单词 | contracting party |
释义 | 例句释义: 〔政〕缔约国,合同当事人,缔约方,缔约成员,立约人 1. Second, it must have right to do some activities with nature of business for the other enterprise of the contracting party. 必须有权并经常为缔约国另一方企业从事营业性质的活动。 www.dictall.com 2. The other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by this Article with respect to any Contracting Party having made such a reservation. 其他缔约国对作出这一保留的任何缔约国之间的关系上应不受该条的约束。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Each Contracting Party may require notification or filing of any tariff to be charged by its own designated airline or airlines. 缔约各方可要求其自己指定的一家或多家空运企业通知或提交将收取的任何运价。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 4. Except as provided for in paragraph 2 below, each Contracting Party to this Convention or to any protocol shall have one vote. 除以下第2款之规定外,本公约或任何议定书的每一缔约国应有一票表决权。 bbs.e5zj.com 5. EXCEPT, if the law of the Contracting Party so provides, where the signature concerns the surrender of a registration. 但缔约方法律规定签字涉及放弃注册的情况除外。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airlines. 缔约各方可以单方面驳回其自己指定空运企业任何提交的或收取的运价。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 7. The communication, processing and treatment of personal data shall be subject to the internal law of each Contracting Party. 个人资料的提供和处理,由各缔约方的域内法规范。 bo.io.gov.mo 8. Either Contracting Party may terminate the validity of this Agreement by notifying in writing the other Contracting Party to that effect. 缔约任一方可书面通知缔约另一方终止本协定。 bo.io.gov.mo 9. The omitted act shall be completed within the same period or, where the Contracting Party so provides, together with the request. 疏失行为应在该期限内完成,缔约方规定在提交申请时完成的,则应在提交申请时完成。 www.kuenglish.info 10. If required by a serious emergency, either Contracting Party may take interim action prior to the expiry of a month period term. 在十分紧急的情况下,任何缔约一方都可在一个月期满之前采取临时行动。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 1. Togo took over the status of GATT Contracting Party and is an original Member of the WTO. 多哥接管原有关税暨贸易总协定签订国地位,同时是WTO原始会员。 www.zhishiduo.com 2. Neither Contracting Party shall be responsible for any agreement between the above mentioned organizations. 但对上述合作组织间的契约,双方均不承担责任。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. No Contracting Party shall be obliged to apply paragraphs (1), (2) and (5) to any mistake which cannot be corrected under its law. 任何缔约方均无义务对其法律无法纠正的错误适用第(2)款、第(2)款和第(5)款。 dict.ebigear.com 4. (Xvi) a declaration of intention to use the mark, as required by the law of the Contracting Party. (16)缔约方法律要求提交的有意使用该商标的声明。 www.wipo.int 5. for the Hungarian Contracting Party: International Criminal Co-operation Centre (NEBEK) of the National Police Headquarters. 匈牙利缔约方:国家警察总部国际刑事合作中心。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 6. The Customs authorities of a Contracting Party may authorize persons to affix Customs seals and fastenings. 缔约一方海关当局可授权他人用海关封志和固定物加封。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 7. Taking such measures and ending them shall be immediately notified to the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels. 应透过外交途径即时将上述措施的采取或终止通知缔约另一方。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 8. Any Contracting Party may require that, in respect of the request, a fee be paid to the Office. 任何缔约方均可要求向商标主管机关缴纳变更申请的费用。 dictall.com 9. Forwarding the data to other authorities may only be effected with the prior permission of the Contracting Party communicating these data. 如再传送资料至其他当局,须先得到传送资料的缔约一方同意。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 10. Each Contracting Party shall nominate one arbitrator and the third arbitrator is to be appointed by the two so nominated. 缔约各方应委任一名仲裁员,该两名仲裁员继而指定第三名仲裁员。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 1. No Office of a Contracting Party may, for the purposes of effecting the renewal, examine the registration as to substance. 任何缔约方不得为实施续展而就注册进行实质审查。 www.kuenglish.info 2. In this paragraph the reference to aviation security Standards includes any difference notified by the Contracting Party concerned. 本款中所指的航空保安标准包括有关缔约方通告的任何差异。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 3. Any Contracting Party shall register service marks and apply to such marks the provisions of the Paris Convention which concern trademarks . 任何缔约方均应允许注册服务商标并对服务商标适用《巴黎公约》中有关商标的规定。 www.bing.com 4. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by so notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 任一缔约国可以通知联合国秘书长,退出本公约。 www.flguwen.com 5. Each Contracting Party shall give advance information to the other of its intention to notify any difference. 缔约各方应提前将其通告任何差异的意向通知缔约对方。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 6. Any Contracting Party which is not a Party to the dispute may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the arbitral tribunal. 经仲裁法庭同意,非争端当事方的任何缔约方都可以参与仲裁程序。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 7. Either Contracting Party shall immediately notify the other Contracting Party in writing of such suspension. 缔约任一方应即时将该中止决定书面通知缔约另一方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. established by a Contracting Party for the collection of data for import and export trade statistics. “统计目录”是指缔约方为了收集进出口贸易统计资料数据而制定的商品分类目录。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This Agreement shall be approved according to the legal requirements of each Contracting Party. 本协定应按缔约各方法律要求进行批准。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 10. Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of the arbitrator appointed by it. 缔约各方将承担其委任仲裁员的费用。 bo.io.gov.mo 1. (Ii) the broadcasts are transmitted from a transmitter situated in another Contracting Party. (ii)广播节目是由设在另一缔约方的发射台播送的。 www.wipo.int 2. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General. 任何缔约方均可退出本条约,退约应通知总干事。 www.jukuu.com 3. The other Contracting Party shall then take appropriate corrective action within an agreed time period. 缔约另一方应在商定的时间范围内采取适当的行动予以纠正。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 4. There must be subjective fault when the contracting party breaches the liability of precontractual. 缔约人在缔约过程中违反先契约义务时必须有主观过错; dict.kekenet.com 5. Such designations shall be made in writing and shall be transmitted to the other Contracting Party through the appropriate channels. 该指定应书面提出,通过适当途径发至缔约另一方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Each Contracting Party shall bear the costs of the arbitrator appointed by them. 缔约各方应承担其所委任仲裁员的费用。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 7. The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Contracting Party, or at its discretion, within 30 days after replies are due. 在答覆期满三十天之内,仲裁庭按缔约任何一方要求或其自己决定举行听证会。 bo.io.gov.mo 8. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Agreement separately for any such territory or territories in accordance with Article 12. 任何缔约方都可以根据第12条规定单独针对上述领土的任何部分宣布退出本协定书。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 9. Each Contracting Party may submit a reply within 60 days of submission of the other Contracting Party's memorandum. 缔约各方可在缔约对方提交备忘录之后六十天内提交一份答覆。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 10. Either Contracting Party may terminate it with six (6) months prior notice in writing through diplomatic channels. 缔约任一方可透过外交途径,提前六个月以书面通知的方式,随时终止本协定。 www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 1. Does the taxpayer have permanent residence in the other contracting party? 在缔约对方是否保有长期居所 wenku.baidu.com 2. China has gone through a journey of 15 years in order to first resume the contracting party status in GATT and later to enter the WTO. 中国恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位和加入世贸组织已经走过了15年历程。 www.examw.com 3. Of the 117 Range States currently 49 and (52 countries as of 1. October 2005) have become a Contracting Party to AEWA. 现在排列美国49和(52个国家当做1。2005年十月)已经变得对AEWA的一个缩短党。 www.wwfchina.org 4. Recalling that China was an original contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947, 忆及中国是《1947年关税与贸易总协定》的创始缔约方, www.chinalawedu.com 5. Any Contracting Party may require that the request indicate that fact and be accompanied by a copy of a document evidencing the change 任何缔约方均可要求在变更申请中注明此一事实并附送一份证明变更的文件的副本 dict.ebigear.com 6. Any Contracting Party may require that the request indicate(i) the name and address of the holder; 任何缔约方均可要求在请求中表明:注册持有人的名称和地址; apps.hi.baidu.com 7. however, data may only be communicated to that person with the authorization of the Contracting Party which originally supplied the data; 然而,资料的提供必须获得最初提供资料的缔约一方的同意; bo.io.gov.mo 8. The right to fly without landing across the area of the other Contracting Party; 飞越缔约另一方的地区而不降停的权利; bo.io.gov.mo 9. According to the tax agreement, the fiscal resident of the other contracting party shall be limited to a company; 取得股息的该对方税收居民根据税收协定规定应限于公司; www.lawinfochina.com 10. the said airline cannot prove that it is incorporated and has its principal place of business in the area of the other Contracting Party; 上述空运企业不能证明,该空运企业是在缔约另一方地区注册和以该地区为主要经营地; bo.io.gov.mo 1. "Contracting Party" means any State or intergovernmental organization party to this Treaty; “缔约方”指加入本条约的任何国家或政府间组织; www.tdict.com 2. (Xi) "license" means a license for the use of a mark under the law of a Contracting Party; (11)“使用许可”指根据缔约方法律对商标使用的许可; www.wipo.int 3. to fly without landing across the area of the other Contracting Party; 飞越缔约另一方地区而不降停; www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 4. to fly across the area of the other Contracting Party without landing; 飞越缔约对方地区而不降停; www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 5. Any Contracting Party may require that evidence, or further evidence where paragraph (1)(c) or (1)(e) applies, BE furnished to the Office 任何缔约方均可要求向其商标主管机关提供证据,或在适用第(2)款(c)项或(e)项时提供进一步证据。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Traffic requirements to and from the area of the Contracting Party which has designated the airlines; 来自和前往指定空运企业的缔约一方地区的运输需要; bo.io.gov.mo 7. Legal provisions prescribing tax deduction or exemption enjoyed in the other contracting party 享受缔约对方国内减免税优惠的法律依据及条文描述 wenku.baidu.com 8. Information of tax payment in the other contracting party on the income derived from China (taxes covered by DTA only) 从中国取得的所得在缔约对方纳税情况(限于列入税收协定适用范围的税种) wenku.baidu.com 9. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Contracting Party Plenary Session 关税及贸易总协议缔约成员全体会议 www.chinacitywater.org 10. to make stops in the area of the other Contracting Party for non-traffic purposes; 在另一方地区内作非运输业务性经停; www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 1. Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, and predominantly for the purpose of complementing in-situ measures: 每一缔约国应尽可能并酌情,主要为辅助就地保护措施起见: bbs.e5zj.com 2. Tax identification number in the other contracting party 在缔约对方纳税识别号 wenku.baidu.com 3. Liability of the contracting party: 承揽方的责任: www.chinalawedu.com 4. Description of major operation projects and business in the contracting party in the past year 最近一年在缔约对方的主要经营项目及业务描述 wenku.baidu.com 5. Number of days of continuous stay or cumulative stays in the other contracting party in the past 12 months 最近连续12个月内在缔约对方连续或累计停留天数 wenku.baidu.com 6. an airline or airlines of either Contracting Party; 缔约任何一方的一家或多家空运企业; www.imprensa.macau.gov.mo 7. Number of employees in the other contracting party in the past year 最近一年在缔约对方的雇员人数 wenku.baidu.com 8. Total amount of gross income arising in the contracting party in the past year 最近一年来源于缔约对方的收入总额 wenku.baidu.com 9. resume the contracting party status in GATT 中国恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Name in the other contracting party 在缔约对方姓名 wenku.baidu.com 1. Each Contracting Party, as far as possible and as appropriate, shall: 每一缔约国应尽可能并酌情: bbs.e5zj.com 2. party a storefront making lift 3 desk, are Contracting Party b, 2 for each fee million; 甲方店面制作升降机3台,现承包给乙方,其每台费用贰万; fw.t135.com |
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