单词 | chapel | ||||||||||||||||||
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复数:chapels n. sanctuary,oratory,chantry chapel 显示所有例句
例句释义: 小教堂,小礼拜堂,小礼堂,附属教堂 1. Spears was still staying at the Palms and was expected to leave Sunday. Employees at the chapel declined comment. 布莱尼目前仍住在棕榈酒店,估计周日会走。那家教堂的工作人员拒绝任何采访。 learning.sohu.com 2. In front was that chapel and ancient bridge. The headless knight had ever arrived there, and then returned to his tomb. 而前方就是那个教堂古桥,无头骑士曾在那里停驻,从那里回到了他的葬身之墓。 www.bing.com 3. 'Yes, I heard them, 'answered Silas. For him Sunday bells did not mean anything. There had been no bells at the Light Street chapel. “我听见了,”西拉斯回答,礼拜日的钟声对他没有任何含意,日光街小教堂没钟。 www.bing.com 4. Construction was gradually behind time schedule. I though that this chapel might be completed without any roof. 工程渐渐地拉下了进度。能否完成这座礼拜党我完全保证不了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. One day, Deborah sat Clive down at the hospital chapel's organ, placing a piece of sheet music in front of him. 一天黛博拉让克莱夫坐在医院小教堂的风琴前,在他面前放了一张乐谱。 www.bing.com 6. As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilliant constellation crowning the chapel. 门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。 www.bing.com 7. Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it. 辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。 www.bing.com 8. and believed himself th, e happiest man alive on the day he led her to Gimmerton Chapel, three years subsequent to his father's death. 他父亲逝世三年后,他把她领到吉默吞教堂那天,他自信是世上最幸福的人。 putclub.net 9. What little space there wAS below the sloping ceiling wAS AS closely covered with pictures AS an Italian votive chapel. 倾斜的天花板下面那一点点空间,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。 dict.ebigear.com 10. In ancient times he would have been swept off his feet and carried to the chapel, where a mass would be said in his honor. 在古时候他可能就会被抬起并抬进礼拜堂,那里一群人会欢呼他的荣誉。 www.bing.com 1. Gimmerton was an unsubstantial name in her ears; the chapel, the only building she had approached or entered, except her own home. 在她耳中吉默吞是一个虚幻的名字;除了她自己的家之外,礼拜堂是她走近或进去过的唯一建筑物。 www.putclub.com 2. The librarian, Philibert, was found in the scriptorium , but I had him carried to the Chapel to prepare him for burial. 图书管理员,菲尔波特,在写字间被发现,但我将他放在礼拜堂准备安葬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It was one of his habits to come tolerably often to celebrate the offices in the chapel of the nuns of the Petit-Picpus. 他到小比克布斯修女们的礼拜堂里来参加日课唱圣诗,那是常有的事。 www.ebigear.com 4. Two years later we were ready to dedicate our first church building, a lovely chapel in Garden Grove. 我们在那里一年半,已经建了一所小教堂,在这儿以西几哩外的两亩地上。 hourofpower.org.hk 5. Strangely, when Silas had his fit at the chapel meeting, William was the only one who disagreed with the minister. 奇怪的是,在西拉斯发病以后,威廉却是唯一一个不同意牧师观点的人。 www.okread.net 6. Although they would not allow the children to be fed, they went to church and to chapel, glittering with jewellery. 虽然他们不愿让孩子们吃饱,可是他们却常常到教堂里去坐着,满身珠光宝气。 7. A research project at UNC-Chapel Hill is trying to develop a user-friendly filter for searching the Congressional Record. 北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校研究计划努力在发展一个对使用者界面友好的搜索国会记录的过滤网站。 www.myoops.org 8. Our wedding chapel at it, it is a sacred place, we must hand in hand in front of the main promise of commitment to one another. 从此以后,我们要幸福的在一起慢慢变老。我们的婚礼教堂举行吧,那是一个神圣的地方,我们要手牵着手在主的面前许下对彼此的承诺。 abems.com 9. The artist wins in the end: everybody knows who painted the Sistine Chapel, not many know the name of pope who told him to do it. 艺术家最终是赢了:大家都知道是谁画了西斯廷教堂的穹顶,没有多少人知道是哪个教皇命令米开朗基罗画的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A Bulgarian football club is to build a chapel next to its ground, to help fans rid themselves of negative emotions before and after games. 保加利亚一个足球俱乐部计划在其球场旁边建一座教堂,目的是帮助球迷在赛前和赛后消除消极情绪。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. This piece was closely protected by the Vatican and it was not allowed to be sung anywhere but inside the Sistine Chapel. 这首曲子受到梵蒂冈教会的严密保护,除了在西斯汀教堂以外,任何地方都不许传唱此曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Usually granges have modest outbuildings and a small church or chapel but few of the other features of a permanent monastery. 这些庄园通常有保守的外屋和一个缺少恒久修道院特征的小教堂或礼拜堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The novitiate and infirmary were housed in a Building with its own chapel, Bathhouse, dining hall, kitchen, and garden. 见习修士的住房和医务室另外安排在一栋建筑里,有专用的小教堂、浴室、饭厅、厨房和花园等。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The chapel room, normally used for cleaning guns, had been scattered with red rose petals. 平日里用于清洁枪支的小礼拜堂如今已经撒上了红色的玫瑰花瓣。 www.putclub.com 5. But the trips can be worthwhile, said Kay Phillips who works in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 164 miles from her home in Granite Falls. 但是旅途可算是非常值得的,凯-菲利普斯如是说,她在北卡罗莱纳州的查珀尔-希尔工作,距她在格拉尼特-福尔斯的家有164英里。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. They busied themselves at the door of the CHapel like bees at the mouth of a hive. 他们在教堂的门口忙碌着,就像蜜蜂在蜂巢的入口处一样。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 7. At the Chapel end of the garden was a small two-storied building, also of wood, which was his laboratory. 在花园的教堂一端是一个小的二层建筑,也是木制的,是他的试验室。 www.bing.com 8. The statue's sanctuary is located at the rear of the chapel, where an altar of gold surrounds the icon, and is now a site of pilgrimage. 雕像的避难所位于后部的教堂,那里的黄金祭坛周围的图标,现在是一个网站的朝圣。 www.telaijz.com 9. Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp. 由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。 www.bing.com 10. The Sistine Chapel can squeeze in only a few hundred people at a time. 西斯廷教堂一次只能接纳数百名游客。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The south wall ran out from the turret of the gate to a distance ovelapping the Chapel by at least the width of the present pavement. 南墙出了大门的角楼与教堂有一段距离——至少相当于现在人行道的宽度。 www.bing.com 2. eastern termination of the chancel, to which the lady chapel (chapel dedicated to the Virgin) was added. 东部的圣坛终止,对此圣母堂(教堂奉献给圣母)加入。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The French, who were masters of the chapel for a moment, and were then dislodged, set fire to it. 法军在这礼拜堂里曾一度做过主人,继又被击退,便放了一把火。 www.ebigear.com 4. When Michelangelo was flat on his back in the Sistine Chapel, he was in service to something larger and greater than himself. 当米开朗基罗平躺在西斯廷教堂(SistineChapel)作画时,他正为某个比他自己更大、更伟大的事物服务。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Major events involving Roman Catholic Church leaders take place in the Sistine Chapel. 主要的时间包括罗马天主教教堂领导在西斯廷教堂继位。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. system of the building, as the central chapel among the chapels radiating from the choir ambulatory. 该建筑体系,为从合唱团中日间辐射教堂中央教堂。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Here, over subsequent years, he built a chapel, decorating it with his own muscular sculptures of Noah, the Virgin and an Unknown Soldier. 随后几年,他在此处修建了小教堂,并装饰有他创作的人体雕塑,诺亚、圣母和一位无名英雄。 www.putclub.com 8. He always gave me a slight nod when he saw me come into the chapel for the meeting. He loved sharing his guitar stories. 每次在监狱教堂会面时,他总是轻轻地向我点头打招呼。 www.bing.com 9. His grandest achievement as a painter was the paintings he produced on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. 他绘画方面最宏大的成就是他在(罗马梵蒂冈的)西斯廷教堂天花板上创作的画。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 10. Major events involving Roman CatholicchurchChurch leaders take place in the Sistine Chapel. 包括涉及罗马天主教领到的重大事件就发生在西斯廷教堂。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. The View: Landmarks like the Grand Palace, Royal Chapel, Wat Pho Temple, and winding Chao Phraya River litter the lengthy landscape. 风景简介:曼谷大王宫,皇家教堂,卧佛寺,还有湄南河蜿蜒的景观 wenku.baidu.com 2. Inside, it's a mini- town, complete with a chapel, baths, a great hall and a Gothic loggia. 壕沟内为一小型城镇,其中教堂、浴池、大厅还有哥特式凉廊样样俱全。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But chapel must have been the last thing on Ravi's mind when Ginnie, after a moment's hesitation, accepted his offer. 不过去教堂想必是拉维最不放在心上的事了,当金妮犹豫了那么一小会就接受了他的提议之后。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 4. It is the two-handed sword of King Arthur and depicted over the door of the Cadet Chapel. 它是亚瑟王的双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。 login.sina.com.cn 5. Pope Sixtus IV had it built in the 1470s. Major events involving Roman Catholic Church leaders take place in the Sistine Chapel. 教皇西斯都四世在15世纪70年代修建了它,且涉及罗马天主教领袖们重大事件便发生与此。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. A short time after that, I got word that the Pope had agreed to say a private Mass for broadcast in the Pauline Chapel. 此后不久,我得到消息说教皇同意在圣保罗教堂举行一场专门的弥撒以供播出。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Choristers of the Choir of Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, wearing their State Coats, rehearse in the Chapel Royal at St. 4月18日,皇家礼拜堂的唱诗班歌手们身着州服在圣詹姆斯宫殿的皇家礼拜堂彩排。 www.bing.com 8. The ship has dental and medical clinics, a post office and a religious chapel . 船上有牙科和医疗诊所,一个邮局,一个小教堂。 www.unsv.com 9. In the chapel of rest you looked like you were sleeping peacefully. I kissed your face and stroked your hair as I sobbed. 在太平间,你看上去就像安静地睡着了,我哭着亲吻了你的脸颊,抚摸你的头发。 www.bing.com 10. Oh, no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P. I. 不行他们出来的唯一时间是做礼拜和P。 www.ebigear.com 1. Do you think the minds which are suffered, which are indulged in wanderings in a chapel, would be more collected in a closet? 难道你认为一个放任自流的人,在礼拜堂里可以胡思乱想,到了私人祈祷室里就会集中思想吗? novel.tingroom.com 2. Commissioned by the noble Peruzzi family, it was whitewashed in the early 1700s to make way for a new chapel design. 十八世纪早期的时候,贵族佩鲁奇曾下令将这些壁画用石灰水涂白,以便为小教堂的新设计腾出地方。 www.bing.com 3. Their wedding ceremony took place in a chapel. 他们的婚礼是在一个教堂中举行的。 hi.baidu.com 4. Light transforms the simple chapel into a chapel of light that is consistently undergoing changing atmospheric and dematerializing effects. 变化的光让小教堂处于不断的变化之中。 www.archgo.com 5. Cannot you imagine with what unwilling feelings the former belles of the house of Rushworth did many a time repair to this chapel? 拉什沃思世家从前的美人们如何不情愿地一次次来到这座礼拜堂,你难道想象不出来吗? novel.tingroom.com 6. Baptistery (or baptistry ): Domed hall or chapel, adjacent to or part of a church, for the administration of baptism. 洗礼堂:带圆屋顶的厅堂或礼拜堂,与教堂相连,或是教堂的一部分,用来举行洗礼。 www.tdict.com 7. The picture shows the Chapel Court at Sidney Sussex as it normally looks and the place where the canal lies once was a piece of green grass. 图片显示的是西德尼?苏塞克斯学院平时的样貌,运河所在地曾经是一块绿草地。 home.i21st.cn 8. As of its own compulsion, the car slowed as we passed the chapel with its low, sweeping eaves. 当我们驶过屋檐倾斜向下的小教堂时,轿车不由自主地慢了下来。 www.jukuu.com 9. Zead: The one you seek fled toward the chapel on the other side of the mountain. He made his escape through the back of the castle. 塞:您要寻找的人朝着山脉另一面的教堂方向去了,他从城堡的后面逃走的。 bbs.konamicn.com 10. The ground floor consisted of a reception room, kitchen, lavatory, servants' quarters , and, sometimes, even a private chapel. 第一层是由接待室、厨房、厕所、仆人的住处、有时候甚至还有私人礼拜堂组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It brings up memories of hikes up a mountain on Crete where the white ruins of an ancient chapel cling onto the cliffs. 它唤起了人们对地中海克里特岛一座山上的无数回忆,山上白色的古教堂废墟紧紧攀附在悬崖上。 arch.mr926.me 2. "Girl, you sure does have a lot to confess to that white, " her mother would say to her each time she came home late from chapel. “女儿,你确定有那么多的话要和那个白人坦白吗?”在她每次从教堂回来的很晚时,母亲都这么说道。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 3. A grand stairway connects the four main floors of the building, with the function level and wedding chapel located beneath the lobby. 宽敞华丽的楼梯可通达至四个主要楼层,其中包括会议厅楼层及婚礼堂区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The imposing battalion and brigade leadership files out of the chapel, programs and bios of the fallen in hand. 雄伟的营和旅领导的文件出了教堂,方案和BIOS的手下降。 www.englishtang.com 5. As student body president, she was also a member of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees. 作为学生会主席,她还是北卡罗莱纳查普希尔大学的理事会成员。 www.bing.com 6. But when we enter the Sistine Chapel, we look up to see the most beautiful ceiling in the world. 而当我们步入西斯廷教堂,我们抬头便会看到世界上最美丽的天花板。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. But many people believe that the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and " The Last Judgment" are the most famous works of art ever created. 但许多人相信西斯廷教堂天花板和《最后审批》是世界上最著名的艺术作品。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. In 1836, 184 Texans fought the Mexican Army from inside an old mission chapel known as the Alamo. 在1836年,有184名德州人在一处名为「白杨镇」的古老布道教堂里与墨西哥军队发生冲突。 www.24en.com 9. Walking down Cheapside, you can buy an uncensored newspaper or stop to pray in a chapel of your choice. 沿着齐普赛街行走,你可以买到不经审查的报纸,或者在你中意的教堂停下来祈祷。 www.ecocn.org 10. St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. 在英格兰,圣乔治礼拜堂是哥特式建筑最杰出的范例之一。 ryedu.net 1. Sometimes in class or even outside, leaving chapel, I'd get a flash of it. 有时在课堂上,甚至在外面或离开礼拜堂的时候,都曾瞬间闻到那种味道。 www.bing.com 2. Head to Rosslyn Chapel, symbolically located at the summit of Ross Hill, you'll feel its magic as soon as you enter. 罗斯林教堂坐落在罗斯山(RossHill)山顶,是其标志性建筑。当你走进其中,就会感觉到它有一股奇特的魔力。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Roman Temple, the Romanesque Gothic Cathedral, the Chapel made of bones from thousands of people in saint Francis. 罗马神庙,罗马式哥特式大教堂,圣弗朗西斯教堂做几千人在骨头。 ptyly.com 4. Britney Spears married her childhood friend Jason Alexander in a drunken 'joke' ceremony at a Las Vegas chapel. 2004年1月,布兰妮与她儿时的伙伴詹森-亚历山大在美国拉斯维加斯闪电结婚。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The church learn from the early Renaissance facade designed by architect Alberti Florence Santa Maria chapel was handled. 教堂立面借鉴早期文艺复兴建筑大师阿尔伯蒂设计的佛罗伦萨圣玛丽亚小教堂的处理手法。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. On June 19, 1999, the duo married at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in a ceremony much smaller than those of his brothers. 1999年6月19日,二人在温莎城堡的圣乔治礼拜堂举行了婚礼,婚礼规模比他的兄弟们小多了。 www.bing.com 7. Paul Watkins, director of the General Clinical Research Center at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校综合临床研究中心主任PaulWatkins博士说道。 news.dxy.cn 8. A couple finalizes their Las Vegas wedding after a quick ceremony at the Little White Wedding Chapel, which features drive-through service. 拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。一对夫妇快速完成他们的拉斯维加斯婚礼在那小白婚礼教堂,其特征是驾车联营业务。 bbs.scol.com.cn 9. And round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of King's Chapel. 后来便以他的坟茔为核心,扩展成王家教堂的那一片累累墓群的古老墓地。 www.jukuu.com 10. You're right to worry if the bride insisted they married in the chapel, when the groom really wanted a wedding at the beach. 如果新娘坚持要在教堂结婚,而新郎实际上很想在海滩举行婚礼,这才是真正值得担心的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The nunnery chapel is now Christ Church Cathedral, the smallest cathedral in England. 那女修道院的教堂是现在的基督教大教堂,是英国最小的大教堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Small Chapel converts a very small percentage of the region to Catholicism, and improves happiness. 诵经院能够感化少数居民皈依天主教,并提高城堡居民快乐程度。 www.clanlong.com 3. was delved, near an old and sunken one, in that burial-ground beside which King's Chapel has since been built. 又经过许多许多年之后,在一座下陷的老坟附近,又挖了一座新坟,地点就是后来在一旁建起王家教堂的那块墓地。 www.jukuu.com 4. Rain was falling on the chapel, on the garden, on the college. 雨不停地下着,落在教堂上,落在花园中,落在校园里。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Outwitting the massive crowds that visit the Vatican, we tour the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica in a couple of hours. 我们比参观梵蒂冈的大批群众来得机灵,在一两个小时内就能游完西斯汀礼拜堂和圣彼得大教堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. enjoy ministry. To lead hymn, facilitateSunday School Class discussion, preach a tiny chapel, orlistena troubled soul, not at all boring. 我喜欢牧师职务。领唱圣歌,帮助主日学校进行讨论,在小教堂说教,或者倾听颗受困心,这些点都枯燥。 www.english767.com 7. Background: The chapel is part of the United States Air Force Academy. 背景:小圣堂是美国空军学院的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The east end of the Chapel projects farther eastwards than the Great Gate. 那时这个教堂东端比大门还要靠东。 www.bing.com 9. Well, since it was still early, we had our breakfast in a coffeehouse located just beside the chapel. 反正时间还早得很,我们就在教堂旁边的咖啡屋吃早餐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. On top of that, it will offer the only "Wedding Chapel" in China. 最独特的是将有一座中国独一无二的“婚礼小教堂”。 www.yingjiesheng.com 1. On Heybeliada, the recommended spot is a small chapel on the hills above the large naval academy in the middle of the island. 在Heybeliada岛上,推荐的地点是岛中央庞大的海军学院后面山上的一个小教堂。 www.bing.com 2. But he is no pushover on Islam, even though he upset some Christians by letting Muslims celebrate Muhammad 's birthday in a chapel. 但即使他允许穆斯林在礼拜堂庆祝穆罕默德的生日令一些基督教徒感到不安,他也不是容易对伊斯兰教妥协让步的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Almost 25 years later, Pope Paul III asked Michelangelo to paint the wall of the Sistine Chapel above the altar. 将近二十五年后,教皇保罗三世要求米开朗基罗为西斯廷教堂圣坛上方作画。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. In the territory of the base there is a chapel built for the money of the officers and employees. 基地有一个警官和在此服役的士兵们捐建的小教堂。 www.bing.com 5. Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were first exhibited to the public. 年,米开朗基罗关于西斯廷教堂天花板的绘画首次向公众展出。 www.kekenet.com 6. The Rev. B. Davie Napier, dean of the chapel at Stanford University, says that "no entity hits as many sensitive people as these guys do. " 斯坦福大学神学院院长,B.DavieNapier神父说:“没有任何团体能像他们一样如此深刻的刺激到人们的感受。” www.bing.com 7. University police say the suspect drove an SUV through a crowded square on the Chapel Hill campus. 学校警察说嫌疑人开一辆SUV穿过拥挤的小礼拜堂广场。 www.bing.com 8. A massacre took place in the chapel. 当年在那礼拜堂里也有过一番屠杀。 www.ebigear.com 9. The latter are mostly encountered as part of a non-religious institution such as a hospital, prison, or military installation. 后者(非宗派性的chapel)往往作为很多非宗教机构的附属性建筑,比如医院,监狱和部队。 www.tianyayidu.com 10. In 1508, he began painting his frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which took 4 years to finish. 1508年,他开始在西斯廷大教堂画天顶壁画,这些壁画历时4年完工。 www.hjenglish.com 1. There is an empty chapel, on the wind's home. 那是空的教堂,只是风的家乡。 www.rgbb.cn 2. A visit to the Sistine Chapel, a milestone in the history of Italian painting, should not be missed. 西斯廷教堂是意大利绘画史的里程碑,旅游者很值得到此一游。 www.romaturismo.it 3. Yao Ming painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. . . . without a ladder. 姚明是西斯廷教堂天顶壁画的创作者,他画的时候,没有用梯子 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The chapel, due to be completed in May next year, will be open to everyone regardless of which team they support. 这个礼拜堂将在明年5月建成,届时将会向支持球队的每个球迷开放。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. There is the empty chapel, only the wind's home. 那是空的教堂,只是风的家。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This is called vulgar relativism by chapel Bernard Williams, famous philosopher. 这也被称作粗俗的相对论,是由伯纳德,威廉姆斯这个著名的哲学家提出的。 open.163.com 7. The entrance of the church has access to the sacristy, the chorus, the main hall and the chapel of the Blessed. 教堂的入口可以通向圣器安置所,合唱室,主大厅和礼拜堂。 www.julemei.com 8. On the west side are the ruins of the tower and a long chapel. 西侧是塔的废墟和一个长长的礼拜堂。 www.cnnas.com 9. Elsewhere in the Vatican are the Vatican Museums, Michelangelo's famous Sistine Chapel, and the Raphael rooms. 除了大教堂,梵蒂冈还有梵蒂冈博物馆,米开朗基罗著名的西斯廷教堂,以及拉斐尔诸室。 622005115.qzone.qq.com 10. The shroud was damaged in 1532 by a fire in the Chapel of Chambery Castle, in France, where it was kept before being brought to Turin. 裹尸布在1532年在法国吉伯利城堡小礼拜堂的火灾毁坏,在送回都灵之前在那里保存。 chinaufo.com 1. In this chapel, which has a nave and two aisles, there lies the tomb of a genius: Leonardo da Vinci. 在这个拥有小广场和回廊的礼拜堂里,安葬着一位天才——来昂那多?达?芬奇。 www.qnr.cn 2. In the chapel of rest you looked like you were sleeping peacefully. 休息室的礼堂里,你看上去像是安详地睡着。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This chapel is considered to be the geographical center of Russia. 这座教堂被认为是俄罗斯的地理中心。 www.bing.com 4. A stone in his memory can be seen to day in the chapel north of the church. 教堂北面的小堂内,左墙壁上,会看得到樊主教的纪念碑。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Entrance, Catholic chapel (V), Manzanar Relocation Center, California. 入口,天主教教堂(五),Manzanar搬迁中心,加利福尼亚州。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. When it comes to men, Bonnie's got a one-track mind that leads straight to the wedding chapel. 谈到男人,邦妮只有一种想法,就是到教堂结婚。 www.wwenglish.com 7. In the chapel, Michael tells Lincoln that they are going to escape through the infirmary. 在小教堂里,Michael告诉Lincoln他们将要从医务室逃出。 www.bing.com 8. One wishes it were not so; but I have not yet left Oxford long enough to forget what chapel prayers are. 人们都希望不要这样——不过我离开牛津还不算久,还记得礼拜堂做祷告的情形。 novel.tingroom.com 9. The bisecting wall obliges the visitor to turn to enter the chapel. 这道一分为二的墙体将参观者引入整个教堂。 www.bing.com 10. My school has one of the best chapel choirs in the country. 我的学校有全国最好的圣歌团。 bbs.cninuk.net 1. It was a vault, a steel chapel where loafing and laughter were raw sin. 这里象是一个钢板小教堂,放荡和闹笑都是大逆不道的罪孽。 www.jukuu.com 2. The ballots are burnt after each session, in an incinerator inside the Chapel. 而在每轮投票后会在教堂的焚烧炉内焚烧选票。 www.kekenet.com 3. They'd nearly all prefer the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to a blank canvas. 他们基本上会一致同意西斯庭教堂的天花比空白画布要好。 www.bing.com 4. All, except the kitchen staff, would gather in the chapel for Psalm readings, hymns, and prayers until one PM. 全部人,除了厨房人员,都有集聚在礼拜堂听那圣歌诵读,唱赞美诗,并祈祷直到下午一点。 www.bing.com 5. The soldier stopped her before she could open the door to the chapel, and Henry did not pay any attention to her screams and cries. 不等她打开小教堂的门,士兵就把她截住了。亨利对她的尖叫和哭泣无动于衷。 www.netfm.com.cn 6. The museum also shows art, including contemporary glass sculpture surrounding a chapel-like pavilion. 该博物馆也展示艺术品,其中有一个围绕着教堂式亭子的当代玻璃雕塑。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Almost 25 years later, Pope Paul III asked Michelangelo to paint the wall of the Sistine Chapel above theoutteraltar. 大约25年之后,教皇保罗三世让米开朗基罗在西斯廷教堂祭坛上方的墙壁作画。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Use the Extinguishing Mixture near the eternal flame in the Alonsus Chapel to remove the Light's protection. 在阿隆索斯小礼拜堂的永恒火焰旁边使用熄灭合剂来瓦解圣光的防护。 blog.163.com 9. On the night of the fourteenth, Don Henley gave us a wonderful solo concert after dinner in the Camp David Chapel. 在14日晚饭后,唐·亨利在戴维营的小教堂为我们献上了动听的独奏音乐演出。 www.bing.com 10. In her state, students most often clamor for admission to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 在她的国家,大部分学生往往进入该教堂山北卡罗来纳大学叫嚣。 www.englishtang.com 1. I'm also fond of Trinity Church, which houses the Episcopal chapel where George Washington worshiped as president. 我也很喜欢三一教堂,乔治华盛顿曾在其总统任内在这里的主教礼拜堂做礼拜。 www.bing.com 2. He turned as four brother knights, men he knew, marched into the chapel. 他转身看到四个他认识的兄弟骑士,踏着步伐朝礼拜堂走来。 www.bing.com 3. Rocky Polychrome Hall in Altamira Cave has been compared to a Paleolithic Sistine Chapel because of its decorated ceiling. 阿尔塔米拉洞穴里的岩石多彩大厅以其顶板的装饰可与旧石器时代的西斯廷教堂相比拟。 www.bing.com 4. Bible classes and chapel attendance are mandatory, and there is a strict dress code. Some activities, like swimming, are separated by sex. 上《圣经》课和出席礼拜都是必须的,着装要求也很严格。游泳等活动还要根据性别分开进行。 cn.nytimes.com 5. The brothers were entering the chapel, marching in solemn order, their sonorous voices chanting in unison. 武士们渐渐进入礼拜堂,队列中跨着沉重的脚步,醒目的声音整齐地唱着赞歌。 www.bing.com 6. Queen Elizabeth II will head the list of guests at the service in the Guards' Chapel near Buckingham Palace. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世将率领的宾客名单上的服务,在看守教堂附近白金汉宫。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. As a symbol, however, it seems that the Chapel-Oak of Allouville-Bellefosse may live on forever. 但是,作为一个象徵,阿鲁威尔-贝尔佛思教堂的教堂橡树将在人们心中不朽。 dzh.mop.com 8. After dinner, a candle-lit prayer was held in the chapel, part of the original buildings. 在晚餐之后,教堂(原建筑的一部分)里举办了一个烛光祈祷仪式。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The Principal's Lodgings (left) and the chapel (right) are located within the First Quad of Jesus College. 院长住所(左)和小教堂(右)位于耶稣学院第一庭院之中。 www.bing.com 10. Or during their weekly chapel time. Since I was still coughing, I could only close my eye and enjoy their adoration of God. 当时我喉咙不适,无法与他们同声开口歌唱,只好闭上眼睛欣赏他们献给神的赞美。 www.hcchome.org 1. Each day is started with a short prayer in our little chapel in the basement of our house. 每一天(的生活)我们从房子地下室的小礼拜堂里的一个简短祈祷开始。 di2jiayuan.com 2. Near these ruins, in 1953 the Franciscans built a "tent like" chapel as a sanctuary to commemorate these events. 西元1953年在这些遗址附近,方济会士盖了一座帐棚状的小教堂作为纪念这些事迹的朝圣地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Completed in 1955, the MIT Chapel is a simple cylindrical volume that has a complex and mystical quality within. 该作品完成于1955年,简单的圆柱形,内部复杂而神秘。 www.archgo.com 4. She was on the peak that Sunday afternoon when she played in Chapel. 那个星期天的下午,她在小教堂的演出,可以说是登峰造极。 dict.veduchina.com 5. (US Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel. (美国国教)管理一个小礼拜堂的牧师。 www.hotdic.com 6. The chapel was a place of refuge for the rescue workers and the clean-up crew in the months after the 2001 attacks. 2001年后几个月里,圣保罗教堂都是救援人员的栖身之地,清理工人的庇护之所。 www.ecocn.org 7. to facilitate a Sunday School Class discussion, to preach in a tiny chapel. 帮助主日学校进行讨论,在一个小教堂说教。 www.rrting.com 8. the man is engine - driver at high park , tall , with a beard , and very chapel. 居停主人是个海帕克的机关手,身材高大,长着一贪胡须,是个很信教的人。 www.ichacha.net 9. The chapel is now flagged as an inn. 礼拜堂现在是一处旅店。 bbs.game.mop.com 10. On the night of September 11, 2001, the final reporting stop I made was to an impromptu talk at St. Albans Chapel. 2001年的9月11日晚,我报道的最后一站是奥尔本教堂的临时演说。 www.bing.com 1. they're as worthy of our attention as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel? 如同米开朗基罗的西斯庭教堂一样值得我们关注? www.tingroom.com 2. I mean nobody. Not one person in that chapel. Peak Mortuary Chapel, it was called. 我说没有人,没有人在那教堂,那儿名为蒙特利山教堂。 hourofpower.org.hk 3. Rosenberg, concerned that his affair with Marjorie might cause a scandal, stood outside the chapel, watching from a distance. 罗森博格担心他与马约莉的韵事会引发丑闻,只好站在教堂外,远远地观望。 www.bing.com 4. It was the Sistine Chapel. 那就是西斯廷教堂 home.hjenglish.com 5. The course grounds now include a new hotel with a chapel . 球场区现在包括一家新开的酒店,酒店里还有个小教堂。 www.24en.com 6. Set in the town of Chapel Hill, this flagship state university has a diverse student body and offers 77 majors for undergraduates. 座落于教堂山城,这所州立旗舰大学拥有各类学生团体,并为本科生提供77个专业。 chinese.wsj.com 7. "The snow and ice world" includes bar, restaurant, wedding chapel and bedrooms. 这个冰雪世界包括了酒吧、餐厅、婚礼小教堂和住宿设施。 gb.cri.cn 8. The Black Dragon Pool Chapel, near Peking, was reserved for the Empress and her court. 黑龙池小礼拜堂,靠近北京,为皇后和她的宫廷保留。 www.bdpsclub.org 9. however, his brother, Prince Harry, was christened at St George's Chapel, Windsor. 然而,他的兄弟哈里王子则是在温莎的圣乔治教堂中受洗。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 10. He stepped toward the metal grating at the chapel's entrance. 他朝着礼拜堂的金属槅门入口走去。 www.bing.com 1. Rather than sit in the waiting room alone, Sandra spent an hour in the hospital chapel. 随后,桑德拉没有坐在等候室里,而是一直呆在医院教堂。 www.bing.com 2. a small chapel in a church; dedicated to the Virgin Mary. 大教堂内的一个小教堂;是用来纪念圣母玛利亚的。 www.ayste.com 3. Da Cesena complains that the naked bodies in the image befit the baths or a tavern, not a chapel. DaCesena抱怨说画里的裸体适合澡堂或者小酒馆,而不是一座教堂。 kk.dongxi.net 4. The complex includes two churches, a chapel, ruins of some Medieval buildings and also a modern office and hall. 修道院内有两座教堂、一个礼拜堂和一些中世纪建筑的遗迹,另外还有一座现代化的办公室和会堂。 www.bing.com 5. The riverside path is leading to a small chapel. 河边的这条小路通往一座小教堂。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And I painted the Sistine Chapel. 那我还画了西斯廷教堂呢! mysearch.100e.com 7. I was imprisoned and you crept off quietly to your chapel in the cellar and prayed for my release. 我曾经坐牢,你悄悄地匍爬,爬进你教堂的地窖,为我的释放祈祷。 www2.disciple.com.tw 8. We're talking about slightly over 100 cardinals who file into the Sistine Chapel cast ballots and pick a Pope. 我们正在谈论的是超过100名的主教们在西斯廷教堂处理文件,投票并选择一位教皇。 www.bing.com 9. Three features remain however, these are: a chapel, a restaurant and a hotel. 但是不管怎么变,其中有三个要素是始终不变的,分别为礼拜堂,餐厅和旅馆。 www.elanso.com 10. What happened to the bowl that was in the chapel near the broken oak? 枯橡树附近的小礼拜堂里的金杯除了什么事? www.chinaavg.com 1. The Sistine Chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo. 西斯廷教堂的棚顶的绘画由米开朗基罗绘制。 www.bing.com 2. A couple from the Netherlands pose shortly after their wedding at the Chapel of Flowers. 拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。一对夫妇来自荷兰摆姿势在他们婚礼举行在开花的小教堂之后不久。 bbs.scol.com.cn 3. Graffiti on a chapel on Detroit's east side predicts a renaissance. 底特律东区一座教堂上的涂鸦,预示着复兴。 newssgo.com 4. In the chapel at Beijing's National Catholic Seminary, the priests of the future sing their evening prayers. 在北京的全国天主教神学院的礼拜堂中,未来的牧师们一起歌唱晚祷词。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. A chapel dedicated to him has also been discovered further south in the hills near Aswan. 同时,一座用于纪念他的小礼拜堂也是在靠近阿斯旺的小山南部的较远处被发现。 www.bing.com 6. As well as 59 bedrooms, there is a cinema, a sauna, an art gallery, a chapel and an uber-cool vodka bar. 冰雪旅馆里有59个卧室,还有电影院、桑拿室、美术馆、小教堂和一个超酷的伏特加酒吧。 www.i21st.cn 7. After leaving the chapel the Czar inspected the chapter library. 离开教堂后,沙皇参观了教堂图书馆。 www.bing.com 8. It is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy. 这片亚麻布目前被保存在意大利都灵的圣约翰大教堂。 q.sohu.com 9. We enter the official private church of the popes, called the Sistine Chapel. It is the most famous part of the Vatican Museums. 我们进入教皇们的官方私人教堂,即西斯廷教堂,它是梵蒂冈博物馆中最著名的部分。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. In the burnished mirror of the lake, mountain, chapel, houses, groves, and boats are counterfeited so brightly and so clearly. 在波平如镜的湖里,山岭,教堂,别墅,树屏和小船的倒影那么鲜明,那么清晰。 www.tdict.com 1. He studiedCreative Writing at Appalachian State University and UNC-Chapel Hill. 他曾在阿巴拉契亚州立大学和大学教堂山分校学习创造性写作。 dongxi.net 2. In the same courtyard is the MIT Chapel, also the work of Saarinen. 在同一庭院是麻省理工学院的教堂,也是宁工作。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Mr. Riggs says he recently tabled a project to renovate the church's chapel because he sensed he couldn't raise enough money. 里格斯谈到,他最近搁置了一项翻修教堂小礼拜堂的计划,因为他觉得自己筹不到足够的钱。 word.hcbus.com 4. Built in 1879, the charming Yosemite Chapel is the oldest building in Yosemite National Park still in use. 于1879年修建的优山美地教堂,是优山美地公园最古老的而且一直在使用的建筑。 www.halliedaily.com 5. What better place to meet someone than in a chapel? 还有什么地方比教堂更适合与人见面了? www.bing.com 6. In 1508, Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. 在一五零八年,教皇朱利斯二世要求米开朗基罗为西斯廷教堂花天花板。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Soon, she supposed, Muslim men would "shit in the Sistine Chapel" . 她想,穆斯林男人可能很快会“在梵蒂冈西斯廷教堂里拉屎”。 www.ecocn.org 8. We show this in a scene in the Sistine Chapel [in Rome] where we create a big crack in the fresco of God and Adam. 我们将这个观点放到了发生在罗马西斯廷教堂的一幕里——一幅绘有上帝与亚当的壁画发生严重断裂。 www.examw.com 9. "Sincere and Dignified Since 1954, " one wedding chapel advertises. 一个结婚教堂宣传道:“自1954年以来,始终真诚和高贵。” www.kancaimi.cn 10. The chapel's air conditioning needs maintenance. 教堂的冷气机需要保养。 www.taichungmission.org 1. New quests available in Zul 'Gurub and Light's Hope Chapel for head and leg resistance enchantments . 祖尔格拉布和圣光之愿礼拜堂新增了头部和腿部抗性附魔的任务。 www.bing.com 2. In 1532 the shroud suffered damage from a fire in the chapel where it was stored. 1532年,贮藏在礼拜堂的裹尸布受到了一场火灾的破坏。 chinaufo.com 3. Edward I flayed his enemies and nailed their skin to the chapel of Pyx. 爱德华一世喜欢剥敌人的皮,把他们的皮钉在圣器礼拜堂的墙上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell. 现在先生和女士已经敲响了教堂的钟声。 www.cnhgsw.com 5. When the staff tells you they've stopped serving, it means you better hustle to chapel. 当工作人员告诉你,食堂停止服务的时候,意味着,你最好赶紧去礼拜堂。 www.bing.com 6. They also sang for Pope John Paul II in St Peter's Square and in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. 他们还为教皇保罗二世在圣比得广场和梵蒂冈西斯汀教堂演唱。 www.fcchbj.com 7. The chapel in which the small ceremony was held didn't have electricity. 举行这场小型婚礼的教堂甚至没有电。 www.bing.com 8. But, having pushed my way into the chapel, I can't see anything. 但我一挤进小教堂,我什么都没看到。 www.bing.com 9. No, Michelangelo, I don't happen to want you doing sculpture. I want you to paint the Sistine Chapel. 不,米开朗基罗,我不想要你做雕像,我希望你画西斯廷大教堂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. North Carolina is home to 88 biotech and 100 biotech-related firms, mostly in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill "research triangle" . 在北卡洛莱纳的88家生物科技公司和100家与生物科技相关的公司,大多数都位于罗利-达勒姆-教堂山“研发三角地”。 www.ecocn.org 1. Santa Maria del Popolo, Chigi Chapel , Habakkuk and the Angel. 波波洛圣母堂,齐吉礼拜堂,《哈巴谷和天使》。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Students attend chapel each morning. 每天早晨学生们去做礼拜。 bleuwater.24en.com 3. "It is a godsend to those of us in the field, " says Michael Knowles, a medical geneticist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 麦克尔·诺尔斯,一位来自查珀尔希尔北卡罗来纳州立大学的医学基因学家曾这样说:“对我们这个领域的人来说它真是一个天赐之物。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is sometimes used to create bowls and other objects and to adorn buildings, such as the Saint Wenceslas Chapel in Prague. 它有时也会被制成碗等物品,或用来装饰建筑物,例如,布拉格的圣。 gemstone.org 5. I went to Rome to look at the Sistine Chapel, and I called him from a pay phone in front of St. Peter's to describe every detail. 有一天我到罗马去参观西斯廷大教堂,在圣?彼得教堂前的一个公用电话亭里我和他打了电话,向他仔细描述了这里的每一个细节。 www.ebigear.com 6. A pop-up chapel will be erected in Central Park on July 30th, providing an officiating person and cupcakes. 6月30日,中央公园将竖立一个弹起式的小教堂,提供一名神父和纸杯蛋糕。 www.ecocn.org 7. The quietness of the chapel has casted away noises from the earthen world. 教堂的寂静把外面的嘈杂关在了门外。 www.ebigear.com 8. Highlord Tirion Fordring: Your master knows what lies beneath the chapel. 你的主人知道这礼拜堂之下是什么。 bbs.duowan.com 9. Laura: It is. You can even get married at a drive-thru chapel in Las Vegas. 劳拉:是的。你甚至可以在拉斯维加斯的“得来速”小教堂里举行婚礼呢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Michaeangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel are the most famous of all frescoes. 米开朗琪罗在西斯廷教堂的壁画是世界上最著名的壁画。 www.hxen.com 1. At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel. 那座小教堂矗立在山顶上。 www.hxen.com 2. A German sniper sees off Cecil in the first world war, so we soon leave him, stiff and cold in the family chapel. 一个德国狙击手在一战时将Cecil击毙,他就这样被安放在了自家的礼拜堂里,僵硬,冰冷。 www.ecocn.org 3. The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Highlord Trion Fordring says: Your master knows what lies beneath the chapel. It is why he dares not show his face! 大领主提里奥。弗丁说:你的主人知道教堂下面藏着什么,这就是为什么他没有出面的原因! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Other major monuments include King's College Chapel, Cambridge (1446-1515), and the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey. 其它主要的遗迹包括剑桥国王学院的小礼拜堂(1446~1515),以及西敏寺内亨利七世的小礼拜堂。 www.tdict.com 6. My English instructor stopped me on the way out from chapel last night. 昨晚从教堂出来,英语教师把我叫住。 7. The chamber of sickness is the chapel of devotion. 病房就是祈祷堂。 english.yxgong.net 8. In addition, the video also gives a brief shot of the chapel inside Sealand. 另外,本影片也拍摄到在西兰里面的小教堂。 hk.geocities.com 9. Jason Ray was a ray of joy on the University of North Carolina campus in Chapel Hill. 雷杰森是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的喜乐之光。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. We enter the official private church of the pops, called the Sistine Chapel. 现在我们进入教皇的官方私人教堂,名为西斯廷教堂。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. She traveled to Smith Middle School in Chapel Hill, N. C. 她来到位于北卡罗来纳州教堂山的史密斯中学。 www.bing.com 2. Why has the Navy JAG ruled that the Bible can't be quoted in the chapel? 为什麽有海军JAG裁决,圣经无法被引述在教堂里?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Mass moonings - In 1832, 300 female Convicts at the Cascade Female Factory mooned the Governor of Tasmania during a chapel service. 集体裸露-1832,卡思卡特妇女工厂的300名女流放犯在塔斯马尼亚州总督做礼拜时集体裸露注。 www.elanso.com 4. The fresco in the Sistine chapel are world-famous. 西斯廷教学的壁画举世闻名。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. he wasn tin the chapel , that i ll swear. 我敢发誓,刚才他并没在小教堂里。 www.ichacha.net 6. On emerging from the chapel, a well is visible on the left. 从礼拜堂出来,朝左,我们可以看见一口井。 www.ebigear.com 7. Can I offer you a lift to chapel - in my twenty-first birthday present? 你愿意搭车去教堂吗?用我二十一岁的生日礼物。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 8. Kenan teaches creative writing at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 凯南在位于查珀尔希尔(ChapelHill)的北卡罗来纳大学(UniversityofNorthCarolina)教授创意写作。 www.america.gov 9. His enemy turned and paraded from the chapel. 他的敌人转身朝着礼拜堂踏步走去。 www.bing.com 10. Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announce they have decoded the structure of an entire HIV genome. 来自查珀希尔得北卡罗来纳大学的科学家宣称,他们破解了整个HIV染色体组结构的编码。 cbs.ausbio.com 1. EarthSky spoke with biomedical engineer Ted Bateman of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 今天节目组采访了北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的生物医学工程师泰德?贝特曼。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The entrance is flanked to left by the cafeteria and to right by the library, with music rooms and chapel above. 入口左侧是自助餐厅,右侧邻接图书馆,上部是音乐教室和小礼拜堂。 site.douban.com 3. The names of another 3, 000 Americans whose bodies were never found are inscribed in the chapel nearby. 另外3000名美国士兵的名字被镌刻在附近的教堂里,他们的尸体一直都没有找到。 www.bing.com 4. Cizek, a professor of educational measurement and evaluation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. GregoryJ.Cizek称。他是教育评估与衡量的教授,现执教于北卡大学教堂山分校。 www.bing.com 5. I stood before the entrance to Henry the Seventh's chapel. 我站在亨利七世礼拜堂的入口处。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This is not my idea of a chapel. 我想象中的礼拜堂不是这样的。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Tommorow is Book Study in the chapel. 明天是教会的读书日。 webbbs.gamer.com.tw 8. He played basketball at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 他在教堂山的北卡来罗纳州大学打篮球。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. On one tour through Italy, he attended a concert in the Sistine Chapel, where he heard a performance of Allegri's Miserere. 一次到义大利巡迴时,他参加一场西斯汀教堂的音乐会,在此他听见阿雷格里的《垂怜曲》。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A group of GI's leaving the chapel after a mass. 一个美国大兵的群众后,离开了教堂组。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Henry! 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教授亨利! university.emm3.net 2. The main house has more than 10, 000 square feet, plus 26, 000 square feet in other buildings, including a chapel. 主屋的面积逾10,000平方英尺,其它建筑的面积为26,000平方英尺(其中包括一个小礼拜堂)。 www.bing.com 3. You saw me crying in the chapel. 你看见我在教堂里哭泣 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Eve Marie Carson , 22, was elected student body president at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in February 2007. 伊夫。玛丽。卡森,22岁,2007年2月在北卡罗莱纳查普希尔大学北推选为学生会主席。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In Paris, a Gulf princess spent $96. 9 million last year for a mansion with an inner courtyard, garden and private chapel on the Left Bank. 去年,海湾国家的某位公主花9,690万美元买下了一座位于巴黎左岸、带内部庭院、花园和私人教堂的宅邸。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The monks want to build a commemorative chapel. 参访的东正教士表示希在那儿建一座纪念教堂。 www.ecocn.org 7. Jelin: Let us say the grace together to end this morning chapel. 我们同念祝福文以结束今天的早祷! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Where is the chapel's exit? 教堂的出口在哪? www.taichungmission.org 9. A place for prayer, such as a small private chapel. 祷告所:用来作祈祷的地方,例如私人修的小教堂。 www.fane.cn 10. The chapel was dedicated in 1880. 这座小教堂於1880年举行献堂礼。 dict.netat.net |
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