单词 | tanking |
释义 | tanking是tank的现在分词
复数:tanks 现在分词:tanking 过去式:tanked v. n. fill tank,empty tank,tank move,refill tank adj. n. steel tank,heavy tank,cylindrical tank,underground tank,Israeli tank 例句释义: 罐,箱,柜,水柜,装满槽[柜],贮存在槽[柜]里,坦克,桶,地窖防水层 1. With a tanking economy, up-and-down stock markets, ever growing unemployment, all this doom and gloom leaves us broke and depressed. 外挂经济、忽上忽下的股票市场和失业人数的不断增加,所有这些不幸和抑郁留给我们的是贫困和忧伤。 www.bing.com 2. He was then asked if he thought people may think he didn't try hard enough, and there was maybe an issue of tanking? 然后他被问到他是否考虑到人们会认为他没有尽全力,而且会把脆败看作是他在自我保护? www.douban.com 3. Death Knights are the only tanking class that currently does not have access to a shield block mechanic or analogous ability. 死亡骑士是目前唯一不能使用盾牌格挡机制或是类似能力的坦克职业。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 4. While I understand some of you want more different tanking stats to focus on, that is not our goal for the moment. 我理解,你们中的有些人希望更多的不一样的坦克属性,但是这不是我们的目标。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. If you were running a company that produces X and the market was tanking for that product, what would you do? 如果你所经营的公司是生产X产品的,而现在市场对该产品的需求不高,你会怎么做? www.hjenglish.com 6. This guide is a compilation work of a lot of things I've been studying and developing that pertains to tanking with a Death Knight. 这篇文章是我一直以来学习和研究有关死亡骑士坦克的文章汇总。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 7. Not at the top of the DPS list when tanking, when not tanking they should be a lot like rogues and warriors. 当坦克的时候他们不会在DPS前列,处于DPS位置时他们和盗贼,战士一样。 www.bing.com 8. So when you see a death knight tanking, you'll probably see a lot of things you wouldn't see with any other class. 所以当你看到一个死亡骑士坦克的时候,你很可能会看到很多不会发生在其他职业身上的事,在他身上发生了。 news2.92wy.com 9. According to the Post piece, it was a combination of a 'tanking economy, an ill- timed expansion and other bad business decisions. ' 据《华盛顿邮报》的这篇文章称,这是美国经济下滑、不合时宜的业务扩张以及其他不明智的商业决策共同作用的结果。 chinese.wsj.com 10. In the end, one technological innovation in the United States could lead to its interest rates skyrocketing and economy tanking (again). 最终,一项由美国引发的技术创新导致利率飙升,经济(再次)陷入困境。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Spiritual Attunement is a great mechanic for a tanking paladin who needs the mana and gets it from taking damage. 精神协调对于大量承受伤害的坦骑来说是个好东西。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. It lets you get away with wearing "warrior" gear (both tanking and dps) to make your job easier as a protection or retribution paladin. 它允许你不用穿“战士型”的装备(DPS或者TANK),这样你就可以让自己防护型或者是惩戒型骑士更加完美更加得心应手。 wow.766.com 3. But job cuts, tanking investment portfolios and sinking home values have made American consumers wary of spending. 然而,由于失业率的增加、投资组合和房产的衰退和缩水,消费者消费心理更趋于谨慎。 www.bing.com 4. On Monday, tanking global markets helped push the buck to a three-year high against a basket of major currencies. 在急剧下滑的全球市场的助推下,周一美元兑一篮子主要货币飙升到了三年高点。 www.bing.com 5. Death Knights are capable of tanking or dealing damage with any of their 3 trees. 死亡骑士能用三系中任何一个天赋树来坦克或是输出伤害。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 6. Death Knights are fully capable of tanking any role in any encounter currently available in the game. 死亡骑士完全有能力坦克当前游戏有的任何副本任何角色。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 7. So our goal is to make the death knight a viable, fun tank that coexists with the current tanking classes without replacing them. 所以我们的目的是,让死亡骑士成为一个有效且有趣的坦克职业,而不是挤兑、代替如今的坦克们。 www.pcgames.com.cn 8. The paladin protection tree is a tree of tanking specialization to the same degree that the warrior one is. 骑士的防护树毕竟是和战士的防护树一样的坦克专精天赋。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. HERO demonstrated superb tanking skills and coupled with well executed formations they soon had us on the defensive. HERO展现了出色的坦克技巧并且整体阵形推进,很快我们就陷入防守。 www.showxiu.com 10. New death knight sigils are now available, primarily from vendors, including a tanking-oriented sigil. 增加了新的魔印,主要是通过购买获得,包括了一个坦克向的魔印。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The following list is not exhaustive, but includes all the major tanking abilities. 下面的列表不算全面,但包括了战士的几个主要拉仇恨技能。 52music.net 2. The GCD for Death Knights cannot be altered except by use of Unholy Presence, which we will not use while tanking. 除了秽邪领域,死亡骑士的公共CD不能被改变,我们坦克时也并不会用到它。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 3. If you are healing the MT or Hunters tanking the shaman, don't be in ToL , but roll Lifeblooms on your targets. 如果你是治疗MT或者坦克萨满的猎人,不要在树形态,但对你的目标还是要保持生命花。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Indeed, with mutual funds tanking and home equity drying up, parents and students are, well, getting real. 事实上,随着公共基金和家庭积蓄的缩减,家长和学生都的确变得现实了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. A: We think the newly buffed Thunder Clap plus Shockwave are sufficient abilities for AoE tanking. 答:我们认为新磨光雷霆加冲击波是足够的能力为卓越学科领域重挫。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. That said, we think avoidance is likely too high on all tanking classes, so we aren't likely to buff Frigid Dreadplate. 也就是说,我们认为所有坦克职业的减伤都过高,因此我们不打算buff严寒邪铠。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Try tanking a warm bath or placing a hot water bottle on your abdomen. 洗个热水澡,或者放一个热水袋在肚子上。 blog.163.com 8. That is a surprise to many who expected rising government spending and a tanking U. S. economy to cripple the dollar. 这出乎很多人的意料,他们原本预计政府开支的不断增加以及美国经济的下滑会对美元产生削弱作用。 www.bing.com 9. This guide and the attached thread is a one stop shop for Paladins interested in tanking. 这篇指导和附文是对坦克圣骑士的全面性解读。 bbs.178.com 10. Ghostcrawler: No. We don't want to create multiple types of death knight armor, other than tanking and damage dealing. 鬼爪:不,除了坦克与伤害装之外,我们不想设计不同死骑天赋类型的死骑护甲。 www.51yue.net 1. Each tree has tanking tools, and each tree has a style all its own. 每个天赋下都有坦克的工具且每个天赋树都有完全自己的风格。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 2. Logical Starting Point and Intension of "Tanking Others as Bases" “以人为本”的逻辑起点及内涵 ilib.cn 3. Frigid Dreadplate is a great tanking talent since it adds avoidance. 由于提高减伤,严寒邪铠是很好的坦克天赋。 bbs.ngacn.cc 4. You still have tanking stats, and gear can still provide upgrades. 你们依旧拥有坦克属性,而且装备可以不断提升。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. The Death Knight will combine damage dealing and tanking. 死亡骑士是伤害输出和坦克的混合体。 article.pchome.net 6. The plan is to get a second tanking enchant in 3. 1 but I am very hesistant to promise anything. 原本计划在3.1再增加一个坦克武器附魔,但是目前我不能承诺什么。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. Another significant source of VOC emission is crude oil tanking. 另一种挥发性有机物来源是原油车罐。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. Players who are making suggestions about how to keep DK tanking mechanics fun without being overpowered are making useful comments. 对dk坦克保持坦克原理的趣味性而不失平衡性提出建议的玩家正在发表真知灼见。 wow.178.com 9. Other plants can't do without tanking up loads of sunlight. 其它的植物就非得饱尝充足的阳光。 www.bing.com 10. Because Microsoft has been tanking in recent years. 因为最近几年微软在下沉。 cnbeta.com 1. J-Wolf : Now we lost to Porland. Hope everyone is happy. The tanking dream comes ture. 现在我们输给开拓者了,希望大家都开心,打假球的梦成真了。 bbs.sports.163.com 2. In truth it is a shrewd, if shameless, ploy by a power couple who know that the value of their brand is tanking. 实际上这个话题是敏感的,更确切的说是无耻的。会话策略由掌握大权的夫妇所决定,因为他们知道他们的品牌的价值。 www.dltcedu.org 3. The lads had spent all evening tanking up on scotch. 小伙子们整晚都在狂饮苏格兰威士忌。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. It is hard for any president to keep voters sweet when the economy is tanking. 当经济停滞不前时,没有哪个总统能够继续博取选民的欢心。 url.cn 5. Li: He is best known for loading up shares of BYD Co. , the Chinese battery and car maker, even when the stock was tanking. 李路:他以收购中国电池和汽车生产企业比亚迪(BYDCo.)股份著称,尽管这只股票目前正在下跌。 c.wsj.com 6. If people read that a show is tanking, they are less likely to tune in. 如果人们读到节目的收视在下降,就会缺乏兴趣来关注。 post.baidu.com 7. We are making two kinds of shield (healer and tank) and one-handed tanking weapons. 我们正在制作两种盾牌(坦克和治疗)和单手坦克武器。 bbs.ngacn.cc 8. (tanking pet) I'm not sure I like our "Paranoia" effect on Consume Shadows in it's current form though. (坦克宠物)虽然我不确定我的确喜欢现在能够侦测潜行的暗影吞噬。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen damp proof sheets including bitumen basement tanking sheets - Definitions and characteristics 防水用柔性薄板。包括沥青底层制箱用薄板的沥青防潮薄板。定义和特性 www.rochn.com 10. Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Bitumen damp proof sheets including bitumen basement tanking sheet-Definitions and characteristics 防水卷材建筑防水土壤潮气和水用沥青板定义和性能 www.qiyeku.com 1. the health implications of the tanking economy 经济恶化导致的健康影响 blog.hjenglish.com |
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