单词 | anti-ship missile | ||||||||||||||
释义 | anti-ship missile
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 反舰导弹,反舰飞弹,反舰巡弋飞弹 1. In the past few weeks China has made a splash with progress on an anti-ship missile and a stealth fighter jet. 在过去的几周,中国向外界展示了反舰导弹和隐形战斗机的最新进展。 www.bing.com 2. Originally fielded as an anti-ship missile, BrahMos was later modified to serve as a land-attack cruise missile. 布拉莫斯起初作为反舰导弹部署,随后改为攻击陆上目标的巡航导弹。 www.bing.com 3. Just one large, high-speed anti-ship missile could put a carrier out of action. 只要一枚大型高速反舰导弹就能让一艘航母瘫痪。 www.bing.com 4. Gates said he has been concerned about the anti-ship missile since he became defense secretary. 盖茨说他自从成为国防部长时开始就为反舰导弹感到忧虑。 www.bing.com 5. In this paper, we discuss the multipath model and the multipath effect for the interferometer passive seeker of the anti-anti-ship-missile. 本文针对相位干涉仪测角体制下的反反舰导弹被动导引头,研究了其多路径效应的建模与仿真问题,并结合外场试验进行了分析。 www.fabiao.net 6. Dilution jamming is an important means for naval vessels resisting anti-ship missile. It's effect is restricted by many factors. 箔条冲淡干扰是水面舰艇对抗雷达末制导反舰导弹的重要手段之一,冲淡干扰效果受多方面因素的制约。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Snow Roger. Lining up to launch anti - ship missile. 瞭解。列队准备发射对舰导弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For BVR attacking, different shoot methods would have important influence to the catch probability of anti-ship missile. 超视距攻击下,不同的射击方式对捕捉概率可能产生不同的影响。 www.dictall.com 9. the leader of the research that produced the nation's first ballistic missiles, its first satellite and the Silkworm anti-ship missile. 在他的带领下,中国研制和生产了国内第一枚弹道导弹,第一颗人造卫星,第一枚蚕式返航导弹。 www.ecocn.org 10. Anti-ship missile route program tactical decision is the important part of anti-ship missile task program decision. 反舰导弹航路规划战术决策,是反舰导弹任务规划决策的重要组成部分。 www.dictall.com 1. Centroid jamming is an important means for naval vessels resisting anti-ship missile. 质心干扰是水面舰艇对抗反舰导弹的一种重要手段。 www.juyy.net 2. The radar was designed for the fire-control of the anti-ship missile and 100mm main gun targeting. 雷达设计用于反舰导弹和100毫米主炮火控瞄准。 www.globalmil.com 3. In modern naval warfare, anti-ship missile is one of the most important offensive weapons. 在现代海战中,反舰导弹是一种重要的进攻武器。 www.fabiao.net 4. AWACS Thunderhead Warning! Enemy fighters within range to fire anti-ship missile! Defend the carrier! 警报,敌机已进入对舰导弹开火射程!紧急防御! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The model and the results of simulation offer a reference for terminal maneuver of anti-ship missile penetrating "p. " 以上模型及仿真结果为反舰导弹末端机动突防“密集阵”系统在实战中的应用提供了参考。 www.dictall.com 6. One particular anti-ship missile has become especially worrying for Western defence chiefs. 而一种型号的反舰导弹令西方各国防务首脑们感到特别担忧。 www.ecocn.org 7. He expressed less doubt however, on China's advances in anti-ship missile technology. 但对于中国反舰导弹技术的进展,多塞特的语气更加肯定。 c.wsj.com 8. The US is not expected to deploy any effective sea-based defence by 2009 that could counter a DF-21 class anti-ship missile. 美国在2009年前无法指望部署可以有效抵御类似反击DF-21类别反船导弹的防御系统。 ido.3mt.com.cn 9. Far-range anti-ship missile is a development trend. 反舰导弹远程化是一种发展趋势。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Side shell plays an important role in vitality of large naval ship, it is used as a barrier to defense the anti-ship missile. 大型水面舰艇舷侧作为防御反舰导弹等武器的主要屏障,对大型水面舰艇的生命力起着重要的作用。 jiaotong.whut.edu.cn 1. The Russian-made missile is called the Club and it can carry bigger warheads farther than any anti-ship missile the West can launch. 俄罗斯研制的这种导弹名为“俱乐部”,它能比西方国家发射的任何反舰导弹射程更远而且能携带威力更大的多弹头。 www.ecocn.org 2. The SH-5 was originally scheduled to carrying the YJ-1 (C-101) supersonic ramjet-powered anti-ship missile for surface strike role. 5本来预定为水面打击角色携带YJ-1(C-101)超音速冲压发动机反舰导弹。 www.armsky.com 3. Carrier electronic warfare helicopter and its tactics used in disturbing anti-ship missile of new guide type 舰载电子战直升机及其干扰新型末制导方式反舰导弹的作战使用 www.ilib.cn 4. Elementary Study of Engagement effectiveness Evaluation Models of the Anti-ship Missile Weapon System 反舰导弹武器系统攻防对抗作战效能评估模型 ilib.cn 5. Study on Catch Probability Model and Simulation of the Anti-ship Missile in Two Shoot Methods for BVR Attacking 反舰导弹两种射击方式下捕捉概率及仿真 www.ilib.cn 6. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Submarine Anti-ship Missile Operational Effectiveness 潜射反舰导弹作战效能的模糊综合评判 ilib.cn 7. The Sea Wave Model Establishment and Verifying of Anti-ship Missile Weapon System Precision Simulation 反舰导弹精度仿真中的海浪模型建立与校验 www.ilib.cn 8. Discussion of an Improved Method on Centroid Jamming in Countermeasure Against Modern Anti-Ship Missile 质心干扰对抗现代反舰导弹的一种改进方法 ilib.cn 9. Carrier Electronic Warfare Helicopter and Its Operational Use in Disturbing New Anti-ship Missile 舰载电子战直升机及其干扰新型反舰导弹的作战使用 www.ilib.cn 10. Operational Effectiveness Evaluation Method For Anti-ship Missile on Interference Conditions 反舰导弹对抗条件下作战效能评估方法 ilib.cn 1. The challenge and countermeasure of the naval ships defense against the new type of anti-ship missile 新型反舰导弹对舰艇防御的挑战与对策 ilib.cn 2. Study of Long Wavelength Infrared Radiation Features of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹长波红外辐射特性研究 service.ilib.cn 3. A Preliminary Study of One-time Capturing Probability of Medium-long Range Anti-ship Missile 中远程反舰导弹一次捕获概率初探 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of uniform design to estimate autocontrol end-point scattering accuracy and hitting accuracy of anti-ship missile 反舰导弹自控终点散布和命中精度估算中均匀设计的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Study of Anti-ship Missile's Penetration Ability and Strategy Analysis 反舰导弹突防能力研究与策略分析 ilib.cn 6. Operational effectiveness index system design of submarine-launched anti-ship missile weapon system 潜射反舰导弹武器系统作战效能指标体系设计 ilib.cn 7. Research on Amendatory Proportional Navigation with Variable Coefficient of Anti-Ship Missile 反舰导弹变系数修正比例导引研究 ilib.cn 8. Calculation and Analysis of Penetration Probability of Anti-Ship Missile for Target Countermeasure 目标对抗条件下反舰导弹突防概率计算与分析 ilib.cn 9. Research into defense penetration efficacy of anti-ship missile against surface fleet anti-aircraft missile 反舰导弹对舰艇编队联合突防能力的研究 ilib.cn 10. The proportional navigation chasing in all directions with variable coefficient of anti-ship missile of supersonic speed 超音速反舰导弹全向追击变系数比例导引 ilib.cn 1. the calculation of penetration probability of anti - ship missile against electronic jamming 在有源干扰下反舰导弹突防概率的计算模型 www.ichacha.net 2. Simulation Research on Optimal Sliding-Mode Guidance Law for an Anti-Ship Missile 反舰导弹最优滑模制导律仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Design of Terminal Maneuvering Trajectory for Anti - ship Missile and Trajectory Simulation 反舰导弹末端机动弹道设计及弹道仿真 ilib.cn 4. Research on Operational Effectiveness Evaluation Models of Anti-Ship Missile Weapon System 反舰导弹武器系统作战效能评估模型研究 ilib.cn 5. The Visualization Design of an Anti-ship Missile's Hardware in-the-Loop Simulation System 反舰导弹半实物仿真系统的可视化设计 ilib.cn 6. The Control System Design of a Three-Axis Table for Anti-ship Missile Test 反舰导弹测试用三轴转台控制系统设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Simulation research on the smoke bomb carried on the warship confronting the infrared imaging anti-ship missile 舰载烟幕弹对抗红外成像型反舰导弹的仿真研究 ilib.cn 8. An algorithm for the necessary amount of missiles in anti-ship missile's saturation attack 对敌舰攻击所需发射导弹数量的算法 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Stepwise Regression to Fire Modeling of an Anti-Ship Missile 逐步回归法在反舰导弹火控建模中的应用 service.ilib.cn 10. The Application of Ballistics-fit Method to the Evaluation of Maximum Flight Distance of Anti-ship Missile 弹道拟合技术在反舰导弹最大有效射程评估中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on the Structure Model of the Probability of Damage To Aircraft Carrier by Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹攻击航空母舰毁伤概率结构模型 www.ilib.cn 2. Force Analysis and Simulation Calculation about the Anti-ship Missile Hit by the Anti-missile System of the Naval Gun 反舰导弹被舰炮反导系统击中后的受力分析与仿真计算 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on Principle Demonstration and Fighting Simulation of Jamming Anti-ship Missile by Chaff Screen 箔条幕防御反舰导弹的原理论证与作战仿真研究 ilib.cn 4. Operational Effectiveness Analysis of Submarine Anti-Ship Missile 潜射反舰导弹作战效能分析 ilib.cn 5. The Tracker's Pre-processing Algorithm Research of an Anti-ship Missile IR Seeker 反舰导弹红外成像导引头跟踪器预处理算法研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Computer simulation on over-the-horizon attack battle of anti-ship missile 反舰导弹超视距攻击作战的计算机仿真研究 ilib.cn 7. Research on the Analysis and Calculation of Acquisition Probability of Homing Radar in Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹末制导雷达捕捉概率的分析计算方法研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on PHM technology application in sensor networks of anti-ship missile's maintenance support PHM技术在反舰导弹维修保障中的传感器网络应用研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on the Model of the Interception of Anti-ship Missile by Phalanx Close in Weapon System 密集阵反导系统拦截反舰导弹模型研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Algorithm in Calculating Hit Percentage of Anti-ship Missile Shooting at immediate position 基于现在点射击方式的反舰导弹命中概率计算方法 ilib.cn 1. Simulation Research on Ship Formation Using Passive Jamming to Confront Anti- ship Missile 舰艇编队无源干扰防御反舰导弹的仿真研究 ilib.cn 2. Variable Structure Midcourse Guidance Law with Angle Constraint for Anti-Ship Missile 带落角约束的反舰导弹变结构中制导律研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Research on the Damage Efficiency Against Anti-ship Missile of Proximity Fuzed Ammunition 近炸引信预制破片弹对反舰导弹毁伤效应的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Operational Effectiveness Analysis of Anti-ship Missile Weapon System 反舰导弹武器系统作战效能分析 ilib.cn 5. Matching Research of Terminal Maneuver And Guidance System for Subsonic Anti-ship Missile 亚音速反舰导弹末端机动与导引头匹配 ilib.cn 6. Numerical simulation of anti-ship missile attack warship broadside process 反舰导弹攻击舰船舷侧防护结构过程数值仿真 ilib.cn 7. Penetration Probability Model of Anti-ship Missile under the Condition of Multichannel Fire Countermeasure 多通道火力抗击条件下的反舰导弹突防概率模型 ilib.cn 8. Integrated Design of Terminal Maneuver and Terminal Guidance Phase for Anti-Ship Missile 反舰导弹末端机动与末制导段的一体化设计 ilib.cn 9. Application of Spectrum Analyzing Theory in Modeling of Anti-ship Missile's Homing Radar Angle Noise 谱估计法在反舰导弹雷达角噪声仿真中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Damage Effect of Proximity Fuze Prefabricated Fragment Ammunition to Anti-Ship Missile 近炸引信预制破片弹对反舰导弹的毁伤效应 www.ilib.cn 1. Series cascade of stance control using discrete variable structure on anti-ship missile 反舰导弹串级离散变结构姿态控制 www.ilib.cn 2. Research of Helix Maneuver Control at the Terminal Trajectory of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹末端螺旋机动的控制研究 ilib.cn 3. Adaptive Global Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control for Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹的自适应全局滑模变结构控制 ilib.cn 4. The Influence of Radar Stealth Technology on the Penetration Ability of Anti-ship Missile 雷达隐身技术对反舰导弹突防能力的影响 ilib.cn 5. Integrative Design of Terminal Maneuver and Self-guidance Phase for Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹末端机动与自导段的一体化设计 ilib.cn 6. Effect of the Guidance Error on Destruction Probability of Anti-Ship Missile 反舰导弹制导误差对摧毁概率的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on Terminal Nonplanar Maneuver of Supersonic Anti-Ship Missile 超声速反舰导弹末端非平面机动研究 ilib.cn 8. Research on the model of end mobile Anti-ship Missile penetrating Anti-missile Artillery 反舰导弹末端机动对近程反导舰炮的突防模型研究 ilib.cn 9. The Calculation Method of Acquisition Probability of Anti-ship Missile under the Condition of Target Avoidance Maneuver 目标规避条件下反舰导弹捕捉概率的计算方法 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of Uniform Design to Target-catching Simulation of Anti-ship Missile 均匀设计在目标捕捉仿真中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on Simulating Method for the Tip Guider of X-Model Anti-Ship Missile of Overseas Army 外军某型反舰导弹导引头仿真方法研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Research on integrated penetration of the anti-ship missile 反舰导弹综合突防技术 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Anti-jamming effectiveness evaluation of anti-ship missile seeker 反舰导弹导引头抗干扰效能评估 ilib.cn 4. A Algorithm in Calculating the Effectiveness of Anti-Ship Missile Weapon System 反舰导弹武器系统的一种效能指标 ilib.cn 5. Design of the Height Control System for an Anti-ship Missile Based on Overload-Control 基于过载控制的反舰导弹的高度控制系统设计 ilib.cn 6. The Influence of Target Maneuver on the Acquiring Probability of Anti-ship Missile 目标机动对反舰导弹目标捕捉概率的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on Performance of Millimeter Wave Radar Homing Anti-ship Missile 毫米波雷达制导反舰导弹作战性能研究 ilib.cn 8. Software Design of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Anti-ship Missile Control System 反舰导弹控制系统半实物仿真软件设计 ilib.cn 9. Optimal Design of Down-Slide Trajectory for Supersonic Anti-Ship Missile 超音速反舰导弹下滑弹道最优设计 ilib.cn 10. Research on Graphic Tactical Decision of in Trinity Anti-Ship Missile Attack 反舰导弹攻击三位一体图形化战术决策 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Anti-ship Missile Route Program Tactical Decision 反舰导弹航路规划战术决策研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Realization and simulation of fuzzy logic control of anti-ship missile 反舰导弹模糊控制的实现与仿真 ilib.cn 3. Software Design of Hardware in-the-loop Simulation of One Anti-ship Missile Control System 某型反舰导弹控制系统半实物仿真软件设计 ilib.cn 4. Some threats that faces anti-ship missile and the analysis of countermeasures 反舰导弹面临的一些威胁及对策 service.ilib.cn 5. Optimization of Anti-Ship Missile's Attacking Strategy to Warship 反舰导弹对舰攻击策略优化研究 ilib.cn 6. Analysis of Interception of Ship-to-air Missile against Anti-ship Missile 航空导弹拦截反舰导弹能力的分析 ilib.cn 7. The Control System Designed for Anti-ship Missile of Vertical Launch 垂直发射的反舰导弹控制系统设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Fuzzy Control System of Anti-Ship Missile Longitudinal Trajectory 反舰导弹纵向弹道模糊控制系统 service.ilib.cn 9. Software Design for Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹半实物仿真软件系统设计 ilib.cn 10. Study on Anti-ship Missile Firepower Distribution 反舰导弹自主式火力分配 ilib.cn 1. Research on a High Performance Fuzzy Control System of Anti-Ship Missile Trajectory 反舰导弹弹道高性能模糊控制系统研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Hitting Model of Anti-Ship Missile Under Errors of Target Position 目标位置误差存在条件下反舰导弹命中模型研究 ilib.cn 3. The Influence of Target Maneuver on Hit Accuracy of Anti-ship Missile 目标机动对反舰导弹命中精度的影响 ilib.cn 4. One Anti-ship Missile Control System HILS Platform Design 某反舰导弹控制系统半实物仿真平台设计 ilib.cn 5. Algorithm in calculating the danger-zone of anti-ship missile 反舰导弹捕捉危险区的计算方法 ilib.cn 6. The Search Model of Terminal Guidance Radar in Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹末制导雷达搜索模型 www.ilib.cn 7. Jamming effect of smoke screen on infrared-guided anti-ship missile 红外烟幕干扰效果的计算与模拟 ilib.cn 8. A new method to improve the catching probability of anti-ship missile 一种新的提高反舰导弹捕捉概率方法研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on the Hitting Probability Model of Anti-Ship Missile 反舰导弹命中概率模型研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on fuel-air-explosive defending anti-ship missile 燃料空气弹防御反舰导弹技术浅析 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Selective Ability of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹选择能力研究 ilib.cn 2. Norway and France Team on Extended-Range Anti-Ship Missile 挪威、法国联合研制增程反舰导弹 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Near field anti-ship missile detection based on image difference, wavelet and regression 基于图像差分、小波变换和回归分析的近场反舰导弹探测 www.ilib.com.cn 4. Exploration of Layer Defence of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹分层防御问题的研究 ilib.cn 5. On the Searching Area of Long-distance Anti-ship Missile 远程反舰导弹搜索区及其对目标的覆盖概率 www.ilib.cn 6. Design and Realization of Anti-ship Missile Penetration Simulation System Based on HLA 基于HLA的反舰导弹突防仿真系统研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on the Cost Evaluation Of Anti-ship Missile Supportability Based on BP Network Model 基于BP网络模型估算反舰导弹保障费用 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The stealth technology of anti-ship missile 反舰导弹的隐身技术 ilib.cn 9. Study on the Passive Location Method of Anti-Ship Missile 舰舰导弹被动定位法研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of the order conduct of anti-ship missile based on store model 基于存贮模型的反舰导弹订货行为分析 service.ilib.cn 1. An Overload-Control of Anti-ship Missile 反舰导弹的过载控制 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Imaging for Anti-ship Missile Seeker Based on Modified FS Algorithm 基于改进FS算法的反舰导弹导引头成像研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The development tendency of anti-ship missile in the new century 探析新世纪反舰导弹的发展趋势 ilib.cn |
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