单词 | worryingly |
释义 |
例句释义: 令人担忧的强辐射,令人担忧的是,焦虑地,烦恼地 1. Take all this together, and it begins to look not just overheated, but worryingly like the beginnings of a bubble. 从上述种种因素来看,巴西经济看起来不仅仅是过热,而是像正在形成一个泡沫,这令人感到担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In a few cases, it looks worryingly as if politics has become the latest such business. 假若政治已成为最新的家族企业,有些情况将会令人非常担忧。 www.ecocn.org 3. Worryingly, politicians are already in something of a funk. 令人担忧的是,政客们现在已经有点怯懦了。 www.bing.com 4. For the moment, worryingly, too many of them seem to be headed for stagnation. 就目前令人担忧的是,他们中大多数都似乎朝着经济萧条发展。 www.bing.com 5. But the big internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent . 但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬得意自命不凡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Such a scenario could be worryingly close to the truth. 这种情况可能是令人担忧的接近真理。 www.bing.com 7. More than a little worryingly, it comes with a one-year warranty and, according to its website, "is not airtight as submarine" . 令人更担心的是,它只有一年的质保,并且根据它的官方网站的说法,“并不具有真正的潜艇那样的密封性”。 www.bing.com 8. Worryingly, none of the reforms proposed so far would have helped in tackling a failing bank like Fortis. 令人担忧的是,迄今提出的改革措施中,无一有助于挽救像富通这样陷入困境的银行。 www.ftchinese.com 9. That said, Americans want a tough president, not a psychopath: some of her Republican rivals remain worryingly bellicose. 这表示,美国需要一位强硬的总统而不是一位脑子不好用的好战分子:令人担忧的是,一些民主党候选人依然有好斗的习性。 www.ecocn.org 10. a slice of it is direct investment in big firms; but a worryingly large chunk, some 46% of GDP, is funnelled through the banking system. 其中,大约一半是产自于公债,一小部分来自大厂商的直接投资,但极大地一块(GDP总量的46%)是由银行系统从四面八方汇集起来的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Consumption in China absorbs a worryingly low proportion of economic output, with a much bigger share used up in investment. 值得担忧的是,中国消费占经济总量的小部分,投资却占了大部分。 www.bing.com 2. We all hope Mr. Jobs enjoys the best of health and lives to a ripe old age. But he still looks worryingly thin. 我们都希望乔布斯身体健康,寿比南山,但他看起来仍然瘦得让人担心。 c.wsj.com 3. Worryingly, however, almost half of the rest comes from property and wages. The first keeps falling, and the other requires years of work. 但令人担忧的是,其余财富约有一半来自房产和工资——前者正在不断贬值,而后者则需要多年的工作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Perhaps more worryingly, the long-held relationship between credit card loss rates and unemployment is breaking down. 更令人担忧的或许是,信用卡亏损率和失业率之间的长期关系在遭到破坏。 www.ftchinese.com 5. More worryingly, only one of the 20 listed funds earned any performance fees at all in the latest six months. 更令人担忧的是,最近6个月,麦格理旗下20只上市基金中只有一只赚到了业绩费。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Just as worryingly, this mayhem in the west could prompt the delicate peace agreement with the south to unravel too. 正如担心的,这种西方的故意伤害罪反而也促进了与南方的微妙的和平协定。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. "Worryingly, dysentery caused by this particular isolate is currently untreatable, " said Mark Toleman, one of the authors. “令人担忧的是,有这种特殊细菌引发的痢疾目前是无法医治的,”MarkToleman说,他是该报告的作者之一。 www.bing.com 8. Spain's debt was downgraded, along with Portugal's and Greece's, and Italy came worryingly close to a failed debt auction. 西班牙国债被降级了,和葡萄牙、希腊同病相怜,恐怕意大利也要面临坏账的拍卖。 www.bing.com 9. More worryingly, frequent flying can be ageing. Remedial and preventative action must be taken. 更令人焦虑的是,频繁飞行会加速衰老,必须采取补救和预防的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Worries about Washington Mutual, where rescue rumours had become worryingly cold, would also have to wait. 有关华盛顿互助银行得到救援的谣言令人担心的冷淡,他们也只有等待。 www.bing.com 1. Worryingly for sea-lily lovers, the latest research suggests the crabs may be creeping up the slope. 令海百合爱好者担心的是,最新的研究表明,螃蟹们正在爬上大陆坡。 www.ecocn.org 2. Worryingly, the number of searches has recently vaulted above its 2008 peak, signalling the possibility of a double dip. 令人担忧的是,最近搜索黄金价格的人数超过了2008年的巅峰,意味着二次衰退的可能性。 www.ecocn.org 3. Worryingly, given his feud with the judiciary, judges nominated by him will form a majority in the Constitutional Court by next year. 令人担忧的是,他与司法部素来不和,而他提名的法官到明年将在宪法法院中占据多数席位。 www.ecocn.org 4. Italy's bond yields are still at a worryingly high level. And Europe is still looking for money. 意大利国债收益率仍然高得令人担忧,欧洲依旧在寻找资金。 chinese.wsj.com 5. "He had throughout been almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities" (Arnold Bennett). “他一直对他的业务手续表现出几乎是担心一样的极度细心”(阿诺德·贝内特)。 snug.cn 6. Worryingly given the stakes, economics offers surprisingly little certainty about either the optimal goal or the best way of getting there. 可这一场赌局令人担忧,因为经济学很难确定这是最优目标还是实现该目标的最佳方式。 www.ecocn.org 7. IN PHOTOGRAPHS, Antwerp's newest museum, with its helter-skelter stack of enormous cantilevered boxes, looks worryingly exhibitionistic. 照片中,采用巨大悬臂箱杂乱堆叠的安特卫普的最新博物馆看似令人担忧的风头主义。 www.ecocn.org 8. But although this set was to go all the way to the tiebreak, Federer looked worryingly comfortable from the start. 但是即使第一局被逼到决胜局,在开始的时候,费德勒看起来有些焦虑不安。 bbs.club.sohu.com 9. As China's response to foreign reactions to the unrest in Tibet in March suggested, this can be worryingly xenophobic. 对来自外国针对3月份西藏动荡的反应,中国带有排外情绪的回应令人忧虑。 superleegood.spaces.live.com 10. Most worryingly, the violence in the North Caucasus has spread from Chechnya to the rest of the region. 最令人担忧的是北高加索地区的暴乱已经开始由车臣向其它地区蔓延。 www.ecocn.org 1. However, nor is it likely to dispel the impression that Mr Hatoyama is, at times, worryingly like a puppet on Mr Ozawa's string. 然而,他的这一任命也不可能消除人们的这一印象——有时候,首相鸠山由纪夫似乎是小泽一郎的傀儡,这实在是令人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 2. Hundreds more are awaiting approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (which, worryingly, cannot provide a precise number). 还有几百支在等待着联邦证券交易委员会的批准。(令人担忧的是,委员会并不能提供准确数字。) www.ecocn.org 3. That was a welcome victory for the Statistics Authority, which until then had kept a worryingly low profile. 这对于统计管理局来说是一个值得欢迎的胜利,其在此之前一直保持着令人担忧的低调。 www.ecocn.org 4. Worryingly, many stakeholders are being excluded from the agriculture ministry's biosafety evaluation process. 让人担心的是,许多利益相关方被排除在农业部的生物安全评估程序之外。 www.scidev.net 5. Worryingly, this cannot be blamed entirely on the recession. 虽然如此,我们也不能将全部归咎于经济的不景气。 bbs.dingdi.com 6. As things stand, GDP has merely rebounded to its level of six months ago, and the recovery looks worryingly short of legs. 当一切好转,GDP仅回升至6个月前的水平,恢复看起来短腿,令人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 7. The standard treatment is antibiotics but, worryingly, in many patients H. pylori has now become resistant to antibiotics. 标准的疗法是使用抗生素,但令人担忧的是许多病人体内的幽门螺杆菌已经对抗生素产生了抗药性。 www.ebigear.com 8. More worryingly for Mr Serra, the debate foreshadowed the difficulties he will face for the rest of the campaign. 更令JóseSerra忧心的是,这场辩论预兆他在未来选战过程将面临的困难。 www.ecocn.org 9. More worryingly, it found that prices were sometimes lower on standard comparison sites than at retailers offering discount codes. 更令人担忧的是,有些价格比零售商提供的折扣还低。 www.dltcedu.org 10. However, AOL's fortunes in advertising are worryingly dependent on its declining access business. 但是AOL在广告上的运气也为其缩减的接入业务所困扰。 www.ecocn.org 1. More worryingly, his salary would be some 240 times greater than the country's GDP per person (measured on a purchasing-power parity basis). 更令人担忧的是,他的薪水将是该国人均GDP(根据购买力平价水平来计算)的大约240倍还要多。 www.ecocn.org 2. More worryingly for Israel, the episode is accelerating a slide towards its own isolation. 使以色列感到烦恼的是,这一事件正加速它滑进自我隔绝的深渊。 www.ecocn.org 3. Worryingly, his political camp includes Ukrainian officials involved in the scrapped gas intermediary. 但伤脑筋的是,他的政治阵营里有供职于原天然气中间机构的乌方官员。 www.ecocn.org 4. More worryingly for the Syrian president is the political rhetoric accompanying the sanctions. 然而更令叙利亚总统忧虑的是伴随制裁而来的政治措辞。 www.ecocn.org 5. Even more worryingly, she writes, "Talent is a gift that keeps on giving" , by which she means nothing at all. 甚至更让人担心的是,她在书中写道,“人才是不断奉献的礼物”,这句话空洞无物。 www.showxiu.com 6. Worryingly for some, evidence is emerging that high stress levels contribute to intellectual clumsiness . 有人担心新的证据证实了高度压力加快智力的迟钝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In rich countries they are often inconsistent: too strict about some sorts of waste and worryingly lax about others. 富国的政策又往往前后不一:对某些垃圾管理过严,对另外一些,又松得让人担心。 www.ecocn.org 8. Worryingly, these have now emerged and appear to be gaining in strength. 让人担心的是,这些力量如今已经出现,而且看来正在不断增强。 www.ecocn.org 9. But, worryingly, none of those 10 criteria were backed up by site data. 不过令人担忧的是,这10项标准中无任何一项有数据支持。 www.bing.com 10. Many health indicators are worryingly low, including vaccination coverage rates. 许多卫生指标低得令人担心,包括免疫接种覆盖率。 www.who.int 1. Worryingly, the same survey found that the group which feels most alienated and unhappy about the status quo is the armed forces. 令人担心的是,同样的调查发现最有疏离感对现状最不满的群体是军队。 www.bing.com 2. A president who does so little to counter the idea that he dislikes business is, self-evidently, a worryingly negligent chief executive. 一位总统,对于自己反商业这种观点几乎没有表示任何抗议,很明显,真是太粗心不过了。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most worryingly of all, several countries - including Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Holland - are even more expensive. 最令人担忧的是一些国家,包括土耳其,瑞典,挪威,德国以及荷兰在内,他们的油价更高。 www.elanso.com 4. The recent arrest of Yury Lutsenko, a former Ukrainian interior minister, was worryingly Belarusian. 让人忧心的是,逮捕乌克兰前内政部长YuryLutsenko的做法颇有白俄之风。 www.ecocn.org 5. The economy has slowed, inflation has eased and, most worryingly, capital outflows have accelerated. 现在中国经济增长放缓,通胀放缓,最让人担心的是资金的加速外流。 www.bing.com 6. The rich world's nascent recoveries are losing momentum even though joblessness remains worryingly high. 富裕国家刚刚开始的经济恢复正在丧失动力,尽管失业率仍然居高不下,令人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 7. Yet in their bilateral relations, Asia's emerging giants have looked worryingly old-fashioned of late. 然而,在双边关系上,正在崛起的亚洲巨人看起来对老问题显得很焦虑。 www.stnn.cc 8. The Alps, in particular, face a worryingly uncertain future, said Jasper Knight of Exeter University. 埃克赛特大学(ExeterUniversity)的杰士伯·赖特(JasperKnight)认为,特别是阿尔卑斯山面临着令人担忧且无法预知的未来。 www.bing.com 9. Most worryingly, he left such tensions unresolved, never truly pushing his convictions. 而最让他心烦的是,只要这些紧张局势尚未解决,他就永远不可能推行他的主张。 www.ecocn.org 10. Even if growth accelerates, unemployment will remain worryingly high for several years. 即使经济增长加速,失业率在未来几年内仍会居高不下,令人堪忧。 www.ecocn.org 1. Worryingly it appears that even with the ECB buying Italian debt it has been insufficient to prevent yield rising. 然而令人担忧的是,似乎即使欧洲央行愿意买入意大利国债,亦未必足以阻止收益率上升。 www.mpfinance.com 2. Endlessly tweaking your squad and scouting out players until the wee hours becomes a worryingly regular occurence. 不断的调整你的阵容,不断的寻找球员,直到凌晨还不睡觉已经成为令人担忧的家常便饭。 www.bing.com 3. Aspects of this story are worryingly reminiscent of the Macaulay Culkin disaster. 这令我们不禁想起当年麦考立克金的不幸事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If this persists, markets will face worryingly low GDP growth in the U. S. going into 2011. 如果这种情况持续,美国市场将面临令人担忧的低GDP增长,并将一直持续至2011年。 chinese.wsj.com 5. More worryingly, 95% of American troops have DHA levels that these results suggest put them at risk of suicide. 更加令人担忧的是,95%的美国军人其体内DHA含量处在这些研究结果表明有自杀危险的水平。 www.24en.com 6. Because the actual, newish leader of the main opposition party, Labour's Ed Miliband, has made worryingly little impression. 这是因为现任反对党新领袖,劳工党埃德?米利班德,让人颇为担忧和失望。 www.ecocn.org 7. Worryingly, the youngsters talk openly of religious antagonism. 令人焦虑的是,这些年轻人公开谈论宗教对抗。 www.ecocn.org 8. We see China as increasingly rich. China sees itself as still, in many respects, worryingly poor. 我们看到中国正变得越来越富有,但是中国在很多方面还是很担忧自己的贫穷。 www.bing.com 9. But she has returned to Berlin facing a worryingly high in-tray. 但她已经回到柏林,面对案头堆积如山的令人焦头烂额的文件。 www.ecocn.org 10. More worryingly, sponges, seaweeds and centuries-old coral are destroyed. 颇让人担忧的是,海绵,海藻和百年珊瑚都遭到了破坏。 www.bing.com 1. Bond yields for Europe's periphery remain worryingly high despite the bail-outs of Greece and Ireland. 尽管希腊和爱尔兰两国已进行救市,但是位于欧洲边缘的几国的债券收益率仍居高不下,让人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 2. Worryingly, resolving energy insecurities between these two Asian giants is a long way away. 尽管心存忧虑,但是这两个亚洲大国间关于能源问题的较量还要持续很长一段时间。 www.bing.com 3. The spread apparently stalled in mid-November and remains worryingly high. 利差上浮在11月中旬戛然而止,但水平之高,依然令人担忧。 club.topsage.com 4. But, worryingly, non-food inflation now outpaces food inflation. 但令人担忧的是,如今非食品通胀的涨势超过了食品通胀。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "Worryingly, domestic demand was showing the bulk of the weakness according to both metrics. " “令人担忧的是,这两个指标都表明中国国内需求大幅疲软。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Worryingly, in Europe just over 35 per cent of deaths in that age groups were attributed to alcohol. 令人烦恼的是,欧洲这一年龄段中超过35%的死亡可归于酒精。 www.bing.com 7. I return to the soup kitchen three weeks later confident of meeting Mikael again but worryingly, he doesn't turn up. 三周后我回到了汤棚,相信能再见到米凯尔,但令人担心的是,他并没有出现。 www.bing.com 8. This economic slack is pushing inflation worryingly low. 经济不景气造成通货膨胀率低,令人堪忧。 www.ecocn.org 9. was worryingly meticulous about trivial details; punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette. 琐碎的细节的恼人的关注;过于拘泥于礼仪规则的细节的。 ezitong.com 10. Worryingly, banks elsewhere in the euro area are also having a hard time. 令人担忧的事,欧盟其他的一些国家的银行也同样处境艰难。 www.ecocn.org 1. Worryingly most parents are oblivious to how easy it is for children to download images. 儿童在网上可以如此简单得下载图片显然是家长们最担心的。 edu.163.com 2. Worryingly, spreads for Spain are also now uncomfortably high, at 240 basis points, while those for Italy have reached 190 points. 令人担心的是,西班牙国债的利差也处于240个基点这个令人不安的高水平,而意大利国债的利差也已达到190个基点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That figure would have seemed worryingly high before the crisis. 即使这个数据在危机之前好像也非常高。 www.ecocn.org 4. Military strikes would also risk provoking a wider conflict in a region that is already worryingly unstable. 军事打击同样会在这一已然让人忧心的不稳定地区引发更大规模的冲突。 www.ecocn.org 5. More worryingly, it represents only a little over 1% of the more than $4 trillion of insured deposits in America. 更令人担忧的是,这仅是美国超过$4万亿被保险存款的1%稍多一点。 www.ecocn.org 6. But Mr Policy Wonk's case sounds worryingly persuasive. 但令人担忧的是,政策一根筋先生的理由听上去很有说服力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Worryingly, he has a poor record of defying his party's baronies, especially the unions. 奥巴马在反抗党派首领,特别是国会方面的纪录非常可怜,这点非常令人担忧。 www.ecolion.cn 8. India is already worryingly violent. 印度已经在为暴力而担忧。 www.bing.com 9. You're moving with the times, even if the times are worryingly reminiscent of 1984. 你是个与时俱进的人,虽然这令人有些担忧地想起《1984》。 www.bing.com 10. Reliance on short-term loans from the ECB is worryingly high. 依赖来自ECB的短期贷款着实令人非常忧虑。 www.24en.com 1. The result is some very hard and worryingly hurried choices. 这必然导致一些非常艰难和令人担忧的匆忙选择。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the same time, however, a worryingly revisionist history of the credit crunch is being penned. 然而,与此同时,令人担忧的历史修正主义的信用破坏已经发生。 www.bing.com 3. The first purchase will be just $5 billion, but it is a worryingly open-ended commitment. 虽然首次购买额度将仅有50亿美元,但是这个没有底限的承诺还是令人忧虑。 www.ecocn.org 4. The third-quarter growth rate was a modest slowdown from the worryingly high 11. 9% rate for the second quarter. 第三季度增长率已经从第二季度11.9%这一令人不安的高位回落。 www.kekenet.com 5. Household consumption, down 1. 1 per cent quarter on quarter, remains worryingly weak. 季度降幅达1.1%的家庭消费仍疲弱得令人担忧; www.ftchinese.com 6. The second week of business, locals say, has been worryingly slow. 然而当地人说,开张的第二周生意却不尽人意。 www.bing.com 7. Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them. 更令人担心的是,有654位反应者是孩子,64%的人说他们经常是由于太累了而不能在一起玩。 www.hjenglish.com 8. But one effect will be to stoke inflation, already worryingly high at 19. 4% in March. 但是这会加剧通胀,它已经在三月达到令人担心的19.4%水平。 www.ecocn.org 9. In America and other former bubble economies, household debts are worryingly high, and banks need to bolster their capital. 在美国和其它前经济泡沫国家,家庭欠债仍然令人担心,银行也需夯实他们的资本。 www.ecocn.org 10. Worryingly, thesecond-best grade went to the nation's bridges. 令人担心的是,成绩第二好的恰恰是桥梁。 www.ecocn.org 1. Next, more worryingly, came nights when Leonard said he was going home to study and would see her tomorrow. 更令人担忧的是,再后来伦纳德到了晚上会说他要回家去学习,然后就跟她说再见了。 www.bing.com 2. Worryingly, the figures also show that India's TFP grew more slowly in 1999-2004 than in 1993-99. 令人担忧的事还不止这些,上图还显示1999-2004年间印度TFP的增幅要低于1993-1999年间的增幅。 www.ecocn.org 3. Worryingly, almost a quarter (23 per cent) of people said they felt stressed every day. 令人担忧的是,大约四分之一的人说他们每天都感受着压力。 www.hjenglish.com 4. More worryingly, this very limited amount of fresh water is increasingly polluted. 更令人担忧的是,这数量极有限的淡水,正越来越多地受到污染。 www.ok06.com 5. [font=Times New Roman]Investment in agriculture is soaring. So, worryingly, is distrust of markets and trade 农业投资正在飙升,可是,市场和贸易的信任指数却反比例下降,令人担忧。 www.ecocn.org 6. Investment in agriculture is soaring. So, worryingly, is distrust of markets and trade 农业投资暴涨.这一现象反映了对于市场和贸易的疑虑。 www.bing.com 7. So, worryingly, is distrust of markets and trade 令人焦虑的是市场和贸易中的不信任。 www.bing.com |
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