单词 | cognos | ||||||||||
释义 | cognos
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 产品介绍,报表发布问题,报表及发布 1. The Web-based authoring studios, like Report Studio, can be started from Cognos Connection to create new resources or to edit existing ones. 可以从CognosConnection启动基于Web的authoringstudio,例如ReportStudio,以创建新的资源或编辑已有的资源。 www.ibm.com 2. The application and model are provided on a strictly "as is" basis and IBM Cognos Support is not able to offer any support for it. 此应用程序和模型严格“按原样”提供,且IBMCognosSupport并不能为它提供任何支持。 www.ibm.com 3. The Server Name refers to the name of the cube being served by an IBM Cognos TM1 server on the administration host machine. ServerName是指由管理主机上的一台IBMCognosTM1服务器服务的多维数据集的名称。 www.ibm.com 4. The assumption is that this token is not consumable by any other IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider directly. 假设任何其他IBMCognos8身份验证提供者都无法直接使用这种令牌。 www.ibm.com 5. All the information required can be found in Cognos Configuration of the instance that you wish to connect to. 所有必要信息都可以在您想连接到的实例的CognosConfiguration中找到。 www.ibm.com 6. Each IBM Cognos 8 service has associated methods and each one of these methods are part of a method set. 每个IBMCognos8服务都具有相关的方法,每个方法都属于方法集的一部分。 www.ibm.com 7. This web server error can occur when you are trying to access the Cognos Express Gateway ISAPI module running on a 64-bit server machine. 当您试图访问一台64位机器上运行的CognosExpressGatewayISAPI模块时,就可能会出现这个错误。 www.ibm.com 8. Employing an experienced IBM Cognos technical consultant to upgrade your Controller server(s) is always recommended. IBM总是建议聘请经验丰富的IBMCognos技术支持来升级您的Controller服务器。 www.ibm.com 9. Variations in the time zones of your users can result in surprising impacts on the daily patterns of load on your Cognos deployment. 您用户的时区中的变化可能会对您Cognos部署上负载的日模式产生深远的影响。 www.ibm.com 10. Within the right hand Server section provide the host and the port of the IBM Cognos server which contains the reports to be analyzed. 在右侧Server部分提供IBMCognos的host和port,该服务器包含要分析的报表。 www.ibm.com 1. The IBM Cognos administrators and the respective user community will be notified by an email on the status of the code deployment. IBMCognos管理员和各个用户群体将接到有关代码部署状态的邮件通知。 www.ibm.com 2. A new package is ready to be used within IBM Cognos 10 so users may access data from SAP BW. 新包正准备用于IBMCognos10中,因为用户可从SAPBW访问数据。 www.ibm.com 3. The installation of IBM Cognos 8 Virtual View Manager requires to be done by an account part of the local Administrators group. IBMCognos8虚拟视图管理器的安装要求由本地管理员组中的账户来完成。 www.ibm.com 4. Within the bottom Content Store pane, traverse the IBM Cognos 10 structure to the report executed in the previous section. 在底部的ContentStore窗格中,遍历上一节执行的报表的IBMCognos10结构。 www.ibm.com 5. It prevents saving configuration in IBM Cognos Configuration by guarding the establishing of cryptographic information with a password. 它用密码保护密码学信息的建立,从而阻止在IBMCognosConfiguration中保存配置。 www.ibm.com 6. To be familiar with the technical set up of the local Cognos solution, general dataflow, database structure and monthly extract procedure. 熟悉的技术建立了公司的解决方案,一般数据流,数据库结构和每月提取程序。 www.cqjob.com 7. In the next section, see how to use Cognos to access the stored procedure and build up a report using dynamic association rule mining. 在下一节中,将会介绍如何使用Cognos来访问这个存储过程并用动态关联规则挖掘构建一个报告。 www.ibm.com 8. We hope these best practices help you to better manage multiple-image cloud topologies so you can effectively run Cognos in the IBM Cloud. 我们希望这些最佳实践能够帮助您更好地管理多映像云拓扑,从而在IBMCloud中有效地运行Cognos。 www.ibm.com 9. In order for an IBM Cognos 8 SDK application to run a report in such a complex environment, the asynchronous conversation is used. 要在这样一个复杂的环境下运行报告,IBMCognos8SDK应用程序需要采用异步通信。 www.ibm.com 10. This means any other authenticated IBM Cognos 8 service that was established by the SDK application is automatically logged off. 这意味着任何其他由SDK应用程序创建并经过验证的IBMCognos8服务将自动退出。 www.ibm.com 1. This setting tells IBM Cognos BI to use the alphabetically first common fact table between the dimensions in a dimension only query. 这项设置告诉IBMCognosBI在只有维度的查询中,在维度之间使用字母顺序第一张通用事实表。 www.ibm.com 2. Another alternative configuration is to install into a dedicated IBM Cognos 8 installation. 另一种配置是安装到一个专用的IBMCognos8安装。 www.ibm.com 3. This option will extend the time of Metadata calls on objects that are not used by the IBM Cognos application. 该选项将会延长IBMCognos应用程序不采用的,在对象上的Metadata调用的时间。 www.ibm.com 4. The user-defined function needs to be wrapped into a SELECT statement to be used by Cognos. 用户定义函数需要打包到SELECT语句中,以供Gognos使用。 www.ibm.com 5. These greyed icons indicate to you that IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager has not currently connected to the Source or Target systems. 这些灰色的图标向您指出,IBMCognosUpgradeManager当前没有连接到源或目标系统。 www.ibm.com 6. Cognos requires the IP or DNS name of the server to be the subject of the server's certificate. Cognos要求用服务器的IP或DNS名称作为服务器证书的主题。 www.ibm.com 7. Request can be routed to any running instance of the targeted IBM Cognos 8 service. 请求可以被路由到目标IBMCognos8服务正在运行的任何实例。 www.ibm.com 8. Using Cognos Event Studio, the user is also able to create reports and different types of charts for upper management. 通过使用CognosEventStudio,用户能够为上层管理创建报告和各种图表。 www.ibm.com 9. Each Cognos Viewer portlet would be configured with a common channel name. 每一个CognosViewerPortlet都会配置一个通用的通道名称。 www.ibm.com 10. Now, if you look to the bottom left hand corner of the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager UI you will see these 2 greyed icons and links. 现在,如果看IBMCognosUpgradeManagerUI的左下角,您会看到这2个灰色的图标和链接。 www.ibm.com 1. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the business user and technical user perspectives of the Cognos BI and InfoSphere integration. 图2显示CognosBI和InfoSphere集成的业务用户和技术用户透视图之间的关系。 www.ibm.com 2. Database tables, views, and stored procedures can be added to a Cognos package as query subjects. 数据库表、视图和存储过程都可以作为查询主题添加到Cognos包中。 www.ibm.com 3. The dimensional level of detail in IBM Cognos Controller can be used for additional analysis. IBMCognosController中的详细维度层次可用于进一步的分析。 www.ibm.com 4. This article described the basic architecture that enables a simple integration of InfoSphere data mining into Cognos reporting. 本文描述了可以将InfoSphere数据挖掘简单地集成到Cognos报告中的基本架构。 www.ibm.com 5. In addition, any Cognos 8 instances that are already running do not need to be restarted for these changes to take effect. 另外,已经在运行的任何Cognos8实例也不需要重新启动。 www.ibm.com 6. But it is easy to consume the result tables containing the text analysis results, like any other database table in the Cognos report. 但是可以很轻松地使用包含文本分析结果的结果表,就如同使用Cognos报告中的任何其他数据库表一样。 www.ibm.com 7. It stores the Cognos models, packages, report templates and specifications, user preferences and datasource connection information. 它存储着Cognos模型、包、报告模板以及说明、用户偏好及数据源连接信息。 www.ibm.com 8. This utility is used to trigger an Event from a remote location (e. g. a database server) where a set of IBM Cognos Jar files are available. 这个实用工具用于从有一组IBMCognosJar文件可用的远程位置(例如,数据库服务器)触发一个事件。 www.ibm.com 9. Should the potential size of the result exceed this limit, then IBM Cognos will not be caching the data results. 如果结果的潜在大小超出此限制,IBMCognos将不会缓存数据结果。 www.ibm.com 10. The extracted rules of the association models are returned by the stored procedure and imported into Cognos as query subjects. 这些从关联模型中提取出来的规则由此存储过程返回并导入到Cognos作为查询主题。 www.ibm.com 1. The key to this technique is to place each report in a Cognos Viewer portlet in a separate portal page. 这个技术的关键是将每一个报表放到不同门户网页上的CognosViewerPortlet中。 www.ibm.com 2. If you are using a database that has already been set up for IBM Cognos 8 audit logging, you may already have done this. 如果使用的数据库已经针对IBMCognos8审计记录设置,那么可能已经完成了。 www.ibm.com 3. The techniques used to create deployment archives and export and import these into Cognos BI are used extensively in this document. 用于创建部署文档以及将它们导出和导入到CognosBI的技术被广泛地用于本文。 www.ibm.com 4. In IBM Cognos Connection, the type of query mode used by the package can be verified in the package properties. 在IBMCognosConnection中,程序包使用的查询模式的类型可在程序包属性中加以验证。 www.ibm.com 5. The IBM Cognos security model allows you to manage users as member of roles and groups. IBMCognos安全模型允许将用户作为角色和组的成员来进行管理。 www.ibm.com 6. In these types of scenarios, performance concerns due to local join processing of data on the IBM Cognos BI servers are avoided. 在这些场景类型中,由于服务器上的数据的本地联接处理导致的性能问题被避免了。 www.ibm.com 7. Please see the Resources section for a link to visit the IBM Cognos landing page for more information about Cognos BI solution offerings. 请查看参考资料部分获得IBMCognos登陆页面的链接,从而获得更多关于CognosBI解决方案产品的信息。 www.ibm.com 8. The section below shows how you can transfer this information to Cognos to visualize it in a convenient way. 下一个章节将展示如何将这些信息传递给Cognos以便以一种简便的方式对之进行可视化。 www.ibm.com 9. This document will illustrate how to implement global filters that filter reports in a Multi-page portlet in an IBM Cognos portal page. 本文将介绍如何实现能够在IBMCognos门户页面中的多页面Portlet上过滤报表的全局过滤器。 www.ibm.com 10. The key is to define ODBC data sources for Optim archive files or its collections that you want to access using Cognos for reporting needs. 对于出于报告目的希望使用Cognos访问的Optim归档文件或文件集,最关键的是为它们定义ODBC数据源。 www.ibm.com 1. As will be discussed later, an IBM Cognos 8 SDK application gains access by logging on as a user in the same manner as an interactive user. 后面将会介绍到,以用户的身份通过与交互用户相同的方式登录,IBMCognos8SDK应用程序就可以获得访问。 www.ibm.com 2. Users (browsers) or code (an SDK application) send requests to IBM Cognos 8 by establishing a HTTP session with a Cognos entry point (EP). 用户(浏览器)或代码(SDK应用程序)通过Cognos入口点(EP)建立HTTP会话,从而向IBMCognos8发送请求。 www.ibm.com 3. Be aware that locale specific login pages are independent from the system locale and the locale specified for the IBM Cognos 10 system. 注意,与地区相关的登录页面独立于系统地区和为IBMCognos10系统指定的地区。 www.ibm.com 4. To begin creating a validation project, Lifecycle Manager collects information from each Cognos BI environment that it will connect to. 要开始创建一个验证项目,LifecycleManager需要从它将连接到的每个CognosBI环境中收集信息。 www.ibm.com 5. The recipients list can include IBM Cognos administrators and application architects who would run this agent when required for deployment. 接收人列表可以包含IBMCognos管理员和应用程序设计人员,他们在部署需要时会运行这个代理。 www.ibm.com 6. This one time activity highly reduces the manual effort involved by the IBM Cognos administrators in code migration process. 这个一次性活动大大减少了IBMCognos管理员在代码迁移过程中的手工劳动。 www.ibm.com 7. Below table depicts which authentication providers are provided by IBM Cognos 8 out of the box. 下表描述IBMCognos8提供的开箱即用身份验证提供者。 www.ibm.com 8. One is to look at the Cognos SQL generated for the query and compare it to the Native SQL. 第一种方法是查看查询所生成的CognosSQL,将它与NativeSQL进行比较。 www.ibm.com 9. This will cause a retrieval of the entire data set from the database and then perform the calculation locally on the IBM Cognos BI servers. 这使我们必须从数据库查询全部的数据集,然后再在IBMCognosBI服务器上执行本地计算。 www.ibm.com 10. In this section, you will create a Cognos report that displays the text analysis results you extracted in the last section. 在本节中,您将创建一个Cognos报告,显示您从上一小节中提取的文本分析结果。 www.ibm.com 1. Configuring the Custom Trusted Signon provider to integrate IBM Cognos 8 components within the security infrastructure. 通过配置定制的可信登录提供者在安全基础设施中集成IBMCognos8组件 www.ibm.com 2. Each IBM Cognos environment can have multiple index data services, multiple index update services, and multiple index files. 每一个IBMCognos环境都可以有多个索引数据服务、多个索引更新服务和多个索引文件。 www.ibm.com 3. Each scenario contains a scenario ID which can facilitate conversations with IBM Cognos Support by providing a common reference point. 每个场景都包含一个场景ID,它可作为一个公共引用点,促进与IBMCognosSupport之间的对话。 www.ibm.com 4. For this reason each request sent to an IBM Cognos 8 entry point will have to be routed to some target service which can handle it. 由于这个原因,发送给IBMCognos8入口点的每个请求必须被路由到某个能够处理它的目标服务。 www.ibm.com 5. IBM Cognos BI's LDAP authentication provider fully supports LDAPS connections as well. IBMCognosBI的LDAP身份验证提供者也完全支持LDAPS连接。 www.ibm.com 6. This document provides guidelines to setting up and using historical rates in IBM Cognos Controller. 本文提供在IBMCognosController中设置并使用历史汇率的指南。 www.ibm.com 7. It also contains security namespace information and access control policies on all the Cognos objects. 它还包含针对所有Cognos对象的安全名称空间信息以及访问控制策略。 www.ibm.com 8. This operation may potentially fail or cause significant overhead at either the database level, or for IBM Cognos BI operations at run time. 那么这样会可能失败或在数据库级别或在IBMCognosBI运行时造成巨大负载。 www.ibm.com 9. However, in terms of the IBM Cognos 8 SDK this usage is not correct. 然而,对于IBMCognos8SDK,这种用法是不正确的。 www.ibm.com 10. The likely reason for the improved performance is the removal of network communication between the IBM Cognos 8 layers. 性能提升的可能原因是去除了IBMCognos8各层之间的网络通信。 www.ibm.com 1. Date Conversion Sheet: You can create a spreadsheet that converts the IBM Cognos Controller date format to more desirable format. 日期转换表:您可以创建一个电子表格将IBMCognosController中的日期格式转换为更理想的格式。 www.ibm.com 2. This document assumes experience developing dimensional reports in IBM Cognos Report Studio. 本文档假设读者有在IBMCognosReportStudio中开发多维报表的经验。 www.ibm.com 3. The previous chapter explained the concepts and components involved with authentication in IBM Cognos. 前一章解释了IBMCognos中的身份验证涉及的概念和组件。 www.ibm.com 4. In this scenario, IBM Cognos BI will push cross-schema join processing to the database vendor providing it supports the query. 在这个场景中,如果数据库供应商支持查询,那么IBMCognosBI会将跨架构联接处理工作推到数据库供应商。 www.ibm.com 5. With the source and target tasks now completed, the pdf output is available for comparison by IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager. 现在源和目标任务已经完成,pdf输出可用于IBMCognosUpgradeManager进行比较。 www.ibm.com 6. These include the user account properties of the end user account and the IBM Cognos Express Service account, IIS Application pool account. 这些项目包括终端用户帐户的用户帐户属性、IIS应用程序池帐户等。 www.ibm.com 7. In the upcoming articles of this series, learn how to go even further by invoking data mining dynamically from Cognos. 在本系列的后续文章中,将学习如何通过从Cognos中动态地调用数据挖掘,以完成更加复杂的任务。 www.ibm.com 8. This is supplied by an internal Administration user of username 'cognos'. 这由用户名为“cognos”的内部管理用户提供。 www.ibm.com 9. The validity period of time-dependant hierarchies can be found in the IBM Cognos Framework Manager model. 可在IBMCognosFrameworkManager模型中发现依赖时间的层次结构的有效期。 www.ibm.com 10. The end user is not aware of the Informix database server's existence, and the Cognos application handles the complete administration. 最终用户并不会意识到Informix数据库服务器的存在,由Cognos应用程序处理所有管理工作。 www.ibm.com 1. None of the other IBM Cognos 8 services can perform a logon or logoff operation. 其他IBMCognos8服务都不能执行登录和退出操作。 www.ibm.com 2. This document provides guidelines for using "N" and "Z" consolidation methods in IBM Cognos Controller. 本文提供在IBMCognosController中使用“N”和“Z”合并法的指南。 www.ibm.com 3. An IBM Cognos environment can include multiple instances of the index update service. IBMCognos环境包括索引更新服务的多个实例。 www.ibm.com 4. IBM Cognos 8 provides the ability to run multiple report queries concurrently or sequentially. IBMCognos8能够并发地或顺序地运行多个报告。 www.ibm.com 5. This document describes a technique which applies dynamic column sorting on a list using custom IBM Cognos 8 Report Studio toolbox items. 本文档描述一种使用定制的IBMCognos8ReportStudio工具箱对象在列表上应用动态列排序的技术。 www.ibm.com 6. He explores a graphical view of all related objects, and he looks through the detailed metadata coming from the Cognos BI report. 他研究所有相关对象的图形化视图,查看来自CognosBI报告的详细元数据。 www.ibm.com 7. It is set implicitly by the IBM Cognos 8 system when the request is created and cannot be controlled or changed. 请求密切关系在请求创建时由IBMCognos8系统隐式设置,不能被控制或更改。 www.ibm.com 8. Thus, in order to configure any kind of security for the IBM Cognos environment, a security provider must be configured. 因此,要想为IBMCognos环境配置任何类型的安全性,就必须配置安全性提供者。 www.ibm.com 9. The password for this account is also 'cognos' and is currently hardcoded. 这个账号的密码也是“cognos”,当前是硬编码的。 www.ibm.com 10. Second, Cognos reports can be linked by using the "drill-through" feature, enabling interactive reports. 其次,可以使用“穿透钻取”特性链接Cognos报告,以支持交互式报告。 www.ibm.com 1. Second, Cognos reports can be linked by using the "drill-through" feature, enabling interactive reports. 其次,可以使用“穿透钻取”特性链接Cognos报告,以支持交互式报告。 www.ibm.com 2. Cognos can be used to display model information. Cognos可用于显示模型信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Therefore, under high loads, you might receive error Launch Cognos Configuration. 因此,在高负载之下,可能会收到CognosConfiguration启动错误。 www.ibm.com 4. Depending on the version of IBM Cognos BI, different versions of the tool must be used. 必须根据IBMCognosBI的版本使用此工具的不同版本。 www.ibm.com 5. In certain scenarios, IBM Cognos BI builds dynamic cubes that are used as a source for reports. 某些情景下,IBMCognosBI构建动态多维数据集作为报表源。 www.ibm.com 6. Press OK when finished and wait for the IBM Cognos Express service to recycle and apply the settings. 完成后单击OK,等待IBMCognosExpress服务回收并应用这些设置。 www.ibm.com 7. TIP: change both the users 'fastnet' and 'fastnet' for the name of your SQL login (for example 'cognos' or whatever). 提示:将这用户“fastnet”更改为您的SQL登录的名称(例如“cognos”或其他任何名称)。 www.ibm.com 8. The ability to create reports from relational datasources is the key to the integration of InfoSphere Warehouse mining and IBM Cognos. 能够从关系数据源创建报告是InfoSphereWarehouse数据挖掘与IBMCognos集成的关键。 www.ibm.com 9. Once you respond to the Authentication Request (e. g. provide credentials) you should still be automatically logged into IBM Cognos Express. 只要您响应身份验证请求(例如提供凭据),您仍然应该能自动登录IBMCognosExpress。 www.ibm.com 10. The complete list of enumeration sets can be found in the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developer's Guide under the chapter titled Enumeration Sets. 枚举集的完整列表可以在IBMCognos8SDK开发人员指南中的枚举集一章中找到。 www.ibm.com 1. IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager sends requests to your IBM Cognos 8 instance and then stores the run output, in pdf format, locally. IBMCognosUpgradeManager发送请求到IBMCognos8实例,然后以pdf格式本地存储运行输出。 www.ibm.com 2. However, using IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager 8. 4, this same technique may be used to validate reports from earlier versions. 但是,可能也会使用IBMCognosUpgradeManager8.4验证来自较早版本的报告。 www.ibm.com 3. The IBM Cognos 8 SDK application will not need to logon as it will be treated as the Anonymous user. IBMCognos8SDK应用程序不需要登录,因为它将被视为匿名用户。 www.ibm.com 4. The first two are useful only when Target dimensional model is selected as the Cognos model. 前两个属性只在选择Targetdimensionalmodel作为Cognos模型时才有用。 www.ibm.com 5. Packages must be saved to a folder in the IBM Cognos 8 content realm. 包必须保存在IBMCognos8内容领域中的文件夹中。 www.ibm.com 6. To leverage the full potential of Cognos for displaying outliers, however, you need to employ some more advanced features. 但是,要想充分利用Cognos显示离群值的潜力,需要采用一些更高级的技巧。 www.ibm.com 7. Now you can deploy a TXTARTICLE package containing the query subjects of the project to the Cognos Content Store. 现在可以将一个包含项目查询主题的TXTARTICLE包部署到CognosContentStore。 www.ibm.com 8. Typical installations use single or multiple Gateways to act as the entry point to the IBM Cognos 8 system. 典型的安装使用单个或多个Gateways充当IBMCognos8系统的入口点。 www.ibm.com 9. The following diagram shows the IBM Cognos 8 security architecture when a trusted signon provider is implemented. 下图显示在实现可信登录提供者的情况下IBMCognos8的安全架构。 www.ibm.com 10. The effect of this, however, will produce local data processing on the IBM Cognos BI servers. 但是,这样做的结果是在IBMCognosBI服务器上生成本地数据处理。 www.ibm.com 1. Here, a user's identity is established, confirming access to the IBM Cognos Portal content. 现在,确定用户的身份,确认对IBMCognosPortal内容的访问权。 www.ibm.com 2. The user can interactively invoke mining by calling a corresponding stored procedure on the database from a Cognos report. 从Cognos报告中,用户可以通过调用数据库上相应的存储过程,交互式地调用数据挖掘。 www.ibm.com 3. In the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developer's Guide, the chapter Classes contains a section titled Content Manager Containment Relationships. 在IBMCognos8SDK开发人员指南中,“类”一章中包含标题为内容管理器包含关系的小节。 www.ibm.com 4. A common location (shared drive) within the network which is accessible from the IBM Cognos content manager. 网络中一个可以从IBMCognosContentManager访问到的公共位置(共享驱动器)。 www.ibm.com 5. Cognos will connect to ODM using ODBC DSN, then ODM will access the desired archive file or collection. Cognos将使用ODBCDSN连接到ODM,然后ODM将访问所需的归档文件或文件集。 www.ibm.com 6. This document provides a checklist to troubleshoot IBM Cognos 8 Virtual View Manager (VVM) installation problems. 本文档提供了一份检查清单(checklist)用于排除IBMCognos8虚拟视图管理器(VirtualViewManager,VVM)的安装故障。 www.ibm.com 7. IBM Cognos Real-time Monitoring provides a feature to manually export metadata on demand. IBMCognosReal-timeMonitoring提供一个支持按需手动导出元数据的特性。 www.ibm.com 8. For both cases, as always, IBM Cognos 8 will not authenticate the user itself but rely on 3rd party authentication sources for this. 与其他场景一样,对于这两种情况,IBMCognos8并不亲自验证用户的身份,而是依靠第三方身份验证源执行身份验证。 www.ibm.com 9. The report designer enters Cognos Connection and creates a new report on the deployed package. 报告设计者进入CognosConnection,并在部署的包上创建一个新报告。 www.ibm.com 10. Now save configuration and close Cognos Configuration. 现在保存配置并关闭CognosConfiguration。 www.ibm.com 1. The number of records will be computed by using Cognos aggregation functions. 记录数量将使用Cognos聚合函数计算。 www.ibm.com 2. You must first build the WAR file within your IBM Cognos 8 installation using the supplied scripts and then deploy this file to your server. 您必须首先使用所提供的脚本在IBMCognos8内构建此WAR文件,然后再将这个文件部署到您的服务器。 www.ibm.com 3. In this section, learn how to create a Cognos report that allows you to interactively inspect outliers. 在本节中,学习如何创建允许交互式查看离群值的Cognos报告。 www.ibm.com 4. In the standalone IBM Cognos 8 installation, it is recommended to allow unrestricted access to all objects in the Content Store. 在独立IBMCognos8安装中,建议不要限制对内容库中的所有对象的访问。 www.ibm.com 5. The Cognos reporting mechanism on the replica database also uses the read account. 复制数据库中的Cognos报告机制也使用read帐号。 www.ibm.com 6. Later, within Cognos, you may want to invoke your previously designed mining flow dynamically with user-defined input. 稍后,在Cognos中,您可能会想用用户定义的输入来动态调用前面设计的这个挖掘流。 www.ibm.com 7. Note: Historical rates are not handled in the latest version of IBM Cognos Controller. 注意:历史汇率不在最新版的IBMCognosController中处理。 www.ibm.com 8. For more than one IBM Cognos TM1 Contributor application, repeat this and the previous chapter for each application. 对于多个IBMCognosTM1Contributor应用,对每个应用重复该步骤和前面的步骤。 www.ibm.com 9. Cognos 8 is a sophisticated set of products and capabilities. Cognos8是一套精密的产品。 www.ibm.com 10. Instead of pre-computing the rules, the computation is triggered by a Cognos report. 规则并不是预先计算的,计算由Cognos报告触发。 www.ibm.com 1. It can be useful to hide the directory server information (ip, port etc) configured in the Cognos Configuration for namespaces. 可以隐藏在CognosConfiguration中为名称空间配置的目录服务器信息(IP、端口等)。 www.ibm.com 2. IBM Cognos Planning provides planning modelers with the ability to create and enforce data entry rules. IBMCognosPlanning提供规划建模器,拥有创建和执行数据输入规则的能力。 www.ibm.com 3. This can work offline with IBM Cognos security even on non-Windows environment. 它可以在离线状态下保护IBMCognos,甚至是在非Windows环境中。 www.ibm.com 4. Ensure that the Cognos SQL is being turned into efficient Native SQL. 保证CognosSQL被转换成有效的原生SQL。 www.ibm.com 5. The user will not get prompted for credentials by Cognos again. Cognos不会再次提示用户输入凭证。 www.ibm.com 6. Managing a multi-image cloud topology of Cognos based on such criteria as performance, scalability, and high availability. 根据性能、可伸缩性和高可用性等需求管理Cognos多映像云拓扑。 www.ibm.com 7. IBM Cognos 10 allows users to visualize and interact with the SAP BW time-dependent hierarchy structures. IBMCognos10允许用户与SAPBW依赖时间的层次结构进行可视化和交互。 www.ibm.com 8. The folder hierarchy is used by the namespace in the Cognos Administration tool for providing organisation to the namespace. 在CognosAdministration工具中使用文件夹层次结构组织名称空间。 www.ibm.com 9. Backup any files that you may have customized in your IBM Cognos 8 directory structure. 备份任何您可能已经定制在IBMCognos8目录结构中的文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Finally folders for IBM Cognos Admin display purposes are loaded. 最后,装载用于IBMCognosAdmin显示的文件夹。 www.ibm.com 1. These groups and roles can be used in Security policies such as access permission for each object within the IBM Cognos 8 portal. 这些组和角色可用于一些安全性策略,比如针对IBMCognos8门户中的每个对象的访问权限。 www.ibm.com 2. The concepts and backgrounds published in this document apply to all versions of IBM Cognos 8. 本文档中描述的概念和背景知识适用于IBMCognos8的所有版本。 www.ibm.com 3. The following example outlines the request flow for populating the left had metadata tree when first opening IBM Cognos 8 Query Studio. 以下示例概括在首次打开IBMCognos8QueryStudio时填充左边元数据的请求流。 www.ibm.com 4. Using the 'wrong' database collation for the IBM Cognos Controller application repository database will cause problems in the future. 对IBMCognosController应用程序存储库数据库使用“错误”的数据库校对(collation)会在将来导致问题。 www.ibm.com 5. The roles parameter is used to specify search paths to role objects in the Cognos namespace. roles参数用于指定在Cognos名称空间中到role对象的搜索路径。 www.ibm.com 6. You may also use a standard IBM Cognos 8 audit logging database, which should also have been configured in this way. 可能还需要使用一个标准的IBMCognos8审计记录数据库,且此数据库也要以这种方式配置。 www.ibm.com 7. However, that routing is not based on IBM Cognos 8 service availability or load but simply based on Dispatcher availability and load. 但是,那种路由并非基于IBMCognos8服务可用性或负载,只是基于Dispatcher可用性和负载。 www.ibm.com 8. This document will provide samples of reports built using the excel add-in link for IBM Cognos Controller. 本文档将提供使用IBMCognosController的Excel加载项链接创建报告的样例。 www.ibm.com 9. With the IBM Cognos 8 SDK, there is no such thing as a "simple" or "native" data type such as int, string, or boolean. 对于IBMCognos8SDK,不存在“简单”或“原生”数据类型,如int、string或boolean。 www.ibm.com 10. The IBM Cognos Package published in the previous step is used as the Source package for the Event Studio Agent. 前一步中发布的IBMCognos包被用作EventStudio代理的源包。 www.ibm.com 1. The process to create and connect a IBM Cognos 8 service is the same regardless of the service being used. 创建和连接IBMCognos8服务的过程是相同的,与具体使用的服务无关。 www.ibm.com 2. The installation of IBM Cognos 8 Virtual View Manager requires to be done by the root user. IBMCognos8虚拟视图管理器的安装需要root用户来完成。 www.ibm.com 3. We are going to use these same task to validate our reports after applying and update to our IBM Cognos 8 environment. 在应用和更新IBMCognos8环境之后,我们将使用这些同样的任务验证我们的报告。 www.ibm.com 4. This article explores two ways in which you can create business reports with Cognos 8 BI and XML data managed by DB2 pureXML. 本文介绍两种用Cognos8BI和DB2pureXML管理的XML数据创建业务报告的方法。 www.ibm.com 5. IBM Cognos 8 is built using an architecture based on Web Services and the IBM Cognos 8 SDK is implemented on top of these Web Services. IBMCognos8采用基于Web服务的架构构建,而IBMCognos8SDK在这些Web服务的基础上实现。 www.ibm.com 6. Each report in Cognos may contain parameters that can, for instance, be used to create parameterizable queries. Cognos中的每个报告可能包含一些参数,这些参数可用于创建可参数化的查询。 www.ibm.com 7. The table below outlines the file names and environment variables used by each of the IBM Cognos 10 query modes. 下表概述每个IBMCognos10查询模式使用的文件名和环境变量。 www.ibm.com 8. Start Cognos Configuration again and test the namespace using the pop-up menu on the namespace. 再次启动CognosConfiguration,使用名称空间上的弹出菜单测试名称空间。 www.ibm.com 9. Choose an install path outside of the IBM Cognos 10 directory structure. 选择一个IBMCognos10目录结构外的安装路径。 www.ibm.com 10. Once configured this way, you may test the namespace by right clicking on Cognos Configuration. 这样配置之后,可以通过右键单击CognosConfiguration测试名称空间。 www.ibm.com 1. The changes to this file will be picked up once a Stop and Start is done on the IBM Cognos 10 service. 在IBMCognos10服务上完成Stop和Start之后将接受对该文件的更改。 www.ibm.com 2. These parameters may be updated within Cognos Administration and the steps to change are noted below in this section. 可在CognosAdministration中更新这些参数且在本部分下面指出了更改的步骤。 www.ibm.com 3. The remainder of this article discusses how to visualize outliers interactively in Cognos. 本文剩下的内容讨论如何在Cognos中交互式地可视化离群值。 www.ibm.com 4. Click your organization's tree, like COGNOS in this example. 单击组织的树,比如这个示例中的COGNOS。 www.ibm.com 5. After the metadata has been modeled, it is deployed as a package into the Cognos 8 content store. 创建好元数据后,将它作为一个包部署到Cognos8内容存储中。 www.ibm.com 6. The section titled Running Reports in the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developer's Guide contains information related to running reports. IBMCognos8SDK开发人员指南的报告运行一节中包含与运行报告有关的信息。 www.ibm.com 7. This document also assumes the reader has a proficient knowledge of IBM Cognos 8 implementation and modeling proven practices. 本文还假定读者精通IBMCognos8实施的相关知识,以及丰富的建模经验。 www.ibm.com 8. You can find the layout of the Content Store in the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developer's Guide. 可以在IBMCognos8SDK开发人员指南中了解内容库的结构。 www.ibm.com 9. This also applies to the internal authentication provider, so all the objects of the IBM Cognos namespace have a CAMID assigned to them. 这也适用于内部身份验证提供者,所以IBMCognos名称空间的所有对象都有分配给它们的CAMID。 www.ibm.com 10. The target model package will also need to be copied to Cognos BI 10. 目标模型包也需要被复制到CognosBI10。 www.ibm.com 1. First, see show how to use "drill-through" to create interactive Cognos reports and how to link reports. 首先,看看如何使用“穿透钻取(drill-through)”来创建交互式Cognos报告,以及如何链接报告。 www.ibm.com 2. The concepts described herein apply to all versions of IBM Cognos 8 BI. 本文描述的概念适用于IBMCognos8BI所有版本。 www.ibm.com 3. In some environments, Cognos administrator might not have rights to delete and create databases in the given database instance. 在有些环境中,Cognos管理员可能没有权限在所给数据库实例中删除并创建数据库。 www.ibm.com 4. The following section will explain the main concepts of IBM Cognos 8 routing. 下一小节将解释IBMCognos8路由的主要概念。 www.ibm.com 5. After downloading the IBM Cognos TM1 9. 5. 1 Server install package, extract the contents of the archive to a directory. 下载IBMCognosTM19.5.1服务器安装包之后,将存档内容提取到一个目录。 www.ibm.com 6. From there, it can be accessed through Cognos Connection and the authoring studios. 然后可以通过CognosConnection和authoringstudio从这里访问它。 www.ibm.com 7. Each class is listed and described in the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developers Guide under the chapter titled Classes. IBMCognos8SDK开发人员指南中的类一章中列出并描述了每一种类。 www.ibm.com 8. The technique and behaviour outlined in this document have been tested on IBM Cognos 8. 4 including Refresh Pack 1. 本文档中描述的技术和行为已经在IBMCognos8.4(包含RefreshPack1)上测试过。 www.ibm.com 9. You can then use BI reporting tools such as Cognos to easily distribute extracted information throughout your company. 然后,您可以使用Cognos等BI报告工具在企业范围内分发提取到的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. The following describes time-dependent hierarchy structures, and how they are depicted in IBM Cognos 10. 下面描述了依赖时间的层次结构以及如何在IBMCognos10中描述它们。 www.ibm.com 1. Alias to the first Cognos dispatcher. 第一个Cognos分派器的别名。 www.ibm.com 2. There are actually only two calls involved in the process of generating rules and transferring them to Cognos. 实际上,生成这些规则并将它们传递给Cognos的过程所涉及到的调用只有两个。 www.ibm.com 3. You may want to convert the date from the IBM Cognos Controller format 0812 to something that makes more sense. 您可能想把IBMCognosController中0812格式的日期转换成更有意义的信息。 www.ibm.com 4. The layout documented here is current as of IBM Cognos 8. 4, however it might change in future versions without notice. 这里描述的布局是IBMCognos8.4当前的情况,在以后的版本中可能会改变而无须通知。 www.ibm.com 5. It is necessary to deploy the target model package to Cognos BI 10. 1 whenever a change is made to the target model. 当目标模型发生更改时,将目标模型包部署到CognosBI10.1是很有必要的。 www.ibm.com 6. By default, IBM Cognos 8 will run the queries sequentially. 默认情况下,IBMCognos8将会运行顺序查询。 www.ibm.com 7. Enable the Query Execution Trace on the IBM Cognos 10 system. 在IBMCognos10系统上启用查询执行跟踪。 www.ibm.com 8. As we discussed during the configuration stage instead of having 2 IBM Cognos 8 environments we only have one. 正如我们在配置阶段所讨论的,我们不是具有2个,而是只有一个IBMCognos8环境。 www.ibm.com 9. The source model package should be published to Cognos BI 8. 4 as normal. 源数据模型包应该如往常一样发布到CognosBI8. www.ibm.com 10. As of IBM Cognos 8. 4, packages can be placed anywhere the including MyFolders. 到IBMCognos8.4为止,包可以放在包括MyFolders在内的任何地方。 www.ibm.com 1. The IBM Cognos 8 SDK application will need to use this user account to authenticate and logon to IBM Cognos 8. IBMCognos8SDK应用程序将需要使用该用户帐户进行身份验证并登录到IBMCognos8。 www.ibm.com 2. You have created the query subjects you need for the Cognos report. 您现在已经创建了用于Cognos报告的查询主题。 www.ibm.com 3. Cognos 8 is designed with scalability in mind. 记住,Cognos8是专为可伸缩性设计的。 www.ibm.com 4. Then, see how to invoke data mining dynamically from Cognos. 然后,再来看看如何从Cognos动态调用数据挖掘。 www.ibm.com 5. Cognos 8 BI features a three-tier architecture, as illustrated in Figure 2. Cognos8BI提供一个三层的体系结构,见图2。 www.ibm.com 6. There are also various components available to extend Cognos 8 BI. 还可以通过各种组件扩展Cognos8BI。 www.ibm.com 7. Cognos BI 10. 1 reads data from the repository using the target model package deployed in the export archive. CognosBI10.1使用在导入归档文件中部署的目标模型包从存储库读取数据。 www.ibm.com 8. What that means is, that if a user authenticated to IBM Cognos 8 by SSO the logon data will have been some user name only. 这意味着,如果用户通过SSO向IBMCognos8验证了身份,登录数据会只有用户名。 www.ibm.com 9. For example, if a chart or graph for were shift off center, that may not be flagged as a difference by IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager. 例如,如果一个图表或图形偏移了中心位置,这不会被IBMCognosUpgradeManager标记为差异。 www.ibm.com 10. The table can now be accessed in IBM Cognos 8 BI to create reports. 现在可以从IBMCognos8BI中访问该表并创建报告。 www.ibm.com 1. This is a utility method that will connect many of the IBM Cognos 8 services to the same URL. 这是一种工具方法,将把许多IBMCognos8服务连接到同一个URL。 www.ibm.com 2. The Cognos 8 server engine can either use CGI or ISAPI (see section 7. 3 for more details). Cognos8服务器引擎可以使用CGI或ISAPI(参见7.3节了解详细信息)。 www.ibm.com 3. Cognos BI 10. 1 is used to execute reports and perform analysis. CognosBI10.1用于执行报表以及实施分析。 www.ibm.com 4. IBM Cognos 8 metadata modeling for Teradata is probably the most important task in the IBM Cognos 8 implementation. 针对Teradata的IBMCognos8元数据建模是IBMCognos8实施当中最重要的任务。 www.ibm.com 5. There is no need to copy the source model package to Cognos BI 10. 1. 这里不需要复制源模型包到CognosBI10. www.ibm.com 6. The target model package is copied to Cognos BI 10. 1 by creating an export deployment archive in Cognos BI 8. 4. 通过在CognosBI8.4中创建一个导出部署归档文件,将目标模型包复制到CognosBI10. www.ibm.com 7. Cognos is very well-suited to support the task of interactive outlier analysis. Cognos非常适合分析交互式离群值。 www.ibm.com 8. Cognos is very well-suited to support the task of interactive rule analysis. Cognos则非常适于为交互规则分析提供支持。 www.ibm.com 9. This is caused by the SQL "ContentStore" database not being available when the "Cognos 8" Windows service tries to start. 这是因为当“Cognos8”Windows试图启动时,SQL“ContentStore”数据库不可用。 www.ibm.com 10. IBM Cognos 8 BI content such as reports, analyses or dashboards are directly or indirectly based on packages. 报告、分析或指示板等IBMCognos8BI内容直接或间接地基于包。 www.ibm.com 1. There are 5 different values of affinity in IBM Cognos 8. IBMCognos8中有5个不同的密切关系值。 www.ibm.com 2. Save and restart the Cognos 8 BI service messages such as "java. lang. OutOfMemory" . 保存并重启Cognos8BI服务消息,比如“java.lang.OutOfMemory”。 www.ibm.com 3. As of version 8. 4. 1, the IBM Cognos 8 SDK documentation contains over 2900 pages in PDF form. 从8.4.1版本开始,IBMCognos8SDK文档包含超过2900个PDF页。 www.ibm.com 4. Before publishing the package to IBM Cognos BI, ensure that the fake fact is included in the package as a hidden object. 在向IBMCognosBI发布包以前,确保伪事实作为隐藏对象包含在包中。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, on one portal page you can place three Cognos Viewer portlets, each one containing a different report. 例如,在门户网页上您可以放置三个CognosViewerPortlet,每一个都包含不同的报表。 www.ibm.com 6. For IBM Cognos 8 BI versions 8. 1, 8. 2 and 8. 3 see the section Content Store Structure within the chapter Managing Content. 对于IBMCognos8BI版本8.1、8.2和8.3,参见内容管理一章中的内容库结构。 www.ibm.com 7. The ODM data source configuration is mandatory for Cognos or for any other reporting tool to access Optim's compressed archive file data. 如果Cognos或其他报告工具要访问Optim的压缩归档文件数据,那么必须配置ODM数据源。 www.ibm.com 8. For each one of these gestures, IBM Cognos BI resubmits the query to the data source. 对于每个动作,IBMCognosBI都会再次向数据源提交查询。 www.ibm.com 9. An IBM Cognos data source is created with the database containing the stored procedure as a source in the IBM Cognos administration page. 利用包含存储过程作为源的数据库,在IBMCognos管理页面中创建一个IBMCognos数据源。 www.ibm.com 10. In the Name field, specify the data source name that the user will see in Cognos. This example uses the name "ODMTEST" . 在Name字段中,指定用户将在Cognos中看到的数据源名称(这个例子使用“ODMTEST”)。 www.ibm.com 1. This document provides a set of tips and techniques when deploying IBM Cognos 8 with Teradata as a data source. 本文提供了一些在使用Teradata作为数据源来部署IBMCognos8时的技巧和技术。 www.ibm.com 2. The lowest layer of the architecture represents the individual data source types and data sources that IBM Cognos BI supports. 架构的最低层表示IBMCognosBI支持的单个数据源类型和数据源。 www.ibm.com 3. When using this technique, it is recommended not to check the "User ID" option when creating the data source in IBM Cognos Administration. 在利用该技术时,建议在IBMCognosAdministration中创建数据源时不要选择“UserID”选项。 www.ibm.com 4. The content of Cognos reports consists of results sets delivered by a relational data source, as described above. 如前所述,Cognos报告的内容包括由关系数据源交付的结果集。 www.ibm.com 5. For your report, you need two query subjects in the Cognos project that you then join to obtain a textual description for each outlier 对于这个报告,Cognos项目中需要两个查询主题,然后通过连接它们获得每个离群值的文本描述 www.ibm.com 6. The PowerCube can now be published as a data source and package to IBM Cognos BI for use in any of the studios. 现在PowerCube就可以作为数据源和包发布到IBMCognosBI供分析工具使用。 www.ibm.com 7. For the context of this article, a user of your Cognos solution will be categorized into three different user groups 根据本文背景,您的Cognos解决方案可以分为三个不同的用户组 www.ibm.com 8. For the OLAP sources listed above, IBM Cognos 10 will use the same data source connectivity install for both dynamic and compatible queries. 对于上面列出的OLAP源,IBMCognos10将对动态和兼容查询使用相同的数据源连接安装。 www.ibm.com 9. This behavior can happen when Cognos environment does not have 'signon' created for SAP BW data source connections. 如果Cognos环境没有为SAPBW数据源连接创建‘signon’,就会出现这种行为。 www.ibm.com 10. This completes data source configuration for Cognos reports to independently access the Optim archive file or collection data. 这些步骤为Cognos报告独立访问Optim归档文件或文件集数据配置了数据源。 www.ibm.com 1. With the Cognos data source created in Step 3, access the archived data and create reports using Cognos Framework Manager. 借助在步骤3创建的Cognos数据源,就可以使用FrameworkManager访问归档数据和创建报告。 www.ibm.com 2. When creating an IBM Cognos 8 data source connection, use the "Teradata (ODBC)" and not the "ODBC" option. 当创建IBMCognos8数据源连接时,使用“Teradata(ODBC)”而不是“ODBC”选项。 www.ibm.com 3. In this scenario, in IBM Cognos BI, you must create one IBM Cognos BI data source per catalog you wish to import. 在这个场景中,必须在IBMCognosBI中为想导入的每个目录创建一个IBMCognosBI数据源。 www.ibm.com 4. Mining models are stored in the database and can be accessed in a secure, efficient way from Cognos 挖掘模型存储在数据库中,可以从Cognos中安全、有效地访问它们。 www.ibm.com 5. After the restart, this change will affect all queries against any Essbase data source through IBM Cognos 10. 重启之后,该更改会影响通过IBMCognos10对任何Essbase数据源进行的所有查询。 www.ibm.com 6. In the following sections, examples will be provided on how to effectively use IBM Cognos BI as a data source for Transformer. 在下面的章节中,我们将介绍一些关于如何有效地使用IBMCognosBI作为Transformer数据源的示例。 www.ibm.com 7. You will have to close Component Services and re-launch the tool to see the change IBM Cognos Controller 8. 5 should have 259 objects 要查看变化,必须关闭ComponentServices并重新启动该工具,IBMCognosController8.5应该拥有259个对象。 www.ibm.com 8. Transforming the dimensional physical data model to a Cubing or Cognos model 将多维物理数据模型转换为Cubing或Cognos模型 www.ibm.com 9. Installation and Configuration Guide, Chapter 11: Configuration Options, Configuring IBM Cognos Index Search 安装盒配置指南,第11章:配置选项,配置IBMCognos索引搜索 www.ibm.com 10. These IBM Cognos TM1 Contributor controlled settings are resulting in following rights for the original dimension 这些IBMCognosTM1Contributor控制的设置产生针对原始维度的以下权利 www.ibm.com 1. General Windows (non-Cognos specific) Performance Testing 一般Windows(不是特定于Cognos的)性能测试 www.ibm.com 2. Creating an interactive Cognos report for deviation detection 为偏差检测创建交互式Cognos报告 www.ibm.com 3. Create a Cognos report using results from dynamic association rule mining 使用来自动态关联规则挖掘的结果创建一个Cognos报告 www.ibm.com 4. This will create a standalone reporting environment and provide the following benefits for IBM Cognos 8 SDK application development 这将创立一个独立的报告环境,并为IBMCognos8SDK应用程序开发提供以下好处。 www.ibm.com 5. small Cognos 8 BI reporting environments, e. g. development or small number of users 小型Cognos8BI报告环境,例如,开发或少量用户。 www.ibm.com 6. Avoid Unnecessary Local Data Processing on IBM Cognos BI Servers 避免在IBMCognosBI服务器上进行不必要的本地数据处理 www.ibm.com 7. IBM Cognos BI features for implementing Role based security 用于实现基于角色的安全性的IBMCognosBI特性 www.ibm.com 8. User Guide, Chapter 3: IBM Cognos Connection, Search for an Entry 用户指南,第3章:IBMCognos连接,搜索项 www.ibm.com 9. Preparing Your Environment for Non IBM Cognos Updates 为非IBMCognos更新准备环境 www.ibm.com 10. The components of Cognos 8 that are needed to create and publish business reports are 创建和发布业务报告所需的Cognos8组件有 www.ibm.com |
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