单词 | browsing |
释义 | 例句释义: 浏览,啃牧,浏览器 1. This brings me to the matter of mobile web browsing. 这就给我带来了移动网页浏览的问题。 www.bing.com 2. In such a case, however, the bank would be required to let the applicant see the browsing data and correct it if in accurate . 不过,在这种情况下,银行应该让申请人看到这些上网记录,并在数据不准确时予以纠正。 www.qeto.com 3. Step 5: related reference customers in watching you after the article, will choose to leave or to continue browsing. 第五步:相关推荐用户在看完你的文章后,会选择离开或继续浏览。 www.82g.com.cn 4. No doubt. Look, I'm just browsing. If I need your help, I'll let you know. 毫无疑问,看,我只是看看,如果我需要你的帮助我会让你知道的。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. I've spent one whole week browsing through Hemingway's works, trying to understand his unique style of writing. 我花了整整一个星期浏览海明威的作品,试图理解他独特的写作风格。 english.swufe.edu.cn 6. It also finds that at least one of the couple has ever checked the web browsing records of their mate in those fifths couples. 调查还发现,五分之一的夫妇中至少有一方曾查看过配偶的网页浏览历史记录。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. I read a fable about a man who was browsing in a store when he made the shocking discovery that God was behind a sales counter. 我曾读过一篇寓言故事,说到有个人走进一家商店,十分吃惊地发现,站在柜台的竟是上帝。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 8. Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing. 自己外出享用一顿晚餐或看一场电影,或只是花一下午的时光来阅读、逛书店或古董店。 www.bing.com 9. Even if this isn't possible, at least spend a few minutes doing some Web browsing on the type of wine likely to be listed. 即使在上述条件不允许的情况下,你至少要在网上花上几分钟对可能出现在酒单上的葡萄酒做些调研。 c.wsj.com 10. Christian had been spending two hours a week browsing websites and cookbooks looking for inspiration. 贝希每周花两小时流览各种网站和美食书籍,寻找晚餐的灵感。 www.bing.com 1. This will get you to the point of consistency within a browsing session, or possibly for the lifetime of the cookie. 这样就出现了浏览器会话的一致性问题,或者是有关cookie生命周期的问题。 www.ibm.com 2. Playground design is often mistaken as 'browsing through catalogues' of play equipment companies or even as a commercial entertainment area. 游乐场所的设计经常被误解为一个从游乐设施提供商的产品目录中进行挑选的过程,甚至仅仅是一个商业化的游乐场。 www.jchla.com 3. Perhaps just as importantly, it turns what used to be a painful wireless browsing experience into a reasonably pleasant experience. 可能同等重要的是,它还把原先痛苦的无线上网体验变成了令人相当愉快的过程。 www.ftchinese.com 4. There may also be work that you do that you think is of value, like browsing Linkedin, Twitter or other social networks. 你可能认为有些事是有价值的,比如浏览Linkedin,Twitter或其他社交网络。 www.bing.com 5. Purely online retailers have the advantage of easily gathering the browsing and purchase history of every one of their customers. 纯在线零售商拥有一项优势:它们很容易收集每位顾客的浏览和购买记录。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Cookies trying to do intrusive things like tracing your browsing across a national domain (like. No) will be automatically refused. 试图执行像跟踪跨国别域名(如.no)浏览的cookies将会被自动拒绝。 help.opera.com 7. The potential, however, is clear: the Facebook data could have been used to deanonymise the browsing histories associated with the cookies. 这种行为的潜力是显而易见的:根据cookies的浏览历史,Facebook的数据可以用来被反匿名。 www.ecocn.org 8. Incognito is a private space where all traces of your session are deleted as you leave the mode and get back to normal browsing. 匿名浏览状态是完全私人空间,回到正常浏览状态的时候,所有你之前的上网痕迹都会被抹除。 www.bing.com 9. Sources close to the company said that the address bar currently takes up a significant amount of space that could be used for web browsing. 据公司知情人士称,占据很大页面空间的地址栏,在后续的Chrome版本中,可能用于显示网页内容。 www.bing.com 10. When you sit down to work without a plan, it's easy to get caught up in crutch activities like checking email and browsing the web. 如果没有一个工作计划,很容易让你陷入不断查看邮件和浏览网页的混乱中。 www.bing.com 1. Sort-of social Web browsing tool that follows you around the Web. 它是在网络中围绕这你的社会化网站浏览器工。 www.bing.com 2. And, like others, IE8 allows you to conduct a private browsing session that won't leave any history or other evidence on your own PC. 而且,同其他浏览器一样,IE8允许你在隐私模式下浏览网站,而不会在你的电脑上留下任何记录和痕迹。 www.gjjy.com 3. Millions of songs, thousands of movies and TV shows, and so much more. Browsing and buying are just a tap away. 成千上万首歌曲、数以万计的电影和电视节目,资源如此之多,浏览和购买只在轻轻一触间。 www.bing.com 4. The next afternoon I wandered into a museum, intent on forgetting myself by browsing through antiquities. 第二天下午,我踱进了一家博物馆,希望通过浏览这些古董而忘记自身的存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You might be out trying more traditional methods while the love of your life is sitting on the couch, browsing internet profiles for you! 您一定要尝试走出较为传统的方法,而你一生的挚爱,可能正坐在沙发上,浏览互联网,等待你的出现! security.elanso.com 6. Browsing sites on a 3G connection will continue to be slow even as more sites optimize for mobile devices, he said. 他说即便为手机浏览用户提供优化效果的网站多于以往借由3G连接浏览网站也将依然慢如牛车。 www.bing.com 7. The introduction of filter searches can eliminate time browsing hundreds of matches, if you know any bits of information about the file. 采用过滤器搜索可以消除的时间浏览数以百计的比赛中,如果您知道任何比特的信息档案。 www.showxiu.com 8. That same concept of creating a personalized Internet experience applies to much of our browsing now, even basic Googling. 打造个性化互联网体验这一理念适用于我们当前多数的网络搜索行为,甚至最基本的谷歌搜索也是如此。 c.wsj.com 9. The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing. 当浏览网页时,在状态栏上可以看到一个图标显示当前HTML页面中的错误。 www.bing.com 10. When browsing the Web, other people may be able to open that file and view the information in it. 其他用户在浏览此网站时可能打开文件并查看其中的内容。 it.bab.la 1. The brain maps show a marked difference in the brain patterns of someone just browsing compared with a consumer about to make a purchase. 脑电图显示出了在随意观看之人和准备购物之人的脑电图之间有着显著不同。 www.soulx.net 2. Eight minutes later , he looked from his hand to the screen, and he was browsing : he was going back and forth . 八分钟以后,他看了看手,又看了看屏幕,他正在浏览网页:游刃有余。 www.bing.com 3. Then the Internet came in and we started browsing around to get material and information about him. 然后,互联网进入我们的视线,我们开始到处浏览信息,寻找关于他的素材和信息。 c.wsj.com 4. Age slightly larger insects, larvae are browsing mesophyll, leaving only a layer of skin, known as the "open window. " 虫龄稍大,幼虫则啃食叶肉,仅留下一层表皮,称之为“开天窗”。 www.hbzxr.com 5. To a lesser extent, UDDI is also able to facilitate some patterns of unfocused discovery through browsing of the repository. 在较低的程度上,UDDI还能够通过浏览资源库方便一些无重点的发现模式。 www.ibm.com 6. For an example, an hour of continuous use for Web browsing over 3G can easily drain up to a third of the iPhone's battery life. 比如说,通过3G进行一个小时持续的网页浏览就能轻而易举地消耗掉三分之一的电池寿命。 www.bing.com 7. He says browsing the Web also keeps him up to date with a constantly changing online vocabulary . 马蔚华说自己每天上网也是为了和层出不穷的网络语言保持同步。 www.bing.com 8. As shown in the demo video (see Resources), these three-finger gestures are used to move forward and backward in the browsing history. 如演示视频所示(请参阅参考资料),这些三指手势用于在浏览历史记录时向前和向后移动。 www.ibm.com 9. Think of it as a big iPhone that will handle music, video, web browsing and, of course, books. 想想一个可以播放音乐和视频、上网、看书的大iPhone吧。 www.bing.com 10. Was just browsing Lu Chen's sina blog yesterday and found a new post. 昨天看了看刘谦的新浪博客,发现一则新文章。 www.showxiu.com 1. Because this attribute will not be used for browsing, these settings will hide the attribute from users and will save processing time. 由于此属性不用于浏览,因此这些设置将向用户隐藏该属性,并可节省处理时间。 technet.microsoft.com 2. If you're like me, you'll see a number of tabs from the last time you were browsing. Or perhaps a single homepage. 如果您想我一样,就会看到一些上次浏览的标签页,或者是一个单一的主页。 www.bing.com 3. This BC need to have browsing and read access to at least all the user entries which should be imported into TM1. 这个BC至少需要对应该导入TM1的所有用户条目有浏览和读访问权。 www.ibm.com 4. Do not forget that a document may also be purely local to the system the user is browsing from. 不要忘记文件也许也是纯粹地方的对用户浏览从的系统。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you think database properties have changed since you started browsing them, click Refresh. 如果您认为在您开始浏览数据库属性后,它们发生了更改,请单击[刷新]。 www.ianywhere.com 6. Asynchronous JavaScript XML (Ajax) has had a profound impact on the way information can be delivered to a client's browsing session. AsynchronousJavaScript XML(Ajax)对将信息传送到客户机的浏览器会话的方式产生了深远影响。 www.ibm.com 7. The Java Browsing perspective has four views at the top and an editor at the bottom. JavaBrowsing视图在顶部有四个视图,在底部有一个编辑器。 www-128.ibm.com 8. When Microsoft's Internet Explorer and the codebase at the heart of Firefox were originally conceived, browsing was less complex. 在微软IE和Firefox的核心代码设计的时候,浏览器并不复杂。 www.bing.com 9. And by the evening of that day, 70 children were all browsing. 到了傍晚,共有70个孩子在上网。 www.ted.com 10. He said that the user must always be in control of their browsing experience. 响应速度是很重要的,Goodger说用户必须时刻控制自己的浏览体验。 www.bing.com 1. We do not collect any personally identifiable information from Users during their browsing of our web sites. 我们不会于用户浏览我们之网站时收集任何足以识辨个人身份之资料。 www.shkp.com.hk 2. It supports easy-to-use browsing with no need for training. 它支持方便的浏览,不需要培训。 www.ibm.com 3. Spend a week browsing the internet and gather some content about how harmful cigarettes are. 花一周时间浏览下英特网,收集些关于香烟危害之大的相关内容。 www.elanso.com 4. Network Mechanic optimizes your Internet connection up to 300%, providing faster download speeds and fewer delays while browsing. 网络机械优化您的网际网路连线高达300%,提供更快的下载速度和更少的延误,而浏览。 xtdownload.com 5. So why not use it like a full-fledged desktop to do a few things like checking your email and browsing the internet. 因此何不把它当作一个配置齐全的台式电脑来使用,做一些简单的事情,比如收发电子邮件、浏览互联网。 www.elanso.com 6. Select the name of the new connection you just made (ex. WebConnect), connect , and enjoy browsing the internet on your PSP . (选择你刚才新建的连接,然后你可以上网冲浪了)作者:刘泪。 www.bing.com 7. Now, the only foreigners browsing the clothing racks are usually aid workers, diplomats or journalists. 可是现在,光顾这家店的外国人不过是些救援人员、外交官和记者。 www.voanews.cn 8. The BP-5L battery should produce a browsing time of up to 3. 5 hours (standby 13 days). BP-5L电池可使浏览时间长达3.5小时(待机13天)。 www.ibm.com 9. Just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money. 万一你略略看过就买下它那就是在浪费自己的钱了 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This type of cookies is only stored for the duration of your browsing session. 此类型的Cookie仅在您的浏览会话期间保存。 www.liebherr.com 1. For further reading, I suggest browsing through the U. S. Department of Labor's Standard Occupational Classification web site. 进一步的阅读,我建议浏览美国劳工部的标准职业分类网站。 www.bing.com 2. General Browsing: While you are browsing the website, the server will automatically produce a log file. 一般浏览:当您在浏览本网站时,伺服器将自动地产生登入档案。 esl99.com 3. We finished up our browsing and headed out to home, finishing loading our stuff into the little car. 我们闲逛完后,回了家,把行李装到小车上。 en.eol.cn 4. People browsing the web tend to identify the language they speak, but determining their country code can sometimes be very difficult. 浏览Web的人易于标识他们所讲的语言,但确定其国家代码有时会很困难。 www.ibm.com 5. It's also unclear whether Facebook will actually be able to share information about its users' browsing habits with advertisers. 现在也还不清楚Facebook事实上有没有和广告商们分享用户的搜索习惯。 dongxi.net 6. "There are many product lines where you can actually get a better browsing experience online than offline, " he said. 「网上有许多产品系列,你其实可以得到比不上线时更棒的浏览产品经验,」他说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This gives the user a button for browsing the local file system and selecting a file to be uploaded, as shown in Figure 1. 这样便为用户提供了一个按钮,用于浏览本地文件系统,并选择上传的文件,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 8. The next step is to create a generic application for browsing, printing and exporting fixed layout reports from Windows applications. 下一步,是创建一个通用应用,允许Windows应用中程序中浏览、打印和导出固定布局的报表。 www.infoq.com 9. Second, they make browsing much quicker and responsive, at least for anonymous users. 其次,他们至少对于匿名用户来说,浏览起来更快更方便了。 meta.wikimedia.org 10. As I was browsing through an old newspaper, I read aloud to my wife a news item about men losing their memory cells faster than women do. 我翻阅着一份旧报纸,大声地给妻子读一则消息,上面说男人的记忆细胞比女人的失去得快。 www.chinaedu.com 1. When I go into a public library now, the place is packed. But it isn't packed with people browsing for books. 现在,当我走进一家公共图书馆,我会发现里面坐满了安静的盯着电脑屏幕的人,而不是看书的人。 www.bing.com 2. Shot boundary detection is one of the critical techniques in video browsing and indexing systems. 视频结构化组织是建立视频检索和浏览系统的基础,而镜头边界检测是视频结构化的第一步。 www.dictall.com 3. It's disconcerting being on a Web site that I'm used to browsing anonymously, and seeing my friends' faces there. 当我在一个自己已习惯于匿名浏览的网站上看到我朋友的脸时,会感到很不舒服。 www.bing.com 4. Browsing the work of talented designers is a great way to see what's possible and to inspire yourself in your own work. 欣赏天才设计师的作品是激起你自己创作灵感的绝佳途径。 www.bing.com 5. If you only want to check mails and do a bit of Internet browsing it is fine. 如果你只是查收邮件,浏览网页,还是可以应付的。 www.bing.com 6. Browsing. Like a rabbit, albeit a rabbit in charge of a restaurant that has set the culinary world abuzz. 不过这只兔子的来头可不一般,他所经营的一家餐馆已经在美食界声名远播了。 www.bing.com 7. The PS4 will have no disc drive, depending entirely on an Internet connection for browsing and accessing games. PS4不会配备光盘驱动器,而会完全依靠网络连接来浏览和访问游戏。 www.bing.com 8. Enjoy unrestricted and uncensored browsing with our service. You make a request via our site, we fetch the resource and send it back to you. 享有不受限制和未经审查浏览我们的服务。您提出要求通过我们的网站,我们获取资源,并传送回给你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Yes, some users may be searching for specific products or information. But a larger majority may just be browsing for content. 是的,许多用户可能寻找具体产品或信息,但更多用户只是浏览内容。 www.redlinux.org 10. Microsoft also plans to add a powerful anti-tracking tool to the next version of its Web-browsing software, Internet Explorer 9. 微软还打算在其下一个版本的网络流览器软件InternetExplorer9上加装一个强大的反追踪工具。 cn.wsj.com 1. Unfortunately that does mean you spend way too much time browsing Amazon. com while you could do something fun instead. 可惜的是,这意味着你要花费太多的时间浏览Amazon.com。 www.bing.com 2. Mozilla's founders, who spawned Firefox, walked away from the ashes of Netscape with a desire to change the Web browsing experience. 火狐母公司Mozilla的创始人们怀揣着改变网络浏览体验的想法,从Netscape的废墟上一路走来。 www.bing.com 3. You were shocked, just like me, at the amount of involuntary time you spend daily, just browsing around. 大量时间无意识的花费,仅仅是随便浏览。 www.bing.com 4. Find Symbol Results window displays results from the components in the browsing scope at the time of the search. “查找符号结果”窗口显示在搜索时从浏览范围中的组件得到的结果。 technet.microsoft.com 5. This leads to very frantic browsing behavior: we jump from one piece of content to another, from one website to the next . 这就导致非常疯狂的浏览行为:我们从一块内容跳跃到另一块,从一个网站网站跳到下一个。 www.bing.com 6. The news reader checks for updates to the channels that your interested in, and converts them to HTML for browsing. 新闻阅读器检查您所感兴趣的频道的更新,并转化成可以浏览的HTML。 www.ibm.com 7. This has only altered settings for your website and this does not otherwise affect your browsing . 上述只是改变了你的网站的设置,但是没有影响你的浏览。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The document to be imported can simply be selected by browsing to its location. 要引入的文件,可以通过浏览到它所在的位置来轻松选中。 www.ibm.com 9. A giraffe acquired the genetic specification for a long neck through generations of browsing upon the upper foliage of trees. 长颈鹿获得遗传的特征长脖子是由于它们世世代代啮食树上部的树叶的原故。 www.kuenglish.info 10. The results indicated that inherent usability was the main factor contributing to user' s satisfaction in both searching and browsing. 结果表明,固有可用性的主要因素有助于用户的满意度在搜索和浏览。 www.syyxw.com 1. I started browsing and was completely astonished by what I have come across. 我开始浏览并如此惊讶于我所看到的资料。 www.myoops.org 2. Do not connect your laptop to the "Public Internet Bar" for browsing Internet. 不得利用笔记本电脑与公共网吧进行连接上网。 bbs2.hrsalon.org 3. just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. 如果仅仅翻翻就买不太值得。 www.hxen.com 4. You get uncompromising email, browsing and voice performance in one thin, stylish, lightweight handheld with a full QWERTY keyboard. 你不妥协电子邮件、网上浏览、话音一瘦演出美观,具有充分qwerty键盘手持轻。 www.heyuheng.com 5. It was simply a massive step forward, with a cleaner user interface and much better browsing performance. 它还只是一个巨大的进步,凭着简洁的界面和更好的浏览效果。 www.cnbeta.com 6. She was in a good mood and was busy browsing the shelves. 她的心情很好,正忙着浏览架上货品。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. For this example, though, it won't be necessary because we'll only use this particular page in the context of a co-browsing session. 但是,对于这个示例,这个更改不是必须的,因为我们在一个共同浏览会话上下文中只使用这个特殊页面。 www.ibm.com 8. All you need to do now is make sure to call the new function before the form appears in the customer's co-browsing session. 您需要做的就是确保表单在客户的共同浏览会话中出现之前调用这个新函数。 www.ibm.com 9. As the Web is different from print, it's necessary to adjust the writing style to users' preferences and browsing habits. 由于网站与打印出版史不一样,它需要与用户喜欢的书写方式相匹配,且与浏览习惯相契合。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Netbooks are great for browsing the web on the sofa, or tapping out a report on the plane. 网络型笔记本电脑对于坐在沙发上浏览网页以及在飞机上写报告都非常适用。 www.ecocn.org 1. It will support email, web browsing and text messaging, and users will be able to make calls using a Bluetooth headset. 它将可以支持电子邮件,网页浏览和发送短信,用户还可以通过蓝牙头带式耳机打电话。 www.bing.com 2. I was browsing in a military surplus store when a young couple came in pushing a little boy in a stroller. 一次我正在逛一家剩余军品商店,这时候一对年轻的夫妇推着里面坐着一个小男孩的车子进来了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Our lunch just happened to be arranged in a roadside ZhanWangTai toyako near rest stop, can conveniently browsing toyako scenery. 我们的午餐正好碰巧安排在洞爷湖展望台附近的一个路边休息站,可以顺便浏览一下洞爷湖的风光… en.cnxianzai.com 4. When he returned, we will organise his work report communion meeting and the public class, meticulous browsing of his work. 当他回国后,我们会组织观摩他的工作汇报会议及公开课,细致浏览他的工作总结。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. That means that if one open tab encounters an error, the rest of your browsing session remains intact. 这就意味着如果一个开着的页面发生错误,其他的浏览进程都不受影响完好无损。 www.bing.com 6. All these item types could be pulled out of a person's browsing history and analyzed or viewed in new and different ways. 所有这些微格式信息都可以通过浏览历史获得,并通过不同的方法进行分析和查看。 www.bing.com 7. Widget makers say the collection of users' Web-browsing activity is an unintended side effect of how the tools work. 这些社交小工具的开发商说,收集有关用户网上浏览活动的信息是这些工具在运转时所产生的一个意想不到的副作用。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Browsing through a million 'potential' hit songs or listening to 1000 unsolicited demo's is an unbelievable waste of time. 浏览成千上万“潜力股”畅销歌曲或者去听1000首被主动提供的demo小样简直就是在不可思议地浪费时间。 kk.dongxi.net 9. If you're not careful, the browser's memory demands will grow over the duration of a browsing session. 如果不小心,浏览器的内存需求将在整个浏览会话周期中不断增加。 www.ibm.com 10. Firefox 3. 5 brings a much more robust private browsing mode that restricts the information your browser gathers as you visit websites. Firefox3.5提供更多强大的隐私保护模式,当你浏览网站的时候,她只能在限定的范围内搜集用户信息。 www.bing.com 1. And she even had an idea of where to "purchase" these sex-salves - browsing through female prisoners of war in other countries. 她甚至还想到了购买这些性奴的去处――那就是其他国家的女战争犯。 news.xinhuanet.com 2. During key sales events, high-volume WebSphere Commerce sites can experience up to 10, 000 concurrent shoppers browsing and placing orders. 在重大促销活动期间,高访问量的WebSphereCommerce网站会经历高达10,000个购物者同时浏览和下订单。 www.ibm.com 3. As a brief representation of video content, video summarization can effectively assist users' browsing and organizing video clips. 视频摘要作为一种视频内容的简要表示,能够有效地增强用户浏览和组织视频的效率。 cjig.cn 4. Prospect management user interface operation browsing, enquiries, including : user landing, registration. 前台管理操作界面用户的浏览、查询,包括:用户登陆、注册。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 5. A report by the OpenNet Initiative has found that Green Dam can monitor activities outside of web browsing and can terminate applications. 一份OpenNetInitiative的报告指出绿坝能够监控网络浏览之外的活动并终止应用程序。 www.bing.com 6. With the combination of these two graphs, user browsing-searching graph is constructed. 合并用户浏览图和用户搜索图得到用户浏览搜索图。 fcst.ceaj.org 7. Any hardware capable of providing a post-2002 browsing experience should be sufficient for the code presented in this article. 任何能够提供2002年以后的浏览体验的硬件设备,应该能够运行本文所使用的代码。 www.ibm.com 8. One day, he was attracted by a real story when he was browsing books. 一天,他在游览书籍的时候,被一个真实的故事吸引住了。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Find the best type of account for your needs by browsing the eBay Developers Program Fees. 浏览eBay开发者计划收费清单以找到你需要的最佳帐户类型。 www.ibm.com 10. But search histories, like browsing histories, provide detailed information about people who thought they were acting anonymously. 但就像浏览历史一样,搜索历史也提供了原本认为别人不知道自身行为的用户的详细信息。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Fervor - enticement - sex appeal - portrait - Attractive - Innocent, achromatic region opening browsing. 激情-诱惑-性感-写真-美女-清纯无色区开放浏览。 dict.kekenet.com 2. When a. Bsc file is built for a project, it is automatically available to support browsing for symbol references. 为项目生成.bsc文件时,该文件自动可用于支持浏览符号引用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Find the best type of account for your needs by browsing the eBay Developers Program. 以找到你需要的最佳帐户类型。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Bloglines and Feedburner support RSS aggregation on your internet-connected Web browsing mobile device. Bloglines和Feedburner支持连接互联网的Web浏览移动设备上的RSS聚合。 www.ibm.com 5. Opera comes with a selection of different display modes to accommodate your hardware and your browsing habits. Opera提供了多种可供选择的显示模式,以适应您的硬件和浏览习惯。 help.opera.com 6. Even just thumbing through my sewing and knitting books, or browsing Amazon for new releases, can be relaxing enough for me. 甚至只要翻阅下自己订过的书刊或浏览下卓越网新上市的书籍,足以让自己得到放松。 www.bing.com 7. Due to increasing Web information, people have to spend much time searching and browsing their information. 由于Web信息的日益增长,人们不得不花费大量的时间去搜索,浏览自己需要的信息。 home.hjenglish.com 8. A search returns all symbol names in the current browsing scope where the search string matches any part of the symbol name. 搜索将返回当前浏览范围中满足以下条件的所有符号名:搜索字符串与该符号名的任意部分匹配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Giving them something drastically different every few pages makes browsing a more confusing and less efficient experience. 每隔几页就给一些截然不同的东西会使浏览更加混乱,用户体验也变得很低效。 www.bing.com 10. As the important information in images and videos, characters are of concern to the information retrieve and browsing. 文字是图像和视频中重要的内容信息,对检索和浏览有十分重要的意义。 search.gucas.ac.cn 1. These noises can be very distracting, getting in the way of work, games, or web browsing. 这些噪声非常转移注意力,妨碍工作、游戏或上网。 www.bing.com 2. Browsing time does not significantly affect recall and recognition degree towards bill advertising. 浏览时间并未显著影响帐单广告回忆与识别的程度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The only information we gather during general browsing is from standard server logs. 我们在一般浏览期间收集的唯一信息来自标准的服务器日志。 www3.alliance-hpsr.org 4. Would Facebook like to build value on top of the data it collects from your browsing around the web? Facebook也会从它收集的用户数据中创造价值吗? www.bing.com 5. Browsing was used just as an example, the same would apply to gaming, IMing, etc. . . 浏览器只是用来举例,其他如网络游戏,聊天等等也是一样的道理。 bbs.hoopchina.com 6. He keeps promising to train for a different career, but instead just sits at home browsing career books. 他总保证说要“充电”改行,不过到头来却只是坐在家里,翻看职业指导书。 www.bing.com 7. Deep silence, save for Tommy's pencil-scribbling. A few old-timers are browsing the shelves, sneaking looks their way. 几个老家伙们在书架子那儿逛悠,还不住地偷偷往这儿看。 www.xiaoshuo.com 8. Like other touchscreen tablets, it plays high-definition videos and is designed for Web browsing, games and electronic books. 与其它触屏平板电脑一样,ToshibaTablet可以播放高清视频,能够上网,玩游戏和浏览电子书。 cn.reuters.com 9. This search is well suited to a novice user or someone interested in browsing a basic category of information items. 这种搜索方式很适合初级用户或有意浏览信息项目基本目录的人士。 www.ibm.com 10. This typical behavior works well for the standard Web browsing experience in which each page is a separate unique entity. 这种典型行为适合于标准的Web浏览体验,在这种体验中,每个页面是单独的、唯一的实体。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The AT&T iPhone has no trouble making phone calls and using wireless data services (such as web browsing) simultaneously. AT&T的iPhone在同时打电话和使用无线数据服务(比如网络浏览器)时没有问题。 www.bing.com 2. Invisible Browsing is an efficient Internet Explorer Privacy Solution erasing automatically and in real time, all your online tracks. 无形的浏览是一种有效的InternetExplorer隐私的解决办法抹掉自动和实时,您的所有在线的轨道。 xtdownload.com 3. Prior to browsing a page with the plugin, ensure the option to intercept XHR calls is selected, as shown in Figure 3. 如图3所示,在用插件浏览页面前,要确保已选择了截取XHR呼叫的选项。 www.fachun.net 4. You see advertisements all the time while browsing the internet, right? 你看广告的时间都在浏览互联网,对不对? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Many browser add-ons can add to a rich browsing experience, offering multimedia or specialized document viewing. 许多浏览器加载项能够增加丰富的浏览经验,提供多媒体或特定的文档查看。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. But if you slow down and think about your attention, you'll agree that answering email while browsing the Web is impossible. 但是如果你惊险信赖想想你的注意力,你就会同意,在上网时回邮件根本是不可能的。 www.bing.com 7. While browsing the web in the dark lounge room. 妈咪在暗摸摸的客厅上网。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. You can keep browsing through the Web pages you are interested in, and simultaneously you will notice changes in the graph. 您可以继续浏览您感兴趣的Web页面,并且同时您将注意到图上的变更。 www.ibm.com 9. should try to do this, right-justified due to not meet the browsing habits and less used, but was new. 应尽量做到这些,右对齐因不太符合浏览习惯而较少采用,但显得新奇。 www.hotelvi.com 10. Apple has done a great job of using the size of the iPad's screen to give you more information and better navigation while browsing. 苹果公司很好地利用了iPad的屏幕,给予你浏览时更多的信息和更佳的导航体验。 www.bing.com 1. A thumbnail representation of an object that lets that object be displayed in a browsing tool. 对象的缩略图表示形式,使对象可在浏览工具中显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Moreover, the compression scheme provides embedded bitstream from lossy to lossless, which facilitates the image retrieving and browsing. 另外,为了便于图像的检索和浏览,应能够提供从有损到无损的具有渐进传输性能的压缩码流。 paper.dic123.com 3. A stand-alone GUI database browsing and migration tool, the IBM Cloudscape Workbench available as a no-charge download - see. 可以下载到一种独立的GUI数据库浏览和迁移工具。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Behind the scenes, it has a speedy processor that handles email, Web browsing and video playback with ease. 说到配置,它的高速处理器可以轻松处理电子邮件、网页浏览以及视频播放等要求。 iedu.com.cn 5. Marc Benioff, the founder of Salesforce. com, had the idea for his firm while browsing on Amazon's online store one day. com的创始人马克?贝尼夫(MarcBenioff)某日在浏览亚马逊(Amazon)的网上商铺时,想到了这个主意。 www.ecocn.org 6. A derivative of this format is the well-known HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), which is used for browsing static pages on the Internet. 从这一格式派生出在因特网上浏览固定网页使用的、著名的HTML(HyperTextMarkupLanguage)。 www.fao.org 7. Perhaps the key product decision was not requiring user registration, thereby allowing anonymous posting and browsing. 产品决策的核心恐怕要算不强迫用户注册。用户可以匿名发帖和浏览。 www.bing.com 8. Facebook already has its own frames it uses for links shared through the site, holding the browsing experience inside the Facbook ethos. Facebook已经有了用于分享链接的框架,把网页浏览体验保留在Facebook之内。 www.bing.com 9. With the images being displayed inline, it completely changed Internet browsing, and greatly helped the Internet become more mainstream. 随着图片可以内置显示,它完全改变了互联网浏览的改变,并且大大有助于互联网日益成为主流。 www.bing.com 10. Real-life applications require a bit more than just browsing a database. 实际生活中的应用程序所要求的不仅仅是浏览数据库。 www.ibm.com 1. Adverts can be programmed to glean the user's browsing behaviour from the cookies and display matching advertising. 在对广告进行编排时,可以从cookies收集用户的浏览行为,然后显示与此匹配的广告。 www.ftchinese.com 2. (The content of the messages can remain private. ) It may also include Web browsing records. (邮件内容仍受保护)还可能包括网页浏览历史。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Julia remained where she was, slipping the mace into her pants pocket and browsing the magazine. 朱莉娅坐着没动,把防身毒气小筒悄悄塞进裤子口袋,浏览着杂志。 www.bing.com 4. Individuals with disabilities often encountered difficulties in computer access and thus affected their ability to perform web browsing. 残障人士在使用电脑时往往遇到困难因而影响网页浏览。 www.info.gov.hk 5. A user with a Lotus Notes e-mail client is browsing the Internet and wants to share a URL link with a colleague. 使用LotusNotese-mail客户端的用户在浏览互联网时想要和同事分享URL链接。 www.ibm.com 6. After pressing the action button the symbol is displayed in a specific area of the screen, and you can continue browsing . 点击动作按钮后,该符号图标会在屏幕的指定区域显示,这样你可以继续浏览其他图标。 dict.kekenet.com 7. So, the upcoming version of Chrome for Mac will no longer use Gears for certain operations like offline browsing or drag and drop. 因此,即将到来的ChromeforMac将不会使用Gears实现某些操作,如离线浏览或是拖拽。 www.infoq.com 8. Full-screen mode allows you to use the entire computer screen for browsing. 全屏模式允许您使用整个计算机屏幕来浏览。 help.opera.com 9. As a new affiliate, you'll probably spend some time browsing the product library to find products your customers would find useful. 如果您是新代销商,您很可能会花一点时间去浏览产品库,以查找对您的客户有用的产品。 www.regnow.com 10. After you create the page, you can edit it by browsing to it, clicking the Site Actions menu, and then clicking Edit Page. 创建网页后,可以通过浏览到该网页,单击“网站操作”菜单,再单击“编辑网页”来进行编辑。 office.microsoft.com 1. All your Chrome bookmarks appear at the top of the screen, and you can start searching and browsing right away. Chrome标签页出现在屏幕的上方,方便你能立即搜索和浏览。 www.bing.com 2. David Feldman, in New York, schedules his tooth flossing to coincide with his regular browsing of online discussion groups. 纽约的大卫·费尔德曼把用洁牙线清洁牙缝安排在日常浏览网上讨论之时。 www.ebigear.com 3. It is useful during application development for developing and testing SQL statements, and for browsing data in databases. 在应用程序的开发过程中,可以使用它来开发和测试SQL语句以及浏览数据库中的数据。 www.ianywhere.com 4. Otherwise, it's the same browsing experience, and just as stable. 除此以外,它是一样的稳定和能让人拥有与Google相同的浏览经历。 www.bing.com 5. I took this photo browsing through an artist village near the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China. 我在靠近中国长城的慕田峪段我拍摄了这张照片。 www.bing.com 6. This design makes more sense, however, since telephone calls have quite different requirements than those of web browsing or email. 这样设计更合理。然而,由于电话的要求与浏览网页和电子邮件很不一样。 www.bing.com 7. Usually holidays like Internet browsing at home Taobao buy things, some good friends or colleagues will come out about tea dinner singing. 平时节假日喜欢在家里上网逛淘宝买东西,也会约些好朋友或者同事出来喝茶吃饭唱歌。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The American computer giant Microsoft has agreed to offer computer users a choice of Internet web-browsing software. 美国电脑巨头微软公司同意向电脑用户提供网络浏览软件新选择。 club.topsage.com 9. When the product page automatic hidden, do not affect your daily web browsing. 商品网页时自动隐藏,不影响您的日常网页浏览。 www.82g.com.cn 10. When browsing the text messaging menu, the people you've been chatting with appear in a list down the left half of the screen. 当浏览短信菜单,你去过的人聊天出现在了屏幕的左半边名单。 www.bugutang.com 1. Private browsing isn't selective. It deletes all cookies, whether useful or not. 隐私浏览是没有选择性的,它会把所有cookies不分有用与否全部删掉。 c.wsj.com 2. You do not need to change your normal Internet browsing practices including the ability to set favorites and bookmarks. 您不必更改您的正常上网浏览做法,包括能力设置的最爱和书签。 www.mojiajun.com 3. There are a number of new features in this release of the RadRails plug-in, including the Ruby Browsing view. 此发行版的RadRails插件有许多新特性,包括RubyBrowsing视图。 www.ibm.com 4. The reader displays your feeds in a color-coded sidebar on the left and loads Web pages on the right for fast, easy browsing. 阅读器在左侧栏用颜色区分你的订阅,在右栏加载页面,让页面更方便阅读。 www.bing.com 5. The css Zen Garden is about functional, practical CSS and not the latest bleeding-edge tricks viewable by 2% of the browsing public. CSS禅意花园采用的是可行、实用的CSS语法,而不是只能被2%观众浏览到的超尖端而未完美支持的技术。 www.missyuan.com 6. There's her browsing behavior, her choice of seats on your airline, or her choice of airlines on your travel site. 有她的浏览记录,她选的飞机座位,或者是她选的航空公司在你们的旅行网站上。 www.bing.com 7. The Person field type creates rich displays of lists of people including support for a People Picker for browsing a list of users . 使用“人员”字段类型,可以创建以多种方法显示的人员列表,包括支持用来浏览用户列表的人员选取器。 www.bing.com 8. This gives the client application two obvious possible user interfaces that could be implemented for browsing. 这为客户机应用程序提供了两种用户界面,可以实现这些浏览界面。 www.ibm.com 9. The caching computers handle all read activity, including users browsing and searching the product catalog, and checking order status. 缓存计算机处理所有读取活动,包括用户浏览和搜索产品目录,以及检查订单状态。 technet.microsoft.com 10. I spent some time browsing through the web sites, doing searches on "custom wordpress theme" and see what comes up. 我花了些时间浏览这些网站,并做了些与“定制博客主题”相关的调查来确定最合适的网站。 dongxi.net 1. Thanks your browsing, wishes you to have a happy shopping journey . 感谢您的浏览,祝您有一个愉快的购物旅程,谢谢! dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Provides just-in-time generation of publication previews in dedicated browsing perspective that allows rapid configuration switching. 提供及时产生的,专门用以浏览的发布预览,使得迅速的配置变化成为可能。 www.ibm.com 3. For this reason, proxy browsing is not for very sensitive private information like banking. 基于这个原因,代理浏览并非为非常敏感隐私的信息例如银行业而推出的。 www.elanso.com 4. Mere browsing is free, although visitors must pay for access to an instant-messaging system, price lists and dealers' private rooms. 尽管参观者必须为实时通信系统、价目单和交易商包间付费,只不过浏览是免费的。 www.ecocn.org 5. When you are browsing for a custom League of Legends game you will now have the option to join that game as a spectator. 你可以浏览英雄联盟的自定义房间,选择加入你所需要的那场竞赛中。 bbs.duowan.com 6. That certificate can be used to compromise sites that people believe they are browsing securely. 这个认证可能会用于危害人们自认为是安全浏览的网站。 www.bing.com 7. I was on a business website the other day and I was browsing some articles. 不久前的一天,我浏览一个商业网站,阅读上面的一些文章。 www.bing.com 8. This section contains lots of information about maintaining your own user profile, avatars and browsing options etc. 本区包含了许多关于操作您自己的会员个人设定,头像和浏览选项等问题的通告。 bbs.5d.cn 9. With regular web browsing every opened web page will be in its own window. 与规则网浏览每个被打开的网页是在它自己的窗口。 bbs.pcbeta.com 10. Front Desk includes user registration, news browsing, browse movie information, movie reviews, fan modules House. 前台包含用户注册、新闻浏览、电影信息浏览、评论电影、影迷之家等模块。 www.jsjlw99.cn 1. It maintains a focused browsing history for all programming elements opened in the IDE as well as Web resources accessed. 它对IDE中的所有编程元素及所访问的Web资源维护了一个浏览历史。 www.infoq.com 2. A man is browsing in a pet shop and sees a parrot sitting on a little Perch. 有个人到宠物店瞎逛,他看见一只鹦鹉栖息在一小段栖木上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sometimes I was just tired of browsing the endless shopping malls and this place is an oasis. 有时,我就是厌倦了穿梭在无边无际的商场里,这里就像是绿洲。 www.bing.com 4. For a better RSS browsing experience, you can have Firefox list your bookmarks down the left-hand side. 要获得更好的RSS浏览体验,可以操作Firefox将书签列在左侧。 www.ibm.com 5. Like connected browsing, you can browse the portlet pages and submit forms within the portlet while offline. 与已连接的浏览一样,您可以在脱机状态下浏览portlet页面并在portlet中提交表单。 www.ibm.com 6. We've been browsing through the as-yet rather limited selection of apps in the Verizon tab of the Android Market. 我们在Android应用市场的Verizon标签中浏览了一下目前还比较有限的应用程序资源。 www.bing.com 7. To open and quickly move between several webpages at once, you can use tabbed browsing. 若要同时打开多个网页并在网页之间快速切换,可以进行选项卡式浏览。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. A few buffalo were tethered under coconuts, browsing the parched verges. 一些水牛被栓在了许多椰子底下,啃食着焦热的椰子边缘。 peacherino2009.blog.163.com 9. A day, she was drawn on by a true story while browsing book. 一天,她在浏览书籍时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. It comes with such useful features as tabbed browsing, Live Bookmarks, and an integrated Search bar. 它还提供了一些非常有用的特性,例如标签页浏览、LiveBookmarks和集成搜索条。 www.ibm.com 1. Automatically annotating concepts for multimedia is a key to semantic-level video browsing, search and navigation. 多媒体自动概念标注是在语义层次上进行视频浏览、搜索的关键技术。 www.fabiao.net 2. For non-developers, it dramatically streamlines the web browsing experience, and helps reduce bookmark overload. 对于非开发者,它显著的简化了Web浏览体验,并减少了大量书签。 www.infoq.com 3. By simply browsing the material and adding each book to a queue, users can create their "must read" list. 通过简单的浏览和把图书加入列表,用户就能创建自己的“必读书目”列表。 www.bing.com 4. You can cover your tracks with just one click to protect the privacy of your browsing history. 你只需点击需要保护的浏览历史隐私就可以抹去踪迹。 blog.csdn.net 5. Then, browsing online one night, I'd stumbled across the idea of renting a public-use cabin. 然后,有一天晚上我在网上搜索时,突然想到可以租一间公共小木屋。 www.bing.com 6. He spent the majority of his summer holiday browsing internet. 在暑假里他大部分的时间都用来上网了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Th is process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the authors servers for analyses. 该进程监视你的浏览行为,并回传到其服务器进行分析。 www.qqread.com 8. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analysis. 这个进程监控你的浏览习惯,分配数据回到作者的服务器进行分析。 baike.baidu.com 9. The policy continues to work after you use RIES by disabling UI entry points to the Delete Browsing History dialog box. 此策略在您使用RIES后将通过禁用指向“删除浏览历史记录”对话框的UI入口点而继续起作用。 support.microsoft.com 10. And some of these improvements change the character of what it is like to be browsing. 而且一些进步改变它是什麽的个性喜欢浏览。 sushe5518.bokee.com 1. When browsing through the messages, underlined abbreviations pop up an little explanation, when the mouse is hovering over it. 浏览这些信息的时候,当鼠标移到到画有下划线的缩写时,就会弹出一个带着简短解释的窗体。 www.bing.com 2. The two look very similar because both rely on the Eclipse platform to present their code browsing and intelligence features. 这两个插件看起来确实非常类似,因为它们都依靠Eclipse平台呈现代码浏览和智能特性。 www.ibm.com 3. Another feature related to file sharing is the concept of browsing. 文件共享的另一个相关特性是概念浏览(browsing)。 www.ibm.com 4. With virtually every web browser HTTPS-ready today, why aren't we searching, emailing, and browsing in general given the same protections? 令人惊讶的是在每种网页游览器都支持HTTPS的今天,我们为何还不让网上搜索、收发邮件和网页浏览都享受这种相同的保护呢? www.infoq.com 5. This article provides some easy implementations of video and image browsing that you can use in your own project. 本文介绍了一些非常简便的视频和图片浏览的实现,可用于您自己的项目。 www.ibm.com 6. The composer tool is an Eclipse plug-in that allows browsing, authoring, and publishing content. 其组合器工具是一个Eclipse插件,允许浏览、创作和发布内容。 www.ibm.com 7. Simplified user interface for browsing, selecting, and adding Web Parts to a Web Part page. 为浏览Web部件、选择Web部件和向“Web部件”页中添加Web部件提供简化的用户界面。 office.microsoft.com 8. Internet Browsers - Delete your browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, and saved forms from your web browsers. 网络浏览器—删除你的浏览记录,cookie文件,保存的密码,并将网络地址备份。 www.ebigear.com 9. Their use of multiple processes is for failure containment across the user's browsing sessions rather than for security. 他们对多进程的使用是为了在不同浏览进程之间控制错误,而不是为了安全。 www.infoq.com 10. We'd be browsing in a bookshop and everyone's eyes would wander above the paperback in their hands. 我们一起逛书店,人人全部躲在手中的书后打量她。 aeblc2.aeblc.com 1. The total on-line browsing aimlessly, looking for what? 总在网上漫无目的地浏览,想找什么? zjzhng.blog.163.com 2. The browsing history, the recently closed tabs and the most visited pages are used to automatically create a homepage. 浏览历史,最近关掉的标签和访问次数最多的页面都会被利用起来自动生成一个主页。 www.bing.com 3. A browsing technique in which a source object is used to retrieve its target object or objects through their relationship. 一种可通过源对象与目标对象的关系来使用源对象检索其目标对象的浏览技术。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Or how about one that finds links to FOAF files on web pages your browsing and then blogs that information to your people blog? 或者,可以在你浏览的网络页面里面发现连接到FOAF文件的信息并发布这些信息到你的人员blog的脚本怎么样? www.bing.com 5. You can get some ideas about what even simple Shale applications are capable of by browsing these use cases. 通过浏览这些用例,您可以了解到即使是简单的Shale应用程序也可以做许多事情。 www.ibm.com 6. When you know that your users are browsing your site with iPhones, you can make a number of strong assumptions about their environments. 当您知道用户要使用iPhone浏览站点时,您可以对其环境作出一些典型的假设。 www.ibm.com 7. Perhaps you may be able to find a similar font by browsing or searching our site with the links above. 也许你能找到类似的字体通过浏览我们的网站或搜索链接与以上。 wenwen.soso.com 8. It shows web addresses or page titles in a neat little sidebar, so it doesn't intrude on your browsing. 它把网址或网页标题显示在一个干净的边栏里,因此它不会影响网页浏览。 www.bing.com 9. FireFox is included with most later versions of Ubuntu, and is great for fast Internet browsing. 火狐是包含在最新版本的Ubuntu之中的,网络浏览速度很快。 www.bing.com 10. Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems. Part 11: Video recording systems - Operating practices to facilitate browsing. 视听、视频和电视设备及系统。第11部分:录像系统用于阅读的操作规程。 www.sungtek.com 1. Even as eBook sales soar, the experience of browsing and buying books still leaves a lot to be desired. 尽管电子书籍的销售日渐增长,但如何搜索并购买电子书依然是亟待解决的问题。 www.bing.com 2. The tensions between Microsoft and Google now seem likely to escalate with Google's foray into Web browsing. 随着谷歌进军浏览器领域,目前看来微软与谷歌的竞争极有可能逐步升级。 www.bing.com 3. I would go there for hours, browsing among the books and reading lots of them. 我常常到那里一待就是几个小时,翻看各种书籍,也读了不少。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Morty's back from Moscow, " Cohen went on. "His report's worth your browsing. " “莫蒂从莫斯科回来了,”科恩接着说,“他给你带来了有价值的情报。” www.bing.com 5. Client application programs realize IP resource management, WebGIS information browsing and network safety management. 客户端应用程序实现IP资源管理、WebGIS浏览、网络安全管理; www.juhe8.com 6. Anyone can begin discovering interesting food and recipe websites by searching the site or browsing through keyword tags. 通过加入书签,成员可以分类网站,任何人都可以通过搜索网站或翻阅关键字标签来发现有趣的食物和食谱的网站。 www.elanso.com 7. Bring your Web-browsing window into focus and try moving through the browsing history with left and right swipes. 把Web浏览窗口拖入焦点,并尝试通过左击和右击触摸板在浏览历史中移动。 www.ibm.com 8. Instead, it supports web-browsing, e-mail and voice-over-internet calls (using Google Talk software) via short-range Wi-Fi technology. 其支持网络浏览,email以及通过短程Wi-Fi技术的因特网音频交谈(使用GoogleTalk软件)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Use it to create complex, resizable user interfaces that are most effective for displaying and browsing information. 使用它,可以创建能调整大小的复杂用户界面,这样的用户界面对于显示和浏览信息最为有效。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Keep track of your browsing time with this helpful extension. 记录你的浏览时间。 www.bing.com |
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