单词 | care | ||||||
释义 | cares是care的复数
adj. n. good care,great care,special care,extra care,meticulous care
例句释义: 关心,关怀,忧虑,介意,注意,照料,牵累,心事,在乎,一般指照顾和关心 1. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki ever since he saved her, to what might be love in a romantic sense. 他已经表示他对优姬关爱很深自从他救了她,他们可能会陷入浪漫的爱情 wenwen.soso.com 2. If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me. 如果我装傻,有谁会在意?只能是自己哄骗了自己。别人对我的看法吓不倒我。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. Being nice only means that nothing inside me cares enough to tell you what the reality of it is. 她说,“友善只是说明了我没有足够关心你们的情况,也无法告知你们现状到底如何。” dongxi.net 4. If your current boyfriend gets peeved whenever he sees you talking to another dude, it could just be his way of showing how much he cares. 如果你目前的男朋友每次看见你跟别的男人讲话他就生气的话,这很可能是他表达他是多么关心你的方式。 www.ewteacher.com 5. She tells him that LJ is beginning to feel like everyone he cares about is going to end up in prison. 她告诉迈克尔LJ已经开始认为他所关心的每个人都将在监狱里终其一生,而且并不只是LJ会有这种感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Everyone cares so much about the health of the hearts of his loved ones that the slightest condition would fill him with nagging anxiety. 每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And to the brain, a dry, dull, academic explanation is definitely CRAP (regardless of how much your mind cares about the topic). 对大脑来说,一个枯燥无味的迂腐解释绝对就是垃圾(无论你心里多么关心这个话题)。 www.bing.com 8. One of these days is YESTERDAY, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 其中一天是“昨天”,连同昨天的失误与忧虑、错误与过失、痛苦与悲伤。 www.putclub.com 9. Not only does Islam take into consideration a woman's physical condition, but it also cares for her feelings in this delicate time. 伊斯兰不但顾及到妇女的生理状况,而且也照顾到她们在生理时期的感受。 www.2muslim.com 10. When a man fancies a woman, he also cares about her soul, lying to himself that he has fallen in love with her soul. 男人憧憬着一个女人的身体的时候,就关心到她的灵魂,自己骗自己说是爱上了她的灵魂。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. By the time you found out it was just a sugar pill, you were feeling great, so who cares? 当你发现那只不过是个糖片的时候,你都感觉很好了,那谁还在乎是不是药片呢? www.bing.com 2. I dont know why China cares about this at all. They will just sent the goods through a foreign middle man country first. 我不明白为什么中国会关心这些。即使法案生效,他们也只需先把货物发给中间人。 www.miltt.com 3. Mary cares for her little sister very much. She always makes lovely little toys for her to make her happy. 玛丽很关心她的小妹妹,她总是为妹妹做可爱的小玩意来逗她开心。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Wu Tianyu seems to have felt her changes, but he still cares for Luo Lan just as usual. 吴天宇似乎也觉察到了她的异常,但对罗兰依然关心体贴。 www.24en.com 5. None of the rest of us really cares that X editor, not Y, finally persuaded Z author to sign a contract with him. 我们这些圈外人中,没有人会真正关心,最后是编辑X,而不是Y说服了作者Z和他签约。 www.ftchinese.com 6. You just watch the way he rolls up his sleeves and you can see how much he cares about the way he looks, but not too much. 只要看看他卷起袖口的方式就知道他多么不在意自己的穿着,当然这一切也是有个度的。 shandong.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Viet Nam can handle this problem, or not. Who cares? As long as the US stays out of it. 越南可以处理好这个问题,或者不能?谁管它呢?只要美国不插手就好了。 www.tianya.cn 8. His mother (Ashley Judd), though busy with work and trying to support the two of them, does her best to help him and show she cares. 索耶的妈妈(艾什莉?贾德饰)终日忙于工作以养家糊口,但她仍然竭尽所能地帮助他走出困境,让他感受到母亲的爱。 www.china.org.cn 9. Then, She wants so badly to reach him with her two hands and lips to show him how much she cares about him. 女孩绝望地想用自己的双唇双手去触摸男孩告诉他自己有多么在意他。 hi.baidu.com 10. Gruenfeld suggests asking someone who cares about your development as well as the quality of your performance to tell you what she thinks. 格林菲尔德建议问一下那些关心你的发展以及行动能力的人,他们是怎么想的。 www.bing.com 1. It seems to me that there's no sense at all. Nobody cares, it's always the same. 对我来说这些毫无意义,同以往一样,没人会在意。 www.yappr.cn 2. who cares what you think of me? 你怎么看我都无所谓。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For now, however, Dandong is where North Korea meets the world; in so far as such a closed country cares to meet it at all. 而单就现在来说,丹东仍是朝鲜面对世界的窗口,也是这个封闭的国家与外界的唯一接触。 www.bing.com 4. I still remember that day when you showed how much a mother cares for her child. 我仍然记得当你向我展示出一个母亲为照顾她的孩子要付出多少的那一天。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The fact that she initially supported you and is now trying to protect you shows that she cares for you and wants you to be happy. 从你母亲对你起初的支持到现在她试图阻止你说明了一个事实,她关心你并系希望你过的快乐。 www.bing.com 6. Who cares? If it happens just keep smiling and if appropriate refer to it to produce an easy laugh for your audience. 如果这些事情发生了,只要保持微笑,合适的话,这很容易就可以让你的听众发出笑声。 www.elanso.com 7. he's trying to tell you between the lines that he cares about you and wants you to work harder so that you can have a better future. 他其实是在告诉你他很关心你,想让你好好努力,有一个更好的未来 www.kekenet.com 8. She cares for the children as if they were her own. 她像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾这些孩子。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The only thing the road cares about is that you pay it a visit once in a while. 这条路唯一在乎的是,你时不时来光临一次。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I don't think he cares for his wife at all any more because of her disloyalty. 我不认为他还爱自己的妻子,因为她对他不忠。 www.qqgxqm8.com 1. One dead photographer does not do much for the cause he cares about, even if he did feel compelled to weigh in and take sides. 一个摄影记者,即便他认为自己有必要选择立场而支持某一方,一旦他死了,则于他所关心的事业来说也是没有多大帮助的。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he realizes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona. 威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。 www.for68.com 3. David deserves the loss of her girlfriend; he never really cares about her. 大卫被女朋友甩了,活该,他从来就没能真正地关心过她。 www.24en.com 4. Well, he cares about you, and he wants you to be financially secure. 他是关心你,希望你经济有保障 www.tingroom.com 5. He has lost his gay lover and is now waiting to die, living out his days in a flat inhabited by Polynesian masks and large-hipped cares. 齐藤教授失去了他的同性恋爱人,他头戴波利尼西亚面具,住在一间公寓里,由一个大屁股的护工照顾——现在正在等死。 www.ecolion.cn 6. This book belongs on the bookshelf of every developer who cares passionately about quality and craftsmanship. 每个在乎软件质量和专业技艺的开发人员都应该阅读此书。 www.infoq.com 7. As the rest of the prospectus shows, lining the founders' pockets is all Groupon cares about. 招股说明显示,梅森等人关心的只是自己的钱袋。 www.fortunechina.com 8. A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home. 一个能说出乡愁的男人,他一定是个爱家、家、家庭责任感的人。 tr.bab.la 9. He knows how much trouble it causes, but a fat lot he cares. 他知道这会引起很大麻烦,但他一点也不在乎。 learning.sohu.com 10. Burt sometimes the losing party at the trial court cares enough about the case that the matter does not end there. 但有时,在审判法院败诉的一方十分重视该案件而使程序并未终止于此。 www.24en.com 1. He is a happy-go-lucky man as if he has no worries and cares in the world. 他是个无忧无虑的人,好像世上没有任何让他烦恼和发愁的事。 www.lesun.org 2. I would be carefree as long as I could, or at least until I got some care- instead of having my cares in advance. 我将尽可能的无忧无虑,或者至少我在我付出真心前先得到真心 www.bing.com 3. Who cares what he wanted? Can't we please just try and get out of this with whatever shred of dignity this family has left? 谁会在意他想什么?我们可不可以不要再谈这个事,保留下我们家庭这唯一的一些尊严?。 bbs.newssgo.com 4. I'm sorry I could not return to that at the beginning you know me, because I had more than CARES about you. 对不起我回不到那个当初你熟悉的我了,由于我比当初更在乎你。 www.haoqq.net 5. Some dude tries to hold up a store but nobody cares to pay attention to him. In the end he walks away with just a couple of bucks. 世上最糟糕的犯罪某个家伙试图打劫一家商店,但是没有人愿意搭理他。最后他仅拿走了几美元。 aellen.yculblog.com 6. It may be wrong but it's what Bryant does when he cares, as he seems to, once more. 这可能不对,但是科比只是在尽他努力帮助他关心的球队,看样子,又一次这样了。 www.mipang.com 7. "I thought nobody cares about this, " he said. “我想没人在乎这件事,”他说。 www.bing.com 8. sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down. 有时,人会举起墙,不是想让人留在外面,可是是看清谁足够心已能到打到那个墙。 answers.yahoo.com 9. It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. 是耶和华你神所眷顾的。从岁首到年终,耶和华你神的眼目时常看顾那地。 www.ebigear.com 10. That shows how much he still cares about us all at Wolfsburg, and I'm not surprised, because he was a friend as well as team-mate. 这表明他依旧很关心沃尔夫斯堡,而且这并不奇怪,他是一个好队友,也是一个好朋友。 www.bing.com 1. He said he had withdrawn his savings and placed them in a bank safe deposit box "for security. Who cares about interest right now? " 他表示,他已经支取了自己的存款,将其存放在一个银行保管箱里“以保证安全。现在谁还在乎利息?” www.ftchinese.com 2. Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. 有时候你建起的心灵围墙并不是为了远离人群,而是为了看清楚谁在乎去打破它。 www.woniuyulu.com 3. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. 如果他购买了你的产品或服务之后,当他告诉别人时别人会怎么想。 www.bing.com 4. It still cares about us and wants to see us happy for the most part, but it finds our cellular perspective to be rather limiting. 它仍关心我们,很大程度上想看到我们快乐,但是它发现我们细胞的视角相当局限。 www.bing.com 5. Check out a church and start asking questions. Get into a small group that studies the Bible and cares about you as a person. 你可选择一间教会,开始提问你心中的疑难,并参加一个研读圣经并关心你个人的小组。 www.chinesetodays.org 6. "Generally speaking, the USA seems to be the only country that cares about their political leaders dressing domestic, " Angeloni says. 安杰洛尼说:“一般说来,美国好像是唯一一个觉得政治领导人应该穿成本国风格的国家。” www.ftchinese.com 7. My heart big stone might also lay down, might have no cares finally, wished you to be forever happy happily joyful. 我已经完全放心了。心里的大石头也落了下来,没什么好担心的了。我希望你永远开心快乐。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. One of these days si Yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 其中一天是昨天,有过错误和忧虑、过失和事物、辛酸和痛苦。 bbs.alltt.com 9. She never licks anybody -- whacks 'em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I'd like to know. 她从来没揍过任何人——她不过是用顶针在头上敲敲罢了——谁还在乎这个,我倒是想问问你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He says his dream is to be a poem and an artist. Now, the only thing he cares is the appearance of cars made by his company. 他说他的梦想是当诗人,搞艺术,就是在今天,他也只关心汽车的外观造型是不是漂亮,其它事都交给别人去做。 www.tdict.com 1. For a man jealous that she cares, she expressed with action can not be jealous of a woman in a mind free love, it does not matter cares. 能为男人吃醋说明她在乎,她在用行动来表达,不能吃醋的女人心中无爱,也无所谓在乎。 www.bing.com 2. No one cares what you give, you know you gotta live like you wanna live. When it's time to be free, you know you gotta be what you wanna be. 没有人在意你给予了什么,你知道你必须去过你一直想要的生活。当时间是自由无拘束时,你就会知道什么是你想要的。 www.yappr.cn 3. It is said that he was a great singer before. return Nothing but But he cares nothing but his research. 但他除了他的研究之外什么也不关心。 wenku.baidu.com 4. His wife of 29 years, Signy Hayden, 52, says, 'I feel he really cares about what I have to say now, and he won't blow up if it's bad news. ' 与他结婚29年的妻子、今年52岁的西格尼-海顿(SignyHayden)说,现在我感到他真的关心我要说的事了,如果是坏消息,他也不会发脾气。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Suddenly I realized Janie was more than a bus driver. That was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares for them too. 突然我意思到珍妮不止是一个公交司机。那只是她的工作。她也有一个大家庭和关心她的家人。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. You will know in a crisis how much a person really cares and their true feelings for you. 在危难中,你总能看到谁是真的关心你,真的爱你。 www.bing.com 7. Had the human once to tell you me to care very much, cares about this urban the distance. 有没有人曾告诉你我很在意,在意这座城市的距离。 www.dota123.com 8. I'd like you to meet someone who already knows you, cares for you, and genuinely wants the very best for you. 我希望你认识一位已经知道你是谁,而且关心你和真心希望把最好的东西赐给你的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. So who cares that she is now slightly long in the tooth and that the warranty on her implants might have expired? 所以又有谁在意她现在的牙齿有点长了,且又有谁在意她的矽胶隆乳保险可能也可能早就过期了? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. She also helps me with my study and cares about my life. She always pays and never hopes me to reture. 她也很关心我的学习生活,她通常支付我钱,从不希望我支付路费! wenwen.soso.com 1. As you grow closer to him, he will give you a passion for something he cares about deeply so you can be a spokesman for him in the world. 当你和他的关系愈亲密时,他会将他所深切关注之事的热情赐给你,使你成为他在世上的代言人。 www.ebigear.com 2. All her cares fell away from her, and all her pains as well, and she seemed to float upward into the sky. 所有的烦恼,所有的疼痛都烟消云散,她仿佛漂浮了起来,上升到云空中。 www.cndkc.net 3. Dental cares are expensive according both students and non students but seem to be comfortable. 牙科关心昂贵根据学生和非学生,但似乎是舒适。 www.syyxw.com 4. Many times, because you are young, you think is "can do" , and as the company leadership to consider a lot, he CARES quite "can do" . 很多时候是因为,你还年轻,你想的是“能做什么”,而作为公司领导要考虑的方面很多,他比较关心“不能做什么”。 www.ssowhy.com 5. She seems to be rich , but she cares a but about money matter . 她似乎很富有,但对钱却斤斤计较。 www.bing.com 6. As Dr. Yuan proves, one dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people. 正如袁博士所证明的,一个梦想总是不够的,特别是对一个热爱和关心人民的人,更是如此。 cqlkj.blog.edu.cn 7. but not everyone cares about the ups and downs of the inner world of himself and that of his nearest and dearest. 但并非每个人都关注自己及至亲至爱之人的内心世界的阴晴。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The last century sixty's, at the age of sixteen, I heard that Guizhou is invited to the tutor, luck, the results were bruised, nobody cares. 上个世纪六十年代,十六岁的我听说贵州有人请塾师,就去碰运气,结果碰得鼻青脸肿、无人理会。 www.bing.com 9. Who cares. . . all the frenzy over two godless countries trying to gain superpower status. 谁管它呢……两个邪恶的国家疯狂的想要成为超级强国。 www.ltaaa.com 10. None of these intangibles are very costly , but they all do take the time and thoughtfulness of a manager who cares . 其中没有一样会增加成本,但是它们的的确确需要花费时间。 www.bing.com 1. I always seem to be forgotten by others in a corner and nobody cares about me. 似乎我总是被别人放在遗忘的角落里,从来没有人在意我。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Talking to his mother last November he told her: "Mom, everyone knows. Nobody cares. " 去年十一月他在和母亲聊天时告诉她:“妈妈,每个人都知道了,没人把它当回事。” www.bing.com 3. If nobody cares, then it was a very nice story, and that's the end of it. 如果无人在意一份报纸,那么它最终就只能成为一个美好的故事。 www.bing.com 4. Everyone cares for home, but he regards it a matter of course. 大家都关心他,可是他以为这一切是理所应当的。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. The fact that it has not done so suggests it cares more about financing the budget deficit and the federal government's spending programmes. 事实上它没有这么做,表明它更在乎的是为预算赤字以及联邦政府的各项支出计划筹措资金。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I'm not sure if the Chinese government even realizes the extent of the problems coming out of its IP space, or if it even cares. 我不能确信是否中国政府甚至意识到从它的IP太空出来的那些问题的范围,它甚至关心。 bbs.et8.net 7. The result, of course, will be that you will come to see who genuinely cares about you. 当然,正所谓患难见真情,你会体味到谁才是你真正的朋友。 lady.cn.yahoo.com 8. Nika stands to leave, and whispers to Michael, "The lady doctor, she cares for you. " Nika站起身来离开,她低声对Michael说,“那个女医生,她很关心你。” www.bing.com 9. Nobody cares. We were all out in the first week. You lasted five. 没注意。我们都在第一个星期就出来了,你持续了五个。 www.phezzan.com 10. As much as you cares about him , he cares about you . 就如大家如此关心他一样,他也一样关心着你们。 www.bing.com 1. Right now, the only thing the company cares about is efficient waste disposal and higher profits. ' 现在,公司唯一关心的事情就是有效地进行废物处理和提高利润。 www.kekenet.com 2. Upon the coming of this fashion week full of pleasure and pains, every person who cares about fashion will have every reason to be excited. 在这有苦有乐的时装周到来的时候,每个关心时尚的人都能找到让人兴奋的理由。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. A nurse gives up her first holiday in years and instead travels out to an oil rig , where she cares for a man suffering from severe burns . 一位护士放弃了数年后的第一个假期,并且改为前去一座石油钻塔,照顾一个遭受严重烧伤之苦的男人,突出了人间真情的主题。 www.bing.com 4. A leader of the Greens' "realist" wing, he cares as much about fiscal discipline as he does about renewable energy. 作为绿党“现实主义”流派的领导人之一,他如同关注财政规律一般关注可再生能源。 www.ecocn.org 5. I wanna die, with someone, ya know, who cares about me. Don't wanna die for a woman, I wanna die laying next to a woman. 我要死在…你知道,死在关心我的人身边,不是要为女人而死,而是死在女人身边。 group.mtime.com 6. Women have no makeup, no longer pay attention to his appearance no longer cares about his own modesty. 女人开始不再化妆,不再注意自己的容貌,不再在乎自己的矜持。 www.dota123.com 7. But the truth is nobody cares if you think you are superhero. 但是如果你认为自己是超级英雄的话,没有人会在意的。 naked.amazing-network-marketing.com 8. Jesus said that God cares for even sparrows, and compares God's love for humanity to a hen's love for her chicks. 耶稣说,上帝连麻雀也关心,并将上帝对人的爱比作母鸡对小鸡的爱。 blog.163.com 9. A true shepherd cares for his flock with such tenderness that he knows each sheep by name, as if they are pets. 真正的牧人对他的羊必关怀备至,甚至知道每只羊的名字,犹如它们是宠物一般。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You might think the client's business plan is not your problem. Who cares if the client ends up broke as long as you get paid, right? Wrong. 你可能会认为客户的商业计划和你没有关系——拿到钱就行了,谁在乎他们是不是会破产呢?如果你这样想,就大错特错了。 www.bing.com 1. Who cares that the child of my grandson won't have the possibility to drink clean water and breathe clean air? 谁在乎我的曾孙子们不会有机会喝到干净的水、呼吸到干净的空气? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. "Who cares if the bourgeois can no longer travel or live in comfort. The greatest menace to most Africans is hunger, " he said. 瓦德说:“谁在乎资产阶级再也不能舒适的旅行或居住。非洲人民最大的威胁是饥饿。” www.voanews.cn 3. Once your cares have fully disappeared, emerge and rejoin civilization, knowing isolation is just a soak away. 一旦你的烦恼和忧虑彻底消失,你就可以重回人类社会,但是知道自己随时可以再次抽身而退。 www.bing.com 4. Nobody in here really cares how it happens, whether I go through a legal process or not is of no importance. 这里没人管怎么回事,我走法律流程或者不走不重要。 www.bing.com 5. "It's perceived as being from Tel Aviv " he said of the secular city "and what goes on in Tel Aviv nobody cares. " “这本书被认为只在特拉维夫出版,”他指的是世俗犹太人城市,“至于特拉维夫发生了什么事,没人在乎。” www.bing.com 6. Life is like a game. We may be indulged into her, intoxicated in her and lose ourselves, thus, who cares? 生活像是一场游戏。我们可能被她纵容,沉醉其中,迷失了自我。但是,谁在乎呢? blog.sina.com.cn 7. "No one hates his own body, but lovingly cares for it just as Christ cares for his body, which is the church" (Ephesians 5: 29 LB). “从来没有人恨恶自己的身子,总是保养顾惜,正像基督待教会一样。”(以弗所书5:29)。 www.bing.com 8. If he knows you so thoroughly and still cares about you, he just might be the deliverer you've been looking for. 若祂对你的一切瞭如指掌,但仍然关心你,祂可能就是你一直寻找的那位拯救者。 www.chinesetodays.org 9. Santa says "You better not cry" . . . JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you. " 圣诞老人说:“你最好别哭”……耶稣说:“将你一切的忧虑卸给我,因为我顾念你。” christine77977.spaces.live.com 10. Although I realised his cares and his devotion, I continued to press General Wavell hard. 我虽然知道韦维尔将军行事谨慎,为人忠诚,还是继续对他施加压力。 www.jukuu.com 1. "And remember, " said the good man, "God cares for everyone. Even fed the birds in the air each day. " “而且记住,”那位好心人说,“上帝关心每一个人,甚至每天喂养空中的鸟儿。” www.chinaedu.com 2. If you want to be used by God, you must care about what God cares about; what he cares about most is the redemption of the people he made. 你若要被神所用,就要关注神最关心的事;他最关心的就是他所造的人得拯救。 www.ebigear.com 3. Cause such a visceral reaction could only come from a woman who still cares. 因为这样发自内心的激烈反应,只说明你还在乎。 i.mop.com 4. Cause nobody wants to be the last one there, and everyone wants to feel like someone cares. 因为没有人想成为左后一个,每个人都想被在乎。 www.yappr.cn 5. Hire some real translators or at least someone who cares about the quality of his or her work. 请聘请一些真正的翻译员或至少是一些真正关心其翻译质量的译员。 new.chinadialogue.net 6. Who cares if it's a copy or not. Does it fire 'lolly pop' missiles, are bullets made up of sugar, do the bombs explode with rose petals? 谁会在意是否是山寨货。它发射的是棒棒糖导弹吗,子弹是糖做的吗,炸弹爆炸时会绽放玫瑰花瓣? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Part of me is like, who cares, it's just a piece of paper, they're adults, why shouldn't I just be nice and help my friend? 我想要问的是,谁会关心呢?这仅仅是一张纸而已,他们已是成人,我为什么不高高兴兴的帮助我朋友呢? www.dltcedu.org 8. His was a disposition which did not tent to load itself with more than the most immediate cares. 他这个人的性格,除了当前最迫切的烦恼以外,是不喜欢多想的。 9. Invitations were sent with despatch, and many a young lady went to bed that night with her head full of happy cares as well as Fanny. 请帖迅速发出了,不少年轻小姐像范妮一样,当晚就寝时心里乐滋滋地琢磨来琢磨去。 novel.tingroom.com 10. "If it changed me for the better, who cares? " she says. “如果这样让我变得更好,谁还在乎呢?”她说。 www.bing.com 1. So yah, Taiwan is a country or not, who cares, the government is just plain garbage, not worthy the designation of a real country. 来看看真的历史。台湾只是一个省份,他在一个君主专制的(而不是民族,民主的)国家之下。 www.tianya.cn 2. she assumed cares and griefs which were not even her cares and griefs. She was paid wages for this, but pay is still just money. 她承担了他人的忧虑与悲伤,她虽然为此领受了工资,但是这样的补偿也就仅限于金钱而已。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The scenario here is one of an employer who cares about two tasks and an agent who finds it easier to do only one of them. 这篇手稿中的场景是:雇主希望雇员把两个任务都完成好,但这位雇员觉得同时完成两个任务有些困难。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As long as you are good at your job, no one cares what you look like when you are behind-the-scenes. 只要你工作做得好,没有人在乎你在幕后做些什么。 dfsc.cn 5. I leave all my cares and doubts to follow the homeless tide, for the Stranger calls me, he is going along the road. 我抛开一切牵挂和疑虑,去追逐那无家可归的潮水,因为异乡人在对我呼唤,他正沿着道路走来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The cares of life did not loom large in night watches for this young man. 对于这个年轻人来说生活的忧虑在不眠之夜并不显得很大。 dict.veduchina.com 7. I don't think China cares for that role - looking at Africa it has a clear policy of non-interference. 我不觉得中国会稀罕这么个角色—它对非洲很明显实行的不干涉政策。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But that will never be the case as he cares intently about the team and what he can bring to it with his own skill. 但是情况不会永远这样:他专注于球队,通过自己的能力给球队带来些东西。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. Granted no one but a humanist much cares how sound a poem it is only a sound. 假设只有人文主义者才重视:一首诗的关键只在于它传达的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I know that she cares about him a lot and they have a great relationship. On the last film, he would hang out often. 据我说知是的,她会在乎他,他们也相处的很好,上部拍摄期间,他也常来探班。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Life is like a trip, do not care about the destination, cares about is the scenery and look at the scenery along the way the mood. 生活就像一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景和看风景的心情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Realizing that Higgins will never really love her, Eliza leaves the house and marries a young man who she knows cares a lot for her. 伊莱札意识到希金斯永远不会真正爱上她,就搬出去嫁给了一位她知道一直很关心她的年轻人。 wenku.baidu.com 3. A woman cares about most is the home favorite is the husband, fear most is the loneliness, helplessness, no one to speak. 女人最在乎的是家,最爱的是老公,最怕的就是寂寞,无助,无人说话。 blog.163.com 4. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him? 吉米剥着玉米,根本无人在意,为什么还为他写首歌? blog.sina.com.cn 5. And third, although everyone cares about mortality, it is not the only thing that we care about. 第三,虽说每个人都关心死亡率,但那并不是我们唯一关心的事; edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Let them disappear once and for all. Along with other misfits, lowers , relics of a wilderness, nobody cares about them any more. 干脆让它们和其它一些格格不入的孤独者以及谁也不会在乎的野地废墟彻底地消失掉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and concerns during the year. 圣诞即将来临,祝你快乐幸福,对你一年来的关心和照顾表示衷心的感谢。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Or if Linux is too big of a threat, they'll have reasons that you can no longer have Silverlight on Linux. Who cares? 如果Linux对其的威胁变大时,他们也一定有理由说你无法在Linux上使用Silverlight了,谁管你? www.infoq.com 9. One of there days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. 这其中的一天是昨日,昨日有着种种错误和顾虑、缺点和过失、疼痛和痛苦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I asked God to spare me pain , and God said, " No. " He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares, and brings you closer to me . 我请求上帝让我免除苦难,而上帝说:“不可”。又说忍受痛苦可以教你摆脱人世间的牵挂,并且教你与与我更亲近。 www.bing.com 1. None of these outlets, including the Times, another Murdoch asset, now cares much for Mr Major. 现在这些报纸中,包括Murdoch的另一项资产泰晤士报,并没有一家给予Major太多的关注。 www.ecocn.org 2. This means you have to take the time to figure out what someone cares about, and then think about how you can help him or her to get it. 这就意味着你需要时间去了解别人需要什么,你要怎样做才能帮助他们获得他们想要的东西。 70642523.qzone.qq.com 3. and to be fortunate enough to share my life with someone who loves and cares for me. 足够幸运能够和爱我和关心我的人分享我的生活。 www.suiniyi.com 4. "She's really nice and really [endearing], and she really cares about people, " he said. “她真的是很好,很可爱的一个人,而且她非常关心别人,”他说。 www.bing.com 5. Regard the troubles and cares you encounter as the "punching bags" of fate, given you to develop your spiritual muscle . 把你遇到的困难和烦恼当作命运给你用来训练精神肌肉的“沙袋”。 www.7zui.com 6. No. For all anyone cares, you could shuffle naked and hey, 87997bf4, you'd still be shuffling. There is no clothing requirement at all. 没有。要想惹人注视,你都可以全裸来跳,你还是在跳曳步舞。根本没有什么服装请求。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Meanwhile, Christina contemptuously calls Linc "the dumb one" and is sickened that Michael cares for him so much. 同时,克里斯蒂娜鄙视地称林肯是“傻的那个儿子”,而且对迈克尔如此在乎林肯感到嫌恶。 www.rayzen.cn 8. The subway is crowded. A man tries to get on, but no one cares about him. 地铁里十分拥挤.有个男人想上来,但是没有一个乘客理会他。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Marry cares for the old woman as if she were her own mother. 玛丽就像照顾自己母亲那样照料这位老妇人。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. This chat was more like a formal discussion about doubting life. Everybody cares about careers and the future. 这次真的成了一个怀疑人生的座谈会了,看来大家关心的都是就业和未来的事情。 hi.baidu.com 1. Intel will stipulate according to relevant program the problem that cares to European Union committee undertakes the front rejoins. 英特尔将会按摄影关挨次划定对欧盟委员会所关心的问题进行侧面答辩。 www.eebug.cn 2. "I just take good care of her, " said Shaughnessy, 51, who cares for Chanel with her husband, Karl. "I treat her like a person. " 51岁的肖尼西说:“我很悉心地照顾她,像对待人一样对待她。”肖尼西与她的丈夫卡尔一同看养香奈尔。 www.waiyulm.com 3. By emphasising this aspect of Smith's philosophy, Mr Wen is trying to show he cares. 通过强调史密斯哲学的这段论述,温总理试图告诉百姓他在乎。 blog.163.com 4. Student: Atheist Oh ok. Whatever it is you could live with that artificial categorization and who cares. 学生,无神论者,那好吧,无论是什么你都可以接受,人工划分,那么谁在意。 open.163.com 5. A huge constituency around the world cares deeply and talks about sustainable development, but has not taken serious on-the-ground action. 在世界各地有很多人关注可持续发展,也讨论这些问题,但却并没有采取严肃的脚踏实地的行动。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. Shunt it may not be a bad idea, reform, what final people cares still is reform " social cost and social effect " . 在俄罗斯,转轨伴随着一场革命。转轨也好,改革也罢,最终人们关心的还是改革的“社会代价和社会效果”。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 7. God cares about the great happenings in the world, and he cares about my private problems and daily difficulties as well. 神关心世界大事,祂也关心我的个人问题和每日面对的困难。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. "Nobody cared about Misasa until now, " Ms. Mifune said. "Now that foreigners might be after it, suddenly everyone cares. " “以前从没有人注意过这里”三舟女士说,“然后外国人来了,突然间所有人都注意这里了。” www.bing.com 9. When a woman only cares about the amount that the man tips the service boys (girls) , it shows she just starts to affiliate with the man. 当女人完全不看帐单,只留意男人付多少小费,她刚刚开始和这个男人交往。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Who cares if we make it out of the first round? 谁在乎我们是不是能冲破第一轮? www.tianya.cn 1. Across the world, America feeds the poor, educates the illiterate, cares for the sick and responds to disasters. 美国人在世界各地赈济饥民,扫除文盲,护理病患,抗击灾害。 www.america.gov 2. Garfield: If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments. 加菲猫:假如你认为没有人关心你,试试拖欠一下应付款。 www.juooo.com 3. Perhaps not surprisingly, Dean has an informal collection at home as well, to complement the mammoth one he cares for on weekdays. 你也许不会觉得惊讶,但迪恩在家里还有一个非正式收藏,对他平时照料的庞大收藏而言是个补充。 www.ftchinese.com 4. About this book, the reader will probably ask the one truly fatal question: who cares? 对于这本书,读者多半要问那个实在要命的问题:谁会理睬它呢? zhidao.baidu.com 5. I feel so lucky that such a beautiful and passionate young woman cares for me. 我感到很幸运,有这样一个美丽而热情的年轻女子爱着我。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Edward: Nobody cares what you think. 爱德华:没人在乎你怎么想。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Be sure that the common ground is something your colleague genuinely cares about, and not something you think he should. 确保你们的共同点是你的同事所在乎的而不是你自认为他是这样想的。 www.bing.com 8. We have thus escaped the wrath of God, and we shall thus escape the anger of men, the cares of this life, and the dread of death. 藉此,我们可以逃避上帝的震怒,也可以躲避人的怒气,摒除生活的烦恼,以及死亡的威胁。 cllc-agape.spaces.live.com 9. There is no limit to what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit. 如果谁也不在乎荣誉的归属,那么取得的成绩就没有止境。 hhbird.com 10. They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn't a waste. 有人说过,生活中只要有一个人在关心你,这一生就没有浪费。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If a man prepares dinner for you and the salad contains three or more types of lettuce, he really cares about you. 如果一个男人为你做饭,并且在沙拉里有3种以上的生菜的话,他是真的在乎你。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. When he loves you no more, you could no more bother him when alone, because he cares you no more. 当他不爱你时,请不要在你不开心或遇到麻烦时打搅他,他已没有兴趣关心你。 bbs.runsky.com 3. You can easily end up burning out on web participation because the loud minority twists your perception of what matters and who cares. 你能够很简单的停止继续通过网络参与这一切,因为那些高调的少数派已经扭曲了你如何去认知什么是最重要的。 www.bing.com 4. One of these days is yesterday with all its mistakes, cares and pains. 其中一天是昨天,满载着错误、忧虑和艰辛。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 5. You don't seem to be burdened down with cares. 您似乎并不关心下负担。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Whenever in solitude, he normally casts back his mind to his childhood free of cares and worries. 每当独处时,他通常回忆起自己无忧无虑的童年。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Honesty all on its owncan be a bit harsh, but when an honest person cares about other people, that's a powerful combination. 仅仅对自己诚实是有点不够的,但是当一个诚实的人同时也关爱他人,那就是一种有力的组合。 www.bing.com 8. It just cares that you know the pressure, the volume, the temperature, or any couple variables. 它只取决于压强,体积,温度这些量。 open.163.com 9. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions. 法官所考虑的只是目击者是否提供了有用的信息,它必须是事实,而不是看法。 www.thjy.edu.cn 10. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. 如果上帝可以如此异乎寻常的在乎那些今天摘下明天被扔掉的野花,ta自然会在乎你。 www.bing.com 1. Now return to your wise mother, who cares so much for your well-being. 回到你那明智的母亲身边吧,她这么关心你的幸福。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Jesus cares about you. He cares about the relationship he has with you. He cares about the relationship he has with each individual person . 耶稣关心你的看法,祂在乎跟你之间的关系,祂在乎跟个人的关系,而不是跟群众的关系。 www.bing.com 3. "I don't think the average person cares what's going on with Apple's leader, " she said. “我并不认为普通人会有多么的在意乔布斯的健康状况,”她说。 www.bing.com 4. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments. 如果你认为没人在乎你是否或者,那试试不去交水电费几个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. B. , it was The most romantic thing. Who cares about plaque Or pretentious artists When your best friend's Having a meltdown? 布莱尔,那太浪漫了。你最好的姐妹陷入麻烦,你还有心思想那个自命不凡的艺术男?。 www.bing.com 6. stylish As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 她是个穿着时髦的人,总是穿时髦的衣服,但对饮食很少讲究。 wenku.baidu.com 7. He cares too much for his own skin to ever take the risks the overthrow of MEGATRON would require. 他过于计较个人利益的得失,而不敢承担推翻威震天所必需的风险。 bbs.tfclub.com 8. He reasons that because he is preoccupied with solving a problem that will in some way benefit her, she should know he cares for her. 他认为她应该知道他在乎她,因为他已经以某些方式来试着解决可令她获益的问题。 blog.163.com 9. We're trying to build an atmosphere here where everybody cares about each other. 我们正在这里努力营造一个大家都会互相关心的环境。 epaper.edu.tw 10. If the person who wronged you really cares about you they'll have beaten themselves up sufficiently before asking for your forgiveness. 如果一个真正关心你的人让你受到了不公正的对待,在请求你的原谅之前,他就已经会自责不已了。 www.bing.com 1. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments. 如果你觉得没人在乎你的死活,你就试着想念两三次工资。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. The little cares that fretted me, I lost them yesterday, Out in the field with God. “昨天我失去了那些使我苦恼的忧虑和不安,……其时,我和神同在田野之间”。 www.ebigear.com 3. A mineral defence shield complex including botanical moisturisers and vitamins cares for your skin and helps protect it from sun damage. 同时又带有矿物修护膜,其植物滋润成份和维他命可保护皮肤免受阳光伤害。 taobao.yijia.com 4. Life on this earth involves stewardship. A steward is one who cares for his master's property. 人在地上的日子是作管家,管家是管理和照顾主人产业的人。 chinesetodays.org 5. CANON VI: A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon must not undertake worldly cares. If he does, let him he deposed from office. 法令六:主教、或司铎、或执事,不得操心世俗之事。若他这样,应罢免他的神职。 www.douban.com 6. Good luck to all Chinese who care for the environment - the world cares with you! 最后,我祝愿所有关注环境问题的中国人好运---世界与你们一起关注! www.chinadialogue.net 7. It is useless to lodge a complaint about the bad service at the bank, Nobody cares about the complaints. 对这家银行的服务质量差起诉是没用的,没人在乎抱怨。 bbs.24en.com 8. She cares about him, so only because he a little change and sad. She is afraid of, suddenly one day, if he lost, how to continue. 她在乎他,所以才会因为他一点细小的变化而难过。她害怕,突然有一天,如果失去了他,要怎么继续。 www.bing.com 9. Plus, I also don't believe China or any other 'command economy' cares about fighting pollution. 还有,我也不相信中国或任何其他“指令型经济”会关心与污染作斗争。 chinese.wsj.com 10. He's won it all, he has a strong personality and he cares for his players. 我获得了一切,他是一个非常强的人,我对他的球员很关心。 page.renren.com 1. One trick is to find ways to donate items the hoarder cares about -- particularly if he is grieving for a lost loved one. 一个技巧是找到捐赠囤积者关心的物品的办法,尤其是如果他是因失去亲人感到悲痛而囤东西的话。 c.wsj.com 2. But nobody cares about their grievances, " I said. " “但是没有人关心他们的苦情,”我说。 www.jukuu.com 3. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payment s. 你要是觉得没人在乎你的死活,那你不妨尝试一下跟你的债主玩躲猫猫~~ blog.sina.com.cn 4. The click method now only cares about the visual appearance of a "physical" button being clicked. 这个click方法现在只关心一个“物理上的”按钮被单击时候的可见表现。 www.bing.com 5. Howard, can't you see she's using you? Who cares? Last night, she pulled off her blouse and I wept. 霍华德,你看不出来她在利用你吗?管她呢?,昨晚她脱下睡衣,我激动得都哭了。 www.bing.com 6. In a barsb desert a place with such electricbeauty. It's OK to let loose and enjoy life and no one cares what you're doing. 在这片光怪陆离,金色泛滥的沙漠里,肆意放任,享受生命吧,没人在乎你在干什么! www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. The only thing he cares for is the outcome, the final response to his request. 他只关心结果——他的申请是否被批准。 www.infoq.com 8. nobody in the U. S. even cares about soccer and were still knockin off the number one team in the world! hahahahahahahahahaha. 在美国甚至都没人关注足球但我们仍然赢了世界第一,哈哈哈哈! club.kdnet.net 9. As a satisfied hospital, it should look for the innovatory service in raising humanistic cares and standardizing medical behaviours . 作为患者满意的医院,应在提高人性化服务和规范医疗行为方面寻找服务创新点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. yet another proof is the saying' one only sweeps the snow in front of his own door, who cares the frost on others' tiles'. 有“只扫自家门前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜”的谚语,可以证言。 www.bestmean.com 1. if you think nobody cares , try missing a couple of payments. 如果你认为没人在乎你,不妨迟缴一两次账单试试看。 www.ichacha.net 2. Twitter, not seen having a bright future in the past, was frequently challenged by the question "Who cares what I'm doing 24 hours a day? " 曾经不被看好的Twitter,最常为人质疑的就是,“究竟有谁会在乎我一天24小时都在做些什么?” www.bing.com 3. Nobody cares what you think. 没有在乎你是怎么想的。 www.maomaopao.com 4. Because he obviously still cares for her and they're totally going to end up together. Am I right, people? ! 因为显然巴尼还非常在意她,而且他们最终绝对会在一起的。我说得对吗,各位? www.bing.com 5. Spending so much time on something that no one cares or bothers, why? Why am I always doing these mindless things? 花那么多的时间做没人理会、在乎的东西,为了什么?我为什么老是要做这种事? lookingat.passingsights.com 6. "Ate. . . Old pedant cares the ground to ask more: " Where eat? 老学究更关心地问:“在哪儿吃的?” qyweb.org 7. The study also found older people did unpaid voluntary work worth billions of pounds a year and also contributed as cares for relatives . 这项研究还发现,年纪较大的人每年从事价值数十亿英镑的无偿义务工作,还在照顾亲属方面做出了贡献。 www.bing.com 8. Dady really cares about you, but I could do litlle for you, it's your mum who takes the most responsibility. 爸爸很关心你,但是能为你所做的事情很少,主要还是妈妈在不断地付出。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You're not even good enough to run this stupid little club that nobody cares about. 你连这个无人在意的破合唱团都管不好。 www.b2b99.com 10. It may be that tort reform is most valuable as a signalling device. It shows that a state cares about business. 侵权改革的价值,大概在于它是一个信号,表明州政府关注经济。 www.ecocn.org 1. Knowing someone else cares and hearing an expression of that caring, makes us feel less alone. 知道有人关心,并且听到关心的表达,会让我们感到不那么孤单。 www.bing.com 2. He CARES about the protagonist, even if later, nor misunderstanding in heart and the heart fusion influence. 他关心着主人公,即使后来产生误解,也无法影响心和心的融合。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. Many users feel underrepresented and are concerned that Wikipedia is the only project the board cares about. 很多用户感到他们不受到足够的关注,及认为维基百科是基金会唯一关注的项目。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If asked to a students' party at 6. 30pm, it is normal for guests not to appear before midnight, if at all, and no one cares. 假如被约请6点半到学生的聚会,客人不在午夜前呈现也是正常的,假如有的话,也没有人关怀。 www.pjx8.com 5. A spending bonanza before the tournament made it look as though the government cares about glitzy showmanship more than its workers. 从世界杯前的巨大花费看来,政府好像更在意排场,而不是它的工人们。 www.bing.com 6. No one cares what you look as long as you can play. 只要你能演奏,谁也不会对你的相貌说三道四。 7. WE see you struggling to overcome and change a system of things that cares little, if anything, about you and your actions and desires. 我们看着你们挣扎着去战胜和改变一个系统,这个系统不顾虑任何事,除了你们和你们的行动以及愿望。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Fed already has such a bureau; it is ineffectual because the Fed cares about the solvency of banks, not the solvency of their customers. 美联储已经有了类似的机构;它没有起到效果,因为美联储关心的是银行的破产问题,而非银行的顾客的破产问题。 www.bing.com 9. let me see . oh , the cranberry sauce ! it ' s easy , and normally no one cares about it. 让我想想啊,酸梅酱!容易做而且大家也不是很在意那东西! www.ichacha.net 10. But everytime he comes home, he always cares about me, my study, my health, and he sometimes plays with me. 但他每次回来,总要关心我的学习和健康,有时还陪我玩耍。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Here's why this is so awesome: no one cares. There was no hoopla. 没人关心是这件事情如此另类的原因。 www.bing.com 2. In short, he cares very little about traditional Orthodoxy and regards God's covenant with Abraham as "just so much chin music. " 简而言之,他对传统中的正统观念很不在乎,并把上帝与亚伯拉罕的立约看作“都是扯淡”。 www.douban.com 3. I love you no matter whether you are very beautiful or not, I cares mainly whether you are loyal, kindness and love yourself. 我喜欢你不是你长得美丽,我主要关心的是你是否忠诚、善良并且爱你自己。 blog.163.com 4. But in Canaan there is no great river to soak the soil. God cares for that land by sending the spring and autumn rains from heaven. 但迦南地没有美好的河流可灌溉土壤,于是,神会从天上降下春雨秋雨,滋润这片土地。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. The NBA will be back in Taiwan again next month for an NBA Cares community outreach event. 为了NBA的关爱行动计划而举行社区慈善活动,NBA球队下个月将再造访台湾。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A winner cares about the world and its peoples. He is not isolated from the general problems of society. 胜者关心世界和百姓,关注社会普遍存在的问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. We may be indulged into her, intoxicated in her and lose ourselves, thus, who cares? 我们可能被她纵容,沉醉其中迷失自己,但是,谁在乎呢? www.elanso.com 8. Barely enough to cover the cost of the food, but who cares? 这几乎还不够食材的成本呢但谁在乎? www.tingroom.com 9. Who cares about Paris? "she said suddenly" . “谁稀罕巴黎?”她突然说道。 www.jukuu.com 10. They protect us from a more disastrous emotional state - namely, the feeling that no one is concerned about us, that no one cares. 这种幻想使我们不至于跌进更悲惨的情绪之中,感觉“没有人关心我,没有人在乎我”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Each table has candles and a stash of bottled water, plus whatever mixers one cares to add to your drink. 每张桌子上都放着蜡烛和瓶装水,客人可以随心所欲地调配各种自己喜欢的“加料”饮品。 www.bing.com 2. The heart goes where the head takes it, and neither cares much about the whereabouts of the feet. 心会朝着大脑引领的方向去,而这两者都不太关心脚在何处。 www.bing.com 3. A true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and finally loves you more than a lover. 一个很真的朋友会象父亲一样训斥你,象母亲一样关心你,象姐妹一样戏耍你,象兄弟一样打击你,而最后,比情人更加爱你。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If God is real for you, who cares whether science has made him redundant? 如果上帝对你来说是真实的,谁又在乎科学有没有让他变得多余呢? www.bing.com 5. Eragon cares for her and she becomes his best friend. 伊拉贡关怀照顾着她,萨菲拉成了他最好的朋友。 eblog.cersp.com 6. For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die. 对于所有我们关心的人们,工作在继续,事业在继续,希望仍在,梦想绝不会死亡。 www.jukuu.com 7. If one really cares for you, he is able to squeeze time for you. No excuses, no lies, no undeliverable promises. 如果一个人真的足够在乎你,那么他总能挤出时间来陪你,没有借口、谎言,没有不兑现的诺言。 www.kekenet.com 8. A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. 义人顾惜他牲畜的命;恶人的怜悯也是残忍。 www.ebigear.com 9. Beautiful language can really twist your mind in a way that helps to push away the cares of the day. 美丽的语言确实能够使你抛开生活中的那些烦恼。 www.bing.com 10. He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he cares about is money. 他看起来像是个善良又可靠的人,可实际上他只在乎自己的钱 wenku.baidu.com |
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