单词 | devour |
释义 | devouring是devour的现在分词
第三人称单数:devours 现在分词:devouring 过去式:devoured v. consume,demolish,dispose of,gulp,scoff 例句释义: 吞灭,狼吞虎咽地吃,吞没,舐光,吞食,毁灭,吃光 1. The United States is often depicted as a nation that has been devouring the. 人们常把美国说成是一个挥霍世界矿物资源的国家。 www.8wen.com 2. Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. 从他鼻孔冒烟上腾;从他口中发火焚烧,连炭也著了。 www.galcc.org 3. As Jack watches, the crocodile grabs a steer off the bank and kills it in a death roll before devouring it too. 当杰克观看时,鳄鱼抓了岸边一位驾驶,在吞食杀害前,致命地晃动著。 4. Love, my heart longs day and night for the meeting with you------for the meeting that is all-devouring death. 爱,我的心日日夜夜期待着和你相见——那宛如毁灭一切死亡的相见。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Sitting on her stool, she was devouring my pigeons, with both hands, like this. 坐在凳子上,她这样,用双手,正在吃我的鸽子。。。。 www.bing.com 6. A smoke went up from his nostrils, and a devouring fire out of his mouth: coals were kindled by it. 由他的鼻孔涌出浓烟,由他的口中喷出烈火,由他的身上射出火炭。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 7. I liked to think of myself as a grown man, but consternation was eating away at my bravado like a starved piranha devouring its prey. 我那时喜欢把自己看作是一个大人,但惊恐慌乱就像一条饥肠辘辘的食人鱼吞食猎物一般,渐渐攻破了我的虚张声势。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. I've been greedily devouring the details of Barbara Amiel's party that have been emerging from her husband's trial. 我一直在贪婪地看着芭芭拉-艾米尔(BarbaraAmiel)生日派对的各个细节,这些细节都来自对她丈夫案卷的审理。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The performances of the incense burning dragons include tossing, water spraying, sinking to the bottom, leaping, devouring, sleeping, etc. 香火龙的表演程序上有:翻滚、喷水、沉海底、跳跃、吞食、睡眠等动作。 www.3us.com 10. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. 它们在地下打洞,吞食掉本来可以牧放数百万只羊和牲口的牧草,造成了破坏。 1. it caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. 这种兔子挖洞掘穴,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草,从而给澳大利亚造成了毁灭性破坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks. 由于鲨鱼数量急剧减少,魟鱼就会趁机吃掉很多扇贝、蛤蜊和牡蛎,使这些物种的数量迅速减少。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Like a plague of locusts, humans seemed to have escaped all natural checks and were devouring everything in their path. 就象蝗灾一样,人类似乎已经逃脱了自然的所有控制,正沿着他们的道路吞噬毁灭一切。 zh.wikipedia.org 4. Today, bankers and traders sit at the top of the food chain -- the carnivores of the system, devouring everyone and everything below. 如今,银行家和贸易商们端坐在食物链的顶端——他们是这个系统中的食肉动物,吞噬着其下的所有人和所有东西。 dongxi.net 5. James' most prized possession: a framed Goya sketch of, naturally, Saturn Devouring One of His Children. 詹姆斯最看重的资产是一幅装裱过的戈雅的草图——《农神吞噬自己的孩子》。 www.bing.com 6. How bits of dust and ice and gobs of gas came together to form the planets without the sun devouring them all is still unclear. 我们仍然不清楚众多小块的宇宙尘、冰、与大量的气体是如何凝聚成行星而又不被太阳吞噬。 lab.es.ncku.edu.tw 7. The technical skills required for performing sinking to the bottom and devouring are difficult. “沉海底”和“吞食”表演技巧上难度较高。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. Finally, at the end of the day it was a Fairly Odd Parents episode that needed a giant tentacled monster that was devouring the world. 最后,那天快结束的时候,是《FairlyOddParents》,那一集需要一个正在吞噬世界的巨型触手怪。 www.starwarschina.com 9. As you get closer, the hue becomes a wriggling mass; a giant cap of insects on every tree, devouring the tiny leaves. 当你走近时,这团色彩开始变为慢慢移动的物体;每棵树上都覆盖了厚厚一层昆虫,在吞食着嫩叶。 www.fao.org 10. Eventually the whole universe to be empty, and the new universe about to be born in the belly of Devouring everything. 最终整个外面的宇宙都被吃掉消失,而新的宇宙即将诞生,在万物吞噬者的腹中重组。 www.leewiart.com 1. Some combatants, having discovered a few crusts of rather mouldy bread, in a drawer, were eagerly devouring them. 几个战士在抽屉中找到了一些几乎发霉的面包皮,贪婪地吃着。 www.ebigear.com 2. The moon was nearly hidden now by the wreaths of the rushing storm, but a little light still caught the crest of the devouring breaker. 这时,汹涌的暴风雨圈几乎全遮住了月亮,但在那吞噬一切的浪尖上仍闪烁着一线稀微的月光。 www.bing.com 3. After all the build-up, the waiting, Harry Potter fans are devouring the last book in the series about the boy wizard. 在历经了筹备和等待之后,哈里波特迷们正在享受着哈里波特系列的最后一辑。 bbs.putclub.com 4. I see the worms crawling over the scenery like an army of red ants, devouring everything in sight. 我看到这些虫子像一支红色蚂蚁大军一样在布景上到处爬,吞下它们看见的一切。 www.bing.com 5. As a child, I had to make do with virtual camping: devouring the wonderful nature books that my own children now love. 孩提时的我只能如饥似渴地阅读那些描写自然美景的精彩书籍,在脑海里拼命想像露营的情景。 www.zftrans.com 6. Like most innocent and well-bred young women, she had a devouring curiosity about prostitutes. 像大多数有教养和天真烂漫的年轻女人那样,她对妓女怀着一份十分强烈的好奇心。 www.jukuu.com 7. Shadowform now let the periodic damage of your Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague, and Vampiric Touch spells benefit from haste. 暗影形态可以让你的暗言术:痛,噬灵瘟疫,吸血鬼之触的周期性伤害受到急速效果影响。 bbs.52pk.com 8. She loved to read, and she would lie awake late at night in her bed, devouring books. 她爱读书,晚上,她会在床上躺到深夜,如饥似渴地贪读着书。 www.jukuu.com 9. The Lord Almighty will come with thunder and earthquake and great noise , with windstorm and tempest and flames of a devouring fire . 万军之耶和华必用雷轰、地震、大声、旋风、暴风,并吞灭的火焰,向他讨罪。 www.bing.com 10. Hunger a muted drum of the body devouring the fleshly silence of the Siberian night. 饥饿是身体瘖哑的鼓,吞噬肉身的沉默,在西伯利亚的夜晚。 springhero.wordpress.com 1. A swinging Mexican fiesta goes bad when a ravenous rotten avocado crashes the party and starts devouring the guests. 墨西哥节庆时,当一个饥饿的烂鳄梨开始变坏,摧毁宴会并开始吃掉他的客人。 www.0799.tv 2. It presented exactly the aspect of a gigantic Christmas pudding over which the spirits were blazing, devouring nothing. 样子就像是巨大的圣诞布丁,它没有吞没任何东西,却夺走了精神的力量。 www.bing.com 3. It says the leaf-devouring insects and their larvae have chewed up at least 50-thousand trees in villages around China's capital. 报导说,这些吃树叶子的昆虫和他们的幼虫已经吃掉首都周围村庄至少5万棵树。 www.for68.com 4. Motorised boats, their wakes devouring the reeds' metre-thick mud foundations, are the main enemy. 摩托船是主要的破坏者,他们的航迹破坏了芦苇1米厚的泥地。 www.bing.com 5. Your Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch do an additional percentage damage equal to your critical strike chance. 你的暗言术:痛,噬灵瘟疫和吸血鬼之触造成一个额外比例的伤害,与你的暴击率相等。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. But maybe you would be sleeping even less and devouring a lot more junk were it not for the influence of your etheric nursemaid. 但若非是你那在天上的保姆的影响,你也许会睡得更少,吞下更多垃圾食品。 www.douban.com 7. By mowing alternate rows, we encouraged the insects to migrate over the grape vines devouring all the bad bugs on the way. 通过割草隔行,我们鼓励昆虫迁移到吞噬的葡萄藤上的所有有害微生物的方法。 www.shuiguobang.com 8. Devouring life. . . and moving towards unconditional love. That's the only answer. The only one. 贪婪地生活著…然后迈向无私的爱。这是唯一的答案。独一无二。 group.m.mtime.com 9. Foremost is the symbolism of the serpent biting, devouring, eating its own tail. 首先是象征着像蛇一般地咬,吞吃,吃自己的尾巴。 www.chinaufo.com 10. Kangxi, the most impressive of the Qing emperors, sent troops against the "man-devouring demons" . Albazino was razed. 康熙皇帝派兵征讨“吃人的恶魔”,阿尔巴济诺(Albazino)被夷为平地。 www.bing.com 1. Left alone, under those circumstances, a devouring curiosity pushed me on to make some discovery for myself. 剩下我孤零零一个人了,在这种情况下,我的好奇心油然而生,不禁想要亲自去打听些消息。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. There were endless flats, filled with families, and endless shops, and the town was spreading on all sides, devouring the countryside. 街道两边是住满了家庭的数不清的公寓房子和没完没了的商店,城镇正在扩张,吞噬着乡村。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 3. To the philosophers' equanimity, which makes them indifferent to both pleasure and pain, I prefer devouring passions. 比之哲学家那种快感与疼痛毫无二致的镇定,我宁愿欲火焚身。 www.tianya.cn 4. Kangxi, the most impressive of the Qing emperors, sent troops against the "man-devouring demons" . 清朝最有名的皇帝——康熙皇帝,派出军队对抗这些“食人恶魔”。 www.ecocn.org 5. The fire builds, devouring everything in its path. 凶猛的大火将沿途上的一切都吞噬。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He is insatiably devouring a table of delicious food, while we are surprised to find that the waiter is serving him with even more dishes. 他正在毫不知足地吞吃着一桌的美食,而我们惊奇地发现服务员正在上更多的菜。 www.6eng.com 7. Smartly-dressed young executives devouring business manuals land at its airport on the hour, every hour. 每时每刻都有衣冠楚楚的年轻企业家在机场着陆,前来吞噬这座城市的生产力。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Essayists lamented people's reliance on the electricity-devouring invention. 散文家哀叹人们对“电老虎”的依赖。 dongxi.net 9. before him is a devouring fire, around him a raging storm. 吞噬的烈火在他前面开道,旋转的风暴在他四周怒号。 zn.ccreadbible.org 10. The dream was in reality little by little the devouring, those once beautiful, has become the tail of youth in the growing, leaving tears! 梦想在现实中被一点一点的吞噬着,那些曾经的美好,已化成青春的尾巴,在成长中,留下泪痕! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Sitting himself behind the table, the man is devouring a table of delicious food as well as several bottles of precious wine. 他独自一人坐在桌前,享受着一桌的美食和美酒。 www.rainlane.com 2. But they face a problem: invading "river crabs" that are devouring their grassland. 但是他们面临着一个问题:入侵者“河蟹”正在侵吞他们的草地。 click.xhu.edu.cn 3. Eating just one chip or crisp without then devouring the rest is almost impossible for most people to do. 明明眼看着袋子里还有很多薯片或薯条,却只吃一口就停止,这对绝大多数人来说根本不可能做到。 dongxi.net 4. They swarm across the forest floor, overpowering and devouring anything that can't get away. 它们成群遍布于森林的地面击败任何对手,吃掉所有东西。 video.2u4u.com.cn 5. Heck, the Milky Way is in the final stages of devouring several smaller galaxies, but in our case the process is almost complete. 银河系也处在吞并一些小星系的最后阶段,吞并过程基本上快完成了。 www.bing.com 6. As an additional cost to play Devouring Rage, you may sacrifice any number of Spirits. 你可以牺牲任意数量的精灵,以作为使用怒意吞噬的额外费用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When we cannot be delivered from ourselves, we delight in devouring ourselves. 当我们不能自生,那就庆祝我们自灭吧。 www.bing.com 8. Okay, you're devouring the camera with your eyes. 好的,用你们的眼睛盯住镜头。 www.kekenet.com 9. Fear Ward, Desperate Prayer and Devouring Plague will remain unchanged. 反恐惧节界,绝望祷言,吞噬瘟疫没有变化。 bbs.ty17.com 10. Devouring corpses are held by hunger demons and feed upon the living. 吞噬尸体则是被饥饿恶魔所控制,会以活人为食。 www.dashuye.com 1. It grabbed hold of the snowy egret's foot before swiftly devouring the bird. 鳄鱼首先咬住雪鹭的一只脚,随后迅速将它吞入腹中。 www.elanso.com 2. can overwhelm the healthy fetus, literally devouring it. 会将健康的胎儿压垮也就是说吞噬掉对方 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in devouring their contents, I neglected the regular exercises of the school. 图书的航程和旅行成为我的激情,在吞食它们的内容,我忽略了经常演习的学校。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Devouring Plague - Now a base ability. Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, mana cost greatly reduced. 成为基本技能,冷却时间降低至30秒,法力值消耗将大大降低。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. Besides devouring the people, it often submerged fields and washed houses away and thus resulted in tremendous loss. 明代海潮灾害不仅吞噬大量生灵,还淹没农田,冲毁房舍,毁坏盐场,造成极大的财产损失。 epub.cnki.net 6. The bear cubes, rather than devouring the baby, stroke it softly. 熊崽不但没有吃掉这个孩子,还温柔地抚摸他。 chinafanyi.com 7. Dangerous Ghouls that Roam the earth, Devouring anything they see. 漫游地图的危险食尸鬼。吞噬他们任何看的见的任何物体。 game.ali213.net 8. They have left us stories about grasshoppers devouring entire crops of corn. 他们留下许多关于蝗虫如何肆虐整片玉米田的故事。 www.24en.com 9. Wages, devouring 44 per cent of revenues and forever rising, remain the industry's Achilles heel. 吞噬掉44%的营收并且不断上涨的员工薪资,仍是该行业的致命弱点。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Devouring our youth, wasting our emotion. 挥霍自己的青春,浪费自己的感情。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 1. So if we want to grow to be strong like Popeye, why can't we just down some supplements instead of devouring a pile of spinach? 所以,如果我们希望长得跟大力水手一样强壮的话,为什么不吃一些营养补充品来代替吞食一堆菠菜呢? www.hxen.com 2. But the people devouring mind-bending substances in Cambridge are a middle-class bunch, and some are downright posh. 但是,那些在剑桥附近吞食致幻药品的人却一群中产阶级,其中甚至有人还是十足的上层社会人士。 www.ecocn.org 3. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? 我们中间谁能与吞灭的火同住。 www.ebigear.com 4. You're too kind. Yes, I've no qualms about devouring you. 对,如果要我吃掉你,我一定会毫无疑虑的。 www.gamespot.com.cn 5. Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws. 猛烈的时光将雄狮利爪磨钝。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Inflation, at roughly 7% annually, was much higher from 1966 to 1982 than it is today, devouring all the return on stocks. 1966年到1982年的年通胀率约为7%,远远高于当前水平,把股市的所有回报都吃掉了。 chinese.wsj.com 7. On every NewYear's Eve, this beast came to the village, devouring livestock, and attacking people. 每到除夕,这个怪兽就会来到村庄吞食牲畜伤害人命。 www.ccmedu.com 8. Devouring Plague - Mana cost reduced to 25% of base mana from 31%. 噬灵瘟疫-魔法消耗从25%基础法力增加到31%基础法力。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. But if you're devouring more than your body needs, you'll need more and more exotic treats to make food interesting. 但是,如果要你吃下的超过了身体所需,那么就要有越来越新奇的口味才能保持食物对你的兴趣。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. "3. 11" earthquake in the past five months, violent shaking and all-devouring tsunami scene faded memory. “3·11”大地震过去5个多月,剧烈的晃动和吞噬一切的海啸景象逐渐淡出记忆。 www.englishtang.com 1. someone who is addicted to the cruelty of devouring timorous vegetarians, their heirs and assigns. 沉溺于残酷地吞食那些胆小的素食者及其子嗣的人。 www.bing.com 2. a whirlpool off the sicilian coast , personified as a ship - devouring sea monster and located opposite the cave of scylla 卡律布狄斯漩涡西西里海岸附近的一个漩涡,位于希拉洞穴的对面,被拟人化为一个吞噬船只的海怪 www.ichacha.net 3. A Sun-Eater threatens life on Earth by devouring the Sun. Hal Jordan sacrifices his life to destroy it 一个太阳食者威胁地球上的生命吞噬太阳哈尔·乔丹牺牲自己的生命,摧毁它 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Fortunately, the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws and yawning, and flourishing their tails, than devouring me alive; 幸而,这些畜生倒好像只想伸伸爪子,打呵欠,摇尾巴,并不想把我活活吞下去。 www.1stenglish.com 5. the legal system and practices that aim at devouring every penny of the clients 对法制系统及让客户掏尽腰包的企图的批判 www.bing.com 6. devouring their weekly pay faster than grasshoppers 挥霍他们的周薪比蝗虫都快 www.ichacha.net 7. she died protecting her child , not devouring it 她死时在保护孩子不是残害孩子 www.ichacha.net 8. But be assured today that the LORD your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; 你今日当知道,耶和华你的神在你前面过去,如同烈火,要灭绝他们,将他们制伏在你面前。 www.ebigear.com 9. Shaking her wings, devouring all in haste, 她扑棱着双翅,猛吞狂嚥, blog.sina.com.cn 10. On wind I ride driven by devouring desire 在迷乱的热情中乘风破浪 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 1. Devouring Shadows I DoT and lifetap. Deals 264-283 damage over 24 seconds and transferring half of the life to you. DOT 及生命吸取,在24秒内对目标造成264-283点伤害并将其一半传输给你 www.d6ly.com |
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