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更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在…的脚下,热水器,加之 1. when leaves at the end of the meeting or in the middle, please place the receiver on the top of a table or deliver to the conference staff! 会议结束或中途离场,请将接收耳机放置于桌面或交予会议工作人员! zhidao.baidu.com 2. At the top of the stairs he drew from his pocket another key, with which he opened another door. 到了楼梯顶上,他又从衣袋里取出另外一把钥匙,用来开另一扇门。 www.ebigear.com 3. I wanted to be an ambassador, and my mentors, my heroes, people who got to the top of my profession, and here I was throwing it all away. 我希望成为一名大使,我的导师们,我心目中的英雄们,那些到达事业的顶峰的人们,我现在却要舍弃这一切。 www.ted.com 4. Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil in top of it. 雅各清早起来,把所枕的石头立作柱子,浇油在上面。 www.ebigear.com 5. soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。 www.ichacha.net 6. Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. 从前,有一群小青蛙组织了一场跑步比赛,目标是登上一座非常高的塔的顶端。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Brian finished the "H-vac" programme in 2007 at the top of his class, but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter. 2007年,布赖恩以全班前几名的成绩完成了H-vac课程,但此时美国经济已开始步履蹒跚。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to the top of a high building nearby. 他被卷入到这群车队中去了,而我却被带到附近一座高层建筑的顶部,于是我同他的联系也就中断了。 beike.dangzhi.com 9. I also discovered the very angry raccoon that lives near my porch. He doesn't like it when you almost fall on top of him. 顺便我还发现门口住着的浣熊先生不喜欢有人掉到他的头上。 www.bucter.com 10. It might be AS well to cream off the top of the milk before you feed the baby with it. 你给这孩子喂牛奶时,还是先把浮面的奶油撇掉的好。 dict.ebigear.com 1. In fact, I remember a well-known politician who whenever he was speaking would constantly massage the top of his head. 事实上,我记得曾经有一位著名的政治家每次说话都习惯不停地按摩头顶。 club.topsage.com 2. He said he'd raced up to the top of the Bridge on faith, but he hadn't gotten what he expected. 他说他已经迅速升至了信仰之桥的最高处,但是他没有得到他所期望的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Or, would you be happy with a little less privacy and a little more rapid communication and innovation built on top of your social network? 还是更乐意削减一些隐私,体验更快捷的交流和创新呢? www.bing.com 4. With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss. 那男孩把衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The only realistic way of competing with copycats is to make sure we are at the top of our game and continue to engage our audience. 唯一可行的与山寨竞争的方法就是确保我们游戏的优质,抓住用户。 www.bing.com 6. During the campaign, Cheney would sometimes go almost a week without talking to the man at the top of the ticket. 在竞选期间,切尼有时候几乎一个星期都没有时间和小布什交谈。 www.jukuu.com 7. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt a drop of water hit the top of his head. 正当他要睡着时,他感觉有一滴水滴在他的头上。 www.dictall.com 8. Some people coming here must be able to find from the photo on the top of this page that the host of this blog is a man being old enough. 朋友们肯定可以从照片上发现,此博客的博主应当是一个相当有点年纪的人了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Their sheer size may be enough in itself to propel them into a niche at the top of the market where competition is less fierce. 巨大的规模本身或许就足以将他们推到竞争没那么激烈的高端市场。 www.bing.com 10. For his hair was completely shaved except for in the center. This small scrap of long hair was twisted into a knot on top of his head. 因为他的头发除了中间那一块,其他部位几乎全剃光了,而那一小片长头发在他的头顶上也被编成一个结。 bbs.ycwb.com 1. Never pass another car on a curve or near the top of a hill; obey the signs you see along the road. 切勿在弯路或近山顶之处超越它车,要遵守沿途看见的交通标志。 tr.bab.la 2. Goalkeeper Julio Cesar is at the top of his game, with Internazionale's Lucio and Roma's Juan in front of him. 守门员塞萨尔正值巅峰,在他身前,是国际米兰的卢西奥和罗马队的胡安。 xianguo.com 3. On top of that, Harp and I both learned how to run a camera and do lights back in college. 另外,我和哈普都在大学学过怎么操作摄像机和做灯光。 www.bing.com 4. And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree. 接着,从那里他直接从树皮爬了上去直到他到了树顶。 www.ted.com 5. The little muscles on the top of your shoulders work too hard and become inflamed, causing "weight lifter's shoulder, " she said. 你肩膀上部的小肌肉运动强度太大了,会发炎的,并且引起“举重肩膀”(即负荷过重)。 www.foodmate.net 6. Yeah. All this stuff is top of the line. You know her outfit cost $500. 是的。这些东西可都是最好的。你知道她的外套花了500美金。 www.fzwebi.com 7. The debris is beginning to accumulate on top of the insulation and duct work along the ridge cap stretch in the attic. 碎片开始就沿山脊,在阁楼上的绝缘帽和管道延伸工作顶部积累。 corrugatedroofing.info 8. Even if he managed to hang on, the rising waters might roll the bus on top of him. 甚至,即使他努力地坚持,不断上涨的河水也可能会把巴士翻转过来,把他压在下面。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Wang usually goes through his mail ever few days, but he let it slide for a week and soon had two full crates on top of his locker. 王建民通常每隔几天就会处理他的球迷来信,但是最近他一个礼拜都没有处理,很快地就在他衣柜上积了两大箱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And on top of all that, the Mavericks have the draft rights to Nick Calathes, who has blossomed into a very strong player in Europe. 除此之外,小牛还有对尼克-卡拉希斯的征召权,这个家伙已经在欧洲赛场成长为一个重要人物了。 www.kle100.cn 1. On top of that, I don't have to subscribe to anything and I don't have anything to recycle or throw away. 最重要的是,我不需要订阅任何东西而且也没有任何东西需要回收或者扔掉。 www.elanso.com 2. The absent-minded professor looked everywhere for his glasses, but it turned out that they were just on top of his head. 这个出神的教授到处找他的眼镜,但它被发现就在他的头上。 zhouai.itpub.net 3. With a flick of my switch, my 3-year-old mare, Reem, broke into a canter, and we ascended gradually toward the top of a ridge. 我轻轻鞭打了一下我那三岁的母马利姆,它开始慢跑起来,我们渐渐地爬到了山脊上。 www.bing.com 4. On top of this, she said the data from the freely available solar maps can be used to persuade banks to grant financing. 她声称从免费的太阳能地图获得的信息可以用来说服银行提供资金。 cn.reuters.com 5. The only happy thing was a small pit on top of it, which would be filled with water after rain. 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在那石上有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。 www.ecocn.org 6. A century old, it squatted on the point of an old pike that had been bolted to the outer top of the Hold's wall. 它蹲坐于要塞外墙顶端固定着的古老长矛尖上已有一个世纪之久。 hi.baidu.com 7. The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain. 一片乌云遮住山顶,使山前的景物黯然失色。 wenwen.soso.com 8. And I could only help but wonder that this was one snowflake on top of another snowflake, year after year. 我只能感到很奇怪这就是一片雪花覆盖在另一片雪花,年复一年形成的。 www.ted.com 9. I was only teasing you. You see, we have our clients eating out of our hands now. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of the world. 我只是在逗你玩儿。你看,我们现在已经有了许多回头客了。马克和我都感到非常高兴。 www.enread.com 10. Are the best intake to pump fluid into the layer at the bottom, if placed in the top of separator gas should be used. 最好是将泵吸入口置于流体进入层段的下方,若置于上方则应使用气体分离器。 aufine.blog.china.com 1. Trap the enemy to the right near the top of the ladder. Run down the ladder part way and get him to fall into the first of the pits. 把敌人困在梯子顶部的右边,跑下梯子一部份,让他掉进第一个陷阱中。 translations.launchpad.net 2. With a well-designed photo sharing service in place, it should be possible to put any type of UI frills on top of it. 一个设计良好的照片共享服务就绪后,就可以在它上面放置任何类型的UI装饰了。 www.ibm.com 3. The only security Grouse Lodge arranged was to post three guards on rotation at the top of the drive to intercept unwelcome visitors. 格劳斯别墅唯一设置的防卫是三名保安轮流高速驾车去拦截不受欢迎的访客。 www.bing.com 4. For several minutes again there was that sense of just me out there on top of the water. But now, not alone. 数分钟之后,那种唯有我在水面的意识再次涌现,但是我现在并不孤独。 wulibing.flamesky.net 5. He re-adjusted his spectacles on his nose, sighed, and drew the next batch of work towards him, with the scrap of paper on top of it. 他正了正鼻梁上的眼镜,叹一口气,把下面的一批工作拉到了近前——那张纸条便在最上边。 www.dictall.com 6. But I put the paper aside and turned to the next one. It had some pencil scribblings an at the top of the page was written, My dad. 我把那篇作业放下了,接着看下一篇。上面有些铅笔的潦草字迹,页面的上方写着“我的爸爸”。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Here, Raynor automatically calls in a "special delivery" of three drop pods that deliver more of Raynor's Marines right on top of the enemy. 在这里,雷诺自动呼叫了他的“特别快递”,在敌人头顶空降下了3个空投舱,运来了更多雷诺的陆战队。 www.bing.com 8. On top of that, the field generated by an alternating current interacts with the ground more strongly than it does with the air. 高空架线的话,由交流电产生的电磁场与地面的感应要比空中的电场交互作用强大得多。 www.bing.com 9. Father Christmas is a very kind hearted man. He lands on top of each house all over the world and climbs down the chimney. 圣诞老人是一个热心肠的人。他降临在世界上每家的房顶上,从烟囱里下来。 chinafanyi.com 10. Click the double arrow at the top of the toolbar to make it horizontal or to arrange the tools in two columns. 在一列上,你可以单击工具栏上的双箭头,你工具栏上的工具水平呈两列排列。 hi.baidu.com 1. On top of that, Kepler's measurements of the star fell within a margin of error of just a few percent. 最重要的是,开普勒对恒星的测量,其误差降低到了几个百分点之内。 www.bing.com 2. On top of that the whole thing is recursive: a set of systems is a system in his own right. 此外,所有这些都是递归的:一个系统集合完全也可以是一个系统。 www.infoq.com 3. Cause: When trying to explain foot and ankle injuries, Price starts at the top of the body. 原因:当解释起脚和踝的运动伤害时,普莱斯是从人体的顶部说起的。 www.bing.com 4. Profits were up and, thanks to its sales, the company once again climbed to the top of the Fortune 500. 利润增加,而且由于销售额增长,该公司再次攀升至《财富》500强的冠军。 www.bing.com 5. I must let the first one get a good hold and hit him on the point of the nose or straight across the top of the head, he thought. 我必须让第一条鲨鱼好好咬住了才打它的鼻尖,或者直朝它头顶正中打去,他想。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. upon the top of the bank was a low brick wall , surmounted by an iron railing. 堤上有一段矮矮的砖墙,墙上是一道铁栅栏。 www.ichacha.net 7. One thing caught my eye about the e-mails. And that was the slogan "building eminence" written across the top of each. 这些邮件有一点引起了我的注意,那就是每封邮件页眉上写的口号:“构建显赫”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Over the top of her half-glasses, she was watching a woman throwing bread crumbs to a couple of sparrows. 透过眼镜框的上部,她正看着一个女人在给几个麻雀扔面包渣。 www.bing.com 9. He was the oldest person I had ever seen. His face was covered with wrinkles, and so were his hands that were resting on top of his sheets. 他是我见过的最老的人,他脸上满是皱纹,放在床单上的手也是。 ienglish.eol.cn 10. The image displayed at the top of a menu item to indicate that the user can scroll up to view additional menu items. 显示在菜单项顶部的图像,用于指示用户可以向上滚动查看其他菜单项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Before he placed on top of the bar with him and his comrades-in-arms - Bosnian Serb wartime commander Ratko Mladic - the portrait. 而他面前的酒柜上方就摆放着他和他的战友——波黑塞族战时总司令姆拉迪奇——的肖像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. At the top of the tower they finally met Zhao, who surprised them that she had a snake tail. 他们还是闯了进去,最终他们在塔的最底层找到了灵儿,被她一付蛇形的惊倒。 tieba.baidu.com 3. It's just a matter of time before investors realize that stocks are not worth prices in the top of the range. 投资者早晚会意识到目前股票并不值波动区域顶部的价位,这只是一个时间的问题。 www.bing.com 4. It got dark outside, and he put on his clothes and went for a pint in the pub at the top of her road. 天黑了,他穿上衣服走到她家路口的酒吧喝酒。 www.bing.com 5. Besides on the top of the tree, there is often a star which represents the star in the east that guided the three Wisemen to Jesus. 还有在树的顶端,常常有一颗星代表的东方的星星,指引三位智者去寻找耶稣。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There would be a flyer hanging in some hallway of a dorm and at the top of the page, in HUGE letters, was the word "SEX" . 会在宿舍的走廊里挂一个传单平且在首页用大写字幕写上“SEX”。 www.bing.com 7. The biography, simply titled Steve Jobs, was at the top of the best-seller lists within hours of Apple's announcement of his death. 在苹果宣布乔布斯死亡后的几小时内,这本被简单题名为《史蒂夫?乔布斯》的传记登上了畅销书排行榜的榜首。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 8. Her abilities carried her to the top of her profession. 她的才能使她在本行业中出类拔萃。 9. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 10. he is clearly concerned with the tendinitis in his knees , which he said he must " stay on top of " all the time. 他关心的只是他膝盖的发炎,他说的他必须在任何时候把这个放在首位。 www.ichacha.net 1. In a similar version of this tale, the Rabbi leaps on top of the man in a frenzy and carves the story of Ruth on his nose with a stylus. 在与此故事类似的一个版本中,拉比暴怒之下,将那人扑倒在地,并用铁笔在他鼻子上刻了路得的故事。 www.douban.com 2. It was everything was on top of me, and I had to take this decision finally to leave Spain. 似乎所有一切都压制着我,我最终不得不决定离开西班牙。 tieba.baidu.com 3. All of these results, as well as the embedded videos, are displayed in a dedicated window which always stays on top of your Firefox window. 所有这些结果以及相关视频都显示在专用窗口内。 www.bing.com 4. I'm guessing Hruska was one of those kids who actually put his Little League participation trophy on top of his dresser. 我猜赫鲁斯卡小时候肯定是那种把他在棒球小联盟的参与奖杯也摆在自己梳妆台上的孩子。 www.bing.com 5. He suffered dryness and tiredness. He felt as if his dry skin would split. Finally at dawn next day, he reached the top of the first dune. 干燥与疲惫折磨着他,他感到皮肤开始紧绷绷地像要裂开了。终于在第二天的傍晚,爬到了第一个沙丘的顶上。 kid.sina.com.cn 6. A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him (Harry S Truman). 一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件要么为事件所驾驭,如果他犹豫的话(哈里·S·杜鲁门)。 dict.bioon.com 7. Out: An objective statement at the top of your resume. Nothing says "outdated" like an objective. 错误的做法:在简历顶部放一段目标宣言。没有什麽比目标宣言更土了。 big5.51job.com 8. That's 20 out of 21 years that there has been a borderline superstar available at the top of every draft board. 21年里有20年都是会出现选秀靠前的球员会出现超级巨星这样的情况。 www.kobeclub.cn 9. Official photographs showed him seated, his head back against the top of his chair. 官方照片显示他是坐着的,头靠在椅子顶部。 www.bing.com 10. As a matter of fact, he was the only one who could climb up to the top of the mountain. 实际上,能爬到山顶的就只有他一个人。 www.ebigear.com 1. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled. 另一具僵尸几乎到了他的身前。卡巴拉健扑倒在沙滩上,抓起一块较大的石头,就地一滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 3. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 4. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 5. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 6. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 7. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 8. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 10. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 1. Out: An objective statement at the top of your resume. Nothing says "outdated" like an objective. 错误的做法:在简历顶部放一段目标宣言。没有什麽比目标宣言更土了。 big5.51job.com 2. That's 20 out of 21 years that there has been a borderline superstar available at the top of every draft board. 21年里有20年都是会出现选秀靠前的球员会出现超级巨星这样的情况。 www.kobeclub.cn 3. Official photographs showed him seated, his head back against the top of his chair. 官方照片显示他是坐着的,头靠在椅子顶部。 www.bing.com 4. As a matter of fact, he was the only one who could climb up to the top of the mountain. 实际上,能爬到山顶的就只有他一个人。 www.ebigear.com 5. One of Zeng's tasks was to choose articles with the potential to go viral and put them at the top of the page. 曾吉莹的工作内容之一便是要挑选出可能会火的文章帖子,并将其置顶。 www.bing.com 6. On top of all that, there will be school concerts, community activities, work parties, gift wrapping. . . well, you know the drill. 其中比较重要的就睡校园音乐剧、社区活动、公司派对、礼品包装等等,好吧,其实这些狂欢活动你也都清楚。 www.elanso.com 7. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled. 另一具僵尸几乎到了他的身前。卡巴拉健扑倒在沙滩上,抓起一块较大的石头,就地一滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 9. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 10. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 1. As a matter of fact, he was the only one who could climb up to the top of the mountain. 实际上,能爬到山顶的就只有他一个人。 www.ebigear.com 2. One of Zeng's tasks was to choose articles with the potential to go viral and put them at the top of the page. 曾吉莹的工作内容之一便是要挑选出可能会火的文章帖子,并将其置顶。 www.bing.com 3. On top of all that, there will be school concerts, community activities, work parties, gift wrapping. . . well, you know the drill. 其中比较重要的就睡校园音乐剧、社区活动、公司派对、礼品包装等等,好吧,其实这些狂欢活动你也都清楚。 www.elanso.com 4. Then he cuts off the leather top of the laces and eat them as if they were spaghetti. 查理第一个拿出鞋带吃了它们,好像它们是意大利面条。 118.ipsou.com 5. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled. 另一具僵尸几乎到了他的身前。卡巴拉健扑倒在沙滩上,抓起一块较大的石头,就地一滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 7. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 8. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 9. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 10. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 1. Then he cuts off the leather top of the laces and eat them as if they were spaghetti. 查理第一个拿出鞋带吃了它们,好像它们是意大利面条。 118.ipsou.com 2. This makes it easy to keep your account up to date, and gives the illusion that you're keeping on top of your card balance. 这就容易使你的帐到目前为止,并给出幻想之上你把你卡余额。 actuafreearticles.com 3. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled. 另一具僵尸几乎到了他的身前。卡巴拉健扑倒在沙滩上,抓起一块较大的石头,就地一滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 5. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 6. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 7. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 8. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 9. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 10. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled. 另一具僵尸几乎到了他的身前。卡巴拉健扑倒在沙滩上,抓起一块较大的石头,就地一滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。 www.bing.com 3. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 4. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 5. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 6. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 7. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 8. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 10. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 1. For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。 club.topsage.com 2. A visual image of the application is at the top of the screen, and the source code is at the bottom. 在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像,源代码在底端。 www.ibm.com 3. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 4. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 5. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 6. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 8. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 9. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 1. On top of that you've got the masts, that's another 280ft, so it's 1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons. 其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 www.bing.com 2. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 3. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 4. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 6. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 7. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 10. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 1. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 2. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 4. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 5. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 8. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 9. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 10. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 1. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 2. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 3. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 6. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 7. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 8. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 9. at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The BBC featured at or near the top of every ethnic group's list of ideal employers. 英国广播公司(BBC)位于或接近各种族群体理想雇主榜的榜首。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 4. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 5. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 6. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 7. at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The BBC featured at or near the top of every ethnic group's list of ideal employers. 英国广播公司(BBC)位于或接近各种族群体理想雇主榜的榜首。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A cabinet is combined with a cabinet type multifunctional table. A bed plate and a guard bar are arranged on the top of the utility model. 此种家具是将柜子和柜式多用台组合在一起,在其顶部设床板、护栏。 ip.com 10. He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake's grave, a few tears in her eyes even after all these years. 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。 www.bing.com 2. Displays summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. 使用它在“甘特图”视图顶部的摘要任务栏,在单行上显示关于完整项目的摘要信息。 office.microsoft.com 3. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远! ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 5. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 6. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 9. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 10. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 1. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 2. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when. . . 我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时…… www.hxen.com 3. He's a leftie baseliner so the idea was not to have long rallies, get on top of him early, which I did. 他是一个左手底线选手,所以我的主要想法是避免长的底线回合,尽早占据上风并结束这个球,今天我做到了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 6. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 7. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 8. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 9. at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The BBC featured at or near the top of every ethnic group's list of ideal employers. 英国广播公司(BBC)位于或接近各种族群体理想雇主榜的榜首。 www.ftchinese.com 1. On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。 www.bing.com 3. When he is at the top of his game, he is unstoppable and a man for the big occasion. 一旦进入了比赛的最佳状态,他绝对无可阻挡,当之无愧的大场面先生。 www.ept-team.com 4. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 5. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 6. at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The BBC featured at or near the top of every ethnic group's list of ideal employers. 英国广播公司(BBC)位于或接近各种族群体理想雇主榜的榜首。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A cabinet is combined with a cabinet type multifunctional table. A bed plate and a guard bar are arranged on the top of the utility model. 此种家具是将柜子和柜式多用台组合在一起,在其顶部设床板、护栏。 ip.com 9. He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake's grave, a few tears in her eyes even after all these years. 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby. 向上爬,向上爬,直到下面的小屋都变成了一个小点。当他到达顶部以后,他爬上一个很大的云上,并朝一个附近的城堡走过去。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market. 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。 www.bing.com 2. When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。 www.bing.com 3. at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The BBC featured at or near the top of every ethnic group's list of ideal employers. 英国广播公司(BBC)位于或接近各种族群体理想雇主榜的榜首。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A cabinet is combined with a cabinet type multifunctional table. A bed plate and a guard bar are arranged on the top of the utility model. 此种家具是将柜子和柜式多用台组合在一起,在其顶部设床板、护栏。 ip.com 6. He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake's grave, a few tears in her eyes even after all these years. 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby. 向上爬,向上爬,直到下面的小屋都变成了一个小点。当他到达顶部以后,他爬上一个很大的云上,并朝一个附近的城堡走过去。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Situated at the top of a hilly landscape, the hotel's rooftop deck provides panoramic views of the city and the sea in all directions. 坐落在一个丘陵景观的顶部的旅店的屋顶甲板上,可以看到四面的城市和大海美景。 www.bing.com 9. Between them, Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso controlled the top of the time sheets throughout the three-day test at the Spanish track. 在他们中,飞利浦马萨和费尔南多阿隆索牢牢的控制在西班牙三天测试成绩单的首位。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages. 一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。 www.chinastudents.net 1. He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake's grave, a few tears in her eyes even after all these years. 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby. 向上爬,向上爬,直到下面的小屋都变成了一个小点。当他到达顶部以后,他爬上一个很大的云上,并朝一个附近的城堡走过去。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Situated at the top of a hilly landscape, the hotel's rooftop deck provides panoramic views of the city and the sea in all directions. 坐落在一个丘陵景观的顶部的旅店的屋顶甲板上,可以看到四面的城市和大海美景。 www.bing.com 4. Between them, Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso controlled the top of the time sheets throughout the three-day test at the Spanish track. 在他们中,飞利浦马萨和费尔南多阿隆索牢牢的控制在西班牙三天测试成绩单的首位。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages. 一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。 www.chinastudents.net 6. The sun will appear again after storm, the blue sky is always on the top of your head. 太阳总会在暴风雨过后再一次出现,蔚蓝的天空一直在你头顶。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The world just drops out just a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. 只是世界给你架上了许多规则,让你忘记了这些真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In Tokyo, on top of the long days, people seem to do things after they get home as well, like playing computer games. 在东京,忙完一整天之后,人们回家之后还要做点自己的事情,比如打打电脑游戏。 gb.cri.cn 9. The earthquake started in place as the source, the source is at the top of the ground known as the epicenter. 地震开始发生的地点称为震源,震源正上方的地面称为震中。 chinatranslate.com.cn 10. It was a very intense time that came with its share of challenges, but I was so happy I felt like I was on top of the world. 在那段时间里,一切都是紧张并且充满挑战的,不过我还是很开心,因为我感觉我站到了世界的巅峰。 www.bing.com 1. The sun will appear again after storm, the blue sky is always on the top of your head. 太阳总会在暴风雨过后再一次出现,蔚蓝的天空一直在你头顶。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The world just drops out just a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. 只是世界给你架上了许多规则,让你忘记了这些真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There is always too much to take care of and, with kids, neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all. 家里总有干不完的事情,因为带孩子,夫妇中的任何一方都没有精力把一切整得有条不紊。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. In Tokyo, on top of the long days, people seem to do things after they get home as well, like playing computer games. 在东京,忙完一整天之后,人们回家之后还要做点自己的事情,比如打打电脑游戏。 gb.cri.cn 5. The earthquake started in place as the source, the source is at the top of the ground known as the epicenter. 地震开始发生的地点称为震源,震源正上方的地面称为震中。 chinatranslate.com.cn 6. It was a very intense time that came with its share of challenges, but I was so happy I felt like I was on top of the world. 在那段时间里,一切都是紧张并且充满挑战的,不过我还是很开心,因为我感觉我站到了世界的巅峰。 www.bing.com 7. Then the old security lady yelled for me to stop. She told me my books were on the top of my car but one had already fallen off. 守停车场的大妈喊我停车,说我把书放在了车顶上,有一本已经掉了。 www.bucter.com 8. This is a fine film by an American artist working at the top of his form in rarefied regions where filmmakers seldom venture. 拍摄这部精彩影片的美国艺术家正处事业巅峰。他涉足的这个领域,很少有电影制作者了解,更不用说去尝试。 www.ecocn.org 9. The aeronautical engineer from Seattle works for Boeing, and he said: 'This is an F-22 at Miramar at the top of a loop. 波音公司一个在西雅图的航空工程师介绍说:“在这个环形物的顶端是一架F-22战机”。 www.bing.com 10. Sit, looking at the top of the left job, I don't unproductive, top of the pen to continue flying in the wind. 坐在写字台前,看着高高的一摞作业,本人丝毫不敢懈怠,笔尖继续飞舞起来。 www.sousoufa.com 1. It was a very intense time that came with its share of challenges, but I was so happy I felt like I was on top of the world. 在那段时间里,一切都是紧张并且充满挑战的,不过我还是很开心,因为我感觉我站到了世界的巅峰。 www.bing.com 2. Then the old security lady yelled for me to stop. She told me my books were on the top of my car but one had already fallen off. 守停车场的大妈喊我停车,说我把书放在了车顶上,有一本已经掉了。 www.bucter.com 3. This is a fine film by an American artist working at the top of his form in rarefied regions where filmmakers seldom venture. 拍摄这部精彩影片的美国艺术家正处事业巅峰。他涉足的这个领域,很少有电影制作者了解,更不用说去尝试。 www.ecocn.org 4. The aeronautical engineer from Seattle works for Boeing, and he said: 'This is an F-22 at Miramar at the top of a loop. 波音公司一个在西雅图的航空工程师介绍说:“在这个环形物的顶端是一架F-22战机”。 www.bing.com 5. Sit, looking at the top of the left job, I don't unproductive, top of the pen to continue flying in the wind. 坐在写字台前,看着高高的一摞作业,本人丝毫不敢懈怠,笔尖继续飞舞起来。 www.sousoufa.com 6. On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package these mortgages as mortgage-backed securities. 最重要的是,他们能够通过关闭,以风险抵押贷款保险或包装这些贷款为抵押贷款支持证券。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Since the top of the clouds are usually colder than the land surface and the sea surface, clouds will appear bright in the image. 由于云顶通常都比地面及海面为冷,所以云在图像中会显得明亮。 www.weather.gov.hk 8. He's on the top of his form and he is showing everybody that he is one of the best players in the league. 这是他第一次彻底保持健康,所以他状态上佳也很轻松。他是英超最佳球员之一。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. He looked back and saw the enemy was almost on top of him. He sighed and said, "The heavens have abandoned me! " 他往后一看,敌人很快就要追上来了。他叹了口气,“天要亡我!” www.for68.com 10. Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed. 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过。 www.fane.cn |
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