单词 | the blessed | ||||||||||||||
释义 | the blessed
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 有福的人,蒙福的人,受神祝福的 1. (in Muslim belief) one of the dark-eyed virgins of perfect beauty believed to live with the blessed in Paradise. (穆斯林信仰中)在天国中,和幸福的人住在一起的黑眼睛童贞美女。 www.jukuu.com 2. Here we have one of the texts in which the great truth of the blessed Trinity is seen to lie at the very root of our spiritual life. 在这里我们看见这伟大的三而一的神的真理是我们属灵生命的根基。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. About the declining man we question thee, Gotama. We have come to ask the Blessed One: What is the cause of his downfall? 我们请教乔达摩关于人的毁灭,我们前来询问世尊:毁灭的原因是什么? bbs.fjnet.com 4. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed. 为了那过错,你必须伫立在幸福之门外,敲门、守候,却不被回应。 www.zftrans.com 5. Then the Blessed One proceeded to the Service Hall, and sat down there on the mat spread out for him. 接着圣尊进入了服务大厅,他坐在为他准备好的垫子上。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity ? 他立刻死掉不是更好吗?那将来,他就可以在半开化的天国等待她了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait while unheeded at the gate of the blessed. 为着所犯的过错,你必须去叩那受福者之门,要被怠慢地等候片刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I love baccy, dear, more by token that it comes from the plantations to which the blessed woman was sent. 我喜欢烟叶,亲爱的,主要是因为它来自那位有福分的女人被流放的种植园。 tr.bab.la 9. That has not been declared by the Blessed One: 'The Tathagata both exists and does not exist after death. “谓“如来死后,存在又不存在”者,此亦非世尊之所记说。” bbs.fjnet.com 10. Great king, that too has not been declared by the Blessed One: 'The Tathagata does not exist after death. “大王!谓“如来死后不存在”者,此亦非世尊之所记说。” bbs.fjnet.com 1. Their path took them past the statue of Baelor the Blessed, standing tall and serene upon his plinth, his face a study in benevolence. 沿着路线他们走过受神祝福的贝勒雕像身旁,他高高耸立,十分安详地立在底座上,面部表情宁静和仁慈的沉思着。 www.cndkc.net 2. Just as you did with the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we also hear from you the messages from God for us. 正如你们需要圣母玛利亚的祝福,可能我们也聆听来自你们的信息来自我们的上帝。 www.guangyuai.com 3. This alone is the healthy and the blessed life of a child of God who has yielded himself wholly to Christ Jesus. 唯有如此将自己完全奉献给神的人,他的生活才健全、蒙福。 www.gospel-news.org 4. Madonna(the Blessed Virgin Mary), one of the important figures in Christian theology, is widely worshiped in the Middle Ages Europe. 圣母玛利亚是基督教神学中的一位重要人物,在中世纪的欧洲广受崇拜。 lib.cqvip.com 5. They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the other Side of the yard, around the statue of the Blessed Mother. 在另一边,他们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。 www.ebigear.com 6. That conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me . 这是照着可称颂之神交托我荣耀福音说的。 www.bing.com 7. Living mindful in what way does one bring consciousness to a halt? We've come questioning to the Blessed One. Let us hear your words. 富有思想,四处游荡,这样的人怎样灭寂诸识?我们前来问您?聆听你的教诲。 bbs.fjnet.com 8. And in the multitude of the elect she shall have praise, and among the blessed she shall be blessed, saying. 在被选者的群众中,要被称赞;在蒙祝福者中,要蒙祝福;说。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 9. When they gave birth to these immortal musical works, humankind was the blessed recipient of wonders of everlasting beauty and harm. 才能产生出这些永传不朽的乐品,为世人留下了美丽和谐的乐章。 sm2000.org 10. The first Catholic cathedral in the U. S. , the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary was dedicated in Baltimore. 第一位信仰天主教的大教堂在美国,大教堂的设想是在巴尔的摩专门祝福玛丽。 www.bing.com 1. On this matter, Cunda, we ought to see the Blessed One. 友纯陀!有此事由者,应去见世尊。 bbs.fjnet.com 2. This baby like cotton Jie, killing all made of sheep, into the blessed pot, light a fire to cook on it. 将这宝贝似的绵羯,宰杀做成全羊,放进有福的锅里,烧火将它煮上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Everywhere , spring brings the blessed reassurance that life goes on , that death is no more than a passing season . 到处,春天都神圣地保证生命将会繁衍下去,而死亡只是一个转瞬即逝的季节。 www.bing.com 4. Then he returned to the Blessed One, respectfully greeted him, and sat down at one side. 接着他回到了圣尊,恭敬的祝福他,并且坐在一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You would little believe that I can say to you now across the gap of 35 years that we are the blessed ones. 你很难相信,35年之后,我们是受眷顾的那类人吧。 www.bing.com 6. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? 大祭司又问他说,你是那当称颂者的儿子基督不是。 www.ebigear.com 7. Then the brahmin who begged for his food approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side. 二时乞食婆罗门,来诣世尊之处。诣而与世尊互相致问,坐于一面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Awaiting the blessed hope, even the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 等候那有福的盼望,就是至大的神和我们的救主,耶稣基督之荣耀的显现。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. For a long time, talent seemed to be about inheritance, about the blessed set of genes that gave rise to some particular skill. 在相当长一段时间里,天资看起来都与遗传有关,是由于受到福佑并能衍生出某些特殊技能的一组基因使然。 dongxi.net 10. In His divine nature, Jesus is everywhere; in His human nature, Jesus is in Heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament. 耶稣论天主性,无所不在;论人性,也在天,也在圣体内。 www.showxiu.com 1. Kim's parents, with us for the blessed event , and I placed last-minute bets. 金的父母与我们一起分享这一喜事。我让大家做最后一分钟的猜测。 www.showxiu.com 2. Changing the exception to an assertion removed the blessed protection of the precondition tests. 将异常处理改为断言去掉了前置条件赐予的保护膜。 www.bing.com 3. By doing this he will earn the favour of the Thunderer, and he will be placed among the blessed. 他这样做,会得到怒喝的人的宠爱,并且会被放置在受祝福者当中。 chinaufo.com 4. Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence. 再说一遍,你可以把人生看作是一段无利可图的戏剧,打扰了虚空中的沉寂和宁静。 www.bing.com 5. Why is the Blessed Sacrament said to be the memento of God's perpetual union with mankind? 问:怎麽说圣体是耶稣永远与人给合的表记? www.showxiu.com 6. But women here seem not--seem never to feel the need: any more than the blessed in heaven. 不过这儿的女人好像并不——好像决不会有这种需要,一点儿也不需要。 www.bing.com 7. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. 他们必不徒然劳碌,他们生孩子不再受惊吓,因为他们都是蒙耶和华赐福的后裔,他们的子孙也跟他们一样。 www.biodic.cn 8. The entrance of the church has access to the sacristy, the chorus, the main hall and the chapel of the Blessed. 教堂的入口可以通向圣器安置所,合唱室,主大厅和礼拜堂。 www.julemei.com 9. The executioner had one condition, 'Just renounce your faith and destroy this statue of the Blessed Mother. ' 行刑者开出条件,要他『拒绝承认你的信仰及摧毁圣母像』。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Some of the search algorithms in the blessed Boost Graph Library use this technique. BoostGraph库中的某些搜索算法使用了这项技术。 www.bing.com 1. The Blessed Sleep is considered a reward for a virtuous and vigilant life. 被祝福的长眠是作为对生前高尚警觉生活的奖赏。 www.iplaymtg.com 2. According to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, with which I was entrusted. 这是照著那托付与我,可称颂之神荣耀的福音说的。 edu.china.com 3. And there are two not far from the neighborhood of the Strait of Gades, one the Blessed Isle and another called the Fortunate. 在加第斯的斯奇特邻近不远之处有两个岛屿,一个是受祝福的小岛,另一个是幸运的小岛。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. What are the two greatest feasts of the Blessed Mother? 圣母的庆节中最大的是那两个? blog.sina.com.cn 5. And he went to the Blessed One, and having respectfully greeted him, sat down at one side. 当他到圣尊那里时,已经能够恭敬的欢迎他,坐在一边。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Joseph is thrown in prison where Christ visits him and explains the mysteries of the blessed cup. 约瑟夫在基督拜访他,并且向他解释圣杯奥秘的时候,被抓进监狱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Now suddenly the second coming means something more to me. Paul called it 'the blessed hope. 如今,基督再临突然对我更深具意义,保罗称之为:『所盼望的福。』 yimaneili.net 8. Romeo: Lady, I swear by the blessed moon, that tips all theses fruit-tree tops with silver. 罗密欧:姑娘,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. and not even to "bid such God speed[385], " lest we become partakers of their sins, as the blessed John hath charged us. 如同有福的约翰嘱咐我们的,我们不要有份于他们的罪。 www.douban.com 10. Oh, to learn what hidden treasures are contained in the blessed words we love to repeat: "Lo, I am with you all the days. " 哦!我们应该一再乐于重复的说:“任何时刻我要与你们同在。”这是我们当学习何其深的财宝。 www.gospel-news.org 1. God has redeemed us from the slavery of sin, assuring us of "the blessed hope" of the coming of Christ (v. 13). 上帝已经将我们从罪恶的奴役中救赎出来,并向我们保证,基督带来的“神圣希望”。 www.bing.com 2. The teacher asked every few days if the blessed event had happened yet. 每隔几天,老师就会询问小宝宝生了没有。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. So, without the blessed Nasrudin guiding our way, we would all be enslaved by Evil! 因此,如果没有伟大的纳斯鲁丁指引我们前进的道路,我们现在都会在邪恶的奴役之下受苦! www.bn13.com 4. But the Blessed One endured them mindfully, clearly comprehending and unperturbed. 但是圣尊以心理承受了这一点,非常理解和沉着。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And again, the third time, the venerable Ananda besought the Blessed One in the same words. 并且说,第二次时间,尊者阿难以同样的词语肯请圣尊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about you and watching. 并且知道所有受祝福的逝者都能站在你身旁,守护着你。 www.zftrans.com 7. Everywhere, spring brings the blessed reassurance that life goes on, that death is on more than a passing season. 春在每个角落传递着慰勉的福音,告诉人们生命在继续,死亡不过是短暂的片刻。 www.putclub.com 8. Which is according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which hath been committed to my trust. 这道理是按著真福的天主所讬给我的光荣福音而宣讲的。 www.ccreadbible.org 9. Here's a first-rate seaman, Cap'n Smollett, sails the blessed ship for us. 这里有个第一流的航海家,斯莫列特船长,为我们驾驶着这艘好运气的船。 hlj7.com 10. The blessed Virgin Mary refers to Jesus' mother. 圣母玛利亚是耶苏基督的母亲。 cet.hjenglish.com 1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Brahmin village Ekanaliya in the southern hills of Magadha. 一如是我闻。尔时,世尊住摩揭陀国南山一苇婆罗门村。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One's bowl with rice. 三时,优陀耶婆罗门,以白饭盛满世尊之钵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Blessed Mother has the greatest glory and privilege, because she is the Virgin Mother of God. 因为圣母是天主之母,又是卒世童贞,故此最有光荣,最有福气。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Solemn Bow: The solemn bow is used in reverencing the altar, the Blessed Sacrament, and at other times of solemnity. 这鞠躬礼是用于向圣坛致敬(正面对著),已祝圣过的饼酒以及其他极庄严肃穆的时刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But the blessed bomb has gone off already. 可是那些该死的炸弹已经走了啊。 www.tingroom.com 6. His child unceasingly waiting and receiving: this is the blessed life. 他的儿女不断地等候、接受:这就是蒙福的生活。 christine77977.spaces.live.com 7. Remember this is the blessed month of Ramadan and your donation will be multiplied by Allah swt. 请记住,在这幸福的斋月和您的捐款将得到安拉的重大回报。 www.2muslim.com 8. Who Blesses The Blessed One? 谁保佑被保佑者? www.bing.com 9. Only the blessed cohorts who retired in 1998 and 1999 did better. 只有1998至1999年退休的那组有福气的人例外。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Jesus is the Blessed One. 耶稣是蒙祝福的那一位。 www.bing.com 1. You prayed to the Blessed Virgin that you might not have a red nose. 你向圣母玛利亚祷告,祈求她不要叫你的鼻子变红。 tr.bab.la 2. SO THAT HE CAN NEVER BE CALLED BACK FROM THE BLESSED SILENCE OF HIS SCARED VAULT. 所以他们不能被召唤回来,从被祝福的他的恐怖穹庐的沉默中。 freestyle-x.blog.hexun.com 3. According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. 这是照著可称颂之神交讬我荣耀福音说的。 www.o-bible.com 4. That is why it is called the Blessed Mountain. 这就是这座山叫做富山的原因。 www.ebigear.com 5. On that occasion in 1982, the Holy Father went to Fatima to thank the Blessed Virgin for saving his life. 在1982年那个场合上,圣父去法蒂玛,感激万福玛丽亚拯救了他的生命。 www.chinaufo.com 6. st Timothy 1 : 11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. 提前1:11这是照着可称颂之神交托我荣耀福音说的。 www.cardiffccc.org 7. I am the Way that is straight, the supreme Truth, the Life that is true, the blessed, the uncreated Life. 我是最直的道路,最高的真理,真正的、幸福的、自有的生命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. All Christians believe that the blessed are the poor and humble, and those who are ill-used by the world; 一切基督教徒都相信,上帝所赐福的乃是穷人、贱人和被世人恶待的人; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ 13等候所盼望的福,并等候至大的神,和(或作无和字)我们救主耶稣基督的荣耀显现。 www.ebigear.com 10. in the blessed name of jesus i heard the preacher say that we are all god's children and he'll back someday 我听到神父以耶稣的名义说我们都是上帝的孩子,有一天他会回来拯救我们 www.neworiental.org 1. Here the poet made the cause of the blessed three basic conditions: 诗人在这里提出了三个事业蒙福的基本条件: gigi20111.blogspot.com 2. and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb , Jesus ; 一旦流亡期满,使我们得见你的圣子,万民称颂的耶稣。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. By tradition, the food of the angels and the blessed in heaven; 根据传统,它是天使食物和天堂祝福; www.chinaufo.com 4. Of the blessed country of Malaysia 我的马来西亚是幸福的 carlong.multiply.com 5. Dance of the Blessed Spirits 受佑精灵之舞 product.dangdang.com 6. The Isles of the Blessed 赐福诸岛 bbs.bfclan.net 7. In the blessed name of Jesus 以耶稣之名祝福 blog.sina.com.cn |
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