单词 | the aftermath |
释义 |
例句释义: 后果,余波,内战之后 1. in the aftermath of a breakup it ' s all too easy to bad mouth your ex , spilling their dirty little secrets to anyone who will listen. 分手过后,容易说前任的坏话,把那些肮脏的小秘密泄露给愿意听的任何一个人。 www.ichacha.net 2. In the run-up to the government's release of its stress test results and in the aftermath of that news, this sector jumped considerably. 追溯到之前的政府公开其压力测试的结果时,在这一消息之后,该部门增长很大。 www.bing.com 3. A witness surnamed Xiong said it was the worst accident he'd ever seen, likening the aftermath to that of a "deadly earthquake" . 目击者熊先生称,这是他见过的最惨烈的车祸,“感觉像刚刚经历了特大地震的样子。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Schapiro also said the SEC will look into how exchanges cope with the aftermath of a day like Thursday. 夏皮罗表示,SEC将调查有多少交易才能造成类似上周四这类后果。 www.bing.com 5. What happened to the brave new world we were all promised in the aftermath of the banking crisis, the world where lessons had been learned? 我们在银行业危机发生后承诺要建立的美丽新世界发生了什么? chinese.wsj.com 6. When you walk across landscapes, it leaps up in the aftermath of your footsteps trying to grab debris. 当你穿过土地时,它在你的脚步之后跳起来,努力抓住残片。 www.ted.com 7. But in the aftermath of the movement, there still seems to be some lack of trust between your party and the SPA. 但是人民运动之后,在你们和七党联盟之间似乎仍然缺少些信任。 www.wyzxsx.com 8. She said the US administration was awaiting further information as China grapples with the aftermath of the massive quake. 她说美国政府在等待关于中国救灾的进一步消息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon? 但这种戏法真的经得起末日审判的法律审查吗? www.bing.com 10. In the aftermath of the Lehman debacle, the decision appears to be that the only alternative to disorderly bankruptcy is none at all. 在雷曼倒下之后的混乱时期,人们似乎认定,除了无序破产之外别无选择。 www.ftchinese.com 1. milestones that create a sense of its dominance at a time when other nations continue to struggle with the aftermath of the crisis. 在其他国家仍在为摆脱危机的后续影响而苦苦挣扎之际,这些里程碑让人感受到中国的优势地位。 cn.wsj.com 2. This was the first rate cut in almost two years and came in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that hit Christchurch. 这是近两年中首次降息,且在基督城遭大地震袭击之后。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. overslept today. . . must be the aftermath of workout or just plain lazy. too much work yesterday. lets see if i can beat the day today. 睡过头了…一定是锻炼太累了,或者,只是懒。昨天太多的工作,看看今天我是否能做点什么… blog.sina.com.cn 4. Mr Tao argues those problems are mild compared with the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, when he began his studies. 陶景洲认为,与文化大革命的余波相比,这些问题都不严重——当时,他刚刚开始上大学。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, if it decides to withdraw it must perform the related legal procedures as well as managing the aftermath of its customers. 如果选择退出,也必须履行好有关法定程序,做好用户的善后事宜。 wenwen.soso.com 6. In the aftermath of a violent civil war the beleaguered people harvested nothing but sorrow. 在一个充满暴力的内战结束后,处于困境的人们收获的只是悲伤。 www.bing.com 7. Not the aftermath of a battle as I've known it, but a bloody abattoir of rent limbs and torn and eaten flesh. 这不是我所熟悉的一场大战之后的战场,而是一场充斥着残肢和血肉的大屠杀。 bbs.3dmgame.com 8. The real test of the tunnels will be their ability to stand up to a quake and support the local populace during the aftermath. 而隧道组面对的真正挑战将是它们承受地震及在灾后供应当地民众用水的能力。 www.bing.com 9. One reason why investment might be expected to fall is because China faces the aftermath of a massive real estate bubble. 预计投资将会下降的原因之一,是中国正面临一场巨大房地产泡沫带来的后果。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Waiting for bubbles to burst and then cleaning up the aftermath is now a new lesson of what not to do. 如今,坐等泡沫破裂,然后收拾残局,成为一个新的反面教训。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And a dramatic video shows the aftermath of a bridge collapse in an Indian-controlled region of Kashmir. 一部戏剧性的视频展现了印度控制克什米尔地区大桥倒塌的后果。 bbs.putclub.com 2. So far, the U. S. has won few high-profile cases, compared with the aftermath of the savings-and-loan crisis and the dot-com bust. 与之前的储贷危机和互联网泡沫破灭后的情况相比,目前为止,美国在备受关注的案件中很少获胜。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In the aftermath, inflation expectations went negative, implicitly predicting deflation on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. 雷曼倒闭后,通胀预期降至负值,含蓄地预示着将出现自大萧条以来最大规模的通货紧缩。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A strong yen could hurt Japan's export-led economy as it struggles with slow growth and the aftermath of the March earthquake and tsunami. 日圆上涨可能损及以出口主导的日本经济,因日本苦于应对经济缓慢成长及强震和海啸的后果。 cn.reuters.com 5. It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians. 这向我们清楚表明,我们在目击一场大屠杀后的残余,一场对无助无武装平民的冷血屠杀。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In the aftermath of the bank run, many borrowers will find it harder to get loans and will have to pay more for them. 受此次银行运营危机的余波影响,很多借款人会发现将较难获得贷款,并且需要支付更多款项以获得贷款。 www.ecocn.org 7. What a contrast to the aftermath of the massacres themselves, which saw many decades pass before the truth began to emerge. 这跟屠杀余波形成了对比,几十年过去了,屠杀的真相才开始显现。 www.bing.com 8. In the aftermath of the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004, I spent days trying to locate in Banda Aceh the exact location. 在2004年的印尼海啸发生之后,我花了几天时间试图在班达亚齐寻找到确切位置。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Markets are now catching up to the reality of over-burdened public finances in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. 眼下,市场正逐渐认识到全球金融危机过后公共财政已不堪重负的事实。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At least we have the aftermath of the Berkshire shareholders' meeting to look forward to. 至少我们还有伯克希尔股东大会的结果可以期待。 www.bing.com 1. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the United States and China worked effectively through the G-20 to help spur recovery. 在全球金融危机后,美国和中国通过20国集团展开有效努力,帮助刺激经济复苏。 www.america.gov 2. Ignore the Reply to All button all together; never use it. The onus is on you to determine how the aftermath is handled. 忽略的按钮全部答复在一起,并没有用它来处理。责任是你对,以确定如何善后的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In the aftermath of that vote, numerous theories have been proffered about why the package was unexpectedly rejected. 投票之后,出现许多说法,解释为什么纾困方案出人意料地被否决了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They were evidence that in the aftermath of terror and in the midst of hysteria, one great heart at least remained sane and jocular. 这些笑话见证了经历了恐怖和歇斯底里之后,至少一颗伟大的保持着冷静和诙谐。 blog.163.com 5. Look for dystopian stories that take place in the aftermath of the collapse of "ObamaCare. " 等着看到发生在“奥巴马医改”崩溃后的反乌托邦故事吧。 www.bing.com 6. But today I'm watching how people can learn to live peacefully together in the aftermath of such a senseless slaughter. 但是今天我又看到人们在经过了灭绝人性的屠杀之后,学会了在一起和平地生活。 www.bing.com 7. The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes. 她的遗体就躺在他前面,死不瞑目。 www.bing.com 8. Growth also tends to be weak in the aftermath of financial crises. 而且,金融危机后的增长通常趋于疲弱。 www.24en.com 9. Economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhardt cite centuries of data to argue that the aftermath of financial crises is always painful. 经济学家肯?罗格夫(KenRogoff)和卡门?莱因哈特(CarmenReinhardt)举出几个世纪以来的数据证明,金融危机的后果总是痛苦的。 cn.wsj.com 10. Revelations of shoddy construction and lax building regulation infuriated grieving parents in the aftermath of that disaster. 劣质建筑物和松懈的建造规章制度的揭露,使沉浸在那次灾难创伤中的悲痛的家长们极度愤怒。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He was named as a go-between in the aftermath of the Bank Century bailout. 他被称为世纪银行援助案的中间人。 www.bing.com 2. So it's, it's about being in a relationship and being happy, and then afterwards, dealing with the aftermath of that. 所以这是,关于这段感情以及快乐的时光,然后再这之后,处理有关那些的结果。 qac.yappr.cn 3. Like her or not, Williams deserves much respect for playing at Wimbledon in the aftermath of a life-threatening illness. 不论你喜不喜欢,小威在熬过危及生命的大病后重返赛场值得温布尔登的观众给予尊重。 www.bing.com 4. I worry about my fingers, and, of course, there would be the aftermath of dealing with the dead mouse. 我担心我的手指,当然,还有那之后处理死老鼠。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, there was a ton of spam with fake donation requests to help the people of Haiti. 海地地震后,许多垃圾邮件都冠着“帮助海地人民”的假捐款名义索骗资金。 space.cnblogs.com 6. The rumours of globalisation's death that circulated in the aftermath turned out to be highly exaggerated. 事实证明,9?11之后流传的全球化终结谣言,严重夸大其辞。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The Council says governments at all levels must do their utmost to deal with the aftermath of the melamine-tainted milk powder scandal. 国务院表示政府的各级官员应当尽自己最大的努力做好“三聚事件”的善后工作。 ilovebree.blog.sohu.com 8. We hope that this post has given you something to think about in relation to the conditions and survival techniques needed in the aftermath. 我们希望这个帖子给了你一些在极移后思考的东西,思考极移后的状态以及所需的生存技巧。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. Formalized in the aftermath of World War II, the relationship between the two nations remains one of deep economic and security ties. 两国之间的同盟关系在第二次世界大战之后正式确立,如今仍然是一种深厚的经济与安全纽带。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. The slow pace of recovery raises the question: Which Japan will win out in the aftermath of the tragedy? 小碎步似的恢复带来了以下问题:日本能否克服悲剧的后遗症? www.bing.com 1. But in the aftermath of the financial crisis, all that could change. 但在金融危机之后,所有的一切都可能会发生改变。 www.bing.com 2. Saying it easy, but from the aftermath of the incidents have continued, Wuhan team players a sense of insecurity, ill-fated sigh. 虽然这句话说得轻松,但是退出事件所带来了余波却不断,武汉队的球员们人人自危,慨叹命运多舛。 www.hicoo.net 3. As such, it would be wrong to read too much into the aftermath of the visit. 这样看来,过度解读奥巴马访华的后果将是错误的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The aftermath of the breakup of the USSR also brought widespread industrial closures, and a nearly total collapse of the social safety net. 苏联解体也造成大量工厂倒闭的后果,几乎令社会安全体系完全崩溃。 www.bing.com 5. In the aftermath of the quake, a handful of bricklayers and builders have visited Xinjian Primary School out of professional curiosity. 在地震后,少数砖瓦匠和建筑工人曾在没有专业防护的条件下前往新建小学。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As it reminds readers, the eurozone is the product of a process of European integration that began in the aftermath of the second world war. 正如其提醒读者的那样,欧元区是二战后开始的欧洲一体化进程的产物。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In their view, the Depression was the result of the Fed's policy failure in the aftermath of 1929. 在他们看来,大萧条是1929年后美联储(Fed)政策失误的结果。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Now, in the aftermath, there are more adults around who are trying to restore some stability. 现在的结果是,试图恢复某种稳定的成年人比年青人多了。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. One could almost drown in the aftermath of all that loud-and I do mean loud- energised guitar-playing. 普通人或许都已经溺毙在如此大的音阵中,我的意思是在吉他演奏的乐曲伴奏下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. So take stock of your emotional state, and know what you want in the aftermath of a breakup. 因此,请估量一下你的情绪状态,知道分手后你想要的到底是什么。 www.bing.com 1. The report also warns of a grim future in the aftermath of a potential European recession if the Eurozone debt crisis is not resolved. 该报告还警告说,如果欧元区债务危机没有解决的话,潜在的欧洲经济衰退可能使未来情况堪忧。 fymil.com 2. Mr Wen urged the Ministry to give an "honest answer" to the people on the way it had handled the aftermath of the fatal crash. 温家宝敦促铁道部就其处置这场致命事故的方式给群众一个“实事求是的回答”。 www.bing.com 3. But, in the aftermath of the Bear Stearns rescue, the overhaul of financial regulation is likely to be far broader. 但是,在挽救BearStearns之后,对金融制度的检查范围很可能更广了。 club.topsage.com 4. Ronaldo reported the injury in the aftermath of Portugal's Euro 2008 exit and suggested he would fly back to Manchester for an operation. 罗纳尔多在葡萄牙结束欧洲杯之旅之后表示受伤,并暗示他将飞回曼彻斯特进行手术。 www.imanutd.com 5. Still, America lacks several advantages Japan had as it grappled with the aftermath of its burst bubbles. 然而,如今的美国缺乏日本昔日在应对泡沫破裂时具备的几项有利条件。 www.bing.com 6. In the aftermath of the SARS outbreak, there is a growing consensus among the public that the present position requires improvement. 非典型肺炎事件后,公众日益意识到目前的情况必须加以改善,维持现状似乎并不可行。 www.hplb.gov.hk 7. But just as important as what happened in the aftermath of Lehman's failure was what stopped happening in the global economy. 但是与雷曼破产后发生的情形同样重要的还有全球经济的变化。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Worse, a change in monetary-policy rules in the aftermath of a crisis would itself damage central bankers' hard won credibility. 更糟糕的是,在金融危机余波未平之际就对货币政策规范进行更改,这一做法本身就会损害央行官员们来之不易的信誉。 www.ecocn.org 9. Volatility in Shanghai is at levels near that experienced in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis a decade ago. 上海股市的波动幅度已接近10年前亚洲金融危机后的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. To be fair, the subsidy has reached exceptional levels in the past couple of years, reflecting risk aversion in the aftermath of the crash. 凭心而论,补贴是在过去两年达到异常水平的,反映出危机之后的避险情绪。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In the aftermath, this one felt great remorse, and spent subsequent lifetimes attempting to make up for the mistake. 之后,这个人陷入了深深的悔恨,并花费一生试图弥补错误。 www.douban.com 2. "One of the things the Japanese are very good at is talking about the aftermath of the disaster -- the poignancy, the mourning, " she says. “对于日本人来说他们最擅长的事是谈论灾后的辛酸和哀痛”她说。 www.bing.com 3. The European Commission's May economic sentiment indicator recorded its sharpest fall since the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown. 欧委会5月份的经济情绪指数创下自2008年金融崩溃以来最快的下跌。 www.bing.com 4. In the aftermath of World War II , the Japanese economy went through one of the greatest booms the world has ever known . 衡量满足程度二战的灾难过后,日本经济经历了世界上有史以来难得一见的快速成长。 www.bing.com 5. In the aftermath of the modern world's worst financial crisis and recession, an Asian-led global healing remains a real stretch. 在现代世界上最严重的金融危机和经济衰退的馀波中,以亚洲为首的全球性复苏仍然算是过分曲解了。 www.bing.com 6. Any strategy that enhances the self-sufficiency of a building can extend its viability as shelter in the aftermath of debilitating storms. 任何可以在经过暴风雨破坏后提高建筑自给能力的措施都将加强建筑作为避难所的发育能力。 www.bing.com 7. And there's a time-honored procedure for dealing with the aftermath of widespread financial failure. 对于如何对付由大面积金融破坏所导致的后遗症,我们拥有一个久经考验的方法。 www.bing.com 8. In its own way the aftermath of the Copenhagen conference has also demonstrated the limitations of China's soft power. 与此同时,哥本哈根会议的结果本身也证明了中国软实力的限度。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the aftermath of Fukushima, expect to hear that more often from the nuclear sector. 福岛核事故过后,预计将从核电产业听到更多类似的话。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The S&P downgrade adds to the distress of Chinese policy makers as they wrestle with the aftermath of the global economic crisis. 当中国决策者正与世界经济危机的余波抗争之时,标准普尔的降级无异于雪上加霜。 www.bing.com 1. A cyclist peddles a Yangshuo street in the aftermath of a spirited celebration. The wet pavement is littered with spent firecrackers. 骑车人在热闹欢庆后的阳朔西街上闲逛。潮湿的街道上散落着炸碎的烟花爆竹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. While investment growth remained robust, consumption growth slowed in the aftermath of a deep stock market correction. 虽然投资增长依然强劲,但在股市大幅调整之后,消费增速却有所减缓。 www.cei.gov.cn 3. So it was in the aftermath of the Asian crisis. Imbalances became the rule, not the exception. 这就是亚洲金融危机之后所发生的事情。失衡成为了常态,而非例外。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I have met the doctors and nurses in Belarus and Ukraine who are trying to keep children alive in the aftermath of Chernobyl. 我会见了白俄罗斯和乌克兰正在尝试让切尔诺贝利事件中的儿童活下来的医生和护士。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Cleaning up the aftermath of a bubble is easier and less expensive, he argued. 他声称,清理泡沫的后果更容易,花费更少。 www.bing.com 6. In the aftermath of the war, thousands of displaced people will be on the move again. 战事发生后,成千上万流离失所的人民将要再度迁徙。 www.hkdavc.com 7. A youth uses a cameraphone to capture the aftermath of a teargas volley fired by police on protesters near Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. 埃及开罗的解放广场,一名青年掏出手机,用快照记录下警察用催泪瓦斯驱逐示威者后的一片狼藉。 www.bing.com 8. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the divergent fortunes of the western and Asian powers have become an overarching theme. 大衰退(GreatRecession)的硝烟尚未散尽,西方国家与亚洲强国的不同命运已经成为中心主题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A prolonged explosion of government debt is, in turn, an exceedingly common characteristic of the aftermath of crises. 反之,政府债务的持续激增则是后危机时期一个极其常见的特征。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Unlike the aftermath of typical recessions, simply lowering interest rates hasn't been enough to get growth back on track, economists say. 经济学家说,通常衰退过后只要降低利率就能让经济增长回到正轨。可这一次仅仅这么做就不够了。 cn.wsj.com 1. The 1992 election, held in the aftermath of a recession yet still lost by Labour's Neil Kinnock, may be a precedent. 1992年那次选举,尽管是在经济萧条结束后不久举行,可是工党领袖尼尔-金诺克(NeilKinnock)依然输了,这也许是个暗示。 club.topsage.com 2. I was living with the kind of perpetual lump in my throat that I have associated for 40 years with the aftermath of a broken teenaged heart. 因为十几岁时心脏的衰弱,我喉部长了一块永久性的肿块,至今已伴随我四十余年了。 www.bing.com 3. In the aftermath of two "Storm" operations in south-east Asia, IMPACT wants to foster cooperation in intelligence exchanges and training. 在东南亚的两次“风暴”行动之后,IMPACT希望促进情报交换和培训方面的合作。 www.who.int 4. Messrs Bush and Rumsfeld chose instead to send less than half the needed soldiers and gave no proper thought to the aftermath. 而布什和拉姆斯菲尔德却选择派遣不到半数的士兵开赴伊拉克,而且对于战争后的安排毫不在意。 www.ecocn.org 5. But we have many big expenses like the Olympics and the aftermath of the earthquake. 但我们有许多大笔支出,例如奥运会和地震后的工作。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If the mainland is determined to attack Taiwan, the result may be corpses everywhere. How will they deal with the aftermath? 若大陆立意攻台,结果或将是「尸横遍野」,那将如何善后? datelinetaipei.wordpress.com 7. To be sure, an unemployment crisis struck China a decade ago in the aftermath of the east Asian financial crisis. 的确,10年前,东亚金融危机之后的一场失业危机袭击了中国。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Germany has put its own accent on policies to deal with the aftermath of the global economic crisis. 德国已经将重心转移到应对全球经济危机后续影响的政策方面。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We saw in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis how large was the reform agenda facing the region. 从亚洲金融危机的后果中我们看到了本地区面临的巨大挑战。 web.worldbank.org 10. And it's been used most famously in Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake. 最著名的是它被运用在震后的海地。 www.ted.com 1. Tannin-rich runoff from Fraser's interior stains the sea in the aftermath of a summer storm. 在一场夏季风暴之后,流自弗雷泽岛内富含丹宁酸的径流为大海增添了色彩。 www.bing.com 2. In the aftermath of November's mid-term elections, the sound of Republicans crowing could be heard across the US. 去年11月中期选举结束后,美国到处都可以听到共和党人的欢笑声。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The aftermath of her divorce left her damaged for a very long time. 离婚令她在很长一段时间内都处在伤痛之中。 www.kekenet.com 4. Indonesian officials use heavy equipment to clear debris in the aftermath of the train collison Saturday. 印度尼西亚官员们使用重型设备以清除周六两列火车碰撞后的残骸。 www.bing.com 5. The key policy issue today in the aftermath of the "Great Recession" is the exit strategy for monetary and fiscal policy. 如今,在“大衰退”的影响中,关键的政策问题是货币和财政政策的退出战略。 www.bing.com 6. Watching the videos of Japanese citizens in the aftermath of their calamity, one can observe many of these interventions already at work. 看着日本公民在灾难余波期间的视频,人们可以观察到这些干预措施中有许多早已展开。 dongxi.net 7. In the aftermath, scientists would no longer recognise "race" as a useful categorisation. 在此之后,科学家们再也不愿承认“种族”是个有用的分类。 www.bing.com 8. Officials searched the Massachusetts home of a man who served more than 12 years in prison for extortion in the aftermath of the deaths. 官方搜查过马萨诸塞州一处房屋,屋主因为一起敲诈勒索致人死亡案蹲了12年监狱。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Ensuring water and food supply is emerging as the biggest challenge in the aftermath of the quake . 确保饮水与食物的供应正成为地震带来的后果中最大的挑战。 www.bing.com 10. That means any post-Olympics construction payback should have occurred quite some time ago rather than in the aftermath of the summer games. 这意味着,所有后奥运建筑回报应该在相当长时间以前已经发生,而不是在赛后。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But it was never intended to cope with the aftermath of natural disasters or even "ordinary" human-rights violations. 但是“保护责任”原则原本不是用来应对自然灾害的后果或是“普通的”侵犯人权事件的。 blog.ecocn.org 2. But for all its confusion, the aftermath of the rose and orange revolutions still offers plenty of evidence to counter such defeatism . 但是尽管有这些困惑,玫瑰和橙色革命的成果仍提供了大量证据来对抗这种失败主义。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Take this passage from the last pages of the book, when Mr Cheney focuses on the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Georgia in 2008. 看看这本书最后几页中的一段话,其中切尼着重讨论了俄罗斯2008年入侵格鲁吉亚的后果。 www.ftchinese.com 4. However, in the aftermath of the credit crunch we have entered into an era in which global systemic risk is high and unpredictable. 然而,在此次信贷危机之后,我们已进入一个全球系统性风险较高且不可预测的时期。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the economic and political tide has turned against small nations. 经济大衰退之后,经济和政治潮流已变得不利于小国。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Following the shootings, China has dispatched a team of officials to Manila to deal with the aftermath of the hijacking. 枪击事件发生后,中国官方已派出一组工作人员前往马尼拉处理绑架善后事宜。 www.24en.com 7. Only in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have prices jumped so much in a single month. 仅在卡特里娜飓风灾后时期单月价格涨幅如此之大。 www.ecocn.org 8. You say China's A-share markets are in a "bubble stage, " but the aftermath should be " containable . " How bad could it get? 你说中国的A股市场处于“泡沫阶段”,但后果却是“可以控制的”。最坏的结果会是怎样? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But he did so at a delicate time, when the opposition was staging violent protests in the aftermath of the referendum. 而他的这一做法正发生在一个微妙的时刻,当时反对派正在公民投票结束后举行暴力示威活动。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. That remains the greatest worry in the aftermath of an otherwise spectacular Olympics. 在盛大的奥运会举办过后,这仍将是最大的烦恼。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Iraqi officials surveyed the aftermath of the siege at the Our Lady of Deliverance church, expressing shock at the extent of the carnage. 接受调查的伊拉克官员在获救的圣母教堂的围困后,表示在大屠杀的程度的冲击。 www.englishtang.com 2. In the aftermath of the failure of Lehman Brothers, exports plummeted across the board. 在雷曼兄弟公司倒闭后,日本出口全面急挫。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 3. The Burj culminates an era of financial expansion worldwide, yet opened, ironically, in the aftermath of an economic free fall. 哈利法塔在全球金融扩张的巅峰时期开始修建,讽刺的是,投入使用时已经是金融危机的萧条之中。 www.bing.com 4. In the aftermath of the disaster Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan and the United States worked together to bring relief to the storm victims. 飓风之强烈,所到之处一片狼藉,来自台湾和美国的慈济人,踏上多明尼加勘灾; www.newdaai.tv 5. He was looking for ways that digital mapping might help Haiti cope with the aftermath of the earthquake that had just struck. 他通过电话告诉考比亚,他希望考比亚能找到法子,让人们能通过数字地图帮助刚刚经历地震打击海地人应对地震给其带来的灾难性后果。 www.bing.com 6. It is no coincidence that the housing bubble started in the aftermath of the dotcom bust. 网络经济泡沫崩塌后房产泡沫开始增长,这并不是巧合。 www.bing.com 7. The aftermath of this tragedy in Sichuan will affect not only the region, but China as a whole. 四川这场悲剧的余波不仅仅影响了这个地区,也影响了整个中国。 home.ebigear.com 8. But in the aftermath of the Olympic bombing, investigators rely on surprisingly common technology to search for deadly booby traps. 在奥运爆炸案的余波中,调查员居然依赖令人惊讶的普通技术寻找致命的“诡雷”。 www.englishtide.com 9. The federal government injected capital into major commercial banks shaken in the aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. 联邦政府向在雷曼兄弟倒闭后受到影响的主要商业银行注入了资金。 www.bing.com 10. I took his untimely death in 2005 very hard, and knew that the company would head downhill in the aftermath. 他在2005过早的离开了我们,我对此感到非常悲痛,同时也知道其后果就是这家公司开始走向末路。 www.bing.com 1. During the aftermath of the attack, patriotism was at gn all time high. 在遭受攻击后,爱国主义情绪比任何时候都高涨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the aftermath of the 2000 dot-com bust, many nonfinancial companies adopted a more conservative stance, holding more cash, and less debt. 2000年网络股泡沫破灭后,很多非金融企业变得保守起来,在增加现金储备的同时减少债务。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Many survivors experience intense emotions in the aftermath of a sexual assault. 很多受害者都会在受害之后有很强烈的情感。 www.bing.com 4. This essay explores the entanglements of aesthetic discourse and public policy in the aftermath of America's dropping of the atom bomb. 本文考察了第二次世界大战期间美国对日本投下原子弹之后的美学话语与公共政策之间的纷乱关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. He had alleged that activists were abused in prison in the aftermath of the protests triggered by June's presidential election. 他表示,六月份总统选举过后的抗议活动中被逮捕的积极分子在狱中受到虐待。 www.englishtang.com 6. We are proud that America stood by China in the aftermath of this tragedy, offering disaster relief assistance and emergency supplies. 灾难发生后,美国一直支持中国,为救灾提供帮助和应急物资。 english.114study.com 7. As bad as the assault was, the aftermath, says Mr Luqman, was worse. Luqman先生说进攻很糟糕,结果更加糟糕。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Americans are transfixed by the aftermath of the September surprise in financial markets. 金融市场9月份出其不意的发展让美国人目瞪口呆。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He died while saving injured neighbours from the aftermath of a car bomb, caught in the crossfire between Iraqi troops and angry residents. 当他在一次汽车炸弹事件后拯救受伤的邻居时,在伊拉克部队与愤怒居民之间的火拼中死去。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. "John had surgery, he is recovering from that, but he is not ready yet, " said Mourinho, in the aftermath of the Adams Park clash. “约翰作了手术,他正在恢复当中,不过他还没有做好上场的准备,”穆里尼奥在亚当斯公园的比赛后说。 www.chelsea.net.cn 1. The aftermath of the crisis could widen the gap by reinforcing continental mistrust of free-wheeling Anglo-Saxon finance. 危机余殃会增强欧洲大陆对自由放任的安格鲁撒克逊式金融发展模式的不信任感,从而扩大上述差距。 www.ecocn.org 2. Tackling the aftermath, however, can be even harder than cracking the trafficking gangs. 然而,修复创伤比端掉拐卖团伙要更困难。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Competent Chinese authorities attach great importance to searching and rescuing the crew members and handling the aftermath. 中方有关部门高度重视对遇险船员的搜救和善后工作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. He cited the company's relief efforts in the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. 他还提及了该公司在1999年土耳其地震和2004年印度洋海啸后所采取的救灾行动。 business.un.org 5. At the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, visitors can learn about the city's key role in the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic. 在大西洋海洋博物馆里,旅游者可以了解这座城市在“泰坦尼”号邮船沉没后的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Investors were spooked last month by the amount H-P was paying for Autonomy; H-P's shares plunged 20% in the aftermath of the announcements. 在惠普上月宣布收购Autonomy的具体价格后,投资者对这一庞大数字惊慌不已,惠普股价大跌了20%。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In the aftermath of catastrophic earthquakes, clinical findings of the renal victims can predict the final outcome. 在地震灾难的后果中,肾病患者的临床表现可以预测最终的结局。 www.oaopdoc.com 8. Mr. Medvedev, who was scheduled to give a keynote address in Davos on Wednesday, postponed his trip to manage the aftermath of the attack. 梅德韦杰夫先原定于周三在达沃斯论坛发表主题演讲,已经推迟了行程,负责处理善后事宜。 www.bing.com 9. Most members of Congress appear reluctant to push for new restrictions on weapons in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings. 迫于弗吉尼亚科技学院的枪击事件,多数国会成员似乎都不得不努力去争取新的武器限制法案。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. These were decisions imposed by carriers, who are fighting to regain control of their industry in the aftermath of the iPhone revolution. 这是运营商们强加的,在iPhone革命之后,运营商们想要重拾对自己所属行业的控制权。 dongxi.net 1. But the aftermath was to prove tougher than the war itself. 但是,之后发生的事情比战争更加艰难。 www.bing.com 2. Khamenei indicated that Iranians should take a deep breath in the aftermath of the vote. 卡梅内依指出,伊朗人民应该在选举后做一个深呼吸。 www.bing.com 3. The aftermath of the epidemic was even worse than the death of thousands of people during the epidemic. 这种流行病的后果比流行病流行期间死了成千上万的人更加糟糕。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The narrative then switches back to the aftermath of the soldiers' attack on the animals. 叙述又转回到那些士兵射杀那些动物的后果上来。 www.bing.com 5. So far, almost 60 aid organizations from 13 countries have provided assistance to China in the aftermath of the quake. 到目前为止,有来自13个国家近60个救援组织在地震发生之后向中国提供了援助。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That was inevitable in any set of new rules in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. 全球金融危机之后,不管订立什么新法制,这个都是无可避免的。 www.bing.com 7. Foreign investors may not be directly exposed to Chinese stocks but they are unlikely to escape the aftermath when this bubble bursts. 外国投资者或许没有直接投资中国股票,但在泡沫破裂时,他们不太可能逃脱其影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Studying the aftermath of your mistakes will enable you to learn which you sold too soon and which too late. 研究你犯错误的后果,这将让你了解到哪只股票你卖得太仓促了,哪只太迟疑。 www.bing.com 9. The aftermath of the "Volker Plan" will reverberate around markets this week keeping a lid on equity sentiment. 的馀波会在本星期继续影响市场,压抑股市投资情绪。 www.mpfinance.com 10. Obama said for many, New Orleans has become a symbol of failed government since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. 奥巴马说,对许多人而言,新奥尔良已经成为2005年卡特里娜飓风灾害后一个失败的政府的象征。 www.voanews.cn 1. Access to information plays an important role in societies in transition and in the aftermath of a war. 在仍处于过渡阶段并且饱受战争创伤的社会里,资讯取得扮演了一个重要的角色。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. A disaster assistance and response team is working to confront the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami. 一支救灾应急队伍正在处理地震和海啸的后果。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This NASA composite image shows N49, the aftermath of a supernova explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud. 美国宇航局这幅合成的图片显示的是N49,是大麦哲伦星系一次超新星爆炸后的余波。 zxpyyyz.blog.163.com 4. The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. 《行尸走肉》可以说是一部僵尸劫后启示录,该剧讲述一群普通人劫后余生的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall, globalisation belonged to the developed economies. 柏林墙倒塌后,全球化是发达国家的事。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As we continue to grapple with the aftermath of the credit crisis, employment rates are down for law schools generally. 就在我们与金融危机的余波不断斗争之时,法学院的就业率整体都在下跌。 spaces.msn.com 7. Currently, relevant departments under way deal with the aftermath. 目前,有关部门正在进行善后处理。 www.englishtang.com 8. IN THE aftermath of both the global conflicts of the 20th century, lots of utopian projects seemed not just feasible, but imperative. 在二十世纪两次全球冲突的善后中,许多乌托邦式的设计似乎不仅是合理可行的,也是迫切需要的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Cleanup and restoration operations in the aftermath of Friday's quake will provide a similar, but probably larger, test for Japan. 周五地震后的清理重建工程同样是对日本的一次挑战,而且可能更为艰巨。 www.bing.com 10. More recently, the "Color Revolutions" in Eastern Europe occurred in the aftermath of fraudulent elections. 最近,东欧在欺骗性选举后爆发了“颜色革命”。 www.bing.com 1. This fight became famous for the aftermath: Kim's mom and the referee Richard Green committed suicide months after Kim's death. 这场比赛之所以变得有名,是因为其后续事件:金的母亲和裁判在金死亡的几个月后自杀身亡。 www.bing.com 2. For Landman, the relative calm in the aftermath of the Malema affair reflects the reality of the new South Africa. 对兰德曼而言,马莱马事件后的相对平静反映出了新南非的真实情况。 www.bing.com 3. In the aftermath of their arrest, the Gadhafi couple filed a civil suit against the Geneva police. 卡扎菲的儿子儿媳被逮捕后,这对夫妇对日内瓦警方提出了民事诉讼。 www.ebigear.com 4. That would certainly be consistent with the aftermath of other financial crises. 那将可能与其他金融危机的后果一致。 www.bing.com 5. In the aftermath of the Lehman shock, China chose growth over the climate. 经历了雷曼兄弟(Lehman)危机之后,中国选择将经济增长置于气候问题之上。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As Japan's cities struggle with the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, their sister cities in America look for ways to help. 随着日本城市在地震和海啸的余波之后努力善后,它们在美国的友好城市也鼎力相助。 www.america.gov 7. Moreover Nissan is currently grappling with the aftermath of Japan's devastating earthquake. 而且日产眼下还正在艰难应对日本大地震的余波。 www.ecocn.org 8. Unlike the aftermath of previous tightening moves, various China-centric readings are positive. 与上一次紧缩措施造成的后果不同,各类以中国为中心的研究报告观点大都正面。 c.wsj.com 9. Off the pitch, in several countries, the aftermath of Egypt's defeat was ugly. 在足球场外,埃及输球后发生在一些地区的事情却非常丑恶。 www.ecocn.org 10. In the aftermath of the latest collapse it is clear that the distinction between debt in the private and public sector has become blurred. 在最近的暴跌之后,很显然私人部门和公共部门债务的界限开始变得模糊。 www.ecocn.org 1. But nothing is a last word, and Coward's long prime ended suddenly, his fortunes collapsing in the aftermath of the second world war. 但是,没有东西可称得上是最后的遗言,而科沃德长篇佳作突然间走到了尽头——二战过后他的佳运都灰飞烟灭。 www.ecocn.org 2. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the global economic recovery remains weak. 全球金融危机发生以来,世界经济复苏依然低迷。 www.bing.com 3. What: This summer, the United States battled the aftermath of the largest offshore oil spill in the nation's history, and so did China. 事件:今年夏天,美国正努力与有史以来最严重的近海原油污染所带来的后果作斗争,中国也是如此。 www.bing.com 4. Japan has been struggling with power shortages in the aftermath of its earthquake and tsunami. 受地震和海啸影响,日本正遭受着能源短缺。 www.bing.com 5. So far, almost 60 aid organizations from 13 countries were assisting in the aftermath of the quake. 迄今,已有来自13个国家的近60支急救队伍在帮助进行震后救援。 www.bing.com 6. In the aftermath of Japan's bubble, firms spent more than a decade paying down debt and rebuilding their balance-sheets. 在日本房市泡沫余波中,企业用了超过10年的时间来还清债务以及重整其资产负债表。 www.ecocn.org 7. By comparison, the aftermath of the latest recession has been surprisingly comfortable. 相比较来说,最近的这次经济衰退的影响,还是意想不到地轻松挺过。 www.bing.com 8. The aftermath of the war is also of religious significance. 战争的后果也具有宗教上的重要意义。 www.bing.com 9. A structure improvised almost 20 years ago in the aftermath of Black Monday is in dire need of an overhaul . 香港在近20年前“黑色星期一”的余波中临时搭建起来的架构,现在迫切需要进行彻底改革。 www.bing.com 10. In the aftermath of war, a country will be left with an obvious and urgent need for rebuilding. 战争的后果就是,留下一个明显的急需重建的国家。 www.ecocn.org 1. In the aftermath, four non-executive directors quit, hoping to salvage their own credibility, and Mr Raju's creditors came knocking. 之后,4名非执行董事通过辞职来表明其诚信,而拉于的债主们也开始来敲门了。 club.topsage.com 2. Financial innovation may even help the economy cope with the aftermath of the crisis. 金融创新甚至可以帮助经济体系应对金融危机的余波。 www.ecocn.org 3. In the aftermath of fighting or repression, people are often told to forget things. 在战争和压迫的余波下,人们经常被告知要忘掉一些事情。 www.bing.com 4. The two sides will keep close contacts and cooperation to appropriately handle the aftermath. 双方表示将就妥善处理善后事宜保持密切联系与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Based on the aftermath of the announcements last month, if the board did ask questions, they were not of sufficient depth. 从上个月决定公布后的结果来看,即使董事会确实发出过质疑的声音,他们所问的问题也缺乏足够的深度。 www.fortunechina.com 6. All three will still be grappling with the aftermath of the global financial crisis. 而且三个国家和地区那是仍在应付全球金融危机造成的后果。 www.ecocn.org 7. But in the aftermath of the crisis, industrial policy has gathered some vocal champions. 然而,在当前金融危机的影响久久不能散去的情况下,工业政策渐渐获得了一些支持者的声援。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the aftermath of the debt ceiling agreement there will be calls for further stimulus for America's economy. 达成债务上限协议之后,肯定会出现要求出台进一步刺激措施推动美国经济增长的呼声。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Stories also exist of people having witnessed the aftermath of a vampire attack. 故事中也包含人们目睹吸血鬼袭击猎物后的场景。 gb.cri.cn 10. We had always gotten along well, but we had become closer friends and allies in the aftermath of Rabin's assassination. 我们总是相处得很好,在拉宾被暗杀后,我们的朋友和同盟关系更近了。 www.bing.com 1. The political turmoil of some African countries in the aftermath of the Cold War made the conditions for African development even worse. 冷战后一些非洲国家政经形势的动荡更加制约了非洲的发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. The Federal Reserve laid the groundwork for its approach in 2002 in the aftermath of the dotcom-induced bursting of the equity bubble. 2002年,在互联网引起的股市泡沫破裂后,美联储(Fed)就为其措施奠定了基础。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Q: First question, there were nine Chinese citizens on the crashed Air France plane. Could you tell us something about the aftermath? 问:第一个问题,法航失事客机中遇难乘客中包括9名中国公民,能不能介绍他们善后情况? www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. eg. The aftermath of the Japan quake will continue to ripple through China's key industries. 日本地震的影响将继续在中国主要行业蔓延。 www.bing.com 5. The leaders also criticised western countries for their poor handling of the global economy in the aftermath of the financial crisis. 金砖国家领导人还批评西方国家在金融危机过后对全球经济处理不当。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It is as yet unclear whether the French have derived the right lessons in the aftermath of their 2005 riots. 2005年法国骚乱的后果,是否给法国人好好上了一课,这还是个未知数。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In the aftermath of the Lehman crisis, policymakers broadly did the right thing. 雷曼危机发生后,决策者基本上采取了正确措施。 www.bing.com 8. AIG's rescue led to some of the most dramatic and heated moments of the aftermath of the financial crisis. 纾困AIG引发了金融危机之后美国一些最富戏剧性、最群情激昂的时刻。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A dog walks through water and trash on Jan. 18 in the aftermath of January's devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 1月18日,在经历了毁灭性地震的海地太子港,一只狗正穿过水和垃圾。 www.bing.com 10. In common with other Beijing-based journalists, I had Chinese friends who were locked up or tortured in the aftermath. 与其他驻京记者一样,我也有中国朋友后来被关押起来,或受到了刑讯折磨。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, Chinese banks roughly doubled their lending activity. 2008年全球金融危机爆发后,中国各银行差不多将放贷活动翻了一番。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The aftermath of the second world war and the ensuing cold war with communism hitched Japan firmly to the US and Europe. 二战的结果以及随之而来与共产主义阵营之间的冷战,使日本坚定地站到了美国和欧洲一边。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That neatly describes the aftermath of Lehman's failure, when the Reserve Primary money market fund "broke the buck" . 这恰到好处地描述了雷曼破产的后果——当时ReservePrimary货币市场基金“跌破了面值”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Life was much harder in the aftermath of the war. 战祸之后,生活艰苦多了。 www.hxen.com 5. In the aftermath, parents say cars on campus have decreased significantly but are not entirely gone. 在此之后,家长们说校园里车有明显下降,但并非完全消失。 www.bing.com 6. Why did tens of thousands of people flood the streets of Moscow in the aftermath of Sunday's election? 为什么俄罗斯周日选举后,成千上万人涌上莫斯特街头? www.bing.com 7. In fact the pressure comes from subjective feelings and the aftermath of the unmerited reaction. 真正的压力来自主观的感受,或者反应不当所带来的后果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In the aftermath, they are so traumatized that even speaking about their experiences is extremely painful. 结果,她们心理上受到如此的创伤,使得即使谈起她们的经历都极为痛苦。 www.bing.com 9. Financial excesses often occur in the aftermath of innovation: think of the dotcom bubble or the 19th-century railways boom and bust. 金融过度往往是金融创新的产物:想想互联网泡沫或者19世纪的铁路繁荣与崩溃。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Pope offered consolation to those in Haiti suffering in the aftermath of January's earthquake and the recent cholera epidemic. 教皇表达了对海地的慰问,海地在一月份受到了地震的创伤,并在近期爆发了霍乱疫情。 www.elanso.com 1. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il turns 69 today, his country beset by international sanctions, livestock disease and the aftermath of floods. 朝鲜金正日今天69岁了,他的国家正在遭受国际制裁、牲畜疾病以及洪水过后的困扰。 www.bing.com 2. The stock market's current malaise contrasts with the aftermath of other crises. 股市当前的萎靡状态与其他危机之后的情形形成了鲜明对照。 c.wsj.com 3. The aftermath of the May 19th crackdown will probably see sporadic unrest, both around Bangkok's slums and in the north and north-east. 5月19日镇压的后果是,在曼谷周边的贫民窟以及北方、东北都将可能偶发骚乱。 www.24en.com 4. RUSSIA and China will continue to battle natural disasters, but the aftermath of floods in Pakistan will keep the world's attention. 俄罗斯和中国将继续同自然灾害做斗争,但洪灾后的巴基斯坦仍将吸引世人关注。 www.ecocn.org 5. They compare them to similar groups which emerged in the aftermath of civil wars in El Salvador and Guatemala. 官员将这些黑帮比喻成萨尔瓦多和危地马拉内战后出现的类似团体。 club.topsage.com 6. That first tool was based around work done in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans. 而第一个这样的工具产生于卡特里娜飓风袭击新奥尔良之后。 www.bing.com 7. The aftermath of the Lehman bankruptcy was disastrous. 雷曼公司的破产造成了灾难性的后果。 www.bing.com 8. Faubus had actually done that in the aftermath of the Central High crisis. 在小石城中心高中危机之后,福伯斯的确做过这样的事。 www.bing.com 9. the fingerprints of string theory in the aftermath of the big bang. 大爆炸后期弦论的“指纹”。 www.kekenet.com 10. At this time, as Japan faces the aftermath of disaster, I truly hope my film can be of help to the people of Japan. 此时此刻,在日本直面灾难带来的影响的时候,我真诚地希望我的这部电影能对日本人民有所帮助。 dongxi.net 1. President Obama and other U. S. officials have spoken with Museveni in the aftermath of the attacks. 奥巴马总统和其他美国官员在袭击事件后与穆塞韦尼通了话。 www.america.gov 2. The South Korean side says they will completely investigate the accident and properly deal with the aftermath according to law. 韩方表示将彻底调查事件,依法处理善后事宜。 www.bing.com 3. Graves expressed so clearly the aftermath of combat, the wounds to the mind and soul. 格雷夫斯明确表达了战争的结果,对精神和心灵的双重创伤。 www.bing.com 4. In the aftermath of the average crisis, asset prices fall sharply. 在不大不小的危机之后,资产价格骤降。 www.ecocn.org 5. It seemed a poor excuse now, in the aftermath of such exhausting passion. 如此竭尽激情的结果似乎是很可卑的理由。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Operations ceased in November 2003, a result of the aftermath of a crash in 2000, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and other factors. 作为2000年一次事故的后果,2003年11月停止运营,9-11恐怖袭击也是一个原因。 www.bing.com 7. Battleships aflame on Battleship Row alongside Ford Island in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. 福特岛一起燃烧战列舰在珍珠港对1941年12月7日日本偷袭后的战舰行。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. And the shipping business is not only fiercely competitive, it is also still reeling in the aftermath of the global economic crisis. 而且航运业务不仅竞争激烈,还仍处于全球经济危机之余波的影响之中,尚未恢复元气。 dongxi.net 9. Not since 1993, in the aftermath of the previous and less savage recession, has it been higher (see chart). 自从1993年遭受了之前不太严重的萧条影响后,失业率还从未如此之高(见图)。 ecocn.org 10. I was born in 19 -- I forget, and I came to this country with them in the aftermath of the Cuban revolution. 我生于19—年,我忘了,在古巴革命之后我跟他们也来到这个国家。 www.ted.com 1. But this is the first to show the path the virus takes to enter the brain as well as the aftermath of the infection. 但是,这是首次证明这种病毒如何进入大脑并造成感染。 www.dxy.cn 2. My mother, sister and brother travelled to New York in the aftermath of Iris's death. 我的妈妈,姐姐和各个都在爱瑞丝死后来到纽约。 www.bing.com 3. Rescue efforts continue in the aftermath of a magnitude 7. 0 earthquake that hit Indonesia. 印度尼西亚7级地震后的救援行动继续进行。 www.ebigear.com 4. In the aftermath, the area was drenched in water with clothes and shoes piled on the bridge. 在此之后,该地区是衣服和鞋上的桥桩水淋湿了。 www.englishtang.com 5. European families emigrating from their homelands in the aftermath of World War II were encouraged to immigrate to Australia. 二战后一段时期,从故土移居来的许多欧洲家族被鼓舞移入澳洲定居。 dict.ebigear.com 6. But today's jobs pain is about more than the aftermath of the financial crisis. 但今日的工作之痛不仅仅是经济危机的后果。 club.topsage.com 7. In the aftermath of the recent war in Lebanon the UN has despatched just 5, 500 peacekeepers, a third of its authorised strength. 最近黎巴嫩发生战争,为了应对战后的余殃,联合国仅仅派去了5500名维和人员,是其授权维和力量的三分之一。 www.ecocn.org 8. There will be work on coping with the aftermath of an attack. 在应对某次袭击的善后处理问题上也有很多事可做。 www.ecocn.org 9. The school collapses have become the most politically sensitive issue to emerge in the aftermath of the earthquake. 学校坍塌已经成为震后最具政治敏感的问题。 www.bing.com 10. Shahzad's arrest and the aftermath has raised fears amongst Pakistani's living abroad and in Pakistan. 沙赫扎德的逮捕和善后事宜,令人担忧巴基斯坦之间的国外生活和巴基斯坦。 taipedia.selfip.info |
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