单词 | assimilation | ||||||||
释义 |
n. integration,adjustment,acclimatization,accommodation,adaptation assimilation 显示所有例句
例句释义: 吸收,接受,同化,同化作用,同化现象 1. Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and shortened period of mental assimilation. 才干无它只是延长专心期和缩短心智的同化期。 www.hfu.edu.tw 2. The article also analyzes the feasibility of its implementation after illustrating the significance and sense of cultural assimilation. 在阐明了文化融合的重要性和意义之后,分析了其实施的可行性。 www.magsci.net 3. The greatest feature of property thinking is that it explores the comprehensive rules of things, with a strong advantage in assimilation. 物性思维的最大特征:探索事物的综合规律,具有很强的同化优势。 qlfeng2000.blog.163.com 4. An ethnographic study that requires actual assimilation into a foreign culture might not be possible for logistical reasons. 稍加思索可预知,采用民族志研究法,研究者必须实际融入外国文化,并不切实; www.publishedscholar.com 5. But insisting on creedal rather than cultural assimilation at least gives them a chance, which they certainly need. 可是强调信条同化,而不是文化同化,至少给这些新移民一个机会,一个他们无疑亟需的机会。 www.pinggu.org 6. This paper holds that cultural pluralism and assimilation have been the two features and trends coexisting in the U. S. ethnic relations. 本文认为文化多元性和同化是美国民族关系中并存的两个特征和两种趋势。 www.daifoods.com.cn 7. Stolen Generation is an evil consequence of Australian assimilation policy and an important part of assimilating Australian aborigines. “被偷走的一代”是澳大利亚同化政策的产物和实现同化澳大利亚土著的重要内容。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Many among that majority regard the relationship between the Han and the others as one of frank tutelage in preparation for assimilation. 不少汉族人将自己与少数民族的关系看成监护与被监护关系,并准备将其同化。 www.bing.com 9. in other words, British culture vanished at least in part through cultural assimilation. 从另一个角度上看,不列颠本土文化多多少少被同化而趋向于消亡。 www.bing.com 10. In plants, nitrogen assimilation into amino acids relies on the availability of the reduced form of nitrogen, ammonium. 在植物,氮同化到氨基酸依靠的可用性降低形式的氮,氨。 www.syyxw.com 1. If you are familiar with the "Star Trek" television series, then the terms collective and assimilation might also be familiar to you. (如果您熟悉电视剧“星际旅行(StarTrek)”,那么您可能也会熟悉术语集合(collective)和吸收(assimilation)。 www.ibm.com 2. This assimilation can lead to a blossoming healthy relationship, or take us into a downward spiral of self. 这一同化能影响健康关系的发展,或者使我们急速下滑到自私自利中去。 www.elanso.com 3. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation. 英国文艺复兴初期只是一个学习模仿与同化的阶段。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Including process: ingestion, digestion, absorption , assimilation, egestion defecation. 包括的过程有:吞下,消化,吸收,同化作用,排遗排粪。 g5.baidu.com 5. These cognitive structures change by the processes of assimilation and accommodation, which should be encouraged during instruction. 这些认识的结构由同化和住宿的过程改变,这应该被在指示期间鼓励。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 6. These cognitive structures change by the processes or assimilation and accommodation, which should be encouraged during instruction. 这些认识的结构由过程或者同化和住宿改变,这应该被在指示期间鼓励。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 7. Impacts of Initial Estimate and Observation Availability on Convective-Scale Data Assimilation with an Ensemble Kalman Filter. 最初估计和观测可获取性对对流尺度集合Kalman滤波数据同化的作用。 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. One of the biggest battles over assimilation occurred a century ago in New York City, and the battleground was food. 历史上关于“民族融合”最大的争论之一发生在一个世纪前的纽约市,而其中首当其冲的就是饮食习惯。 dongxi.net 9. Depending upon the improved model, the corresponding assimilation system was set up, and comparison experiment was implemented. 在此基础上建立了较高分辨率的同化预报系统,并使用实时资料进行预报对比试验。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 10. This forced the inorganic blood curse to have the opportunity to develop and, ultimately, assimilation absorption. 这种血肉诅咒迫使无机物向有机会发展并最终同化吸收。 wenda.tianya.cn 1. Rhythm and the length of sounds ii. Rhythm and sound linking iii. Rhythm and assimilation iv. Rhythm and weak forms v. 课是课重点:英语节律,音长、连读、同化、弱读、重读。 lzy.cc 2. Trademarks need to go through a translation of assimilation, absorption and the transformation process. 商标的翻译需要经过一个同化、吸收、改造的过程。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The assimilation- dissimilation law reveals two means of developing scientific theories and the effect of negative examples on them. 同化—异化规律揭示了科学理论发展的两条途径以及“反例”对科学理论发展所起的作用。 www.showxiu.com 4. National amalgamation has three different types: national combination, national integration and national assimilation. 民族融合有三种不同类型,即结合、一体化和同化。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Real-Time Variational Assimilation of Hydrologic and Hydrometeorological Data into Operational Hydrologic Forecasting. 水文和水文气象数据的实时变分同化进入业务水文预报。 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. This balance between cultural assimilation and isolationism is evident in the decrees issued for imperial apparel within the Forbidden City. 这种文化之间的同化和孤立的平衡,从法令规定的紫禁城里的皇家服饰可显而易见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Unfortunately, we depend on alternating waves of assimilation and accommodation to adapt to a constantly changing world. 不幸的是,我们依靠吸收与调节的交替进行来适应这个永不停息地变化的世界。 www.bing.com 8. By comparing all of these methods, we believe that data assimilation is the most promising avenue for research. 通过比较,指出数据同化是最有前景的研究领域。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. It is, as we have seen, the history of the state, a story of nationalistic furor, and of assimilation by force. 如我们所见,这是“国家”这个概念的历史,是民族主义狂热的故事,也是暴力同化的故事。 www.bing.com 10. Several reactions involving the direct assimilation of ammonia into organic compounds have been described in living systems. 人们已叙述过生命系统中几个直接将氨同化成有机化合物的反应。 www.bing.com 1. the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria and its release for plant use on the death of the bacteria. 土壤细菌吸收大气中的氮,这些氮在细菌死后被植物吸收、利用。 www.jukuu.com 2. The conquerors' long-term plans projected the assimilation of the Alliance bureaucracy into the Imperial machine. 征服者的长远计划是将联盟的官僚制度同化为帝国的政|府机器。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Analysis of net assimilation rate and crop growth rate indicates that two peaks of photosynthetic activity occur during the growing season. 净同化率和作物生长率分析表明,在生长季节出现两个光合活性高峰。 www.kuenglish.info 4. It was assumed that economic progress would rapidly lead to the disappearance or assimilation of many small- scale societies. 这个只是说经济发展导致小规模的社会消失或是同化。没有说 www.bing.com 5. Cross-courses' learning, use for reference, research and reciprocal assimilation have become a main stream in nowaday society. 当今社会,跨学科的学习借鉴与研究并相互交融已成为一大主流。 www.fabiao.net 6. After balancing the benefits against the costs of assimilation, the autonomous state lifted the ban on interracial marriage. 在对(种族)同化的利弊进行权衡后,该自治州取消了对于不同种族间通婚的禁令。 xiaoyu.8310.blog.163.com 7. These findings have implications for intraluminal protein breakdown and assimilation in the upper small intestine. 这些发现对于理解食物蛋白在上段小肠管腔内裂解和消化吸收有一定的意义。 news.dxy.cn 8. The oversea experience would enable people to turn the cultural shocks into cultural assimilation. 海外的生活可以让文化冲突转化为文化吸收。 wenku.baidu.com 9. If American Jews worry about assimilation depleting their numbers, so much more do the already less numerous Jews of Europe. 如果美国犹太人担心同化会减少他们的人数,那么人数更少的欧洲犹太人就更应已经如此了。 club.topsage.com 10. But the leaders of many First Nations have been fighting assimilation for centuries. 而许多原住民的领导人已经为免于被同化奋斗了几百年。 www.ecocn.org 1. Unfortunately, the political trend for the last 20 years has favoured the opposite strategy of assimilation. 遗憾的是,过去20年的政治趋势却青睐于与之相反的同化政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One State Council report called for the "absorption, assimilation and re-innovation of imported technologies" . 中国国务院一份报告要求中国企业,“对进口技术进行消化吸收和再创新”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A change in a vowel sound caused by partial assimilation especially to a vowel or semivowel occurring in the following syllable. 元音变化尤指因与下一音节的元音或半元音的部分相似而引起的元音变化 dict.ebigear.com 4. To solve sea surface temperature by the assimilation technology has high local precision, but the coverage and real-timeliness are poor. 利用同化技术求解的海表面温度局部精度高,但覆盖面与实时性差。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The method improved a teaching method, used various concept teaching of concept formation, concept assimilation. . . etc. in the meantime. 改进教学方法,同时使用概念形成、概念同化等各种概念教学的方法。 www.fabiao.net 6. The anti-Chinese riot forced Chinese to expedite naturalization and assimilation, which made them conceal self-identity and Chineseness. 排华使华侨加快了入籍和同化当地的步伐,并开始尽量隐藏自我认同和华人的身份。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The author also suggested that new staff assimilation and historical and traditional education should be regard. 还提出在塑造组织文化过程中重视新员工同化以及重视历史传统教育等观点。 www.39kf.com 8. A Study of ENSO Prediction Using a Hybrid Coupled Model and the Adjoint Method for Data Assimilation. 用混合耦合模式和数据同化伴随方法进行ENSO预报研究。 led.scsio.ac.cn 9. technologies for information assimilation and collaboration are available. 对于数据同化和合作的技术是可得的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the meantime let us concentrate on the correct assimilation of the fundamental motion itself. 同时让我们专心于正确吸收基本动作本身。 www.pianoweb.cn 1. The author holds that the assimilation of musical aesthetics and emotion has established the spiritual home for human beings. 认为正是音乐审美与情感的交融渗透构筑了人类的精神家园。 dict.bioon.com 2. Origin of magma , its components and viscosity, assimilation and magmatic differentiation, Bowen's reaction series. 岩浆的起源和成分及黏度、同化作用和岩浆分异、鲍文反应序列。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Foxconn's work ethics: assimilation, accountability, and progressiveness. 鸿海的工作精神:融合、责任、进步。 blog.163.com 4. Yep! Time to have a gin and tonic . . . if I had chosen to still drink ! ! ! Therefore a warm beverage and some assimilation time. 是的!是时候去品尝一下杜松子酒了…如果我已经选择就是要去品尝的话!!!那么一杯温暖的饮料和一些享受时刻就同时到来了! blog.sina.com.cn 5. What are the definitions of the sequential rule, the assimilation rule, and the deletion rule? 什么是序列规则?什么是同化规则?什么是省略规则? shoreline.blog.163.com 6. Technological advance depends on the rapid assimilation of new ideas. 技术的进步有赖于迅速吸收新思想。 test.2u4u.com.cn 7. The application of assimilation theory and principle of proximity learning to Chinese Revision will achieve better results. 同化理论和就近学习原则运用于语文复习中,可以取得比较理想的效果。 www.dictall.com 8. Researchers have focused on the variety of nitrogen-fixing organisms which convert N2 from the atmosphere into forms for plant assimilation. 研究者重点研究了能把大气中氮气转化为植物可利用形式的固氮菌的种类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We must intensify sport originality innovation, integration innovation, anew innovation of assimilation and absorb energetically. 要大力加强体育原始创新,集成创新,消化吸收和再创新。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Now, consider three indices of assimilation -- language, home ownership and intermarriage. 现在,考虑以下三个同化的因素:语言、住房率、通婚。 club.topsage.com 1. Foxconn's organization vision: assembly, integration, and assimilation. 鸿海的组织目标是「三合」:集合、整合、融合。 www.03964.com 2. High-Frequency Planetary Waves in the Polar Middle Atmosphere as Seen in a Data Assimilation System . 数据同化中的极地中层大气的高频行星波。 www.bing.com 3. From the conflict types, the other areas all belong to integration type except Guangzhou and Zhuhai which belong to weak assimilation type. 从冲突类型来讲,除广州和珠海属于弱同化型外,其余都属于整合型。 lib.cqvip.com 4. A Wavelet-Based Reduced Rank Kalman Filter for Assimilation of Stratospheric Chemical Tracer Observations. 平基于小波的降阶Kalman滤波用于平流层化学痕量物观测同化。 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. Soft power mainly involves the assimilation of culture and values, the standards and systems of International Mechanism. 软权力主要包括文化价值观的同化力,国际机制的规则和制度等资源。 www.13191.com 6. Assimilation of new substances into the existing components of living tissue. 摄取新物质与活体组织已存成份的同化作用 www.jukuu.com 7. That is, the assimilation operates as a kind of smoothing over device to help us finish off the interpretation. 也意味着,同化过程是作为一种摸平手段来帮助我们完成阅读阐释的。 www.pkucn.com 8. In this process, there exit culture absorption, assimilation and alienation of local culture on imported sports couture. 在这一过程中,存在着本土文化对外来体育文化的吸收、同化、异化现象; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 9. Newspaper editorials often give warning of the difficulties of assimilation. 报纸社论经常对同化的种种困难提出警告。 www.ecocn.org 10. Xylose-specific sugar transporters are critically important for xylose assimilation in the presence of glucose. 木糖特异性糖转运因子对于葡萄糖存在情况下的木糖同化非常重要。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 1. Language sense schemata reach the balance and get developed via the interaction of assimilation and accommodation. 语感图式在同化与顺化相互作用的过程中达到平衡,不断循环发展; www.magsci.net 2. During learning , assimilation results from experiences. 在学习期间,同化起因于经验。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 3. With innovative energy, we indraught, assimilation, absorb and improve the advanced technic of overseas. 本着创新的精神,不断地引进、消化、吸收、改良国外的先进技术。 dict.kekenet.com 4. Digging out the ancient town in the process of construction of new residential assimilation phenomenon and the evolution of law. 挖掘出古镇新建民居在建设过程中的同化现象和演变的规律。 www.lw23.com 5. Second, the characteristics of the elements adjusted in the data assimilation was studied. 其次,研究了资料同化中要素场调整的特征。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Germany has long had issues with multiculturalism, immigration, and assimilation. 德国一直面临着文化多元化、移民、同化三大问题。 bbs.e5zj.com 7. P. stipitis also appears to possess considerable capacity for assimilation and fermentation of cellulose oligosaccharides. 树干毕赤酵母似乎还拥有相当大的同化和发酵纤维素低聚糖的能力。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The conclusion is that China shall follow the route of civil law when the assimilation of its private international law is going on. 我国国际私法的趋同化进程应遵循大陆法系的路径进行。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The experimentation indicate the senescent traits of leaf and carbon and nitrogen assimilation in stay green wheat. 揭示了持绿小麦的叶片衰老和植株碳氮代谢特征。 www.fabiao.net 10. The research also hints that Britain may have less immigrant assimilation than it sometimes imagines. 研究也表明英国人的移民同化率比想象得低。 www.bing.com 1. With the evolution of slave society, many ancient peoples were conquered weak or assimilation, to die and cease to exist. 随着奴隶制社会的演变,许多弱小的古老民族被征服或同化,走向灭亡而不复存在。 www.xiami360.com 2. The mere awareness to this fact, we suggest, should guide agile assimilation processes. 我们认为:仅仅认识到这一事实,就应该可以引导敏捷的同化过程。 www.infoq.com 3. Cal-Quick, however, is specially designed for rapid assimilation and maximum absorption of calcium and vitamin D. 可是,Cal-Quick,是一款特殊设计能迅速消化以及最大水平上吸取钙以及维生素D的液体钙。 www.yjdigit.com 4. Assimilation of ideas or information ; understanding . 领悟将意见或信息同化吸收;理解。 www.bing.com 5. This paper is to research and explore the inner causes of cultural assimilation of Kaifeng Jews. 这篇论文是为要研究和揭示开封犹太人文化被同化的核心因素。 www.boshuo.net 6. The assimilation and use of loanwords is a natural phenomenon in the evolutionary process of a national language. 吸收和使用外来语是一个民族语言发展过程中的自然现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This process of applying an existing schema to a new object is what Piaget called assimilation. 这种将原有的图式应用于新的事物的过程,皮亚杰把它称为吸收。 www.bing.com 8. It will increase pig feed intake, reduce combat and also promote entogastric secretion and enzyme assimilation. 能提高猪的采食量,减少采食争斗,促进胃泌素分泌,提高消化酶活性。 www.gxsti.net.cn 9. Since long ago, US'S mainstream culture has adopted the assimilation policy to each kind of non- mainstream culture. 长期以来,美国的主流文化对各种非主流文化采取了同化的政策。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The process behind the assimilation and distribution of knowledge is already altering. 在知识的吸收和分发后面的过程已经是改变。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Since long ago, US'S mainstream culture has adopted the assimilation policy to each kind of non- mainstream culture. 长期以来,美国的主流文化对各种非主流文化采取了同化的政策。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The process behind the assimilation and distribution of knowledge is already altering. 在知识的吸收和分发后面的过程已经是改变。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Recently, Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) has become a research focus in the current data assimilation field. 近年来,集合卡尔曼滤波成为当前资料同化领域的研究热点。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Borrowing words from other languages is a global phenomenon. It is a positive sign of cultural exchange and assimilation. 这是文化交流和吸收的积极信号,中国不可能将其拒之门外。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. This is in sharp contrast to a history of coerced linguistic assimilation in most Western nations. 这与大多数西方国家强制进行语言同化的历史形成强烈反差! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Secondly, the variational assimilation is introduced to inverse the problem's initial value. 然后利用变分同化对初值进行反演; stae.com.cn 7. Social Comparison: Contrast Effect or Assimilation Effect? 社会比较:对比效应还是同化效应? ilib.cn 8. The recent development on the meteorological satellite data assimilation is also introduced. 此外还包括同化和气候监测与预测研究的最新成果。 www.magsci.org 9. Should Britain then abandon multiculturalism and all its works and press for more assimilation? 那么英国应该放弃多文化主义和为此所做的努力,然后尽力推行同化吗? www.ecocn.org 10. Today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. 今天的移民既不是处于空前的水平,也不抵制同化。 kaoyan.sooxue.com 1. The preference for males among some immigrant Asians may fade with assimilation, experts said. 专家表示,随着一些亚裔新移民被逐渐同化,他们对男孩的偏爱可能会减轻。 www.bing.com 2. India and China still have more to gain from the adoption and assimilation of technology than from invention per se. 中印仍要从科学技术的吸收和消化而不是发明本身中获得更多好处。 www.ecocn.org 3. Taking 1914 as time dividing point, the Americanization movement was a social assimilation movement before 1914. 本文以1914年为时间分界点,1914年以前的美国化运动,是一场社会性同化运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Dutch policy of integration of immigrants took to the road of assimilation. 标志着荷兰的移民融合政策走上了同化的道路。 www.fabiao.net 5. A change within an intrusive igneous rock caused by the assimilation of portions of the surrounding rock. 内变质作用由于周围岩石同化作用而在侵入火成岩内部产生的变化 dict.ebigear.com 6. Production of amino acids is linked to the assimilation of nitrogen by the plant. 氨基酸的生产过程与植物固氮有关。 www.dictall.com 7. The policy of assimilation of Burma's kings from the 17th century will never disappear from the mindset of the new ruling elites. 缅甸国王从17世纪开始推行的同化政策绝不会从新的执政精英们的头脑中消失。 www.bing.com 8. Experiment results also show that temporal information of AWS precipitation data is very important for assimilation . 试验还表明,自动站降水资料的时间变化信息,在同化时也起重要作用。 www.bing.com 9. Meditating in the way you are preparing to teach will help a lot especially with the intentional assimilation of the "Prayer of the Soul. " 用你准备教授的方法进行冥想会很有帮助,特别是配合“灵魂祈祷文”的有意吸收。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Reanalysis without Radiosondes Using Ensemble Data Assimilation. 用集合数据同化不加入无线电探空的再分析。 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. Development of a Land Surface Model. Part II: Data Assimilation. 陆地表面模式的发展,第二部分:数据同化。 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. It includes four subsystems of neural system, blood cycle system, assimilation system and egestionsystem. 企业生命系统的内部组织结构包括神经系统、血液循环系统、消化吸收系统和排泄系统。 g5.baidu.com 3. For adults, assimilation is a perfectly natural response to new technology. 对于成年人来说,吸收是对新科技再自然不过的反应了。 www.bing.com 4. The relative importance of contrast and assimilation for determining the perceived brightness was estimated. 的相对重要性,对比度和同化确定感知亮度估计。 www.syyxw.com 5. Glutamine synthetase (GS)is the key enzyme in the assimilation of ammonium in higher plants. 谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)是参与高等植物氮同化过程的关键酶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities. 大熔炉指不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。 7. Do Uyghurs feel they are in control of the assimilation process? Why do Uyghurs feel so helpless? 维族人感觉到他们控制汉化的过程吗?为什么维族人多么无奈? tim.z.infzm.com 8. In this procedure, they will go through culture shock, culture assimilation, culture re-acclimatization and even culture innovation. 在这一进程中,他们将经历文化震惊、文化涵化、文化再适应直至文化创新的过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. By comparing these methods, the data assimilation method will have a promising prospect for monitoring the soil moisture. 通过对各类方法的比较,认为数据同化法是监测土壤水分最有前景的方法之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. advocated the assimilation of gays into mainstream culture. 12美元)主张同化同性恋融入主流文化。 bbs.yeeu.org 1. The Aztec confederacy began a campaign of conquest and assimilation. 阿芝科特联盟源于一场对外征服和同化的战役。 www.bing.com 2. todays immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. 如今的移民既未达到前所未有的水平也不抵制同化。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 3. Assimilation of CO2 by rice is significantly correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and temperature. 水稻对CO2的同化吸收与光合有效辐射、气温有极显著相关关系; www.ceps.com.tw 4. third, becoming Afro-American is the prospect and direction of West Indian " assimilation in America. " 西印度群岛移民在美国同化的前景和方向是变成美国黑人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But ultimately, assimilation is just not good enough. 但最终,被认可还不够。 www.bing.com 6. A sterile culture could not thrive and, thus, could not inspire assimilation. 一个无法繁育后代的文化无法兴盛起来,从而也无法激发起同化的过程。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The study of new knowledge is a process of assimilation and conformance. 新知识的学习实质上是经历同化顺应的过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Life depends on the assimilation of food. 生命依赖于对食物的吸收。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities. 不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。熔炉 wenku.baidu.com 10. During the Meiji era 1868-1912, Japan began its avid assimilation of Western civilization. 在明治时期1868-1912,日本开始热中于吸取西欧文明。 www.metro.tokyo.jp 1. under drought stress the assimilation in the root of the old species Heshangtou is very little. 在干旱处理下,大根系的老品种和尚头根部没有同化物的冗余。 www.magsci.net 2. Ethnic amalgamation ethnic assimilation and ethnic fusion of culture are three kinds of different phenomena in ethnic relation. 民族融合、民族同化和民族文化融合是民族关系中存在的三种不同的现象。 www.dictall.com 3. Process of soaking up or assimilation of one substance by another. 一种介质向另一种介质渗透和同化的过程。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Remember, muscle tissue is made from the assimilation of various amino acids. 肌肉组织就是由这些不同种类的氨基酸通过同化作用组成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Shelton paused in the assimilation of asparagus; he, too, had been in the habit of admiring Jellaby, but now he wondered, why? 谢尔顿在消化芦笋的过程中停顿了一下;他一向也有钦慕杰莱贝的习惯,但现在他奇怪了,为什么要钦慕? dict.ebigear.com 6. Moreover the government has provided a good stage to person's assimilation forintellectual's transformation. 另外官场对人的同化作用为知识分子的蜕变提供了一个良好的舞台。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The temperature field after data assimilation is better than that without data assimilation. 数据同化后的温度场优于未经同化的温度场。 www.fabiao.net 8. What is the assimilation rule? What is the deletion rule? 什么是同化规则?什么是省略规则? www.8875.org 9. To alter(a sound)by assimilation. 同化(一声音) www.jukuu.com 10. 1 for ammonium assimilation in both organs. 1对所有器官的氨同化都具有重要作用。 www.ricedata.cn 1. Any force trying to block assimilation is hostile to the highest profit of our country. 任何试图阻碍同化的势力都是与我们国家最高利益敌对的势力。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But we can set a feasible goal and try all our best to be "equivalent" and achieve "the assimilation" in translation. 但是我们也可以确定一个切实可行的目标,尽量达到“等效”和“神似”。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In pine seedlings it can dissipate 69% diurnal ? ? assimilation. 在松树实生苗中,它可以消耗每日?滞。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The development of mankind is a process of mutual learning and assimilation. 人类的发展是一个相互借鉴、彼此融合的过程。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. The assimilation of people in USA is common. 在美国,人的同化很普遍。 wenwen.soso.com 6. At the same time, this method do the non-dimensional data of treatment, and influence factors will lead to assimilation. 同时,该方法对数据进行无量纲处理时,会导致影响因素等同化; degree.fzu.edu.cn 7. Evaluation of a Data Assimilation Technique for a Mesoscale Meteorological Model Used for Air Quality Modeling 用于空气质量模拟的中尺度气象模式资料同化技术的评估 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. On the State of China's Retail Trade and the Evolutional Law of the Dissimilation and Assimilation of Its Operational Model 我国零售业态及经营模式异化与趋同的演变规律研究 www.ilib.cn 9. On an adaptive filter for altimetric data assimilation and its application to a primitive equation model, MICOM 测高数据同化的一个适合过滤器及其它对原始方程模式MICOM的应用 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Deducing the wind stress drag coefficient and the oceanic eddy viscosity profile by data assimilation 数据同化反演风应力拖曳系数以及垂向涡动黏性系数的分布 www.ilib.cn 1. Manually adjusting a numerical weather analysis in terms of potential vorticity using three-dimensional variational data-assimilation 依据三维变分资料同化的位涡度人工调整数值天气分析 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. Finding the Way Out of the Similarity: Thinking over the Phenomenon of Assimilation of Police Theory Periodicals 共性中求个性:公安理论期刊同质化现象的对策思考 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Assimilation of ozone profiles and total column measurements into a global general circulation model 全球大气环流模式中臭氧廓线的同化和总量测量结果 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Assimilation of Altimeter Significant Wave Height Into a Third-Generation Global Spectral Wave Model 高度计有效波高度到三分之一代全球光谱波模拟的同化 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. A case study of excessive subtropical transport in the stratosphere of a data assimilation system 一个资料同化系统的平流层中过多的副热带输送的一次个例研究 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Improved track forecasting of a typhoon reaching landfall from four-dimensional variational data assimilation of AMSU-A retrieved data 从AMSU-A反演资料的四维变分资料同化改进台风登陆的路径预报 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. From the colonial temporary pacification and military partnership, to the early Confederate assimilation and multi-faceted rulings; 从殖民时期暂时绥靖政策和军事伙伴关系,到加政府早期同化政策和多重统治; www.fabiao.net 8. Distant effect of assimilation of moored currents into a model of coastal wind-driven circulation off Oregon 沿海风驱动俄勒冈州离岸环流固定流同化进入模式的大约影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Evaluation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System over the southern Great Plains during the warm season 暖季期间南部大平原上北美陆地资料同化系统的评价 led.scsio.ac.cn 10. Assimilation with an Ensemble Kalman Filter of Synthetic Radial Wind Data in Anisotropic Turbulence: Perfect Model Experiments 各向异性湍流中合成的径向风资料的综合Kalman滤波器同化:理想模式试验 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. It is paired with a lipase enzyme in order to help increase its absorption and assimilation in the body 它以脂肪酶配对为了增加其在体内吸收与同化 bbs.aigou.com 2. Observation Data Assimilation and Precipitation Prediction of The Limited-area Numerical Model in The Early Stage 观测资料同化与有限区模式初期降水预报 www.ilib.cn 3. Non-Linear Retrieval and Assimilation of Satellite Data and Forecasting Experiment of a Severe Precipitation 卫星资料的非线性反演同化与一次强降水预报试验 service.ilib.cn 4. A Study of the Statistical Analysis of the Geopotential Height Background Errors in the Data Assimilation 资料同化中背景场位势高度误差统计分析的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Construction of the Data Assimilation System for Numerical Weather Prediction and Its Experiments 数值天气预报同化系统的构造及试验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Ausubel's Theory of Assimilation for Cognition and Structure and Its Enlightenment On The Teaching of Chinese Reading 奥苏贝尔认知结构同化学习理论及其对语文阅读教学的启示 www.ilib.cn 7. A large eddy simulation turbulence model and a local filtering assimilation method for ocean circulation problems 基于大涡模拟和局部滤波同化方法的海洋环流模式 www.ilib.cn 8. Variational Assimilation of Automatic Weather Stations Rainfall in Convective Systems and its Impact on Rain Forecast 对流天气系统自动站雨量资料同化对降雨预报的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. Relationship Between Grain Filling and Assimilation Supply in Two Winter Wheat Cultivars with Different Spike Type 不同穗型冬小麦品种子粒灌浆与同化物供应关系的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. A Preliminary Study on the Causes of the Forcible Assimilation Policy towards the Ethnic Chinese by the Indonesian Government 印尼实行强制同化华人政策的原因探析 www.ilib.cn 1. The Assimilation Mechanism of Meaningful Accepting Learning and Its Application to English Teaching 有意义接受学习的同化机制在英语教学中的运用 service.ilib.cn 2. Implementation of Phase Domain Decomposition Parallel Algorithm of Three Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation 气象资料三维变分同化阶段区域分解并行实现 www.ilib.cn 3. The Research on the Growth of Photosynthetic Bacteria and the Contributory Factors to the Assimilation Rate of Nitrogen and Phosphorus 光合细菌生长及氮磷同化率影响因素的研究 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Turnip Production and Quality and Mineral Assimilation Influenced by Complex Pollution of Cadmium and Lead in a Grey Chao Soil of Wuhan 复合污染对萝卜产量品质和矿质元素吸收的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Digestion, assimilation and innovation of technology for production of high -analysis phosphate fertilizer introduced from abroad 引进高浓度磷肥生产技术的消化与创新 www.ilib.cn 6. Properties and first application of an error-statistics tuning method in variational assimilation 变分的同化中误差统计学调谐方法的特性和第一次应用 edu.cma.gov.cn 7. International Comparison of Corporate Governance Mode and Its Assimilation 公司治理模式的国际比较与借鉴 www.ilib.cn 8. Representation of background error standard deviations in a limited area model data assimilation system 在有限区域模式数据同化系统本底误差标准偏移的描述 library.cma.gov.cn 9. cultural globalization is the process in which cultural assimilation mingled with cultural dissimilation; 文化全球化是文化同质化与文化异质化交织并进的过程; www.xici.net 10. The selection of lactic acid bacteria with efficient assimilation of cholesterol and its application in foods 高效同化胆固醇乳酸菌菌株的筛选及在食品中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. A modified Richards equation, its adjoint, and a new perspective on land data assimilation 在陆地资料同化上一个更改理查德方程的修正和一个新观点 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. On the role of the GRACE mission in the joint assimilation of altimetric and TAO data in a tropical Pacific Ocean model 在测高的接合面同化里GRACE和热带太平洋模式里TAO数据的作用 library.cma.gov.cn 3. New mean dynamic topography of the Mediterranean calculated from assimilation system diagnostics 根据同化系统诊断学计算的地中海新的平均动力地形学 edu.cma.gov.cn 4. Data Assimilation Method Applied in Marine Science--Its Significance, System Configuration and Development Situation 海洋科学中的数据同化方法--意义、结构与发展现状 service.ilib.cn 5. Energy balance based surface flux estimation from satellite data, and its application for surface moisture assimilation 基于卫星数据表面通量估算的能量平衡,它在表面水汽同化方面的应用 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Matching Scales of the Retrieved Variables with Background Scale in Variational Assimilation: A Numerical Study 变分同化中使用背景场时尺度匹配的数值研究 7. Assimilation of along-track altimeter data in the tropical Pacific region of a global OGCM ensemble 全球OGCM群的热带太平洋区域中沿路径高度计资料的同化 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. changing characteristics of different oxidation states percentage in sulfur assimilation process at molecule level; 从分子水平上研究苔藓植物体内硫的不同氧化态在重金属污染下的变化特征; search.gucas.ac.cn 9. Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Accumulation and Transformation of Assimilation Product in Heavy Panicle Type of Rice 重穗型水稻光合作用、物质积累与运转的研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Communication processes during assimilation Interview 同化传播过程 12stone.blog.ssreader.com 1. Comparison of growth and nitrogen uptake and assimilation by indica and japonica rice at the seedling stage under waterlogged conditions 淹水条件下籼稻与粳稻苗期生长及氮素吸收同化差异比较 www.ilib.cn 2. A Study on Quality Control of Data Assimilation of Satellite Cloud Image and Its Application in Rainstorm Forecast 卫星云图资料同化中的质量控制及其在暴雨预报中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. On Assimilation Phenomenon of American West Descendant Immigration Structure 美国西裔移民结构同化现象浅析 www.ilib.cn 4. Adjoint assimilation technique in a marine ecosystem model in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: control variables and twin experiment 伴随同化技术在渤、黄海生态模式中的应用:控制变量的选取与孪生实验 www.ilib.cn 5. Generalized Variational Data Assimilation Method and Numerical Experiment for Non-Differential System 不可微预报系统的广义变分同化方法及数值试验 www.ilib.cn 6. Thermal dependence of food assimilation and sprint speed in a lacertid lizard Eremias argus from northern China 华北丽斑麻蜥食物同化和疾跑速的热依赖性 www.ilib.cn 7. Simple Application of the Theory of Assimilation to the Advanced Geometry Teaching 同化论在高等几何教学中的简单应用 service.ilib.cn 8. The relationship between estimation of vegetation carbon assimilation and remote sensing information 植被碳同化估测与遥感信息的关系研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Forecast assimilation: a unified framework for the combination of multi-model weather and climate predictions 预报分类:多模式天气和气候预报结合的统一框架 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Diagnosis and tuning of observational error in a quasi-operational data assimilation setting 准业务资料同化调整的观测误差诊断和调节 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. Effects of GS Inhibitor Glufosinate on Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation during Wheat Grain-filling under Different Nitrogen Supply 不同施氮水平下GS抑制剂对小麦灌浆期碳氮代谢的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Study of the Assimilation Issue of French Immigrant in Interwar 两战期间法国移民同化问题探析 www.ilib.cn 3. The Law of Strong Language's Assimilation and Strong Language as Production Force 语言的强势同化规律与强势语言的先进生产力作用 service.ilib.cn 4. Response of Temperature-Sensing Element and Its Application in Data Assimilation 测温传感器响应特性及其在资料同化中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Assimilation, asymmetrical information and tourism souvenir market 同质化、信息不对称与旅游纪念品市场 service.ilib.cn 6. On Zhu Xi's Assimilation and Integration of Buddhist Thought from the Perspective of the Theory of Mind-Nature 从心性论看朱熹对佛学思想的吸收与融会 ilib.com.cn 7. Global assimilation of satellite surface soil moisture retrievals into the NASA Catchment land surface model 把卫星地面土壤水分还原到NASA集水陆地模式里的全球同化 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. Analyzing Several Problems of Industrial Structure Assimilation among Regional Markets 区域市场间产业结构同化若干问题分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Contribution of macrophyte assimilation in constructed wetland to nitrogen and phosphorous removal 植物吸收在人工湿地去除氮、磷中的贡献 www.ilib.cn 10. Effect of Salicylic Acid on the Nitrogen Assimilation and Activity of Defense Enzyme of Chrysanthemum Leaf during the Green Bud 水杨酸对菊花绿蕾期叶片中氮素同化及保护酶活力的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Optimizing boundary conditions with water level by the method of the recursion by hour assimilation 采用逐时递推同化技术修正伶仃洋外海边界水位 www.ilib.cn 2. Adjoint Assimilation System of Mesoscale Models and Its Assimilation Experiments 中尺度模式的四维伴随同化系统及其同化试验 service.ilib.cn 3. Effects of Sucrose on the Activities of Enzymes Involved in Ammonium Assimilation in Roots of Rice Cultivated in Different Nitrogen Source 蔗糖对不同氮源培养下水稻根部氨同化相关酶活性的影响 ilib.cn 4. Optimal interpolation and its application to assimilation of SST data in the Tropic Pacific Ocean 最优插值法及其在热带太平洋海表温度数据同化中的应用 service.ilib.cn 5. Influence-matrix diagnostic of a data assimilation system 一个资料同化系统的影响矩阵诊断 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Effects of nitrogen rates and soil fertility levels on root nitrogen absorption and assimilation and grain protein content of winter wheat 土壤肥力和施氮量对小麦根系氮同化及子粒蛋白质含量的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Dynamic Interpolation and Its Application in Data Assimilation 动态最优插值方法及其同化应用研究 ilib.cn 8. Ensembles of global ocean analyses for seasonal climate prediction: impact of temperature assimilation 季节气候预报全球海洋分析系统:温度同化的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Four-Dimensional Variational Assimilation Experiments of Meiyu Front Rainstorm 梅雨锋暴雨研究中的四维变分同化试验 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation of Radar Radial Velocity Observations 雷达径向风资料的四维变分同化试验 www.ilib.cn 1. A Soil Moisture Assimilation Scheme With an Unsaturated Soil Water Flow Model and In-Site Observation 基于土壤水模型及站点资料的土壤湿度同化方法 service.ilib.cn 2. Schemes and Experiments of Regional Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation Systems 有限区域变分四维同化系统的设计和试验 www.ilib.cn 3. Plant Sulfate Assimilation and Regulation of the Activity of Related Enzymes under Cadmium Stress 植物的硫同化及其相关酶活性在镉胁迫下的调节 ilib.cn 4. Seeking Ways of Dialogue and Mutual Assimilation between Chinese and Western Philosophy--An Interview to Professor Zhang Zhi-wei 中西哲学如何对话与融通--张志伟教授访谈录 www.ilib.cn 5. Brief discussion of the application of assimilation on chemistry education in middle schools 浅谈同化论在中学化学教学中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Preliminary Studies on the Assimilation Ability of Photosynthetic Bacteria for Phosphorus 光合细菌同化磷能力的初步探究 service.ilib.cn 7. A study on the application of variational adjoint data assimilation for numerical prediction of sea surface temperature 变分伴随数据同化在海表面温度预报中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Effects of Long- term Application of Chlorine-containing Fertilizers on the Growth and Nutrient Assimilation of Soybean 长期施用含氯化肥对大豆生育及养分吸收的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Balanced tropical data assimilation based on a study of equatorial waves in ECMWF short-range forecast errors 以ECMWF短期预报误差中近赤道波研究为基础的平衡热带资料同化 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Experiment Study of Assimilation Ability between Iron Ores and CaO 铁矿粉与CaO同化能力的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Assimilation and Alienation: Inspection of Japanese Educational Trend from the Perspective of Legal System 同化与分化:从法系的角度考察日本的教育法制走向 service.ilib.cn 2. Effect of slight shading on accumulation and partitioning of carbon assimilation in fruit-bearing limb of greenhouse-grown nectarine 轻度遮光对温室油桃结果枝光合碳同化物积累和分配的影响 3. The Variational Assimilation Method for the Inverse Problem of the Initial Condition in the One-dimensional Diffusion Equation 一维扩散方程整体观测资料下的初值变分同化反演 www.ilib.cn 4. A Tentative Discussion on Mutual Complement and Assimilation between Chinese and Western Aesthetic Values 试论中西方美学价值精神的互补与交融 ilib.cn 5. The Conflict of the Civilizing Assimilation and Latin American Modernization 文明的融合冲突与拉丁美洲的现代化 www.ilib.cn 6. Theoretical Analyses of variation Assimilation Method for the Population Model 人口模型变分同化方法的理论分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Significance testing for variational assimilation 变分同化的显著性检验 edu.cma.gov.cn 8. An Exploration into the Application of Assimilation Theory to the Teaching of Chemical Concepts 运用同化理论指导化学概念教学探析 www.ilib.cn 9. An All-Weather Observational Operator for Radiance Data Assimilation with Mesoscale Forecast Models 用于中尺度预报模式辐射率资料同化的全天候观测算子 www.zzdnyy.com 10. Inheritance, Assimilation and Sublimation--National Spirit And Ningbo Spirit 继承吸收升华--试论民族精神兼谈宁波精神 service.ilib.cn 1. Assimilation of Argo float positions in the north western Mediterranean Sea and impact on ocean circulation simulations 地中海西北部Argo漂浮物同化及其对海洋环流模拟的影响 library.cma.gov.cn 2. The concrete form and process of ethnic assimilation, especially the assimilation patterns of ethnic individual members; 民族同化的具体形式和过程,尤其是个体民族成员的同化模式; www.daifoods.com.cn 3. The Significance of Critical Assimilation to the Higher Vocational Education Research 批判精神对高职教育研究的重要意义 ilib.cn 4. Characteristics and Development Trend of Four-dimensional Data Assimilation 四维资料同化方法的特点分析和发展趋势 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Assimilation of Integration and Innovation of Chinese Western Management Cultures 论中西管理文化融合创新的趋同 www.ilib.cn 6. The Assimilation Character and Its Reason of Chinese Economy Increase 中国经济增长的趋同特征及其成因分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Mainly as follows: in plant mesophyll assimilation strengthening of the Organization; 主要表现为:植物体叶肉同化组织的加强; www.fabiao.net 8. An ensemble data assimilation system to estimate CO surface fluxes from atmospheric trace gas observations 从大气示踪气体观测值估算CO地面通量的资料同化系统 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Data Assimilation for the Air Flow Around Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station 大亚湾核电站周围大气流场监测数据同化分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Numerical Simulation and Data Assimilation on the Current and Temperature Field in the Bohai Sea, Huanghai Sea and East China Sea 渤海、黄海、东海海流场和温度场的数值同化研究 ilib.cn |
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