单词 | with some justification |
释义 |
例句释义: 有理由 1. With some justification, the Democrats are aggrieved to find that they supported Mr Bush's bill while his own party did not. 情有可原,民主党会愤愤不平,因为他们发现自己支持布什的救市方案而布什自己的共和党却反对。 www.ecocn.org 2. They feel, with some justification, that they already pay too much to a state that provides too little. 他们人为这是正当的看法,认为已经付出很多,而国家提供的却太少。 www.bing.com 3. But Sri Lanka says, with some justification, that this is more the result of the LTTE having been defeated earlier this year. 但是斯里兰卡,需要一些理由,说这更多的是在今年早些时候击败LTTE的结果。 www.armsky.com 4. China, with some justification, points out that it is still industrialising. 中国不无道理地指出,自己仍处在工业化阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The president can claim, with some justification, that he has changed things for the better. 如今总统可以有理由宣布,他给塞内加尔带来了更好的变革。 www.ecocn.org 6. THE United States, it is said with some justification, has neglected Latin America. 公平地讲美国已忽略了拉丁美洲。 www.ecocn.org 7. In tough times, a united Europe is viewed, with some justification, as an economic and political safe haven. 在艰难的日子里,一个联合起来的欧洲有着充分的理由被看做一个经济政治的安全避风港。 www.bing.com 8. After all, new reactors are said, with some justification, to be a lot safer. 毕竟,按照一些判断标准,新型的核电站还是比较安全的。 www.ecocn.org 9. It can be said, with some justification, that she is one of the greatest actresses on the English stage today. 有理由说,她是当今英国舞台上最杰出的女演员之一。 www.hstc.edu.cn 10. Increasingly, however, Asians are answering back, with some justification, "What about letting our banks operate in the West? " 而亚洲据理力争对他们的回答是,“让我们的银行也在西方市场经营,如何呢?” www.ecocn.org 1. It's at this time of year that some of us begin to wonder, with some justification, why on earth we live in Sweden. 每当到了一年中的这个时候,我们中的一些人就开始质疑,不过也很有道理,到底为什么我们要住在瑞典这个地方。 www.bing.com 2. He noted that a Scientologist hearing this would feel, with some justification, that he had misled his auditors about his progress. 他指出,山达基信徒听到这些之后,会有一些理由,感觉他在关于进展方面误导了听析师。 www.bing.com 3. Their view, with some justification, is that conducting key parts of business elsewhere carries risks. 他们认为在别处实施商业的关键性部分会带来风险,这一观点不无道理。 www.logclub.com 4. So maybe Blankfein thinks with some justification: Why should I change the business model? Why shouldn't I pay my people? 因此,布兰克芬可能有理由这么想:我为什么要改变业务模式,我干嘛不给手下的人发奖金? blog.sina.com.cn 5. She retorts, with some justification, that upper-caste Indian leaders, such as the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, have parks and museums aplenty. 对此,她反驳道,印度高种姓领导人,如尼赫鲁·甘地家族(theNehru-Gandhidynasty)拥有众多公园和博物馆。这说法不无道理。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. Labour activists would argue, with some justification, that these are incremental improvements from a Dickensian base. 劳工维权人士将会辩称(这种观点不无道理),这些举措只是在狄更斯时代劳动条件的基础上作出了一些渐进改善。 www.ftchinese.com 7. They would say, for example, (with some justification) that the green jobs promised had yet to arrive. 比如,(找些理由),他们会说承诺过的绿色工作怎么还没来。 www.ecocn.org |
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