单词 | V. |
释义 | V. 显示所有例句 例句释义: 全部 1. "I would not call it a robust recovery, but we are forecasting a V-shaped recovery, " says Mr Lee. “我不会称之为强劲复苏,但我们正预期一种V型复苏,”李钟和表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. (V. O. ): 'A musician friend of Robert's told him of a place off the interstate. A place, Robert assured me no one I knew would see us '. (画外音):罗伯特的朋友告诉他一个地方。罗伯特说那里不会有熟人见到我。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Then He added the dynamic of communication. He promised to tell us all that the Father has told Him (v. 15). 然后是沟通,耶稣应许我们,凡他从父那里听来的话,他都会告诉我们(15节),然而你在听吗? pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. But, as is often the case, those who needed God's Word the most (v. 7) were the very ones who would not listen. 然而,最需要神话语的人(7节),却往往是最不肯听从的人(7节)。 blog.163.com 5. The T. V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance. 记者们让摄像镜头和刘翔保持着一定的距离,而通常他们都会争抢着捕捉运动员种种失意的表情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. BABS (V. O. ): After walking all day, the chap with the caps was ready to collapse. He needed a nap. 走了一天的路,戴帽子的小伙子几乎累的要倒下了,他需要睡上一觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. V: You know, I keep this trinket. . . This necklace should be worn by a young and beautiful lady, not be staffed by a backpack. 你知道,我一直保存着这个小饰物……这个项链应该让年轻美丽的女士戴上,而不是尘封在背包里。 tieba.baidu.com 8. A man in Oklahoma was lucky enough to capture this video of the Shenzhou V during one of its three passes over the United States. “神州五号”三次飞越美国,俄克拉荷马州有个人幸运地捕捉到了其中一次的图像。 www.cuwen.com 9. It is to be observed, first of all, that the activities connected with hospitality have become a distraction (v. 40). 首先我们注意到,(在第40节),殷勤好客的种种活动竟然变成分心。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I spent it flipping through channels on t. v. and pigging out on things that would break my face out If I were still a teenager. 我看电视不停地换台,而且胡吃海喝了很多东西,如果我还是十几岁的青少年,吃这么多可能会把脸撑破的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Results showed that there was the positive correlation of growth rate and conidia production of strains of V. dahliae to its pathogenicity. 结果表明,供试菌株的生长速率、孢子产量与致病力的强弱呈正相关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When I first met Van Ness, he was quite lost spiritually, but through prayer and seeking God he made a dramatic turn for the better. 第一次与V接触,他那时相当的失意,但是经过祷告并在神的指引下,他整个人有了戏剧性的转变。 tieba.baidu.com 3. "No matter how good a V. C. I could be, " he said, "I could never be smarter than the wisdom of a collective community. " “不管我能成为多优秀的一个VC,”他说,“我永远没法与人们的集体智慧相匹敌。” www.bing.com 4. Its global equity strategist, Andrew Garthwaite, published a report saying any stock recovery was more likely to look like a W than a V. 瑞信全球股票策略师加斯威特(AndrewGarthwaite)发表研究报告说,股市的任何反弹都更可能是W型,而非V型。 www.bing.com 5. Julius V went into investment banking in London and New York, after an education in Vienna and St Gallen, Switzerland. 尤利五世在完成维也纳和瑞士圣加仑的教育后,进入了伦敦和纽约的投资银行业。 www.ecocn.org 6. He said that the reasoning of the court in United States v. Chem-Dyne, quoted supra, correctly expressed congressional intent. 他说,在“美国诉化学一达因”一案中,法院的推理,正确地表达了国会的意图。 dict.ebigear.com 7. v against the n Sailing was rough yesterday; we sailed against the wind all day. 昨天的航行并不顺利,我们一天都逆风航行。 www.bing.com 8. The sinking digital output controls the line by using a transistor to leave the line high (at V) or to ground the line to 0 V. Sinking数字输出通过三极管来控制连接线上的电平为高电平( V)或是低电平(0V)。 www.bing.com 9. Hyper-V's reliance on a general-purpose operating system, in this case Windows Server 2008, makes it a security vulnerability unto itself. 过于依赖一种通用的操作系统,在这种情况下WindowsServer2008安全缺陷,使得它成为对本身。 www.qichebaba.com 10. decide v. Inspiring by his words, she decides to work hard to catch up with her classmates. 翻译受他的话的激励,她下定决心努力学习,赶上其他同学。 www.for68.com 1. An uptick in production for restocking might look like the beginning of a "V-shaped" recovery. 增加库存导致产量提高或许看上去就像“V形”复苏的开始。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Putting a drink in a longstemmed V-shaped glass does not make it a martini. 不是说将酒倒入V形高脚玻璃杯就是马提尼。 www.hxen.com 3. V: I feel so free and yet strangely empty, now that Lavok is dead. . . What did you think of him, ? 我感觉如此轻松却又奇怪地空虚着,Lavok已经死了……你对他保持着什么看法呢? tieba.baidu.com 4. He acknowledges (v. 5) that he was born a sinner, but that did not excuse him for what he had done. He did it. 他承认自己在母腹当中便有罪(5节),可是,他却知道自己不能以此作为犯罪的藉口。 blog.163.com 5. The change tendency of proline content of H. fulva first increased and then decreased, and that of Z. japonica was in a "V" shape. 脯氨酸含量萱草呈先升高后下降,结缕草则是先下降再升高的过程。 www.cajs.net.cn 6. The thought of that brought huge smile to her face, looking slightly awkward and lonely since she's sitting alone in the back seat. 想到这,V不禁露出大大的笑容,由于她独自坐在后座,这看起来有些窘迫。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Pray, v. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a singlepetitioner confessedly unworthy. 祈祷,动词。请求宇宙的法规为一个请愿者不足道的忏悔而被废止。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It was great here my family and I played on our Wii until midnight and then we watched the ball drop in New York City on our T. V. 在这里我和我的家人能想玩就玩一直玩到半夜,然后一起在电视机前看纽约市的球赛——这太棒了! wenwen.soso.com 9. It's a function of V because in principle the energies that are going into all this can be a function of volume. 它是V的函数,因为从理论上说是因为这里的能量,是体积的函数。 open.163.com 10. Record video files from your Web cam for on-demand broadcasting or to send video flirts and v-mail to anyone with a valid email address. 从你的用于要求后立即实施的电台广播的网凸轮的创纪录视频的文件或者为了送视频的调情的人和v邮件跟任何人以一个有效的电子邮件地址。 www.softsea.net 1. A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V. . . His name was v. 几年前,有一个巫师走火入魔,邪得无以复加。他的名字是伏……。他的名字是伏……。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Breakfast was a bit, well, weird is the only word for it, v odd atmosphere! 早餐有点儿,嗯,只能说是怪怪的,很奇怪的氛围! www.taskcn.com 3. Mr. Surkov, 47, is often ranked as Russia's third-most-powerful political figure, after Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin and Mr. Medvedev. 47岁的苏尔科夫是位列总理弗拉基米尔·普京和梅德韦杰夫之后的俄罗斯第三号最有权的政治人物。 dongxi.net 4. I'v got to be prepared, Peter, since all my people want our network to go back to its full bloom ASAP. 我必须得有备而来,因为我的人都希望网络尽快恢复最佳运转状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Jake Hardin: You know, I got a washer-dryer, uh. . . microwave popcorn, satellite T. V. 杰克:你要知道,我有烘干机、微波爆米花,卫星电视。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. The long-term strategy was a prayer for a strong V-shaped recovery. 长期战略则是祈祷经济出现强劲的V型复苏。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day. 她一直都在努力成为一个独立女性,而且总是和她的朋友们在情人节那天玩到尽兴。 www.tingclass.com 8. True prosperity, the psalmist discovered, was found in the fact that God was always with him: "You hold me by my right hand" (v. 23). 诗人开始明白,只有上帝的同在,只有「你搀著我的右手」(第23节),这才是真正的亨通。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 9. V is for a visit, on weekend sometimes go, to grandma's or to aunt's or to other friends' you know. V代表拜访,我们就可以偶尔去拜访,比如去奶奶,阿姨家,或者你的好朋友家。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. V: The fifth key to time managing is to be consistent with your sense of worth, not in contradiction. 第五个时间管理的关键是要和你的价值观相吻合,不可以互相矛盾; www.elanso.com 1. V Lovell Thailand on its own does not meet, is really talented people of any fundamental feature of. 伏尓泰对自己的不满足,是任何真正有天才的人的根本特征之一。 wenwen.soso.com 2. and let you know i'm here? how do i sai i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you i'v miss you. 如何说我爱你如何告诉你乎你如何告诉你一直都在想你如何让你知道我就在这里? bbs.lady.163.com 3. Jesus gave a negative command: "When you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance" (v. 16). 耶稣提出一个反面命令:「你们禁食的时候,不可像那假冒为善的人,脸上带着愁容」(16节)。 www.tiantianbt.com 4. Two years ago the problem made it to the U. S. Supreme Court, in a case that might have been called U. S. Navy v. Whales. 两年前,这个问题报上到美国最高法院,案件被称为“美国海军对抗鲸鱼”。 www.bing.com 5. In Fisher v Bell(1961), it was held that the display of a "flick knife" in a shop window with a price attached was an invitation to treat. 在Fisher诉Bell(1961)一案中,法院判决在商店橱窗里展示的标价的弹簧刀也属要约邀请。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. XPS analysis shows that the vanadium on the surface can be stabilized mainly in the state of V(IV). 通过XPS分析,证实钒元素主要以V(IV)价态存在于催化剂的表面。 sioc-journal.cn 7. LOUIS (V. O. ): But there was a hell. No matter where we live, we were in it. We rented rooms on the waterfront of New Orleans. 路易(旁白):但地狱的确存在。无论生活在哪儿,我们都身处地狱里。我们在新奥尔良的海滨租了一套房子。 www.mtime.com 8. So often, we forget to moisturize and protect our chest, which is often exposed to the sun because of low-neck and v-neck clothing. 所以常常,我们因为穿了低领和V领的衣服,胸部会暴露在阳光下,而因此忘记去为胸部保持滋润,而保护到胸衣部。 www.bing.com 9. P. V. Naik, head of the Indian Air Force, said the region's infrastructure was being overhauled to support modern weaponry. 印度空军司令奈克(P.V.Naik)表示,将全面改造该地区的基础设施,使其能够支持现代化武器系统。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Before the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC, I thought these changes alone would be enough at least to get reform started. 在联邦最高法院作出联合公民起诉联邦选举委员的判决前,我想光这些改变就足以拉开改革的序幕。 www.bing.com 1. He sat in front of the T. V. all morning and then right before we had to leave, he made a last minute dash to get ready. 他整个早上都坐在电视机前,就在我们要离开前,他才匆忙地准备。 bbs.24en.com 2. A man in a white coat rushes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stomps (v. ) over to a table by himself. 一个身穿白外套的人冲到队伍的最前面,抓起他的食物,大踏步地独自走到一张桌子边。 emuch.net 3. But this was to be the first major air raid conducted by the V-VS on an enemy city so far away. 但这将是迄今为止V-VS指挥的第一次对敌人城市的主要空袭。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. LOUIS(V. O. ): To me she was a child, but to Lestat a pupil, an infant prodigy with a lust for killing like his own. 路易(旁白):她对我来说是个孩子,对列斯达而言则是个学生,一个和他有一样杀人欲望的小天才。 alicesmart.blog.163.com 5. V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position . 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。 www.bing.com 6. She said the V and A is the world's greatest museum of art and design. 在艺术和设计上,这是全球最领先的一家博物馆。 www.exam8.com 7. He ministered through the power of the Spirit of God (v. 2, 3). The Spirit of God rested on him in a remarkable way. 神的灵住在祂的身上,以致祂靠著圣灵的能力去服侍人(2、3节)。 www.seewant.org 8. if it please to help him for the i. v aneble him get visa in nigeria chinese embassy? ? 如果方便。是否可以拜托您帮助他在驻尼日利亚的中国大使馆顺利获得签证?。 house.zhishi.sohu.com 9. After just a few days, the video dramatically changed the Virginia Senate race as the news media reported on the controversy. 就在几天之后,关于这个视频争论的新闻报道,戏剧化的改变了V州议员选举。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. they must have confused me with my twin brother Rod. he's been sick all the week, but i'v never felt better in my life. 他们一定是把我和我的双胞胎兄弟混淆了。他生病已经有一周了,但是我现在很健康。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. v. to feel pleased and satisfied I was very gratified to hear how much they liked my work. 我非常高兴听到他们说有多喜欢我干的活儿。 www.bing.com 2. In one study, infected mothers began to take three anti-H. I. V. drugs while breastfeeding for up to six months. 在一项研究中,感染艾滋病毒母亲在哺乳期每天服用三片抗艾滋病药物,一直持续六个月。 www.unsv.com 3. In 2010, when Mark V. Hurd was pushed out of H. P. he said he would "move aside. " 2010年,当马克?V?赫德被惠普解雇时,他说他愿意“让位”。 dongxi.net 4. This time let see how these two commie brothers showing us how much they 'love' each other . . . and hope the under dog V. 这次让我们瞧瞧两个共党兄弟到底“爱”得有多深。 txtant.com 5. Paul had brought with him not only Barnabas, but Titus also (v. 3), a Christian Greek, who had never been circumcised. 保罗不单与巴拿巴同去,而且还带同一位年轻的希腊信徒提多同行(3节),当时的提多还没有受割礼。 www.seewant.org 6. "With its ears, it looks a bit like the gesture we make on a picture to look cool, " she said referring to the popular 'V' sign. “花花公子的兔子耳朵看起来有点像我们在扮酷时摆的姿势”,她说 www.bing.com 7. The Court's ultimate decision in MGM v. Grokster is very likely to be one of the landmarks of this term. 法院在米高梅诉格罗斯特案中的最终判决可能成为这一任期具有划时代意义的判决之一。 www.24en.com 8. The Establishment of the day did not like this incident in any way and even put the man out of the synagogue (v. 34). 当时的宗教领袖却无论如何都不喜欢看见这神迹,他们甚至把那人逐出会堂(34节)。 blog.163.com 9. When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster. " 当V日组织接触到她,问她我们能提供什么帮助的时候她说:“好吧,如果你们能帮我弄来一台吉普车,我能更快地去到不同地方。” bulo.hjenglish.com 10. Neaten v. She must have cried for her eyes are noticeably red. 她一定是哭过了,因为她的眼是红的。 1. sleep in V. S. sleep on I'll sleep on the matter, and write to you tomorrow. 這件事情我再考慮一晚,明天給你書面答覆。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The next day I welcomed Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao of India to the White House. 第二天,我在白宫迎来了印度总理P.V.纳拉辛哈.拉奥。 www.bing.com 3. And then to break her heart forever, the baby boy, who has begun to talk, starts to sing the Pepsi commercial he heard on T. V. 后来,永远伤了她的心的是,那个小男娃,开始说话了,开始唱他在电视上听到的百事可乐广告歌。 blog.tianya.cn 4. Her partner is stylishly dressed as well in dark denim, leather shoes and a purple v neck sweater layered over a white tee. 男士也打扮入时,深色牛仔裤,皮鞋,紫色的V领毛衣里面,可见白色T恤。 www.360doc.com 5. In order for Linux to have the same kind of experience on Hyper-V, it had to have the same enlightenment. 为了让Linux能在Hyper-V上拥有同样的体验,我们必须将这种启迪赋予给它。 www.infoq.com 6. In other words, 1937 was the year that the V-shaped recovery from the depths of the Depression turned into a W-shaped one. 换句话说,1937年,是从大萧条的底部V形反转向上之后又进入W形下跌的一年。 www.bing.com 7. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'v got to know the next one. 生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道下一个是什么。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. As He did with the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3, Christ knocks on the door of our heart and patiently waits (v. 20). 就像启示录3章讲到主是怎样对待老底嘉教会的一样,今天基督正在叩我们的心门,耐心等候我们开门迎接祂(20节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 9. V I have been deeply hurt, but I did not tell you that I can not tell you now that the secret came out, I hate my hate, I hate my hate. 乙V我深深地受伤,但是我没有告诉您我不可能告诉您,即然秘密出来了,我恨我的怨恨,我恨我的怨恨。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The cross profile of gully usually is U or V-shape. Occurrence of gullies depends on the surface morphology and artificial factor. 切沟纵剖面与所在坡面基本一致,横剖面一般为U或V字形。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The scale ranges from grade I, in the case of very low muscular activity, to grade V, characterized by an excessive mimetic activity. 规模范围从I级,此时病人肌肉活动很低,到V级,其特点是过度的模仿的活动。 luyishengzx.blog.sohu.com 2. It's beginning to look a bit like 1983: Stocks are soaring, unemployment is above 10% and the sci-fi TV miniseries 'V' is back. 在的情形开始有点像1983年:股市在飙升,失业率突破10%,科幻电视连续剧《V星入侵》又上演了。 c.wsj.com 3. The suspected cause of at least some of these cancers is human papillomavirus, or H. P. V. 至少在这些癌症中,还有一个病因可能是来自人类乳突病毒(HPV)。 www.bing.com 4. Just a month, Wen Yi pot broken dreams, drink alone, knowing eyes shore there thousands of years ago the ancient moon v. with shadow? 揽一身月华,温一壶残梦,独自饮尽,不知秋水岸边可还有千年前古人对月诉怀的影子? www.bing.com 5. One of those whom officials mentioned as a possibility was Enrique V. Iglesias, a former president of the Inter-American Development Bank. 其中一个被提到的可能性官员是美洲开发银行的前总裁恩里克伊格莱西亚斯。 www.bing.com 6. To be like God is to walk in the light as He is in the light (v. 7). Then the truth is in us. 像神就是在光中行,如同神在光中(7),真理就在我们里面了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This was noted back in 2005 when the usual V shape over the US often turned into a straight line crossing. 2005年,美国上空通常“V”字形的急流变成了一条交叉的直线,这种情况那时候就被注意到了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Mike Marquez loves the Air Jordan V so much he decided to get a permanent AJV on his foot. 麦克.马克斯非常喜爱乔丹五代以至于弄了一双永久版的。 www.bing.com 9. The front lock cylinder is provided with double-row pin tumblers with V-shaped grooves symmetrically along the axis. 前锁芯上沿轴线对称设有带V形凹槽的双排弹子; ip.com 10. John was the next one to reach the tomb (v. 5). He looked in, with the same kind of casual glance Mary had given. 约翰是第二个跑到坟前的人(5节),他往里一看,同样如马利一样随便一瞥; blog.163.com 1. Part V expounded China's one-person legal protection of the interests of creditors of the company improved the system. 第五部分阐述了我国一人公司债权人利益保护制度的完善。 www.zidir.com 2. Then David praised God for keeping him from evil and for returning " the wickedness of Nabal on his own head " (v. 39). 之后大卫赞美耶和华使他免于行恶,也使「拿八的恶归到拿八的头上」(39节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. In 2000, Jobs got 10 million stock options and a Gulfstream V airplane "in recognition of his service to the company. " 2000年,乔布斯因对苹果公司的贡献而获得1000万优先认股权和一架湾流(Gulfstram)V型飞机。 www.kekenet.com 4. In the sixty-four years since V-J Day, the United States has fought five wars big enough to be styled "major. " 从日本宣布投降日开始,64年来,美国经历了五场可以说是“主要”的战争。 www.bing.com 5. Nowadays many boyfriends are trying to kiss their girls in the same way not only in front of the grand V-J statue but around the world. 现在不仅有许多男孩在著名的V-J雕塑前亲吻他们喜欢的女孩,世界各地也有如此的景象。 www.bing.com 6. While it is possible to lower the number of V. sub. pgm pulses used before declaring an error condition, as mentioned, this reduces yield. 尽管有可能降低在宣告错误状态(如所提及)之前使用的Vpgm脉冲的数目,但这降低了良率。 www.pat365.com 7. He studied what are known as discordant couples. This meant one partner had H. I. V. , the virus that causes AIDS, while the other did not. 他所研究的就是被人们称为的不协惆夫妻,就是指其中一个感染了会引起AIDS的HIV病毒,而另一个没有。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Even so , the V- shape may prove to have been a one- quarter phenomenon . 这个V形反弹很可能只是一个季度的昙花一现。 www.bing.com 9. For more than twenty years, scientists have been trying to develop a vaccine to prevent H. I. V. infection. 二十多年来,科学家们一直努力研制预防艾滋病毒感染的疫苗。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. It is said that King George V had a great deal to do with bringing the interests of the Black lab to the forefront. 据说乔治五世做了很多努力,使人们对黑色拉布拉多的兴趣被放在显著地位。 bbs.ttpet.com 1. This also enables the unit to be used for smaller ensemble performances as a main speaker for the V-Drums. 这也使得该单元也可以作为V-Drums的主扬声器而用于较小的合唱性能。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He understands what I am trying to say (v. 4). He knows what I say when sometimes I shouldn't be saying it. 祂知道我想说些甚麽(4节),连我说了一些不该说的话,祂都一清二楚。 www.seewant.org 3. The pneumatic valve V-compact, compact and lightweight, easy to install, easy to maintain. 气动V型球阀结构紧凑,小巧轻盈,安装方便,维护简便。 www.jd37.com 4. A huge crowd had gathered to hear Him. Late in the day, the disciples got nervous and started pressing Him to send them away (v. 36). 许多人聚集前来听祂讲道,天色晚了,门徒也紧张起来,请求耶稣叫众人散开(36节)。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A21 has recently undergone street tests in buses (and rinos in V) in Reno, Neveda, so far it seems to work just fine. A21最近正在V的公交和r上经受道路测试,至今为止看来情况很好。 space.xiaoma.com 6. Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue. 与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。 www.bing.com 7. Community testing programs are likely to attract people who suspect that they might have contracted H. I. V. 社区检测程序更有可能吸引那些怀疑自己可能携带H.I.V.的人群。 www.bing.com 8. "Sylvia Jives. " Sylvia rolled her eyes. "J-I-V-E-S" She walked over to the empty area and sat on a cushion. The coaches didn't care. “西尔维娅.左文慈”西尔维娅滚动着她的眼睛,“J-I-V-E-S”她走到那些没人的地方并找了一块垫子坐下了。教练没有说什么。 www.bing.com 9. I ordered a second dose of drugs. The nurses applied the paddles. The patient jumped again. "Still in V-fib, " I said. 我又要了一个剂量的药物。护士用了电桨,病人又跳了一下。我说,“还在V型纤维”。 www.chscn.com 10. It shows us that even if you are a murderer of the Son of God (v. 36), God himself stands ready to forgive you! 它向我们表明,即使你是上帝的(诉36)儿子的凶手,上帝自己随时准备原谅你! www.bing.com 1. A coil curl is arranged in an inverted V-shaped fender of a front wheel whose wheel frame is provided with an electromagnet. 前轮的倒V型挡泥板内设有线圈。前轮的轮框上设有电磁铁。 ip.com 2. No the notes seem to be right. Total volume is capital V, molecular volume is little v. 我看看……讲义好像是对的,大V表示总体积,小v表示分子体积。 open.163.com 3. In Act V Antonio was able to write back his loss provisions in full even if it was too late to fulfil his banking covenant to Shylock. 在第五幕,安东尼奥能够全额拨回他的损失准备金,即使此时已来不及履行他与夏洛克签订的银行契约。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But the case of District of Columbia v Heller, which was argued this week, gives it a chance to do just that. 然而,在本周即将审理的“哥伦比亚特区诉海勒案”(DistrictofColumbiav.Heller)给最高法院提供一个机会。 club.topsage.com 5. V. Party A Party B's request, first hit RMB rented furnishings million to the bank account designated by Party B will then send goods Party. 甲方按照乙方的要求,先打人民币壹佰万元到乙方指定的银行账户后乙方再把货送给甲方。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 6. From now on, this is going to be our outfit: one-piece silver jumpsuit with a V-stripe on the chest and boots. That's it. 从现在起,这个将会是我们的制服:胸部和靴子处印有v型条纹的银色连身裤,就是它了。 www.bing.com 7. We never saw her crying face, not listening to her mother-in-law he wrote v. the mouth. 我们再也没有看到她的哭脸,也没有听她见人就诉的婆婆嘴了。 sbuhua.appspot.com 8. Just as watching too much T. V. can hurt your body, it also causes your brain to slow down as well. 看太多电视就像会伤害你的身体一样,也会使你的大脑变得迟钝。 bbs.hp009.com 9. MS. PATTERSON: I'm a little shaky. In my reflection of Goldwater v. Carter, but I believe that the president can. 帕特森:我有点动摇。我在思考高华德诉卡特案,但我认为总统可以。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. V- type workpiece's bending of its bending line not tally with each other and precision is high-ly, it is a question of more difficult. 弯曲线不重合且其精度要求较高的V形件的弯曲,是一较为棘手的问题。 www.chemyq.com 1. v. He invited me to get in the car and go for a ride with him. 他邀请我上车,与他一起兜风。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Look! I'v been watching that man down in the street. He keeps peeping into the shop. Keep your eyes skinned for that guy, will you? 看!我一直在注意街上的那个人,他总是往商店里偷看,紧紧盯着那个家伙,好吗? www.hxen.com 3. Specifically, we have measured how the spin on an N-V center interacts with another spin on a nearby nitrogen impurity (with no vacancy ). 明确地说,我们测量一个N-V中心里的自旋如何与邻近的氮杂质(没有空位)的自旋相互作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I of course, being the host, went over the top with kittens on my Pink sweatpants and a lovely Pink V Neck T-shirt. It's Classic. 我作为主人家,当然穿的别出心裁,我穿着印有小猫的粉红运动长裤,外加一件可爱的粉红尖领T恤衫。 www.engworld.org 5. Named by Queen Victoria in honour of her late husband, the V&A now houses 3000 years worth of art and design from all over the world. 维多利亚女王为了纪念她已故的丈夫而命名,维艾博物馆现在拥有来自世界各地设计的3000多年的艺术和设计品。 www.bing.com 6. She was wearing another tight black T-shirt imprinted with the word L o v e in large silver letters. 她换了一件黑色紧身T恤,上面印有几个大大的银色字母组成的词语“Love”。 www.bing.com 7. Chapter V: the chapter mainly in view of the front analysis, proposes the consummation current safeguard mechanism policy method last. 第五章,最后一章主要针对前面的剖析,提出完美当前保障办法的政策方式。 www.qk114.net 8. The passage contrasts the free, unhindered path of the just with the dark, confused way of the wicked (v. 19). 经文指出,义人的路是自由和亨通的,而恶人的路则是幽暗混沌的(19节)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "Looks like V-fib, " said the nurse -- the patient's heart contractions were disordered and ineffectual. 病人的心脏收缩无序且无效。护士说,“看来像室颤”。 www.chscn.com 10. Chapter V, briefly introduces other legal form of takeover of listed company for explanation that it should be brought into legal category. 之所以写这章,是为了说明我国上市公司收购形式的多样化也应纳入法律的规范范畴。 www.lw23.com 1. Another difference is at the rear where we find twin tailpipes like the Golf V GTI instead of single pipes on either side. 另一个区别是在后方,我们找到两个排气管,如高尔夫V倡议而不是单一的管道两侧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Tells V-Ray that the Gamma: 2. 2 we just set is only to be used for calculations, and to not apply it to the final render. 告诉V-Ray伽马:2.2我们将只用于计算,并不把它应用到最后的渲染。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra show a strong band-edge emission around the V-shape pits. 阴极射线的萤光光谱显示了很强的能隙发光强度在V形凹洞的边缘发生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Second, God is all-knowing. His knowledge is infinite. He needs no counselor (v. 34) and nothing surprises Him! 第二,上帝是全知的。祂的知识无穷尽。祂不需要谋士(34节),没有任何事会令祂惊讶。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. That could sap at least $3 trillion in household borrowing from the economy -- hardly a recipe for a V-shaped recovery. 美国家庭的负债额有可能至少因此减少3万亿美元,这可不利于美国经济实现V型复苏。 www.bing.com 6. He said, "He who judges me is the Lord" (v. 4). 他说:「判断我的乃是主」(4节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. Link to the full decision in Bush v. Gore (2000). Read as much of all the various decisions as you can. 连接到布希诉戈尔(2000)的完整判决。尽你所能阅读多种不同的判决。 www.myoops.org 8. I do not know which to prefer, The beauty of inflections Or the beauty of innuendoes, The blackbird whistling Or just after. V我不知道该喜欢哪样?是变幻之美或是暗示之美,是在黑鹂吹哨的时候或是在那之后。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. On Wednesday, Starbucks said it would sell two of its three corporate jets, a Gulfstream 550 and a Gulfstream V, to save money. 周三,星巴克公司宣布为了节约成本将出售其三架飞机中的两架:湾流550型和湾流四型飞机。 www.bing.com 10. it seems like from birth , so far , i ' v been a thinker. 好像与生俱来一般,我一直是个思想者。 www.ichacha.net 1. South Africa has more than five million people infected with H. I. V. , the largest number of any country. 南非已有500多万人感染了艾滋病毒,是感染人数最多的国家。 www.ebigear.com 2. Freemantle had an idea that the T. V. session, astutely managed, might well develop into a show. 弗里曼特却自有主意,只要安排得巧妙,电视采访完全可以变成一次示威。 3. The accidental gain is: not to ruin your reputation by writing such a book after you'v success. 意料之外的收获是:在成名之后千万不要写这种书坏了名声。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. By flying in "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. 由飞行中的“V”组成,整个羊群增加了至少71个百分点,飞行航程超过如果每个鸟飞抵对自己的。 wenwen.soso.com 5. We record where suffixes have been left unsorted with a bit in the corresponding elements of V. 我们记录下后缀已经留下了以相应的元素位无序V。 hi.baidu.com 6. Then in section V, Jesus is compared to Melchizedek, I'll talk about that in a little bit more detail in a minute. 然后在第5部分,耶稣被拿来和麦基洗德对比,我一会儿会稍微详细地讲下。 open.163.com 7. Electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 v, not fitted with connectors, of a kind used for telecommunications. 供通讯用电导体,未装有插接器,电压未超过80伏特者。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn 8. Conclusion: The modified reverse double "V" breast excision might be a suitable method to treat giant globe-like breast. 结论:改良的反向双“V”形乳腺切除法是适用于球形巨乳缩小的良好方法。 www.ilib.cn 9. In computing the kinetic energy of a body, consistent units must be used for m and v. 在计算物体的动能时,对m和v必须使用适当的单位。 10. This was demonstrated by means of a growth rate inhibition test with the marine bacterium V. fischeri. 这表明通过抑制试验增长率与海洋细菌五鲵。 www.syyxw.com 1. In this case, the Ares I-X took a ride on one of two crawlers built to carry around the Saturn V rockets that sent astronauts to the moon. 这一次,战神一号X型乘坐的“战车”就是那时的两辆履带车之一,当年它运送的土星V火箭把宇航员送上了月球。 www.bing.com 2. Fuji film company in recent years on the pS version, this improved version known as the Super-leading V pS Series pS Edition of the "VG" . 日本富士胶片公司近几年来对普通pS版进行了重大改进,把这种改进型pS版称为超前V系列pS版《VG》。 www.bing.com 3. I'v been dying to see that film - it got some promising reviews! 我真想去看那部电影——评论文章都对它大加赞赏! bulo2.yeshj.com 4. "A guy has nothing to do in a village, " explained Oleg V. Lezin, the owner of a taxidermist shop in Blagoveschensk. “村里的人没事做,”Blagoveschensk一家剥制店老板OlegV.Lezin解释说。 www.bing.com 5. We use tessellation for the Civilization V terrain, which adjusts the mesh's subdivision of the terrain as the user zooms in and out. 我们使用文明V地形,调整网格的地形镶嵌细分为用户放大和缩小。 bbs.pczilla.net 6. Part V, chemical content of the concept of basic features and contents of a. 第五部分,化学基本观念的特征与内容构成。 www.594wm.com 7. After the sample had been acidulated and dissolved by soda. P-Mo-V xanthic acid spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of P2O5. 试样经堿熔,酸化后,以磷-钼-钒黄分光光度法测定五氧化二磷; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Well, it's got to be pretty low since V is a primary spellcaster. 嗯,应该很低吧,因为V的初始职业是施法者。 ellesime.anetcity.com 9. v. If he doesn't pay, will the court distrain upon his house? 如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的房子吗? wenku.baidu.com 10. "I'v been cruel to the young man, " he said in a soft voice. 『我一直对这年轻人太残酷了,』他低声地说。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Kkkkee . . . Victoria must be very upset . . . calm down! ! He is still your husband. ^^ They are look cute together. 呵呵…V一定很生气…冷静!!他还是你丈夫啊。他们在一起看起来很可爱。 www.onlylz.com 2. Annexin V inhibits prothrombin activation and is able to prevent thrombus formation under normal venous and arterial blood flow conditions. 膜联蛋白V抑制凝血酶原激活,并能防止血栓形成正常静脉和动脉血流情况。 www.syyxw.com 3. "It used to be much wetter here when I was a boy, " Hamad Reesi said, as our S. U. V. lurched up a gravel switchback in the foothills. 我们驾驶着SUV在山脚满是沙砾的路上蜿蜒而行,哈马德·瑞茜(HamadReesi)说,“我小时候,这里的气候更湿润。” www.bing.com 4. Mr. Zhang now lives in a big house in Little Neck, Queens, with his wife, three daughters and parents, and drives a Lexus S. U. V. 张先生现在跟妻子、三个女儿以及父母住在昆斯区的LittleNeck的一间大房子里,而且开上了雷克萨斯越野车。 dongxi.net 5. [KEY] It is said that many young romantics stubbornly attempt to live out the fantasy images of T. V. soap opera and romantic comedies. (例子)据说许多年轻的浪漫者固执地试图按照电视肥皂剧与浪漫喜剧中的梦幻般的形式与生活。 dict.bioon.com 6. V. I. P. booths at clubs like Suzie Wong's can go for $570, more than many Chinese farmers make in a year. 在苏西黄俱乐部等夜店,贵宾席的价格高达570美元,比许多中国农民的年收入还多。 www.common-talk.com 7. The front V-collar turned out better than expected! 这个前领效果比想像的好呢! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. In fact, as shown in the previous example, replacement expression "%v" is not supported in a search filter in the VMM. 事实上,如前例中所示,替代表达式“%v”在VMM的搜索筛选器中不受支持。 www.ibm.com 9. They're the sort of people that like to stay at home and watch T. V. On the weekends. 他们属于那类喜欢在周末时呆在家里看电视的人群。 learning.sohu.com 10. Toyota even commissioned chocolates featuring the logo, which were handed out in its V. I. P. room at the show. 丰田甚至还专门定制了有该标识的巧克力,在会场内的贵宾室分发。 www.qeto.com 1. Part V is the transformation of the number of crimes committed with the other form of comparative analysis. 第五部分是转化犯与其他罪数形态比较分析。 www.fabiao.net 2. The V- shaped upper section is provided with a cut-out for the scale and the measuring capillaries . V形的上部有一个开口用于定标和测量毛细管。 www.bing.com 3. In one study, infected mothers began to take 3 anti-H. I. V. drugs while breastfeeding for up to 6 months. 一项研究中,受感染的母亲开始连续6个月在哺乳时使用3中抗艾滋病的药物。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Conclusion: The treatment of the lower-lip hemangioma by excision with V-Y advanced flap to repair was a simple and effective method. 结论:采用手术切除加V-Y推进瓣治疗下唇部点状血管瘤是一种简单易行、疗效良好的治疗方法,值得临床推广应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. unreasonably impedes Siemens in exercising of its right to audit as set out in Clause 49(a) (v). 不合理地阻挠执行西门子公司行使其在条款49(a)(v)下的审核权。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Do not set the -u and -v arguments if you are joining report server instances that are installed locally. 如果要联接本地安装的报表服务器实例,请不要设置-u和-v参数。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Battery over- voltage sensing allows the IC to stand-off up to 50 V , allowing the chip to meet automotive IC load- dump requirements . 电池过电压感测允许IC承受高达50伏特的电压,让芯片可满足汽车IC负载突降要求。 www.bing.com 8. Some of the remarkable people I'v met exited only in writer's imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then again, in my imagination. 我所激动认识的一些不寻常的人之存在作者的想象中,然后跃然于作者的纸上,然后留在了我的想象中。 bbs.kekenet.com 9. N So the total volume is the number of lattice sites v times the volume of each lattice site. 总体积V等于格点数,乘以每个格点的体积。 open.163.com 10. Questions have even been asked in the Belgian parliament about how the kingdom ended up on the wrong side of a "Latin v Calvinist" divide. 这些事项甚至在比利时议会讨论王国如何终止错误的“天主教v加尔文教”分界线中被提起。 www.ecocn.org 1. To me, a critical factor in going from Class IV to Class V Enterpreneur is the notion of "sustained innovation" . 对我而言,从第四类进入第五类的一个关键的因素是对于“持续创新”的能力。 www.bing.com 2. So no Arsenal v Tottenham for me tonight, as I'm expecting to be in large amounts of pain once the anaesthetic wears off. 所以今晚阿森纳对热刺的比赛我是看不成了,因为我敢肯定麻醉药过后一定会很痛。 game.ali213.net 3. I know you're saying, "Wait a minute, that's not what I hear on t. v. or read in magazines. " Hold on, I'll explain. 我知道你会说,“等一等,我在电视和杂志上看到的不是这样说的。”请稍等,我会解释的。 bbs.dono.com.cn 4. Why do we keep trying to look for a starting pg when we have an excellent one in V Span? 我们已经有了斯潘这样一位优秀的组织后卫,为什么还要去到处找呢? club.learning.sohu.com 5. Chapter V as the conclusion part of the wall to the content of literature is the text of the summary and conclusion. 第五章作为结语部分,旨在探讨题壁文学的内涵,是全文的概括和总结。 www.fabiao.net 6. With scared consumers rebuilding their savings, it is hard to see a V-shaped economic recovery. 在吓坏了的消费者重新开始存钱的情况下,很难看到美国经济出现V型复苏。 www.bing.com 7. Several merchants were trying to pitch in for a T. V. special in order to pitch their new products. 几位商人设法分担费用为推销他们的新产品买个电视特别节目。 www.moon-soft.com 8. Second, the output specification using the -v option concatenates the name attribute on the file tag with a carriage return. 其次使用-v选项的输出说名用回车换行连接file标签中的name属性。 www.ibm.com 9. The concept of patent indirect infringement originated from the case of Wallace v. Holmes, in 1871. 专利间接侵权的概念首先产生于1871年美国的华乐斯诉荷姆一案。 www.13191.com 10. "It's an example of how the legal system enhances and expands discrimination against people who are H. I. V. positive, " he said. 他说:“这次判决恰恰证明了法律系统是如何进一步加强和扩大对艾滋病人的歧视的。” www.bing.com 1. According to Wikipedia James V had at least nine illegitimate children and three of those he fathered while still a teenager. 据维基百科记载,詹姆斯五世至少有九个私生子,当他成为其中三个孩子的父亲时,自己还是十几岁的少年。 www.bing.com 2. V. If necessary, budge for purchasing special application software for the next year could be filed every October. 第五条各单位如工作需要,可在每年十月提出下一年度购置计算机专用应用软件的预算。 www.enlrc.com 3. "Arirang V" equipped with a synthetic aperture radar, is in cloudy weather or night all-weather monitoring satellites observing the Earth. “阿里郎五号”搭载了合成孔径雷达,是可以在多云天气或深夜里观测地球的全天候监测卫星。 www.englishtang.com 4. "Volvo says that structural power technology will be key to the E. V. 's they're developing, " he said. “沃尔沃汽车集团认为,结构动力学将是他们发展电力汽车的关键。”他如是说。 www.bing.com 5. At least one contractor agrees with the Air Force that the interim gun aboard the V-22 is wanting. 至少一家承包商和美国空军观点一致都认为暂时在V-22上的机载机枪存在着不足。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. v. I tried to persuade her to resume her job as secretary. 我试图劝她重新干她的秘书工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The method also can be used to choose and design the parameters of the motorcycle V-belt CVT controlled by the centrifugal ball. 该方法可以用于离心球控制的摩托车皮带传动无级变速器相关参数的选型和设计。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The forward voltage drop in the on-state is only a few volts(typically 1 to 3 V depending on the device blocking voltage rating). 在导通状态的正向压降很小(取决于阻断电压的值,一般为1~3伏)。 etran.5d6d.com 9. One of them moves a little to one side and drives a stick into the ground, marking the spot where the moon could be seen in the V. 其中一人向一侧悄悄移动,把杆子插进地里,(以便)标出他们能够看到月亮在V形山凹里的地点。 www.suiniyi.com 10. LOUIS (V. O. ): Blood that I was found was necessities well. I woke the next evening with the hungry I never felt. 路易(旁白):我发现血液也是必需的。第二天夜里,我在极度饥渴中醒来。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. At last, it is pointed out that the V-I transmission matrix formalism needs to be modified when it is applied to long-period fiber gratings. 最后还指出V-I传输矩阵方法仅适用于短周期光纤光栅,若要运用于长周期光纤光栅,需要进一步理论修正。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. For each evaluation, it passes the next element of its first argument to the code, via the special variable v: val. 对于每次计算,它都通过特殊的变量v:val将第一个参数的下一个元素传递给代码。 www.ibm.com 3. However, a new CEO, Louis V Gerstner Jr, turned the company around during the 1990s, coinciding with the rise of the internet. 但是,在20世纪90年代,恰逢因特网的兴起,新的首席执行官路易斯·V·格斯特纳扭转了公司的命运。 www.bing.com 4. The heat of his desire for the Lord was so great and his sorrow so intense, he did more weeping than eating (v. 3). 那份寻求主的心愿如此强烈,哀伤如此深切,让他昼夜以眼泪当饮食(3节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. But ultimately what you care about is not those variables, z and y, v but another set of variables, here u and v. 但我们真正关心的,不是z和y这些变量,而是其他的变量,比如这里的u和。 open.163.com 6. A quick word, can let the enemy had time to organize an effective attack, had caught the first v. 一个快字,就可以让敌人还来不及组织起有效的进攻,就已经伏首就擒了。 www.2345z.com 7. Part V of Chapter IV for the body - the International Comparison of the size of the national debt. 第五部分为正文第四章——国债规模的国际比较。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. v. ANY OTHER LOSS OR COST OF A SIMILAR TYPE. 类似形式的其它成本损失。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The company equipment is advanced, has the complete set V belt specialized production line which introduces from German SCHOLZ Corporation. 公司设备先进,拥有从德国SCHOLZ公司引进的全套V带专业生产线。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When Profane and Stencil have all perished in the sea, the apparent entropic theme of V. is revealed at the end of this novel. 小说的结局是他们葬身大海,这也体现了作品中明显的熵主题。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. The momentum of each one individually is changing, but not the momentum of the system as a whole, and so this equals v prime. 每一个的动量,分别单独改变,但不是系统的动量,作为一个整体,等于m1 m2乘初速度。 open.163.com 2. Such a careful inspection occurred in a federal courtroom in 2005, in the trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. 上述对智慧设计的仔细检视,发生在2005年「基斯米勒对多佛学区」的联邦法庭上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. clear [like] Let's clear all this crap off the kitchen. v. 使干净,使清洁让我们把厨房里所有的垃圾清理掉。 2r2y.com 4. V: OK. But did you know three or four of our classmates were sick yesterday, too? 好吧,可是你知不知道我们班大概有三、四个同学,昨天也都生病了? www.fgs.org.tw:81 5. V. habits around the integration of the hurricane at high magnification and low magnification free conversion. 飓风一号融合各地习惯,高倍率和低倍率自由转换。 www.dw188.com 6. We told Sam the rooms could use some color, but that is an easy fix. At least one english t. v. station would be nice. 我们告诉山姆房间内可以再内容丰富些,虽然是很简单的事,但如果至少有一个英语电视频道,那岂不更佳。 www.taskcn.com 7. Almost 40 percent had never been tested for H. I. V. , and a significant number didn't know the sexual history of their partners. 将近40%的人从没检查过是否携带艾滋病病毒,而且有很多人不知道其性伴侣的性史。 dongxi.net 8. When uncropped , the ears are V-shaped button ears of medium length and thickness, set high and carried rather high and close to the head. 如果未剪耳,耳朵呈V字形、纽扣耳、中等长度和厚度,耳位高,从高处折向脑袋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The judgment on the famous case of Marburye v. Madison, tried by the Federal Supreme Court of the U. 美国联邦最高法院审理著名的“马伯里诉麦迪逊案”的判决是该制确立的标志。 epub.cnki.net 10. Technical advantages: First, the only ash can be used with the MDF board (MDF), heaven and earth to build V-shaped grooves of the device. 开槽下角料为一根完整的技术优势:一、国内唯一可以采用灰纸板与密度板(中纤板)进行天地盖V形开槽的设备。 www.china-dirs.com 1. He founded Operation Rescue, and for 20 years has been a leading figure in the struggle to rescind Roe v Wade. 他创立了“拯救会”,20年来他是罗伊诉韦德案翻案斗争中的一面旗帜。 www.bing.com 2. "the v. asked to do, " said Acacia mangium at the end, thinking I do not know Lang Lang Lang hate. 的责问诉尽“相思树底说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知。” www.bing.com 3. Soon we were off-road entirely, the undercarriage of the S. U. V. clanging like a gong, a cloud of dust billowing around us. 不一会儿我们开进了越野地,SUV的底盘像铜锣般叮当作响,漫天的尘土在周围翻滚。 www.bing.com 4. For instance someone drinking out of depression, watching T. V. , listening to songs or going to the races out of depression. 举例来说,有人藉酒消愁、看电视、听歌或去看斗牛、斗鸡、斗狗的比实以解忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Part V of that license the right to use natural resources System. 第五部分指出自然资源特许使用权制度的构建。 www.fabiao.net 6. This paper explores the excessive construction, formally represented as "V ta ge N" , in Mandarin Chinese in terms of construction grammar. 本文以构式语法的架构來探讨汉语中的过量结构「V他个N」。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The low dropout voltage of the A6260 allows a single white LED to be driven safely, at full current, with a supply voltage down to 6 V. A6260的低压差电压特点,可在满电流及电源电压低至6V时,实现单个白色LED的安全驱动。 www.allegromicro.com 8. V-ball valve repair without a long, long life, to provide you with the real state of efficiency of a process control valve. 型球阀长期不需修理,使用寿命长,为您提供了真正的高效率进行控制工艺状况的一种阀门。 www.shengyidi.com 9. In Maloney v Cuomo, she ruled that New York could ban a martial-arts weapon consisting of two sticks linked with a chain. 在马洛尼诉科莫案中,她判定纽约市可以禁止一种类似于双节棍的武术用武器。 www.ecocn.org 10. Some categories of Kreinik threads are high luster (HL), glow in the dark (F), cord (C), vintage (V), Japan (J), and cable (P). 对Kreinik线程,一些产品的光泽度高(HL)和在黑暗中(女发光),线(丙),葡萄酒(五),日本(日),有线(规划)。 www.skszx.com 1. Chapter V classified and analyzed different combination forms of dwelling size, combining with a large number of photos to demonstrate. 第五章对此类住宅的不同套型组合设计进行了分类分析,并结合大量图片资料进行论证。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. But when Christ came into the home, He also came into Zacchaeus' heart and immediately made a difference (v. 8). 可是,当基督进到他的家,祂便同时进入了他的心,他整个人便即时改变了(8节)。 www.seewant.org 3. Holding a "7" upright in your hand, you're less likely to view it sideways as a "V, " she said. 把一个“7”垂直的拿到手中,你将不太可能把它认成“V”,她说道。 www.bing.com 4. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court establishes a woman's right to abortion, effectively canceling the anti-abortion laws of 46 states. 1973年,在罗伊诉韦德案后,最高法院规定女性具有堕胎权。 www.bing.com 5. The engineering design and the trial production of principle prototype are conducted for a rubber V-belt CVT as an application object. 以橡胶V带CVT为应用对象进行了工程化设计和原理样机研制。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. LOUIS (V. O. ): A little child she was, but also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding. 路易(旁白):她是一个小姑娘,但更是个残暴的杀手,为了满足一个孩子对血的需求而大开杀戒。 alicesmart.blog.163.com 7. They have been exhibited in London's V&A museum and featured in Vogue magazine. 这些设计品在伦敦维多利亚·阿尔伯特博物馆展出过,也入选过《世界时尚》杂志(Voguemagazine)。 www.bing.com 8. What happened to V. . . ? To You-Know-Who? 那个伏…,你知道是谁后来怎么样了?。 www.1363.cn 9. V began to cry and wandered aimlessly. All her friends were dead. 剩下V孤零零一个人,哭着,漫无目的地走着。她的朋友们都死掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. v. negotiation with a nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate. 由郴指定银行议付而该被指定银行未予议付。 www.56gk.com 1. V told me that he was relax and happy when be together and they belief in each other like the home numbers. 小V说,他跟她在一起很放松,很快乐,他们彼此信任,象家里人那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ryt, i'm from Beijing, i'v lived here since the moment i was born. The biggest environmental problem in my eyes is the "Spitting" . 我是北京的,我生在这儿,我觉得这最大的环境问题是“吐痰”。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. Lucky pop singer V V Brown has had two outfits specially made for her performance. 幸运歌手维维布朗专门为她的表演定制了两件衣服。 www.qiaodapei.com 4. Dr. V: When you grow in spiritual consciousness, we identify with all that is in the world so there is no exploitation. 维博士:当你是在一个有灵性良心的环境下的时候,你会认为世界充满了这些所以就没有了压迫。 www.ted.com 5. We all know v span is not a outside shooter, he is a good D and good at penetration and dish the ball. 我都知道斯潘不是一个外线投手,他是个优秀的防守球员,突破犀利,传球出色。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 6. This would be an uphill battle, they knew, in part because of how the Court had ruled seven years earlier in Herrera v. Collins. 他们知道,这是场困难重重的讼争。部分原因在于七年前联邦最高法院对Herrera诉Collins案的裁决。 www.bing.com 7. Single-row and double-row full-complement cylindrical roller bearings (suffix V) are used for particularly high loads at low speeds. 单列和双列满滚子圆柱滚子轴承(后缀V)特别用于高负荷低速运行。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. mary alice : ( v . o ) gabrielle liked her paella piping hot . however , her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler. 玛丽。爱丽斯:(画外音)嘉百莉喜欢她的肉菜饭滚烫,但是,她和她老公的关系却有点凉了。 www.ichacha.net 9. Animations and sounds, used well, can heighten interest, but don't distract the audience with too much of a good thing. 很棒的v动画和声音能够提高兴趣,但是不要用的太多使观众分心。 www.bing.com 10. However, not only that the market is pretty much overbought , we're still in a bear market so we do not expect a V-shaped recovery. 不过,市场不但已经严重超买,而且我们仍处在熊市当中,因此我们不应指望股市V型复苏。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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