属们都不喜欢他要与任命他的人共享利益的宗派主义风格。 www.ecocn.org 7. Later in the study, the children expressed dislike for the foods they had been rewarded for eating. 后来在研究过程中,孩子们表示并不喜欢因为奖励而去吃的食物。 www.bing.com 8. Public opinion is ambiguous: voters tell pollsters they dislike bail-outs, but do not want to see the euro destroyed. 公共舆论模棱两可:选民们告诉民意调查人称他们不喜欢应急措施,但是他们也不想看到欧元毁灭。 www.ecocn.org 9. "Let me write for you, " said Jane, "if you dislike the trouble yourself. " 吉英说:“要是你怕麻烦,让我代你写好了。” www.hjenglish.com 10. Sims that dislike children do not want to have anything to do with children. No talking, no playing and certainly no reproduction. 不喜欢小孩的市民不想要任何和小孩有关的事物,不想和小孩说话,不想和小孩说玩,不想生小孩。 toolol.com 1. As for my colleague , i have seriously communication disconnect with him and he dislike and avoid me work slowly. 至于我的同事,我和他有严重的沟通障碍,而且他总是嫌弃我工作速度慢。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I don't want you, any of you, to feel you have to dislike Matthew. 我不希望你你们中的任何一个对马修感到反感 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But as it continued into adult life I started to think it might not just be a dislike for vegetables but an actual phobia. 这种情况一直持续到成年,我开始想,也许我只是不喜欢蔬菜,并不是真正的恐惧症。 www.bing.com 4. He took a violent dislike to city. 他非常不喜欢这座城市。 zhishi.sohu.com 5. Playing basketball, let me intoxicated; playing basketball, let me 1, 559; play basketball, always FUN! But I dislike English. 打篮球,让我陶醉;打篮球,让我痴迷;打篮球,其乐无穷! wenwen.soso.com 6. Mum and my wife seem to dislike it at first sight, they regard it as devil from childhood traditional views. 我妈和太太看到的第一眼都不太喜欢,从小到大的传统观念认为这是魔鬼。 each.yourslimwomen.com 7. I dislike some persons who are not loyal to his wife or his husband. 我讨厌那些不忠诚于自己妻子或者丈夫的人。 blog.163.com 8. In this programme we're going to be looking at different ways of talking about things you neither like nor dislike. 当谈到你既不喜欢也不讨厌某种东西的时候,这期节目将交给大家不同的表达方式。 www.remword.cn 9. As a natural case Westerners, especially English speaking people, dislike to be asked about personal matters. 生为一个西方人,特别是说英语的西方人,他们不喜欢被问一些涉及个人隐私的问题。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. There was dislike of early industrialism, hatred of the ugliness that it produced, and revulsion against its cruelties. 有对初期工业制社会的厌恶,对它所产生的丑象的憎恨和对它的残酷暴行的强烈反感。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Americans mutual exchanges, subject to dislike others, do not like people too polite to flatter themselves. 美国人互相交往时,不喜欢服从于别人,也不喜欢别人过分客气地恭维自己。 anna4619.blog.163.com 2. When I met you again when I find it even more painful, because I feel betrayed him in, I really dislike the feeling. 当我再次遇见你的时候我更加痛苦,因为我感觉在背叛他,我真的不喜欢这种感觉。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. It has a right to dislike its mother or father or sister or brother or uncle or aunt if they are antipathetic to it. 每个孩子都有权不喜欢他们的母亲父亲或兄弟姐妹或叔叔阿姨,如果他们天生就厌恶这些的话。 www.bing.com 4. Always take the food placed in front of me, even if it is something I dislike. 永远只拿取面前的食物,即使那不是我最喜欢的。 www.hkpl.gov.hk 5. Of the popular personality traits of a Libran, is they dislike hurting anybody and are diplomatic in handling sensitive issues. 天秤最普遍的个性之一,是他们不愿伤害任何人,处理起敏感问题来很有方法。 www.bing.com 6. a Kid who likes me tried to talk me into joining his basketball team, but I dislike sports. 一名学校男生试图说服我参加篮球,但我不喜欢运动。 www.gonline.com 7. Dislike using himself was the main factor influencing condom using, and refusing of sexual partners comes next. 不使用安全套最主要的原因是自己不喜欢使用,其次为性伴不同意使用。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. horror; disrelish; aversion; dislike; distaste; abhorrence; abomination; detestation; execration; loathing; odium. 憎恨;可憎的事物;厌恶;憎恶;厌恶;可憎的事物;厌恶。 dicionario.sensagent.com 9. His reflexes were uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading anything except Hamley's saddle catalog. 他反映非常敏捷,因为远视得厉害,除了哈姆雷的马鞍目录外他什么都不喜欢读。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And I made my emotional preparation. An effective agent has to work up a powerful dislike for the target. 我自己也做了一些心理准备,特工要想干得出色就得对目标产生极大的仇恨。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 1. If you are allowed to feel passionate about your work, why can't you feel intense dislike for colleagues? 如果你可以对工作充满激情,为什么不能对同事感到极度憎恶呢? www.ftchinese.com 2. I still laugh at the memory of a lesbian comedian saying during a gig: "It's not that we dislike penises, we just don't like them on men. " 一想起某个女同性恋喜剧演员在一次表演中说的那个笑话我就忍俊不禁,她说:“其实我们不是不喜欢阴茎,我们只是不喜欢长在男人身上的阴茎”。 www.bing.com 3. I'm afraid that if I am complimenting someone else you will think that I dislike you and that is not the case at all. 我害怕,如果我恭维其他人,你会认为我不喜欢你,完全不是这么回事。 zy194051.blog.163.com 4. I dislike man of that type. 我不喜欢那一类型的人。 wenwen.soso.com 5. We all have particular foods that we like and dislike, and likewise, our fish are entitled to a certain amount of individuality! 我们都特别的食物,我们喜欢不喜欢,同样我们的鱼类都享有一定数额的个性! bbs.pleco.cn 6. We spend so much time arguing about things like those instead of urgent issues in the country, and I really dislike that. 我们花了很多时间在争论这些事情,而不是国家紧要大事,我真的很不喜欢这样。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. I dislike him and he always blinds me with science in math. 我不喜欢他,他总是用数学术语蒙我。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I really dislike my job but I have to pretend to enjoy it; what I hate even more is having to live a lie. 我真的不喜欢自己的工作,但我得装着喜欢,而且更可恨的是我不得不过着一种欺骗自己的生活。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P. E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. 有些家长支持在体育课上避免竞技运动的想法,然而其他家长不喜欢这个主意。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in PE class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. 一些家长喜欢避免在课堂上有竞技运动的观点。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The one I dislike the most is the exhortation not to grieve over an event , "for it cannot be helped" . 我最不喜欢听的,便是劝告别人不要为了一件“那是没法的”事情伤心。 www.jukuu.com 2. and left in a rage when the young man made no attempt to hide His dislike for him. 卢泽前来探望病人;由于这位年轻人公开对他表示厌恶,卢津大怒而去。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Dr Aron suggests that HSPs share a fear of violent films, a dislike of loud noises, and a regular need to be alone. 阿伦医生建议高敏感人群应该与人一同看恐怖电影,听嘈杂音乐,并定期的独处。 gb.cri.cn 4. If People dislike you because you're gay, it's their problem. Refuse to let them make it yours. 如果有人因为你是同志而不喜欢你,那么问题出在他们自己身上,不要让他们讲这个错误强加于你。 www.xici.net 5. if you do dislike your trade, just walk out of it, on the premise that you have the ability and courage. 如果真的觉得自己入错了行,那就走出来。前提是有能力和勇气。 www.showxiu.com 6. What I particularly dislike about this lesson is that it is really boring. 我特别不喜欢这课是因为它的确令人乏味。 www.jxenglish.com 7. But to secure passage of the bill he needs the support of Republicans, who dislike the idea of a separate consumer agency. 不过为了确保提案获得通过他需要共和党的支持,但共和党并不喜欢这个建立独立消费者机构的注意。 www.ecocn.org 8. it is highly improper . you must contrive to send somebody . i have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing. 这太不象话了,我最看不惯的就是这种事,你千万得派一个人送送她们。 www.ichacha.net 9. In the media, in politics, in unions and in charities there can be a knee-jerk dislike of the basic concepts that underpin commerce. 在媒体、政界、工会和慈善组织,人们可能会条件反射似的憎恶那些基本的商业概念。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In a previous job at a university, I developed a hideously intense dislike for a colleague. 我以前在一所大学工作时,对一位同事产生了一种强烈得令人不快的厌恶感。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Even before the oil spill, some Britons worried that Mr Obama was predisposed by his Kenyan ancestry to dislike them. 甚至在漏油事件之前,一些英国人就担心奥巴马会因其肯尼亚祖先而对英国人有偏见。 www.ecocn.org 2. Lack of ability is at the root of his dislike for sports. 他不喜欢体育运动的根本原因在于他没有技能。 gz.fjedu.gov.cn 3. He was known for his love of the land and farming, and his dislike of war. 他为人所周知的是深爱着这片土地及农田,但却厌恶战争。 www.24en.com 4. They also dislike the proposals that would allow soldiers accused of ordinary crimes to be tried in civilian courts. 他们同样厌恶当军人被控以日常犯罪时在平民法庭受审的建议。 www.ecocn.org 5. Winter: I have my own dignity. I dislike grinding cheekily. I won't go. What you can do with me! 冬天:我也有我的尊严,我讨厌嬉皮笑脸,看你把我怎么办,我就是不愿走。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Children who dislike doing exercise or whose diet contains a lot of fat are easy to get fat. 4. 不爱活动或者饮食中脂肪含量较高的孩子容易发胖4。 heshuibei.com 7. The nineteenth century dislike of romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass. 十九世纪对浪漫主义的憎恶,犹如从镜子里照不见自己面孔的凯列班的狂怒。 www.showxiu.com 8. When the media add interpretation and analysis, as they must to do their job fully, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense. 媒体一旦增添了解释和分析,就会引起人们强烈反感。然而,媒体又必须这样做才能充分发挥其作用。 www.51cfo.com 9. In a quiet, unobtrusive manner he did her so many little services that she found it impossible to dislike him. 他不声不响细心地帮她做了许多零碎事情,使她觉得无法不喜欢他了。 www.jukuu.com 10. While some residents may dislike the hustle and bustle, not a few will love the surroundings full of life. 尽管一些人可能会觉得吵杂,但相信也有不少人会喜欢更有生气的居住环境。 dict.ebigear.com 1. We dislike the long lines at super-market checkout counters, and the traffic jams downtown and around shopping malls. 我们不喜欢在超市排队结帐;对闹区或购物中心附近的塞车景况毫无耐心; pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. Sometimes, we think we dislike flatteries. Actually we just don, t like the way that flatteries are presented. 有时候,我们以为自己厌恶恭维,实际上,我们只是讨厌恭维的方式而已。 www.pole-star.com.cn 3. THE British are notorious for preferring pets to people. They dislike the genetic modification of crops. 英国人喜欢动物甚至超过喜欢人类,这是他们给全世界留下的一个坏印象,他们也不喜欢转基因作物。 www.ecocn.org 4. Today, I learnt that the people I work with dislike me so much that they have a competition to see who can accidentally hurt me the most. 今天我发现同事们讨厌我,居然还搞了个比赛看谁能在不经意间给我最多伤害。 www.bucter.com 5. When your working efficiency is slowed down, it may be because you unconsciously dislike to do a certain item in your To-do list. 当你的工作效率下降了,可能意味着你在潜意识里不愿意去做自己所拟订的计划中的某一件事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Tom is such a mean man, you will dislike him sooner or later as the sparks fly forward. 汤姆是一个卑鄙的小人,你迟早必定讨厌他。 lymangordon.blog.163.com 7. Hostile feelings are usually caused not so much by dislike as by wounded pride. 引起敌对情绪的往往不是厌恶,更多的是自尊心受了伤害。 blog.163.com 8. As S& P noted tartly, investors dislike the "reactive and insufficient policy responses so far" . 标准普尔严厉地指出,投资者对“迄今为止被动、无力的政策反应”非常不满。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Considering her dislike of Martin, it was surprising that she invited him. 由于她不喜欢马丁,所以她邀请他是很令人惊讶的。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. IFP children are frequently scattered in their priorities, and dislike making decisions or committing themselves to one particular idea. IFP的儿童经常分散精力,不喜欢做决定或是专注于某一件事上。 www.douban.com 1. Am I not allowed to express my opinion of a literary work which I prefer or dislike? 难道我能就我所喜欢或者不喜欢的文学著作发表我的一点看法吗? iask.sina.com.cn 2. They might also get a better sense of what they like and dislike about different jobs. 他们对不同的喜好和不喜欢的工作获得一个很好的感觉。 bbs.putclub.com 3. Vodyanoy generally dislike humans and can only be coerced into servitude with the aid of magic. 湖妖通常并不喜欢人类,也只有依靠魔法才能强迫其为自己服务。 dominions.eastgame.org 4. Landsteiner developed a profound dislike for his growing celebrity as the world's foremost authority on the mechanisms of immunity. 兰德斯塔纳对他是世界上最著名的免疫机制权威人士,产生了一种深切的厌恶。 cbs.ausbio.com 5. We all dislike her for her imperious gesture. 因她那傲慢的样子,我们都不喜欢她。 www.hxen.com 6. The court decisions may achieve that result, but in a way the critics dislike. 法院判决也许产生了这样的结果,但在某种程度上导致了负面的评论。 www.ecocn.org 7. He didn't even try to conceal his dislike for her heavy make-up. 他甚至不愿掩饰对她的浓妆艳抹的厌恶。 w3.hevttc.edu.cn 8. I personally dislike this behavior, but you can read the debate and decide for yourself whether or not it's appropriate. 我个人不喜欢这种方式,您可以阅读有关的争论再决定喜欢与否。 www.ibm.com 9. Physicists dislike coincidences; they prefer to explain the world in terms of cause and effect rather than dumb luck. 物理学家一向不喜欢巧合,他们希望能以确定的原因或效应来解释这个世界,而不纯粹依靠运气。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. No, papa, forgive me if I have done what you dislike. I know less about it than you do. 不,爸爸,如果我做了使您不愉快的事,就请您原谅,我没有您那样内行。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Employment experts caution, though, that moving too quickly could land you in a new job that you dislike even more. 不过,就业专家提出警告,操之过急可能会导致你找到一个更不喜欢的工作。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Supposing that her love had indeed turned to dislike during the last weeks of separation, a sudden meeting might lead to bitter words. 假如在他们分离后最近这几个礼拜里,她对他的爱确实已经变成了对他的恨,突然见面也许只能引起让他难以忍受的话来。 www.ebigear.com 3. While he's almost universally acclaimed as a profoundly important intellectual figure, he's also the object of considerable dislike. 他最普遍意义上被认为是一个非常有智慧的图表,他也是被认为不受欢迎的目标。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Well, this saying means that you dislike him so much that you don't want to touch him or go near him - even within ten feet! 这句会话能表示你非常不喜欢他,以致令你不想与他有任何联系,甚至待在他身边,即使距离只是十呎之间! eduplus.hk 5. those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society. 那些讨厌噪音的人有时会用不充分的证据来支持他们希望有一个较为安静的社会环境的要求。 www.kekenet.com 6. He's the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢。 www.bing.com 7. She conceived a dislike for her neighbor's son. 她对邻居的那个儿子感到厌恶。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. We have seen that in India in the late 1994's there was strong dislike of English for that reason. 比如印度,1994末就是因为这个原因而对英语有强烈的反感。 bbs.kaoyan.com 9. And we seem to dislike taking responsibility for ourselves as much as we dislike uncertainty. 而我们似乎不喜欢为我们自身负责任正如我们不喜欢不确定性一样。 www.bing.com 10. They didn't actively dislike him, but they kind of warned me about him. 他们并没有很讨厌他,但他们含含糊糊地警告我当心他, www.bing.com 1. There is no preference, no comparison, no like and dislike, only the thing before us without any psychological involvement. 没有偏好,没有比较,没有喜欢或不喜欢,只有我们面前的那样东西,而不涉及任何心理活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In fact, elephants dislike ants so much that they avoid acacia trees that harbor the tiny, six-legged nectar-suckers. 事实上,大象非常不喜欢蚂蚁,以至它们会避开栖息着蚂蚁的相思树。 www.neworiental.org 3. It is easy to understand why the rabble dislike cats. A cat is beautiful; it suggests ideas of luxury, cleanliness, voluptuous pleasures. 不难理解何以下层社会的人不喜欢猫,因为猫丽质天生,给人奢侈、洁净、贪图享乐之感。 dict.bioon.com 4. I dislike this sort of gossips. 我讨厌这种饶舌的人。 word.hcbus.com 5. Ran Yong asked what benevolence was. Confucius said: "Never impose upon others what you dislike yourself. " 弟子冉雍问老师什么是仁,孔子说:“凡是自己不喜欢地就不要强加于人。” www.kz15.com 6. He manifested a strong dislike for his father's business. 他对他的父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶情绪。 enjoyit08.blog.163.com 7. He manifested a strong dislike for his friend's business. 他对他朋友的行业表现出了强烈的厌恶情绪。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The boy students dislike going any where with her because she is such a clinging vine. 男生们不喜欢和她一起出去。因为她事事靠他们。 www.godict.com 9. "It is a woman whom I dislike very much" , said the major doggedly. 市长固执地说到:“我很讨厌这个女人”。 10. Think on all this and it's hard not to think this is a country that doesn't just dislike women, it hates them. 想想所有这些,你自然会以为这个国家不仅厌恶女性,而且还恨她们。 cn.wsj.com 1. A child requires actual experiences to help him understand. Simply scolding a child may only lead to resistance and dislike. 孩子需要实际的体验来帮助他们了解大人话中的意思,单纯的责骂只有可能引起反抗和恨意。 dict.bioon.com 2. She would never impose on her anything she might dislike. 瓦内莎绝不会把安洁莉卡不喜欢的任何东西强加给她。 www.ecocn.org 3. From France to Austria, centre-leftists failed to harness dislike of conservative incumbents. 从法国到奥地利,中左翼党派们都难以撼动在朝保守派的地位。 www.ecocn.org 4. Large-scale production would have been too expensive. But Mr Daniels also suspected sheer dislike of outsiders. 欧米茄称“限量”是因为大规模生产成本过高,但是丹尼尔斯怀疑他们仅仅是不欢迎圈外人。 www.ecocn.org 5. I also dislike complexity so by maintaining all of these qualities my relationships work really well. 我也不喜欢把所有这些让人脉良好运作的品质复杂化。 www.bing.com 6. A born diplomat, you dislike discord so much that you will go out of your way to make others feel comfortable and at ease. 一个天生的外交家,你不喜欢不和谐的那么大,你会走出自己的方式让别人出感觉舒适和自在。 www.douban.com 7. There is much to dislike about the demagogic, authoritarian style of the billionaire businessman turned politician. 人们有很多理由不喜欢这个由亿万富翁商人转变成的政客那种具有煽动性的威权风格。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're a fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them. 善待不喜欢的人,并不代表你虚伪,而是意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle. 我,也是,不喜欢它:所有事情比它重要,这玩意儿徒费精神。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I can't imagine saying to Jesus, "I love you, but I dislike your wife. " Or "I accept you, but I reject your body. " 我无法想像对耶稣说:「我爱你,但不喜欢你的妻子」或者:「我接受你,但不要你的身体。」 www.ebigear.com 1. If you wait for doomsday, you may be forced to jump into something you utterly dislike or take a step down. 如果等待着世界末日,你可能会被迫匆忙选择一份自己根本不喜欢的工作,或辞职不干。 www.ftchinese.com 2. You'll continually interact with people who dislike you, but it won't bother you a bit. 你会不断能够和那些不喜欢你的人打交道,不过没事,这一点也都不会烦着你。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Be it known that she dislike to talk with the stranger. 其实她不喜欢和陌生人谈话。 4. These 2 nations at all method ambition have a campaign, the old dislike isn't a report not, the that period waits non-arrival! 这两个国家必然会有一场战争,仇恨,不是不报,是时候未到! bbs.bnb.cq.cn 5. By contrast, we dislike failure, just like a monster, a plague which we want to keep away far from. 相反,我们烦恶失败,象妖怪,离很远的地方我们想要保持的瘟疫。 zhidao.cfzn.org 6. You can leave a message on the anti-fan web site to express your dislike for that celebrity. 你可以留言在专门传达讨厌某某人的网页上,以表达你对那位名人的厌恶。 7. if he no longer looks down his nose at you, you might find you no longer dislike him. 如果他不再瞧不起你,你可能也会发现,自己不再那么讨厌他了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr Hildreth says: "You don't let your friends know you are using them, but you use them and listen to what they like and dislike. " 希尔德雷思表示:“不要让朋友知道你在利用他们,但你要利用他们,了解他们的好恶。” www.ftchinese.com 9. In the short term, almost all agree that the Kremlin's intense dislike for Mr. Saakashvili has made his position at home more secure. 从短期来看,几乎所有的人都认为,克里姆林宫对萨卡什维利的极度厌恶让他在国内的地位更加稳固。 www.voanews.cn 10. To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or dislike, shock or sadness. 对美国人来说,有礼貌的交谈者应该通过显示激动、厌恶、震惊或悲哀的表情来达到共鸣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. That will exhaust you, depress you and make you feel unable to control your personal life, let alone the lives of the people you dislike. 即使别人的行为举止跟你非常不一样,你在人群中一个人也完全可以感觉良好。 www.bing.com 2. This vow to tackle something voters dislike was consciously intended as a change of tone, after much glum talk of austerity. 在相当忧郁地讨论银根紧缩后,这种处理选民们深通恶绝之事的誓言已有意为变革定下基调。 www.ecocn.org 3. It might be a subtle hatred or a cool dislike, but it is hatred nonetheless. 这种态度可能是一种隐约的厌恶或者是一丝淡淡的不悦,但无论如何,这是一种憎恶。 www.bing.com 4. I will go though I dislike him for his poor manners. 虽然我不喜欢他的糟糕的态度,但我还是要去的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I major in industrial design, I just don't dislike it, not to say like it. 我的专业是工业设计,说不上喜欢,但也不讨厌。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I really dislike the word 'alternative medicine, ' because it suggests you have to make a choice. And I think that should not be the case. 我真的不喜欢“替代医学”这个词,因为这表明你必须做出选择。而我认为不应该是这样。 www.yappr.cn 7. Their reasons for doing so are varied: some mothers say they dislike the feeling of a suckling baby. 采取抽奶喂养的母亲的理由五花八门:一些母亲说她们不喜欢小孩吸奶时的感觉; www.bing.com 8. Freedom is not that do what you want but don't do what you dislike. 自由不是你想做什么就做什么,而是你不想做什么就不做什么。 t.qq.com 9. Love, without selecting and excluding, knowing well that to do so means to create love's own contrasts : dislike, aversion and hatred. 没有选择性与排他性,清楚知道若这麽做,就会制造出与「慈」本身相反的厌恶、反感与瞋恨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I dislike the school to which he belongs. 我不喜欢他所在的那所学校。 www.dsren.net 1. Tends to elicit dislike or animosity in others. 096. 倾向于激发别人的不快或敌意。 inkblot.ouzhe.com 2. Then we disagree with each other, and you probably dislike me a little now. 然后我们各执己见,不相上下。之后你可能不太喜欢我了。 www.elanso.com 3. but his perfect indifference, and your pointed dislike, make it so delightfully absurd! 最可笑的是,那位贵人完全没有把你放在眼里,你对他又是厌恶透顶! www.xici.net 4. The Emotional Humanoid Robot can express seven different feelings, including delight, surprise, sadness and dislike. 这台“人类情感机器人”可以表达七种不同的感情,包括喜悦、惊讶、悲伤和厌恶。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Many motorists dislike driving to work but say public transport services are too slow, offer poor quality and are far too expensive. 很多驾车的人不喜欢开着车子去上班。但他们却说公共交通提供的服务太慢,质量差而且费用高。 www.jzit.net.cn 6. Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're fake . It means you're mature enough to control your emotions. 友善地对待你不喜欢的人并不能说明你虚伪,只能证明你已经足够成熟到可以控制自己的感情了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Even though Sheila's cigarettes were menthol, which I strongly dislike, I offered to buy all forty-three cartons from her. 即便Sheila的香烟是我嘴不喜欢的薄荷醇的,我还是愿意把她的43箱全买下来。 www.bing.com 8. Other fans? Well, it's their job to dislike opposition players, isn't it? Being booed is no problem. 其他球迷,好吧,他们的工作就是不喜欢对手球员,不是吗,嘘声没关系。 word.hcbus.com 9. Today, nearly half of junior-high school students surveyed by the Ministry of Education said they dislike or hate science class. 今天,据日本文部省的调查显示,几乎有一半初高中学生说自己不喜欢或讨厌理科课程。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 10. I hate to see those who like ease and dislike work. 我讨厌见到那些好逸恶劳的人。 tr.bab.la |
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