单词 | cargo |
释义 | cargos是cargo的复数 例句释义: 船货,负荷,大贴袋裤 1. During the period of the ship being hijacked by Somalia pirates, the ship and cargos suffer the real and common maritime adventure. 在索马里海盗劫持船货期间,船舶和货物面临共同的真实危险。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Cargos whose declare value is over the customs limitation of the destination country or transferred country. 海关申报价值超过目的国或中转国海关限定。 oadoc.net 3. The move, which hit spot cargos, came as the miners continue to seek large price increases for long-term contracts to Chinese customers. 对现货价格造成冲击的上述措施出台之际,这两家澳大利亚最大的矿业集团正继续寻求对中国客户的长期合同大幅提价。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Right after packaging, the chief packer will fill in a packing list, indicating the serial numbers of cases and the description of cargos. 待装箱完毕后,包装主任会及时填制一份包装清单,详细列明各箱之编号及所载物品之名称。 provide.biz72.com 5. International, domestic or high value cargos are marked and stored separately in a region with fences or walls. 国际的,国内的,高价值的给予标注并分开存放在安全有围栏或围墙的区域内; www.1x1y.com.cn 6. In possession of Non-vessel Carrier Certificate and Class-A Forwarding Certificate. Provide agency services for various cargos. 具有无船承运人资质、一级国际货代资质,可提供包括整车、零部件在内的各类货物的代理服务。 www.saichr.com 7. Immense wooden barges patrolled its banks, exchanging cargos of teak and rice for gold, precious stones and imported goods from abroad. 巨大的木驳船在河的两岸巡行,用运载的柚木和稻米来交换黄金、宝石和从国外进口的商品。 www.chinaedu.com 8. The merchandise(cargos) delivery can between office, department stores, Flagship store, transport company and other locations. 负责货物从办公室、仓库、店铺或货运公司及其它地方之间的运输。 www.jobui.com 9. all the cargos are now at the dock. the loading will start today and vessel starts sailing on friday. 所有的货现在已经在码头了,今天开始装船,礼拜五开船。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Is there documented procedure about the posting, replacing, recording and tracing of seals used on containers and cargos? 有关于张贴,取代,记录和追溯用在集装箱和货车上的封条的程序?。 www.6sq.net 1. In one and a half years, convoying protected the life of seafarers and the safety of ships and cargos. 一年半的时间里,护航工作取得了令人满意的成绩,船员的生命和船舶及货物财产安全得到了保障。 lib.cqvip.com 2. That has allowed coal mines and shippers to switch to cheaper rail transport from costly trucks for heavy cargos. 这使煤矿和货运公司得以从昂贵的公路货运转投更为廉价的铁路运输。 www.bing.com 3. Quality classification assessment of steel cargos . 内河钢质货船质量等级评定。 www.bing.com 4. Trains would whisk cargos at up to 60 mph 260 feet beneath the seabed. 火车将运送着货物在260英尺的海床上以每小时60公里的速度奔驰。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yes, on the shipper's side, when the cargos arrived, all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee. 好的,在发货人方面,当货物到达时,所有的文件必须送交给买货人。 www.zwxue.com.cn 6. Because you have not made customs clearance procedures in time, the cargos have been returned. 因为你没有及时到贵国海关办理清关手续,货物已经被退回`。 www.yr06.com 7. If the consignment consists of more than 2 cargos, each truck shall be sampled. 如果交货批由2批以上的货物混合构成则每车货物都必须取样。 vernon0426.blog.163.com 8. It doesn't get any more feminine than this, and we just love it paired with more masculine pieces, like cargos and washed military jackets. 它没有得到任何比这更多的女性,而我们只是喜欢它搭配更男性化件,如货物,洗军用短上衣。 www.ttbuy168.com 9. Company accepts cargos of railway containers, sea containers, large bulk departures from Shanghai to all railways stations in China. 公司承接从上海出发到全国各地火车站的铁路运输,包括铁路集装箱、海运集装箱、大综散货等相关运输服务。 www.linwen.com 10. Lifting and conveying the pieces or cargos in workshop or storage. 车间和仓库中吊运工件及货物。 www.jnzg.com 1. "Air cargos can only carry a limited amount, and it is very hard carrying all these quantities by air, " the senior officer said. 这位高级军官说,“空运只能携带有限的数量,通过飞机很难运输所有这些物资。” cn.nytimes.com 2. Cargos on C010587 and IE102TG have been cased up on Aug. 1 and Aug 4. Data of them have been promptly returned to the forwarder and Ms. Yin. 西班牙IE102TG和哥伦比亚C010587的货物分别于八月一日和四日装箱。其中的数据都已经及时返还给货代和殷姐。 bbs.cnexp.net 3. On hrs 1800 the operations on this shift over, totally 626 pieces of cargos are stripped. 晚18点,本班拆箱工作结束,当日共计拆出626件货物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They sent us two more boxes of cargos, shall we keep them secret or. 他们错误地给我们多发了两箱货物,我们是不告诉他们呢还是…… www.kekenet.com 5. A. Cargos are any type of goods transported by any type of ships. 任何货物均能在任何船只上运载。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. On hrs 1830 the shift operation over, totally 671 pieces of cargos are stripped. 18点30分,本班拆箱工作结束。本班共拆出货物671件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If cargos can not be delivered on time: Modify booking date, re-booking. 如不能按时进仓:修改订舱日期,重新订舱。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Section of supervision Control over means of Transport cargos 货运监管科 www.baoguanpeixun.cn 9. containers used for cargos; 盛装货物的容器; www.qiyeku.com 10. To conduct spot inspection on the cargos arrived at the port; To examine the factory inspection report and the Certificate of Origin; 对到岸货物实施现场核验;核查出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件; www.dictall.com 1. A device for testing the grounding condition of containers for loading cargos with explosion risk 用于装卸具有爆炸危险货物的容器接地状态检测装置——静电点火的安全防范 www.ilib.cn 2. Idea on Prevention of Pollution from Vessels and Management of Dangerous Cargos in Huizhou Port 惠州港防治船舶污染和危险品管理思路 www.ilib.cn 3. Studies on the changes and the countermeasures to vehicles carrying dangerous cargos on NO. 10 regulation of ministry of communications 10号令颁布后危险货物运输管理的变化及对策探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. A Heuristic algorithm for Three Dimensional Container Packing Problem of Fixed-size Cargos 同一尺寸货物三维装箱问题的一种启发式算法 ilib.cn 5. Import cargos bonded stock, outward cargo controlled stock; 进口货物保税库存,出口货物监管库存; www.showxiu.com 6. Export cargos in wooden packing expected to suffer barriers 木质包装货物出口将遭壁垒 www.common-talk.com 7. This innovation, introduced to keep precious tea cargos dry, 这种保持珍贵茶叶干燥的革新措施 blog.sina.com.cn 8. On passage of risk in international cargos transaction 浅议国际货物买卖中的风险转移问题 www.ilib.cn 9. On the right over cargos under FOB symbolistic contracts FOB象征性合同下货权问题的思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Inform relative forwarder to pick up cargos and documents 通知相应的货代公司提货和文件 wenku.baidu.com 1. Transportation industry approved by customs specially engaged in out -and-in of cargos in the processing zone; 经海关核准专门从事加工区内货物进出的运输业; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Code of safe practice for Solid Bulk Cargos compass 固体散装货物安全装卸规则 wenku.baidu.com 3. The Velocity Modulation System of Minitype Cargos Elevator Based on PLC Control 基于PLC控制的小型货物升降机调速系统 www.ilib.cn |
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