单词 | to the ground |
释义 | 例句释义: 在各方面,彻底地,把…烧成平地,全部焚毁 1. direct lightning flash : A lightning to aerial cable or to the ground surface within the equivalent arcing distance D from buried cable . 直接雷雷击架空光缆,或雷击地表面与地埋光缆的距离小于等效电弧长度D。 www.showxiu.com 2. There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius slide to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him. 冉阿让在这儿止了步,把马吕斯轻轻地放在地上,他紧靠着墙并用目光四面扫视。 www.ebigear.com 3. The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant noise! 在过去,印度人常常把耳朵贴在地上来获取很远地方传来的声音。 wenwen.soso.com 4. One day, I said to him: "My baby, why the apples fall down to the ground, never fly to the sky? " 有一天,我问他:“宝贝,为什么苹果掉在地上,而不往天上飞呢?” blog.sina.com.cn 5. She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason. 说完,她一下子瘫在地上,大哭起来,这下子吓坏了汤姆,他以为她快要死了,要不然就是要发疯了。 www.jukuu.com 6. She says her dog Toby pulled her to the ground and began jumping on her chest. She soon spit out the apple. 托比立即把她拖到地上,在她胸口上来回跳动,一会儿就把苹果吐出来了。 bbs.putclub.com 7. After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the ground with a heavy thud. 几秒之后,强大电源流过手机,年轻人被击倒在地。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard. 公牛怒气冲冲地跳起来,低着头追老鼠,一直追过院子。 www.ebigear.com 10. I kicked him in the balls from behind and he let out a funny little shriek and dropped to the ground. 我从后面又踢了他的小弟弟一脚,他发出一声滑稽而尖锐的叫声,倒在地上。 www.bing.com 1. The next time it feels like a time constraint is going to burden you to the ground, don't become obsessed with how little time you have. 感觉下一次,这样的强迫的想法就会把你压垮,不要被你有如此少的时间迷惑。 page.renren.com 2. Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternatively, with the forelegs aligned on the same track as the hind legs. 每对斜对角肢轮流抬起再踏在地上,前脚应当走在和后脚一样的线上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But just then the tree fell; and with a terrible crash it struck the good old man to the ground, where he lay unable to move. 但正在这时,树倒了下来。随着可怕的断裂声,这个和蔼的老人被击倒在地,无法动弹了。 www.bing.com 4. He ended up falling three stories to the ground. That's the last I saw of him. 当尼有一次从三楼堕下,之后我再没见过他了。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. When she protested, they surrounded her and beat her to the ground, then used a razor blade to slit the sides of her jeans up to her hip. 她提出抗议后遭到警方包围,被殴打倒在地上,然后警察人员用刀片割破她的牛仔裤两侧直到裤子臀部。 www.hrw.org 6. In Europe they joyously count the houses, the whole cities that have been leveled to the ground and that "will have to be replaced. " 第二次世界大战结束后,他们兴致勃勃地清点那些在欧洲被战火夷为平地、必须重建的房子和城市。 dongxi.net 7. If you dropped to the ground from a very high point, you know that you would hit the ground with a great amount of energy. 倘若你从很高的地方摔下来,你知道你会以很大的动能撞击地面。 blog.ufeel.com 8. She opened her fingers and let the coin fall to the ground, and gazed at him with a gloomy air. 她张开手指,让钱落在地上,愁眉不展地望着他 www.ebigear.com 9. His hand sags, falls to the ground, and dissolves. Moments later, so does the rest of him. 他的手黯然跌落,落在地上,溶解一空。片刻之后,他的全身也都溶解了。 bbs.tfclub.com 10. "She froze, as if rooted to the ground, and then began to rush about like a chicken, " Brik later recalled. 她愣了,仿佛在地上扎了根,然后开始像鸡一样狂奔。 dongxi.net 1. He said he dropped to the ground, but was still seriously injured when flying debris gashed his head. 他说自己摔在地上,飞来的碎片划伤了他的头部,受伤严重。 c.wsj.com 2. Having done all that, he might also "without thinking" , knock her to the ground. 在完成所有这些之后,他也许又这样“不经意”地让蒂娜一贫如洗。 www.ecocn.org 3. Obviously they had already looked under Miss Daisy's skirt and decided that she was just too close to the ground. 显然他们已经看到了小黄的裙板,认为它离地面太近了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Buck described a complete circle in the air, and half of another, then crashed to the ground on his head and chest. 巴克在空中划了一个圈儿,又转了半圈后,便头胸着地跌落在地。 zftrans.com 5. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dying' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. 我把你父亲的房子摊成平地,妈妈总是说……死亡是生命的一部分,我真的希望不是这样; hi.baidu.com 6. He said the colonel took just 10 steps after being dragged from his hiding place before falling injured to the ground. 他说,卡扎菲被人从藏身之处拖了出去,刚走了十步远,就受伤倒地。 www.24en.com 7. Then the man grabbed the woman by the shoulders and, yelling, began to shake her till she was about to fall to the ground. 之后男子抓住女子的肩膀大声咆哮,并开始摇晃她,直到她几乎要跌倒在地。 www.kekenet.com 8. Then he fell with a crash to the ground, and she, all her tormented motherhood flooding upon her, rushed to gather him up. 接着,他啪的一声跌落到地上,而她,她那饱受折磨的母性涌了上来,她冲上前去将他扶起。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When a player tumbles to the ground rolling around in apparent agony even though there was no contact from an opposing player. 对方球员碰都没碰到他,就突然倒地并且痛苦万分的在地上打滚。 www.bing.com 10. I can only walk with sticks but that did not prevent these thugs from knocking me to the ground in Oxford Circus last night. 我只能靠拐杖走路,但是即使这样也没能阻止那帮暴徒们。昨晚,我在牛津步行街 www.bing.com 1. His shirt had already been flung to the ground before he left the track, banging his head with his hands in frustration. 在离开赛道之前他已经将T恤扔到地上,沮丧地捶胸顿足。 www.hxen.com 2. In exasperation he took off his own hat and flung it to the ground. 恼怒中,他脱下自己的帽子,并把它扔在地上。 www.bing.com 3. "When I fall to the ground in the video, the word groupthink spills out of my head because I was assassinated by groupthink" , she said. “MV中当我当地的一霎那,集体思维一词蹦入我的脑中,因为是集体思维谋杀了我,”她表示说。 cn.reuters.com 4. As the LORD lives, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground, for he has worked with God this day. 我们指著永生的耶和华起誓,连他的一根头发也不可落地,因为他今日与神一同做事。 www.galcc.org 5. " And he said, " As the Lord lives, not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground. 王说、我指著永生的耶和华起誓、你的儿子、连一根头发也不至落在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It was like one of those nightmares where you try to run, but your feet are stuck to the ground. 一切如同一场噩梦,在梦里你奋力奔跑,但却抬不起腿来。 www.bing.com 7. Ahsoka fell on her knees, hilt dropping out of her hand. Vader deactivated his blade, watching her collapse to the ground. 阿索卡跌坐下来,光剑柄从她的手中滑落。维达关闭了他的光剑,看着她倒在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. and afterward he remembered that the color sergeant was standing with his legs apart, as if he expected to be pushed to the ground. 事后他记得那个护卫营旗或团旗的士官在站同他的腿除了,仿佛他希望做某事推地面。 www.en400.com 9. Witnesses said the plane took off after the swing, seems to be trying to move up in altitude, then dive to the ground then crashed. 目击者称,飞机起飞后摇摆不定,似乎是在试图拉升高度,随后便俯冲向地面坠毁。 www.englishtang.com 10. As she said these words, she bowed to the ground and touched his feet. 说着,她伏跪在地,对他行触足礼。 www.bing.com 1. As she pecked her feathers, one of her white feathers fell down to the ground suddenly. 在她梳理羽毛的时候,突然有根羽毛落到了地上。 www.chnxs.com 2. The monkey ran quickly up the tree, and threw the rich, ripe fruit to the ground. The elephant put the fruit in his mouth. 猴子很快爬到树上,把那些熟透了的果子都装进自己的大嘴里。 blog.pjedu.com 3. Feet travel close to the ground. Hind legs reach far under, meeting or even passing the imprints of the front legs. 足爪落地位置近,后肢延伸到身体下方,后脚足迹与前肢的足迹重叠或恰好接上前肢足迹。 www.3316.cn 4. He took the bird by the neck, threw it to the ground and started kicking and stomping on the peacock, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19. 十九岁的员工费莉西亚.费妮冈说,男子掐住孔雀脖子,把牠摔向地板,再开始用力踢踩。 www.taipeitimes.com 5. The front grille is now lower to the ground, and is the centerpiece of a very Mazda-esque front fascia. 的前格栅现在降低到地面,是一个非常核心的马自达风格前筋膜。 word.hcbus.com 6. One day, just as she passed me, dropped one of her books to the ground. 有一天,她在与我擦肩而过时,不小心把手中的书掉落在地。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground. 将你的腿前向伸展,膝盖绷紧,作一条从脚后跟到地面的垂线。 www.bing.com 8. Jack pushes her to the ground, sits on her stomach and begins punching her in the face. 杰克将安娜推倒在地上,坐在她的腹部开始击打她的脸。 www.xici.net 9. They looked up to see the Giant lose the stability of the stalk and fall to the ground. 他们抬头一看,发现巨人在茎上失去稳定并掉在了地上。 www.24en.com 10. In her most blatant attack, she yanked back an opponent's ponytail, ripping her to the ground. 在她的最露骨的攻击,她猛拉回来对手的马尾辫,撕她在地上。 psy.58.com.cn 1. If he proves himself a man of worth, not a hair of his head shall fall to the ground; but if he is found to be troublesome, he shall die. 如果他证实自己是个有品德的人,他头上一根头发也不会掉下,大如果他图谋不轨,他就必死无疑。 www.fuzhuang.com.cn 2. Then when he began to load the sleigh one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. 当他给雪橇装货时其中一个板子断了,玩具袋掉到地上,撒了一地。 www.bing.com 3. She squatted down close to the ground and from her belly there came out one by one a big heap of crocodile eggs. 她低低地蹲在地上,从她的肚子里一个接一个地出来一大堆鳄鱼蛋。 www.kuenglish.info 4. JOHN CARTER: As she talked, a warrior ran to her and hit her in the face, knocking her to the ground. 约翰。卡特:当她讲话的时候,一个勇士跑向她,打了他的脸,把她撞向地面。 www.unsv.com 5. He felt ready to leap upon him and fling him to the ground if he dared to lift the gorgeous hanging that concealed the secret of his life . 要是这家伙敢掀起掩藏着他那生活秘密的华丽帷幔,他就准备扑上前去把他打倒在地。 www.bing.com 6. "well, " he said, " I should think a man's legs ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground. " “嗯。”他说,“我认为一个人的腿是要能使他的身体够着地就行了。” zhidao.baidu.com 7. The upper arm angles backward from the point of the shoulder to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the ground. 上臂从肩部到手肘的线条向后延伸,不会跟地面呈垂直。 bbs.sgou.com 8. If the wall of trees and plants blocks the wind completely, then violent air motions will take place close to the ground. 如果树木和植物的墙完全阻止风,然后强烈的空气运动将接近地面。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky. 如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。 a.kk55.net 10. Instead of gliding through the air as he expected, he made a parachute-jump and fell to the ground. 结果不是他所期望的那样滑翔升向天空,而是跳伞一样落到了地面。 mysearch.100e.com 1. The sun and the wind blinded the old man's eyes, and the papers on which he had the poem he was to read were blown to the ground. 日晒风吹把这位老人弄得两眼昏花,他把要朗诵的诗写在纸上,而那张纸又被吹落在地。 www.bing.com 2. The police who asked not to be named, said he saw Israeli aircraft fired a missile to the ground. 一名不愿透露姓名的警察称,他看到以色列战斗机向地面发射了一枚导弹。 www.englishtang.com 3. The player swings at a lower part of the branch with a club for the purpose of dislodging the ball, the ball falls to the ground. 球员为了把球撞出,用球杆朝较低位置的树枝进行挥杆,结果球掉到了地上。 www.chuncui.cn 4. The clattering roar of the train muffled the thud of her fall on to the ground more than a metre below. She was knocked senseless. 呼啸而过的列车,把她甩到超过一米以下的地面,顿时失去了知觉。 www.bing.com 5. It was a direct hit. The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. 陶壶直接命中了男人的头部,碎成一片一片,男人也倒地昏迷流血不止。 www.kekenet.com 6. And with those words, the Mother Birch's trunk crashed to the ground - without even scratching one of her daughters. 说完这些话,白桦妈妈的的树干轰然倒地,却没有弄伤女儿们一点皮毛。 www.bing.com 7. but if you force him to write to the ground, he will repeatedly the up, last fall the most that you do not want to let him in place. 但是如果您将他用力的撇到地上的话,他便会多次的弹起,最后落到了您最不想让他在的地方。 dzh.mop.com 8. The officers walked him around the corner and, as he began resisting, wrestled him to the ground. 两位警官将他带到角落附近,而当他开始抵抗时,警察将他摔倒在地。 www.bing.com 9. His knees began to buckle and she braced herself as he collapsed into her arms. They both tumbled to the ground. 他双腿一曲,瘫倒在她怀里,她努力挺直身子,可两人还是双双摔倒在地。 hi.baidu.com 10. This model, however, remains tethered to the ground at all times, as it has not been equipped with a propulsion system. 然而这个飞行器一直拴在地面,因为还没有装备推进系统。 www.ecocn.org 1. Machine worked at VOLKSWAGEN and was used to produce a piece that fixed the exhaust pipe to the ground plate of the vehicle. 该机械闲置于德国大众汽车公司,又来生产汽车排气管道加紧固。 detail.china.alibaba.com 2. Jesse made his way down the slope, one hand close to the ground to break his falls. 杰希顺着斜坡向下爬,一只手离地很近,防止自己摔倒。 www.bing.com 3. I did not expect that their beloved tree had been cut down to the ground, he stood there stupefied by almost could not believe my own eyes. 没想到,自己心爱的树被砍倒在地,他站在那里惊呆了,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 my.chinese.cn 4. Solomon replied, "If he shows himself to be a worthy man, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground; " 所罗门说,他若作忠义的人,连一根头发也不致落在地上。 www.web123abc.com 5. Here he let the Enchanted Horse come to the ground, but he did not at once enter the city. 才把马降落在地上,但并没有立刻进城去。 www.qeto.com 6. "I don't think you come down to the ground and decide it would be a really good idea to stand upright and move around, " he says. “我不认为你一下到地面,就突然决定说直立走路是个非常好的主意,”他说。 www.bing.com 7. Produce a drag-and-bad because of a blade and a printing plate between the impurities, and extends to the ground knife back. 爆发拖恶的来因是刮刀与印版之间有杂质,而且蔓延到不天刀背。 www.bing.com 8. You shuffle when you walk. Doctors call it a magnetic gait because your feet seem to stick to the ground. 你步履蹒跚医生称这种情况为磁步态因为你的脚像是粘在地上。 www.bing.com 9. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God. 记住,下一次当你的小屋看上去快烧为灰烬时,那可能只是一个召唤上帝恩典的烟雾求救信号。 ey166.blog.163.com 10. Yes. From here, coal is brought to the conveyor ahead. Then it is lifted up to the ground and transported to all parts of the motherland. 对。从这儿运到前面的皮带机。然后再运到井上,运往祖国各地。 club.pojaa.com 1. In front of the company, he was knocked Yue Lai candidates come to the ground, it falls on his head. 在公司大门前,他被前来应聘的黎悦撞翻在地,还砸到了他的脑袋。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternately , with cadence and a prolonged suspension. 斜对角肢轮流抬高和落地,有弹力且腾空时间较长。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. 撒母耳长大了,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话一句都不落空。 www.ebigear.com 4. I picked up the rake and began to sweep the oak leaves over the edge of the roof, watching them whump to the ground. 我拿起耙子开始把橡树叶子扫到屋顶的边上,看着叶子噗噗地往地上落。 www.elanso.com 5. The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead. 原来仇敌逼迫我,将我打倒在地,使我住在幽暗之处,像死了许久的人一样。 www.ebigear.com 6. Zhang's 68 - year - old man got up a few days before the middle of the night to the toilet when a sudden dizziness, falling to the ground. 68岁的张老伯前几天半夜起身上厕所时突然一阵眩晕,摔倒在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Under the air car is an air chamber with a large propeller parallel to the ground. 气垫船下面是一个空气箱,里面装有一个与地面平行的大螺旋桨。 www.zlcool.com 8. The defense tries to keep the offense from scoring touchdowns by grabbing the player with the ball and pulling him to the ground. 防守方则尽力阻止进攻方获得触地得分,他们可以擒抱带球的球员并把他拖到地上。 www.tingclass.com 9. But last friday morning, when he was walking near the garden, he suddenly fell to the ground. 但是上个星期五早上,当他在花园附近散步时,突然晕倒在地上。 wenwen.soso.com 10. After sending a few ceiling tiles hurtling to the ground and landing on all fours, the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right. 这只猫带着天花板上的瓷砖一起掉下来,四脚安全着陆,随后它快速的往右边跑,试图逃离现场。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. After sending a few ceiling tiles hurtling to the ground and landing on all fours, the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right. 这只猫带着天花板上的瓷砖一起掉下来,四脚安全着陆,随后它快速的往右边跑,试图逃离现场。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. To get the most out of each stride, swing your arms close to your body, don't lean forward, and keep your feet low to the ground. 为了最有效的发挥跑步的作用,摆臂时手臂尽量靠近身体,身体不要前倾,抬脚不要过高。 www.bing.com 3. Staff members are lining up quickly to the ground holding a donation box placed in front of him. 工作人员见状,赶紧把捐款箱拿着地上,摆在他的面前。 wenwen.soso.com 4. A well-aimed blow from his ax felled her to the ground. 他用斧子对准,把她砍倒在地。 5. His claws tore her pelt as he dragged her to the her to the ground. 他的利爪破了她的皮毛,然后将她拖倒在地。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The powerful jolt of electricity passed right through the body of the Airbus A380 before shooting out to continue its journey to the ground. 有人拍摄到,这道强烈的闪电直接穿过这架空客A380客机的“头部”,之后继续“俯冲”地面。 gb.cri.cn 7. The scene he creates reveals a ray seemingly gliding along the sea bed but on close inspection appears to be chained to the ground. 场景中,鳐鱼看似沿著海床滑行,但实质上是被鍊子系在地上。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 8. Inside his dormitory , debris falls to the ground as he calls out to his friends. 在他的宿舍里,碎片跌落到地面,而他大声呼叫他的朋友。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Am I allowed to use the garden at the rear or does that belong to the ground floor apartment? 我可以使用后边的花园吗?或者那个花园属于一楼的公寓吗? edu.qq.com 10. A woman who refused to leave was kicked repeatedly and knocked to the ground, according to witnesses. 目击者称,一位拒不离开的女士被踢了数脚,并被打倒在地。 www.bing.com 1. And then, my shoes came off. The alligator fell to the ground with my shoes in his mouth. 就在这时,我的鞋子掉了,鳄鱼咬着我的鞋落了地。 www.douban.com 2. Greek wrestling was a popular form of martial art in which points were awarded for touching a competitor's back to the ground. 希腊式摔跤是当时很流行的一种武术形式,迫使对手背部着地的那一方可以得分。 www.readywin.com 3. In this case you have to force his body down to the ground in the position you want him to be in once you give him the command. 在这种情况下,你必须强迫自己的身体下到你想在他的位置将在一旦你给他的命令的理由。 bbs.vaecn.com 4. When Kevin fell to the ground, the mother of one of the players rushed out of the stands to his aid. 当凯文倒在地上时,一个队员的妈妈从看台上冲下来救他。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Megan's fast reaction got her to go grab Mrs. McKinley's leg and pin it to the ground. 梅金反应很快,她抓住麦丽金的腿,把她压倒在地。 www.bing.com 6. Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son, and went out. 妇人就进来,在以利沙脚前俯伏于地,抱起她儿子出去了。 www.enread.com 7. A thread-like element formed of conductive fibers is attached to the ground-contacting side of the bottom of footwear so as to be exposed. 将导电性纤维所形成的线状体在鞋底的接触地面侧上,使其从所述鞋底的接触地面侧露出。 ip.com 8. Each diagonal pair of feet is raised and returned to the ground alternately, with spring and an even cadence. 每对斜对角肢轮流高抬和落地,节奏均匀且有弹性。 www.horse.org.cn 9. The Russian dropped the shell to the ground and sprinted out of the park as if pursued by the furies. 那个俄国人把炮弹扔到地上,拔腿冲出公园,好象有洪水猛兽在追他一样。 www.jukuu.com 10. The rainy ones fall down as if they're in a rainstorm, and the snowy ones kind of flutter to the ground. 象征下雨情绪的粒子坠落下来,就像是在下暴雨。象征下雪的粒子就像雪花一样洒落地面。 www.ted.com 1. Suddenly covered with a halo around the small star falling to the ground, straight from Laura. 突然一颗周围布满光晕的小星星向地面坠落,直朝劳拉而来。 www.entertainment-ask.com 2. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him---water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. 也许他发出在他周围能听到的所有声音,水声,蜜蜂的嗡嗡叫,石头掉落地面的声音。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. 爬到地上;钻到结实的桌子或其它家具下面;呆着别动直到晃动停止。 www.bing.com 4. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 两个麻雀,不是卖一分银子麽?若是你们的父不许,一个也不能掉在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. XuanJiJun picked up KongYaTing lost fall to the ground of the law in the wind, 's front KongYaTing the law's wind returned to her. 玄奇俊拾起孔雅婷失落落在地上的德律风,等在孔雅婷前面把德律风还给了她。 tv.360mp3.com 6. Today, parents have to take me to the ground floor of the long river of Lanxi play. 今天,爸爸妈妈就要带我去兰溪地下长河玩。 www.baihuoyw.com 7. These journeys take less than half a day if you go by plane. Each lasts nearly a week when you stick to the ground. 这两段旅程大概各需将近一周的时间,但是如果坐飞机的话,连半天的时间都用不到。 dongxi.net 8. As she speaks, her emotional gaze shifts from the ground, to my eyes, to the moonlit sky, to the ground, and back to my eyes again. 她说着话,那满溢着情感的凝视从地面移至我的双眼,移至月光闪耀的天空,移至地面,又回到我的双眼。 www.bing.com 9. How 21 years of its long, the sea can become Kuwata, mountains can be razed to the ground. 21年的岁月又何其漫长,沧海可以变为桑田,高山可以夷为平地。 www.bing.com 10. They have tracked me down, they now surround me, with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground. 他们围困了我们的脚步。他们瞪着眼,要把我们推倒在地。 www.ebigear.com 1. Allow the leg to stretch down to the ground, but keep your body straight. You could add ankle weights to help the stretch. 脚可以伸展触地,但要保持你的身体笔直。你可以在踝关节加重来帮助伸展运动。 www.chinahorse.org 2. "I got another one! " he shouted gleefully, clapping his hands as another nest tumbled to the ground. “又中了!”又一个鸟巢翻滚落地时,他高兴得一边拍手一边喊。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. So, even though a car may be able to produce more torque, there needs to be enough traction to transmit that torque to the ground. 所以,即使一辆车可以产生更大的扭矩,同样需要足够的牵引力用以将这些扭转力矩传输到地面上。 www.52jxs.com 4. The banyan, you know, is a tree whose branches come down to the ground to take root and form new trunks. 你知道,榕树的树枝垂到地面扎根形成新的树干。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Grappling, we fell to the ground, where we wrestled for a few minutes until the attacker jumped up and escaped. 一番打斗,我们跌倒在地,又扭打了几分钟,后来那个坏蛋跳起来跑掉了。 kfbck.blog.163.com 6. for a moment the horse stood motionless . then gradually its thin legs began to bend and it sank slowly to the ground. 有一阵儿,马一动不动地站着,随后,它干瘦的腿越来越弯,慢慢地倒在了地上。 www.ichacha.net 7. I felt matchless joviality excited by the rolling speed and the piping alt tone, and was unwilling to be back to the ground! 我被旋转的速度和高得略带嘶哑的高音刺激得无比愉悦,根本不愿回到地面! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. 由于她的翅膀,她被吹掉到地上,被一个旁人捉住。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. As the wheel rotates while in use, the spokes that are on the bottom next to the ground actually lose tension momentarily. 由于在使用时的车轮转动,辐条上的底部旁紧张地暂时失去实际。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I enjoy the ears flopping to the ground and a bounty of golden coins for my taking if I choose. 我享受(对手)耳朵掉落地上的那一刻,还有一堆的金币任我拣。 bbs.game.163.com 1. A construction crane collapsed Friday on New York's Upper East Side, smashing into a 23-storey apartment building as it fell to the ground. 一台建筑起重机于周五在纽约上东区突然倒塌,落地时压碎了一幢23层高的公寓。 bbs.putclub.com 2. to the ground, then, seeing a gap in the crowd, he pushed his way in. 范博文接过香来,随手又丢在地下,看见人堆里有一条缝,他就挤进去了。 www.jukuu.com 3. Low to help the foot insoles allow players as much as possible close to the ground, enhancing the players touch the ground on the stadium. 低帮鞋垫能让球员的足部尽可能地贴近地面,增强球员对球场地面的触感。 www.yoho.cn 4. And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. 他自己在他们前头过去,一连七次俯伏在地才就近他哥哥。 www.for68.com 5. It's not the enemy but the internal conflict which could bring the nation to the ground. 不是敌人而是窝里斗才能整垮这个民族。 www.ebigear.com 6. "We don't run the economy to the ground just to have price stability, " she said. 她说道,“我们不会仅仅为了获得稳定物价,而令经济增长陷入停滞。” cn.reuters.com 7. The UAV is fitted with a CCD camera and transmits the image data to the ground station via datalink in a real-time manner. UAV装有一台CCD照相机以实时方式经由数据链传送图像数据到地面站。 www.globalmil.com 8. While a lion was standing over a bullock, which he had brought to the ground , a robber came up and demanded a share. 狮子捕获了一只小公牛,一个强盗过来了,要求和狮子分一份给他。 www.funshare.com.cn 9. The example of most concern is the boundary layer next to the ground produced by the wind blowing over it . 最有意义的例子是风吹过地面时在地面附近产生的边界层。 www.bing.com 10. Finally fell to the ground , alights from a plane the time feeling leg is a little soft , although arrived, but cannot be happy too early . 终于落地了,下飞机的时候感觉有点腿软,虽然到了,但是还不能高兴得太早。 www.bing.com 1. And he said, As Jehovah lives, not a hair from your son shall fall to the ground. 王说,我指着永活的耶和华起誓,你的儿子连一根头发也不至落在地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Andrew will only a little karate, cheng simply breezed "karate kid" to put down to the ground. 德鲁只会一点点空手道,程轻轻松松地就把“空手道小子”给放倒在地。 www.yc55.cn 3. It is a classic tackle from behind-except the defender wins the ball cleanly and doesn't even touch the striker or knock him to the ground. 这就是典型的从背后阻截,除非防守队员干净的赢球并且根本不触及冲锋队员或者将其撞到在地。 www.bing.com 4. In a moment her eyes grew moist, and her glance drooped to the ground. 不一会儿,她的眼睛湿润了,目光垂到了地上。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. 不幸的是,我们不能把他们的家搬走,无数的家园被岩浆覆盖或被烧成灰烬。语境。 m.anoah.com 6. After Louie threw the sand in his opponent's face and punched him to the ground, the flame went out in his opponent's attack. 路易把沙子撒到对手脸上,又把他击倒在地,对方进攻时气焰不那么嚣张了。 bbs.3gbbs.com 7. An exclusive technology developed by TRIANGLE. Like the end pin of a cello, it evacuates mechanical energy to the ground. TRIANGLE开发的独家技术,如大提琴的尾柱,彻底地排除了机械能。 www.xinheaudio.com 8. I brushed the rock from his shoulder and ducked and grabbed him about the legs and dumped him to the ground. 我先把那小石块从他肩上拔拉下去,然后突然弯腰,抓住他的双腿,把他甩在地上。 9. But the rule is that if it sticks to the ground, school is canceled. It would be a great excuse to get the day off. 但是如果坚持到底的话,规则就是取消上课了,这是放假的好借口。 club.topsage.com 10. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp ? blow. 当这个人走近时,战俘一拳把他打到在地。 wenku.baidu.com 1. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat dropped to the ground. 可是,他一张开嘴,那块肉就掉到了树下。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Therefore, they intend to pick out a few villa or house to the ground, "After all, seeing is believing, psychological and more pragmatic. " 所以,他们打算还是挑几个别墅去实地看房,“毕竟眼见为实,心理也比较踏实。” www.robroad.com 3. A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. 一伙新泽西猎人在森林中,他们中的一个突然倒在地上。 bbs.hxen.com 4. The wedges would then ignite spontaneously in the air and fall to the ground, burning for five or 10 minutes, he said. 这些物块是于空气中自燃后掉落地面的,燃烧可以整整持续5到10分钟。 www.bing.com 5. The root of endless meandering with a sentimentally attached to the soil extends to the ground at the end of the pursuit of eternal life. 蜿蜒不绝的根带着对泥土的眷恋申延在地底追求永恒的生命。 enwaimao.cn 6. Zeus stood up to shake off the dung pellet, and the eggs were thrown to the ground without his thinking. 宙斯站起身来抖落粪蛋,没留神把鹰卵也抖掉了。 home.i21st.cn 7. The book assists and pushes him away, it has been turned into beach water to the ground that the child attacked. 书佐把他推开,孩子扑到了地上变成了一滩水。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. When you got very close to the ground, you could see an entire community of creatures that you never knew existed. 当你靠近地面,你看到了你从没看到过的一个庞大的生物世界。 www.bing.com 9. I haven't heard of any information about that event, but I'll keep my ear to the ground. 我还没有听到任何关于那件事的消息,不过我会关注的。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 10. Today, my apartment burned to the ground. I was packed and ready to move out tomorrow. FML. 今天我住的公寓被烧光了。本来我已经打包好行李明天就要搬走的。FML。 www.bucter.com 1. Woods fell to the ground at the last gasp by venom dropped into his mouth. 呜兹则被滴进嘴里的毒液整得倒地不起。 blog.tianya.cn 2. On the day I punish Israel for her sins, I will destroy the altars of Bethel; the horns of the altar will be cut off and fall to the ground. 我讨以色列罪的日子,也要讨伯特利祭坛的罪;坛角必被砍下,坠落于地。 new.fuyinchina.com 3. There was so much noise in the street that the family did not hear the gunshot, but saw Dagsa fall to the ground, police said. 街上太嘈杂家人没有听到射击声,但看见达格萨倒地,警方说。 www.aitrans.net 4. When the clumps of ice grow too big for the wind to hold up, they fall to the ground as hail. 当气流再也无法支撑住冰团时,冰团便落向地面,成为我们所看到的冰雹。 www.bing.com 5. Another aerospace experts believe that this satellite is plunging to the ground time may be 22 or 23 this month, crash site unknown. 另有航天专家认为,这颗卫星的坠地时间可能是本月22日或23日,坠落地点未知。 www.englishtang.com 6. Unfortunately, my flight was cut short and I fizzled around like a shoddy firework before plummeting to the ground. 突然飞行被打断,接着我就如同一枚劣质烟火坠地前一样在空中挣扎。 www.bing.com 7. These small water droplets to turn into raindrops fell to the ground, which is about to be increased more than 100 million times. 这些小水滴要变成雨滴降到地面,它的体积大约要增大100多万倍。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The only thing the wolf could do was climb up to the ground from the trap. 那只狼惟一能做的就是,从陷阱里爬到地面上来。 xzj.2000y.net 9. When the train starts , one of his shoes falls to the ground. 火车启动的时候,他的一只鞋掉到了地上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. I felt myself falling to the ground as if someone had pulled carpet out from under me. 我不由自主地跌倒了,就好象有人从我脚下抽走了地毯。 www.rainlane.com 1. Damaged planes crash to the ground and destroyed ships sink to the bottom of the sea. 受损的飞机坠毁地面,摧毁的舰船沉落海底。 www.ecocn.org 2. After poking him with sticks, the odd-looking creature fell to the ground, and was dragged, screaming and scratching, back to the village. 被棍子捅了捅后,这个长相怪异的生物跌倒了地上,被拖回了镇里,一路乱抓乱叫。 dict.bioon.com 3. Often, the blanket of new oil will drop close to the ground before setting afire, as the oxygen is thin in the upper atmosphere. 通常情况下,新形成的油层在燃烧之前会掉到靠近地面的地方,因为上层大气是稀薄的。 www.qiyeku.com 4. Jean Valjean allowed himself to slide down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the linden-tree, and leaped to the ground. 冉阿让扶着珂赛特,顺着屋顶滑下去,滑到那菩提树,又跳在地面上。 www.ebigear.com 5. He fell to the ground, as if (he was) dead. 他倒在地上,好像死了一样。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Natasha quickly turns and grabs the Queen's foot, yanking her to the ground. 娜塔莎敏捷的避开并抓住了女王的脚。把她猛拉在地上。 www.xici.net 7. In case of a fire, stay low to the ground, beneath the smoke, and use the escape plan you have worked out. Get out and stay out. 万一发生火灾,采用事先制定的逃生计划,低姿疏散。逃出火场后不要重返火场。 www.nn119.com 8. I haven't heard of any new developments yet but I'll keep my ear to the ground. 虽然我还没有接到任何这方面的进展信息,但是我会及时关注的。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Hale drags Leticia into the woods and forces her to the ground. Hale将她拖进了树林,扔在地上。 www.bing.com 10. How reviewed Christianity is enters the Chinese society to be able to fall to the ground the survival, obtains grows strong the opportunity. 回顾了基督教是怎样进入中国社会得以落地生存并获得发展的。 www.zhugewenku.com 1. Thousands of iron hammers rose and fell in the work field, and the big rocks tumbled to the ground with a sound like thunder. 在建造场地,上千只铁锤飞舞着,一块块巨石雷鸣般的坠落。 www.tdict.com 2. Men in the crowd jump on him, knock off his helmet, and beat him to the ground, kicking and punching. 群众里有些人跳到他身上,打落他的头盔,把他打倒在地上拳脚相向。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 3. I took a pair of chopsticks, driven, inadequate I use a root chopsticks strong a pick, fell down to the ground. 我拿了一双筷子驱赶,力度不够,我用一根筷子用力一挑,摔到地上。 blog.163.com 4. The fighter would stay close to the ground, rolling, leaping and shifting, and wait for an opening to attack his opponent's lower body. 不论是地堂拳、地堂刀,还是地堂剑,都是在地下翻滚腾挪,俟机攻敌下盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Openings crow, meat away from the crow's mouth to the ground. The fox rushed the title to that piece of meat to the hole went. 乌鸦刚开口,肉就从乌鸦嘴里掉到地上,狐狸急忙把那一块肉衔到洞里去了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Whatever the arrangement, it's up to the reporter to make sure both sides understand and agree to the ground rules before the interview. 无论是哪一种安排,记者在采访开始之前,务必要让双方理解并同意基本规则。 www.america.gov 7. He wants to go down a little. With a small gun he shoots 10 balloons. Then something terrible happens. The gun drops to the ground. 于是他想飞低点,就拿出手枪打掉了十只气球,然后可怕的事情就发生了,。枪掉了下去。 wenwen.soso.com 8. an implement for cutting grass; has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the ground. 一种割草的工具;有必须从两头同时握住的手柄和与地面平行的曲头。 tr.bab.la 9. A slow, cadenced trot in which the horse alternately raises and returns to the ground first one diagonal pair of feet, then the other. 巴沙基,斜横步:马术中的一种慢而有节奏的步子,令马一对斜对脚与另一对交替着抬起和放下。 www.fane.cn 10. I nobbed his head and he fell to the ground without consciousness. 我给他当头一击,他倒在了地上,人事不省。 www.mosesenglish.com 1. At the low-light shooting location, take the string out and loop it around the camera lens. Let the extra string fall to the ground. 在拍摄现场,将绳子一端缠在相机镜头上,让另一端垂在地面。 www.bing.com 2. Ice crystals should be plate shaped. They float in the air close to the ground reflecting light back downwards. 冰晶需呈片状,它们悬浮近在地面的空中,将光线向下反射。 www.bing.com 3. Cliff, knocked to the ground by the current when he tried to grab the tool, recovered. 克利夫试图去抢夺时也被电流击倒在地,他后来恢复了健康。 www.zftrans.com 4. The city manager kept an ear to the ground for a while before deciding to raise city employees'pay. 市府在决定提高市府员工薪水之前曾听取了好一阵子各方面的意见。 bbs.zzsy.com 5. Now do not let my blood fall to the ground far from the presence of the LORD. 现在求王不要使我的血流在离耶和华远的地方。 www.ebigear.com 6. The great Rishi enters Nirvana and the sun, Of the Buddha sinks down to the ground. 大圣人进入了涅磐并且佛陀的太阳,陷入了大地。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But by early Saturday, officers apparently attempted to wrestle him to the ground and he turned the gun on himself. 但是到星期六凌晨,警察正要采取行动制服嫌犯的时候,他一枪结束了自己的生命。 www.bing.com 8. After first turning around to chase him, the 34-year-old then collapsed to the ground and was eventually stretchered off the field. 在先开始转身追他后,34岁的迪达倒地,最终由担架抬出场。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 9. Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord . 约沙法就面伏于地,犹大众人和耶路撒冷的居民也俯伏在耶和华面前,叩拜耶和华。 www.ebigear.com 10. On June 9th the Wall Street Journal put its ear to the ground and declared that "the great property bubble of China may be popping" . 6月9日,《华尔街日报》的顺风耳遥遥地听到了点什么,并宣布“中国巨大的房产泡沫可能要爆了”。 dongxi.net 1. Another passenger fell to the ground and was hurt when the staff pulled him out of the railway line. 另一名旅客被工作人员拉出铁路线时不慎摔倒受伤。 www.bing.com 2. The shuttles can carry a far greater load into orbit than any other rockets now in use, and can also bring heavy items back to the ground. 航天飞机能把远高于现在使用的火箭的载荷送上轨道,并且可以把重物件运返地面。 www.bing.com 3. on a brilliant summer's morning ? look up into the sky ? in blinding lightning ? be flung to the ground ? 一个阳光灿烂的早晨?仰望天空?发出炫目的闪电?被甩到了地上? wenku.baidu.com 4. She had spent the weekend with her grandparents, and while she was gone, a house down the road from ours burned to the ground. 她度过了周末,她的祖父母,虽然她一走,向下,从我们夷为平地的道路房子。 zhidao.cfzn.org 5. They released Gul'dan's arms suddenly and the orc warlock was unable to stop himself from crumpling to the ground. 兽人术士一时无法止住自己的惯性,顺理成章地扑倒在了地上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Sammy stood rooted to the ground, bewildered by all that was happening around him, and wouldn't come although we called and called. 萨米站着发呆,周围所发生的一切把他搞糊涂了,虽然我们又喊又叫但他也不愿过来。 www.godict.com 7. "We had two students beating up a third, punching him and kicking him and throwing him to the ground, " Chabris says. “我们让两个学生打第三个人,用拳头打,用脚踏,把他推倒在地上。”沙布里说。 www.bing.com 8. 'It's not hurting you, ' said Lily, but she closed her hand on the blossom and threw it back to the ground. “我又没把你怎么样。”莉莉说,不过她还是把花捏成一团扔到了地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. but no sooner had the comb touched the roots of her hair than the poison took effect, and the maiden fell to the ground lifeless. 但是梳子一接触到她的发根毒药就产生了效果,这个少女倒在了地上失去了生命。 www.bing.com 10. He wrestled with his attacker until he kicked his feet under him and he fell to the ground. 他与袭击者搏斗,直至从他身下踢他的脚把他踢倒在地。 sdb.ustsd.edu.cn 1. So, I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory. 我听说你和佩妮吹了,就像从飞机厕所里扔出的蓝冰一样吹了。 www.kekenet.com 2. His big, lean hands contracted gently at her waist as he lowered her slowly to the ground. 他大而瘦劲的双手温馨拢扶着她的腰,把她缓缓悠悠放下。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Suddenly an apple that had grown ripe on its branch fell to the ground by his side. 忽然,一个熟苹果从树枝上掉到他身旁。 4. The crowd drew back in terror as the building crashed to the ground. 大楼倒塌时,人群在恐怖气氛中向后退缩 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Rafa fell to the ground, having accomplished one of the greatest achievements in the sport. 拉法倒在地上,欢庆网球史上最伟大的成绩之一。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Why does the Red Indian put his ear to the ground to hear the sound of horses that are far away? 为什么红番要将他的耳朵贴在地面上听远处发出的马蹄声? www.rrting.com 7. Bush quickly ducked to avoid being hit and was not injured. Al-Zeidi was quickly wrestled to the ground by guards and dragged away. 事发时布什迅速俯身躲过了飞鞋,并未受伤,扎伊迪随即被警卫制服在地并被拖走。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Military personnel dispatched from the ship by landing craft to the ground unloaded supplies in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. 基尔萨奇号上的军人乘登陆舰上岸,在海地首都太子港(Port-au-Prince)卸下救援物资。 www.america.gov 9. After hours of effort he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. 经过数小时努力后他爬到了树顶,跳向空中同时挥舞着前肢,然后摔向地面。 www.bing.com 10. The cashier grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. 出纳员与抢劫银行犯格斗,但是被摔倒在地上。 cb.kingsoft.com 1. Groups of rioters, broke into a clothes store, burnt everything in it, together with 5 young saleswomen , all to the ground. 一批暴徒,闯入一家时装店,把店里的一切,连同它的五个年轻的女职员,烧成了灰烬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Feeling certain that he 1was to die, he dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up. 感觉自己肯定会死去,他就一下躺在地上,不想再起来了。 www.yingyubo.com 3. Do not let Little Stars fell to the ground, to wipe out the genie may be treasures. 不要让小精灵掉到地上,消灭小精灵有可能会得到宝物。 4455.cc 4. But at a site 50km east of the eruption, a quarter of the ash falling to the ground was in the form of particles of ten microns or less. 但距离喷发处50千米以东地区,25%的掉在地面上的颗粒大小只有10微米或更小。 www.ecocn.org 5. When he tried to move, he found that his hand was frozen to the ground. 当他试图移动时,发现手被冻在地上了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Once the first target has fallen back to the ground and has recovered from its fall, lift it up again and repeat. 一旦第一个目标落回地面,并且从下落中恢复了,你就再把它扔上去,如此反复。 youxi.wo.tc 7. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said. . . 他跪在地上,拿出了一枚戒指,然后说… blog.sina.com.cn 8. In a clearing deep inside the Laotian jungle, a group of Hmong fall to the ground and beg me for help as soon as they see me. 在老挝的一片丛林深处,一群苗族人看到我后扑拥而来乞求我的帮助。 www.bing.com 9. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. 他一见耶稣,鬼便叫他重重地抽风,倒在地上,翻来覆去,口中流沫。 www.ebigear.com 10. The problem: Most satellite instruments can't distinguish particles close to the ground from those high in the atmosphere. 问题就在于:大多数卫星仪器无法将那些浮于地表的和悬于大气层中的细颗粒物区分清楚。 www.bing.com 1. Uncertainty is on the wind now, and while I have my ear to the ground, I'm not sure what the next week or month will bring. 虽然我注意观察它的动向,却不能确定下个星期或者下个月生活会给我带来什么。 www.kekenet.com 2. The alligator fell to the ground with my shoes in his mouth. 鳄鱼嘴里咬着我的鞋跌到了地上。 www2.tianyablog.com 3. Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. 两个麻雀,不是卖一分硬币吗?除了你们父的愿意,它们一个也不会掉到地面的。 club.kdnet.net 4. Return your left heel to the ground and simultaneously let your right elbow move back to your side as it comes down. 主动将左脚后跟踩回地面,同时迅速使左肘拉到身体左侧。以这两个动作启动下杆。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It is with great pleasure that we welcome all of you to the ground breaking ceremony for Coloplasts new factory here in Zhuhai. 今天,我们十分荣幸能够邀请各位参加康乐保在珠海的新生产制造中心奠基仪式。 dict.bioon.com 6. Chang E swallows down the medicine, the body flutters immediately to the ground, runs out the window, flies to the space. 嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. The houses were burned down to the ground by the enemy. 房屋都被敌人烧毁了。 www.hnedu.net 8. Once the charge is powerful enough, an invisible flow of electrons flows from the cloud to the ground in a zig-zag pattern. 电荷一旦足够强大,无形的电子流就会以锯齿状从云端向大地流泻。 www.docin.com 9. After recovering consciousness he starts to climb the tree again, jumps once more, but again crashes to the ground. 意识恢复了之后,他又一次次地开始爬树,跳到空中然后跌到地上。 bbs.tradeknow.com 10. The old oak tree, which had stood in the churchyard for 300 years, suddenly crashed to the ground. 屹立在教堂墓地上已300百年之久的老橡树突然间哗啦一声巨响倒在地上。 www.hjenglish.com 1. I haven't got new information about this program but I will keep my ear to the ground. 对于这个项目我一点信息都不知道,不过我会关注的。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 2. The 31-year-old man, whose name wasn't released, dropped to the ground to be arrested as Santa Clara sheriff's deputies converged on him. 圣克拉拉代理治安官一拥而上,将该粉丝扑到在地,并逮捕。该男子现年31岁,但姓名未予以公布。 www.bing.com 3. Sooner or later, the sand and the particles of rock drop from the wind to the ground. 砂土和岩石的碎粒迟早会从风里落到地面上。 ascetlan.bokee.com 4. If your heart stops and you fall to the ground, your chances of survival may depend on which neighborhood you're in when you collapse. 如果你的心脏停止了跳动,你倒落在地,你存活的几率可能会取决于你在哪个社区。 www.bing.com 5. Just then the firework explodes upwards, throwing them on to the ground and taking the tent up with it. 这时烟花爆炸飞起,把他俩甩在地上将帐篷带上了天。 www.bing.com 6. Shinji saw a flash of something to the left of him, and then he was knocked to the ground roughly. 真嗣感觉左边有东西一闪,随即被狠狠地撂倒在地。 www.bing.com 7. Today, I was walking to class when a kid came up behind me and smacked me in the face a few times until I fell to the ground. 今天上课路上,一小孩儿从身后追上来,打了我几个耳光,直到把我打倒在地。 www.bing.com 8. It was necessary to overthrow the whole authority of the gentry, to strike them to the ground and keep them there. 必须把一切绅权都打倒,把绅士打在地下,甚至用脚踏上。 www.jukuu.com 9. Then all of a sudden in midair, a whirlwind swept me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now what word would you use to describe this? 在跌落到半空中时,突然刮来一阵旋风,把我举起来,使我安全着陆。 www.cdfds.com 10. He remembers a picture that Google showed him of one of its data centres burning to the ground; it looked awful. 他记得谷歌曾给他看过的一张图片,图片上描绘着某个数据中心燃成灰烬的情景,情况看来相当糟糕。 www.ecocn.org |
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