单词 | dressing |
释义 |
复数:dressings n. bandage,covering,gauze dressing 显示所有例句 例句释义: 打扮,穿着,沙拉酱,调味汁,装饰,敷料,修整,穿衣 1. Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda. 在岛上的第一天早上,我醒的很早。披上酒店提供的睡袍,我走到阳台上。 www.hjenglish.com 2. "I would think a loss like this might take a little bit out of their sails, " said Jordan Farmar, dressing slowly. “我想这场失利可能会阻碍他们的前进道路。”法码尔正在慢慢地穿上衣服。 www.kobechina.com.cn 3. But, ultimately, the greatest challenge was one I had never anticipated and one that the doctor did not discuss: dressing. 但,最终,我所遇到的最大挑战,却是我从未想过且医生也不曾讨论过的一件事:穿衣服。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The chicken salad (25 yuan) with balsamic dressing surprised our palate agreeably but the watery chicken took away a bit of the enjoyment. 鸡肉色拉(25元)肉滑味美,真是让我们大饱口福,不过就是鸡肉的松软又显得有点美中不足。 www.elanso.com 5. This was such a fun film because I got to experience dressing up in crazy clothes and having sky-high hair and funky makeup. 拍电影太有趣了,因为我能打扮得很疯狂,梳着那些高高立着的发型,画着Funky妆。 group.mtime.com 6. He waited for some minutes, then, very quietly and carefully, he went back to the door of her dressing-room. 他等了几分钟,然后,轻轻地,小心翼翼地,他又走回到她的化妆室的门口。 www.kekenet.com 7. It had begun as an electrical fire in the Zebra Room, adjacent to the bride's dressing room. 火灾是从新娘化妆室旁“斑马屋”的电火花开始的。 www.bing.com 8. I knew that I needed help but I wasn't ready to tell anyone about my cross dressing needs. 我知道,我需要求助他人,但我并不准备将我的变装需求告诉他人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In the USA and Canada, the term "French Salad Dressing" is often used to describe what is essentially a mixture of oil, vinegar and ketchup. 在美国和加拿大,“法国沙拉酱”这个名词通常是用来表示一种混合油、醋和番茄酱的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The way, I mean, we were sort of dressing and manifesting, and dealing ideas, you know, trading ideas. 我的意思是,我们需要打扮并证明,交换想法,你知道,交换想法。 www.kekenet.com 1. and as one would say of a king 'He is in his cabinet, ' so one could say of him, 'The emperor is in his dressing-room. 关于他,你如其说“国王在内阁会议上”,不如说“皇帝在更衣室里”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Such a statement conforms to the image of Berbatov as an unorthodox and occasionally withdrawn character in the United dressing room. 这番话说明贝巴在曼联更衣室里的也变得沉默。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. They were making a bit of toilet sociably together in Mrs. Baroda's dressing-room. 在巴罗达夫人的更衣室里,他们稍加梳洗。 www.bing.com 4. He watched as she took off the bridal shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing table . 他凝视着她取下了新娘头巾,把它搭在椅子上,把新娘花冠放在小梳妆台上。 dict.veduchina.com 5. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. 敷料,石膏模一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位 dict.ebigear.com 6. But you know I don't feel like dressing up to go someplace fancy. 但是你知道的,我不喜欢打扮一番后去什么特别的地方吃饭。 bbs.24en.com 7. Unfortunately there was nothing else I could do but walk back to the dressing room, but I already knew what happened to me wasn't good. 不幸的是我除了回更衣室再不能做其他事了,而且我知道事情对我不妙。 www.our-sky.com 8. You are used to having control in the dressing room. How did you find it when William Gallas said he would do his own thing? 你一向习惯于控制更衣室里的气氛,当加拉说他要做自己想做的事时,你是怎么觉得的? bbs.qieerxi.com 9. It has worried me a tryod dens for the last week. . . so now I would like to put it on my dressing-tabdominisle watching it very e. 上周牙疼一直搅扰着我,所以现在我要把它摆放在我的梳妆台,看它还怎样疼! sjp123.com 10. Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself. 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。 www.ebigear.com 1. Gradually you may find that your colleagues will start dressing like you, speaking like you and eating in the same places as you. 渐渐地,你可能会发现有同事开始学你穿衣,模仿你讲话,和你去同样的餐馆吃午餐。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A couple notes: This recipe makes more dressing than you'll need. But the leftover will keep refrigerated for a week or two. 注:这个食谱所需调料比实际需要量要多,但用剩的可以放入冰箱保存一到两个星期。 www.bing.com 3. These included dressing up nicely for a partner, keeping tabs of his movements and telling off other women who look at him. 这些手段包括为了伴侣好好打扮,留意他的行踪,和斥责那些对自己伴侣“心怀叵测”的女人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. 'You are going to have supper with me, ' she said. 'Meantime, read a book. I'm going into my dressing- room for a moment. ' “您等一会儿跟我一起吃夜宵,”她对我说,“吃夜宵以前,您拿一本书看看好了,我要到梳妆间去一会儿。” www.bing.com 5. He loved dressing up in his Halloween costume around the house and acting like he was spiderman. 他喜欢穿着他的万圣节服装满屋子乱跑,然后假装自己是无所不能的蜘蛛侠。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We arrived at the palace, went in, and got to the dressing-room. When we opened the door, Fritz was asleep, but he woke immediately. 我们到达王宫,走进去直到更衣室。当我们开开门时,弗里茨正在熟睡,但他立刻就醒来了。 www.kekenet.com 7. He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float. 他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。 www.jukuu.com 8. The mother was abusing the maid for having forgotten to make the dressing for the chicken salad which had been prepared for the watchers. 女佣忘记了给为守灵人准备的凉拌鸡打佐料,母亲正在那儿责骂。 www.bing.com 9. Sb. Whose primary interest is dressing fashionably My little sister is such a clotheshorse. She spends all of her money on shoes. 我的小妹妹是个特别爱打扮的人。她吧所有钱都花在买鞋子上了。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 10. But it was the question that she had been wanting to ask and there seemed little point in dressing it up with more words. 不过,这个问题就是她一直想问的,而且似乎在言语上再多加修饰也没什么意义。 www.24en.com 1. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. 当你在准备上学的时候,只用毛巾随便的擦了一下你的脸,我就骂你。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The man received him in his dressing-room, and after their business talk was over the wonders of the house were taken up. 男人在他的化妆室中收到他,而且在他们的生意谈话之后是在房子的奇迹之上被着手进行。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. She was telling me how much she has changed but I think it's just window-dressing. Underneath she's the same. 她告诉我她改变了很多,但我认为那只是表面现象,实际内心还是原来的她。 bbs.hjenglish.com 4. In my years of experience it is best to be without a top player to leave the squad calm in the dressing room. 以我这些年的经验,阵容里没有超级球星会让更衣室保持安静。 www.milanchina.com 5. Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, lime and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left. 把菠菜和以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙和酱油组成的简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入热面条和蔬菜,余下的工作就完成了。 www.bing.com 6. She was in her dressing sack when he called. There was a bucket of champagne on the dresser. 卡尔上门时伊雷娜穿着晨衣,梳妆台上摆着一桶香槟,屋里很暗,她的声音很好听。 www.bing.com 7. "Generally speaking, the USA seems to be the only country that cares about their political leaders dressing domestic, " Angeloni says. 安杰洛尼说:“一般说来,美国好像是唯一一个觉得政治领导人应该穿成本国风格的国家。” www.ftchinese.com 8. All of a sudden, Michael came out of his dressing room, in his "BAD" outfit, buckles and belts. 突然,MJ从他的着装间里出来,穿着BAD的全套装备,扣环和腰带。 mj520.5d6d.com 9. It is nice to see someone dressing differently. I just think, from far away, that flesh-colored underdress could be a little misleading. 看到有人穿着不拘一格固然是好事。我只是觉得,从远处看,肉色的底裤有点容易让人产生误解。 www.hjenglish.com 10. There is a bit of frustration. We are disappointed because when we got to the dressing room we were told that Chelsea drew and Arsenal lost. 当赛后我们回到更衣室听到切尔西和阿森纳的比赛是一平一负后,我们很懊恼没有抓住这次的机会。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Her mother impatiently met her at the door of the dressing-room, to ask why Lady Catherine would not come in again and rest herself. 她母亲在化妆室门口等她等得心急了,这会儿一见到她,便连忙问她为什么咖苔琳夫人不回到屋子里来休息一会儿再走。 www.hjenglish.com 2. No, like when I got back to my dressing room, you know, it could have been a big grain of my life, potential way. 不,就像当我回到自己的更衣室,你知道,这可能是我生命的一部分,潜在的方式。 www.kekenet.com 3. Jesse was looking resplendent in a fine pin-striped suit, and I kidded him about dressing up like a Republican today for the Speaker. 杰西穿了一套细条纹的西装,看起来光彩照人,我开玩笑说,他为了议长盛装打扮得像一个共和党人。 www.bing.com 4. his aunts and his wife came out of the ladies' dressing-room. 姨妈和妻子从女客化妆室出来。 www.51kantie.com 5. It has worried me a good deal for the last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache. 上周牙疼一直困扰着我,所以现在我要把它摆放在我的梳妆台,看它还怎么疼! www.for68.com 6. If you can't stand the heat in the dressing-room, get out of the kitchen. 如果你受不了卧室的温度,那么你就从厨房出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The count, by any opening from the bedroom, or by concealing himself in the dressing-room, would be able to defend his property himself. 伯爵只要躲在寝室的门窗后面,或隐藏在更衣室里,就足以亲自保护他的财产。 www.jukuu.com 8. He said he had been dressing up in women's clothing since high school, adding that it was his "true identity" . 他提到从高中时起就开始穿女装,此外他还表示这才是“真正的”。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Brian : It would be if only they would let me put my bed on the green and let me wear my dressing gown around the club. 布莱恩:是的,如果他们让我在草地上摆放我的床,并让我在会所内穿睡衣的话。 www.wwenglish.com 10. When her mother went up to her dressing-room at night, she followed her, and made the important communication. 晚上母亲进化妆室去的时候,伊丽莎白也跟着母亲一起去,把这个重要的消息告诉她。 www.ebigear.com 1. "It was not a dressing down, in fact - indeed, the president did affirm the work we have done, " Mr. Tung said. 董特首说:“此次演讲并非随便说说,实际上,胡主席还是肯定了我们在过去的工作。” bbs.cjdby.net 2. However, it's clear from his subsequent interviews that this was something which irritated everyone from that Liverpool dressing-room. 然而,在后来对他的采访中,这是个让利物浦所有球员都非常生气的评论。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. Sebastien Squillaci admits he may be an old man in the Arsenal dressing room, but the veteran defender maintains his best is yet to come. 塞巴斯蒂安·斯奎拉奇承认他在更衣室里可能算是老人家了,但是这位后防老兵认为他还可以更好。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. We have always kept this kind of thing within the dressing room, but that seems to have changed now. 我们通常都是在更衣室里探讨这些问题,但现在情况似乎有了变化。 www.bing.com 5. Then he shows how dressing and undressing works. Brilliant! ! I never have seen such a thing before in a concert. 随后他表演如何在后台换衣服,太棒了!!我从来没有在演唱会中见识过任何类似的环节! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate. 希律和他的兵丁就藐视耶稣,戏弄他,给他穿上华丽衣服,把他送回彼拉多那里去。 www.ebigear.com 7. Around this large central pool were smaller rooms, that might have dressing rooms, and smaller pools that might have been private baths . 在这个巨大的中央水池周围的是较小的房间,也许是更衣室,较小的水池也许是用作私人沐浴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It was the dressing-room, laid out with all the articles of toilet, in which the dead woman's extravagance seemed to be seen at its height. 那是间化妆室,放着所有梳妆用品,从这点看来这已死女人的奢侈已经到了极顶。 ebook.tianya.cn 9. Danny is a very popular lad in the dressing room and he took no time at all to settle in. 在更衣室里辛普森很受欢迎,他没花什么时间就适应下来了。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. and from my own knowledge, I can declare, she is such a fine-dressing lady, that she is enough to ruin any servants she comes near. 就我所知,我敢说她是个讲究穿戴的女人,任何用人接近她都会被带坏。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Ask for salad dressing to be served "on the side" , so you can add only as much as you want. 要求沙拉酱须送达“一方”,这样你就可以只添加了你想要的。 mingbai.pujia.com 2. Ariel was on her to be, on top to watch computer, even regarded master's head as her dressing table, to comb herself seriously. 爱瑞儿恃宠而骄,站在头顶上看电脑、甚至把先生的头当成了梳妆台,竟然在上面认真梳理起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. She had not troubled to dress herself, but wore a dirty dressing-gown, and her hair was tied in a sluttish knot. 她压根儿没有梳洗,只穿着一身肮脏的梳装袍子,头发胡乱地束成一团。 4. There is no doubt that the dressing room, the staff, everyone around the place is 100 per cent solid behind what we are trying to do. 有一点是毫无疑问的,所有的球员,职员,俱乐部的每个人都百分百的团结,为了一个共同的目标努力。 bbs.ept-team.com 5. The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes. 孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。 wenwen.soso.com 6. "If you want more responsibility and more autonomy , you're going to be taken more seriously if you're dressing appropriately , " she said. “如果你想被予以更多重任、拥有更多自主权,那么得体的穿着则会让你显得更加庄重。” dict.hjenglish.com 7. He said the right stimulus plan would "not be window-dressing" and would have a "measureable" impact on growth. 他表示,适当的激励计划“不是一种形式”,将对经济增长产生“重大”影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends. 这始于一个玩笑,他将自家制作的沙拉酱装在一个旧酒瓶里再系上一个蝴蝶结送给自己的朋友们。 www.ecocn.org 9. Health care in England is free at the point of delivery; help with washing, dressing and eating is not (though it is in Scotland). 在英格兰,医疗护理在配送上是免费的;而衣食不是免费的(尽管这在苏格兰是免费的)。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Magical Sapor combines my interests in cooking and dressing up as a fairy godmother into a set of seasoning wands. 这个魔法调料盒激起了我做饭的兴趣,让我想装扮成一个带着调料魔杖的神仙教母。 www.bing.com 1. Dressing up in costumes of chemicals to the specified packaging departments to meet the test standard is inaccessible to enabled. 盛装化学品的包装,必须到指定部门检验,满足有关试验标准后方可启用。 www.bing.com 2. The small, dark dressing rooms we used to have have been converted into two large airy rooms, so they're much more comfortable now. 过去阴暗、狭小的更衣室现在被改建为两间空气新鲜并且舒适的大房间。 www.hxen.com 3. His attitude is excellent. He's a good professional and a good presence to have around the dressing room. 他在更衣室里是个职业的典范能做很好的榜样。 www.bing.com 4. Those who enjoy power dressing - or wearing clothes of any kind, for that matter - need not apply. 喜欢一身权威穿著,或是为了展现权威而穿著任何服装的人,不用来应徵了。 suyage.com:8080 5. While the rest of theater continued to talk about Christine, one young man was hurrying towards her dressing room. 就在剧院里的人们还在对克里斯汀议论纷纷时,一名年轻男子已经匆匆赶往她的更衣室了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Rob would have walked in to the dressing room, felt everybody looking at him, and thought the world has collapsed around him. 罗伯已经走到更衣室时,觉得大家都在看着他,好像世界已经崩溃了。 www.bing.com 7. What's she looking at me? for no dressing? or for my strong muscles? 没有穿衣服么?还是我强健的肌肉? q.sohu.com 8. Leave a note on her pillow, a note on her dressing table mirror, a note on the breakfast table, and a note on her car's steering wheel. 在她的枕头、梳妆镜、早餐桌、汽车的方向盘上统统留下爱的小便条。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. yes , i found a recipe for a coloring cream in mother ' s old dressing table. 好啊,我在母亲的旧梳妆台上找到了一份染色乳膏的配方。 www.ichacha.net 10. Now, let's start thinking about dressing up the ODS file a bit for a more appealing look. 现在,让我们开始考虑如何美化这个ODS文件,使其外观更吸引人。 www.ibm.com 1. The all-day Karma Kids Club keeps younger guests entertained with treasure hunts, dressing up and junior cookery classes. 全天营业的KarmaKidsClub向孩子们提供着寻宝,装扮以及初级烹饪。 www.bing.com 2. Waking up in the dressing room I found my mom at my side. 醒来时我发现自己躺在化装室,妈妈就在身边。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Ray Parlour was one of the funniest guys. He has that typical English humour and you need guys like that in the dressing room. 帕洛尔是一个很有趣的人,他身上有特有的英式幽默,你的更衣室需要那样一个家伙。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If you see some people dressing casually and others dressing formally, IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO DRESS A LITTLE BIT MORE FORMALLY. 如果看到公司职员有些穿着休闲,有些则穿着正式,那么,穿正式一些的服装总是比穿休闲服装要好一些。 www.englishtang.com 5. Careful with dressings ! Salad is healthy , yes , but get an oily or creamy dressing and you could make it as fattening as a burger . 谨慎使用调料!没错,色拉是健康食品,但加入含油或含奶油的调料,你会让它变得像汉堡包一样容易使人发胖。 www.bing.com 6. Going from potato chips to brussel sprouts might be a stretch, but dipping some carrot sticks in salad dressing is a great place to start. 从马铃薯片到比京芽菜需要一段时间,但在沙拉里放一点胡萝卜是一个好的开始。 www.elanso.com 7. After her couch use tape and cardboard make a simple dressing. She was able to limp onto the podium. 教练用胶带和纸板进行了简单包扎后,她才得以一瘸一拐走上领奖台。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In northern China, especially in farming communities, people celebrates new year by dressing up in ancient costumes and parading on streets. 在中国北方,尤其是农村地区,人们穿上古时候的衣服,走上街头游行,以庆祝新年。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Mary ripped the idea of dressing like a vampire for the costume party from her sister. 玛莉在化装舞会上扮成吸血鬼的构想,是从她姊姊那儿偷来的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Public swimming pool of the dressing room is always simple, stools, closestool, store content ark is public, hard to avoid with bacteria. 公共游泳池的更衣室通常都比较简单,凳子、马桶、储物柜都是公用的,难免沾上细菌。 www.99inf.com 1. I felt like an actor whose every costume change is set out in the dressing room . 我感觉像一个演员一样,想换什么样的衣服时,更衣室里都已经准备好了。 www.bing.com 2. There is a positive atmosphere in the dressing room and I can't see any difference between this time and a year ago. 更衣室里的气氛向来乐观积极,与一年前相比,我看不出这次有什么不同。 www.bing.com 3. A visual reminder might be just enough to give you pause next time before you ladle on the blue cheese dressing. 这种视觉提醒的方式影响也会足够久,下一次吃沙拉时,浇上蓝奶酪沙拉酱前你肯定会迟疑下了。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Everyone agrees the dinner must be prepared around a roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juice as it roasts. 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必须以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液。 www.ecp.com.cn 5. Sir Alex Ferguson made his views pretty clear in the press conference and I dare say he did the same in the dressing room as well. 弗格森爵士在记者会上已经说的很明白了,我敢说他在更衣室说的也差不多。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. So whereas before, women dressed up in order to attract men, nowadays men are also dressing up to attract women. 所以说,以前是女人为了吸引男人而打扮自己。现在男人也为了吸引女人而打扮。 www.oxford.com.cn 7. Request your salad dressing on the side so that you can carefully pour just a small amount. 请服务生将沙拉酱另外放在沙拉旁。这样你就可以谨慎地淋上少许来食用。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 8. A Study on the Surface and Interface Properties of a New Hydrophilic PU for Wound Dressing. 新型亲水性聚氨酯敷料表面界面性能的研究。 www.ilib.cn 9. The chamber with a dressing-room, which he occupied with Cosette, was the one whose window opened on the boulevard. 他和珂赛特所住的这间带一个小间的屋子,便是窗口对着大路的那间。 www.ebigear.com 10. It was a cheap sort of top dressing in which I had entire faith. 这些是我最信赖的,最便宜的一种上等肥料。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Most pathetic was the idea that dressing casually helped you to be creative. 最可悲的想法是认为休闲打扮有利于增强创造力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. All Souls Day was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils. 这是和Samhain相似的庆典,巨大的篝火、游行和穿着各式服装的圣人、天使和魔鬼都聚在了一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Even the application of a cotton pellet upon the medicinal interim dressing beneath the temporary filling must be avoided. 即便是在临时修复体下方使用药棉球也是必须避免的。 www.ch120.org 4. It helps, for starters, that he speaks perfect English and has a personality that has made him a popular member of the dressing room. 作为一个新来的,他英语说得很好,性格开朗让他在更衣室很受欢迎。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. Squeeze the rest of the orange juice into a bowl and mix with the olive oil to make a dressing. 剩下的橙榨汁,混合着橄榄油,把碗里的原料一起搅拌做成色拉。 zhan.renren.com 6. Mum was dressing the children up for the party. 妈妈正在给孩子们打扮起来准备参加晚会。 www.caichina.com 7. Benitez explained: "Clearly Stevie needed to do a special warm-up in the dressing room with the physics. " 贝尼特斯解释道:“显然杰拉德经过在更衣室的物理治疗后需要一场特殊的热身赛。” engbbs.fans1.com 8. What he is doing is just like dressing up in Klan outfits and walk in to a Black Panther bar. 他他的行动就像是穿三K党的服装打扮走进了黑豹吧。 www.arms-cool.net 9. Mother is dressing in her room. Grandma and Grandpa are waiting by the door. 母亲正在房间里梳妆打扮。爷爷和奶奶正在门旁等候。 www.jukuu.com 10. In Sichuan province, Zongzi is usually served with a sugar dressing. 在四川省粽子一般都是蘸糖吃。节日快乐哈… space.yeeyan.org 1. And you shall wear your dressing-gown at breakfast tomorrow---and every morning for a week! 和你穿你的梳妆的袍子在早餐和明天---每天早上一个星期! wenwen.soso.com 2. JON STEWART, GRAMMY AWARDS HOST: Stop dressing me with your eyes. 别老是用你们的眼睛盯着我看。 edu.beelink.com.cn 3. When he started dressing like a tramp he claimed it was, in part, to advertise his refusal to join polite, ie, hypocritical society. 他像一个流浪汉那样穿衣时,声称这在某种程度上是表明他拒绝与上流社会(换言之,即虚伪社会)为伍。 www.ecocn.org 4. From the point of geometry modeling and texture mapping, computer emulation methods of three dimension dressing of fabric are introduced. 从几何建模和纹理映射方面介绍了实现高质量的织物三维着装效果的计算机仿真方法。 www.dictall.com 5. In Moscow he felt comfortable, warm, at home, and snugly dirty, as in an old dressing-gown. 在莫斯科定居,就像穿着一种旧长衫似的,温暖、舒适、不干净。 novel.tingroom.com 6. As the banquet tonight has no particular requirement for dressing, you can wear your favorite. 因为这次晚宴对服装没有特别的要求,你可以穿你心爱的旗袍。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She said she hid in a dressing room with four other shoppers and an employee. 她说她掩藏了在一间化装室与四个其它顾客和雇员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. When the dressing room only had your name on the door, what did you think they just forgot? 换装室门上只有你的名字,你认为他们只是忘记了? www.kekenet.com 9. Instead of mixing a salad dressing in a small jar, you might have to prepare it in a 20-gallon container. 您可能会在一个20加仑的容器中混合沙拉,而不是一个小罐中进行的。 www.ibm.com 10. The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable. 整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。 www.i21st.cn 1. BREE: Great. Everything is just great. Okay, well, I got you the honey mustard dressing; the ranch looked just a little bit suspect. 很好,一切都很好。我给你的沙拉浇了蜂蜜黄芥末酱。这吃的东西看起来怪怪的。 www.qzmama.org 2. Put more simply, philosophy is the dressing up in rational argument of moral beliefs, intuitions and desires. 简言之,哲学就是以理性的论证粉饰道德信仰、觉和欲望。 www.jukuu.com 3. The result of ore dressing experiment focused on antimony shows that the main recovered mineral is antimonite , with recoverable of gold. 以锑为主的选矿试验结果表明,主要回收对象为辉锑矿,并可综合回收金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The dressing room dressing down was responsible for the late arrival for the restart of a few Chelsea players explained Terry. 在更衣室的训话是队员出场迟到的原因,队长特里说道。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. There was also, in their view, a prevailing feeling that women bore some of the blame for dressing or behaving provocatively. 在他们的观点里也有一种非常盛行的感受就是妇女应该承担部分因穿着不当或者行为挑逗而造成这种局面的责任。 www.bing.com 6. The old prince was dressing deliberately in his room, scowling and ruminating on what he was to do. 老公爵在书斋里不慌不忙地穿上衣服,蹙起额角,周密地考虑他要怎样对付。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The invention also relates to a foam structure produced by the method and a wound dressing containing the foam structure. 本发明还涉及由此方法制得的泡沫结构体和含有该泡沫结构体的伤口敷料。 ip.com 8. You can enjoy the experience of cross dressing but having fun with that experience makes it so much more enjoyable. 你可能喜欢变装,但是,变装经历带来的乐趣才使变装如此地更令人欢乐愉快。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There's no way he smells, he's the only one around here with a shower in his dressing room. 不可能是他呀,他刚从更衣室里洗了澡出来。 ldh95.blogchina.com 10. The difficulty of dressing superhard wheel is one of the main obstruction to popularize application in industry. 超硬砂轮修整的困难,是生产上推广应用的主要障碍之一。 www.showxiu.com 1. Today I got up a little earlier and scrabbled for dressing up. Then I scurried to the kitchen and ignited the gas for boiling water. 今天我早些起床然后挣扎着穿上衣服,急跑到厨房,打开煤气煮水。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Amauri asserts that there is no divide in the Juventus dressing room and expects the Old Lady to turn things around quickly. 阿毛里表示尤文图斯更衣室没有矛盾,并期待尤文尽快扭转不利局面,重回正轨。 news.juvezone.com 3. Yet, while England will have to do without Rooney's goals and invention, they will miss his presence in the dressing room just as keenly. 现在,英格兰必须不依赖鲁尼的进球和创造力,他们在更衣室里会很想念他的。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. Remove the dressing at least once per day for inspection and washing of the skin. The dressing can then be reapplied. 每天至少取下美皮护一次,观察和清洗皮肤。取下的美皮护可以再贴上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bruce and I made up pretty quickly. At the final whistle we had a big hug and shared a few beers and champagne in the dressing room. 布鲁斯和我很快就和好了,在终场哨响时我们深深地拥抱并还在更衣室里分享了啤酒和香槟。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. What was even the point of dressing up with Rosalie around? 有罗莎莉在身边为什么我还得打扮? bookapp.book.qq.com 7. Let's be clear about this: I love dressing up, putting make-up on and prancing about with a sword in my hand. 让我们认清楚这一点吧:我喜欢穿上戏服,画上妆,拿着一把剑闪展腾挪。 www.orlandobloomcn.net 8. "Just a little bit in a dressing spoils the whole salad? " “仅仅调料汁里的一点点就弄糟了一整盘色拉?” www.bing.com 9. If you are looking for a great Father's Day or Birthday gift, this luxury dressing gown may be just what you are looking for. 如果你在寻找父亲节礼物,或是生日礼物,这件豪华的浴袍也许正是你在找的。 www.kekenet.com 10. Through one of the windows of the bedroom, on a line with that in the dressing-room, the count could see into the street. 从和更衣室平行的寝室的窗口里望出去,伯爵可以看到外面的街道。 www.jukuu.com 1. Handsome men also need dressing up, how could you be stylish without a pair of cool sunglasses? 帅哥也是要扮的,没有一副有型的太阳镜,怎能在这个夏天也有型呢? blog.sina.com.cn 2. One of the most special moments for Zheng was taking photos of herself and her future husband in an unusual practice of cross-dressing. 对于郑来说,最特别的时刻之一就是拍她和未来的老公互换婚服穿之时。 www.bing.com 3. The foundation injects the energetic moisture content into skin, creates the transparent dressing of making up, there is no sense of burden. 为肌肤注入饱满的水份,创造水泽透明妆容、无负担感; www.verycolor.com 4. cooked meats and eggs and vegetables usually arranged in rows around the plate and dressed with a salad dressing. 煮熟的肉、鸡蛋和蔬菜,通常在盘子边上排成一圈,用色拉敷料加以装饰。 www.hotdic.com 5. But the fact that such an image persists says much for our lack of talent for casual but chic dressing in a hot climate. 但这种印象挥之不去这个事实,很大程度上反映出,我们缺乏在炎热的天气里将自己打扮得既休闲又别致的天赋。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Usually, there is a dressing table against the wall, to which a mirror is attached. 靠墙通常有一张梳妆台,而且有一面镜子。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 7. This series products are mainly used for top dressing, widely used in vegetables, fruit trees and other cash crops. 该系列产品主要用于追肥,广泛适用于蔬菜、果树等经济作物。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Ore dressing refers to the concentration of a RAW ore. Dressing can separate the desired mineral from much of the associated gangue. 选矿就是精选生矿。通过选矿,有用矿物从伴随的脉石中分离出来。 dict.ebigear.com 9. He knows Andy Carroll and Glen Johnson (from England duty) so it will help walking into a dressing room with plenty of familiar faces. 他也了解卡罗尔和格伦(同在英格兰队),所以这些熟悉的面孔都会帮助他步入更衣室。 www.lfc.org.cn 10. The model hospital, located at a temple, possessed relatively standard operation rooms, dressing rooms, a pharmacy and a laboratory. 模范医院建在一座庙中,建设了比较规范的手术室、换药室、药房和化验室,还有一台高倍显微镜; cbs.ausbio.com 1. Veronica finds Nick dressing in the bedroom and apologizes for her earlier behavior. Veronica在寝室找到了Nick,他正在穿衣,Veronica为她先前的行为向他道歉。 www.bing.com 2. It was while we were back in the kitchen in our dressing gowns, raiding the fridge, we discovered a need for company. 我们穿着睡衣走进厨房,乱翻了一通冰箱,发现还需要找一些人来陪伴我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "They imagined we were dressing up in robes and chanting, " he says. “他们想象我们穿着长袍在念咒,”他说。 www.bing.com 4. I can remember walking into the dressing room and the first thing I saw was Zola's bum as he reached for his towel! 我还记得走进更衣室时,第一眼看到的是佐拉(前切尔西球员---译注)的光屁股,他正要取他的毛巾! www.bing.com 5. all right . i ' ll repeat your order . one black and one white coffee , a piece of cheese cake and a green salad , with french dressing. 好,我重复你们的食品。一黑一白咖啡,一件芝士蛋糕,一个杂菜沙律。 www.ichacha.net 6. This was perhaps his only weakness, and it was necessary to make him a well-padded dressing-gown. 这恐怕是它唯一的弱点。居民们只好给它做一件厚厚的睡衣穿。 novel.tingroom.com 7. This suite has a dressing closet and separate entrance off of the private deck that leads to the garden. 这间套房设有更衣室衣柜和零丁的入口,毗连私家休歇木制平台,通往花园。 quancai.com 8. We are content to have him back as he gives everyone a lift and his liveliness helps the whole dressing room. 我们很高兴看到他回来,他使大家的精神为之一振,而他的活跃也影响了整个更衣室。 www.bing.com 9. Note that some places don't have dressing rooms, so it's smart to wear a modest thin layer in case you need to strip down in the aisle. 留意哪能些地方没有试衣间,以防万一你必需在过道脱衣服,事先穿上一件适当的薄内衣是很明智的。 www.elanso.com 10. Nanon was wonderstruck at the sight of a green silk dressing-gown, brocaded with gold flowers in an antique design. 一件金线绣花古式图案的绿绸睡衣,把拿侬看呆了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She jumped out of bed, threw on her dressing-gown, and opened her window. 她连忙跳下床来,套上她的长睡衣,开了窗子。 www.ebigear.com 2. As soon as you finish dressing the chicken , put it in the oven. It takes quire a while to toast . 你把鸡里外弄干净以后就放进烤箱,鸡烤好要花好长时间。 www.bing.com 3. Maintaining oxygen and water to plant roots is the result of good aerification and top-dressing of turf. 维持氧气和水植物根部是良好aerification和顶级的结果修整草坪。 www.cfli.cn 4. In the busy dressing rooms, Zhou Zhou also took the opportunity seriously applied himself in the multicolored Banlan. 在繁忙的化妆间,舟舟也会趁机认真地将自己涂抹得五彩斑斓。 www.enun.cn 5. The good thing is I don't have to walk far, from the dressing room to the bench is only five metres. 从更衣室到教练席只有5米,这非常好,不用走很远,更不用穿过场地同时感受无数球迷的热情反应。 www.bing.com 6. I'd like to start with the garden salad with your house dressing. 我想先要一份你们的特制色拉酱拌的菜园色拉。 www3.060s.com 7. The research result has been used as a basis for the dressing plant design of Huashugou copper mine. 本研究成果已被作为桦树沟铜矿选矿厂的设计依据。 www.jsks.net.cn 8. Electrostatic ore dressing is used to sort ore particles by means of the attraction of heterogeneous electric field for medium particles. 静电选矿是利用非均匀电场对介质颗粒的吸引力来分选矿粒的。 www.chemyq.com 9. You have no makeup, no change of clothes, just off his wig and hair, grabbed a huge dark red wristlet, sped out of the dressing room. 你没有卸妆,也没有更换衣服,只是一把扯下自己的假发和发网,抓起巨大的暗红色手拿包,快步走出化妆间。 www.bing.com 10. However Mourinho explained that it is only the entrance door to the dressing room and not the exit that is now locked . 不过穆里尼奥接着解释到,现在在更衣室关掉的只是进入的门,离开的门并没有关闭。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In short, it seems unlikely that any way can be found of dressing up Kosovo's independence to make it more acceptable to Belgrade. 简而言之,看起来不太可能找出一个途径来装点科索沃的独立,使之让贝尔格莱德更能接受。 www.ecocn.org 2. Retailers like the Gap and Banana Republic simplify summer dressing by introducing cotton tank tops in bright, primary colors. Gap和BananaRepublic等零售商创制颜色鲜艳的棉短背心,简化夏装系列。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Sonya was finishing dressing, so was the countess; but Natasha, who had been busily looking after every one, was behindhand. 索尼娅快要穿好衣裳,伯爵夫人也快要穿好衣裳,可是娜塔莎因为替大家操劳,落后了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The boat along the river, several Diaojiao Lou has opened the upstairs window, you can inside the girl in the dressing. 船沿江而下,几处吊角楼楼上已经打开了窗子,隐约可见里面的姑娘在梳妆。 www.ebigear.com 5. Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems: first buy an octopus and a string bag. 给小孩子穿衣服并非看上去的那么简单。想感受的话,先买一个八爪鱼和一个网兜。 www.elanso.com 6. You just talk to them for a moment, forget to point to them some drinks, turned and walked back to his dressing room. 你只与他们交谈了一会儿,忘记为他们点一些饮料,便转身走回自己的化妆间。 www.bing.com 7. i went in , you know , out of curiosity , and there is a little chiffonier and dressing - table. 您知道,我出于好奇进去了,看到一个小衣柜和一个梳妆台。 www.ichacha.net 8. On a weekend that is all about dressing up as somebody else, consider whether your financial adviser has been masquerading all along. 万圣节的周末化妆舞会刚刚过去,但你有没有想过,你的财务顾问是否也一直在跟你玩假面游戏。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Take care with the rituals of your life--the preparation of food, making your bed, bathing, dressing, phone calls to your friends or family. 注意生活小节--准备饭菜,铺床,洗澡,穿衣,打电话给你的朋友和家人。 blog.163.com 10. Olive Garden's Tour of Italy Lasagna with a bread stick, family size garden salad and dressing and a Coca-Cola? 橄榄园的意大利烤宽面条与面包棒,家庭装的花园沙拉酱和可口可乐呢? www.tianya.cn 1. We've got lads from all over the world and different walks of life but that all adds to the atmosphere in the dressing room. 我们有全球各地的小伙子,不同的生活方式。但这些都能在更衣室得到调和。 www.thefa.cn 2. Nina's love for dressing up soon became a driving force that allowed her to dream a dream: becoming a leading fashion designer. 尼娜对穿衣打扮的热爱很快就成了她梦想未来的动力:当一名引导潮流的时装设计师! www.edu114.cn 3. Bright among withdrawn blessings now appeared to him the ghosts of pot roast and the salad with tan polish dressing. 炖肉和加了棕褐色上光剂调料沙拉的魂魄此刻在被收回了神恩的他看来特别活跃。 www.zftrans.com 4. Stir-frying the green soya bean and shrimp after the shrimp change the color. Putting salt and a little sugar, dressing with starchy sauce. 虾仁变色后下鲜莲子和青豆一起煸炒,调入盐和少许白糖炒匀,淋少许水淀粉勾芡即可。 weliveindalian.com 5. I challenge you to measure next time you try to "drizzle" two tablespoons of creamy fatty dressing onto your salad. 我提议,你下次想加两勺奶油色拉酱的时候做一下测量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. dressing-room was filled with the hum of enthusiasm and laughter like the neighing of horses. 化装室一直充满兴奋的叫声和类似马嘶的笑声。 www.hotdic.com 7. The children were dressing in the lobby , superintended by Mrs. Moffatt. 孩子们由莫法特夫人照应在门厅内穿衣服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. by his fans, has risen to stardom overnight with his cross-dressing performance in the competition. 比赛中他的反串演出使得他一夜成名。 sns.sparke.cn 9. Result Broad-spectrum antibacterial effect of the beneficial bacteria cellulose dressing is better than that of other dressings. 结果新型有益菌纤维素敷料具有较好的广谱抑菌作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It has two couches that fold into twin beds, a separate dressing room, lavatory and shower, and a spacious office. 其中有两张能打开变成两张单人床的折叠沙发,一间单独的更衣室,厕所和淋浴,还有一间宽敞的办公室。 blog.qq.com 1. Therefore, woman, in puts on is dressing up on cannot look down on, ten thousand cannot do oneself meets a dirty face, sloppily dressed! 所以,女人在穿着打扮上不可小瞧,万不可把自己搞得逢头垢面,衣冠不整! dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It's a funny thing, but she put the ring on the dressing table a few minutes ago, and now it's missing. 真是怪,她几分钟前才把戒指放在梳妆台上,现在却不见了。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 3. A woman should want to avoid dressing in a way that deliberately draws attention to her sexual values and obscures her value as a person. 女性应当逃避那种故意吸引人们关注她的“性价值”而忽视她作为人的价值的穿衣方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She smiled again and went across the hallway to check on Dan. She couldn't believe it. He was already up, dressing! 她又笑了笑,穿过走廊去看看丹。她简直不敢相信。他已经起来穿好衣服了。 www.bing.com 5. In the dressing room at the end of the game there was kind of a down feeling. 比赛结束后在更衣室,我有一种失落的感觉。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 6. Children often enjoy dressing up in their parents'clothes. 孩子们常常喜欢穿上他们父母的衣服。 www.caichina.com 7. As he was dressing, he noticed on the dresser a note she had written to cleaning woman. 他一边穿衣服,一边注意到了梳妆台上她写给一个清洁女工的纸条。 www.hotdic.com 8. But would I crack enough to whip up a dressing of couscous with pecans, parsley and loads of scallions? 但是如果我能够砸足够的核桃,是不是就能把它和香菜,葱的葱加工成粉? www.bing.com 9. a yellowish crystalline solid with a penetrating odor; sometimes used as an antiseptic dressing. 没有明显的气味的微黄色的水晶状固体;有时候用于杀菌。 www.hotdic.com 10. I took off my dressing-gown and went back to bed. I was shaking because I was afraid. 我脱下晨衣,回到了床上。我因害怕而直发抖。 www.kekenet.com 1. Between them, by the dressing table, is Birdie - Margo's maid. 在他们中间,靠着梳妆台的是柏蒂,她是玛歌的女佣。 www.sina-vip.com 2. 'Quick! Quick! Close the door! It's him! 'Annie Sorelli ran into the dressing-room, her face white. “快!快!关门!是他!”安妮·索雷丽跑进化妆室,脸色苍白。 www.okread.net 3. knocked on my dressing room door and handed me a white box with a red ribbon. 第二天晚上,在人们排队入场的时候,舞台经理敲开我的化妆门,递给我一个系着红飘带的白盒子。 dict.kekenet.com 4. To many employers' dismay, traditional dress codes aren't always enough to keep employees from dressing inappropriately. 令许多雇主感到沮丧的是,传统的着装规定不是从能防止员工穿着不当现象的发生。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Myra got out of bed and lighted the lamp on her dressing table. 迈拉走下床来,开亮了梳妆台上的灯。 www.ebigear.com 6. No way. He's the only one with a shower in his dressing room. 不可能只有他的休息室有浴室 www.bing.com 7. Margo: I knew it, I sensed it. Even as I finished dressing for that blasted party. 玛歌:我早就知道了,甚至在我为那个见鬼的派对穿完晚礼服后就感觉到了。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 8. The Chelsea players all hugged and cheered the England captain as he walked through the dressing-room door. 当特里走过更衣室大门时,切尔西球员们都拥抱了他,为这位英格兰队长欢呼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Objective To determine the composition and composite technique of a new field emergency trauma dressing. 目的:确定新型战创伤急救敷料的材料组成与复合工艺。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Noodles in soup: put soup, sauce and dressing into the noodle and it is ready to serve. 汤面做法:捞出后,可直接加入汤、配料及调料。 www.food688.com 1. "I'm pretty open-minded, " she says, adding that she'd already looked past Mark's earring, tattoos, and wild way of dressing. “我思想很开放”她说,并说她已经看到过马克的耳环,纹身,还有奇异的妆束。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Kim TaeHee in real life looks too mature for her age in hairstyle, make-up and dressing. 生活中的金泰熙,发型、妆容和穿着都略显成熟了。 www.elanso.com 3. Puts the bottle which had contained the red ink, on the dressing table, runs back. 把装有红墨水的瓶子放到梳妆台上,然后跑回来。 www.tingroom.com 4. The Portuguese is right: the moment you start letting in coaching from the outside, you lose your power base in the dressing room. 葡萄牙人这样做是对的:一旦你同意接受外来教练进来指导,那么你就失去了更衣室里的权利基础。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. The fiasco began with a dressing-room row, in which a star player, Nicolas Anelka, yelled insults at Raymond Domenech, the coach. 大溃败源于更衣室的争吵,球星尼古拉斯?阿内尔卡对教练雷蒙德?多梅内克口出秽语。 www.ecocn.org 6. Friends rushed out immediately to the infirmary Rotary me to do a simple dressing. 朋友见状马上把我扶到医务室,做了简单的包扎。 www.tradeask.com 7. Oh really? I didn't pay attention to that. We were too busy in dressing up, you know. . . 噢真的吗?我没注意到。我们刚才都忙着打扮,你知道… www.ycstar.com 8. But there's a real belief in the dressing room and, for me, it's definitely the strongest squad I've been involved in. 但在更衣室中大家都这样认为,而且对我来说,这确实是我加入以来最强的球队。 www.bing.com 9. Results: The heal time of ulcer was short and the pain was less as the bedsore was treated by alginate dressing and standard ulcer sticking. 结果:用藻酸盐敷料加标准型溃疡贴治疗溃疡期褥疮,溃疡愈合时间短,换药时疼痛减轻。 www.chemyq.com 10. He was able to walk gingerly to the dressing rooms where he collapsed a second time before being taken to hospital. 他能够小心翼翼地走进更衣室,在那里第二次病倒后他才被送往医院。 www.chelsea.net.cn 1. Use of cross-dressing for the purpose of sexual excitement at least initially in the course of the disorder. 用变装达到性兴奋的目的,至少失调状态的初期是这样的。 www.weiwei8.com 2. It's not about the clothes; it's about the fact that you find her worth dressing up for. 这不是衣服的问题;是因为你觉得她是那个值得让你去打扮自己的人。 gb.cri.cn 3. M. Saval was sitting before the fire, his feet on the fender, in his dressing gown. 此刻,萨瓦尔坐在火炉旁,双脚搭在挡板上,身上穿的是长袍。 taofchina.spaces.live.com 4. Adding a little butter, ranch dressing, cheese sauce or brown sugar to a vegetable dish can significantly improve its kid appeal. 加一点黄油,牧场色拉酱,奶酪酱或红糖给蔬菜就可以显著提高孩子的吸引力。 www.bing.com 5. Cross dressers are usually able to confine their cross dressing to personal time. 变装者通常可以把自己的变装局限在属于个人支配的时间里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You're dressing for a date and when you pull on your favorite jeans, you can no longer button them. 为了赶赴约会,你穿上自己最喜欢的牛仔裤,却发现扣不上。 www.bing.com 7. I'm not sure if it's worse than dressing up a dog for Halloween, but it's close. 我不知道那是否比在万圣节被主人精心打扮还糟,但应该好不到哪儿去。 www.bing.com 8. Superficially, it is only a kind of capability, but it includes all actions' capacity from dressing to speech and behavior in truth. 表面上看来,它只是一种能说会道的能力,可实际上它却包罗了一个人从穿衣打扮到言谈举止等一切行为的能力。 www.bing.com 9. A bowl of salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, cilantro, all chopped) sits on the side, in a dressing of lemon juice and salt. 一碗色拉(莴苣、土豆、洋葱、胡荽叶全部剁碎)放在边上,浇了柠檬汗和盐。 dongxi.net 10. Fired noodles: Put the noodle into cold water. Then take it out and fry it with oil and dressing. 炒面做法:捞入冷水中,去掉水后,用油炒做加工。 www.21food.cn 1. If receiving God's comfort and restoration begins with turning away from your sins, are there areas of your life that need a dressing? 如果接受上帝的安慰和修复需要从远离罪开始,你生命中有没有要交代的地方?。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The utility model is especially suitable for a cultivation-free novel agricultural plowing method, etc. with inconvenience in top-dressing. 它特别适用于免中耕等不便追肥的农业新耕法。 ip.com 3. The site, located near the neck or collarbone, is kept covered with a dressing. 这一位于颈部或者领口下面的区域,是用敷料覆盖的。 wiki.yiai.org 4. Chang E hid the parcel in a treasure box at her dressing table when, unexpectedly, it was seen by Peng Meng. 嫦娥的包裹藏在她的梳妆台的时候,意外的是,它是由孟鹏看到一个宝盒。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. He's very good in and around the dressing room. He loves a conversation and it's good to have people like that. 在更衣室内外他都很有魅力,他爱和人交流,所以球队里能有这样的球员非常棒。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. The dressing experiments'results account for that EDM can be used on dressing non-electrical grinding wheel. 实验结果表明:树脂结合剂金刚石砂轮表面经涂覆导电材料后可以进行放电修整; www.fabiao.net 7. From Hangzhou , to be engaged upon flute professional teachings , good at piano and electronic organ , like dressing and decorate . 来自杭州,专业从事长笛和短笛的教学,擅长钢琴和电子琴,爱好化壮和服装。 www.bing.com 8. so god said , " try my fresh green salad . " and satan presented thousand - island dressing , buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. 因此上帝说,“试试我的新鲜绿色沙拉。”而撒旦却在边上呈现了千岛酱,油炸面包小块和蒜茸土司面包。 www.ichacha.net 9. One morning, when he was dressing himself, he looked out of the window. 一天早晨,当他正穿衣服时,他朝窗外看了看。 www.bing.com 10. Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds . 由刮亚麻布得到的软绒,用于包扎伤口。 www.bing.com 1. People celebrate Mardi Gras by dressing up in costumes . 人们穿上盛装,庆祝油腻的礼拜二。 www.bing.com 2. The room was long with windows on the right-hand side and a door at the far end that went into the dressing room. 我那病房很长,右首是一排窗,尽头处有一道门通包扎室。 www.for68.com 3. It houses the main offices at Highbury as well as the dressing rooms, board room, cocktail lounge and press facilities. 这里也是海布里主要办公室,更衣室,董事会会议室,酒廊和新闻发布设施所在地。 bbs.arsenalcn.com 4. Only when nurses came to have the wound dressing changed would she make voice, it was a howl of pain. 只在每次护士来换药时,她才会发出声音来,是嚎叫。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Thanksgiving turkeys are traditionally served with a bread mixture that some Americans call stuffing. Others call it dressing. 传统的感恩节火鸡通常会用碎面包配餐,有些美国人称其为填料或调味料。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Jack and Jill, out today, attempts to attract moviegoers by dressing Adam Sandler up as a woman. 近日,电影《杰克与吉尔》通过将亚当桑德勒扮成女人来吸引电影爱好者的关注。 www.bing.com 7. I had to keep going back to his office so that he could change the dressing on this boil and check its progress. 我必须时不时回到他的办公室以便他帮我换药以及查看病情。 www.bing.com 8. The latter, who was second choice goalkeeper at the last World Cup will act as a unifying force in the dressing room. 后者作为上届世界杯时的第二门将,将在更衣室里起到团结球员的作用。 club.sports.sohu.com 9. I'll take a Sliced Grilled Fish, a Broiled Quail, a Steak With Onion and a Shrimp Salad with French dressing. 我要一份铁扒鱼片,一份炙鹌鹑,一份洋葱牛排和一份法式调料拦的鲜是沙拉。 www.hotdic.com 10. Bibison is organising a 'Smart Dressing Contest' to test the children, who are divided into red and green teams. Who will win? 波子哥哥便透过『穿衣之道大赛』考验红组和绿组的小朋友,究竟谁胜谁负呢? www.rthk.org.hk |
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