单词 | trade-routes | ||
释义 | trade-routes
例句释义: 贸易航线 1. You can press buttons to light up trade routes on maps, or to hear the different typical cries of Macau's traders. 你按一下按钮就能将地图上的贸易航线照亮,还可以听一听澳门商贩那各具特征的叫卖声。 www.for68.com 2. Trade routes from the ports to the central regions of the country began to be a serious problem. 从港口通往美国中心地区的贸易路线开始成为一个严重的问题。 www.huigod.com 3. Commerce techs also increase the number of Caravans (and therefore trade routes) you're able to have at any given time. 贸易技术还增加了蓬卡车(和商业路线)的数量,您能在指定时候拥有。 www.pcgames.com.cn 4. in times of peace ( which never seem to happen in warhammer ) , these states are political rivals fighting over trade routes or land rights. 在和平时期(看起来似乎永远不会在战锤世界中出现),各个州都在政治上为了商路或地权竞争。 www.ichacha.net 5. a rhineland baron who overtaxed commercial travelers would find that the trade routes had gone elsewhere , and with it his revenues. 一个莱茵兰的男爵因对商旅过度征税而会发现,商路改到别的地方,他的收益不翼而飞了。 www.ichacha.net 6. In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China. 十四世纪后半叶,马可?波罗从意大利沿贸易通道来到中国,因而一举成名。 infos.edulife.com.cn 7. However, after World War II it was removed by the British administration, as international trade routes had expanded. 不过,在二战结束国际贸易路线扩张后,这条铁路就被英国指挥处取消了。 dongxi.net 8. The Duros blazed some of the oldest trade routes and hyperspace lanes in the galaxy as they ventured into the unknown, millennia ago. 数千年以前,杜罗人就开始进入未知空间冒险,他们探明了银河系最古老的几条商贸路线和超空间路线。 www.starwarschina.com 9. trade routes in the Mediterranean and Arabian seas, on which global commerce and energy supplies depend, were made secure. 保证了全球贸易和能源供应所依赖的地中海和阿拉伯海贸易通道的安全。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They were links in the trade routes established by the Portuguese in many areas of the world during their era of great maritime exploration. 葡萄牙人在其大航海探险时期,在世界许多地方建立了贸易路线,这些要塞正是这些贸易路线的连接点。 dict.bioon.com 1. Cahokia, near the importance trade routes of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers became an influential and highly developed community. 卡霍基亚靠近密西西比河和密苏里河的商贸之路,成为一个一个有影响和高度发达的社群。 www.bing.com 2. or move fleets along any of the trade routes to actually pirate enemy traffic, adding to your coffers at their expense. 或者移动战舰到任何贸易罗县去实际抢劫敌人的交通运输线,由他的消费可以增加你的国库。 www.clanlong.net 3. But at the same time, it is located close to some major hyperspace trade routes, making it a thriving port. 然而,它也同时位于几条主要的超空间贸易路线附近,这又使它成为一个繁华的港口。 www.zhihuiguan.com 4. This provided the opportunity for the "rediscovery" of ancient cultures and treasures along the trade routes. 这就为“重新发现”古代文化和由丝绸之路而来的珍宝提供了机会。 chinaufo.com 5. Russia imported Turkish and Iranian silk and was host to trade routes between Eastern and European markets. 俄罗斯从土耳其和伊朗进口丝绸,是连接东方市场和欧洲市场的纽带,也是两地贸易往来的必经之路。 www.bing.com 6. Some of the automation option for workers include set up trade routes, improve specific cities, or let them improve everything in sight. 工人的自动操作选择包括设定商业路线,改进指定城市,或让他们改进视野内的一切。 www.civclub.net 7. 100% Income from trade routes and a free priest specialist in the city where the wonder is built. 增加贸易收入100%,给予建造的城市一个免费的牧师。 8. The sea is thought to contain substantial oil and gas reserves and encompasses key global trade routes and fisheries. 南海据信蕴藏着大规模油气储备,还拥有关键全球贸易航线和渔场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The Trade Federation, in protest of government measures that would tax their outlying trade routes, blockaded and invaded Naboo. 贸易联盟抗议政府在偏远的贸易航路对他们征税,封锁并入侵了纳布。 starwarsfans.cn 10. Finally, if a base is occupied by another player, any trade routes to that base will not produce profit for the player who owns the base. 最后,如果基地被别的玩家占领,所有的贸易通道将不能再为双方生产利益。 bbs.178.com 1. Throughout history, Latvia has always attracted attention to its strategic location at the center of major European trade routes. 纵观历史,拉脱维亚一直因其处在主要欧洲贸易路线中心的战略位置受到重视。 www.latvianembassy.org.cn 2. The US protects the trade routes that have allowed China to become a rising economic superpower. 美国为了保护贸易协定而让中国成为一个新兴的经济力量。 ltaaa.com 3. The Silk Road was a complex series of trade routes between Europe and Asia, established in the first millennium BC. 丝绸之路始建于公元前10世纪,是一条曲折的连接欧亚的商贸通道。 www.24en.com 4. Trade routes can also be plundered by other players, which cancels the individual trade route and gives a profit to the pirate. 贸易通道可以被其他玩家抢劫,这将取消这条贸易通道并给打劫者带来利益。 bbs.cwebgame.com 5. We've been discovering these along ancient trade routes where they're not supposed to be. 我们一直在沿着古代贸易的航线寻找他们。 www.ted.com 6. Along with a Han and Muslim crew, Zheng opened up trade routes in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. 郑和和汉人与穆斯林船员一起打开了中国在非洲、印度、及东南亚的贸易航线。 www.ebigear.com 7. China claims almost the entire South China Sea, which contains vast oil and gas reserves, sizeable fish stocks and key global trade routes. 中国宣称其对几乎整个南海拥有主权。南海蕴藏着巨大的石油和天然气储量,还拥有庞大的渔业资源和关键的全球贸易航道。 www.bing.com 8. When peace became permanent, trade routes opened up again and new companies tried to enter the market. 当和平成为了主旋律,贸易之路再度开辟,新公司和企业也试着打入安哥拉市场。 www.bing.com 9. the express industry facilitates international business flows . its services thus tend to mirror trade routes. 快递业促进国际商业交流,因此其服务亦与贸易路线相似。 www.ichacha.net 10. Petra's decline came rapidly under Roman rule, in large part due to the revision of sea-based trade routes. 佩特拉在罗马统治下迅速衰败,很大程度上是因为,基于海上的贸易路线有所改变。 www.elanso.com 1. Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval Europe, and Chinese trade routes as extensive. 中国的城市要比中世纪欧洲的城市大得多,中国的商路也四通八达。 2. This looked at setting up trade routes and economic engines within the community, so it can be a self-sustaining project. 这着眼于在社区内建立贸易线路和经济引擎所以它可以成为一个自给自足的方案。 www.ted.com 3. Art and ideas as well as merchandise travelled the trade routes that criss-crossed Europe. 艺术和理念同商品一样沿交错的商路行遍欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. Each city generates a raw amount of commerce via the squares that are being worked and the trade routes in the cities. 每个城市都通过土地和城中的商路取得商业收入。 bbs.kuankuan.com 5. Traveling by caravan, the Polos followed ancient trade routes through lands that still evoke Marco's amazing finds. 以商队形式旅行,波罗几人顺着古代商旅的陆上线路前行,马可依然有着令他惊异的发现。 www.bing.com 6. The trade routes in the region are fluid, particularly where the Myanmar and China borders meet. 这个地区交易的地点是不固定的,尤其是在缅甸和中国的边境交易。 www.bing.com 7. In the sixteenth century Ottoman empire was defending Arabian sea trade routes from the Portuguese pirates. 在第十六把世纪无背长椅里帝国保卫阿拉伯海商业路线从葡萄牙海盗。 shaikhsiddiqui.com 8. In the 1600s and 1700s, it was a notorious pirate den, perfectly located along trade routes from India to Europe. 十七和十八世纪,这里曾是海盗的巢穴,恰好位于印度至欧洲的贸易航线之间。 www.bing.com 9. Previously, such measurements were taken largely by ships moving along their trade routes. 在此之前,这样的测量任务只能通过大量的船只进行,而且只能是沿着商业航线进行。 www.bing.com 10. Mass riots and looting occurred across the country, blocking trade routes and killing over 600. 暴乱和抢夺在这个国家随即发生,商业瘫痪,600多人遇难。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. His ambition to reopen former trade routes across a peaceful Indian subcontinent is laudable. 但他雄心勃勃,试图重启通往印度次大陆和平的和谈之路,值得为之喝彩。 www.bing.com 2. When the government sought to tax outlying trade routes, the Neimoidians reacted with a brazen blockade of the peaceful world of Naboo. 当政府试图在外围贸易航道上征税时,内莫迪亚人用封锁和平星球纳布的无耻行为作为回应。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. The destinations of freight forwarding services mirror the trade routes. 货运代理服务的目的地与贸易航线相若。 www.tdctrade.com 4. Bordering the Sahara in Mali, Timbuktu was once an economic andcultural hub of the trans-Saharan trade routes. 廷巴克图位于马里与撒哈拉沙漠接壤处,曾经是贯穿撒哈拉沙漠贸易航路的经济文化中心。 www.bing.com 5. Merchants cultural trade routes far, Land of Wealth, in Chinese history, mighty. 晋商文化商路遥远,汇通天下,曾在中国历史上显赫一时。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The area is rich in oil and gas deposits, and contains strategically important trade routes. 该地区的石油和天然气储备丰富,并含有重要战略意义的贸易路线。 www.bing.com 7. The fourth scenario was set in the North American southwest, and it showcased how we incorporated Native Americans and trade routes. 第四个场景设置在北美的西南,这里展示我们如何把土著美洲人和贸易之路结合在游戏中。 club.163.com 8. India lies at the center of the trade routes for the World minus America. 印度在除了美洲的世界贸易路线上处于中心位置。 www.tianya.cn 9. Such synchronicity followed Menzies as his research took him deeper along the Chinese trade routes. 当曼兹对中国商船的研究逐渐深入,他发现了更多同步性的巧合。 www.bing.com 10. Ji Munai points in the history of Xinjiang is the gateway to Central Asian trade routes. 吉木乃口岸历史上是新疆通往中亚的通商要道。 www.xjwmw.com 1. The Babylonia was in the path of trade routes and commerce was extensive . 巴比伦位于古代贸易通道上,他们商业活动范围很广。 www.bing.com 2. The importance of trade routes developed urban cities of great importance. 商路的重要性使得城镇发展变得很重要。 www.bing.com 3. After the Reckoning, he lost many of his contacts and all of his trade routes. 大灾变之后他失去了很多熟人门路和所有的贸易渠道。 www.dictall.com 4. Salt was usually shipped along natural trade routes. 食盐通常经由自然商道运销各地。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The sloop HMS Gannet protected British trade routes and did anti-slavery patrol in the 19th century. 加内的单桅帆船HMS的保护英国的贸易路线,并在19世纪的反奴隶制巡逻。 bbs.5i5i.cn 6. Can we thrive as a nation if we need China's permission to access Asia's trade routes? 如果我们需要中国的许可才能进出亚洲贸易路线的的话,可以重现繁荣吗? kk.dongxi.net 7. Your ships are now passing east of Iceland and will soon be in a position from which they can threaten our trade routes to Europe. 你们的军舰现在正从冰岛以东通过,很快就将进入可以威胁我们通往欧洲的贸易航线的位置。 tr.bab.la 8. China's voracious appetite for commodities is creating new trade routes, especially with emerging powerhouses such as Brazil. 中国对各种商品的巨大胃口,正创造出新的贸易线路,尤其是和巴西这样的新兴大国。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Engineers can build bridges or roads that can facilitate commerce and trade routes. 工程师可以建造桥梁或道路,为商业和贸易提供方便。 business.un.org 10. Keep profitable trade routes open. 及利润丰厚的贸易通道。 www.rainlane.com 1. That is the crossroads where the trade routes from the Arabian Gulf and the trade routes coming from Asia meet. 那里正是发自阿拉伯湾和来自亚洲商船航道的交汇处。 www.2abc8.com 2. the world's oldest trade routes thing - the Silk Road. 世界最古老的东西贸易通道――丝绸之路。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. Some lingua-francas have ridden trade routes, but these are tongues of convenience that change quickly with circumstances. 一些通用语曾经支配着贸易路线,但是这些便携性的语言也会随着环境发生很快的改变。 www.bing.com 4. Its navy safeguards the world's two most important trade routes, the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. U. 它的海军保卫着世上两大贸易通道:大西洋和太平洋。 club.kdnet.net 5. On The Revival and Opening up of the Important Trade Routes of Western Europe in the Middle Ages 试论中世纪西欧重要商路的复兴与开辟 www.ilib.cn 6. International trade routes can be blocked with ships 国际贸易可以被船只封锁 www.civclub.net 7. Silk, Scents And Spice: Retracting The World's Great Trade Routes 丝绸、香水与香料:世界上伟大商队路线的取消 bibf.cnpbook.com |
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