单词 | change of heart |
释义 |
n. about-turn,volte-face,second thoughts,rethink,U-turn 例句释义: 叫…断肠,回心转意,改变心意,心变,改变看法 1. No. I encouraged her to go her way, but she's now having a change of heart. 没有。我鼓励她走自己的路,但她现在想法有所改变。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Yet the latest proposals also signal a change of heart by CEIOPS over how much capital should be held in total. 但是最新的建议书也发出了信号,CEIOPS对于保险公司应持有多少资金总量改变了看法。 www.ecocn.org 3. the government has had a change of heart over the proposed tax reforms and is now prepared to listen to public opioion. 政府对税务改革的提议改变了态度,现在准备听取公众意见。 www.kekenet.com 4. He did not, however, inform Congress of his change of heart, and the House debate revolved almost entirely around the asset-purchase plan. 但是,保尔森并没有告知国会他已经改变了主意,众议院依然围绕着购买不良资产议案争论不休。 www.bing.com 5. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart. 如果伴侣正在改变主意你的情感生活就会悬而不决。 www.enread.com 6. Such a change of heart would ease short-term government difficulties but double the trouble down the road should the property bubble burst. 这种改变能暂时缓解政府面临的困难,不过加速了房地产泡沫的破灭。 www.bing.com 7. No, I encourage her to go her own way, but she's now having a change of heart. 没有。我鼓励她走自己的路,而她现在心情好多了。 www.hxen.com 8. A year after Rushdie left Ogilvy, the idea was dusted down and the client had a change of heart. 拉什迪离开奥美一年后,客户又改变主意,用了他的那个想法。 draculafeng.ycool.com 9. It is a change of heart for the Material Mom, who in 2007 refused to let Lourdes star in a Harry Potter film after she was offered a role. 女儿2007年在哈利波特系列电影里获得了角色后她不允许她触电,自那之后这个物质母亲的确从内心开始发生了变化。 www.elanso.com 10. But Peel's career is a fine example of the benefits that accrue from allowing politicians a genuine change of heart. 但是,从皮尔的政治生涯我们可以清楚地发现,让政治家从根本上转变观念大有裨益。 www.ecocn.org 1. All this helps explain the company's swift change of heart. 这一切有助于解释该公司的迅速回心转意。 www.bing.com 2. I used to believe in strict discipline for children. But after I had my own, I had a change of heart. 过去我认为对孩子必须严格,但我有了自己的孩子后,我的看法改变了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. His change of heart is symbolized by his taking pity on a dog, who has been bashed near the river where he walks and contemplates. 一天,他行经河边思考时,看到一只被殴伤的狗只,产生怜悯。影片透过他对狗只的怜悯,象徵心肠的改变。 www.hkdavc.com 4. After spending decades as the United States' sworn enemy, Libya is embarking on a political, economic and environmental change of heart. 经过当了美国数十年的死对头,利比亚在政治上、经济上,及生态环境上都决心革新。 dict.bioon.com 5. But together they suggest at least the beginnings of a change of heart. 但综合来看,它们起码暗示了一点:问题核心开始转变。 www.ecocn.org 6. I believe a solution can be found even at this late stage but it will require a change of heart by the German public. 我相信,即使在现在这样的晚期,还是能够找到解决方案的,但是将需要德国大众转变思维。 www.bing.com 7. NARRATOR: To some of his supporters, the president's change of heart on NAFTA was nothing less than a sellout. 旁白:对于他的一些支持者来说,总统在北美自由贸易协定问题上立场的变化无异于一场背叛。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 8. The administration of Barack Obama, meanwhile, notched up the change of heart as a victory for behind-the-scenes diplomacy. 而中国此番回心转意,也是巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama)政府幕后外交的一次胜利。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Zuckuss, touched by the Rebels' devotion to one another, had a change of heart. 但扎库斯被起义军舍己为人的牺牲精神所感动,心生悔改之意。 starwarsfans.cn 10. If there had really been a change of heart, Beijing would surely have condemned that attack. 如果当时中国政府真的已经改变了立场,就肯定会谴责朝鲜的行为。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, you might have a change of heart based on what I tell you. 然而,基于我所告诉你的事情,你也有可能会“改变看法(洗心革面)”。 www.unsv.com 2. There is only one case in entire recorded history of a king having a genuine change of heart, after winning a battle. 在人类历史记载中只有一个这样的例子:一个国王在赢得一场战斗后真诚的同敌方交换心意,寻求谅解。 www.elanso.com 3. A mountaintop is a great place to see the stars, but to clearly see God requires a change of heart. 山顶是一个观星的绝佳之处,但要清楚地看见上帝,则需要一颗改变的心。 www.94493.com 4. Earlier this month, the Home Office announced a change of heart, saying its proposed national ID card scheme would not now be compulsory. 本月初,内政部宣布改变主意,称拟议的国民身份证计划目前不会强制执行。 www.bing.com 5. The only successful way to overcome the brokenness inside is to come to the lord and ask for a change of heart. 唯一可以解决内心问题的方法,是来到主面前,求祂改变我们的内心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. China's change of heart is far from complete: Beijing has still not condemned North Korea for torpedoing a South Korean warship. During Mr. 中国心意的转变并不是绝对的:北京并没有再谴责朝鲜用爆破筒爆破一艘韩国军舰一事。 www.bing.com 7. The G20 meeting offers it a chance to show a change of heart. G20会议给它提供了一个展示自己改变心意的机会。 www.stnn.cc 8. One factor that could force a change of heart at the central bank is a further sustained decline in the U. S. dollar. 可能让美联储改变心意的一个因素,就是美元进一步贬值。 cn.reuters.com 9. In short, the politics of global warming will not get any simpler in 2009, despite the change of heart at the White House. 简而言之,尽管白宫换了一个主人,关于全球变暖的政治问题在2009年也不会变得更加简单。 www.ecocn.org 10. Your spouse, partner, or business alliance may suddenly have a change of heart about a matter that involves the two of you. 你的配偶、伴侣、或企业联盟有可能会突然改变心意,涉及对一件事物的两个你。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 1. I had a change of heart and decided not to go on the date. 我改变了主意,决定不去赴约了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Computer pioneer Hewlett-Packard has had a change of heart about breaking from its PC business. 计算机产业的先驱——惠普公司曾经有一个核心的转变,这个转变是关于个人计算机业务。 www.bing.com 3. Without a dramatic change of heart by the ECB and by European leaders, the single currency could break up within weeks. 如果欧洲央行和欧盟的领导人们不回心转意的话,数星期之内单一货币就可能烟消云散。 www.ecocn.org 4. If any were perchance disposed to be jealous and critical before that, they experienced a change of heart, now. 在那以前,也许还有人嫉妒我,老爱挑鼻子挑眼儿,如今可就人人都革面洗心了。 dict.wenguo.com 5. That can help a student's chances -- but if the child has a change of heart, she says, the high school is in trouble. 这可以增加被录取的机会,但是如果他改变主意,那学校就会有麻烦。 www.bing.com 6. Though he later had a change of heart after speaking with a commander, he saw a possibility to escape his enlistment only two days in. 参军后的第二天他就想逃离服兵役,但在和一位军官交谈后费舍尔改变了想法。 www.bing.com 7. She was going to sell the house but had a change of heart at the last minute. 她本来是要卖房子的,但在最后一刻,她改了主意。 big5.cri.cn 8. This wasn't the same thing, and I thought we'd both look phony if we presented her new name as a change of heart. 但这件事不同,我觉得如果我们以她使用这个新名字来表明洗心革面,那么我们两个人都会给人非常虚伪的感觉。 www.bing.com 9. SAGITTARIUS: Just when you think you are in love you will have a change of heart. 射手:在恋爱之中的你说不定什么时候就改变了看法。 ppu.anyp.cn 10. I was going to break up with my girlfriend, but had a change of heart and decided not to. 我原本要跟我的女朋友分手,但我改变想法决定不分了。 wske.spaces.live.com 1. Clearly they are unhappy with the Presidents change of heart. They expected the Vice President to make sure the President vetoed that bill. 明显地,他们对总统改变主意不是很满意,他们期望副总统能够想办法使得总统否决那个法案。 www.bing.com 2. You could have a change of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life. 如果旧时激情重回你的生活,你的内心或许会有一丝改变。 www.hjenglish.com 3. When we see evidence of a real change of heart, and a corresponding change of policy, then we can talk seriously about lifting sanctions. 当我们看到有证据表明他们内心真的发生了变化以及政策做了相应的改变之后,那时我们才能严肃地谈及有关减轻制裁的问题。 www.bing.com 4. 27 year old actress Jessica Alba's who had originally stated that she would Breast Feed, has had a change of heart. 2008年,27岁的女演员杰西卡·阿尔芭改变了主意。她原本声称会哺乳小孩。 www.bing.com 5. The change of heart is an ominous portent for the decades-long process of increasing European economic integration. 对于持续数十年的提高欧洲经济一体化程度的进程来说,核心的转变是一个不祥的预兆。 chinese.wsj.com 6. When I caught my first fish , I couldn't stand to kill it . I had a change of heart and put it back in the water . 当我抓到我的第一条鱼时,我实在不忍心杀了牠。我就改变心意将牠放回水中。 www.bing.com 7. On top of this, he or she should send out an early message that on some issues the change of guard will mean a change of heart. 此外,他或她应该发出一些信息,在一些问题上,换了主帅就意味着换了心态。 www.stnn.cc 8. Since a change of heart nearly two years ago, India has stopped intervening in markets to manage its exchange rate. 自从近两年前改变想法以来,印度就不再干预市场以管理其汇率。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A change of heart may lead you in an entirely different direction when it comes to relationships. 内心的变化可能会让你做出完全不同的决定; www.zhongzhao.com 10. The agency's director-general, Mohamed ElBaradei, professes himself encouraged by the apparent change of heart. 国际原子能机构总干事穆罕默德.巴拉迪表示他本人对伊朗这一转变深受鼓舞。 www.ecocn.org 1. Until now Mr Greenspan had been " gung ho " for using the budget surpluses to reduce the federal debt, so why the change of heart? 这句话是说:迄今为止,格林斯潘先生一直热衷于利用预算结余来减轻联邦债务,那么为什么他一改初衷了呢? www.hjenglish.com 2. It sounded like the change of heart that America has been waiting for for months. 听起来美国等待这种看法的改变似乎已经数月了。 www.ecocn.org 3. His change of heart follows protests by military commanders, who argue that publishing such photos will endanger American lives. 奥巴马内心的改变源于军事指挥官的抗议,他们坚决主张发布这样的照片将使美国公众的生命受到威胁。 www.ecocn.org 4. Keeping the door open to talks, should Mr Ahmadinejad have a change of heart, is a good idea. 艾哈迈迪内贾德该本着一颗求变的心,为和谈留一扇门是个好主意。 www.ecocn.org 5. Trolltech's change of heart is indicative of the heated competition in the fledgling market for Linux mobile phones. Trolltech对LIPS的变节,预示着在初出茅庐的Linux手机市场,将引起一场激烈的竞争。 www.bing.com 6. Fireworks easy to cold, fast change of heart that is woman. 烟花易冷,就是说女的变心快。 wenwen.soso.com 7. With China's apparent change of heart, that "free lunch" now might come with a hefty tab. 随着中国决心的明显改变,“免费的午餐”可能将不会再有。 www.bing.com 8. Fears of inflation and asset price bubbles offer a possible alternative explanation for the change of heart. 中国改变主意的可能原因之一,在于对通货膨胀和资产价格泡沫的担心。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Upon hearing this, the little frog had a change of heart. 听到这些,小青蛙的心态有点变了。 www.hjenglish.com 10. For now, though, Mr Santos is focusing on the fight, keeping up military pressure until the FARC has a change of heart. 不过,桑托斯先生还是把重心放在战争上,一直保持军事压力,直到在哥伦比亚革命武装力量的核心发生改变为止。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. If that's the case, though, the Foxconn chief has had a pretty radical change of heart. 不过若果真如此,郭台铭态度转变的可谓相当彻底。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Conclusion The change of heart rate is a indispensable factor in gaining best quality reconstructed image. 结论心率变化在最佳重建图像质量获取中是一个不容忽视的因素。 www.cmed.org.cn 3. The most powerful agent of growth and transformation is something much more basic than any technique: a change of heart. 生长和转变最有力的动因是比技巧更基础的东西:内心的变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "I will pray for you, " she said. "I pray that you have a change of heart. " “我会为你祈祷的,”她说。“我祈祷你会改变心意。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yuan does note, however, that if one person suddenly has a change of heart it's likely the relationship will never survive a crisis. 但苑瑞吟也特意提到,如果一个人突然变了心,那麽很有可能这段感情无法渡过危机。 big5.citygf.com 6. She have had a change of heart. 她变心了。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. "The wedding is off. Crystal has had a change of heart, " Hefner wrote on Twitter. 赫夫纳在推特上说:“婚礼取消了,克丽丝泰尔改变了心意。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Israel's grudging change of heart was also imposed by a court ruling. 以色列勉强的回心转意也是迫于法庭裁决。 www.ecocn.org 9. This marked a change of heart as Beijing had long reiterated its opposition in principle against sanctions. 这标志着中国改变了看法,此前北京方面一直重申原则上反对制裁。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr Zhang is unconvinced that officialdom has had a true change of heart . 张立山不相信官僚作风已发生实质性的改变。 www.bing.com 1. If so, it would take much more than a change of heart by one leader. 若要如此,要改变的不仅仅是一个领导人的意志。 www.ecocn.org 2. A: You don't want to be a lawyer3 anymore? B: No, I've had a change of heart. 你不再想当律师啦?B:不想了,我改变主意了。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Then the reality will not let the cold cold change of heart. 再冷的现实也不能让心变冷酷。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A century passed before linguists had a serious change of heart. 从那时起过了一个世纪,语言学家们才开始转变思想。 www.bing.com 5. The old woman had a change of heart before she died and forgave her son. 老妇人临死前改变主意,宽恕了她的儿子。 www.ell.cn 6. I always thought I wanted to be cremated, but Jacob Jensen's Diamant Coffin Series has made me have a change of heart. 我一直认为我会选择火化,但是JacobJensen的钻石棺材系列让我改变主意了。 www.bing.com 7. Alas, there are reasons to doubt the general's change of heart. 啊,有理由怀疑将军的心意改变。 www.ecocn.org 8. Recent moves by the Chinese government to kick, start its small land unsophisticated auto industry are behind Ford Motor's change of heart. 福特汽车公司这一转变,其动因是中国政府为推动其弱小单一的汽车工业的发展采取了一些措施。 www.putclub.com 9. By 1982 he had had a change of heart, enshrining broad aboriginal rights in the new Canadian constitution. 到1982年,他有了转变,将广泛的原住民权利写入了新的加拿大宪法。 www.ecocn.org 10. We have many back on this side from recent years who did have a change of heart and are now returning to their ascension journey. 我们近年来有许多黑暗分子回到光明一方,他们心灵改变,现在正回到扬升的旅程。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. The opening of the TGV-Est last month marked a huge change of heart for France. 上个月开通的TGV-Est标志着法兰西观念上的重大改变。 www.ecocn.org 2. But unless there is a change of heart in Beijing, the buck, ultimately, will stop with the companies themselves. 但是,除非北京方面改变主意,否则最终承担后果的还是企业自己。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Lately I've been going through a change of heart. 最近,我经历了一场心理变化。 www.elanso.com 4. There was a change of heart. 有人变心了。 www.enfang.com 5. I've now had a change of heart. I like the word "God. " It means whatever we want it to mean. 但现在我的想法有所改变,我有些喜欢“上帝”这个词了,它的意义可以由人们自行赋予。 www.bing.com 6. Did the PBoC have a change of heart over the state of the Chinese economy in the space of eight hours? 是中国央行在八小时之内对中国经济状况改变了看法? chinese.wsj.com 7. International Cluster munitions A change of heart, or of tactic? 集束炸弹:心意之变,抑或战术之变? ecocn.org 8. China's change of heart need not reflect a concern for the planet's health. 中国改变心意,未必体现它对地球健康的关切。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Welcome though this change of heart was, it was too little and came far too late. 这种看法的转变是受到人们欢迎的,然后这转变程度太小,来得也太晚了。 www.bing.com 10. Is the Governor, or anyone else, likely to have a change of heart? 州长,或其他人,有可能改变主意吗? www.jukuu.com 1. Some 22, 000 people have protested on his website about his change of heart on wiretapping. 大约有2万2千人在他的网站上抗议他在窃听这一议题上改变立场。 www.bing.com 2. A change of mind and a change of heart. 那就是所需要的。改变心意以及勇气。 comc.yourour.com 3. The opponents of negotiation maintained that the Soviet change of heart was still in the future. 谈判的反对者认为,苏联的回心转意还是将来的事。 4. In that one checks happily has a change of heart, that moment leaves goes with the wind. 那一刹的美好尽收心里,那一刻的离别随风而去。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The federal funds are available until 2011, should any of the governors have a change of heart. 联邦资助直到2011年依然有效,说不定到时候一些州长会回心转意。 www.ecocn.org 6. The boss had a change of heart. Looks like we will be doing business after all. 老板改变了心意。看来我们肯定会做生意了。 gb.angle.com.tw:1980 7. Some of them are siding with us now and we can tell whether their change of heart is genuine or not. 他们中的一些人正在向我们靠拢,我们能够说不论是不是诚恳,他们的心都在转变了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. "Tell me how to do, " he said loudly: "how do you make a change of heart? Tell me! " “告诉我怎么做”他大声说:“怎么做能让你回心转意?告诉我!” bookapp.book.qq.com 9. Investors have welcomed her change of heart. 投资者对她改变主意表示欢迎。 www.hxen.com 10. There is still time for Beijing to have a change of heart. 北京方面还有时间改变主意。 www.ftchinese.com 1. God detests temporary change of heart. 神痛恨短暂的回心转意; www.liangyou.net 2. Even if you a change of heart, I still love you! ! ! ! ! 即使你变心了,我仍然爱你!翻译英文! wenwen.soso.com 3. But that is not possible without a change of heart by Germany. 但是,如果德国不回心转意,这就没法实现。 www.bing.com 4. They had a change of heart. 改变态度,改变想法,改变主意。 xzn.2000y.net 5. Largely this change of heart was because it needed to go along with the Arab League. 这种心意的改变主要是因为中国需要与阿拉伯联盟保持融洽的关系。 dongxi.net 6. Did you notice that being good resulted from a change of heart? 你注意到成为好人是由于内心的改变吗? edu.163.com 7. Do you think that will be enough to make him have a change of heart? 你认为这样能够让他回心转意吗? talk.oralpractice.com 8. America's change of heart has helped. 美国的回心转意也有帮助。 www.ecocn.org 9. Eg. He have a change of heart after learning the details of the deal. 了解交易的细节後,他改变心意了。 www.kekenet.com 10. Objective To learn the effluence of coronary angiography on multi-slice spiral CT with the change of heart rate. 目的探讨心率变化对多层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的影响。 www.cmed.org.cn 1. MS: Why the sudden change of heart? 为什么会有突然的变化? www.tzr.com.cn 2. I had a change of heart. 我改变心意了。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. That, in turn, sparked a sudden change of heart among officials in places such as Germany and Spain. 这使得德国与西班牙等国的官员突然改变了心意。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Why the sudden change of heart? 他们为何突然换了一幅嘴脸? www.ftchinese.com 5. And do you think they will have a change of heart and minds because of this tragedy? 因此并且您是否是否认为他们将有变心和头脑悲剧? cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 6. His change of heart froze her up. 他的变心使她热情冷却了 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Perhaps someday I'll have a change of heart toward your mother. 也许有一天我会改变对你母亲的看法。 www.tjyz.org 8. There were good reasons for their change of heart. 它们当时有充分的理由改变自己的初衷。 www.ecocn.org 9. Don't make promises that you aren't likely to keep when you have a change of heart. 记住,在你还没弄清自己的心意前,不要轻易承诺对方。 www.zhongzhao.com 10. But will his new dealings with the circle make the bad boy have a change of heart? 不过坏男孩儿在和这群年轻巫师们交往后,会不会变得善良呢? group.mtime.com 1. Why the change of heart? 他们怎么就变心了呢? www.ecocn.org 2. Judging by Tate's outstanding work, we can understand his change of heart. 从塔特出色的表现来看,我们就能理解他(为什么)改变心意了。 www.bing.com 3. so I'll just play my part, and pray you'll have a change of heart. 因此我只是扮演我的角色,祈祷你的心情会从此改变。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Chuck: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Why the sudden change of heart? 也许吧,谁知道呢。为什么突然改主意了? www.kekenet.com 5. But there is a good chance that the European crisis has prompted a change of heart in China. 但很有可能,欧洲危机已经促使中国改变了想法。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I have three reasons for my change of heart. 我之所以改变立场,是基于三个理由。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He went on to study at Oxford University, with the aim of pursuing a career in academia. But then he had a change of heart. 为在学术上有更大成就,他去了牛津大学学习,但后来他改变了主意。 dongxi.net 8. A short while later, Graham had a change of heart and offered Buffett a job in New York. 不久后,格雷厄姆改变主意,给了巴菲特一份在纽约的工作。 www.bing.com 9. Slip these bad boys on and you'll soon have a change of heart. 滑这些坏男孩,你很快就会有一个心脏的变化。 www.freemerce.com 10. Have a change of heart. 改变一个心境。 www.cbion.com 1. In her autobiographical essay for the FWP, she said this about her change of heart: 在为联邦作家项目写的自传散文里,她叙述了这段有关她思想转变的历史: www.bing.com 2. You are likely to have a change of heart if someone you like disappoints you. 如果你喜欢的那个人让你失望了,或许你应该做出一些改变。 e.3edu.net 3. From the point of view of growth, psychologists general approval such a rule: the change of heart, attitudes change accordingly; 从成长的角度来看,心理学家们普遍认同这样一个规律:心的改变,态度就跟着改变; zhidao.baidu.com 4. The coach had a change of heart right before the game and decided to use the veteran quarterback, 教练比赛临开始前改变主意,决定让经验丰富的四分位上场。 www.360abc.com 5. Clinical implication of the change of heart rate variability in acute myocardial infarction patients with thrombolytic therapy 溶栓治疗的急性心肌梗死患者心率变异性变化的临床意义 www.ilib.cn 6. Change of Heart Rate Variability before and after Early Reperfusion Treatment and Its Clinical Significance 早期再灌注治疗前后心率变异性的变化及其临床意义 www.ilib.cn 7. A Change of Heart: How the Framingham Heart Study Helped Unravel the Mysteries of Cardiovascular Disease 心脏的变化:弗雷明汉心脏研究如何有助于解释心血管疾病的奥秘 bibf.cnpbook.com 8. The bride had a last minute change of heart and chose to have a simple ceremony in Las Vegas, 新娘子最后一刻改变主意,选择在拉斯维加斯举办一个简单的婚礼。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. She had a last-minute change of heart and canceled the wedding, 她在最后关头改变了主意,决定取消婚礼。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Despite the president's change of heart, carbon policy remains contentious 纵使总统求变之心,碳排政策仍具争议 www.ecocn.org 1. The Congressman had a change of heart and voted against the bill, 这个国会议员临时改变主意,投票反对议案。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. The Change of Heart Rate Turbulence of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Diabetes Mellitus 心肌梗死合并糖尿病患者的心率震荡变化 www.ilib.cn 3. A precious while I had your smile Till it all fell apart with one change of heart 短暂的瞬间我拥有你的笑意直到一方变心那一切分崩离析 www.xyinong.com 4. The change of heart rate variability before and after paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 阵发性心房颤动发作前后心率变异性的变化 service.ilib.cn 5. I know better now and I've had a change of heart 现在我明白了,我心已经改变 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Change of heart rate variability after self powered short arm human centrifuge training 人力短臂离心机锻炼后心率变异性的改变 scholar.ilib.cn 7. The change of heart rate variability before and after acute myocardial infarction 心肌梗死前后心率变异性的变化及意义 8. What you need's a little change of heart 你需要的是内心的稍微改变 av.ewen.cc 9. The ultrastructure change of heart capillary in athlete's heart 运动性心肌肥大心脏毛细血管超微结构的变化 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on the Change of Heart Rate of Chinese Athletes in the Chinese Wushu Sanda King Tournament 对中国武术散打王争霸赛中运动员心率变化的研究 ilib.cn 1. A twist of fate, the change of heart kills my infatuation, 造化弄人人情世故本已消除了我的迷恋 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Change of heart sound character 心音性质改变 basic.shsmu.edu.cn 3. If you had had a sudden change of heart 如果你突然改变了心意 zhidao.baidu.com 4. No escape, no change of heart, no any place to hide 没有逃避,没有改变看法,没有地方可以躲藏 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A soya king's change of heart on the rainforest 大豆之王对热带雨林看法改变 www.bing.com 6. with one change of heart 只因一颗心的改变 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Pray you will have a change of heart 望你回心和转意 zhidao.baidu.com 8. If you have a change of heart I'll be understanding 如果你内心有变我会理解 wenku.baidu.com 9. but should I have a change of heart, 我心若有絲毫變易 q.sohu.com |
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