单词 | trade-up |
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第三人称单数:trades up 现在分词:trading up 过去式:traded up 例句释义: 卖次买好,以次换好的买卖,升级,换购,行业中出众热门的购买升级 1. But despite the longer, often nerve-wracking wait, "we're seeing a lot of smaller firms trade up for talent, " he said. 尽管令人紧张不安的求职等待期延长,他说,“我们看到许多规模较小的企业正吸纳人才。” cn.reuters.com 2. Trade up the Hudson river was controlled by an aristocratic elite with pretensions to secure a steamboat monopoly. 哈迪孙河上的贸易被贵族精英阶层以保护蒸汽机船独占权为名所控制。 www.ecocn.org 3. Consumers indicated that they are willing to 'trade up' to brands that they perceive as healthier. 消费者表示,他们愿意“更新换代”,购买他们认为更加健康的品牌。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The yuan is allowed to trade up to 0. 5% on either side of the reference rate. 人民币交易区间为中间价上下各0.5%的范围内。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The value of our house soared, enabling us to trade up to a larger place. 我们这房屋的价值上扬,使得我们可以卖掉它购买一个更大的地方。 wenku.baidu.com 6. One recent trend is for residents to trade up to bigger, newly built apartments. 最近的一个趋势是,居民们开始购买更大的新建公寓。 www.ecocn.org 7. Likewise, a woman who isn't as genetically attractive can 'trade up' by adhering to the social consensus. 同样,一个生来并不太美的女性也可以通过不断使自己符合这种社会共识来“抬高身价”。 www.elanso.com 8. As Ben once said: ". . . If you were an attractive woman, would you rather trade UP or trade DOWN? " 就像本之前说的那样:“如果你是一位很迷人的女士,你想随高还是就低?” gb.cri.cn 9. But the 4S may not be the only device causing smartphone users to trade-up and buy. 不过,iPhone4S手机可能并非导致智能手机用户升级购买的唯一设备。 www.forbeschina.com 10. Those who could afford to trade up were more likely to graduate to a Buick, Oldsmobile, or Cadillac. 能购买得起较昂贵的汽车的人更有可能升级购买一辆别克、欧尔茨或迪拉车。 1. The currency is allowed to trade up to 0. 5 percent either side of the fixing rate , set at 6. 6997 today . 根据规定,在最终汇率定下来以前,双方货币最多升值0.5%,而目前的汇率是6。6997。 www.bing.com 2. 'As equity markets return and stocks trade up, people are now in a position to execute their retirement plans, ' he says. 他说,随着股市回升、股价上涨,人们现在能够实施退休计划了。 c.wsj.com 3. The question is who speaks for his generation's children, who are moving to provincial cities, eager to trade up. 问题是,谁来为村民们正热切地搬往外省城市的子孙后代们说话? www.ecocn.org 4. There are people who need to 'trade up' to a new car every three to five years. 有些人每隔三五年就要换部新车。 www.ebigear.com 5. This will enable me to "trade up" more effectively when the time comes. 这能让我在到期时更有效地“财富增长”。 www.bing.com 6. But think carefully, the C2C mode of Chinese type does not have a website that dare collect fees in trade up to now. 但仔细一想,中国式的C2C模式至今没有一家敢在交易中收费的网站。 itzhe.cn 7. "Now that it is time for people to trade in their cars, they have to decide to trade up or stick with cheaper Chinese brands, " he says. 他表示:“现在到了人们换车的时候,他们必须决定,是换辆价格更高的汽车,还是坚持购买相对便宜的中国品牌。”JDPower负责编制汽车质量数据。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Another feature of British home ownership, which is puzzling to many people from other countries, is the desire to "trade up" . 英国人的屋宇所有权的另一个特色是买更好的屋子的欲望,这让其余国度的许多人疑惑不解。 bbs.zx365.net 9. Finally to my area together and Mongolia country frontier the development trend of the trade up put forward own views. 最后对我区同蒙古国边境贸易的发展趋势上提出了自己的见解。 www.fabiao.net 10. In 2004, Goldman decided it was time to trade up from its Broad Street headquarters. 2004年,高盛决定要“辞旧迎新”了,准备搬离Broad街上的总部。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Trade up, or upgrade? That's the question when it comes to Taiwan's fleet of F-16 fighter aircraft. 是汰旧换新还是升级?这是谈到台湾F-16战斗机机群时所涉及的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. First-time buyers saw them as a way to get onto the housing ladder, perhaps hoping to trade up to a house later. 首次购房者视公寓为跻身屋主阶级的捷径,或许他们还计划着几年后把公寓换成独栋住宅。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. I doubt they (the Chinese) will send any gunboats around to "open" trade up. 我不信他们(中国人)会到处派遣炮艇去“开发”贸易。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Often they "trade up" , leaving riskier, smaller firms for larger and more stable firms. 他们常常是在“另觅良枝”,即离开风险更大、规模更小的公司,前往规模更大、更加稳定的公司。 www.ecocn.org 5. Should I trade up my Pro DX lenses and purchase the newer FX Pro lenses? 我要我的贸易专业型隐形眼镜和购买新的外汇专业镜头? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. These women tend to 'trade up' to men who possess more appealing traits. . . simply because they can. 这些女人趋向于讨好那些拥有更多吸引人的优点的男人……这仅仅因为她们能够做到这点。 www.bing.com 7. By next year, China is likely to account for 10% of world trade, up from 4% in 2000. 中国占全球贸易的比重可能从2000年的4%上升到明年的10%。 www.ecocn.org 8. Were Hong Kong shares to trade up to Chinese prices, market cap would rise by $75bn. 如果港股价格升至内地股价的水平,那么市值将增加750亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 9. trade up: to trade something in for something else of greater value or price 卖掉某物以购入高价值或高价格的其它东西: wenku.baidu.com |
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